Loup City Northwestern * VOLUME XXIV. • LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, APRIL 4. 1907. NUMBER 21 Professions t. Cards A. P. CULLEY, Attorney & Connselor-at-Law (Office: First National Bank) Loup City, Nebr._ ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, HEBRRSKR R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attoj md SwtiMslff'it'Liw LOUP CITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City. Neb. R. H. MATHEW, AliGrney-at-L&w, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska O. E. LONG CRE ilGEl Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE BALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND BUR8E0N Phone. 30. Office at Residence Lnup Pity. - Nebraska S. A. AIIj Is X. WIST, LOUP OITY, - - NEB. Office j11» stairs in the new State Hank l>ni!«1 iu«r. W. L. MARCY. DENTIST, LOUP CITY. NEE-! OF K?OK: K:ibtSkle Pr I;.-Sr tine. Phone, 6-16 «w. a. ciiE'igy Bonded Abst.-^ar Loup City, - Nebraska. 0'ily aet of AbstroH In; -si:- <• -tin \ For a Drayman Send a messenger for J. W. Conger He will pay the fee Try the F F- F- Dray F. F. Foster, Prop. Office: Fester’s Barber Shoj> L. A. BANGS The Drayman Phone 7 on 60 Asks Your Patronage Laurels ‘ A^aln! ; The Paris Exposition has in a Jo the Go's! t.edal Award to KENTUCKY j * WHISKEY & i ForSileby i\ . . . ‘ m Si And the PublicI Tie St. Eli Mi Barn Is under anew in ana g in nt. Give me a trial and if yo , have any thing good to say, say ii to others; if you h ve •s|iy complaint, make it, to me. Others can’t ri ht niv mistakes, but l can and will Rrspt , PHONE. 4 t). T.I-.Gilbeit.Prop. THE NORTHWESTERN r ERJiS:—11.00 PEK TEAK. IE PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City PostolBoe for trans mission through the malls as second clans matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 8 on 108 Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108 - — • J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. The decedent laws, advocated by woman’s clubs, passed both houses this week. A letter from Bro. Brown to his son says he will lie at home from his legislative duties this evening. A bill exempting the wages of heads of families from garnishment to the extent of 90 per cent lias passed both houses. The legislature has set the day for adjournment at today noon, but will probably stop the clock and last a day or two longer. Both houses have passed tht meas ure for a transferable 2,090-mile mile age book, good for any number of persons at tlie 2-cent rate. Ex-Lieutenant Gove E. G. Mc Gilton of Omaha w as in the city on business Tuesday evening, returning home Wednesday morning. J. A. Burgett of Pickerel, Neb., an expert base ball twirler. has pur chased a hair interest in the Arcadia Champion, the change to occur the loth inst. We met Mr. Burgett on the train last Friday and were favor ably impressed with the young man and believe Arcadia base ball fans and the readers of the Champion have secured a good man for both places and w ish success to all concerned. In all probabilities the legislature will adjourn the latter part of the w eek. The talking machines of those august bodies have about run down and the winding combination is said to be lost. The worst one of the bunch, the empty Cone of Saurders, is said to have lost the pawer of speech on all lines of objection, and the house takes advantage, of the happiness by hurriedly going thro’ the calendar, for fear of his early re covery. while the senate is said to have muzzled Joe Burns, the pretty boy McKesson and a few other of the incessant talking machines and are with the house in the rapid transit to the close. The last of the lyceum bureau en tertainments of the season, given last Thursday evening at the opera house, under the auspices of the M. E. church, was one of the very best of the lecture course. The resxlings given by Miss Phoebe Mae Roberts were of an exceptionally choice variety and given in the most artistic manner, causing repeated recalls after each number. The baritone work of Mr. Charles E. Clarke was superb and very finished, and while the excellence was unquestioned, our people have been spoiled for work along his line by the very superb baritone solos we hear from our own Bert McKinnie, who excels, to our way of thinking or at the very least is equally as good as Mr. Clarke. But the other part of the feast of good things at this enter tainment was the finished work of Mr. Ralph E. Plumer, the pianist, an exceedingly young man to be so emi nent in his profession, whom every musician present granted was the finest they ever heard, outside of such artists as Paderewski. Mr. Plumer has studied in Germany under the finest teachers and w ill go across the big pond this fall again to f urther his musical education, which to our un trained ears seems impossible to be bettered. All in all the entertain ment was even vastly more than could have been expected. Olio Dollar Cheaper. During the one week of April 22 to 27. inclusive, the Lincoln Daily News will accept $2 from mail subscribers tur a whole year to May 1. 1908. The regular price is one dollar more than that i his cut price is good only dur ing this Bargain week, and all you have to do is to mail your $2 to The Daily News, Lincoln. Neb. during that time and you will receive the paper until May 1. 1908. The News does not receive any free railroad tickets, and has cut off sev eral traveling solicitors. Instead of ! paying out railroad fare, hotel bills | and other expenses, these savings will i he given to our sulscrihers direct by I this big bargain offer. More.things are j being done this year for the people in . Nebraska than ever before. The new j deal seems to suit everybody who has j not had some sort of a pull.’ TlteLin coln News keeps in the midst of the tight and wants every man who be lieves in a square deal on its list. At $2 for a whole year there is not a family in the state that cannot j atlord a daily paper. The News has , the reputation of printing tie truth and printing it plainly, no matter where it hits. Its the liveliest, snap pi st newspaper proposition in Nebras ka and ir jou became a subscriber at this eh-ap ra e. you will stay with it tor a long time to come. Remember tie. bargain w ek—April 22to 27. The price will be fcf after that wesk. Rockville Items. Rockville, March 28.—Mr. King of Lincoln, an old friend of Mr. C. II. Wineteer, whom lie had not seen for nineteen years, visited him Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reasland and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wineteer and Mr. and Mrs. Gregg visited John Heirs Sunday. Ed. Gray is shellir corn this week. A way-up ball game was played at Rockville last Sunday between Austin and Rockville, score' 22 to 1 in favor of Rockville. Hurrah for Rockville. They invite Austin to come again. Mrs. I. Yanseoyand daughter Ethel spent Sunday at Mr. Vandegrift's. Mrs. Sparks and daughter from St. Paul are visiting her son. Leonard and wife here. | A gentleman from Ravenna and Dan Bussliousen purchased the Davis 1 property, this week. Rockville young people attended literary at Rose Valley last Thursday night, reporting a tine program, it being the last one for this spring. Fred Jack had the misforutne to get one of his fingers hurt while play ing ball. Mrs. Studebaker has moved back to Nebraska again. She says she thinks Colorado is allright, but Nebraska is best. See where she is right. Report ot Rockville Schools for the month ending March 2ft. WOT: ROOM i. i. ii. in and iv grades. Number of pupils enrolled. 51. Average membership. 48. Average daily attendance. 42. Cases of tardiness, lt>. Pupils neither absent nor tardy: Edna Ohlund, Beata Hanisch, George Woten. Ernest Anderson, Evelyn Neilson. Alma Schmidt, Mae Paulsen. Andy Dwehus. Emma Burman. Irl Plant. Herbert Koch. Arthur Jensen. Lillie Bartunek. Alton Woten. Clora Plant. Ida H. Brss. Teacher. ROOM II. Number of pupils enrolled. 22. Average membership. 21. Average daily attendance. IT Cases of tardiness. 20. Pupils neither alisent nor tardy: Harry Fletcher. Elida Lund. Edith Burman. Carl Jensen. Marie Coulter, Teacher. B. Plymouth Rock eggs from the famous E. B. Thompson strains. *1. ^ ROAD NOTICE. (Stanzyk Road) The commissioner appointed to view and toe v a rood commencing at southeast corner stoke of the southeast quarter of Section twenty-seven (27i. Town sixteen (16). Range fourteen f 14) and running thence south one mile between Sections thirty-four (34) and th;riv-tive (35) same town and range and ter m: witting at southeast corner of southeast qi ii ter of Section thirty-four (34), Town six t n ,!!)). Range fourteen tl4> on townshfp line h reported in favor of the establishment the oof. and ail objections and claims for dam a-', s must be filed in the office of the county c! rk on or before May 17. 1907. or said road wii; be established without reference thereto. Dated March sth. 1907. C. F. BecsHaus*k, County Clerk. [Last pub April J8 j . ROAD NOTICE. (de la Motte Road.) The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at a point between tht northwest quarter of Section fifteen [IS], Tii ’n thirteen [13|. Range fifteen 113] and sc invest quartt-i* of Section ten [ 10J. same I tow i and range, in Hazard township where the rc-1 now ends and terminates and running tht ,'e cast between the southeast quarter'd Section tea flOj. and northeu-t quarter of i s. n fifteen [I5|. between Sections eleven [lii and fourteen 111] and Sections twelve [121 ! ami thirteen Khali in Hazard township and j terminating a; the southeast corner of Section t *!ve (12' anti northeast corner of Section [thirteen 113) has reported in favor of the i c- abiishment thereof and all claim* for dam a and objections thereto must be died in the office of the county clerk Oh or before noon of May 20. 1907. or said road will be established w i'hout reference thereto. Dated this kith day of March. 1907. C. F. Becshacsen, County Clerk Last pub. April IS. ROAI) NOTICE. (Else Road.) The commissioner appointed to view add io a'e a road commencing at the quarter stake ot. ibe south line of Section twenty-seven (27), T nship thirteen (13:, Range sixteen il6>. in ■ su. county (on road No. 208) and running i tin one north two miles on the half section line ; through Sections twentv-seveo i27i aud twen ! tystwo (22) in said town and range and ter n lating at the quarter stake on the north li- .«* of sit’d Section twenty-two (22). Town thir tt n 113 . Range sixteen iJ6)at road No. 214. In reported in favor of the establishment tin -eof. and 11 c!> tins for rtamuges and objec t -.s th» veto must he died in tbe office of the ci ■. clerk no or before noon May 18. im»T. or sc road will be established without reference tl • eto. , Dated March 9 1907. C. K iltt siucsis. County Clerk (Last pub. April 18 (_ ROAI> N<)TICE. (Lewamimvski Road No. 2.) i’lie commissioners appointed to view and ’ loi ' te a road commencing at the corner stake o:- Township lin*1* between .Section two (2). and t * ii. ‘lownship tit teen (15). Range fourteen tl and running thence south one mile on | > lire beiwcen said Section* two (2) aud thr ee (3 &nd terminating at th^ section corner o me south line of said Section two (2) and t • • 3 Township fifteen (15). Range four th ) , l-i . lias reported in favor of the establish* meat thereof, and all remonatrauce and claims for damages must be filed iif the office oi the county clerk on or before M%y 17. 1907. or said ro.- d will be established without reference thereto. * Dated this 8th day of March. 1907. C. F. Beushausen. County Clerk. [Last pub. Aprtl 18.] NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. sealed bids will be received at the office of t county cli rk of Sherman county. Nebras k . at Loup City in said county, on or before n n of the hth day of June, 1907. for the bund le : complete, of a granary and corn crib on man County's Poor Farm as follows: ' I cBsiOB* of granary. 10x32 feet; corn crib | 1":: ..’ ft., with 10ft driveway between, build 'due to be 9 ft high on side-; foundation stone or -ment blocks .3 feet apart; sills 6x0: joists ; 2;: >6 inches apart: studding 2x4, 16 inches a rt. rafter.- 2x4, well braced: roof to be . - .; Ie. one third pitch: all floors to be shlplap. ]C -nary to be boarded up with drop siding a i crib with * inch cribbing: two doors on i :.i end with hangers complete: granary to be p titiont-J into three bins of equal size also , o d .. r leading to outside: ends of building ; t boarded np to gable peak: building to be 1 ■ .. e i two coats. ••p;t:tv ard reserves the right to reject at: and all bids. ;ted ai Loup City. Nebraska March 7. 19(47. C. F. BrusdAUsSN County Clerk [Last p:tb. April 18. [ .* v 'atwiivk’v j Mwarr^aBt—a—an^MBS»y«w BRIDGE NOTICE. Sealed bids, with plans and specifications, will be received at the office of the county clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, at Loup Cits', in said county, on or before noon of the 8th day of June. UK/7, for the building of all the bridges that may be required to be constructed by said county during the term of *ne year from the letting of the contract. For the con struction 01 sa d bridges such bids to be by the lineal foot, and contract to be let for the I building of such bridges as may be required at a specified sum per lineal foot: plans, specifi cations and bids to be made on wood bridges, on low water bridges and on high water bridges Plans for low water bridges to be prepared to suit quick and heavy currents, to ! be 16 to 24 feet long, and the high water bridges to be spans 24 to JO feet long, with suitable approaches: all bridges to be set on good long oak piling and span timbers to be full length of span. Bids also to be filed for replacing spans in Loup river bridges in said county that may require replacing during the term of one year. All bids must l>e accom panied by a certified check for rio.OO payable to clerk of Sherman county The county l»oard reserves tbe#right to reject am and all bids, i Dated at LcmpCity. Nebraska. March 7. !9f‘7. C. F HefsaAi • n County Clerk ; [Last pub. April 18.] 53.> Bo ^Piano $250 Paid ior this Piano Both the Same Piano Why? $250 for a $159 Piano You cari jearn all about tins, and howto save money in buying pianos 9 by writing to the 1 Piano Buyers' Guide g 316 Karoach Block. - Omaha, Neb. K You don't have tc rurchase a piano to *es tbfs I ; infcrtnati'D. | Give Us a Trial i pf ! Hound Front Barn, j J. H. MINER. Props Loup City, - Nebr. Finest i.iv.' rv Rigs, careful drivers, j Headquarters inrfarmers' teams < r>ni mercial men’s trade givfen e>j ,-ecial at ie- tion. Yot.r patro age solicited. Mill I III ■■■■!■■■■ I.I I I Ilf —H ! Loup Gity, Nebraska, LUMBER Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand, j Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Pain's ! 1 I. DEPEW#* ! a I 3 Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker 1 # O My shoo is the largest and beat equipped north of the Platte liiver £• I have a four horse engine and a complete line ol the latest Improved, mn chincry. also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and *; • I" torn out a jo'o with neatness and dispatch. p> MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT | 3 ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS » ass 311113111111 miiisra asaaisssiasEs::--??: •?&,: isass*' High Grade Orgap Manufactured by the i Kill flu I • At Factory Prices Delivered in your town. Tou Pay $5 Gash apd $1 Per Week 30 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors, Omalia, 33"elD. The Big Piano and Organ House. phope, 2 op 103 E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier -directors W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long,- S. N. Sweetland up cin sira BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. * Capital Stock, - - $26,000.00 Individual Liability, $260,000.00 Get More Earsrs. Paint the inside of your hen house with <‘ARBOLINEUM. It is a sure lice and mite exterminator. For sale by KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Schaupps mm, im md jms BOUGHT AT THE ,B. 8l Rl. ELEVATORS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY. SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loop City aaiUsla. Wilt Bap HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and dee oar coal and get prices on grain. E. G. TAYLOR*