The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 28, 1907, Image 5

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Bill Passed Is Senate File No. 55, The
Sackett Measure, and Has the
Emergency Clause At
tached Thereto.
Senate Passes 2-Cent Fare Bill.
The state senate, impatient because
of the slowness of the house in pass
ing a 2-ceut fare bill, Tuesday took up
a similiar bill in committee of the
w hole as the special order for 10 a. m.,
discussed the measure till noon and af
ter a recess placed the bill on third
reading and passed it by a unanimous
vote of all the senators present, two
only being absent. The hill is a flat 2
cent rate bill. It merely changes the
word "three" in the present statute to
“two." and c/mtains an emergency
clause so that it will go into effect as
soon as it receives the approval of
the governor. The bill provoked a free
discussion, in which nearly every sen
ator joined.
The senate passed the bill, S. F. 55,
by Sackett of Gage, and hurried it over
to the house, where the announcement
met with applause. That body later
considered a similiar house bill in
committee of the whole, and as the
senate bill had not been read for the
first and second times ip the house it
could not be substituted for the house
bill on the same subject. Therefore
the house, iu committee of the whole,
recommended that the house bill be
ordered engrossed for a third reading,
shorn of all its amendments except one
intended to make a minimum fare of
6 ceuts, regardless of distance for in
terurban lines. It is believed that the
house will pass the senate bill, which
also contains the emergency clause,
although many members of both
houses prefer not to have the bill go
into effect upon approval of the gov
In the senate the discussion was
strongly anti-railroad and in favor of
a flat 2-cent fare bill, despite the fre
quent citations of expressions of Gov
ernor Sheldon during his campaign
that he thought it better to place the
raising or lowering of passenger rates
in the hands of the new railway com
King of Poik argued that it would
be unconstitutional to amend the pres
ent statute relating to passenger rates,
one that had existed since 1887 and at
tach to it a clause giving the railway
commission power to suspend this
rate. He said the title of the original
act was not broad enough to cover
such an amendment. Epperson of Clay
said that an original act including the
two subjects, with a new title, could
be enacted, but he favored the bill
under consideration. This argument
did much to bring about unanimous ac
tion in favor of the flat 2-cent fare bill.
At the last moment McKesson of Lan
caster withdrew his motion to post
pone action until Thursday at 2 p. in.,
and he and his colleague, Burns, both
voted for the report of the committee
of the whole to order the bill to a
(hird reading. The senators who asked
for delay warned their fellow senators
thta a 2-cent fare might not be upheld
in the courts. The great majoritv
were willing to take chances and were
eager to pass such a bill, alleging that
unless they took summary action no
relief would be granted to the people
«ho are asking for lower freight and
passenger rates. Every senator present
voted for the bill when it was read a
ibird time, Randall of Madison and
Latta of Burt being absent.
Sale of Game Prevented.
The house concurred in unimport
ant amendments to H. It. Xo. 9S and
the bill is ready to be sent to the gov
ernor. The bill ig one of the most
important game laws that has ever
been enacted. It provides that it shall
be illegal to sell wild game at any
time of the year. The bill was asked
tor by Chief Game Warden Carter in
the hope that it would stop the oper
ations of pot hunters who shoot and
sell for the market. As long as people
wiU buy game and place it on tables
of hotels, restaurants, dining cars and
cafes foi sale, it is believed men can
he found who will find in this fa<* an
inducement to violate the game laws.
After Loan Sharks.
An act aimed at the business cf
chattel mortgage sharks and pawn
brokers who loan money against the
future wages of working men, exact
ing a heavy interest rate therefor, has
been prepared by .Representative Kil
len of Gage county for introduction in
the legislature. The bill is intended to
make void all contracts pledging wages
as a security for a debt, except where
the amount so pledged has been due
for more than twenty days.
New Telescope for Uni.
The university is now constructing
in its own shops a telescope of twelve
inches aperture and eighteen feet focal
length. This would be regarded by
professional telescope makers as a
rather ambitious undertaking, since
the machinery for operating a large
telescope, while massive, must yet be
‘'built like a watch." Professor Rich
ards is confident, however, that the
work of building the mechanical parts,
even including such delicate work as
graduating the circles and building
the driving clock, can be successfully
done in the university shops.
The mounting of this telescope will
be rather more than usually compli
cated for an instrument of its size,
for it was felt that since it was to be
built and not bought, there was no
use in foregoing-any accessory that
might add to the convenience and
usefulness of the Instrument. For in
stance, the motion of the tube may be
controlled either from the eye-end or
from the floor; small accessory"tele
scopes at both the eye-end and down at
the side of the pier enable the ob
server to read the setting circles and
so to direct the telescope to any part
of the sky from either position.
Cut Off State Board of Health.
The house committee on finance
ways and mean Friday decided
not to appropriate any money for the
expense of the state beard of health,
the members believing that the $10,
000 appropriated two years ago for the
support of the board was illegally ap
propriated. This belief is founded on
the section of the statute which says
the secretaries of the board may
charge fees for the examination of ap
plicants for license to practice medi
cine, $10 for each applicant hold;rg a
diploma from a Nebraska college of
medicine and $125 for other applicants.
The statute says: "All such fees shall
be equally divided among the fou.* sec
retaries of the board as full coinpen
1 sation for their services and ex
Historical Building.
The finance ways and means com
mittee of the house introduced a bill
appropriating $25,000 for a new- state
historical society building to be erect
ed upon haymarket square in the eity
of Lincoln provided the right to the
use of this property is ceded back to
the historical society by the city. The
bill tarries out the cherished plans of
the society that have before been pre
sented to legislature, when, however,
a largerappropriation than is now asked
was requested. The house committee
has canvassed the situation carefully
and will report the bill favorably since
it bears its name. \
Maximum Rate Bill.
Senator C. G. Sibley, of Lincoun
county, stirred up the senate by intro
ducing a bill establishing maximum
rates for wheat, corn, and other grain
products. His bill provides for a re
duction of about 15 per cent over the
present rates and on some of the pro
ducts it is a reduction of 15 or 20 per
cent over the rates in the 1&93 maxi
mum rate Law. He will introduce two
other bills one for a maximum rate
on lumber and coal and a third on
hay, potatoes and apples. Why such a
bill is introduced in the face of the
fact that the state railway commission
is to be put to work is not quite clear,
but Senator Sibley says that the com
mission will have more than It can
do and he proposes to help it get a
good start.
State House Repairs.
To make the state capitol present
able. safe and accessible will require
an outlay of almost $80,000. according
to the resulrs of the investigation
made by a special committee of the
house of representatives. A report
was filed by the committee, consist
ing of Messrs. Marsh, White and
Besse. giving an itemized estimate of
the cos! for work that is deemed nec
essary. amounting in the aggregate to
$79,200. It was placed on file to be
considered at a later time.
The special committee sent with its
statement a letter from John McDon
ald. an architect, in which he corro
borated the report made by G. A. Ber
linghof in January relative to the
shaky south wall of the Capitol’s east
wing and its dangerous character in
the present condition. McDonald said
in his letter that it will be necessary
to vacate the offices while repairing
the capitol. brace up the floors and
roof, remove about seventy feet of
the wall and rebuild it from the
ground up. He agreed with Berling
hof in estimating the cost of this work'
at $20,000.
The largest other item in the list
of proposed expenditures is $16,500 for
cement walks to take the place of the
“canals” which now lead to the state
house from all directions. Eight thou
sand is to be used for putting gold leaf
on the dome, if the report is followed.
Washington's Birthday.
Tribute to the memory of Washing
ton, the father of his country, ‘and to
that of Lincoln, its savior, were the
principal features of the Washington's
birthday observance by the two
branches of the Nebraska legislature
in joint session February 22. An ad
dress of remarkable oratorical force
was given by Senator C. H. Aldrich
of Butler county on the topic of Wash
ington's life, his works and the bene
ficent influence they had had upon the
To Reduce Express Charges.
Senator Aldrich of Butler intro
duced a bill to reduce the charges of
express companies 25 per cent below
the rates in force January 1, 1907. He
has introduced a bill applying to rail
road freight charges calling for a re
duction of 20 per cent. The bills are
both drawn after the same general
style, making it unlawful to charge
more than 75 per cent of the charges
in force by express companies Janu
ary 1, 1907. or more than 80 per cent
of the freight charges in force at that
time. The penalty in the express rate
bill is a fine of not less than $1000
nor more than $2,00o for each offense.
In the case of railroads the penalty is
a fine of not less than $10,000 and not
more than $50,000. In the case of
railroad rates the railway commission
is gi>en power to hold hearings and
to either raise or lower rates, but no
such provision is incorporated in the
express rate bili.
The State Journal Case.
For the third time the case of th«
state against the State Journal com
pany hah been submitted to the su
preme court. It was submitted on an
application of Attorney General W T
Thompson for leave to amend the pe
tition of the state asking for $85,000
damages for the alleged sale of su
preme court reports. The suit was in
siituted by F. N. Prout, who has since
left the state. Twice the court has
given decisions in favor of the defend
ant company and the attorney general
now asks leave to again amend the
petition of the state.
To Reduce Rate 20 Per Cent.
Senator Aldrich of Butler has intro
duced S. F. 325, a bill to make the
maximum rate on freight in Nebraska
80 r>»r cent of the amount fixed in the
classification and schedules of rail
roads in force January 1, 1907, until
after the railway commission shall
have provided a greater rate. The bill
repeals the old maximum rate of 1903
which the railroads prevented the old
board of transportation from enforc
tag by an Injunction suit in the federal
Teacher’s Announcement Not Comfort
ing to Trustees.
By the laws of Maryland corporal
punishment in the public schools of
that state is forbidden. This. pro
hibition was much condemned by cer
tain of the teachers with old-fashioned
ideas, especially by a teacl»r in one
of the schools on the eastern shore
some years ago. He was a strapping
big fellow, and it was lucky for his
pupils, who were rather a rough lot,
that they were protected by the afore
mentioned law.
The teacher did the best he could,
under the circumstances, but, moral
suasion proving of little avail, he
finally laid his case before the board
of trustees.
“Gentlemen," said he, after a recital
of his trials, “those boys must be
"You can't do that," replied the
chairman. .
"Then you must assist me in con
trolling them.”
“That, sir,” observed the chairman,
testily, 'is what you are employed to
- "In that case,".continued the teach
er. "you must allow' me ta lick them.”
"Corporal punishment is against the
law." insisted the chairman.
“Then, gentlemen,*' concluded the
Good Argument, but It Failed to Se
cure the Cigars.
In a Sixteenth street cigar store a
young man put a nickel in a slot ma
chine. It was one of those poker ma
chines. He pressed the lever and in
the “hand” that showed he had two
queens. He looked on the card of ex
planation and saw one line that read:
"Kings or better, two cigars." That
was the lowest winning "hand.”
“Well, I win two cigars,” he said
to the proprietor.
The latter looked at the machine.
“Indeed you don't,” he said. “You
have only two queens.”
“Well,” said the young man, “look
here. Doesn't this say Kings or bet
ter, two cigars?’”
“It does, but you have two queens.”
“1 was always taught,” said the
young man, “that the women were
better than the men. So queens aren't
better than kings, eh?”
The proprietor laughed, but he
didn't hand over the cigars.—Denver
Some Desimplified Spelling.
The colonel was simply infolonel.
He said he would be gould to traid
on the rights of the whights.
“No man,” said the raidhot colonel
in his diolonel diatribes, “whose blood
John B. McDonald of New York city is president of the construction com
pany organized by W. J. Oliver to build the Panama canal.
teacher, with considerable emphasis, j
'someone must be licked: and I want ;
to say right here that the next time 1 )
have trouble with my boys I’m going
to lick a trustee. As I have trouble i
about once a day, each one of you j
may expect, on the average, one lick- |
ing per week. I reckon there's no law
against that."
Horrors of the Staircase.
A Dublin landlord said: "It often
happens that when peasant girls come
into our service, directly from the
wretched hovels in which they have
been reared, in a wild part of the
country, they are surprised and per
plexed by all they see. The common
est things to us are new and astonish
ing to their simple gaze. As the dwell
ings of the Irish lxtor are never more
than one story tiigh, what 'excites
their perplexity, and often their fears
more than anything else is, of course,
a staircase. I have actually seen
these girls creeping up and down
stairs on all fours in the utmost terror.
One remained in the attic all day be
fore she could summon courage to
encounter the apparent horrors of
•mining down, and she at last came
lown backward, as if descending a
madder. They get accustomed to an
elevator before they do to the stairs."
“Why has she stopped slum work?"
“She has accomplished her object."
“Relieved all the distress?”
“Xo; become engaged to the new
preacher."—Houston Post.
is not mood can chose to weigh what
I say and pronounce one word as
absord as any he ever horfl. One maj
oneder because one color is dolor
than another that it is a sign of some
thing less fign. O, ye who knoh the
truth give tongue and longue to its
proclaiming. Why do yo sy when
sighs are not wighs? Let no pain or
ache mache you quache. Though you
may be lough, rise higher and in
spiglier the sacred songs of justice to
all. Who is whe that says the choir
is a loir? His own lies show his sies;
he cannot disguise his luise; his eyes
despeyes those leves and tell on him; 1
one may buy a luy, but not the uy.”
And much more of the same sort j
from which it may be inferred that
having herred the colonel’s werred,
the whites still had some rites which
were bound to be respected. And the I
blacks? Well, take an acks to them.
Also the infernal cernal.—Judge.
Tricks of the Grogger.
"The man is a grogger,” said the
food inspector. "He makes whisky
out of old barrels.
"Grogging is a recognized trade in
some slums. You get hold of old
whisky barrels wherein spirits have
been maturing for years and you pour
into these barrels boiling hot wate^
and you wait a few days.
"The result of your waiting is that
the hot water turns to whisky. The
wood of the old barrels, you see, is so
saturated with spirits that the hot wa
ter draws out enough to make a strong
grade of red eye.”
This is the design selected for the monument at the national capital.
A Hairdresser Asserts That Many of
Them Wear Wigs.
“Nearly every woman wears some
other woman's hair,” said the hair
dresser, ‘ but you might be surprised
if you knew the number of men who
wear wigs. Many a man's fine head
of hair, the envy of his friends, came
from the hair store, and is regularly
curled and pressed there! Whisper
it gently, but most men are even
more vain of their appearance than
are the frivolous women of the mo
ment. They simply will not stand
for a bald head, under 70, and have
learned a lesson from their sisters.
Often the same hairdresser makes the
wig for papa and the ‘switch’ for
mamma, and. if mamma can get the
money for her new hair any the more
easily out of papa for the fact that
he is a devotee of the habit himself,
who can blame her for encouraging
him in the guileless fad?"
Some folks never feel cheerful un
less they are dispensing bad news.
Modern Science Teaches Many Ways
sf Alleviating Suffering and Pro
moting the Recovery of Strick
en Loved Ones.
When there is a prospect of a long
illness two small cots that cost so
little may be placet} together, making
it easy to move the patient from one
to the other when changing the bed
ding. and permitting each one to be
thoroughly aired each day. Otherwise
the ideal sick bed is a single one of
iron, the length and width of those
used in hospitals. With this should
be a fine woven wire spring and a
thin hair mattress. Of the water
beds, those filled by means of a pitch
er and funnel are said to be the best.
The temperature of the water should
be kept about 70 degrees and must be
changed every two weeks. The bed
must never touch the walls. The rest
for the head is the feather pillow,
changed or beaten when it becomes
uncomfortably hot. Small pillows of
varying sizes should be used to tuck
under back of knees when change of
position is necessary. Paper torn in
fine bits is nice for these. Here is
the way a trained nurse in a hospital
makes up the beds: She begins by
tucking the lower sheet, preferably
of cotton (for linen chills excepting in
mid-summer), snugly and smoothly
over the mattress. This should be
protected in case of severe illness
with a rubber blanket or paper pad.
The sheet is pinned in place, taking
care to have a perfectly smooth sur
face under the patient. The corners
of the sheet are folded square, as the
grocer folds the edges of the paper
he wraps around a parcel. Next a
draw sheet is laid on smoothly and
pinned in place. In spreading the up
per sheet it is brought up well to the
head of the bed, so it will turn back
nicely over the other clothes, but left
a little loose for the feet. Next comes
the blanket, the folded edge at the
foot, and a light-weight counterpane,
which, with the sheet, should be fold
ed carefully in at the corners and
tucked under smooth and tight at the
To Change the Bed.—In changing
the bed, roll the patient to one side,
putting one hand against the shoul
der and the other against the hips.
Roll up the lower sheet in lengthwise
folds against the patient. Put on
fresh sheet, and draw sheet and pin
in place. Roll the patient over, pro
tecting with the upper sheet, and pull
the lower sheet smooth. Pin. Put
clean upper sheet on over the soiled
one, then tuck the clean one in and
remove the soiled one.
Slipping to Foot of Bed.—If a pa
tient is troubled by slipping down in
bed, the foot may be slightly raised
by putting bricks or blocks under it,
or a small bolster may be tucked un
der the thighs, then tied around the
head of the bed with tapes.
To Tint Lace.
When one desires to color lace for
a gown, procure a tube of oil paint
the color desired and squeeze it into
a cup of gasoline and stir until dis
solved. Then your into a larger ves
Dip a small piece of the lace into
it, and if too deep, add more gasoline
until the shade desired is obtained.
When it is the right color, put all
the lace into it. take out, shake gently
and dry in the open air.
When thoroughly dry, expose it to
extreme heat for a few minutes, tak
ing care, of course, that it is not
near a fire or blaze, where it might
ignite. This exposure to the heat will
remove the odor of gasoline.
Lace which has been used and will
not wash well can be given this treat
ment, if first dry-cleaned by being
sprinkled generously with fuller's
earth, then rolled up and put away
for a few days. Upon taking out,
shake wrell and then proceed with the
tinting as above.
Dutch Apple Cake.
This is another favorite dish in the
cooking class. It is sometimes .made
with soda and cream of tartar, and
again with yeast. For the former sift
together two cups flour, a half tea
spoonful of salt, a half teaspoonful
soda and a teaspoonful cream of tar
tar. Add two tablespoonfuls butter or
good dripping and rub in with the tips
of the fingers. Beat one egg light and
add to it a scant cup milk. Then stir
into the dry mixture. The dough
should be quite soft. Turn into a shal
low baking tin. Peel, core and slice
three or four tart apples and arrange
symmetrically on top of the pan. let-'
ting the slices overlap. Put the sharp
edge of the slices down and press
slightly into the dough. Sprinkle with
two tablespoonfuls sugar and nutmeg
or cinnamon. Bake in a hot oven. As
soon as done brush the top lightly
with hot water.
Nut and Cheese Pasties.
Nut and cheese pasties are in the
same list with cheese balls. Sift one
quart of pastry flour with one tea
spoonful of salt and one teaspoonful
of baking powder, add one cupful of
pecan-nut meats chopped and • the
yolks of two eggs; mix with just
enough ice water to make into a dough
which can be rolled out on a floured
board about an eighth of an inch thick.
Spread with a cupful of rich American
cheese grated and folded over four
times; roll out again and cut Into hol
low hearts and darts; brush with egg
yolk and bake a delicate brown in a
hot oven.
Almond Crisps.
Stir tor a cream two-thirds of a cup
ful of butter and one heaping cupful
of sugar. Beat into this the yolks of
two eggs, three tablespoonfuls of lem
on juice and one scant teaspoonful of
almond extract. Add two cupfuls of
twice-sifted flour and the well-whipped
whites of two eggs. Beat very thor
oughly and work in sufficient more
flour to make a dough which can be
kneaded. Roll out small portions at a
time very thin, cut into fancy shapes,
brush over with white of egg, sprinkle
with blanched shredded almonds, and
dredge with granulated sugar. Bake
in a moderate oven, watching closely.
Memorial to Patriot Presented to
America by Fellow-Countrymen
—Popiel’s Model Accepted
by Committee.
Washington.—Two years ago the
Polish National Alliance of the United
States conceived the idea of present
ing to the American people a monu
ment of Gen. Tadeusz Kosciuszko, to
be erected at Washington in Lafayette
square, where the monuments of
Lafayette and Rochambeau are stand
ing and where a monument to Baron
von Steuben will be raised in the near j
future. The plan was to have the
memory of all the most prominent offi
cers who fought for the independence :
of the United States thus honored by
monuments in the capital of the
The government having appropri
ated $5,000 for a monument to Gen.
Statue to Be Erected to Thaddeus
Pulaski, who fought for the liberty of
this country and who fell in the battle
of Savannah in 1779, the Polish Na
tional alliance felt it to be the duty of
Polish-Amerieans to reciprocate by
presenting a monument of the other
Polish patriot who lent his sword to
the cause of liberty of America.
The gift having been accepted by
congress and the president, and the
fund having been started by means of
a special assessment from every mem
ber of the alliance, a contest was an-,
nounced in the Polish papers in Eu
rope and America for a model which
would satisfy the government's com
mission in Washington. In the middle
of December, 1906. models began to
arrive and finally there was opened in
the Corcoran gallery in Washington
an impressive exhibition of 20 models,
all works of Polish artists. The Wash
ington newspapers spoke of this exhi
bition as of a very instructive one as
to the spirit of foreign art toward
The government committee, which
consisted of Secretary Taft, Senator
Wetmore, of Rhode Island, and Rep
resentative McClAary, of Minnesota!
invited jury of three prominent
American sculptors, Messrs. Lorade
Taft, of Chicago, and Daniel Chestet
French and Henry M. Schrady, of New
York, to choose the three best models,
there being three premiums of $1,000,
$600 and $400. respectively. The first
premium was accorded by the commit
tee to the model sent by Antoni Po
piel, of Lwow, Lemberg, Austrian
President Roosevelt at a special in
vitation from the Polish alliance visit
ed the exhibition and expressed his
opinion that the model of Mr. Popiel
is the most acceptable.
The model represents Kosciuszko as
a hero of both hemispheres, as he is
usually called by the Poles. At the
front of the pedestal is a hemisphere
showing the map of America with the
American eagle guarding its liberty.
In the rear the other hemisphere, bear
ing the outline of Europe and Asia, is
being strangled by a snake represent
ing despotism, wh^ch the Polish eagle
is trying to kill with his beak and
talons. To the right, a Polish regular
soldier w-ounded and falling, is pro
tected by a Polish farmer with his
scythe; to the left, an American sol
dier is cutting the ties of the Ameri
can farmer, thus liberating him from
the foreign yoke. Above stands Kos
ciuszko with a map in one hand, the
other reposing on his sword.
Odd Monument Over Grave of Veteran
of Indian Fight.
The longest epitaph in Arlington
National cemetery at Washington is i
that carved on the strangely shaped
monument of Captain John Williams,
of the marine corps, who died of
wounds received in an Indian fight in
Florida in 1812. The inscription fol
"Here lies the remains of John Wil
liams, Esq., late a captain in the Corps
of U. S. Marines. Was born in Staf
ford county, Virginia, the 24th of Au
gust, 1765, and died on the 29th of Sep
tember, 1812, at Camp New Hope, in
East Florida. The body of deceased
w'as removed to this spot, over which
his brother officers in the marine corps
have caused this pile to be erected
in testimony of his worth and in their
mournful admiration of his gallant
"On the 11th of September. 1812,
Captain Williams, on his march with a
command of 20 men to Davis creek
block house, in east Florida, was at
tacked tow'ards evening by upwards of
50 Indians and negroes, who lay con
cealed in the woods. He instantly
gave battle, gallantly supported by his
men, who, inspired by his animated ex
ample, fought as long as they had a
cartridge left. At length, bleeding un
der eight galling wounds and unable
to stand, he was carried off the battle
ground, whilst his heroic little band,
pressed by superior numbers, was
forced to retreat.
“Eminently characterized by cool in
trepidity, Captain Williams evinced
Monument with Long Epitaph.
during his short but severe contest j
those military prerequisites which
qualify the officer for command, and if
his sphere of action was too limited to
attract the admiration of the world, it
was sufficiently expanded to crown
him with the approbation of his coun
try and to afford his brethren in arms
an example as highly useful as his exit
has sealed with honor the life of a pa
triot soldier.”
Captain Williams' monument is an
elongated pyramid with two long and ,
two short sides. The inscription, which
is in script lettering, covers all four
sides of the stone. The ctone, though
it appears large in me picture, is
barely a foot high. It may be of sand
stone, but to one unskilled in such mat
ters, it appears to be of molded ce
Twenty-One-Months-Old Son of Ger
man Cavalryman Weighs 93 Pounds.
London.—To be born a record hold
er is a thing unique in itself, and con
stitutes, so to speak, a double-barrelled
record. The infant who made a start!
Baby Dippe, 21 Months Old, Weigh*
93 Pounds.
in the human race handicapped in this
fashion was born one year and nine
months ago, and is the son of August
Dippe, a cavalry sergeant-major, sta
tioned at Malstatt, near Saarbruckea.
in Germany. The particular distinction
claimed for the child is that for his
age he is the fattest, longest, broadest
and strongest baby in the wide, wide
world. His weight is 93 pounds, he is
three feet three in height, and he
measures just over 37 inches around
the chest. Both parents are quite nor
mal, and, in fact, the mother is rather
delicate than otherwise. The infant
Hercules creates a sensation when he
appears in the street. He is healthy
and jolly, and has only one trouble
His record may soon be taken from
him by his own little brother, who, al
though only five months old, already
weighs 52 pounds and is growing rap
Simplon Tunnel Successful.
The result of the first six months’
working of the Simplon tunnel has
been tabulated and show that an av
erage of 8,000 passengers were carriec
a day.
Special License Granted for the Pur
pose in India.
Triehinopoly. India, is greatly ex
cited over a special license which has
been granted by the governor of Mad
ras to a gentleman at Coonoor to
search for buried treasure. The treas
ure has been the object of many suc
cessful searches in the past; one en
terprising deputy collector of Trichi
nopoly, going so far as to divert the
river and tunnel through the bed into
the solid rock. He spent 20,000 ru
pees in his experiments. The opera
tions were abandoned for want of
funds; but it is stated that the ex
plorers came across inscriptions bear
ing out the history of the burial of the
treasure. The treasure—including a
golden palanquin—is said to be stored
in a cave in a rock, which is blocked
up in some mysterious manner just be
low the spot where the inscriptions
were found. The local chiefs say that
they and their ancestors held the land
on the understanding that they should
guard the rock: and they produced a
sheet of copper on which the grant i*
! inscribed. The treasure is supposed
! to have been buried about 500 year?
ago. A temple was erected near; and
the treasure was removed from the
temple and the royal palace to the
cave when fire and brimstone were
poured down upon the city. The queen
who had taken refuge in the rock, es
caped destruction; and the king, find
ing that she had taken the treasure
away from the temple, tried to drows
her in the river. She was saved by
some natives, and afterwards gave
birth to a son who, in later years, be
came king. The queen afterwards
caused the inscriptions to be made oc
the rock where the treasure lay con
Prospects for Longevity.
A quarter of each generation die
before attaining the age of 17, but •
man at 32 years of age may expect
to live for another 32.
And There Are Few of Them.
The only people who really enjoy
getting up early in the morning *rv
those who don't have to.