The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 24, 1907, Image 7

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Peruna is a household friend in j
more than a million homes. This \
number is increasing every day. |
Peruna has become a household word I
all over the English speaking world.
It is an old tried remedy for all ca
tarrhal diseases of the head, throat,
lungs, stomach, kidneys, bladder and
female organs.
Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna
Almanac for 1907.
People who are fond of music usu
ally draw the line at amateur con
Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar.
Made of extra quality tobacco. Your
dealer or Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, 111.
Some day a long-suffering genius
will invent a safety razor with a pho
nograph attachment—then It will b«
good-by for the garrulous barber.
Take LAXATIVE BltOMO Quinine Tabetx. Dmg
ffisce refund mone* it it fails to cure. E. W
OKOVES signature is on each box. 25c
Choose always the way that seems
the best, however rough it may be;
custom will soon render it easy and
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Hollar* Reward for any
ra. 3 of Ca'arrh that cannot be cured by Hall'*
Catarrh Cure.
f F. J. CIIEXEY A CO., Toledo. O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 year-, and believe him perfectly hon
orable :n all Iruslnese transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by his firm.
Waldixg, Ettreax & Minvix.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hail e Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly npun the blood and mucons surface of the
•ystem. Testimonials *ent free. Price 75 cents per
Dottle. Sold by all Drngglsrs.
Take Hall's Family Pill- f r constipation.
Scrupulous Senator.
Senator Spooner of Wisconsin sur
prised some members of congress with
whom he was chatting the other day
by announcing that he has never taken
part in a congressional junket of any
kind. “I never shall undertake such a
journey at government expense,” he
said. "There is something very objec
tionable to me in members of congress
going on such expeditions.” For the
same reason that made him sidestep
a congressional junket Senator
Spooner said he had never been
shaved in the senate barber shop,
which is maintained at Uncle Sam'a
,—I Positively cured by
HADTrOC these Little PUls.
OHm L!\0 They alsorelieve Dls
EtresB from Dyspepsia, Ia
£ digestion and Too Heavy
■ n Ruing. A perfect reu
■ In edy for Dizziness. Nausea,
§ Drowsiness, Bad Taste
* in tha Mouth. Coated
Tongue, Pain In the side.
regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
/pADTCDci Genuine Must Bear
SpixTLE ° Fac'’Simile Signature
I pills!
'refuse substitutes.
• |
(Sixty-three Pounds to i
the Bushel). Are situ- 1
aied in the Canadian
West where Home
steads of 160 acres can
be obtained free by
every settler willing
and able to complv
with the Homestead
Regulations. During
the present year a large portion of
New Wheat Growing Territory
that has been pushed forward so vigorously by
the three great railway companies.
For literature and particulars address SUPER
Canada, or the following authorized Canadian
Government Agent :
W. V. BENNETT, Ml New Yerk Ufa BmMiag,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Mention this paper.
J 1
Quite recently, according to “the
public prints.” a "M-st Ex-l-t-di
P-r-s-n-ge." as Thackeray would pit it
had occasion to regret the writing or
certain letters.
He may, if this be true, console him
self with the reflection that there are
many, many others. There is a man
in Washington who. only the other
afternoon, experienced perhaps a keen
er mortification over certain letters
that he had written than any “Ex-I-t-ed
P-r-s-n-ge” ever did.
It was a rainy afternoon, and his
wife was doing some ante-Christma^
rummaging in one of her old trunks.
From |hat trunk she plucked a pack
age of old, rather faded letters, neatly
tied up in cerise ribbon, and then she
came downstairs to where her hus*
band was attempting to read tht}
newspaper. There was a certain ma
licious twinkle in her generally ami
able eye.
"You used to care for me in those
days,” was her curious way of open
ing the conversation.
‘Huh?” said her husband, looking
up vaguely from his paper. “What’s
“Used to love me then,” she said';
untying the packet of letters and pull
ing one of them from its envelope. .
“What days? Whatehoo talking
about? Whatehoo got there?” he
"Oh. some letters,” she replied
•uaciaiy. some oi your—
“Oh, rubbish, Matilda!” he broke in *
'Please lemme alone. I'm reading.”
“Here's one of them, written shortly !
after we were engaged," she went on |
unheedinglv. “ ‘I am not a wealthy j
man,' she quoted from the faded page, J
hut I can, at least, my darling, strew
:he path for your adorably dainty feet !
with wild roses and poppies—’ ”
“Oh. I say," he broke in, "flag that, !
won't you? What's the answer to all
this? Please lemme 'lone. Can’t you
see that I'm reading?”
s “And here’s another passage,” she
went on remorselessly. “ 'When I look
into your dear violet eyes I feel, stir
ring within me, the awakenings of a
new life, the moving harbingers of
something higher and—’ ”
“Please cut it out, my dear,” plead-,
°d the husband, his face reddening.
"Horrible rot! Wish you'd lernme
"Here’s another one, written about
40 minutes later—you used to write
me about nine letters a day then, you
know, dear. You say here: 'When I
hold you in my arms, and inhale the
dewy sweetbriar fragrance of your
sunny hair. I feel as Paris must Lave
felt when he clasped Helen to his
heart in the golden antique years—”
“Oh, for Heaven’s sake, can that,
rot, won't you, please Matilda?” the
man begged, but it was no use.
“And then you go on to say: ‘Never,
since the Chaldean shepherds watched |
their flocks in the dusks and twilights
of the ancient world, has woman been
worshiped as I worship my Matilda.
Sever since—’ ”
“Great Caesar, what a muff, what a
muttonhead, I must have been!”
jroaned the husband. “Wha\ a—”
“Why. I think it's real nice, really."
said his wife, with a sort of retrospec-'
tive smile on her face. “I couldn’t
understand a good deal that you
wrote, of course, because you know
you were such a—er—florid and
stylish writer, my dear, but— Well. \
here is something that Luinderstood. i
though: At the outset m the dear |
journey which we are to take, hand in
nand, I promise you that never once j
shall you hear so much as an unkind '•
word cross my—' ”
' Say, look here, Matilda, that junk '
all runs for Sweeney. Please forget
it. What the deuce is your idea in
springing it on me now, when—”
“This sounds nice, too: Those
precious, lily-white and hyacinth- j
sweet hands of yours shall never have
to be soiled with—’ ”
“Tell you one thing—I’m go ng to
23 out o’ here, Matilda, if you don't i
drop that. I won't sit here like a flat
head and listen to you unreeling that
kind o’—”
1UU uacu luiun ow 1U uv, u Ui .xi;
ears, too. Listen to what you said ol
’em here: ‘They have the dainty
elusive tint of such a beauteous sea
shell as that in which Venus must
have risen from the sea, and—’ ’’
“There may have been worse lob!
sters than I was when I uncoiled all
of that superheated steam, but if there
were I’d like to have a peek at ’em
just for the sake of—”
“And my nose, too, you used to bo
so fond of: ‘Shaped like Clvtie's, and
with the most adorable little solitary
freckle perched right on the bridge;
and—’ ”
“It's hard to believe tnat 1 ever took
my pen in hand to scribble such in
fernal gibberish. Don’t believe I wrote
such stuff at all. Don’t believe I ever
was such a noody-naddy as to—”
“And here’s where you say: ‘I
shall idolize you even when you are
old, and when your dear head Is all
silvered over, and the little lines of
Time's making are—’ ”
“That'll be about all o' that," said
the husband then, bounding up. “Me
for out of doors. Swell gag, when a
man's fired out of his own house on a
drizzly day, just because his wife in
sists upon,” etc., etc.
Then, and then only, when he was
making for his overcoat and hat, did
she put the letters away, thus permit!
ting him to sit by his own fireside.
Why does—that is to say, why did
anybody—ever write such letters?
“For This Relief—”
Nervous Amateur Lecturer (who
has just received a message from his
lantern man that the oxygen for the
Jimelight will last only five minutes
longer)—And now, ladies and gentle
men, I must conclude, as my gas is
giving out.—Harper's Weekly.
Oil Wells of Little Worth.
Shallow wells, giving out a good
! quality of oil, have been discovered
around Mexico City, but the flow has
been exceedingly limited and explora
tions are not now being made in that
' vicinity.
Oil of the White Pine Tree Used Suc
cessfully by Physicians in Treat
ing Consumptive Patients.
The Oil of the Pine Tree Is sup
posed to be the balm of Scripture. It
contains great medicinal properties
and was regarded with the utmost
esteem by the ancients, and to the
present day is peculiarly prized by
the people of the East.
A noted authority on diseases of the
throat and lungs, who established a
camp for consumptives in the Pine
Woods of Maine, says that his entire
treatment consisted of fresh air,
nourishing food and the Pure Virgin
Oil of the White Pine Trees, mixed
with Whisky and Glycerine in the fol
lowing proportions:
Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure). .V»oz.
Glycerine.2 “
Good Whisky .8 “
Psed in teaspoonful doses every four
it is ciaimeu tne above mixture win
heal and strengthen the lungs, break
up a cold in twenty-four hours, and
cure any cough that is curable.
The ingredients can be secured
from any good prescription druggist
at small cost, and can be easily mixed
in your own home.
Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) is put up
only in half-ounce vials for dispensing.
Each vial is securely sealed in a
round wooden case with engraved
wrapper with the name—Virgin Oil
of Pine (Pare), prepared only by
Leach Chemical Co.. Cincinnati, O.—
plainly printed thereon. There are
many rank imitations of Virgin Oil
of Pine (Pare), which are put out
under various names, such as Con
centrated Oil of Pine, Pine Bal
sam, etc. Never accept these as a
substitute for the Pure Virgin Oil of
Pine, as they will invariably produce
nausea and never effect the desired
New Use for Roentgen Ray.
An ingenious if not novel use has
been found for the kind of radiance
discovered by Roentgen. With its aid
a photograph has been taken showing
the machinery of an automobile, wuu
out removing the hood which covered
it _.
Thoroughly Reliable.
If ever there was a reliable and safe
remedy it is that old and famous por
ous plaster—Allcock's. It has been in
use for sixty years, and is as popular
to-day as ever, and wo doubt if there
is a civilized community on the face
of the globe where this wonderful pain
reliever cannot be found. In the selec
tion of the ingredients and in their
manufacture the greatest care is taken
to keep each plaster up to the highest
standard of excellence, and so pure
and simple are the ingredients that
even a child can use them.
Allcock's are the original and gen
uine porous plasters and are sold by
Druggists all over the world.
Remarkable Excuse Put Forward by
French Bigamist.
At Versailles, France, recently a
baker was tried on a charge of polyg
amy, having married five women,
who are living and undivorced. The
pentagamist's defense was that he
had not married the women; they had
married him. When they proposed
he had not the courage to say no.
Neither money nor love, he said, had
prompted his nuptials; he was the
victim of the stronger wills of his
successive spouses. Of the five wives
three appeared as witnesses, but did
not prosecute, saying that their com
mon husband was a toper of whom
they were glad to get rid. He was
acquitted—on what ground does not
appear. As all the years in which
the multiplex husband took wives
were leap years except 1881, in which
it would seem that in four out of
the five cases the women had the
right to propose. But the man had
the right, even in the leap years, to
decline, and it was up to him at least
to explain to his fair suitors that he
was engaged. To establish the prin
ciple that a man is not responsible
for the number of his wives unless
he himself dees the courting, would
be plainly against public policy. If
“Barkis is willin’,” that at once puts
all the responsibility on him, no
matter who managed the prelimi
Makes Trouble for People with Weak
Intestinal Digestion.
A lady in a Wis. town employed a
physician who instructed her not to
eat white bread for two years. She
tells the details of her sickness and
she certainly was a sick woman.
“In the year 1887 I gave out from
overwork, and until 1901 I remained
an invalid in lied a great part of the
time. Had different doctors but noth
ing seemed to help. I suffered from
cerebro-spinal congestion, female trou
ble and serious stomach and bowel
trouble. My husband called a new
doctor and after having gone without
any food for 10 days the doctor or
dered Grape-Nuts for me. I could eat
the new food from the very first
mouthful. The doctor kept me on
Grape-Nuts and the only medicine
was a little glycerine to heal the
alimentary canal.
“When I wa.j up again doctor told
me to eat Grape-Nuts twice a day and
no white bread, for two years. I got
well in good time and have gained in
strength so I can do my own work
“My brain has been helped so much,
and I know that the Grape-Nuts food
did this, too. I found I had been
made ill because I was not fed right,
that is I did not properly digest white
bread and some other food I tried to
live on.
“I have never been without Grape
Nuts food since and eat it every day.
You may publislf this letter if you like
so it will help someone else.” Name
given by Postum Co., Battle Creek,
Mich. Get the little book, “The Road
to Wellville,” fti pkgs.
Five Weeks in Bed With Intensely
Painful Kidney Trouble.
?^rs. Mary Wagner, of 1367 Kossuth
avenue, Bridgepoit, Conn., says: "I
was so weak
ened and gener
ally run down
with kidney dis
ease chat for a
long time I could
not do my work
and was five
weeks in bed.
There was con
tinual bearing
down pain, ter
■ -afsrv\ •. rime cacKacces,
■*••• headaches and
at times dizzy spells when everything
was a blur before me. The passages
of the kidney secretions were irregu
lar and painful, and there was con
siderable sediment and odor. I don't
know what I would have done bat
for Doan's Kidney Pills. I could see
an improvement from the first box,
and five boxes brought a final cure."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milbum Co.. Buffalo. X. V.
Rich Men Work for Pleasure.
Theodore Gill, the world s greatest
authority on fishes, works for the
United States government, receiving
one dollar a month for his services. He
is a rich man on whom many univer
sities have conferred titles and de
grees. Dr. Harrison G. Dyer, another
wealthy man. who knows more about
mosquitoes than any other living per
son. devotes much of his time to gov
ernment, receiving $25 a month. Gif
ford Pinchort, a millionaire, is head of
the United States forestry service, but
he is comparatively well paid, his sal
ary being $45 per annum. Several
other rich men are on the government
pay roll at nominal figures, working
for-the pleasure of ‘doing things," as
| President Roosevelt puts it.
A Big Bargain for 12 Cents Postpaid.
The year of 1906 was one of prodigal
plenty on our seed farms. Never before
did vegetable and farm seeds return such
enormous yields.
Now we wish to gain 200,000 new cus
tomers this year and hence oiler lor 12c
1 pkg. Garden City Beet. 10c
1 “ Earliest Ripe Cabbage. 10c
1 “ Earliest Emerald Cucumber_ 15c
1 " La Crosse Market Lettuce. 15c
1 “ 13 Day Radish. 10c
1 " Blue Blood Tomato. 15c
i “ Juicy Turnip . 10c
1000 kernels gloriously beautiful flow
er seeds . 15c
Total .*1.00
All for 12c postpaid in order to intro
duce our warranted seeds, and if you
will send 16c we will add one package of
Berliner Earliest Cauliflower, together
with our mammoth plaut, nursery stock,
vegetable and farm seed and tool catalog.
This catalog is mailed free to all in
tending purchasers. Write to-day.
John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box W, La
Crosse, Wis.
Life Without Mind.
The possibility of life without mind,
while not subject to positive proof, is
a theory that has gained considerable
strength recently through its advocacy
by Dr. L. Laloy, librarian of the
Academy of Sciences. Paris. He be
lieves that many of the smaller living
organisms, such as insects, are mere
moving machines, having no more in
telligence than may be ascribed to
plants. He refers to the well known
fact that insects are attracted by light,
often to their own destruction, and as
cribes it to the same cause that in
clines the plant to grow toward the
A woman gets almost as much sat
isfaction out of a good cry as a man
I does out of a "smile.”
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Promotes DigestionJClwrftit- SignatUK
ness and Rest.Contains neither p
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. 01
Not Narcotic.
P^pUStU- .
Jix Senna * 1
RoUMa.u*- S I
MUeSmd * 1 lit
Sssssu** ) III
HinpSemd-- |
A perfect Remedy forConstipa- UwO
Ron. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- p _ M #li . .
ness and Loss of Sleep. ►Qr llypr
Facsimile Signature of
^|jgg. . Thirty Years
Pains at the waist, back, front, or side, are nearly sure proof of female trouble.
Some other signs are headache, pressing down pains, irregular functions, restless
ness, cold limbs, nervousness, etc. These pains may be allayed, the system braced j
and the womanly functions regulated by the use of
Wine of Cardui
Mrs. Annie Hamilton, of Stetsonville, Wis., writes: “Cardui saved me
from the grave after three (3) doctors had failed to help me. It is a good medicine j
and 1 recommend it to all suffering women.” For sala4t all druggists, in $1 bottles.
WDITF 11C A I FTTFD Write today for a free copy of valuable W-pagy'tnustrated Book for Women. If you need Medical Ad- , i
nlUIla UJ n 1-1,1 ILK vice, describe your symptoms, stating ace. ary; renlv will be sen- m plain sealed envelope. Address: .j
—_Ladas Advisory Dept.. The Ourtanocga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn. B1 s
Mrs. Window's Soo'.hlnir Smp.
ForrM’.diro teething, suttees tho _ ri-clu'-es in
Hammuioa. allays pain, cures v. ltd colic. -5o a ho tea.
Love your enemies—but not John
most twice us much ns ar.y ct/ier dye and
cost you the same. 10c ; er package.
Naturally a man would rather part
his hair than part with It.
PAZO OINTMK.N r ’S! to^nre any cane
of Itch. mr. B ind. 11. eui;.»: •> I’r ihies xa
li to 14 days or money refunded. aOe.
If you want to see a man act siilv
hunt up one who is jealous.
Panthers and Grizzly Bears.
Fhin Furs Pelts M Millm Fur & Wool
Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. Write for price*.
Virtue is its own reward—or its own
punishment, as the case may be.
li ou always get full value in Lewis’
Finale Binder straight 5c cigar. Your
dealer or Lewis’ Factory, Peoria. 111.
You can also tell a man by the com
pany he doesn't keep.
, Tcp Prices for Hides. Furs. Pelts.
Write fn- circular Vo f' V. W. Hide &
Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Isn't it strange that men who brag
always brag about something that
doesn't interest yon in the least?
Garfield Tea (the Herb remedy which is
Guaranteed under the Pure Food and
Drugs Lawt should be taken to regulate
the Liver. Kidneys, stomach and bowels,
and to purify the Mood.
A poor man's chances for reaching
the age of three-scorc and ten are far
better than a rich man’s, because the
doctors waste less on him.
Give Defiance Starch a fair trial
try it for both hot and cold starching,
and if you don’t think you do better
work, in less time and at smaller cost,
return it and your grocer will give
you back your money.
Priscilla's Revenge.
It was in the days of old when
knights were bold and dressed in
gleaming armor.
“George, dear." said Priscilla, over
her daily task, ' wilt thou not help
me with my skeins?"
“By the tower of /London—no!”
roared George, as he sharpened his
lance. “You haven't a spinning
wheel for a husband.”
Two hours later George returned
from the fray with his armor bat
tered and torn.
“Dearest Priscilla,” he said, soft
ly. “wilt thou not put a few patches
on my dress suit?”
“No, George,” replied Priscilla,
sweetly. "You haven’t a blacksmith
for a wife.”
And the bold knight was so hu
miliated he went over to Ye Frozen
Heart tavern and stood the tavern
keeper off for a tankard.
Many women suffer in silence and B
drift along from bad to worse, know- B
icg well that they ought to have B
■ immediate assistance.
iUi v many women do you know
who a imperfectly well and strong?
Thecaitue muy be easily traced to
some feminine derangement which
manifests itscif in depression of
spirits, rchicqinoe to go anywhere
or do anythin*, backache, dragging
sensations, fhaLileney, nervousness,
1 and sleeplessnsf- -.
/ These sympfeh -are but warnings
’ that there is danlvr ahead, and un
less heeded. a i '1% of suffering or a
serious operational-; the inevitable
result. The best, remedy for all
these symptoms is /
I Lydia t. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
made from native roots and herbs. No other medicine ip the country has
received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medi
cine has such a record of cures of female ills.
I Miss J. F. Walsh, of 323 W. 36th .St . New York City, writes:—‘‘Lydia
E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been of inestimable value in
restoring my health. I suffered from female iilues?. which caused
dreadful headaches, dizziness, and dull pains in my back, but your
medicine soon brought about a change in my general condition, built
ine up and made me perfectly well.’’ %
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound cure- Female Complaints,
such as Backache, Falling and Displacements. Inflammation and Ulcera
tion, and organic diseases. It is invaluable in preparing for child-birth
and during the Change of Life. It cures Nervous Prostration, Headache,
3 General Debility, and invigorates the whole system.
1 Mrs Pinkham's Standing: Invitation to Women
i Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
I write Mrs. Pink’nam. at Lynn, Mass. Iler advice is free. 'J
Till .. P minmnwi ii «im mmi.min i i ■HHWF
For Cough,Cold, Croup,
Sore Throat, Stiff Neck^
Rheumatism and
Neuralcria i /
S At all Dealers
V Price 25c SQo £s $1.00
B Sent- Free ,
S Sloan's Book on Horses &
■ Cottle, Hogs & Poultry \
If Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan
I]6I5 Albany St Boston. Mass, i
Special Trains Leave Chicago, March 19th,
{Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta Homesteads.
Canadian Government representatives will
accompany this train through to destination.
For certificate entitling cheap rates, litera
ture and all particulars, apply to
W. V. BENNETT. 801 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska.
| A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not
blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of
the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve !
Headache and Sciatica. We reqommend it as the best and safest external
counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains In the chest
and stomach and all Rheumatic. Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial
will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the
household and for children. Once used no family will be without It. Many
people say “it is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation
of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not Genuine
*■—r. ii .
-other Marches only lij ounces—same price and
Thompson’s Eye Water
I W. N. U„ OMAHA. NO. 4, 19C7.