The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 04, 1907, Image 2

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    F~ ■
Washington Day by Day
News Gathered Here and There
at the National Capital
WASHINGTON.—People do die in
public office, of course, but resig
nations are so rare that the retire
ment of Senator John C. Spooner of
Wisconsin continues to be a topic of
interest where the politicians gather.
The old-timers have brought to mind
the fact that voluntary leaving the
senate in late years is far more in
frequent than it was in the earlier
history of our country.
The last resignation from the sen
ate of a member who retired to go
into business was that of George F.
Edmunds of Vermont, who in 1891 re- |
signed to practice law. He is still at I
i: in the city of Philadelphia. Mr. |
Edmunds had served continuously in
the senate for a little over 25 years
and retired to seek his fortune at the
age of Gf.
Mr. Spooner retires for the same
reason, declaring that he goes into
private life without engagement as
counsel for any person or corpora
tion. He and Mr. Edmunds served 1
long a3 members of the judiciary |
committee of the senate. Both are
great lawyers and both were states- ,
men of the fir3t class.
Statistics applied to present condi- i
tions are not dull. In fact, they are j
filled with interest. Out of the 59 |
JUST off the rotunda of the capitol
is a little nook that is an espe-1
cial object of interest to visiting tour- j
ists when congress is in session. It
is the capitol terminus of the under
ground tail way to the congressional
library. Hook? are constantly arriv
ing over this subway line for sena
tors. representatives and supreme
court judges. They are delivered on
their written order.
One would get a rather startling
impression of the class of books the
statesmen on Capitol hill are partial
to from a casual inspection of the list
of books that are drawn out in their
names. For instance, the scholarly
Henry Cabot Lodge of the old bay
state, according to the record, recent
ly took out such instructive and
thrilling productions as "Jimmy the
Bootblack,” "The Boy Captain” and
"Little Joe.” by James Otis. Mr.
Foraker of Ohio is charged with sev
eral volumes by "Old Sleuth” and
"The Starry Flag," by Oliver Optic.
Mr. Tillman, if the card tells the
truth, has been perusing Thomas
Bailey Aldrich's “Story of a Bad Boy”
and some of W. Clark Russell's thrill
ing sea tales, including "The Frozen
Mr. Aldrich, the tactical leader of
the Rejniblicans. has been mixing Old
AN important investigation of the
negro in slavery and freedom is
now being made by the department of
economics and sociology of the Car
negie Institution of Washington, which
was founded by Andrew Carnegie.
This investigation will he of great im
portance to the negro as well as the
white race, as it will show what the
negro has done and what he is capable
of doing. The work is being con
ducted by Alfred Holt Stone, an edu
cated business man from Mississippi,
who is a thorough, impartial and can
did student of the economic develop
ment growing out of negro slavery
and the work of the negro under con
ditions of freedom.
511; Stone has outlined a treatment,
which is reasonably exhaustive, relat
ing to the economic life of the Ameri
can negro, without trespassing on
either the political or social aspects of
the topics. He recognizes the diffi
culty of treating the one as separated
from the other two topics, but the de
sirability of such a method is believed
to more than outweigh the difficulties
involved in its execution.
Mr. Stone will make an effort to in
terpret the salient features of negro
life in relation to their economic sig
ALTHOUGH nearly 19 years have
elapsed since the project for a
statue to Gen. Philip H. Sheridan in
the national capital was proposed by
the Army of the Cumberland, the
statue is as far away as ever. The
statue committee has rejected the
work of J. Q. A. Ward, canceled its
contract with him and will begin all
over again.
This action was taken by the com
mittee some time ago, but did not be
come public until recently. Mr. Ward
has been at work on the statue for
nearly 15 of the 19 years, and has
made models, none of which has been
approved by both the artist and the
committee. A similar fact about it is
that he did make one model which sat
isfied the committee and was approved
by them, but Mr. Ward himself did
congresses to date there have been
but five in which there were no resig
nations ot senators. These were at a
comparatively early age. The rule of
these resignations was that the sena
tors needed more money than the
government pays, or that they might
accept some office with a larger sal
ary and greater distinction.
it is nice enough to be a senator,
if one has the income of a private
fortune of a few millions, judiciously,
invested. It is a different thing when
keeping up the dignity of the office
means dunning tradesmen and good
wives dressed in the style of the year
ago. And so it is as a natural con
sequence that the United States sen
ate is not inappropriately termed
"The Millionaires’ Club. ’ In the first
50 years of the senate's history there
were 124 resignations.
In the first 50 years of the senate’s
history there were 124 resignations.
In the next 50 years, but 47 re
signed. Since the end of the 100
years of senate history, omitting the
southern senators retiring to join the
secession movement, there have been
24 senators to lay aside their togas.
Of these withdrawals 15 were to en
able the resigning senator to accept
other office.
Sleuth with Dottie Dimp e stories and
tales of Indian adventure.
Dr. Conan Doyle's account of the
wonderful adventures of the redoubt
able Brig. Girard and the exploits of
Sherlock Holmes appear to have
caught Mr. Allison’s fancy.
Uncle Shelby Cullom apparently is
devoted to Oliver Optic. "Now or
Never" and "Jack Hazard and His
Fortunes" are on his list.
“Uncle Joe" Cannon, tie speaker of!
the house, evidently is fond of detec
tive stories, having called for “The
Clique of Gold” and several of
Gaboriau's works.
It would appear from circumstan
tial evidence that nearly every mem
ber of both houses of congress and
most of the learned judges of the su-j
prenie court are confirmed readers of,
juvenile literature, but such in real-!
ity is not. the case. The pages and
messengers are the ones who read;
this class of books. They get a sen
ator or member to sign an order and
then fill it out for the book they want.
An official record is kept, however,
of all books drawn out of the con
gressional library and some future
historian, it was pointed out, might
obtain queer notions of the class of
reading matter that found most favor
with the statesmen of the present
nificance, both to the race and to the
country as a whole, the purpose being
to correlate the negro’s economic his
tory with that of the American people
along broad lines, as, for example,
through the cotton industry and in the
creation of national wealth and favor
able trade balances as affected by
products closely identified with negro
Mr. Stone will treat of the condition
of laboring classes during the Amer
ican colonial period—the introduction
of negro slavery into America as an
economic factor. He will also investi
gate the efforts to utilize slave labor
; in manufacturing and other industrial
J enterprises. His work will constitute
an exceedingly important and novel
feature in American economic history.
He will also treat of the negro as a
free man, the result and development
of the negro industrial school, their
effect with reference to lccal economic
conditions, the negro land owner and
all such topics as will bring out clearly
and fully the whole industrial relation
oi me negro to economic conditions.
This investigation will be compre
hensive in its scope, and it will be at
least a year before such progress has
been made as will justify a report on
this important subject.
not consider it good and destroyed it.
Meanwhile the statues of Hancock
and Logan, provided for in 1891, are
standing here in public squares. Both
were completed years ago. Sheridan
died in 1888. In 1889 congress author
ized a statue, appropriated $40,000 and
created a commission to take charge.
In March, 1891, congress made a
further appropriation of $10,000 for the
statue, making the total $50,000. The
Army of the Cumberland raised about
$5,000. In April, 1892, the commission
contracted with\Mr. Ward to make the*
statue for $30,000, making an advance'
payment of $2,500.
Two of Mr. Wards statues already
ornament the city. They are those of
Garfield and Thomas and nre generally
regarded as among the finest of the
many statues of the nation’s heroes in
the capital city.
“Old Faithful” in Action.
From stereograph, copyright, by Underwood A Underwood, N. Y.
i his geyser is one of the most tamous sights in Yellowstone Park; it j
spouts to a height of 130 feet.
After Consuming Nearly 1,000,000
Isaac Manhoff, of Dubuque, De
cides He Has Had Enough
and Quits Using Them.
Dubuque, la.—With a record of j
nearly 1,000,000 cigarettes, at an av- >
erage of 60 a day, Isaac Manhoff, a i
peddler 40 years old, has decided to j
’•enounce the weed. The .habit had
such a hold on him that it was neces
sary to awake at all hours of the
night and roll a “coffin nail" before j
he could be lulled to sleep again.
When a lad in Russia he began the
habit which he found so hard to shake j
off. Despite this fact he will devote
his days to trying to convince men
and boys that they should cease the
practice. Manhoff was in the habit
of smoking ten cigarettes before
breakfast, and the rest of the day a
cigarette was out of his mouth only
a few minutes at a time.
For a man who has inhaled the
fumes of so many cigarettes Manhoff
is a strong man. He weighs about
175 pounds, and has a massive chest
and a square build. He says: “You
see, when I awoke in the morning the
first thing I wanted was a cigarette.
Generally I smoked about ten before
breakfast. No, I never smoked while
eating, but as soon as I finished I
would put one in my mouth. Then
through the day I would smoke them
continuously, one now and another
shortly after. Then night would
come and I would smoke them late
and many times even in bed.”
“Have you ever smoked a cigar?”
“J have smoked two cigars in my
life. I couldn't smoke them because
they made me sick. When I get cigars
now I give them to my friends.”
“How did you happen to quit smok
“Well, you see, it was just like this:
When I was afflicted with a cold I
usually got hoarse and while I smoked
the hoarseness grew more Intense.
One day not long ago the thought oc
curred to me that I should forsake
the cigarettes. It was then and there
that I made up my mind to never
smoke another one.”
"What was about your cigarettes that
was different from others?"
"Well, when I smoked I always used
the Russian rice paper and not the
rag paper used generally in America.
Why, if I had smoked the rag paper
instead of the rice I would have been
dead long ago.”
Manhoff estimated the cost of his
smoking at $3,191.
Relic of Days When Spain Ruled in
the New World.
Santa Fe, X. M.—If the bill now
pending in the legislature of New
Mexico becomes a law the old gover
nor’s palace, one of the most historic
structures in Santa Fe. erected hun
dreds of years ago, will be turned over
to the city for a hall.
The bill was introduced by Speaker
Roman Liberato Baca of the house,
who is a descendant of one of the old
est native families in the southwest
and whose ancestors helped to build
the old palace.
At present a section of the old pal
ace is rented by the territory to the
United States government for a post
office. The New Mexico Historical so
ciety also has a valuable collection i
of antiquities stored in the palace.
Several rooms have been used by pa- |
triotic and political organizations for j
The old governor's palace has been !
the scene of action, martial and politi- j
cal, for centuries and could be pre- i
served indefinitely. The history of j
the southwest is interwoven about the
old building.
Indian governors and warriors, I
Spanish and American governors and |
soldiers have in turn used the old pal- j
ace as headquarters. The histories;
of the murders, assassinations, fights
and councils that have been held with
in its walls would till a volume.
It is probable that when the bill
to turn the historic old structure into
a city hall comes up for consideration
much of the history of the ancient
palace will be brought out in speeches
on the floors of both houses:
Leaves a Mansion for Slums.
Daughter cf Wealthy British Contract
or Labors Among the Poor.
Elkhart. Ind.—Mrs. Howard James
Clifford, wife of the Salvation army
ensign who has bt'm assigned to the
Indianapolis field, is the daughter of
a wealthy contractor of London Eng
land. This fact, which was kept se
cret from the husband until recently,
became public a few days ago. The
husband first learned of his wife’s
prominence and wealth while on a trip
abroad. Mrs. Clifford’s father was so
generous in paying the expenses of
the trip and providing them with en
tertainment that the truth dawned
upon the ensign.
Ensign and Mrs. Clifford have been
in Elkhart two years and have won
innumerable friends by their persist
ent, modest and incessant labors in
hovels and slums, and upon the
streets. Mrs. Clifford is a tireless and
able assistant in the work.
Ensign Clifford is a native of Charl
bury, a village near Oxford. England.
He has been in the United States
about five years. One of the first sac
rifices that he made upon entering the
Salvation army in his native country
was that of personal liberty. He was
imprisoned for a time during the bit
ter persecution which the army suf
fered in the early years of its warfare
in England.
His parents were Metho»!sts of the
old type. A boast of the ensign is
that every male of his family from
the days of John Wesley has been a
Methodist minister. Two of his sis
ters and three brothers, one of them
Major John Clifford, who did heroic
rescue work following the Kingston,
Jamaica, disaster recently, are en
gaged in the work.
Epidemic is Killing Fish.
Disease Strikes Hatcheries and Mil
lions cf Finny Tribe Die.
Harrisburg. Pa.—Sore throat is epi
demic among the young trout of the
state fish hatcheries of Pennsylvania,
and is causing wholesale distruction
of small fishes, according to State Fish
Commissioner Meehan.
Meehan says in his latest quarterly
report, submitted to the fish commis
sioners to-day, that this disease iB
common among young lake trout at
certain times, but it has been many
years since it has attacked the young
trout of the state hatcheries.
At the Corry hatchery 1,500,000
have died in the last two weeks. At
the Spruce Creek hatchery nearly
one-third of the entire stock is gone.
The disease has broken out at the
Bellefonte hatchery. The young llsh
at the Wayne hatchery are showing
signs of uneasiness, a symptom which
often'precedes sore throat
The cause of the disease is un
auuwu, uui 11 is proDamy due to snow
water getting Into the spring water
in unusual quantities and thus reduc
ing the quantity of oxygen.
A Lawyers’ County.
The Law Times, observing that
the Hon. James Fitzgerald, the pre
siding judge at the trial of Harry
Thaw, in New York, for murder, is a
native of the County of Clare, points
out that this division of Ireland Is fa
mous for the number of eminent law
yers it has produced. Included in the
list are another Fitzgerald, prime
sergeant of Ireland, distinguished
alike in the Irish and imperial parlia
ments; Sir Michael O. Loghlen, M.
R.; Stephen Wolfe, lord chief baron
of the Irish court of exchequer; the
Henns, who for four generations oc
cupied judicial offices; the present
lord chief justice, Lord O’Brien, and
Justice Kenny. These were all bom
and educated in the county.
Opportunity knocks once; incompe
tency knocks all the time.
Discovered by a Naval Officer Who
Says Petroleum Covers an Area
of 400 Miles and Is Four
Feet Deep.
New Orleans.—About 100 miles
south of the coast of Louisiana and
150 miles from New Orleans Lieut;
John C. Soley of the United States
navy has recently discovered a field
af oil 400 miles in area and four feet
ieep floating on the surface of the
Suit' cf Mexico.
The news cf this find, which is
worth several millions, as soon as it
becaiye known to the southern ship
?ing centers, created almost as mud
interest to treasure hunters as the dis
covery cf gold in the Klondike, and al.
ready along the wharves of Mobile 1
and the levees of New Orleans, where
sailormen gather in low-jowled build
ings, the fever of treasure trove is ir
their veins, and they are planning ex
peditions such as made the old argo
nauts famous.
No similar event has so gripped the
avaricious instincts of the southern
sailors and it is doubtful if such an
unusual discovery has been made be
For several days past the United
States hydrographic office, undei
whose direction Lieut. Solev was worfc
ing, has been receiving hundreds ot
communications from men interested
in the venture and who are inquiring
for charts plotting the exact location
of the sea where the oil can be found
The scene of activity along some ot
the wharves has been unusual, and it
is said that some of the keenest bust
ness men not only of the south, but
all over the country, have expressed
the intention of sending out searching
parties, comprising experts in naviga
tion and high-salaried oil testers, to
locate the oil and to report on the
practicability of making it a paying
An insatiable desire for rapidly ac
quired riches has grown among the
maritime men along the gulf coast
similar to the excitement of the gold
fever of ’49, and a wild scramble for
the floating oil field threatens to be in
full sweep before another week has
According to one of the prospectors
who has made arrangements to char
ter a large tank steamer and to install
a powerful pumping apparatus for
drawing the oil from the sea, he fully
expects to reap a rich harvest, provid
ed the survey steamer which he has
sent to the oil field ipakes a favorable
report on the quality of the oil and the
chances of getting it aboard.
liven in some of the most conserv
ative commercial houses careworn
business men have turned away from
the perpetual grind of their daily du
ties and have expressed more than a
perfuntory interest in the discovery.
On March 1 There Were 3,222 Wells
in Main Field with Output of 60,000.
Marshall, 111.—Figures just complet
ed show the number of producing oil
wells in the Illinois field on March 1.
At that time there were 3,222 produc
ers. divided as follows: Casey pool
(including all of Clark county and
Cumberland and Licking townships in
Crawford county), 2.085; Crawford
county (outside of the two townships
in the Casey pool). 932; Lawrence
county, 205. In addition to these there
are about a dozen light wells in Coles,
Edgar and Jasper counties. They are,
however, unimportant because of their
small production.
A large number of wells has come
in since March 1, and there are at
present over 400 rigs at work in this
state. New wells are being brought
in daily. Dry holes are more common
than they were a few months ago, on
account of the wildcat work being
done in an endeavor to find new ter
ritory. The daily production of the
Illinois field is now about GO,000 bar
Ranchman’s Wife Has Hysterics Until
She Is Exhausted.
McPherson, Neb. — Mrs. Ainanda
Hill, wife of Morris Hill, a ranchman
living in this county, literally talked
and sang herself to death.
She had been an acute sufferer from
a nervous affection for a number of
years, and her malady did not yield
to medical treatment.
At times she became hysterical, but
her hysteria was of the usual kind
until a few days before she died. Four
days before her death she began to
talk and sing, and she talked and sang
almost constantly from that time
until, completely exhausted, her heart
ceased to beat.
Her talking and singing were evi
dently of a hysterical nature, and she
was unable to cease either. She was
requested and commanded to keep si
lence, but could not do so.
One Drawback'.
“Do you think the time will ever
come when every one will fly?”
“It may. But if it does I hope I’ll
not have to live near the people who
are our next-door -neighbors now. 1
know they would be running in every
day or two to borrow our wings.”
Well in Bank of England.
The iSank of England is not in dan
ger of a drought. An artesian-bored
tube well, reaching to a depth of 400
feet, has just been completed there.
Springs have been tapped yielding &
minimum supply of 100,000 gallons a
Bequeathed Son to Friend.
At the Northwich (England) rural
council Councilor Watts reported a
case of a boatman who willed and be
queathed his son Fred to another boat
man, who paid a half-crown to make
the transaction, as he imagined, legal.
First to Employ Women Clerks.
Benjamin F. Hamilton, of Sa,m, Me.,
claims to be the first storekeeper in
New England to employ women clerks.
He recently passed his eight] eighth
How Patrick Saved the Bank!
An Irish Folk Tale
By Seumas MacManus
(Copyright, liy Joseph B. Bowles.)
It’s mighty wonderful if you have
never heard tell of how Patrick saved
the bank.
Ye see it was this way. The Bank
of Ireland was at that time owned by
a man named O’Toole, who was
a great grandson’s great grandson of
King O’Toole. He was a mean fel
low, who didn’t take after his ances
tors; and the devil tempted him to
covet making a tremendous pile of
money, all at one haul. So he em
ployed a sea captain and sent him off
on a voyage round the whole known
world, to find where and how the most
money was to be made, upon a spec
ulation of any particular description.
And this sea captain sailed for the
three years and three days, returning
back, at the end of it, to tell his mas
ter that, in the South sea islands, the
natives would give their one eye—if
they had only one—for scalpeens
(salted mackerels), and he said that
there was loads of money to be made
by sending out a venture of that
commodity there.
O’Toole he jumped with joy when
he heard this, and he not only gath
ered every penny he owned himself,
and likewise every penny that was
invested in the hank with him; but,
moreover; he sent messengers, east
and west in Ireland, for to notify
every man who had a shilling of
money put by in old stockings, for
to fetch it to him, and lend it to
him for a year and a day, and at the
end of that time he would pay them
back double.
And the amount of money he took
in, on loans, in three weeks, was a
miraculous sight.
Well, the year and a day wore
round, and every man. woman and
child in Ireland that had a penny in
vested in the Bank of Ireland walked
up to Dublin, at the end of the time,
to draw their money and their inter
est ; hut lo and behold ye, the sea
captain and his fleet hadn’t re
Andy O'Toole he asked of the peo
ple to give just ten days spavin's, and
his fleet would be in. What to do he
didn’t know, for he was sore afraid
that the fleet would not be in within
the ten days.
So he sent private messengers
throughout all the land, and gathered
up to Dublin at once every great and
clever man that could be found, and
here and then offered each man
his weight in gold, when the
boats would come home, if they could
invent some plan of saving himself
and saving his bank till the arrival of
the fleet
But all of the plans put together, if
they were tried, couldn't save two
slates on the bank.
Now there was at this time in the
far parts of Donegal a poor man
who went by the name of Dark Pat
rick, by reason that he was dark vis
aged, and had a black head and a
black beard, and he was noted for
sound sense.
Now it was on the very last day of
the Hank of Ireland's sparins that
Dark Patrick arrived in Dublin, and.
finding it was so late, didn't even
wait to look for lodgings or get a
pick to ate, but inquired his way to
the Hank of Ireland, and to the coun
cil chamber in it.
O'Toole welcomed Dark Patrick,
and he told him that, as all the oth
ers had failed him, and as the worst
had come to the worst, it was no
harm for him to have his try.
Dark Patrick bowed gravely, and he
inquired of O'Toole, and satisfied him
self that the fleet was, sure enough,
safely on its way, and couldn't be far
from the coast of Ireland now. and
that it carried loads and lashin's of
money to pay, and double pay, all
claims. And. when he was contented
on this point, he asked O'Toole what
was the most money, in gold and sil
ver, he could, by any means, obtain,
beg, borrow, or in any ways come
honestly by.
O’Toole said that he owed a hun
dred thousand pounds, and that the
most money he could now obtain, beg
or borrow, to pay off his debt, would
be £1,000.
•What,” says Dark Patrick, says he,
proceeding to the window, and look
ing at the houses opposite, "what is
that establishment that I see oppo
site me?”
"That establishment," says O’Toole,
says he, “is a manufactory of horny
"Well an' good," says Dark Pat
rick, “I now want you to do three
“Name them," says O'Toole.
“They are," says Dark Patrick,
that, in the fcrst place, you'll hire—
at any money—for this day that man
ufactory opposite, and have it com
pletely cleared out instantaneously
And the next thing that you get me
at once 50 trustworthy men, with
50 picks and shovels, whom you can
rely your life upon. And, in the third
place, get me ten herring barrels.
Can you do all these things?” says
Dark Patrick.
O'Toole considered with himself
for a minute, and then he says des
perately: j'T’m prepared to do as you
In short time O Toole had engaged
'he manufactory opposite and turned
•r. inside out. He had brought Dark
atrick the 50 men with the 50 picks
. d shovels, and tne ten nernng Dar
rc ». and he stood by to see wtaht in
iht name of wonder the next move
was ?oing to be.
■'Now,” said Dark Patrick, says he,
“I want you to start 20 of these
men in the cellar of this bank, and
20 more in the cellar of the manu
factory opposite, working for life and
death, cutting a passage under the
street from the one cellar to the .other
cellar, and they are to’ fill the ten bar
rels to within half an inch of the lip
with the clay they take out. The
thousand pounds in gold and silver,
and the other ten men,” says he, “is
to come with me.”
Then across the street he started,
and while the men in the cellars be
low were working like the fury, cut
ting their way under the street from
house to house. Dark Patrick got the
other ten men to start the fires in
the factory, and he got ten frying
pans and put them ou the fires, and
he got hammers and anvils, anc he
set them on a bench that ran along
the window looking into the street.
On the frying pans he emptied the
hags of gold and silver, making the
men blow the bellows like murder till
the coins were red hot, and he then
started them carrying the frying pans,
full of coin, to the bench and beating
the coins on the anvils, nicely and
lightly, with little hammers, opening
the windows at the same time so that
the noise would get properly into the
street—where the crowd now was
gathering at a tremendous rate in
front of the bank, and instructing the
beaters that they were to make all
the clatter and clang and jingle that
they could
The passage underneath the street
was soon completed. Then ten her
ring barrels filled within an inch c\
of lip were fetched up; they were
filled up with a couple of layers ot
hdt coins—some of the barrels with
gold coins and others of them with
silver—and w-hile some of the men
went ou with the frying of the coins,
and some with the beating upon the
anvils at the window, the remainder
were started in pairs, with hand
sticks, to carry the barrels as fast
as they could across the street to the
And as fast as the men entered the
bank with the barrels of money they
carried them back just as fast as the
underground passage, so that when
the last barrel was going in of the
bank door the first was coming out
again out of the door of the manufac
tory, and there was one continual
string of barrels of fresh gold and sil
Were Fetched Up.
ver coins streaming across the street
from the manufactory to the bank.
And, when the people heard this,
their amazement was a wonder to be
Some of them were sent in to draw
their money, and report to the others
upon what they observed. And when
they came back with their money on
plates smoking hot, they said how
that the barrels of gold and silver
were going down to the cellars, in a
string, to be stored there, and, by this
time there must have gone in a thou
sand barrels if there went one. And
^their money, they said, had been
served across the counter to them
upon iron scoops, for no man could
handle it, yet while it was boiling.
When the people heard this, not
only would they not draw their own
money, which they had in it, as
they were now greedier than ever for
the big interest, but those of them
that had just drawn it out, went
back with their plates again and de
posited it.
O’Toole, the banker, was a glad
hearted man that day. and, for the
first time in three weeks, closed his
eyes in sound sleep that night. Dark
Patrick, at his special entreaty, re
mained with him for three days long
er, till his mackerel fleet came safely
And it is said that it took 300
men,* three days and three nights, car
rying off the fleet, into the bank, the
bags of gold that they had brought
back with them in exchange for the
scalpeens; so that O’Toole was able
to pay off, with double and treb'e
compound interest, every creditor he
had in Ireland.
It was him was the elated man
then, I tell you. He nearly threw
himself at the feet of Dark Patrick,
and he asked him to name the size of
his reward.
“Well,” said Dark Patrick, Til ask
as a reward that you’ll never again
risk the money of the poor people of
the country”
And O'Toole promised that he never
would, nor did he.
Editor—Seems to me I have seen
this before?
Contributor — No; absolutely the
latest thins I have turned out.