The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 28, 1907, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
X. '\ *
Professions. Cards
(Office: Kiiist National Bank)
Loup City, Nebr.
Attorney and Counselcr-at-Law
Practices in all Courts
Loup City. Neb.
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Office, Over New Bank
Phone, 30. Office at Residence
Loop City « Nebraska
Office iiji stairs in the new State
Bank building.
wTl. marcy.
OFFICE: East Side Public Squme.
Phone, tl-ltj
.9, H. .T//J./B
Bonded Abstracter!
Loup City, - Nebba^-ka.
Onlv set of Abstract books in county
For a Drayman
Send a messenger for
J. W. Conger
He will pay the fee
Try the
F F- F- Dray
F. F. Foster, Prop. !
Office; Frster’s BarberShop
^ Laurels 1
Again! j
The Pari, Exposition
ba, made the Gold
Medal Award to
,,,, , I.W.HARPER
Gold medals were
also awarded at
New* Orleans Ift65 ij
and Worlds fair
Chicago 1893. |1
For S lie by T.H. Eisner
And the Public!
Tie St. Eli Livery Bare
Js under a new manag m‘ nt. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you h*ve
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t riuht my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt.,
PHONE, 4 on 9.
T. I:.Gilbert,Prop.
t. :m:. reed,
( Business Established in 1888.)
V\ ishes jTou to call and see his
Call and inspect our stock. W e handle all kinds of
Farm Machinery
entered at tne Loup Oily Fustofflce for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108
Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108
.1. \V. BURLKUiH. Kd. aniTjPuli.
The big rairoad corporations, will
have to pay their taxes just like all
of us common mortals. So decided
the IT. S. supreme court on Monday
of this week, which with the interest
and penalties attached amounts to
over three million dollars. It is not
thought the rairoads will make any
further tight along tax dodging lines.
The records of the federal court show
that of the above amount there is
due Sherman county from the B. &
M. $12,(583.90, and from the Union
Pacific $7,728.43, a total of $20,412.38,
with interest.
A Big Poland China Hog Sale
H. J. Johansen’s big pure-bred Po
land China hog sale came off Thurs
day last as per schedule, and the in
terst manifest in advance brought a
large crowd of sightseers as well as
buyers, and the prices were most sat
isfactory. taking into consideration
this was the first big sale of pure
blood, registered stuff of the kind
ever held in this county. Mr. Johan
sen is to be congratulated on the
nerve, pluck, energy, enterprise and
stay-with-it qualities he liasdisplayed
in the past few years, which has en
abled him to furnish the large bunch
of as good, pure bred and registered
Poland China hogs as lias been offered
to the public in this state tlie past
year, which, had they been offered in
a section of the country where these
sales were common, would, as averred
by Col. Branson, the noted auc
tioneer employed, easily have brought
four times the price received. How
ever, as it is, Mr. Johansen is highly
pleassd over the results, which bro't
him in nearly $1400 for the thirty-five
hogs sold, and with the 20 horses and
20 head of cattle also sold, bring
ing the proceeds of the sale up to
$3100 and a fraction. Following is a
record of the hogs sold, purchasers of
same and amount paid:
No. 1-Henry Huhl.$70 00
No. 2—Henry Kuhl. 66 00
No. 3—A. M. Robbins. 43 00
No. 4—Frank Nelson. VVaverly.38 00
No 5—A. J. Johnson . 39 00
No 7—J. B. Ford.41 00
No. 8-Fritz Bickel .55 00
No. 9—L. N. ^mith. 37 50
No. 10 -L N. Smith. 43 00
No. 11—Henry Kuhl. 45 00
No. 12—A. J Johnson . 25 00
No. 13—Alfred Johnson. 42 no
No. 14 -Fritz Bickel. 50 00
No. 16 -A. J. Johnson . 40 00
No. 17—W. H. <'reery . 50 50
No IK—h d Oltmann . 39 0u
No. 18‘.*L. N. Smith . 40 00
No 19—Thus l»iiddo\v. 28 00
No. 20—W. A. Haves. 30 50
No. 2i—F C. Dyer. 29 00
No. 22 A. H. Phase.30 00
'*o. 23—.v . .a. Hayes . 34 50
No. 24 -.1. W. Johnson . 27 00
No. 25—Igna Kiima. Sargent. 28 50
No. 26—a. J. Johnson. 33 00
No. 28—J. W. Johnson. 27 00
No. 29—B. J. Parkburst. 50 00
No. 29*4.W A. Hayes. 34 00
No. 30 -P. C. Dyer. 28 00
No. 31—John Petersen. 24 50
No. 32- F <t. Casteel. 32 00
No. 31— W H. Creery . 38 00
No. 35—John Petersen. 2* 50
No. 36— A. J. Johnson.. . 66 00
No 37*-Thos Dadoow. .... 33 00
Total number sol i. 3i; highest price. $70: low
est price. $24.50; average, $8H.9U; Total, $1,361.50
Clear Creek Chat
Albert Mead and Charley Schoening
loaded their cars for Grand Junction.
Albert Mead realized 93100 from his
sale of personal property.
Henry Miler shipped a car of goods
to Missouri where lie will make his
home in the future.
Elmer Walker will move Kansas
as soon as lie can settle his affairs.
About forty families paid A. Mead
a farewell visit last Tuesday.
Rev. Spahr had a public sale Mon
day and will quit farming for a while
and devote his time to the ministry.
Rev. McEwen, E. G. Taylor and
Dr. Long returned from Omaha last
week giving a most glowing report of
the big Presbyterian assembly there.
Farmers' Institute.
The Farmers' Institute was called
to order in the court house at 2 p. m.
by Pres. H. B. Milsser. In a brief
address Mr. Musser spoke of the im
provement in our methods of hand
ling our stock and farm land, also of
the benefits to be derived from as
sociating ourselves together and com
paring and improving our methods,
then introduced Mr. W. I). McKee,
wrho spoke on “The Feeder Type of
Beef Steer.” This was a most in
teresting address and Mr. McKee
demonstrated that he was master of
his subject, emphasizing the value of
good breeding in the steer, fie said
we have the best climate in the world
for the breeding and feeding of cattle
and with proper care no one can help
being well repaid by the beef steer.
This was followed by a most interest
ing paper “Profit in Feeding the I log
on Our Farms." by Hon. E. H. Kittell.
Mr. Kittell is a practical hog man and
described his methods of handling his
herd in a clear and concise way. Ex
Gov. Poynter was then introduced
and spoke on “The Value of the Dairy
Cow on the Farm.” Mr. Poynter sur
prised some of us by showing that
the value of the dairy product in the
D. S. was more than the value of all
the fat cattle and hogs put together.
Mr. Poynter has been in the dairy
business for many years and under
stands the care of both cow and milk.
In the evening Mr. McKee spoke on
“Literature for the Farmer.” lie
said the farmers’ literature should
cost him nothing, as the government
at the Experiment Station at Wash
ington issues bulletins on every sub
ject of interest to the farmer and
breeder. These bulletins come from
the highest authority and are free
for the asking. Gov! Pointer also
spoke of “Leaks on the Farm.” He
says we are too apt to neglect the
little things. For want of a nail a
whole board is lost. In many other
ways we allow much of the profit of
the farm to be wasted. This was fol
lowed by a general hog discussion,
which closed the session.
The 20th proved a stormy day and
no morning session was held, and on
account of a lawsuit, with a house
full of witnesses, the Institute was
adjourned to Society Hall where the
first speaker, C. G. Marshall spoke on
“Soil Tillage and Retention of Mois
ture.” With proper care, Mr. Mar
shall says, the value of our moisture
can be more than doubled and our
crops made to show a much larger
profit. Mr. Chase of Pawnee City
spoke of “The Selection and Care of
Seed Corn,” and said every ear should
be tested, especially this year, as corn
is not well ripened and we can not
afford to be careless with our seed.
A most valuable paper from the able
hand of Mrs. A. II. Hansel on “Feed
ing the Hen for Production of Winter
Eggs." was read. Briefly. Mrs. Hansel
described her methods of caring for
her fowls and savs the products of
the faithful “Biddie” amount annual
ly to more than Gov. Poynter claims
for the dairy cow. The interest in
these institutes is growing, twenty
one names being added to our roster,
and all expressed themselves well
pleased. We look for a larger and
better institute next year. The same
officers were re-elected for next year,
as follows: H. B. Musser, President:
J. A. Prav, R. I). Hendrickson. E. II.
Kittell. O. L. Way and Joe Daddow.
Vice-Presidents, and L. X. Smith.
Secretary and Treasurer.
I Notice of Sale of Land Dnfler Order or Saie.
! Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale issued out of tlie District Court of
Sherman eountv. Nebraska, in a cause v. te r in
William Z mmerman is plaintiff and Prank .
Burr. —— Burr, his wife, iirst name unknown.
Carlos C. Burr and John L H arwell are defend
ants. upon a decree of foreclosure of a tax lien
rendered by said court in favor of sa d plain
tiff in the sum of $152.98, bearing interest at
ten per cent per annum and costs taxed at the
sum of $29 18 and whWh sum is decreed to be
a first and best lien upon the following des
cribed land situated in Sherman county. Ne
braska, to-wit: The north half of the north
east quarter of Section thirty, in Township
sixteen and Range fifteen, west of the fiih
d. m. 1 will on Tuesday, the twelfth day of
March. 1907. at two o'clock in the afternoon of
said day. at the south door of the court house
In Loup City, in said county of Sherman and
state of Nebraska, sell said real estate at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
to satisfy the amount due on said decree, in
cluding interest, costs and accrued costs and
accruing costs
Given under my hand this fith day of
February, 1807. L. A. WILLIAMS.
Sheriff of Sherman county, Nebraska.
Last pah. Mar. 7.
Notice of Publication.
tn the District Court,in and for Sherman
county. Nebraska,
Charles Hill, Plaintiff^
John Funner:-r Fonuer. wife of John
Fonuer. lirst. true and full name unknown:
William T. Gibson, and Mary Gibson, wife of
William T. Gibson: George II. Gibson, and
Louvinia Gibson, wife of George H. Gibson:
and the following described piece or parcel of
land situ te in the county of Sherman and
State of Nebraska, tor-wit: Beginning at a
point Three Hundred 980) Feet North and One
Hundred and Fifty 1150) Feet West of the S. E.
Corner of the N W. )-£ of N. W. 4 of Section
Eighteen (lsi in Township Fifteen (15) North.
Rang" Fourteen (14) West of the 6th P. M ,
running thence North One Hundred and Fifty
(150) Feet: thence West One Hundred and
Fifty (150) Feet: thence South One Hundred
and Fifty (1501 Feet; thence East One Hun
dred and Fifty (150) Feet to the point of begin
ning: and all persons and corporations having,
or claiming, any interest, right, title, estate, or
demand, in to or upon said real estate or any
pa-1 thereof. Defendants
The Defendants. John Fonu-r. and
Fonner. wife of John Fonuer. first, true and
full name unknown, and the following de
scribed piece or parcel of land to-wit: Begin
ning at a point three hundred ,.400) feet north
and one hundieo and fifty (i50> feet west of the
S. E. corner of the N. W 4 of N W 4 of Sec
tion Eighteen (1*) in Township Fifteen (15)
North. Range Fourteen 4141 West of he 0th P.
M . running thence North one hundred and
fifty (150) feet: thence West one hundred and
fifty tlaii) feet: thence yuth one hundred and
fifty (150) feet: thence East one hundred and
fifty (150i feet to the point of beginning: and
all persons and corporations having, or claim
ing any interest, right, (title, estate or demand
in. to or upon said real estate 01 any part
thereof, will take notice that on the 5th day of
February, A. D. 1907. Charles Hill. Plaintiff,
filed his petition in the District Court in and
for Sherman county. Nebr ska. against the
above named defendants, the object and
pray er of which are to foreclose a certain cer
tificate of tax sale upon the *tetlowlng de
scribed real estate to-wit: Beginning at a
point three hundred (300) feet north and one
hundred and fifty (150) feet rvest of the S. E.
corner of the N. W. 4 of N. W. 4 of Section
Eighteen (Ik) in Toyvnship Fifteen (15) North.
Range Fourteen (14) West of the 6th P. M..
running thence North one hundred and fifty
(150) feet: thence West one hundred and fifty
(1501 feet: thence South one hundred and fifty
line) feet: thence East one hundred and fifty
(150i feet to the point of beginning, upon which
there is due and unpaid the sum of $31.95: that
the time to redeem from said tax sale has ex
pired and 0o redemption has been made, and
th;M'there is now due and unpaid upon said
certificate of tax .sale tfie sum of $31.95. for
which sum. w’ffcjinterest at ten (10) per cent
from the otlk^dy of February, 1907. plaintiff
pr.ivs for riectee df foreclosure and sale of said
You,are required to answer said petition on
or hefore the 7Vth dav of March. A. D. 1907.
CHARLES HILL. Plaintiff.
By Robert P. Starr, his attorney.
Last pub. March 7.
Notice to \on-liesi(l(‘(it Defendants.
In the District I'ourt in ami lor Sherman coun
tv Nebraska.
Adolph Burman.
Symon Deyexer.
— -Deyexer. wife of Symon Deyexer,
first and true name unknown.
Symon Dexter.
-Dexter, wife of Symon Dexter, first
and true name unknown.
The above named defendants, and each and
every o e of them will take notice that on the
Ilih «:ay of February. A D 1907 Adolph Bur
man. the above named plaintiff, filed his
petition in the District < ourt in and for Sher
man county Nebraska, against said defend
ar.i >. ih object and prayer of said petition are
to repose quiet and c uifirm the title to the
rforthe;r»t 0 iflrfcr <N. L tion thirty-one
(•'• J Township fourteen < 14) north. Range thir
teen (13) west of the 6th P. M. in the said
plaintiff against the claims of the said defend
ant* a-ui against the claims of any prrson or
persons claiming, or hereafter to claim, any
right, title, interest, estate, legal or equitable,
by. through or under them, which may be
vested in said defendants by virtue of the deed
records of Sherman county. Nebraska, being
and showing the name of the grantee as Symon
Deyexer. in a certain deed of conveyance re
corded in Book No. 2 at page 223: or by virtue
of a fact that ti e said Symon Deyexer is an
other and different person than Svmon Dexter
the grantee in a certain deed of conveyance
recorded in Book No. t at page 3*2 of the deed
records aforesaid, and that said defendants,
and each and every one of them, their heirs,
administrators, executors and assigns, and any
and all persons claiming or to claim, by.
through or under t* em be forever barred, cut
off and estopped from ever having or claiming
any right, title, interest, estate, claim or
demand, at law or in equity, in and to said
premises adverse to the interest, title or estate
of this plaintiff, and for such other, further
and different relief as to this Honorable Court
may seem just and equitable.
You are required to appear and answer said
petition on or before the Kth dav of April. A. D.
Dated February 11. 1907.
By Robert P. Starr, bis attorney.
(Last pub. Match 11 >
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
State of Nebraska j
Sherman County '
The State of Nebraska:
To A. C. Hammond, first real name unknown.
Emma * amrnond. Addie E. Kendall. Eleanor
M. Rogers. 15. J. Kendall, first real name un
known. -Kendall, wife of 15 J Kendall.
first real name unknown, the not thwcst quar
ter of section thirty-live in Township thirteen
north of Range thirteen west of the 6 thp hi.
in Sherman county, Nebraska, defendants:
You will take notice that on the 15th day of
February, 1907. Hans P. Hansen, plaintiff here
in. filed his petition in the District Court of
Sherman county. Nebraska, against you. im
pleaded with John Stoeger and-Stoeger.
his wife, first real name unknown, the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a tax lien
upon the following described land situate in
Sherman county. Nebraska, to-wit: the north
west quarter of Section thirty-five in Township
thirteen, north of Range thirteen, west of the
fitli p. in., which said tax lien is based upon the
sale of said land to plaintiff on November 3d,
1902. by S. N. Sweetland. Treasurer of Sher
man county. Nebraska, for the delinquent
taxes of 1901. in the sum of $9 90. as evidenced
by tax sale certificate No 601 of that date, and
under which tax sale plaintiff has paid the
subsequent taxes of 1902 on May 1st. 1903. in
sum of 99 50: of 1903 on May 2nd. 1904. in sum of
99.25; of 1904 on Mav 2nd. 1905. in sura of $15.49.
>«n<l of 1905 on May 1st. 1906 in sum of $17 39.
and upm which said tax lien there is due the
sum of $61 53. with interest on said several
payments at 20 per cent per annum from the
date of each payment for the first two years
and ten per cent thereafter. Plaintiff prays
for a decree that defendants be required to pay
the amount found due by the court on said tax
Io n. or that said premises be sold to satisfy
the amount found due. with interest and costs,
including an attorney's fee to be allowed by
the c urt equal to ten percent of the amount
or said tax Men. and for sue other relief as
justice and equity may require.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Urn first day of April. 1907.
Dated this 15th duv of February, 1907.
HANS P- HANSEN. Plaintiff.
By R. J. Nightingalb. his attorney
If you inunt to buy or sell real
estute. cull on John IV. Lony.
Low One-Wav
» *
Colonist Rates
March 1st to April 30th, $20.00
to Salt Lake. Butte, Helena.
$22.50, Spokane district: $25.00.
California, Portland, Seattle.,
Tacoma, Washington. Daily
through Tourist Sleepers to
California, via Denver, Scenic |
Colorado and Salt Lake City:
also to Montana, Washington
and Puget Sound country.
Winter Tourist Rates:
To Colorado, California, and all
Southern Resorts.
Information Bureau:
Free, valuable information fur
nished to seekers of Govern
ment and deeded lands along
the Burlington lines. Let us
help you locate your home in
this fast growing and reliable
zone of prosperity. Write
Landseekers’ Information Bu
reau, 10( >4 Farnam Street,
Omaha, Nebraska.
For rates, folders, information, etc.,
apply to
Ticket Agent, Loup City. Neb.
L. W. Wakeley. G. P. A.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Grive Us a Trial
Bound h ront Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props
Loup City, - Nebr.
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers
Headquarters ior farmers’ teamo Com
mercial men's trade given especial at
tention. Your patronage solicited.
Road Notice.
(Lewandowski Road.)
The commissioner appointed to view anil
locate a road commencing at corner stake ot
Sections twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty-two
and thirty-three. Town sixteen, Range thir
teen and running thence west three miles on
section line between sections twenty-nine and
thirty-two. thirty and thirty-one.Town sixteen.
) Range thirteen and Sections twenty-five and
thirty-six. Town sixteen. Range fourteen and
terminating at corner stake of Sections twenty
five. twenty-six, thirty-five and thirty-six.
Town sixteen. Range foureeen. has reported in
favor of the establishment thereof and all
claims for damages and objections thereto
must be filed in the office of the county clerk
on or before noon of the 12th day of April. 1907.
or said road will be established without refer
ence thereto.
Dated this 8th day of February. 1907.
C. F. BECSHAUSEN, County Clerk.
(Last pub. March 14.)
^ Piano!
Paid tor this Piano
the Same
$259 for a $359 Piano
You can learn all about this, and
how to save money in buying pianos
by writing to the
Piano Buyers' Guide
»I6 Karnach ■lock, - Omaha. Neb.
Tw doa’i kave la aorckaat a aiaaa la to :kt*
Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker
My shod is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Kiver
I have a fonr horse engine and a complete line of the latest Implored, me
chlnery, also a force ot experienced men who know how to operate It and
tarn oat a Job with neatness and dispatch.
Heavy Weight Panama
Light Weight Panama
Mohair Suitings
Danish Cloth
Egyptian Silk
Also a good line of.
Dungarven Cheviot
Glengar Cheviot
Quadriga Cloth
Johnson Percales
Call in. It will be our pleasure
to show you the goods.
weap Topsy hosiery
E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00
Individual Liability, $250,000.00
Get More Egara.
Paint the inside of your hen house with
CARBOLINEUM. It is a sure lice and
mite exterminator. For sale by
Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Schaupps
BMiB, mil an® mu
Goal for Salo at Loop City and Asbtoo. Will Boy
Call and see oar coal and get prices on grain.