The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 15, 1906, Image 7

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Happy Are They Who Can Say They
Have Lived Up to the Promises
of the Springtime—Some
Household Lore.
There is a sadness connected with
the fail of the leaves and the closing
months of the year which we have
all recognized. With the spring, hope
awakens in the heart and “all things
seem possible,” but with the ending
of harvest we realize how much we
have left undone, how carelessly we
have sown, how neglectful we have
been in cultivating the tender graces
that make life worth the living. We
all mean so well. We want to walk
uprightly, to be kindly alfectioned
one to another, sweet and unselfish in
our family life, and faithful to eveiV
duty set before us; but when we be
gin to take account of harvest we
realize how far short we have come of
what we intended in the springtime.
But let us not be discouraged, how
ever. From the realization of failures
past, let us take fresh courage for the
“If any watchful thought of ours
Can make some work the stronger,
If any cheery smile of ours
Can make its brightness longer.
Oh, let us speak that thought to-day.
With tender eyes a-glowing.
So God may grant some weary one
Shall reap from our'glad sowing.”
It is a singular thing that in the
great hospitals and training schools
for nurses, where everything is sup
posed to be done in the most advanced
hygienic way, a requirement in the
nurses’ ward is that their beds be
made for the day within a half hour
after the time of rising.
This allows for no airing whatever,
save the very few minutes while the
nurse is dressing. The same provis
ion holds in the general wards, where
the patients are able to be up during
the day. As soon as the patient rises
the bed is made so that the ward may
look tidy. Sanitary cleanliness in
this ease is sacrificed to appearance—
a great mistake, as every good house
wife knows. There is nothing more
restful than a well-aired bed. It is
not sufficient to throw back the covers
from the foot, for a make-believe air
ing. They should all be taken off
separately, spread over the chairs
near the opened windows, then the
mattresses turned and the pillows
shaken and put to air. Every child,
boy as well as girl, should be taught
to do this; yet in how many families
do children, and old folk, too, crawl
out of their beds and leave their
rooms without even so much as open
ing the windows.
Every few years even the best of
mattresses should be pulled apart
and made over by an expert workman,
then covered with fresh ticking. As
for the pillows, they may be made over
at home, if one has a closed room in
which to work. Empty the feathers
into clean sheets, tie up and take out
into the sunshine, laying them on
boards or a table where the air can
get to them. Heat with a light stick
or rug beater, and turn often. Mean
time wash the cases or make new. as
required. After a few days in the
crisp air and bright sun, the feathers
should be elastic like new. Then re
turn to the cases. Old feathers, when
well kept, are far better than the
freshly plucked ones, unless they are
perfectly cured. When carelessly at
tended to the quills contain some ani
mal matter that is apt to breed ver
“Lady Baltimore” Cake.
Beat the whites of six eggs. Take a
cup and a half of granulated sugar,
a cup of milk, nearly a cup of butter,
three cups of flour and two teaspoon
fuls of good baking powder. Sift the
flour and baking powder together in
to the other ingredients, adding the
eggs last of ali. Bake in two buttered
pans for fifteen or tweny minutes.
For the frosting: Two cups of granu
lated sugar and a cup and a half of
water. Boil until stringy, about five
minutes usually does it. Beat the
whites of two eggs very light, and
pour the boiling sugar slowly into it,
mixing well. Take out of this enough
for the top and sides of the cake,
and stir into the remainder, for the
filling between the two layers, one
cup of finely chopped raisins and a
cup of chopped nuts. This is de
licious when properly baked.
White Wedding Cake.
Cream together two cups butter and
four of sugar. Add alternately two
cups milk and six cups flour that has
been sifted three times with two
I teaspoonfuls baking powder. Stir all
I well together, then stir or knead into
the batter two pounds citron sliced
wafer thin, two pounds almonds
blanched and chopped, two medium
sized fresh cocoanuts grated and two
wine glasses white wine. Last of all
fold in the stiffly whipped whites of 16
eggs and bake in a very moderate
oven. Flavor with almond or vanilla
The Recipe of the Week.
Oyster Salad.—Scald large oysters
in their own liquor until they be
come plump and gills ruffle. Drain,
sprinkle with a little lemon juice, salt
and paprika, and let get perfectly
cool. If very large cut each oyster
in half lengthwise, using a silver
knife. When ready to serve mix
with sauce tartare or mayonnaise and
arrange in cups made of crisp, tender
lettuce leaves; garnish with a star of
mayonnaise sauce and a few capers
or chopped gherkins.
A Matter of Spelling.
A trolley collided with a mill,
wagon and sent the milk splashing on
the pavement. Soon a crowd gath
ered. “Goodness!” exclaimed a man.
“What an awful waste!” A very
stout lady turned and glared at him.
“Just mind your own business,” she
^ snapped.—Lippinc^tts.
People Without ideas of Art.
The Kibalans, natives of Formosa,
are probably the only race in the
world to whom drawings or pictures
convey no idea whatsoever.
Defined by Customs Men as a Bird, a
Handbag and a Deg.
On the travels of a monkey from
Genoa to Heidelberg an amusing farce
might be written. A German gentle
men brought from southwest Africa
a tiny monkey weighing barely a
couple of pounds. From Tanga to
Genoa all went well with the Lilli
putian animal. It was a favorite with
everyone, and traveled free until
Genoa was reached, when its troubles
Brought under the notice of the Ge
noese customhouse authorities, it was
promptly deprived of its identity. It
was no longer an animal: it became
a bird, and as a bird, on which 28
cents was charged, it was conveyed to
the Swiss frontier, where, at a stroke
of the customhouse officer’s wand it
was transformed into a cat at. the in
creased assessment of $l.i>6, and
borne by train to Zurich.
On its arrival there it ceased, as a
cat, to exist, and became a mere pack
age—an item of luggage that was con
veyed to Constance for the nominal
sum of 16 cents.
Still as luggage, though ntetamor
phized from a package Into a handbag,
it went on its way to Stuttgart, where
a great honor awaited it. It was, on
payment of $2.04, exalted into a dog,
and it was as a dog that it ended its
journey at the university town of
Heidelberg.—Stray Stories.
Tramp Finds Rest for His Weary
Bones in House of Worship.
The janitor of one of Portsmouth's
largest churches was given a big sur
prise Sunday morning as he stepped
into the auditorium after opening the
big front doors to allow of the usual
airing out. He came face to face with
a strange and tough-looking man. At
first the janitor feared a touch of the
chills, but he finally brought himself
together and inquired of the man what
he had been doing.
The fellow said that he had been en
joying a night’s rest on the cushions
of a pew away down front. Saturday
night he was attracted to the church
by the singing of the choir during re
hearsal. He found the door open,
walked in and sat down.
The music had that soothing effect
and the wanderer fell asleep. He knew
nothing more until daylight, when he
awoke wondering where he was at. He
said that in all his life he had never
found a more comforable bed.
The janitor looked about, saw that
nothing was disturbed and then al
lowed the stranger to go.—Portsmouth.
N. H., Times.
Wild Ducks Found to Bear Fish Eggs
Ready to Hatch.
A correspondent from Saffi wrote in 1
our June issue expressing his mysti- :
fication as to how small fish come to ;
be in inclosed waters. A naturalist
suggests an explanation. He says:
“If the wild ducks, etc., of Morocco
are similar to those elsewhere there is
no mystery. For some years there j
■was open-mouthed wonder as to how i
perch, bream and crayfish could get
into newly cut dams near the Mac
quarie river in New South Wales.
“In some ’cases the water had hardly i
settled after the rain had filed the
dam than the fish were observed, and
the farmers started n large theory of
spontaneous production.
“This obtained till a Sydney profes
sor chanced to pick up a wild duck
and found its breast feathers and
webbed feet well dotted with fertile
and almost hatched fish-ova, on which
the spontaneous production' theory
was promptly withdrawn.” — Cham-|
bers' Journal.
__ I
Size of Heads.
The average adult hear, has a cir
cumferance of fully 22 inches. The !
average adult hat is fully 0% size. !
The sizes of men's hats are 6% and
6's generally. “Sevens” hats are com
mon in Aberdeen, and the professors ,
of our colleges generally wear 7% to
8 sizes.
Heads wearing hats of the sizes 6%
and smaller, or being less. than 21
inches in circumference, can never be
powerful. Retween 19 and 20 inches
in circumference heads are invariably
weak, and, according to this authority,
“no lady should think of marrying a
man with a head less than 20 inches
in circumference."
People with heads under 19 inches
are mentally deficient, and with heads
under 18 inches "invariably idiotic.” >
—Young Woman.
The True Way to Correct Nervous
Nervous troubles are more often
caused by improper food and indiges
tion than most people imagine. Even '
doctors sometimes overlook this fact. '
A man says:
"Until two years ago waffles and
butter with meat and gravy were the
main features of my breakfas". Final
ly dyspepsia came on and I found my
self in a bad condition, worse in the
morning than any other time. I would
have a full, sick feeling in my stom
ach, with pains in my heart, sides and
“At. times I would have no appetite
for days, then I would feel ravenous,
never satisfied when I did eat and so
nervous I felt like shrieking at the
top of my voice. I lost flesh badly
and hardly knew whic^i way to turn
until one day I bought a box of Grape
Nuts food to see if I could sat that.
I tried it without telling the doctor,
and liked it fine; made me feel as if
I had something to eat that was satis
fying and still I didn’t have that
heaviness that I had felt after eating
any other food.
“I hadn’t drank any coffee then in
five weeks. I kept on with the Grape
Nuts and in a month and a half I had
gained 15 pounds, could ea!; almost
anything I wanted, didn’t feel badly
after eating and my nervousness was
all gone. It’s a pleasure to be well
Name given by Postum Cc>., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read the book. “The
Road to Wellville,” in pkgs. “Uhere’s j
• i-aason ”
Montpelier, 0.; Man Feels Compelled
to Tell His Experience.
Joseph Wilgus, Montpelier, O., says:
“I feel it my duty to tell others about
Doan's Kidney Pills.
Exposure and driv
ing brought kidney
trouble on me, and I
suffered much from
irregular passages of
the kidney secre
tions. Sometimes
there was retention
and at other times passages were too
frequent, especially at nigjjit. There
was pain and discoloration. Doan's
Kidney Pills brought ine relier from
the first, and soon infused new life.
I give them my indorsement.”
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
London Observer Admits Truth of
American Indictment.
An English reporter, fired with pat
riotism on seeing the assertion made
by an American visitor that London
ers polished their boots less frequent
ly than the people of any other coun
try in the world, set out to disprove
the charge.
He visited a number of well-known
shoeblacks at important points in
: London, but what he learned all tend
! ed to confirm the allegation made by
j the American.
One shoeblack said he had custom
ers who look like millionaires but get
only one shine a week. After hearing
! similar stories from other shoeblacks
the newspaper man took up a position
in Piccadilly Circus and examined the
boots of passersby. •
; He confesses that of 80 people who
passed, the boots of 60 looked as if
they had not been polished for a
week. Twelve of them had their
boots well polished, but the remaining
eight had to be labeled indifferent.
After that, nothing was left but to
acknowledge that the indictment of
the American had some foundation.—
N. Y. Sun.
Little Girl’s Obstinate C?*e of Eczema
—Mother Says: “Cuticura Reme
dies a Household Standby.”
“Last year, after having my little
girl treated by a very prominent
I physician, for an obstinate case of
! eczema, I resorted to the Cuticura
j Remedies, and was so well pleased
i with the almost instantaneous relief I
afforded that we discarded the physi
cian's prescription and relied entirely :
on the Cuticura Soap. Cuticura Oint
ment, and Cuticura Pills. When we
commenced with the Cuticura Reme
dies her feet and limbs were covered |
with running sores. In about six |
weeks we had her completely well, ;
and there has been no recurrence of
the trouble. We find that the Cuti- ;
cura Remedies are a valuable house- .
hold standby, living as we do, twelve |
miles from a doctor, and where it '
costs from twenty to twenty-five dol- 1
lars to come up on the mountain.
Mrs. Lizzie Vincent Thomas. Fair
mount. Walden's Ridge, Tenn.. Oct.
13, 1305.”
Wouldn’t Fit.
Some visitors from the north at
tended service at a colored church in j
Alabama and were much amused when I
the good old preacher referred to
John I. and John II. as "John with one
eye and John with two eyes!”
But when he gave out a hymn be
ginning “Purge Me with Hyssop,”
there was consternation in the choir
and great fumbling around for a tune
to lit the words. At last the leading
chorister addressed the preacher:
“Say, Brother Johnsing, won't you
please try some odder yarb?”—Lip
Don't be forecasting evil unless it is
what you can guard against. Anxiety
is good for nothing if we can t turn
it into a defense.—Meyrick.
Price 25c and 50c
.i , 111 m .mi i b , ■
“ -“s—| Positively cured by
OADTCfAQ these Little Pills.
OHl\ I Ll\0 They also relieve Dls
tress from Dyspepsia, In
ITlLE digestion and Too Hearty
8 F 82 EatInS- A perfect re ra
il V fcu Hu edy for Dizziness, Nausea,
PILLS. Drowsiness, Bad Taste
— in the Mouth, Coated
Tongue, Pain In the Side,
---1 torpid LIVER, They
regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
"When you boy an
A demand
***** ******** CO TTWTQ.«*«.
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One tOc package colors all fibers. They dve in cold water belter than any ether dye Vr u « n ri
any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet-How to Dye, Bleach and Mix Colors. MOMROB ORUGttO.. ^iocivIllo.Ktasouil.
i *3.50&*3.CO Shoes
W.L.uoagias 84 Gilt tags lins
j csnnoi'geequaHedatany pries /i
To Shoe Dealers: I / £
j VV. L. Douglas* Job- < / I
| bing House 19 tlte roost I / E
j complet e in this country II E
_Send for Catalog jl
Mon’s Shoos, $5 to $1.50. Boys’ Shoes, $3
to $1.25. Women's Shoe3, $4.00 to 81.60.
Misses* «Sc Children’s Sho.s, $2.25 to $1.00.
Try W. L. upliw Won ten’s, Misses and
i Children's shoes; for style, fit and wear
they excel other makes.
It 5 could take you into my large
factories at Brockton, Mass.,and show
you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes
are made, you would then understand
why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer, and are cf greater value
than any other make.
Wherever you live, you can obtain W. L.
Douglas shoes. HU name and price is stamped
on the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and inferior shoes. Take no substir
iutr. Ask your dealer tor W. L. Douglas slues
ind insist upon having them.
Fait Color Euelets used; thru will not wear brassy.
Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles.
W. L. DOUGLAS, DepU 12. Urockton.'Masa.
always ready to use. no
IRFAFIFR^J of ‘his paper de- If
lU-ifliLf LiiAO sirrigto buy any- ||
thing advertised in
its columns should insist upon having II
what they ask for, refusing ad suDsti- II
lutes or imitations.
“»reweewai'^ Thompson's E«e Water
W. N. U.. OMAHA, NO. 46. 1S06.
and frankly, In strictest confidence, telling all your
troubles, and stating your age. We will send you
FREE ADVICE, in plain sealed envelope, and a val
uable 64-page book on “Home Treatment for Women.’*
Address: Ladies’ Advisory Department, The
Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
The Dark Side
of a woman’s life is seldom seen by anyone but herself. What
agonies, what misery, what fits of melancholy and the blues, the poor,
miserable sufferers from female disease have to endure, one month
after another! What wonder so .many thousands cf women cannot
truthfully say that they are happy! Are you? Happiness cannot be
called complete without health, and health is best obtained by
which has made many thousands happy in restored health and strength. "The doctors
said I had nervous prostration, but gave me no relief,” writes Lizzie Matthews, of Mt.
Vernon, Ga. I was sick for nine years. I could hardly eat and could not sleep. My
back and hips ached, I was very irregular and would have to stay in bed two or three
days. I have used 3 bottles of Cardui, and now I can say that my health is better than
for the past nine years.” Cardui relieves pain, regulates fitful functions, strengthens
your weakest organs, makes you well and HAPPY. Try it.
At Every Drug Store in $1.00 Bottles
Fruit acids will not stain goods dved I
the colors arc bright and fast.
The man who sows his life in the ,
furrows of human need will reap a
rich reward.—W. Smith.
Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar !
made of rich, mellow tobacco. Your !
dealer or Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, 111.
If a man is really in love with a
girl the redness of her hair is invisi
ble. _
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.
For children teetnmtf- softens the cums, reduces in
flammation allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle.
Every duty which we omit, obscures
some truth which we should have
important to Mothers.
Eramine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, i
a safe and pure remedy for infanta and children,
and see that It
Bear? the
Signature of'
la Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
World’s Gold Production.
In the last 500 years over twelve |
billion dollars' worth of gold is esti
mated to have been dug from the .
earth. Not much more than one-half
of this is definitely known to be in j
existence in the monetary stocks of
the globe. Of this, however, the
United States is believed to hold from
a billion and a quarter to a billion and i
a half.
Sheer white goods, in fact, any fine
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done iD a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work.
Ladies’ Privilege in Leap Year.
The ladies’ leap year privilege took '
its origin in the following manner:
By an ancient act of the Scottish
parliament, passed about the year
1228, it was "ordonit that during ye j
reign of her maist blessit majestie, j
Margaget ilka maiden ladee, of baith
high and lowe estait, shall hae libertie
to speak ye man she likes. Gif he re
fuses to tak hir to be his wyf, he
schal be mulct in the sum of ane
hundridty pundis, or less, as his estait
may be, except and alwais, gif he can
make it appeare that he is betrothit
to anither woman, then he schal be
Mysterious Find.
She went down to a sw'ell play the
other evening, attired in a superb
white gown and wearing a splendid
opera cloak. In fact, she was stun
ning. As she seated herself, she was
about to remove the long red cloak
w'lien with horror and consternation
depicted on her face she discovered
something! My, what a predica
ment! She had prepared supper be
fore leaving for the show', and there,
covering the front of the white skirt,
was a lowly calico cheeked apron.
She managed to remove it after the
house had darkened, and the next
morning the sweeper at the Colonial
found an apron under one of the seats.
—Pittsfield .Journal.
|The Laxative ®r
L Known Quautm
, There are two classes of remedies; those of known qual
ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, actinar
2^ unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
*" rarily, hut injuriously, as a result of forcing the. natural
EjJ functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of
the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever
pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactui d by the California
Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of
plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup,
in which the wholesome Californian bine figs are used to con
tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy
of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system
gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti
pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi
ples ami quality are known to physicians generally, and the
remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with
the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know
of their ov.n personal knowledge and from actual experience
fVA' that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim, that
it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it lorwhati; really
0 represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence,
■J containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
There are two classes of purchasers; those who are informed
as to the quality of what they buy and the reasons for the excellence
of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know,
and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy.
To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said
that nearly hll of them value their reputation for professional
integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer
imitations cf the
\ Genuine—Syrup of Figs
| 1 manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order to
v. A buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one lias
only to note, when purchasing, the full name of tiie Company—
'§ California Fig Syrup Co.—plainly printed on the front of every
x package. Price, 50e. per bottle. One size only.
The Circulation Stimulated
and the Muscles and Joints
lubricated by using
*- . I
Price25c 50c&$!.00 I
a Sold by cii Dealers
Sloan’s Treatise OnTheHorse'SenrFreel
Address Dr. Ear! S.Sloan,Boston,Mass. j|
| For Rifles, Revolvers and Pistols. |
> Winchester cartridges in all I
; calibers from .22 to .50, shoot I
: where you aim when the trigger §
is pulled. They are always |
! accurate, reliable and uniform. I
Shoot Them and You’ll Shoot Well, f
Always Buy Winchester Maks.
. > Use
r? F°r ■
Send far {IQ
Circulars to tho
*s eo., 2
J) „ ©
. jp Higgcmira, __
W..U.S.A. ^