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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1906)
u Loup City Northwestern VOLUME XXIII. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1906. NUMBER 46 FREE RAILROAD FARE TO OMAHA During Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival and Won derful Electric Street Parades September 26 to October 6. Buy a round trip ticket (14 fare) •cut out this offer and bring it to us and we will refund the entire amount on the purchase of any new piano in our store. Over 600 pianos in stock,—all the leading makes, Including the Stein way, Steger, Emerson, Hardman, A. B. Chase, McPhail, Kurtzman. Mueller and over 20 others. Special rock bot tom prices marked in plain figures on each instrument. Used upright pianos for $85, $95, $105 and up on terms to suit. Save from $75 to $150 and deal with a reliable firm. Free information and parcel stand. Make our store your headquartera Free parade seats. SCNMCLLEK 6 HI ELLER PJAN0 CO. Dealers and Makers of High Grade Pianos. 1311-1313 Farnam SL Omaha. Professional Cards A. P. CCLLEY, Attorfley&Connselor-at-Law (Office: Fikst National Bank) Loup City, Nebr. R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attorney and Siunsslcr-it-Liw LOUP (3ITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ilOBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. J. H. LONG PHYSICIAN ui SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. S. MAIN, Physician and Surgeon Office at Telephone Residence. Connection. LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone, 30. OHIee at Ke.ldence Lnup Eitij, - Nebraska S. A. ALLEN. OEJYTIST, LOUP CITY, • - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank bnildinsr. W. L. MARCY. LOUP'GITY, NEB OFFICE: Eiist Side Public Squaie. Fhone, ti-16 .?/. //..?//;./« Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Duly set of Abstract books in county ClCHRISTENSEN 4>iD C, C, CHRISTENSEN EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS For a Drayman Send a messenger for J. W. Conger He will pay the fee ( CoU as I.W.HARPER KENTUCKY ■WHISKEY For Sale by T.H. Eisner THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—11.00 PIR riAR. ir paid IK a DTanci Entered at the Loup City PostoBice (or trans mission through the malls as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 8 Residence ’Phone. - 6 on 15 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pnb. Republican Ticket. For United States Senator— Norris Brown For Governor— George L. Sheldon. For Lieutenant Governor— M. R. Hopewell For Railroad Commissioners— •>* H. J. Winnett Robert C:owell A. J. Williams For Secretary of State— George Junkin For Auditor— Ed. M. Searie, Jr. For Superintendent of Public Instruct on— Jasper L. McBrien For Treasurer— Lawson G. Brian For Attorney General— Wm, T. Thompson For Land Commissioner Henry M. Eaton For Congress. Sixth District— Moses P. Kinkaid For State Senator— R. M. Thomson For Representative— Carle T. McSinnie For County Attorney— • Robert P. Starr The supreme court last Friday denied a rehearing in the Haddix murder case. Support the Republican ticket. It is clean and worthy from governor on down to road overseers. You can en dorse every one heartily. We have faith to believe Unit with the heavy burden of G. H. Gibson's tacit support. Carle T. McKinnie will be elected to the office of represen tative this fall, not by reason of such support, but in spite of it. The populists and democrats seem to have had serious difficulties in; securing a candidate for this senator- i ial district. They met at Ravenna j last Saturday and after casting their lines in various waters managed to land a candidate who would stand in the person of Mr. J. E. Johnson of Kearney, whoever he is. Rid you pver hear of him? A practical joker claims Gibson is \ several months ahead of President j Roosevelt in the adoption of the1 "reform" spelling. But whereas Roosevelt has only accepted some! three hundred word changes, Gibson j changes the orthography of the entire English language. If Josh Billings were alive he would speedily die of envy, or at least present the belt to "Gbsn.” Notice was received at the state executive office at Lincoln last Sat: urday of an additional allowance, amounting to S9.4q3, from the United States government, to pay soldiers of the Nebraska volunteer regiments in the Spanish-.A merican war for a short interval of time between the dates of their enlistment and their being mustered in. It is being disbursed from the adjutant general's office at Washington, This is the fourth in stallment of such moneys coming to Nebraska men. Loup City and Sher man county have a number of those entitled to a portion of this money. In G. H. Gibson's personal hatred for J. S. Pedler and W. R. Mellor, any friend of these gentlemen mast neces sarily come under the ban of his small nature. In our candidate for county attorney, R. P. Starr, is this meanness exemplified to an unwar ranted extent. He even resorts to malicious fabrications to help him out in his evil mindedness, apd con tinually puts into pmrds utterance^ never emanating from Mr. Stary. .1 u§t what he expects to accomplish is the defeat pf tlie republican candidate for county attorney, but what he will accomplish by his hellishness will be to place himself before the public in his true light as a foolish utterer of untruths, but the defeat of Mr. Starr he will not be able to accomplish. If one Gibson, who by the grace of the republican party once held the office of county clerk, and who dis graced himself and the party by his actions in office, will turn his atten tion to explaning, if he can, just why he placed a half-mill levy on the tax payers of this county, instead of obey ing the mandates of the state board, and why he took tax off the railroads and placed pitra burdens of t^x^tiop upon 4 certain per cent of the tax payers. as shown ip J: S, Ped|er's article in the ^qrtliwestern last week, instead of venting his spleen upon R. P. Starr, our candidate for county attorney, and spitting out his spite upon private citizens who are not issues before the public, he will con-; fer a favor upon the taxpayers at large, and give valuable information to those of the. property holders of Sherman county who have been gouged by his inanity. R. P. Starr returned from Broken Bow last Thursday evening, reporting having had a most pleasant time at the recent session of the Brotherhood of America in that city. He com pliments the people of Broken Bow as a most hospitable people and who made the about four hundred visit ing members of the order most cor dially welcome and provided them with a grand banquet. Mr. Starr was the presiding officer of the session, and the papers of Broken Bow also give him a handsome compliment over his felicitous response to the address of welcome. Mr. Starr was made one of the four delegates to the national session of the Brotherhood to be held at Omaha later. We are pleased to note the growing public reputation of the nest county attor ney of Sherman county. Quite a change in the service on the Union Pacific occurred Monday. The much talked of Motor cars com menced their work on Monday morn ing. leaving here at 7:10 a. m., re turning in the evening at 6:10. The mixed train comes in at :i p. m., leav ing again at '.i.'.io. This makes a transfer of the train crew to St. Paul. By this change in train service, we fail to get our eastern mail till 11 I p. m., instead of 12 m. as formerly, providing the mixed train is on time, I but on Monday the mail did not get here till supper time, making a delay of five or six hours. There is a long and loud wail from our business men in consequence, and justly, too. and Tuesday morning several complaints were sent in to the postmaster gen eral over the extremely poor mail ser vice inaugurated, and it is believed the government will not stand for such work, and that the road will have to give better mail facilities. The Nebraska Experiment Station j has just issued Bulletin 93, which i covers the results of two experiments. Experiment I is entitled "Roughness supplementary to corn for two-year old steers.” This test was undertaken for the purpose of comparing alfalfa prairie hay, and corn stover, each fed singly and in combination, the grain ! being in every case snapped corn. Ex periment II furnishes a comparison ' of wheat bran, oil-meal, cotton-seed I meal, and alfalfa as sources of protein when fed with shelled corn and prairie ! hay. The bulletin may be obtained I upon w riting to the Nebraska Ex ; periment Station, Lincoln. Neb., for '< Bulletin 93. —L" "■ 1_ Bockyille Items, (Tqq late for last week) Corn is nearly all out of the way of the frost. Several of our young folks attended the ball given in the M. W. A. hall at Ashton. Andrew Wilson moved to Poole j Siding to take charge of the section at that place. Niels Thompson left for Rock Springs, Wyo., where he will visit for a few days and then goes to Sparks, Nevada, where he is employed as car inspector, We are having plenty of rain at present and as usual plenty of grumb ling because the farmers are having a soft snap dodging showers in order to sow wheat, Mrs, Hans Petersen died at her home Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 12. Interment took place at Soulville cemetery, She leaves a husband and one son to mourn her loss. The residence of Geo. Ritz was burned to the ground early Friday morning, partly covered by insurance. The origin of the tire is unknown, but as usual matches and mice get the blame. Clear Creek Chat Albert Mead i» visiting in New York. The Holiness people are holding a camp meeting two miles south "of Bickers. A hog disease is ravaging tlig coun try apd hogs are dying by the score near Litchfield. Friend Qf m*. Flint, Sr-, gave iptn a pleasant surprise Sunday, the ocr casjon being the 87th anniversaay of his birthday. Public Sale. I will offer at public sale at my farm notrhwest of Rockville, on the south side of Loup river, being about live and one-lialf miles northwest of Rock ville and twelve miles southeast of Loup City, Xeb., on Wednesday, Oct. loth. 1906, commencing at 10 a. m.. sharp, 80 head of cattle, all ages, and 7 head of horses. Free lunch at noon Terms of Sale: On all sums of $10 and under cash. Over that amount a i credit of 9 months will be given by | purchaser giving note with approved secnpty, drawing 1o per ee'iifihierest ff«m date of sale. Elmer Babcock, Owner. •L T. Hale. 4. S. Peuler. Auctioneer. Cier-w. Build a Page Fence L. N. SMITH, Agt. Ak-Sar-Ben Festivities. Omaha, September 26th to October 6th. Great Industrial Parade Tuesday afternoon October2, Grand Electrical Floa£ Parade Wednesday night October 3rd, A utomobiie Flower Parade Thurs day afternoon, October 4th, and Coro nation Ball Friday night. October 5th, besides many other attractions. The Union Pecitic will sell tickets to Omaha at *6.15 for the round trip. Dates of sale October 2nd to 6th in clusive, with return limit to and in cluding October 8th. Inquire of G. W. Collipriest. Burlington Bulletin Of Round Trip Rates. September, 1906. To New England and Canada:— Daily low excursion rates during September to Canada, and on Sept. 5 to 19 to New England resorts. Cheap one-way to Pacific Coast:— Cheap Colonist rates, daily to San Francisco. Los Angeles, Portland, Ta coma. Seattle and other Coast Terri tory Aug. 2" to Oct. 31. also cheap one-way to Montana. Wyoming. Big Horn Basin. Utah and western Colo rado Sept 15 to Oct. 31. To California. Portland and Puget Sound:—Bound trip Sept. 3 to 14, $50.00 to California: one-way via Puget Sound, $62.50. Last chance this summer. Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo:—One fare round trip, maxi mum excursion rate $15 from Nebras ka Sept. 19 to 22, inclusive. To the East and South:—Cheap ex. cursions to various destinations dur ing September. Homeseekers' Excursions:—-Fre quently each month to western Ne braska. Eastern Colorado. Big Horn Basin, dry land farming destinations, or irrigated sections. Free Kinkaid Lands:—-Write D. Clem Deaver. Agent Burlington's Homeseekers' Information Bureau at -1004 Farnam St.. Omaha, about get ting hold of a free section of the Kinkaid lands now being restored to the public domain. Consult nearest ticket agent. B. L. Arthur, Agent. Union Pacific Bulletin Of LoW One*way Rates. Sept. 15 to Oct. 31, 1006, ‘$26.50to San Francisco, Los Angeles. San Diego and many other California points. $26.50 to Everett, Fairhaven, What com. Vancouver and Victoria. *26.50 to Portland. Astoria. Tacoma and Seattle. $26.50 to Ashland, Roseburg. Salem. Eugene and Albany, including So. Pac. branch lines in Oregon. $24.00 to Spokane P.nd intermediate O. R. & N. points to Wenatchee and , intermediate points. $21.50 to llutte. Anaconda. Helena, and all intermediate main line points! $21 50 to Ogden and Salt Lake City and intermediate mgjn line points, I For full information inquire of G. W. Collipriest, Agent. Baptist Church Directory. Every Sunday. Morning services.10:30 am Sunday School .11:30am B. Y.P. U. . 6:30pm Evening services . 7:30 pm and 8:00 in the summer months. Mid week prayer meetings every Wednesday night nt 7:30 to 8:00 p. m. Prayer meetings are held in the parsonage during winter months. The Ladies' Aid Society meets on Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. H S. Wold. Pastor. U P RAILWAY, OVERLAND ROUTE ^Fhrss Daily ^Fraiys to California* TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS FOLLOWS: No, 38 (motor passenger) leaves daily e*. cent Sunday at 7:10 a. m. No. 88 (mixed) leaves daily (except Sun day) at 3:30 p. tn. No. 37 (motor passenger) arrives daily (ex cept Sunday) at 0:10 p. m, No. 87 (mixed) arrives dally (except Sun day) at 3:00 p m. First class service and close connections east, west and south. Tickets sold to all points aud baggage checked through to destination. Information will be chter fully furnished on application to G. W. COllipbiest, Agent LOUP CITY NBBR TIME TABLE Lincoln,' Omaha, Chicago, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis. Denver, Helena, Bntte, , Portland, Salt Lake City, ast and 'South. and an points $an IJranciscp, nhd ail points West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: No. 5J Passenger,... 5:10 p. m. No. 59 Freight. 0:00 p. tn. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars i neats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United Stales or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to U. L, abthob agent. Or J. Fkakcis. Gen’l Passenger agent. Omaha. Nebraska. GOING EAST No. 52 Passenger No. 60 Freight... ,...7.35 a. in. r-15n m. GOING WEST Aaid the Fublicl Be Si Elio lifspy Bare Is under anew management. Give me a trial and if you have any thing good to say, say it to * others; if you have any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t right my mistakes, but I can and will. Respt., PIIONE, 4 on 9. T.E. Gilbert, Prop. « PROPOSED CONSTITUTION AL AMENDMENT. The following proposed amendment to th* constitution of the State of Nebraska, as here inafter set forth in full, is submitts.I to th< electors of the State or Nebraska, to be >oiei upon at the general election to he held Tues day. November 6. A. D. 1906. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section I. That at a general election for State and Legislative officers to be held on the Tuesday, succeeding the first Monday in November, 1900. the following provision be proposed and submitted to the electors of tin State as an amendment to the constitution. Section 2. There shall be a state Iluilwai Commission, consisting of three members who shall be tirst elected at the general election in 1906. whose terms of office, except those chosen at the first election under this provision, shah be six years, and whose compensation shall be tixed by the Legislature. Of the three commissioners first elected, the one receiving the highest number of votes, shall bold his office for six years, the next highest four years and the lowest two years. The powers and dutiesjof such commission shall include the regulation of rates, service and general control of common carriers as the legis lature may provide by law. Hut in the absence of specific legislation, the commission shall exercise the powers and perform the duties enumerated in this provision. Section 3. That at said election in the year 1900. on the ballot of each elector voting there at. there shall be printed or written the words: •For Constitution Amendment* with reference • to State Railway Commission.' and 'Against Constitutional Amendment. With Reference to State Railway Commission." And if, a major ity of all votes cast at said election, shall be for such amendment, the same shall be deemed to be adopted. I. A. Galusha. secretary of state of the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the fore going proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by the Twenty-ninth session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska, as appears frotn said original billon lile in this office, and that said proposed amendment is submitted to the qualified voters of the state of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday, the 6th day of November. A. D. 1906. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska, Done at Lincoln this -Hth day of July, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Six. of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-second, and of this state the Fortieth. A. Galusha, i Secretary of State. [SEAL] Notice for Publication. Department of t he Interior i Land ufflce at Lincoln. Neb.. >■ August 20tb. 190«. t Notice is hereby given that the follcnying named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before J. A. Angier. connty judge, at Loup City. Neb., on September 29th. 1906. viz: William V. Pemberton, who made H. E. No. 17120. for the lots No. 8 and 7. sec. 6. T. )6 n. R. 15 w, 6th P. M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Peters. Marvin Parker, all of Arcadia. Neb.. Sfike Chilewski and George Nick of Loup Citv. Neb. Chas V. Shedd. Register. (Last pub. Sept. 271 I have a few choice high-grade Short-horn Bulls six to ten months old: also, some pure-bred Poland China Boars j Ready Far Service. Our herd leaders are the very best, and if you wfmt something good, cal! j op me. /,. »V. SMITH Far Sale from the Loup Valley herd of Poland China Swine One Mile S. E. Court House Loup City, Nebr, Ten fall boars, sired by Nemo Hut ler. No. 36885, and Northern Chief No. 38397. Twenty spring boars, sired by Highland Boy, No. 39098; Pawnee Wilkes, No, 36148; F’s Choice Goods, No. 36149, and Perfection Grand, No. 33638. Perfection Grand is the great herd boar of E. H. Andrews, Kear ney, Neb. I will hold a bred brood-1 sow sale in the spring. Telephone! connections. H. J. JOHANSEN, Prop. Give Us a Trial Hound Front Barn, J. H, MINER. Props Loup ity, - Nebr. Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers. Headquarters ior farmers’ teams. Com mercial men’s trade given especial at tention. Your patronage solicited. Siepmann & Co.; City Meat Market. Siepmann $ Co., Cit)' Meat Market. Roasters going at SLOO Each. Phone W5J and W53 oup f/IOTTO: Good Goods A t Right Prices We run our business on the prin ciple that The Best Wins We adhere to the policy of always giving the best possible value For Least Money There’s considerable satisfaction in a store w here you know it’s impossible for you to make a mistake. You always have the Our desire is to make Loup City fhe Best Possible {Market IN SHERMAN COUNTY And all kinds of Produce. C. C. Cooper. KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. The fence posts that we now have on hand wouldQextend over ten miles, if placed end to end. We have theCWhite Cedar in quarters, halves and rounds; the Red Cedar in rounds, and the Black Locust split. We have just what you need to repair that fence. -YARDS AT- ‘ Loup City, Ashton Rockville and Schaupps ®M1, Ml MID IMS BOUGHT AT THE B. & ty. ELEVATORS MCALPINE. LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Goal for Sale at Loup City and Asltoa. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our eoal and get prices on grain. * E. G- TAYLOR. For IBTTC3-C3-IES. Wagons, Hay Stackers, Sweepes, Mowing Ma chines, Press Drills, Wind Mills, etc., see T- M- Peed. Loup City, {Nebraska, LUMBER Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Agents l?or Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints