The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 29, 1906, Image 8

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    A. P. OULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
Real Estate and all classes of loans
made promptly at lowest rates,
with optional payments.
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs.$2.50 $4.50
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 5.50
Corn, per bu. 30 @ .33
Wheat, per bu.53^ .57
Oats, per bu.24 yj .27
Eye, perbu.*.40 @ .45
Butter, per lb. .18
Eggs, per doz. .25
Heas, per lb. .04
Spring chickens, per lb. .05
Render thanks today.
Try the Model restaurant.
It pays to trade at Cooper's.
Try Sunday dinners at the Model.
WANTED: 10,000 dozen eggs at
Loans on Real Estate, call on
John W. Long.
Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when
in need of a drayman.
Boliart’s cake and pastry flour. 25c
per package, at Cooper's.
i If you leant to buy or sell real
estate, call on John W. Lony.
For Sale—One folding wardrobe
bed. Inquire of Dr. J. H. Long.
John Czaplewski, the groceryman,
is reported ill with typhoid fever.
My meat market will be closed on
Sundays during the winter.
S. F. Reynolds.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woit
azswoski of Schaupps. last Thursday,
a baby boy.
Iioaal Dsws.
Thanksgiving today.
Will Zimmerman sells land.
For buggies see T. M. Reed.
Farmers, try the Model for good
Hayward Bros, shoes for sale at
Puritan Indian meal. lOets package
at Cooper’s.
3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray
man. Get him.
Beardsley’s shredded codfish, lOets
per can at Cooper’s.
Cooper pays the highest pripe for
poultry and produce.
Delicious short order lunches at
the Model Restaurant.
Will Zimmerman has some fine
bargains in town lots.
Theo. Ojendyk of Ashton had busi
ness here last Friday.
SALES—We clerk sales. See us.
First National Bank, Loup City.
Dr. Perrigo, the reliable eye spec
ialist, at St. Elmo hotel. Dec. 8. it and
Siepmann's meat market will not
be open on Sundays during the
Mrs. J H. Parsliall returned Mon
day from her extended visit to friends
in Montana.
Christensen & Ferdinandt Furni
ture Co. do all kinds of repairing in
their line.
Mrs. J. B. O’Bryan visited over last
Sunday witli her sister, Mrs. Rinker
at St. Paul.
A large line of Ladies’, furs for
Xmas. Prices from $1.00 to $20, at
Johnson & Lorentz’.
Miss Mary Minshull went to Litch
field, Sunday, to accept a position in
Joe Wording's drug store.
Closing out Ladies' Misses and Chil
dren’s Coats and Jackets at nearly
cost at Johnson & Lorentz.’
A large number of our young people
gave Edgar Foster a surprise party at
his home last Thursday evening.
Christensen & Ferdinandt Furni
ture Co. have the finest line of Iron
Beds ever shown in Loup City.
W. F. Mason and C. C. Carlson at
tended the state bankers' meeting at
Omaha last week, returning Friday.
Spring-time is the time to paint—
Sherwin-Williams is the kind of paint.
Sold by Leininger Lumber Co.
Come in and look at our Sanitary
Couches. They are dandies. At the
Christensen & Ferdinandt Furniture
Miss Lucy Grow returned home
Sunday from a few days visit with
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Brown of Webster
See A. P. de Lyster for Loup City
Mill Co.'s flour arid feed. Every sack
warranted. Free delivery.
Mr. Johnson, cousin of Mrs. A. B.
Outhouse, returned to his home at
Wheatland. C’alif., last Saturday.
John W. Long is prepared to
make all Heal Estate Loans on
short notice at loirest rates.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter, now
of Kalona. Iowa, are here visiting
their children and many friends.
We will pay 25cts for butter fat
delivered at the creamery during the
last half of November.
Ravenna Ckeamkky Co.
W. I?. Weekes of Omaha was here
last Saturday and purchased a car of
wheat from the Farmers’ Elevator
10 per cent reduction on all framing
done in the montli of November, at
Christensen & Ferdinandt Furniture
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hinman went
to housekeeping Monday in the new
cottage built by Mrs. Gardner, in
northeast Loup City.
Siepmann will do killing for the
farmers at their farms or his own
slaughter house. He is a competent
butcher and will do it right.
Gus Lorentz and wife visited Mrs.
Lorentz’ parents near Ravenna last
Sunday, taking Miss Tony home at
that time. They returned home Mon
Dr. Yallier, Osteopath, Grand Is
land, Neb., office over Decatur & Bea
gle’s shoe store. Consultation and ex
amination free. Chronic diseases a
specialty. 30
The Ladies Aid Society of the
Baptist church will give a supper and
Holiday Market at the opera house,
Saturday, Dec. 1. Come one and all
and enjoy a good supper served from
half-past live.
Call and see me about those head
aches and nervous disturbances, no
matter what you think or have been
told is the cause. If Dr. Perrigo can
not do you good he will say sofranklv.
At St. Elmo hotel, Dec. 8, 9 and 10.*
Hon. Fred W. Ashton, the Grand
Island attorney who defeated “Bull
Whip” Harrison of Hall county for
state senator in the late campaign,
was in Loup City Tuesday doing
business with Attorney R. P. Starr.
Try the famous Rosenblatt Pure
California Wine at Cords and Graefe’s,
the new saloon. It is a wine that
will stand the pure-food law, made
from the most select of California
choice grapes and by one of the oldest
and most reliable wineries.
A. E. Brush and family of Cleveland,
Ohio, arrived in Loup City last Fri
day, intending to make this their
future home. Mr. Brush was former
ly a resident of Loup City, leaving
here some twelve years since. The
gentleman is a tirst-class carpenter
and will ply his trade here. He is a
brother of Mrs. F. F. Foster of this
city. Our people will bid them a
cordial welcome.
The services at the Presbyterian
church last Sunday were of an especial
ly interesting character. In the even
ing, Pastor McEwen was at ids very
best on the subject, “The Up-to-Date
Young Man,” and dwelt very fully
upon the immorality of men of today,
especially in regard to the senseless
habits of swearing, gambling, etc.,
showing the correct individual avoids
these and tries to uplift himself into
a purer atmoshhere. The singing by
the choir, especially the anthem and
the song by the Regale Quartet, was
most highly appreciated. The solo by
Miss Jessie Culley was very pleasing
and gave evidence that Miss Culley
has a voice of much power and sweet
ness of tone. Lovers of good music
and of logical and intellectual dis
courses on religious matters can spend
a very pleasant and profitable hour at
i this fine churjh.
Christensen & Ferdinandt Furni
ture Co. have just received the finest
line of Pictures and Art Goods you
ever saw. Call in and look at them.
C. E. MeHor has moved his business
back of the Model Restaurant, where
he will be found with a full line of
windmills, pumps and general repairs.
Geo. Curry, Sherman county’s big
stockman, left on Monday’s train on
a trip to Illinois. He expects to visit
South Omaha and look over the stock
market on his return.
For Sale—1H0 acres, one-half mile
east and one mile north of Rockville.
A bargain at the price, $1700. For
further particulars call on or address.
W. D. Zimmerman, Loup City, Neb.
J)r. Perrigo of Fremont, makes a
specialty of relieving headaches, diz
iness. cross eyes, etc., without drugs
or knife, after others have failed, and
guarantees results. At St. Elmo
hotel, Dec. 8, 9 and 10.
Our Methodist friends formally
opened the basement of their church
ro the public last Saturday evening,
g ving an interesting program of
music, recitations, etc., followed by
r ireshments. Quite a goodly number
were present and an equally good
social time was had by all
Narrow Escape From Death.
Fred Foster narrowly escaped death
last Saturday night about 11:30 on the
U. P. tracks just south of the city.
He had gone Saturday afternoon with
ins train as far as Dannebrog, when
he let the train go on to St. Paul
while lie returned to Loup City to
spend Sunday at home, propelling a
tricycle over the route. When his
train reached St. Paul, the engine
was ordered to return and bring the
motor into Loup City, it having been
'derailed between Boelus and Rock
ville. The engine passed Fred on its
way in. he getting himself and tri
. cycle off the track to let it by and
then resuming his journey. When the
engine reached Loup City it turned
and had but reached a short distance
■ below the yards when it ran into Fred
and his tricycle, hurling them from
the track, demolishing the machine
and badly injuring Mr. Foster, break
ing one of the bones in his right
shoulder, injuring him severely on the
right side and rendering him uncon
i scious. It seems Mr. Foster was try
ing to make the switch at the lower
end of the yards ahead of the engine
misjudging the time and distance
from the switch. The engine crew
picked the wounded man up and
brought him into the city, where the
company’s surgeon examined his in
; juries and found them as stated.
| While his injuries are of a serious
character and will confine him to the
house for quite a period of time, no
fear of fatality exists. The North
western and his hosts of friends here
and elsewhere will deeply sympathize
with Mr. Foster over his unfortunate
Musical Program
To be given by the Choir at the Pres
byterian church, B'riday evening, De
cember 7th:
"We Meet Again Tonight. Boys”... Yale Song
Regale Quartet
Lizzie Leininger
Bass Solo.Selected
B. P. McKinnie
Piano Solo— " Kathleen Mavourneen
Traus". Kube
Ernestine Odendahl
Beth Zimmerman
Reading—"A Lesson”.Dunn
Edna Mlnsbull
Violin Solo— ‘ The Palms ".
Robeit Mathew
So)o-”Three Green Bonnets".Hardelot
Elva Zimmerman
Reading-“The College Oil Cans '.
Miss Naumann
Organ Solo.Selected
Mrs. C. H. Leininger
Bass Solo.Selected
B. P. McKinnie
Piano Duet.Selected
Ernestine Odendahl. Mrs. C. II. Leininger
"Blue Bell”.Morse
Regale Quartet
Chorus. Selected
Loup City School Notes.
The school will he allowed Thanks
giving and the day following as holi
days this week.
Misses Bertha Mead and Marie
Reimann were absent from the High
School several days last week on
account of sickness.
Rev. H. S. Wold visited the High
School Wednesday of last week.
The first primary school will give a
“Patron's Day” entertainment one
week from next B'riday afternoon.
Those present will also have on oppor
tunity to see some of the work done
by the pupils this term.
Mesdames Will Draper and A. B.
Outhouse visited the first primary
school last Thursday afternoon.
Ernest B'ailor. Eddie Kaminski and
Helen B'isher have re-entered the
first primary grade after a few weeks
absence on account of sickness.
Miss Ella Foster visited at Grand
Island last Friday.
Mrs. J. W. Long returned Monday
evening from her visit to Lincoln.
Messrs. Wilber Waite and Bert
Chase and families enjoy Thanksgiv
ing day with Grandpa and Grandma
Sutton at Old this year
Our A. O. U. W. friends had a
social dance at Society hall last
Thursday night, with a supper at the
opero house. A fine time reported.
We understand two new drays will
be placed on our streets this week,
by Ed. Knight and L. A. Bangs. This
will make six drav teams for Loup
Mr. C. L Arnett, a bright young
farmer of Webster township* who
came here from Hamilton county a
few months since, is a new reader of
the Northwestern.
Auctioneer Kauffman's family ar
rived here from Iowa last week and
they are now occupying rooms over
the State Bank, in the absence of
finding a suitable house to rent.
We see by the Omaha Bee that Bert
Amick, formerly of this county, and
who at present is vice-president of a
bank at Redding, Iowa, is at the head
of a corporation that will open a bank
in Des Moines, soon.
The usual service will be held at
the Presbyterian church next Sunday.
Morning service at 10:30 and evening
at 7:30. Subject for evening service,
“A Little Story of Large Life.”
Special music and a cordial welcome.
G. W. Collipriest, the jolly agent of
the U. P. here, together with his
family, left last Friday morning for
a trip to Oklahoma, to visit Mrs.
Collipriests parents, and from there
to Iowa, to visit Mr. Collipriest’s pa
The ladies of the Entre Nous club
surprised Mrs. J. P. Leininger on last
Thursday afternoon, and on Monday
afternoon of this week unceremo
niously visited another member, Mrs.
H. M. Mathew. Both afternoons
were equally enjoyable.
We received a pleasant call last
Saturday from C. H. Kee, one of the
most enterprising and energetic young
farmers of Washington township. Mr.
Kee makes a regular annual pilgrim
age to the Northwestern office each
year to renew his allegiance to this
family paper.
The Northwestern does not want
anybody, however humble, to come to
Loup City or anybody living here to
go out of town without getting their
name in the paper. It will be your
fault if it is not, because we want
you to let us know it. All you have
to do is to call for phone 6 on 8 and
tell us.
Walter Smith and family leave this
(Wednesday) afternoon over the U. P.
for their future home at Boise City,
Idaho. Walter promised the North
western some interesting letters from
that country in the future. We wish
for Walter and his estimable family
the best of happiness and success in
their western home.
Broke His Wrist, in English.
Monday, Ed. Roszczynialski, who
was working on Ed. Zakrzewski’s new
barn north of town, fell from a
scaffold some sixteen feet, producing
a solution of the styloid processes of
the ulna and interfering with the
attachment of the triangular inter
articular tilio-cartilage, also fractur
ing the radius at its lower third. He
will recover if he don’t find out how
serious it all is.
Funeral of Gotlieb Laier.
The funeral of Gotleib Laier, the
unfortunate man who lost his life
under peculiar circumstances a week
ago, was held at the Baptist church
last Sunday afternoon, Pastor Wold
preaching the funeral sermon before
a crowded house, after which the re
mains in charge of a large body of our
German friends was taken to Ever
green cemetery and laid to rest with
their beautiful ritual ceremony. A
very large number from different parts
of the county were present.
Sight after 15 Years’ Blindness
Charley French is the happiest man
in Loup City today. Some two weeks
since he went to Omaha to be treated
for failing eyesight and returned last
Friday night able to see plainly with
his right eye which has been totally
blind for ' the past fifteen years.
Charley may well be happy over his
great good fortune.
Infant Child Injured.
The infant child of John Czaplewski
met with a peculiar accident Monday,
The baby was sitting in a rocker and
had its right arm through the rounds
of the chair when it slipped off break
ing the arm at the elbow.
Abscess on the Lungs.
The many friends of Albert Ander
son, just east of Loup City, will be
pained to learn that he is suffering
from an abscess on his lungs. We
trust he may speedily regain iris
Omaha Elevator Co.
will buy hogs at Austin elevator, on
Monday and Tuesday of each week.
Highest price paid. 2-8
Loup City Not In It, Thanks.
“Twenty-nine of the largest cities
of the world are doomed. Earthquake,
flood and tire will wreak the vengeance
of God on the cities and their in
habitants within the next twenty
four months. This wholesale destruc
tion is to be God's judgmeut on four
nations.’’ The doomed cities in this
country are New York, Albany, Buff
alo, Detroit, Boston, Philadelphia,
Washington. Richmond, Pittsburg,
Columbus, Indianapolis. Cincinnati,
Louisville. Nashville, Milwaukee, St.
Louis, Chicago, St. Joseph, Mo., Lin
coln, Neb., Omaha, Des Moines,
Council Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Paul
Minneapolis and Denver. The proph
ecy is made by Edmund Scribner
Stevens, seventy-two years old, the
well known prognosticator of events
and an astrologer of no mean ability.
For more than twelve years Mr. Stev
ens has been an ardent student of the
history of the world. Since last May
he claims to have been the recipient
of telepathic messages and to have
made several true prophecies. Mr.
Stevens said:
The world is in the throes of an up
heavel which will eventually right the
earth and make the north pole north
and the south pole south, instead of
having the earth's axis on a slant.
That upheaval will cause flood, tire
and earthquake, and mostof the large
cities of the world are going to suffer:
some of them will be destroyed.'’
“Within the next two years twenty
six cities of the United States and
London. Paris and Rome will be des
New York City, the aged oracle
says, will be swallowed up in the gap
ing maw of an earthquake crack and
Chicago and Milwaukee will be wiped
off the map.
•— --♦ • - --
Big Bargain Week.
During the week of December 21st
to 28th inclusive, The Nebraska State
Journai will accept $3 from mail sub
scribers for the whole year of 1907,
without Sunday, or $4 with Snnday
the regular price is $4 and $5. This
cut price is on.y good during this
Bargain week, and all you have to do
is to mail your remittance to the Ne
braska State Journal, Lincoln, Neb.,
during that time, and you will receive
the paper the whole year of 1907. Such
a cut price is possible on account of
large savings made by taking solicitors
off the road, Instead of • paying out
railroad fare, hotel bills and other ex
penses, these savings are given to our
subscribers direct by this big bargain
offer. The coming session of the leg
islature will be the most interesting
one ever held in the history of the
state, and no matter what your pol
itics are you should read the State
Journal during this time. Reforms
will be made in our present laws, re
forms that interest ^ou in dollars and
cents. No matter what other papers
you are taking during such a session
of the legislature you should be
a Journal reader. Write a postal ask
ing for a sample copy. The Journal
stands for all that is best for Nebras
kans and wants you to feel that what
ever is for the public good is for its
good. There is a new deal in Nebras
ka governmental affairs, and you
should be watching every move. Far
mers and all the other producers of
the state are vitally interested in
what will be done at Lincoln this
winter. Remember the Bargain Week
December 21st to 28th. The Journal
is the paper for you.
Road Notice.
(Tracy Road)
To all to whom it may concern:
Th« commissioner appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at the center of
section twenty-six (26), sixteen (16), fifteen (15),
and running thence west on half-section line
between the northwest quarter and southwest
quarter of Section twenty-six (28). sixteen (16).
fifteen (15), about 60 rods and terminating at
road No. 206 as shown on road plat, has report
ed in favor of the establishment thereof, and
all objections and claims for damages must be
filed in the office of the county clerk of Sher
man county on or before February 1st, 1907. or
said road will be established without reference
Dated this 27th day of November. 1906.
C. F. Beushausen,
County Clerk.
Road Notice.
(Fisher Road)
To all to whom it may*concern:
The commissioner appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at the section corner
stake at corner of sections twenty-six (26),
twenty-seven (27), thirty-four (34) and thirty
five, Township sixteen (16), Itange fourteen (14)
said county, and running thence north two
miles between sections twenty-six (28) and
twenty-seven (27), and sections twenty-two (22)
and twenty-tbree (23) in said town and range
and terminating at the section corner of sec
tion fourteen (14), fifteen (15). twenty-two (22)
and twenty-three (23) In said town and range
has reported In favor of the establishment
thereof and all objections or claims for damages
must be filed in the office or the county clerk
of Sherman county on or before February 1st,
1907 or said road will be established without
reference thereto.
Dated this 27th day of November, 1906.
County Clerk.
the TURKEY is baked in a GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE. Call and we willshow
you why all who use a Majestic range are perfectly satisfied.
E. S. HAYHURST, Loup City, Neb.
Report ot Rockville Schools
for the month ending Nov. 23. 190ti:
i, ii, iii and iv grades.
Number of pupils enrolled, 44.
Average membership, 42.
Average daily attendance, 38 4-5.
Cases of tardiness, 11.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy:
Edna/ Ohlund, Olga Ohlund, George
Woten, Alton Woten. Alma Schmidt,
Andrew Dwehus, Ernest Anderson,
Evelyn and Irma Neilson, Irl Plant,
Orphia Butts. Arthur Jensen and
Beata Ilanisch.
Ida H. Buss, Teacher.
Xumber^of pupils enrolled. 21.
Average membership. 19.
Average daily attendance, 17.
Cases of tardiness, 7.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy:
Ruannah Branscoma. Sadie Butts,
Elida Lund. Elvena Sundstrom, Cena
Gray. Carl Jensen, Harry Fletcher.
Marie Coulter, Teacher.
Found Historic Stone.
A laborer in New Jersey in excavat
ing for a monument in a cemetery dug
up a meteor fragment weighing 25
pounds. It seemed to be composed
of fused minerals, glass, stone and
steel. It also contained a mixture
of various colored stones intermingled
through the otherwise gray mass.
To Be Exact.
“Of course,” said Mrs. Goodart,
"when you share a cake with your lit
tle brother you always give him the
largest half.”
“Most assuredly not,” replied little
Emerson, of Boston, "there being but
two hawves to a cake there can be
no ‘largest.’ ”—Philadelphia Press.
E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetlani)
Capital Stock, - - $26,000.00
Individual Liability, $260,000. OO
Do You Want
If so, Enquire of
W. R. Mellor
Poor African Land.
Southwest Africa, which has been
he scene of a disastrous and dilatory
urar for nearly three years, is the only
Herman colony favorable for European
settlement, and this Jand is so poorly
supplied with water that an area of
from 5,000 to 10,000 acres is necessary
‘.o keep alive the herds of even a
small ranch.
Canadian Governor’s Prize.
The governor general of Canada, to
show his interest in and encourage
figure skating, has offered a handsome
trophy to be competed for next season.
The commission for the trophy has
been given to a Canadian sculptor,
Philippe Herbert, who has lately re
turned from Paris.
And the Public!
The St. Elmo Livery Bam
Is under a new management. Give
roe a tfial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt.,
PHONE, 4 on 9.
T.E. Gilbert, Prop.
Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker
My shoo Is tbe largest and best equipped north of tbe Plane Kiver
I have afonr borax engine and a complete line ot tbe latest improved, ma
cbiuery. also a force ot experienced men who know how to operate It and
turn ont a Job with neatness and dispatch.
I have & few choice high-grade
Short-horn Bulls |
six to ten months old;
also, some pure-bred
Poland China Boars i
Heady far Service.
Our herd leaders are the very best,
and if you want something good, call
on me.
Grive Us a Trial
High Grade Orgap
Manufactured by the
At Factory Prices
Delivered in yonr town.
You pay $5 Gash
apd $1 Per Week
50 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors,
Omaha, IN"©t».
The Big Piano and Organ House.
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props
Loup City, - Nebr.
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers.
Headquarters ior farmers’ teams Com
mercial men’s trade given especial at
tention. Tour patronage solicited.