The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 29, 1906, Image 2

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    Loup City Northwestern
J. W. BURLEIGH, Publisher.
The American Girl a Bore.
The editor of the North American
Review seems to be suffering from
•n attack of dyspepsia. In the last
Issue he says he finds little that is in
teresting in the American girl of to
lay between the ages of 15 and 22. She
bas failed to keep pace with the Am
erican boy, whose advance the edi
tor recently remarked upon with sat
isfaction. We quote Mr. Harvey: “In
deed, if the blunt truth be spoken, she
Is an intolerable bore, self-conscious,
Ignorant, and concerned chiefly with
matrimonial aspirations. To the
Englishman her pertness, which he
Imagines to be chic, is fascinating
and indicative of mental brightness,
but this effect is attributable large
ly to his own dullness. It is the
clever management of a limited
number of phrases, supplemented by
copious use of what he considers de
lightful slang, not substance or even
measurable information that appeals
to his jaded mentality. In point of in
telligence she is we believe the equal
If not the superior of her English
cousin, but in the choice of language
ehe is sadly inferior. The use of
dang by boys finds some excuse in
unavoidable association with unre
fined men; its use by girls is simply
odious and a direct reflection upon
the attention and taste of their mo
thers. The mother of the present
day, for whose comrade-relationship
•with her boys we have profound ad
miration, is likely to be so apprehen
sive that her daughter may seem old
fashioned and lack some of the im
mediately modern competitive fascin
ations that she unwisely tolerates
practices disagreeable to herself. Ap
parently, she has yet to learn that, to
the intelligent American of marriage
able age. pertness soon comes to be
as distasteful as even priggishness.”
How to Keep Young. ‘
Not a few persons have written
1906 at the head of their letters with
a sigh at the reminder of increasing
age. Women, more than men are pos
sessed with a dread of growing old,
not realizing that maturity has its
charms and compensations. We wish
young people oftener had it impressed
upon them that they may provide for
a happy old age by laying up a re
serve of sound health and a store of
happy memories, as well as by culti
vating tastes and resources which will
outlast youth. As for those who are
already approaching middle age, there
is no surer way to grow old prema
turely than to dread the future. It is
essential, if we wish to keep young,
Bays the Western Review, to cultivate
that hopeful habit of mind so charac
teristic of youth—the hope which
makes one able to say with Browning,
“The best is yet to come,” and with
Lucy Larcum, “Every year life is lar
ger and deeper and more beautiful in
Its possibilities.” Allied with this at
titude of expectancy must be the abil
ity to see the amusing side of life.
Worry and vexation over what would
better be laughed at result in disfig
uring wrinkles. Above all, if the years
bring us, as they should, a better un
derstanding of ourselves, a broaden
ing of active human sympathies, a
firmer faith in Providence, we shall
find life abundantly worth the living,
no matter what may be the number
of our birthdays.
Many Chicago lawyers who were
found by the United States investi
gators to have looted the files of the
Cook county courts to conceal divorce
cases are threatened with contempt
proceedings. John Bell, in charge of
the chancery record writers of the cir
cuit court, has ordered 125 Chicago
lawyers to return to the vaults the of
ficial records of divorce cases for
which they gave receipts, but which
they never returned. Many of the
court records were taken from the
files as long as 16 years ago, and
scores of them, some of the most
noted divorce cases .are said to have
been lost. The action taken is the
first to cure an evil with which the
courts have been burdened for several
Sir Thomas Lipton is still talking
about the America's cup as though he
expected to get it. “Don’t you think it
would be a good thing for it to go
back to its old home once more?” he
asks. Well, the cup left its old home
when it was so very young, and has
never been back since, so we question
if any very tender memories of home
still haunt the cup. But there is no
harm in Sir Thomas trying to get it.
Not Taking Desperate Chances.
“No; I’m too poor a swimmer to
venture in.”
“But your friends there will look
after you.”
“Maybe. They’re all below me in
line of promotion at the office.”
No Cause For Complaint.
“Were you successful with your
first case?” asked the lawyer.
“Oh, yes,” replied the physician.
“He had his life insured for $5,000 and
his widow paid the bill without a mur
The gunners of our Maine made
29 hits out of 39 shots when firing
with six-inch guns at a floating target,
two miles away, and steaming at a 12
knot pace. News of this circumstance
40ught to be worth years of peace to
’ The Teuton who has married the
richest woman In the world will lose
the comfort of being asked now and
then for a check to pay the milliner’s j
£111, and of saying, “What blanked ex- i
travagance^’ '
John Armstrong Chanler Seeks to Regain Con
trol of Fortune Amounting to More
Than One Million Dollars.
Extraordinary Life Story of the Former Hatband of the Princess
Troubetikoi, Who Is Legally Sane in Virginia, Legally Insans
in New York, and Who Writes a Startling Narrative of
His Straggles for Liberty and an Inheritance.
New York.—Can a man be sane in
one state and insane in another?
So it would seem. But John Arm
strong Chanler, cousin of the Astors,
chum of the late Stanford White, col
lege graduate, student of psychics and
ex-husband of that brilliant, erratic
woman, Amelie Rives, now the Prin
cess Troubetskoi, is not going to take
such a decision as final.
Next month his case comes up in the
federal courts here in New York. Mr.
Chanler,who has a fortune of $1,000,000,
wants to get control of it. But the
courts of New York say he is insane
and not competent His legal resi
dence is in the state of Virginia.
And there the courts have decided
that he is perfectly sane and able to
manage his estate.
There are forty-five states in the
Union. Mr. Chanler can visit forty
four of them without the slightest
danger to his personal liberty. But
should he set foot iu the sovereign
state of New York he will promptly
be clapped into a lunatic asylum, be
cause he is still held to be mentally
It will be a desperate legal battle.
Mr. Chanler has retained the best of
counsel. So has the custodian of his
$1,000,000, T. T. Sherman, who says
he is insane. It is very much like
Charles Reade’s “Very Hard Cash” all
over again.
Writing of Fiction Outdone.
One might search fiction high and
Hopeless to Protest.
low for a case like this one in real
It is one of the most remarkable
stories of modern times. Here is a
man of independent means, a man
of affairs, a brilliant writer, an ardent
sportsman, a clever raconteur, sent to
Bloomingdale, adjudged hopelessly in
sane—"progressive” the physicians
called his case.
His estate is handed over to a trus
tee. It is charged $100 a week for
the poor fellow’s keep in the mad
house. Every legal detail has been
properly arranged. The alienists give
their expert opinions—his mind is
gone, they say, circumstantially, never
to return.
There he stays for nearly four years.
He knows it is hcpeless to protest.
»uere he is, behind the bars, gone
from the world forever. He dreams
of freedom by night; by day he pon
ders over the problem of getting it.
He waits his time. He gets the
trust of everyone about him. He does
meekly everything that he is bidden—
everything except admit to the doc
tors, who want him to admit it, that
he is insane. He gets permission to
take walks without a keeper. He is al
lowed to leave the asylum grounds.
He makes his daily jaunts farther and
farther away, deliberately practicing
the art of covering great distances in
a short time. He finds a post office
where he may receive letters under
an assumed name because nothing
may reach him at the asylum until
it has been scrutinized. In this way
he manages to borrow $10—this man
with an income of $40,000 a year.
One day he does not return from his
daily walk. No, he has walked well
and far—he has taken a train to New
York from an obscure railway station
miles distant from White Plains,
where Bloomingdale now is. By night
fall he is safe in Philadelphia.
And now what does he do?
Does he go into paroxysms of impo
tent rage at those who incarcerated
him, as do many of the insane when
they escape? Does he try to kill
those whom he might imagine respon
sible for his sufferings? Does he
break out in incoherent ravings
against fancied evils?
Under Scientific Observation.
No. He goes straightaway to a san
itarium in Philadelphia. He states
his case calmly to the physician in
charge and asks to be put under
scientific observation. After six
months’ voluntary confinement there
the physicians there tell him that he
is perfectly sane and has always been
so. He is not even now content. He
goes to another institution and goes
through the same voluntary process
all over again. Once more the physi
cians tell Mr. Chanler he is well bal
anced. Then suddenly he appears at
his old home, Merry Mills, Cobham,
Va., where he has stayed to this day,
master of his ancestral estates.
Once safely home, this so-called
lunatic retained counsel. The matter
of his sanity was brought up in the
Virginia courts and then and there
John Armstrong Chanler was pro
nounced sane and competent. But
the greater part of his fortune was
here in New York state, and here it
is on record that John Armstrong
Chanler is a hopeless lunatic. Should
he come here he would be deprived of
his liberty’. And that is why he is
suing in the United States court in
the hope of winning back his inheri
tance and his standing as a man of
sound mind.
And why was John Armstrong
Chanler, Columbia ’S3, called insane?
Because, as the physicians said, he
had delusions—at least some of them
said so.
Those who committed him to a liv
ing grave declared that he had Shakes
peare's power, and could make himself
Napoleon by going into a trance. That
he was possessed of the power of
“graphic automatism” and’had devel
oped his X-faculty—type of subcon
sciousness—was taken as another evi
dence of insanity.
Yet some of the most prominent
psychological writers discuss this X
faculty in all seriousness and admit
that there is such a thing as “graphic
automatism.” And all of this is told
in a remarkable book which Mr. Chan
ler has just published.
He calls it “Four Years Behind the
Bars of Bloomingdale; or, The Bank
ruptcy Law in New York.” In it he is
extremely bitter toward his two broth
ers, William Astor Chanler and Lewis
Stuyvesant Chanler.
Married to Amelie Rives.
John Armstrong Chanler first came
into the public eye when he married
Amelie Rives, who wrote that bril
liant erotic "The Quick or the Dead,”
in which is told the old love of a
beautiful widow for her dead husband
and her newer love for another man in
the flesh. Jock Dering, the hero, was
Miss Rives was denounced ty some
persons as a rather imprudent writer,
but that didn't keep her book, which
appeared in 1886, from having a tre
mendous sale. Her marriage to young
Mr. Chanler only added to its popular
ity. She was beautiful, erratic, im
petuous. Soon theit friends came to
realize that there was nothing in
common between the grave, polished,
rather mystic New Yorker and the wil
ful, gifted Virginia girl.
There was a divorce, which the hus
band did not contest, upon the grounds
of incompatability and the Mrs. Chan
ler that was married Prince Troubet
skoi, whom she had met abroad.
“The more I know men the more I
admire dogs,” is the way Mr. Chanler
opens his book, quoting from Voltaire.
And here is the way be begins:
‘‘Stop thief! I hereby raise the hue
and cry—stop thief.
“The above extraordinary announce
ment is called forth by the cold, hard
facts‘about to be collected.
And his excuse for the book is this:
“Now the sole and only object on
earth in bringing out this book at this
time is a desperate, forlorn hope upon
the part of plaintiff to bring the crime
that is being attempted against plain
tiff’s property to the ear of the court
that appointed said referee, in order
that said court may prevent said
crime by setting aside the iniquitous
decision, as above foreshadowed, of
said referee.”
Complains of Injustice.
The book recites with bitterness
what the writer calls the injustice of
the proceedings leading up to the judg
ment of the New York courts and to
his incarceration in Bloomingdale.
How Stanford White got him to
Bloomingdale is told in this wise:
“I received a telegram from my
friend, Mr. Stanford White, proposing
to visit me in company with a mutual
friend. As I was on rather unfriend
ly terms with Mr. White at the time,
owing to an abusive letter he had re
cently written me, I did not look for
ward to a visit from him with pleas
ure. I therefore sent him a telegram
to say that I was not well enough to
see him. A few days later Mr. White
walked in on me in company with a
physician. I shall not attempt to pic
ture my surprise. Let it sdffice to say
that I was struck dumb.
“Mr. White hastily excused his in
trusion and implored me to accompany
him to New York for a ’plunge in the
metropolitan whirl.’ As I had some
business which needed my attention in
New York I consented.”
Of New York Mr. Chanler says:
“In other words, a citizen of the
state of New York can be condemned
and imprisoned without a hearing. All
that is required to deprive a citizen of
the Empire state of his liberty is one
or two false witnesses, two dishonest
doctors and a judge who can swallow
sworn conflicting statements without
a qualm. No defense is allowed to the
“This is truly the Empire state. I
sometimes wonder, as I look through
the bars of my cell, how such things
can be outside the Russian empire.
Calls on Virginia for Rescue.
“Fortunately for myself, however,
I am no longer a citizen of the Empire
state, but am and have been since
1895 a citizen of the sovereign state
of Virginia: which title to sovereignty
I propose to see Virginia make good
by rescuing me.”
"Graphic automatism” he defines
“In a word, the writing is, as the
name implies, automatic. So far—but
so far only—as conscious thought, i.
e., conscious mental action is con
cerned, the hand does the writing
without the help of the head. In other
words, it is as though one had a magic
pen—or pencil, since a pencil is
smoother and easier to operate than a
hold the pen firmly in the fingers, dip
Bame into the ink, and see that said
graphic automatism. After writing
said letter, said graphic automatism
will write ad libitum for plaintiff;
plaintiff must see to it that the pen
is not allowed to wander off the line."
This Napoleonic trance is vouched
for by a physician. Mr. Chanler thus
describes it:
“In communicating with my ‘X-fac
ulty’ by means of vocal automatism,
which is also one of my trance-like
states, I was informed by my ‘X-fac
ulty’ that it would like me to go into
a Napoleonic trance. It gave me to
understand that I would represent the
death of Napoleon Bonaparte by so
doing, and that my features, when my
eyes were closed, and face, would re
semble strongly those of the dead Na
poleon Bonaparte. This was in Feb
ruary, 1897, upon or shortly after my
arrival at the Hotel K., New York
“My ‘X-faculty’ did not tell me what
to do in order to produce the so-called
Napoleonic trance; it merely informed
me that when the time came it would
instruct me what to do to produce
the said trance. The distinguished
sculptor, Mr. S. G., called at the Hotel
K., shortly after my arrival, while I
was in bed and in the evening my X
faculty gave me to understand, with
out Mr. S. G. knowing it, that it would
be the proper time for me to enter the
Napoleonic trance; I was interested
myself from a scientific point of view
to know just what I would do in a
Entrance Into Trance.
“Mr. S. G. expressed keen interest in
seeing me in a trance. I then took,
under the direction of my ‘X-faculty’ a
small hand mirror, which I used for
shaving, in both my hands, and hold
ing it rigidly above my head stared at
my eyes for several moments without
any result. I did not know but what
the experiment was about to prove
abortive and ridiculous; it was one
of the most daring experiments I ever
entered, for that reason. After a min
ute or two of complete passivity and
rigidity, for the first time in my life
I experienced the entrance to a
And of Bloomingdale thus:
“ ‘Bioomingdale,’ is may as well be
admitted first as last, is run purely
for money, purely on business princi
ples, and not on charitable ones. A
candidate for a certificate of lunacy
is requested by his masters therein—
the said examining doctors—to stand
up and then deliberately to throw him
self off his balance by putting his feet
so close together, toes and heels
touching, that one’s equilibrium is
menaced. He is then commanded to
extend his arms to their fullest ex
tent, hands outstretched palms up
ward and close together. He is then
ordered to open his mouth, put out his
tongue and shut his eyes.
"If ne does not fall down on the
spot he is lucky. It is while in the
above described preposterous position
that the physical observation of the
examiners is taken.”
Thus John Armstrong Chanler pre
pen—that started out to write so soon
as the operator took it into his or
her hand.
"The operator has no more inkling
of what the next word will be before
the said magic pen has written same
than the onlooker.
“All the operator has to do is to
sents his case. He will know his ver»
diet soon.
Modern Proverb.
Whom the gods would destroy they
sometimes, in periods of unexampled
prosperity, find it more convenient to
make rich.—Life.
Fresh Eggs Declared Sometimes to
Contain Disease Germs.
New Yorkers can no longer eat
fresh eggs under the delusion that
they are a pure article of food, says
the New York World. Even before
the proud hen cackles it is liable to
contain bad germs, according to in
telligence communicated to produce
men in this city by the scientific ex
perts of the department of agriculture
at Washington.
Secretary Wilson has sent out word,
officially, that even the freshest eggs
may under certain conditions, cause
illness by communicating some bac
terial disease or some parasite.
“It is possible,” he says, “for an egg
to become infected with micro-organ
isms, either before it is laid or after.
The shell is porous and offers no great
er resistance to
which cause dlBeaBe
those which cause the egg to spoil.
When the infected egg it eaten raw
the micro-organisras, if present are
communicated to man, and may cause
The typhoid fever germs, the agri
cultural department says, may at
tach themselves to the hen's feet or
feathers and may then penetrate the
egg before It is hatched. The eggs
of worms, as well as grains and seeds,
are found in eggs having made their
way there while the white and the
shell were being added to the yolk
in the egg gland of the fowl.
Pasteurizing the hens and then sub
jecting them to X-rays is the next
step toward the germless egg.
The Crown of Success.
Gobsa Golde looked narrowly at the
aspirant for his daughter’s hand.
“After all,” he said, “I have no real
proof that you are the successful man
you claim.”
“But,” cried the other, eagerly, “you
forget that I have been muckraked
thrice in the Trash Magazine.”
Gobsa Golde’s manner suddenly
“My boy,” he said,, “forgive me. She
is yours.”
Arbitration Court of New Zealand De
cided Against a Factory.
An ex-judge of the arbitration court
in New Zealand told me this story,
says the Craftsman: The girls in a
match factory came before the court
asking for an increase of wages. The
proprietor said he could not pay what
they wanted, that his enterprise was
in itd infancy and to increase the
wages would ruin it. The court heard
the evidence on both sides, studied
the financial condition of the business
and cost of living in the city, and then
the judge said to the proprietor: “It
is impossible for these girls to live de
cently and healthfully on the wages
that you are now paying. It is of the
utmost Importance, not only to them
but to the state, that they should have
decent, wholesome, healthful condi
tions of life. The souls and bodies of
the young women of New Zealand are
of more importance than your profits,
and if you can’t pay living wages it
| will be better for the commu; Uty r
you to close your factory. It would
be better to send the whole match in
dustry to the bottom of the ocean and
go back to flints and flresticks than
to drive young girls into the gutter.
My award is that you pay what they
ask.” The man protested and grum
bled, but he obeyed the order. He
did not close his factory, and his busi
ness continued to prosper. The
judge’s little speech embodies both
the underlying principle of all New
Zealand's progressive legislation and
the spirit in which it is administered
—the welfare of the worker is of
more importance than the profits of
the employer. And therein is a com
plete overturn of all our world-wide
and tim2-old convictions, methods and
ideals. Any civilization which holds
to that conviction and enforces it with
all the enginery of its government is
a new thing under the sun. For it is
a civilization that is based not on
commercial success and greatness but
on humanity.
Perhaps he was romantic—the first
conditio of all unhealthy persons.
“Buck up, old man! No use falling
down before trouble. Anyway, noth
ing’s ever so bad as it seems at first.
Tell me the story and perhaps we can.
find a way out.”
The two men had not met for some
time. Jackson, passing through the
city on a business trip, had entered
Drew’s office to surprise him with face
buried in his hands, crushed by black
depression. Old friends and com
rades, he longed to help.
“The only way out of this trouble,”
answered Drew, glad of the relief of
confession, “is a way that—that the
other party won’t consent to. Yes,
it’s a woman, of course, and such a
woman, Jackson! There isn’t such
another in the world, I know.
“She’s on the stage, has a small
part in one of the plays that have run
here all summer. I saw the show and
fell in love with her in a moment.
Then I pulled wires until I worked a
formal introduction. ’ She allowed me
to call upon her, we talked books and
music. The company's going out of
town shortly, so I rushed a proposal.
And then—”
“And then?” prompted Jackson, as
the other’s head again sought the
shelter of his arms.
“And then,” repeated Drew, with an
accent like a sob, “she told me of her
marriage. She passes for an unmar
ried woman on the stage, and I, like
an idiot, never thought that in private
life things might be different. I don’t
know her married name, she wouldn't
tell me, because she says she loved
her husband when she married him;
he’s a good man and still loves her,
and she wouldn't dream of getting a
divorce from him, though she admits
xhat.she loves me better. We're made
for each other, Jackson, and it was a
cursed trick of fate to give her to the
other man first, or to make her so
good that she won’t let him go.”
Jackson’s strong hand was pressed
comfortingly on his friend's shoulder.
“Well,” he said, his sensible, matter
of fact manner calming the other like
a sedative. "I’m sorry for the hus
band, poor beggar, but if he's a man
of any spirit he won’t want to hold a
woman who doesn’t love him any
longer, though—God! but it's tough
on him, isn't it, if he really is a de
cent fellow? But still, if he knew—”
“She says that if he knew he'd let
her go at once, just because he's so
unselfish and loves her so dearly,” in
terrupted Jackson, “but for that rea
son, and because he’s always been so
good to her, she can't bear to tell
him. So everybody's got to suffer, so
far as I see, since there must be a
difference in her manner towrard him.
Seems to me, in his place I’d want to
“Yes, I think I would, too,” said
Jackson, rising, “though the cards
seem to have been dealt him unfair
ly, too. Well, old fellow, I've got to
be going. Just in town and haven't
even seen my wife yet, though she’s
here in Chicago, too, for the moment.
You've never seen her, either have
you; no, this is the first time I've been
west since I married, and you haven't
been east in ages. Come and see us
at the hotel this evening, no, to-mor
row some time. I’ll telephone you
when, so you won’t lose a moment
waiting. And brace up about this
other business, old boy. Things will
some out right somehow. It’s my
philosophy that they always do.'”
Drew stood up to shake hands and
something fell from the desk before
him, to the floor. Jackson, picking up
the card, turned white and scarlet.
“This picture?” he murmured, his
tone strange.
“Oil!” said Drew, flushing, “that’s
the woman. It's a poor portrait of
her, but she wouldn’t give me one, and
J got this off the company press agent.
I—I was looking «£ it just before you
came in. Why! do you know her?”
for Jackson's face looked stricken.
“Yes,’ was the choking answer.
"She s my wife."—Chicago Tribune.
Old-timer Not in Love with Finicky
Habits of To-day.
“In my young days," said an old
gentleman, “it was considered effem
inate for a man to use face powder.
The only kind of powder we used was
what we put in our pistols; but now
adays it’s nothing to see a young fel
low emerging from a barber shop as
pink and white as a rose. In fact,
some young men, who haven't wives
from whom to steal it, keep a box of it
on their dressing cases, soft, white,
flowery, sweet-smelling stuff, to use
after shaving.
“When I was young a scrape in soap
and cold wrater, with a stinging appli
cation of bay rum afterward, was con
sidered luxurious and dandified
enough, but now an average barber
insists on giving you a massage with
your shave and makes you as velvety
and lovely as a 16-year-old schoolgirl.
And that isn t all; I see in the stores
that they are selling huge French pow
der puffs the size of a plate with
which to fluff your body all over with
dainty talcum after a bath. I would
have thought these were for the ladies
and w-ould have turned my face dis
creetly the other way if I hadn’t seen
two husky chaps investing in them.
“By gad, sir, the first thing we know
the gentlemen will be carrying fancy
work around with them as they did in
the days of Loul3, and they'll all be so
dainty and sweet and pretty that no
girl will be able to resist them. Gim
me a whisky and soda. I need it.”
Man-of-war is a phrase applied to a
line-of-battle ship, contrary to the usu
al rule in the English language, by
which all ships are feminine. It arose
in the following manner: “Men of
war” were heavy armed soldiers. A
ship full of them was called a “man
of-war ship.” In process of time the
word “ship” was discarded as unnec
essary and there remained the
phrase “a man-of-war.”
Long Jump of Kangaroo.
A Kangaroo has been recorded to
jump a height of 11 feet; while the
jangest jump kpown to be performed
by a deer is 9V ' "*
Mrs. Cota, Confined to Bed and 1»
Constant Pain, Cured by Dr.
Williams’ Pink Pills.
Rheumatism can bo inherited and that
fact proves it to be a disease of the blood.
It is necessary, therefore, to treat it
through the blood if a permanent cure
is expected. External applications may
give temporary relief from pain but as
long as the poisonous acid is in the blood
the pain will return, perhaps in a new
place, but it w ill surely retnrn. Dr. Wil
liarns’ Pink Pills cure rheumatism be
cause they go directly to the seat of the
disorder, purifying and enriching the
Mrs. Henry Cota, of West Cheshire,
Conn., is the wife of the village ma
chinist. “Several years ago,” she says,
“I was laid up with rheumatism in my
feet, ankles and knees. I was in con
stant pain and sometimes the affected
parts would swell so badly that I could
not get about at all to attend to my
household duties. There was one piriod
of three weeks daring which I was con
fined to the bed. My sufferings were
awful and the doctor’s medicine did not
help me.
“One day a neighbor told me about
Dr.Williaius’ Pink Pills and I decided to
try them. After I had taken them a
short time I was decidedly better and a
few more boxes cured me. What is
better, the cure was permanent.”
Remember Dr. Williams’Pink Pills do
not act oil the bowels. They make new
blood and restore shattered nerves. They
tone up the stomach and restore impaired
digestion, bring healthful, refreshing
sleep, give strength to the weak and make
miserable, complaining people strong,
hungry and energetic. They are sold by
all druggists, orwill be sent postpaid, on
receipt of price, 50 cents per box. six
boxes $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medi
cine Co., Schenectady, N.Y.
In buying a cough medicine, re
member the best cough cure,
Kemp’s Balsam
costs no more than any other kind.
Remember, too, the kind that
cures is the only kind worth any
Every year thousands are saved
from a consumptive’s grave by
taking Kemp’s Balsam in time.
Is it worth while to experiment
with anything else ?
Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c.
Records of Wagers.
Betting is neither so general nor so
promiscuous as it was 150 years ago,
when books for recording wagers were
always kept on the ‘tables in the much
frequented coffee houses of London.
Some of these books are still to be
found among collections of antiques,
and they make interesting reading.
All manner of bets are entered there,
on marriages, births and deaths, on
the duration of a ministry, on the
length of the lives of prominent per
sonages, on the possibility of earth
quakes, and even on hangings.
The Scotsman’s Diet.
For centuries the chief diet of the
Scotch people has been cats in some
form or other. As a result they are
to-day tho strongest, both mentally
and physically, of any nation in the®
world. The best rolled oats made is
Quaker Oats, and our readers can now
get a large family package for 25c.
and with each package, free, a beauti
ful piece of imported china. Ask your
grocer to-day for a family package of
Quaker Oats.
He who comes up to his own idea
of greatness must alwmys have had
a very low standard of it in his mind.
Few men will admit they are wrong
as long as there is a chance to make
others believe they are rigln.
Miss Emma Colo Says that Lydia EL
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has
Saved Her Life and Made Her WelL
How many lives of beautiful young
girls have been sacrificed just as they
were ripening into womanhood ! How
many irregularities or displacements
have been developed at this important
period, resulting in years of suffering!
jf JAiss Em m a Cole ^
A mother should come to her child's
aid at this critical time and remember
that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound will prepare the system for
the coming change and start this try
ing period in a young gij-l’s life w ithout
pain or irregularities.
M iss Emma Cole of Tullahoma, Term.,
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
“ I want to tell you that I am enjoying bet
ter health than I have for years, and I owe
it all to Lydia E. Pinkham’s'Vegetah.e Com
“ When fourteen years of age I suff ered al
most constant pain, and for two or three
years I had rareness and pain in my side
headaches and was dizzy and nervous,
doctors all failed to help me.
“ Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
was recommended, and after taking it my
health began to improve rapidly, and I think
it saved my life. I sincerely hope mj experi
ence will be a help to other girls who are liais
ing from girlhood to womanhood, for 1 know
your Compound will do as much for taem, ”
If you know of any young girl who la
sick and needs motherly advice «isk her
to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass.,
and she will receive free advice which
will put her on the right roacl to a
strong, healthy and happy womanhood.
Mrs. Pinkham is daughter-in-law of
Lydia E. Pinkhcir "nd for twenty.five
years has been ■,— 1-ing sick women
free of charge.