' Loup City Northwestern * • j ' VOLUME XXIV. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, MARCH 2!. 1907. NUMBER 19 Professional Cards A. P. CULLEY, Attorney & Gomselor-at-Law (Office: First National Bank) « Loup City, Xe(>r._ ROBT.P. Sl'ARR Attorney-at-Law. : LOUP CITY. NEBRSSKM R. J. NIGHTINGALE Atm:; ud JoubIcmUw LOUP 6ITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer 4 Practices in all Courts Loup City, R. H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-lEW, ^ And Bonded Abstractor. Loup City, Nebraska (>. E. LONGACRE Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS Phone, 30. Office at Residence Lnup Ritij - Nebraska S. A. ALLKN. 0EJ%9TMS'M\ LOUP CITY, • - XEB. Oiiice iiji stairs in tii- new State Bank building. wTl7 MARCY. DENTIST, LOUP CITY, NEE OFFICE: E:ist Side Public Squsie. y Phone, ti-16 ,f/. //. .HA.10 Bonded Abstracter Locp City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in count v For a Drayman Send a messenger for * J. W. Conger He will pay the fee Try the F F- F- Dray F. F. Foster, Prop. Office: Fester's Barber Shop L. A. BANGS The Drayman Phone T on 60 Asks Your Patronage -, former bodies in piles and burning the coffins, etc. Investigations are ordered. Those fellows, if reports are true should be given a little fore taste of hell here on eartli as a re minder of what they will get here after. with compound interest. The attorney general has decided that any charge by a railroad com pany in excess of a 2-eent fare between points in Nebraska is unlawful, even if the intermediate line is not wholly within the state. For instance, be tween Lexington and Sidney the U. P. crosses a corner of Colorado, and the versatile, non-advertising, road tried to make a fare of 3 cents per mile because of that tact. Per haps the corporation needed the dif ference to assist in pure hating more baby carts for its branch roads. During the present stssion. the house passed a bill offered by Rep resentative E. A. Brown, legalizing the printing of the ballots in two columns, but we see by Thursday's dailies that the senate killed the bill. There are but lew papers io the state that can print the ballots in one long column, hence have to print in two columns and then cut and paste, making an aggregate cost of several hundreds of dollars to the state on certain years. But some wise senator, we think it was one of t he Omaha men. that being one of the towns that can print the ballots in one column, fought the change in the form and killed the bill. The Omaha printers •ould afford to pay that senator handsomely for saving to them a pretty little graft. Rockville Items. Harry Mumey is laid up with la grippe this week. Mrs. Geo. Gray spent a few days at Lincoln this week. Henry Reasland made a flying trip to Grand Island Saturday. Miss Blanche and Clarence Coulter in* ■-uffering with la grippe. Tiie moving picture show given in Rockville Monday and Tuesday was very good. Come again. A ball game betw een the first and second teams was played here Sunday with a score of " to 8 in favor of the first team. The young folks of R14) on township line ha- reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections and claims for dam ages must be filed in the office of the county cl> rk on or before Slav 17. 1907. or said road will be established without reference thereto. Dated March 6th. 1907. C. F. BtusHAUsKN, County Clerk. [Last pub April 18 ] ROAD NOTICE. (de la Mott« Road.) The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at a point between the northwest quarter of Section fifteen [151. Town thirteen [33J. Range fifteen 115] and southwest quarter of Section ten [10[ same town and range, in Hazard township where the road now ends and terminates and running thence east between the southeast quarter'd Section ten [10]. and northeast quarter of section fifteen [IS), between Sections eleven I [11 : and fourteen [ 14j aud Sections twelve [lzl ] and thirteen 13) all in Hazard township and j terminating at the southeast corner of Seetion i twelve 02' and northeast corner of Section thirteen (13) has reported in favor of the establishment thereof and all claims for dam ages and objections tb-reto must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon of May 20. 1907. or said road will be established without reference thereto. Dated this i3th day of March, 1907. C. F. Becshacsen, County Clerk. Last pub. April 18. ROA eTnOT ICE! (Else Road.) The commissioner appointed to riew and ' lo ate a road commencing at the quarter stake or, the south line ot Section twenty-seven (27). Township thirteen (13), Range sixteen ilfi). in : said county (on road Xu 208) and running 1 th- nee north two miles on the hall section line j through Sections twenty-seven (27> aud twen ty-two (22) in said town and range and ter minating at the quarter stake on the north line of said Section twenty-two (22). Town thir teen 113 Range sixteen 16) at road No. 214. has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all claims for damages and objec tions thereto must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon May 18. 19o7. or said road will be established without reference thereto. Dated March 9 1907. C. F. Bf-Csbausen County Clerk. [Last pub. April 18.1 ROAD NOTICE. (Lewandowski Road No. 2.) The commissioners appointed to view and locate a rood commencing at the corner stake on Township line between Section two i2>. and three (3). Township tif teen (13). Range fourteen iU .and running thence south one mile on Section line between said Sections two (Si and three <3i and terminating at the section corner on the south line of said Section two (2 and three 3i. Township fifteen (15). Range four teen Mi. has reported in favor of the establish ment thereof, and all remonstrance and claims for damages must be filed in the office oi the county clerk on or before May 17. 190T. or said road will be established without reference thereto. Dated this 8th day of March. 1907. C. F. Bevshattsen. County Clerk. [Last pub. April 18 ] NOTICE TO CONTR ACTORS. j sealed bids will be received at the office of the county clerk of Sherman county. Nebras ka, at Loup City in said county. pi -i>t. - will be received at the office of the c : aty clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, at ! up Citv. in said county, ou or is , re n.*on of tic *th il: of June. 190T. for the bu; din of all the to . Jg. - that may be required . n he cm - ' ■ red i,v said county during tie terp. v. ir from the letting of the come i ■ ■ - <-< -t struction ol sa d bridges stt bi - t-■ »•» by • lineal foot, and contract ■ • le •; for t; .. building of such bride s us i- e r a specified sum per lineal t > - cations and bids to he inade or ■ . Le on low water bridges and t . - .» 1 bridges Plans for low v.st^r bri . -. to he prepared to suit qui. It and lieu . a- r—.t be 16 to 24 feet long and the a _ - . bridges to be spans 24 to 40 feet long, with suitable approaches; all bridges to l e set < good long oak piling and span timbers to ■ • full length of span, lsids also to be filed f t replacing spans in Loup river bridges in said county that may require replacing during the term of one year. All bids must beacco-: - panied by a certified check lor payable to clerk of Sherman countv. The county heard reserves the right to re et any and Dated at LoupCity. Ncbra.sk e Marc!. T. IP r. C. F. BEf-iArsKS. County t ier.; [Last pub. April IF j 5350 ^Piano I $250 Paid lor this Piano I Both the Same Piano $250 for a $350 Piano You can learn all about this, and howto save money m buying pianos by writing to the Piano Buyers' Guide 316 Karaach Block. - Omaha. Net>. Yeo don't h*vt to tnrclitsc n elms to tel this ' informal! j. Grive ITs a Trial ik Round Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr. Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers. Headquarters ior farmers' lean - 1 ’om merciai men's trade given < -p eial at tention. Your patio: age solieited. Reived OUR SPRING LINE OF Heavy Weight Panama Light Weight Panama Mohair Suitings Danish Cloth Egyptian Silk Also a good line of. Dungarven Cheviot Glengar Cheviot Quadriga Cloth Johnson Percales Call iii. It will be our pleasure to show you the goods. WEftf? jopsy HOSIERY rn COOPEK E. G. Taylor. J. S. Pedler, C. C. Cabxson. President. Vice President. Cashier* i -DIRECTORS W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland LIP BTl STATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00 Get More Egsrs;. Paint the inside of your hen house with CARBOLINEUM. It is a sure lice and mite exterminator. For sale by KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Schaupps mi, mi m i ms BOUGHT AT THE B. & ]VI. ELEVAT'GPS MCALPINE. LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Goal for Sale at Loop City aid Asltoa. Will Boy HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see oar coal and get prices on grain. I E. G. TAYLOR.