The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 01, 1906, Image 2
Loup City Northwestern J. W. BURLEIGH, Publisher. LOUP CITY, . . - NEBRASKA. English View of America and England. The new Bank of England Is Ameri ca' If we propose to build a railway we have to go to the United States for the necessary capital. If wo wish to develop some industrial concern we apnly to an American financier for as sistance. If we have to sell a large property, a valuable picture, a rare work of art or a celebrated racehorse we offer it to an American millionaire. If any well-known bachelor among us is in pecuniary difficulties ii is to the United States that he hurries to find a bride with a fortune. If a more ob scure Englishman is unable to earn a living in this country it is to the United States that he generally crosses to obtain employment. It is probable that at the very least Ameri ca will have twice as much wealth and power in 20 years hence as she has acquired in the last 20 years, says London Truth. If so, what country will then be her equal? “The Future of the United States” would be a useful subject for some essay writer to deal with, for an America that is twice as rich, as powerful and as populous, that has double the fleet of men-of war and merchantmen and that does double the trade with the outside world that the America of to-day has and does will be a monster among the nations. Uncle Sam is a great admirer of health, youth and beauty, but he has no use for fraudulent preparations sold on the deceptive promise to pro duce such results. The post office au thorities have barred from the mails an “elixir” which the government chemists found to contain six per cent, of alcohol and a small proportion of peppermint, the remainder being plain, ordinary water. Of course the gulls who were buying this worthless concoction in the belief that it would make them strong, young and beauti ful were paying fancy prices for it, and the sellers were reaping snug for tunes. When the truth becomes fully appreciated that the surest and lest expensive method of acquiring health, strength and such measure of good looks as nature allots is to cultivate good habits, eat proper food and in dulge in ample exercise, the charla tans who get rich by preying on hu man vanity will go out of business. A world without mistakes and with out suffering would-be a world with out real men and women, without lit erature, without music, without paint ing or sculpture and without love, and even without history, for history is a record of struggles toward better and higher things. Without obstacles to overcome and errors to correct, re marks the Louisville Courier-Journal, men and women would lapse to a level with beasts in mentality. Intellectual and spiritual development would cease and souls not refined by the fire of or deals would die of something akin to fatty degeneration. The races would perish of ennui or inanity. After all it's a pretty fair sort of world as it stands. Much advice might have been offered at the world's making if a few experienced old ladies had been stand ing by, but the odds are that it would not have been so good a world as it is. If the women of the United States who go shopping in their carriages think they are models of exclusiveness they should visit Mexico. Not so many years ago when a Mexican woman went shopping she remained in her carriage in the street and sent her servant into the store to call one of the clerks to wait upon her. He came out and received her orders and brought the goods to her for examina tion. This peculiar method of shop ping was due to the old Mexican idea that a lady of good family should shield herself from the gaze of the public, and, in fact, from every one except her immediate relatives and most intimate friends. This idea has been dying hard for over a cen tury, and it is still far from being completely buried in some parts of the republic. the Spanish minister of public in struction is to introduce in the Cortes a bill providing for the expenditure of $10,000,000 for the construction of 5, 000 primary schools during the next live years. This means a departure in the way of encouraging education that promises the highest benefit to the na tion. The enlightened statesmanship of Spain is learning that ignorance is the greatest handicap to progress and prosperity. It is a good idea in the training of : wives to send a wife to the country •when a farmer’s wife is cooking for threshers. After the town woman has watched the farmer's wife a day she never complains if she has washing, kin company, a fire and her bread burns all in the same day. Another American girl would sever the tie that binds her to a foreign fortune hunter. Far too often the marriage service is nothing but a bill of sale. Count Bonl de Castellane has again been elected a member of the French chamber of deputies. Perhaps his constituents think they might as well keep him in the chamber of deputies, because if they didn’t he would prob ably be in some other kind of mis chief. • - — It has been decided in a German lawsuit that children should not be taught to shoot their parents. Even though parents at times are annoying ly hard to manage their children ought to avoid extreme measures. BUILDING UP SAN FRANCISCO Citizens Make Marvelous Progress in the Work of Restoration. New Buildings, Finer Than Those Destroyed by the Earthquake and Fire, Goins Up on Every Side— “City Beautiful** a Matter of Time. San Francisco.—One of the world s great sights is San Francisco. Cities have been ruined and ashes have covered them, but never before un der modern conditions. A city ruined by earthquake and fire in the old days meant that the time of recovery would equal the age of the city up to the hour of its destruction. In this age the very evidences of destruction are turned into agencies of repair and improvement. Fire has rarely failed to bring about better conditions in a city, and San Francisco is no excep tion to the rule. It is not the im provement of the city that will make them marvel, however, as much as the rapidity with which the work will be accomplished. The earthquake of April 18 caused a few million dollars’ damage—possibly $10,000,000 would cover that loss. The fire, which had full play after the quake had broken the water mains, burned over 514 squares, or 2,560 acres, or four square miles, the total loss being estimated at $500,000,000. On this property there was insurance amounting to about $315,000,000. Of this insurance about $150,000,000 had been paid in cash to policyholders up to September 15. The fire, as everybody knows, de stroyed the business district of San Francisco, but left the shipping and residence districts intact. Commerce continued without interruption, ex cept such incidental disturbances as the location of new storage places and the accumulation of freight. Thou sands of people left the city immedi ately after the disaster, but compe tent authorities estimate that 98 per cent of these refugees have returned. Their homes being intact they find that San Francisco is the place for them, after all, and they are turning to rebuild the city, either with their capital or their labor. Bringing Order from Chaos. When the fire died down on April 21, the people of San Francisco were confronted with mighty problems, some of them demanding instant solu tion. As this article deals with the San Francisco of the future and not of the past, it is not neecssary to go Into details regarding the remarkable ability shown by the committee of fif ty in providing for the wants of the hungry and shelterless, writes Ira E. Bennett, in the New York Press. That is a story by itself, and a most inter esting and inspiring one. Another pressing problem, however, was that of clearing the streets in order that communication might be restored. Thirty-six miles of streets were piled high with debris. Within five months this enormous mass of material has been removed, trolley wires have been strung, street car traffic reestablished and a system of debris removal inau gurated which disposes of 100 car loads a day. If more labor were to be had the work would go much faster. Admission day was celebrated this year on Monday, September 10. I saw the city on that day for the first time since the disaster. The scene was appalling. With the exception of a worker here and there, the destroyed district was destitute of laboring men. Ruins, ruins in every direction, as far as the eye could see; millions of tons of bricks and mortar piled up in half destroyed basements; a strong breeze blowing dust and a3hes everywhere; writhing steel beams and crumbling granite marking the sites of once im posing buildings, anil the very thought of bringing order out of chaos suffi cient to stagger the imagination. On the next day a far different pic ture was preesnted. In every base ment was a gang of workmen. They struggled with girders, piled brick, sifted good material from refuse, han dled pick and shovel, mixed mortar and loaded wagons with debriB. Thou sands of busy hands were to be seen down every street. Thousands of teams went about on the simultane ous task of removal and reconstruc tion. Little loss ot Population. To one familiar with the crowds that made Market street and the fer ries famous, there does not appear to be any diminution of population. The car system is wholly inadequate, although herculean efforts have been made to establish communication. The ferries are as crowded as ever. Theaters are filled to suffocation. The St. Francis hotel put up a temporary structure in Union square, and it is turning away a hundred guests daily. Other hotels are filled and turning Sjitrlj four Wagon to a §tar By MICHAEL L. PADDEN. Retfistrar of Water Supply, New York City, Dress as well as luck will The coat doth often Hitch your wagon to a star, Or just as near It as you can; Be gentle, If the world will let you, For the morrow always plan. Don’t be timid, don’t be boastful, Don't borrow coin or cooking pan; let you— make the man. The first line of that is what makes a hit with me. There is about ten feet more of the same two-step style of word coupling, and it came to me through the mails from a Persian prince who had his private yacht in the harbor at the time that I was uncovering the water front “water grafts,” and I happened to be in a position to help him get his daily supply of water on board without having to pay extra toll for it. He sent me a letter of thanks when he sailed, and after he got over in his own election district he se^t m« this jig-time string-of philosophy, which I take as a compliment, inasmuch as it was especially translated for me. A letter from the prince’s secretary accompanying it tells me that it was written many years ago by a near relation of that fellow, Omar Khayyam, who the historians say was a tent-unaker who wrote poetry for the magazines that the clown fellows read to the criminal rich when they were having beefsteak parties along about the time that they were teaching Cleopatra to use a nursing bottle. The thing about it that strikes me most forcibly is that you can’t put any twist on the truth that will make it any stronger now than it was when those chaps were writing philosophy without the aid of a typewriter and interviewers to give them a boost. The higher you aim in any game the more certain you are to hit something, and we’re all trying to make a score of some kind in life. If a man.doesn’t set his own aims high no one else wilL A man came to me for a place as a bookkeeper in a big place where a friend of mine had some in fluence, and I said: “You can’t be a bookkeeper. You are only a porter,” and he replied: “Well, let’s start for the bookkeeping job and maybe we’ll land on some job between that and a cold throw-down.” . He had the “hitch-your-wagon-to-a-star” idea, all right. ___— people away. It requires only a ^yisit to San Francisco to disprove the re port that the city has lost half its population. The quake shook the life out of some old firms and hastened the birth of many new ones. Dozens of stores bear the names of men who were clerks before April 18. Merchants from other cities have stepped in and established houses here. Competition is keen, and money appears to be more plentiful than for many years. The financial soundness of San Francisco has been, demonstrated in various ways. The bank clearings are much larger than before the fire. Some of the new money comes from insurance companies, of course, but not all of it. The business of the banks is greater than ever. In some of them withdrawals exceed deposits, but the money withdrawn is going into reconstruction. Other banks are piling up deposits. The other day a little flurry was caused by an attempt ed run on the Hibernia bank, one of the largest institutions in the coun try. It was a grotesque failure as a bank run. The bank has 80,000 ac counts, receiving no deposits ex ceeding |3,000. It is reckoned as sol Id as the treasury. A few frightened women formed a line, obtained their money and then returned and depos ited it. With this exception public confidence in the banks has been ab solute. The scarcity of skilled and un skilled labor is the chief drawback to rapid construction. Wages are ex orbitantly high, but this Is the fault of contractors and proprietors rather than of the labor unions. The plumb ers and stationary engineers thought they saw a chance to get rich quick, and raised their scale, but were not sustained by the labor council, which is an amalgamation of all the unions, and the old wages were restored. But the owners of buildings which were nearing completion at the time of the disaster are feverish in their anxiety to complete their buildings and obtain famine rentals, and their tactics in raising the wages of workingmen have caused labor prices to soar. On this emergency work plasterers are getting $9 to $11 a day; bricklayers, $10 a day; carpenters, $7 and $8; stonemasons, $8 to $10, and other skilled labor In proportion. San Fran cisco is a paradise for a workingman. Unskilled Labor in Demand. Unskilled labor is hard to find. The city needs 20,000 skilled men and could employ 30,000 unskilled labor ers. Some of the shrewder unskilled men have clubbed together and form ed little companies of their own. They take a contract to remove debris for a price, and perform the workgduring the noon hour and in the night. As unskilled labor is getting $4 a day, these willing workers who put in extra time are getting more money j than they ever saw before. In much of the burnt district work is carried ; on by electric light. Will San Francisco ever be rebuilt? is the question asked by people in the east. The answer is, that San i Francisco is now being rebuilt. It is ; not a question of the distant future. ' The process is visible to the naked j eye. Every steel building that was \ under construction at the time of the j disaster is being rushed to comple- : tion. Other buildings have been con- I tracted for, and with the removal of | debris and the arrival of materials the work will proceed. Nothing could j be more absurd than to doubt the re- j covery of San Francisco from its j great misfortune, in the face of the 1 work that is actually in progress. | The contract for the reconstruction of the Palace hotel on its old site, on a grander scale than ever, has been let The St. Francis is now complet ing its great steel annex. Business houses are arranging to build newer and stronger structures than those which succumbed to the conflagration of April 18 to 21. The city will not be rebuilt in a day, or a year, but it will go up with a remarkable quick ness. “City Beautiful” Must Wait. There has been much talk of a “city beautiful,” with winding avenues about the hills, broad boulevards, park extensions, and so on. It was thought that with the buildings leveled to the ground the opportunity was open for the construction of a model mod em city, uniting utility and beauty to a degree never yet approached in America. A little study of the sit uation shows that this is nothing but a dream. San Francisco people have enough on their hands in the way of getting into business again, in any shape, without tackling the great task of forming a city on aesthetic lines. Here and there a street may be widened and a little park estab lished, but in the main there will be no attempt to reform the plans upon which the city was built. If it was difficult before the Are to obtain united action toward civic betterment, it is doubly difficult now, when every man must look out for himself. The railroads terminating at San Francisco are among the most potent forces in rebuilding the city. They saved San Francisco from panic and possible greater disaster during the time of stress by carrying away thou sands of people, free of charge, and bringing in emergency supplies. After the crisis the railroads turned in and assisted in the removal of debris. Temporary tracks were laid and rehabilitation was immensely as sisted. Merchants ordered big stocks of goods from the east, and the rail roads rushed the stuff to San Fran cisco. There was a time, indeed, when the stuff piled up to such an extent as to paralyze the operation of the roads. Five thousand cars of freight were congested at San Fran cisco and Oakland. By heroic ef forts the lingering freight was dis posed of and a serious situation re lieved. Now that the railroads are able to look after their own business, they are expending great sums in permanent improvement, which will facilitate the reconstruction of the city. Insurance Situation Hurt-. The insurance situation at San Francisco is exasperating to those who happened to have policies in shaky or dishonest companies, but on the whole the lapses of these com panies have not affected the city as seriously as early reports indi cated. Nearly one-half of all losses has been paid. Considering the fact that insurance records, as well as everything else, went up in smoke, this is a fairly good showing for five months. Payments are being made through the banks at the rate of near ly $1,000,000 a day. The money goes into circulation for the most part, and the resulting activity overshad ows the fact that hundreds of other policy holders are waiting for a set tlement. The people of San Francisco per sonally and through their commercial organizations, are watching the insur ance companies with a jealous eye. Companies that tome to the front with money are reaping a harvest of new business, while those which fought for time or actually repudiated their obligations in whole or in part will be made to smart for it. The chamber of commerce is mak ing up a list of honest and dishonest companies. The Calilfornia delegation in congress will have something to say on the subject next winter. The names of defaulting companies are to be sent broadcast through the world, and the opinion is universal in San Francisco that in the long Ain the defaulting companies will dis cover that they played a losing game when they defrauded policy holders of their rights. Insurance litigation promises to become great. Policy holders who have money enough to fight are not slow in invoking the aid of the courts. One or two important cases already have been decided, but the critical question is yet to be passed upon. This question is as to the part played by the earthquake in causing fire losses. Policies are variously word ed, but in the main they provide that payment shall not be made if the loss is caused "directly or indirect ly” by earthquake or other act of God. Of course, if there had been no earthquake there would have been no fire, but the man whose house was consumed three days after the quake does not think the indirect cause is quite close enough to the effect to justify the insurance com panies in repudiating all liability. Show True American Grit. During the disaster the good humor and self-possession of San Francis cans astonished the world. Now, in the long tug of disposing of the ashes and rebuilding the city, this good humor never deserts them, and they are as confident as though they were beginning a city for the first time. There is inspiration in num bers, comfort in common trouble, and a spirit of brotherhood that has not deserted them, although it is not as marked as it was during times of danger. The love of good cheer in the way of eating, drinking and lis tening to music is as strong as ever. The climax is a continual tonic, and invites to hard work. The very size of their disaster seems to nerve the San Franciscans to hasten the recon struction of the new city. They come very near to boasting when they show their ruins, and some of them display a remarkably fresh memory of his tory by comparing their disaster with the fate of other cities that have per ished by earthquake and fire, and risen again. According to these men, who cite history while making it, the only bonfire that excelled San Francisco's was that which con sumed- Rome in Nero’s time. The great fires of London,. Boston, Chi cago and Baltimore were mere hints of what a real conflagration can do. So say these dusty, smiling, tireless San Franciscans, who revel in the advertising that their city has ob tained. Their belief in the speedy reconstruction of the city is absolute, and they are backing their belief with money and energy that balks at nothing. All Looked Alike. Uncle Eph had long boasted that he had never needed the services of a doctor, but now he was ill, and his neighbor felt that the time had come when a physician should be called. “Come now, Uncle Eph,” said she, "we will call whomever you wish— you know there's a good allopath and a good homeopath, and there’s a new doctor, an osteopath. Now, who’ll you have?” “Wtl,” drawled Uncle Eph, “I dun no ez it matters—they do say that all paths lead to the grave!” TABLE DELICACIES. APPETIZING AND EASILY PRE< PARED DISHES. For Luncheon on a Busy Day—Two Extremely Popular Sandwiches —Sparkling Lemonade a Delicious Beverage. Luncheon Dish for a Busy Day.— Take three cups of good, well-sea soned tomato sauce thickened with a heaping teaspoonful of flour rubbed Into one of butter, and keep it hot in a saucepan set at the side of the stove. Toast slices of bread, butter them, and spread them on a dish, put ting a tablespoonful of tomato sauce on each. Into the remainder of the tomato sauce turn two cupfuls of minced mutton, and put the saucepan over the fire. Stir the mixture until the meat is thoroughly heated, season it to taste, and pour it upon the toast. Potato Luncheon Biscuits. — Boil eight potatoes and mash them smooth ly with a little milk, and beat into them two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, eight tablespoonfuls of flour, two of grated cheese, one teaspoonful of baking powder sifted twice with the flour, half a teaspoonful of salt and just a suspicion of cayenne. Mix these ingredients into a light dough, with one tablespoonful of cream and the yolk of an egg, and roll it out half an inch thick; then cut it into rounds, and brush it over with the beaten white of an egg. Bake these in a quick oven, split them open while they are hot, and serve them at once. They will also be found useful for afternoon tea. Salmon and Cucumber Sandwiches. —Cut rounds of bread slighthiy larger than the slice of cucumber, and spread them with butter and sprinkle the un der sides with a few grains of celery salt, then spread them with a layer of chopped and pounded salmon. Next add a few drops of vinegar and a little white pepper, then a thin slice of cucumber and the top round of bread. Garnish the dish with a few slices of cucumber or crisp lettuce leaves. Egg and Cress Sandwiches.—Rub several hard boiled eggs through a sieve and season them with salt, pep per and lemon juice, and mix them well together with butter to a rich paste. Spread white or brown bread evenly buttered rather generously with this mixture, then sprinkle one half with plenty of finely-chopped fresh cress, and press the pieces to gether. Lamb’s Tail Soup.—Cut six lambs’ tails into joints, and boil them till ten der in some weak stock, with a slice of raw ham or a ham bone. Season with a little onion, parsley, a bay leaf, a blade of mace and a few mushrooms. Simmer slowly for four hours, and then strain through a cloth. Thicken the soup with flour, add salt and cay enne and white. wine to taste. Boil up, add the pieces of tail, and serve. To Wake Sparkling Lemonade.— Some people prefer the effervescence of the lemon squash beverage, and often soda water runs short. Spar kling lemonade may, however, be made, with the addition of bicarbonate of soda. Take half a teaspoonful of the powder, and dissolve it in a glass of water, adding a little sugar; then, having squeezed out the juice of a lemon, add it to this, and a very active sparkling beverage will result. Taming a Madman, A story is going the rounds of the Belgian press in which it appears that the mayor of one of the communes of Augers had ordered a gamekeeper and a butcher to take a madman named Legrand to the St. Gemines lunatic asylum. On the way the gamekeeper noticed that their charge was in one of his lucid intervals, and concluded that he would never con sent to be handed over to the au thorities. It was decided therefore to make him drunk, and all three ad journed to the nearest inn. Legrand took his liquor kindly; so did the others; and when the trio arrived at the asylum the governor could not make head or tail of their story. He therefore wired to the mayor, asking him which was the man who was to be detained. The mayor replied: “Le grand,” but the telegraphist spelled it in two words, “Le grand” (the tall one). The governor, on examining the three men, saw that one was much taller than the others, so he promptly helped him into the strait waistcoat and sent the other two away. It was three days later before the error was discovered. Boston Brown Bread. There is a new wrinkle in making Boston brown bread, and that is cake crumbs in place of wheat flour. The regular rule calls for one small cup corn meal, the same amount of gra ham flour, ditto cake crumbs or wheat flour, the former much the better. Mix these dry ingredients together. Put into a bowl one cup sour milk, two-thirds of a cup of molasses, a pinch of salt, and a teaspoonful of Boda. Stir until the soda stops “purr ing,” then stir into the dry ingredi ents. A cup of cut raisins may be added or not as desired. Many think them an improvement. Pour into but tered molds, and steam three hours, starting with cold water. If a larger quantity of bread is required, a teacup Df entire wheat flour is added. Combining Silk and Cloth. It is odd to notice how effective Is the combining of silk and cloth. It reminds one of the time when taffeta gowns were trimmed with cloth, a fashion that was smart and never be jarae common. Now this reversal of :he combination, the trimming of :loth with taffeta, is more popular sven than that was, and the great ianger is that it may become too pop ular, the usual fate of a fashion that is unusual and worth following. In light shades as well as In dark this jtyle of trimming is much in demand. But the great danger to the inexpert iressmaker is in the difficulty of get ting a shade of silk that looks well ivith the cloth. It is a great mistake to choose any shade that Is not an exact match. A color slightly off •ompletely ruins what would be oth jrwise a smart aad attractive cre ation. BUILT UP HER HEALTH SPEEDY CURE OF MISS GOODE She Is Made Well by Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, and Writes Gratefully to Mrs. Pinkham. For the wonderful help that she has. found Miss Cora Goode, 255 E. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, 111., believes it her duty to write the following letter for publication, in order that other women afflicted in the same way may be benefited as she was. Miss Goode is president of the Bryn Mawr Lawn Tennis Club of Chicago. She writes; Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— “ I tried many different remedies to build up my system, which had become run down from loss of proper rest and unreason able hours, but nothing seemed to help me. Mother is a great advocate of Lydia E. P(pk ham’s Vegetable Compound for female tril bies, having used it herself some years ago with great success. So I began to take it, and in less than a month 1 was able to be < it of bed and out of doors, and in three moil' is 1 was entirely well. Really I havo never 1 lb »o strong and well as I have since. ” No other medicine has such areco-d ofcuresof female troublesashas Lymau E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Women who are troubled with pain ful or irregular periods, backache, bloating (or flatulence), displacement of organs, inflammation or ulceration, can be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. nnkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Her experience is very great, and she gives the benefit of it to all who stand in need of wise counsel. She is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty five years has been advising sick women free of charge. Address, Lynn, Mass. The wife of a man who plays the races never has to waste any time fig uring on what she will do with the money he wins. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES eosf but 10 cents per package and color more goods faster and brighter colors. The average doctor would die of starvation if his patients had no more confidence in him than he has in him ■elf. You always get full value in Lewis’ Single Binder straight 5c cigar. Vour dealer or Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, 111. Senator Spooner’s Shooting. Senator Spooner, of Wisconsin, 1b a successful hunter of big game. On one of his trips he had for his guide Bill Murray. They were out looking for bear or deer one day, when Mur ray suddenly threw up his rifle and fired. The senator saw an animal fall heavily, and called: "We’ve got him this time, Bill.” “We!” sneered the guide. “There's no we about it. I killed him plain enough.” r - Quickly making their way to where their quarry lay, they found a fine specimen of Jersey calf. “We’ve killed somebody’s calf!” yelled the guide. Senator Spooner gave him a with ering look and said: “William, you should be more particular in your choice of pronouns. 'We" isn’t adapt ed to this particular instance.”—Mil waukee Sentinel. NERVOUS COLLAPSE Sinking Spells, Headaches and Rheumatism all Yield to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Mrs. Lizzie Williams, of No. 410 Ce dar street, Quincy, 111., says: “Ever since I liad nervous prostration, about thirteen years ago, I have had periodical spells of complete exhaustion. The doc tor said my nerves were shattered. Any excitement or unusual activity would throw me into a state of lifelessness. At the beginning my strength would come back in a moderate time after each attack, but the period of weakness kept lengthening until at last I would lie helpless as many as three hours at a stretch. I had dizzy feelings, palpita tion of the heart, misery after eating, hot flashed, nervous headaches, rheu matic pains in the back and hips. The doctor did me so little good that I gave up his treatment, and really feared that my case was incurable “ When I began taking Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills my appetite grew keen, my food no longer distressed me, my nerves were quieted to a degree that I had not experienced for years and my strength returned. The fainting spells left me entirely after I bad used the third box of the pills, and my friends say that I am looking better than I have done for the past fifteen years.’’ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are recom mended for diseases that come from im poverished blood such as aiia'iuut, rheu matism, debility and disorders of the nerves such as neuralgia, nervous pros tration and partial paralysis. They have cured the most stubborn indigestion. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills agree w ith the most delicate stomach, quiet all ner vousness, stir np every organ to do its proper work and give strength that lasts. Sold by all druggists, or sent postpaid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes for $3.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. 1. THE BEST COUGH CUBE * Cough syrups are all cheap enough, but it you should get a gallon of cough syrup that doe 3 not cure for the price of a small bottle of Kemp’s Balsam the best cough cure, you ■would have made a bad bargain—for' one small bottle of Kemp’s Balsam may stop the worst cough and save a life, whereas the cough “cure” that does not cure is worse than useless. Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c.