The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 11, 1907, Image 8

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    A. P. GULLET, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
OF LOUP cjty.
Real Estate and all classes of loans
made promptly at lowest rates,
with optional payments.
A Fewr Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs .$.'{.00 $5.00
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 5.80
Com, per bu.25 <® .27
Wheat, per bu.. .50 J .56
Oats, per bu.28 t«: .32
Rye, perbu.45 @ .48
Butter, per lb.18 @ .20
Eggs, per doz.13%
Hens, per lb.07^
Spring chickens, per lb. .03
Liooal Dews.
Leslie Sweetland has the measles.
3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray
man. Get him.
Alfalfa, millet and cane seed at
P. O. Reed’s.
Frank Larchek is building a brick
residence on his lots.
The best stock food made, for sale
by C. H. Leininger.
C. C. Cooper sold one of his cottages
to Frank Osantowski Monday.
Feed your chickens Meat Meal. For
sale by C. H. Leininger.
Mrs. J. T. Hale and her sister-in
law, Miss Mollie Hale, visited friends
in Omaha last week.
C. H. Leininger sells Loup City,
Grand Island and C rete Flour.
Wm. Hancock, living south of town,
has lost several porkers from some
unknown disease the past week.
C. W. Conhiser has commenced the
erection of his new residence east of
the R. J. Nightingale home.
Sleetli guarantees 27 cents for
butter fat delivered at Chase's,
G. H. Lindall has sold his cottage
property north of the G. S. Leininger
home to George Truelsen. I
If you want to buy or sell real
estate, call on John W. long.
Hugh McFadden, one of the best
ball players in the Wiggle Creek
team, is a new reader of the North
Sewing machine, harness, separator
and farm machine oils at P. O. Reed”s
Harry Rawding was reported very
sick last Friday with inflammation cf
the bowels, but is better at this j
For Sale—A nice refrigerator, a j
new six quart ice-cream freezer and a
ton of alfalfa, kept under cover.
Mrs. Clemma Conger.
C. E. Mellor has moved his business
to the rear of the First National Bank
where he will be found with a full
line of windmills, pumps and general
repairs. •
The Ladies’ Industrial Society of
the Presbyterian church will give a
Kensington at the home of Mrs.
Carsten Truelsen April 25th, from
2:30 to 5:00 p. m. A cordial invitation
is extended to all the ladies of the city.
Parties wanting Grand Island field
fencing will please leave their orders
a week or ten days before they want ,
to use it, as the demand is so great!
it is almost impossible to keep a
supply on hand at all times. Yours
resP*i P. O. Reed.
The following new or old subscribers
have remembered the Northwestern
the past few days: D. M. Gue, Adam !
Zion, T. H. Eisner, John Solms, W. !
Moon, J. B. Milligan, T. S. Nightin-!
gale, W. W. Morsman, J. V. Ellett, !
Hugli McFadden and W. O. Brown.
Mr. Huse N. Morgan, who appears
as the “Wizard,” in the successful
Musical Wizard of Wall Street Co., is
an actor of the highest rank and has
appeared in all the larger cities dur
ing his 26 years stage experience. His
young wife, Bessie Morgan, is equallv
clever in the emotional lead part in
the play.
District Court convened Tuesday
morning with Judge Hostetler pre
siding. There was very little court
business before his honor, and court
will probably adjourn this afternoon.
.1 udge Hostetler says this is the very
best county in his district in the
matter of little litigation or any other
kind of court work. A very good
word for Sherman county. And, as
one lawyer puts it, shows well for the
legal fraternity of this county, wl o
each and all try to get all matters
settled out of court they possibly can. j
Notice To The Public
by W. P. Reed, that he has real
estate to sell, and will sell and does
sell choice town property and farms
at reasonable prices.
Those wanting alfalfa seed for
spring sowing see T. M. Reed.
If you want a buggy see T. M. Reed.
Mrs. Newt. Vance visited at Palmer
last week.
For garden seed, hoes, rakes, etc,
see P. O. Reed.
The new residence of Louie Hansen
is started.
Loans on Real Estate, call on
John W. Long.
Hon. A. E. Cady of St. Paul had
business here Tuesday.
Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when
in need of a drayman.
A. E. Cady, Jr., of St. Paul is a
guest of C. C. Carlson.
ALFALFA seed for sale.
C. H. Leininger.
Biemond shipped another car of
hogs to South Omaha yesterday.
Go to T. M. Reed for well work,
windmills and supplies of all kinds.
Harry Jenner is reported quite ill
with inflammation of the bowels.
Don’t forget the sale of D. M.Gue's
household goods this week Saturday,
W. O. Brown sold $1500 worth of
fat cattle to Clint Outhouse last week.
Have you seen the “Billy Twister”
wash machine at P. O. Reed’s? It is
a dandy.
The Sherman County Medical As
sociation will hold a session next
Buy your storm sashes and doors
now. Sold by the Leininger Lumber
Rev. McEwen went to Lexington,
Tuesday, to attend a session of the
Try some of that Carsolium Dip,
kept by C. H. Leininger. It kills lice
and mange on hogs.
Mrs. E. VV. Thompson gave a party
Monday evening in honor of her little
daughters, Winnie and Retta.
John W. Long is prepared to
make all Real Estate Loans on
short notice at lowest rates.
Word comes that a fine baby girl
was born March 31st to Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Smith at Boise, Idaho.
See samples of home grown alfalfa
seed and seed potatoes at Grow’s
store for sale by Geo. Leatherman.
It is reported the entire family of
John Fisher are down with the small
pox. The home, however, is properly
Please get your ice contracts signed
up before the 25th of April, as I pos
itively will not make contracts after
that date. J. W. Congek.
The B. Y. P. U. of the Baptist
church will have a social and literary
program next Thursday evening at
the residence of Wilbur Waite.
Tuesday forenoon of this week,
Judge Angier granted a marriage
license to and united in wedlock at
his office Mr. Fredrick Kozel and Miss
Mary Jelinek, two worthy young
Polish people of Bristol township.
For Sale—Department store and
buildings, $8,000 CASH. Reason for
selling, other business. Will stand
closest investigation. W. M. Smelser,
Rockville, Neb. 22-3t
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Smith on Mon
day evening entertained Messrs, and
Mesdames W. R. Mellor and A. J.
Johnson and Mr. Arthur Brown at
six o’clock dinner.
R. L. Arthur last week bought a
block of land situated just north of
Troy Hale's residence. He claims he
does not intend building thereon, but
purchased the land as an investment.
Mrs. Thos. Ward fell from the porch
of her residence cn Monday injuring
her quite severely. Her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. A. Pratt, drove over from
Pleasanton Tuesday, to be with her,
Mr. Pratt returning home today, but
Mrs. Pratt remaining with her daugh
ter, who is recovering nicely.
Will Simpson, Charley Wharton and
Vincent Cowling returned from Den
ver yesterday.
The interior of Odendahl Bros.’
drug store is being repainted and dec
orated this week.
Miss Ida Draper has charge of the
gallery during Photograher Draper’s
absence at Ansley.
C. Biemond, Clint Outhouse, W. O.
Brown and Geo McFadden went with
stock to South Omaha on Monday.
Rube Axelson, who has been clerk
ing at Conhiser’s, has gone to Arcadia
to tie a bartender in Milburn’s saloon.
A tine lot of satchels and trunks
received at Christensen & Ferdinandt’s
Furniture store. Call and see them.
J udge Hostetler yesterday appoint
ed Dr. Kearns and Judge Wall mem
bers of the county board of insanity.
J. W. Conger and family returned
jrom their visit to St. Louis Tuesday
: evening, reporting a most pleasant
Bob Szwanek, Stanislaus Galczenski
Banker Polski and Andrew Garstka
were among those from Ashton court
ing on Tuesday.
We received a pleasant call Monday
from J. B. Milligan of Logan town
ship, who kindly remembered the
editor's failings.
Mrs. J. B. O’Bryan and her daugh
ter, Mrs. J. A. Thompson, went to
Omaha last Friday, returning home
Monday evening.
Miss Meroe Outhouse last Saturday
evening entertained the Misses Jessie,
Cora and Addie Leininger and Mar
garet Naumann.
Mrs. Emil Cords the first of this
week enjoyed a visit from her mother
and sister, Mrs. Scherzberg and Mrs.
Wilheme of Central City.
Miss Beatrice Nightingale returned
to her studies at University Place
Monday morning of this week, after
a week’s pleasant visit at home.
The Entre Nous Club was delight
fully entertained on Tuesday after
noon at the home of Dr. Main by
Mrs. Main and Miss Eflie Moon.
On Monday, the 8th instant, John
Jewell and Miss Esther Johnson, both
of this county, were united in matri
mony by Judge Angier at his office in
the court house.
Prof. Mead had a serious attack of
indigestion last Thursday night that
for a time threatened to prove serious,
but prompt remedies proved effective
and he soon recovered.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mellor came up
from Lincoln last Saturday evening.
Mr. Mellor came up to see after some
improvements on his farm. Wonder
what comment the maggot will make.
Dr. Kearns left last Saturday for
Bellevue, to be in attendance on his
son, Ray, who is suffering from an
attack of measles. He returned Mon
day reporting Ray much improved.
On April 1st, Judge Angier granted
a marriage license to Wm. Edward
Heapy and Miss Ada Mary Bent of
Hazard township, the couple being
married at the home of the bride on
the 3rd instant, the father, Rev. Geo.
Bent, officiating.
Messrs, and Mesdames R. P. Starr
and C. F. Beushausen and Miss Rose
Mulick attended the Catholic concert
at Ashton Monday evening of this
week, where Mrs. Starr took part In
the musical program. A most delight
ful entertainment is reported.
Uncle Joe Pedler had a face on him
a few days since that took all his in
ventive genius to explain the cause
away satisfactorily. He tells the
story that in attempting to reduce a
a refactory piece of wood to kindling
it gave him a swipe on the right
cheek that was a corker and afterward
in looking for some healing lotion he
daubed a small quantity of carbolic
acid on the wound which made ap
pearances go to prove he had been at
a first-class Irish wake. You may
take Uncle Joe’s version of the affair
or accept our suspicions given above.
But then appearances are deceitful,
and perhaps it were better to give
J. S. the benefit of any doubt.
Lewis and Norah Kline arrived from
Sioux Falls, S. D., last Thursday.
They wre the oniy old members of
Boyd Burrowes Co. who will be with
the show this season. Thos. McCue
of Denver, and D. C. Reese of Chicago,
arrived Monday and Tuesday evenings
respectivly, and are the first members
of the musical forces to arrive. Arthur
S. Vance, the well known trombone
soloist, arrived Wednesday evening
and the balance of the company will
arrive between now and the 24th.
Boyd’s company this season will num
ber about twenty-five people and in
clude a uniformed band and concert
orchestra. The outfit will be all new
and larger than last season.
At a regular meeting of the school
board March 30th, the hiring of the
teachers for the eqsuing term coming
up for consideration and the board
being informed that Miss House and
Miss Brach ^ere not applicants for
their present positions, were unani
mous in tendering to them their posi
tions and adjourned to April 6th,
awaiting their decision, at which time
Miss House and Miss Brach respect
fully declined the offer for the reason
that should they conclude to teach
next year they had offers of schools
at their home town. At the adjourned
meeting the following teachers were
hired: Primary department, Nettie
Conger; second primary, Henry Young;
Intermediate, Margaret Naumann;
6th and 7th grades, Blanche Bennett;
Grammar, Bess Crews; second Assist
ant Principal, Inez Fries; Assistant
Principal, Retta Clark, Principal,
Prof. R. E. Dale.
Rev. Henry French of Anselmo,
occupied the M. E. pulpit here last
Sunday evening, preaching a very
interesting and instructive sermon.
W. W. Morsman, the new billiard
hall proprietor, has rented one of the
new Cooper cottages. Of course, he
is a new reader of the Northwestern.
C. C. Carlson went down to Danne
brog over last Sunday to visit his
parents and congratulate a younger
brother who had just attained his
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Lindall went to
Kearney, Monday, to look after
property they bought there. We
understand they will move to that
city soon.
Miss Ella Taylor entertained her
lady friends at a sumptuous 11 o’clock
“Spread” Saturday evening. The
earlier part of the evening was enjoy
ably spent in games and music.
The regular services at the Baptist
church next Sunday. Morning sub
ject, “The Grounds for Christian
Hope,” evening subject, “The Im
portant Question.” A cordial in
vitation is extended to all to be
Mrs. Wisner of York, housekeeper
for W. W. Morsman. accompanied
by her daughter, arrived here Monday
evening. Unfortunately, almost upon
her arrival she stepped with the ball
of one foot on a nail, making an ugly
wound in that member, but prompt
medical assistance being called, no
serious results are feared.
In his remittance to Tthe North
western up to Jan. 1,1908, on Monday
of this week, T, S. Nightingale, at
Riverside, Calif., wishes to be remem
bered to all his old friends in Sher
man county. Although Bro. Night
ingale does not allude to his health,
yet the tone of his letter shows lie is
in tip top condition and enjoying life
in sunny Southern California.
Property owners on the streets be
tween the school house and down
town wish the Northwestern to em
phasize their request that school chil
dren refrain from walking on their
lawns in going to and from school, as
they are killing off the grass along the
sidewalks, and wish parents and
teachers to join in an endeavor to
stop this destruction. Please assist
in this, parents, teachers and pupils.
The services at the Presbyterian
church last Sdnday evening were
fairly well attended, in spite of the
inclement weather, and the exercises
were of a very interesting character.
The sermon on missionary work by
the pastor was very instructive and
entertaining, while the anthem by
the ever good choir and the solo by
Prof. W. B. Owens, who was here
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Zimmerman, was a rare musical
treat. . ,,
Clear Creek Chat
William, son of J. W. Heapy, was
married to Miss Sadie Bent at the
bride’s home at Hazard last Wednes
Will Howard is in Iowa and when
he comes home it is the supposition
that a fair bride will accompany him.
He will reside on Henry Beck’s farm.
Litchfield went wet by three votes.
It shows that the temperance people
are alive in Litchfield.
A Mr. Cimenson is here from the
sandhills. He recently married a
daughter of J. Willson’s.
Chet Thompson is here visiting
Henry Beck.
Wes Heapy has three cars of cattle
ready for market.
Loup City School Notes.
Herman and Laura Stark and
Walter Herschlag have entered Miss
Conger’s zoom, making an enrollment
of seventy-one pupils this month.
Miss Esther Musser and Miss
Stenser enjoyed (?) the geometry
lesson last Thursday.
Mr. W. S. Waite heard the ancient
history recitation last Friday.
Miss Grace Tracy was absent on
account of la grippe last week.
Mesdames Corning and Outhouse
were visitors in Miss Brach’s room
last Thursday.
Mr. Waite visited in Miss Crew’s
room last Friday afternoon.
Musical Wizard of Wall Street.
No better three-act comedy has ever
been written than the above play, and
Mr. Huse N. Morgan, the original
Wizard, is too well known as a char
acter comedian to require much com
ment. He is ably supported by Miss
Bessie Morgan, Charles and Bessie
Brownie, Geo. A. Powers, Mme.
Powers, the Rhinehart Sisters and a
strong and capable chorus of voices
selected especially for this organiza
tion. Every member of this company
of twelve first class artists introduces
a specialty, making in all a program
of fifteen musical numbers, inciden
tal to the action of the play itself,
which alone would furnish an even
ing’s entertainment equal to what
you are in the habit of seeing. This
is not a 16 to 1 proposition, but it is
15 strong and musical numbers at
each and every performance given by
this excellent organization. At Pilgers
opera house for one night only, Wed
nesday, April 17th. Price, children
25c, adults 35c and 50c.
Road Notice.
The commissioner appointed to Tiew and
locate a road commencing at soutbeast corner
of Section four (4), Town thirteen (IS). Range
thirteen (13) and running thence south one
mile between Sections nine (9) and ten (10).
Township thirteen (13). Range thirteen (I3i,
and terminating at southeast corner section
nine (9;. has reported in favor of the establish
ment thereof and all claims for damages and
objection thereto must be filed in the office of
the count; olerk of said count; on or before
noon of June 10th, 1907, or said road will be
established without reference thereto.
Dated this 8th da; of April. 1907.
O. r. Bbdshadhss. Count; Clerk.
Last pob. Ms; 11
We now have our samples on the floor, showing
our Spring Line of Implements, consisting of.
Good Enough Sulky
and Gang Plows
Nebraska Clipper
Walking Plows
Economy Double
Lever Disc Harrows
Gretchem Corn Planters
(with shoe and disc runners)
Riding and Walking
The Goods are right, tne Prices are right, and
you can not make a mistake when you buy any
of these Tools.
B. Plymouth Bock eggs from the
famous E. B. Thompson strains, $1.00
per fifteen. Mbs. E. C. Dyer,
19 Loup City, Neb.
A pmall fire-proof safe for sale. In
quire at this office.
Farms for Sale
in Nebraska and Virginia. For full
information see or write A. O. Zim
merman, Hallboro, Virginia., or A. L.
Zimmerman, Loup City, Neb.
Department of the Interior, Land Office at
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 28. 1907.
Notice is hereby (riven that Hiram H.
Thompson of Litchfield. Neb., has filed notice
or his intention to make final commutation
proof in support of bis claim, viz: Homestead
Entry No. 17818 made August 22, 1902. for the
N. E. K S. W. Section 6. Township 13 n.
Range 16 w, and that said proof will be made
berore J. A. Angier. County Judge, at Loup
City. Neb., on April 12. 1907.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. the land, viz: Arthur Minshull. Joseph
Kibiser, Peter Hennis. Robert Hemhin. all of
Litchfield, Neb. CHAS. F SHEDD.
(Last pub. April 11.)
Put up Page Fencing—cheapest and
best. The fence that lastsa life time.
Double strength spring steel wires.
Be sure to see me before building
your fence.
Carpets, Lineolium, Portiers,
Window Sh’ades, Iron Beds,
Bed. Room Suites
CouchuS, Tables, Chiffoniers
And in fact tlie Most Complete Line of
Ever shown in Loup City. Come in and
Get Our Prices Before You Buy.
Christensen & Ferdinand!
Furniture Company.
Christensen & Ferdinandt,
Undertakers and Embahners
Do Not You Want One?
I have a good stock to select from. Call and see. Also a good
stock of Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Planters, etc. Also, do a gen
eral Well and Wind-Mill work. Call ar d see what I have that
you may want.