The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 13, 1906, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
During Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival and Won
derful Electric Street Parades
September 26 to October 6.
Buy a round trip ticket fare)
cut out this offer and bring it to us
and we will refund the entire amount
on the purchase of any new piano in
our store.
Over 600 pianos in stock,—all the
hading makes, including the Stein
way, Steger, Emerson, Hardman, A.
B. Chase, McPhail, Kurtzman. Mueller
and over 20 others. Special rock bot
tom prices marked in plain figures on
each instrument. Used upright pianos
for $85, $95, $105 and up on terms to
Save from $75 to $150 and deal with
a reliable firm.
Free information and parcel stand
Make our store your headquarters
Free parade seats.
Dealers and Makers of High Grade
1311-1313 Farnam St.
Professions i Cards
(Office: First National Bank)
Loup City, Nebr.
Attcrasj and i wIcmUiw
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
d. H. LONG
Office, Over New Bank
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Residence. Connection.
Office Practice a Specialty.
IMione. 30. Office at Residence
Lnup Eiiy. » Nebraska
Office up stairs in the new State
Hank bulletins'.
OFFICE: East Side Public Squme.
Plione. (i-lij
.If. H. .1111.11>
Bonded Abstracter
Ropp City, - Nebraska.
Only aet of Abstract books in county
For a Drayman
Send a messenger for
J. W. Conger
He will pay the fee
Steamer for Fruit Only.
From a Thames dockyard the u:i
day was launched the first steam*
evrf built, In which the whole of u
internal space, except what is requii e
for the engines and bunkers, is to
deroted to the transportation of tri:,
It will carry a dead weight caifc,
5,000 tons. Cool air is kept syst
ically circulating throughout
part of the fruit space. The s
ship will carry bananas, the a
importation of which into JSnglau .
increased, in three years, from it.'
000 to 6,000,000.
Entered at the Loup City PostoKce (or trans
mls.'ion through the malls as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 8
Residence ’Phone, - 6 on 15
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub.
Republican Ticket.
For United States Senator—
Norris Brown
For Governor—
George L. Sheldon.
For Lieutenant Governor—
M. H. Hopewell
For Railroad Commissioners—
H. J. Winnett
Ro bert Cowell
A. J. Williams
For Secretary of State—
George Junkin
For Auditor—
Ed. M. Searle, Jr.
For Superintendent of Public Instruction
Jasper L. McBrien
For Treasurer—
Lawson G. Brian
For Attorney General
Win. T. Thompson
For Land Commissioner—
^lenry M. Eaton
For Congress. Sixth District—
Moses P. Kinkaid
For State Senator—
R. M. Thomson
For Representative
Carle T. MeKianie
For County Attorney—
Robert P. Starr
For Commissioner —
W. O. Brown
The Republican party in Sherman
is fortunate in its selection of a tick
et to be presented to the voters .this
fall. In its nominee for represen
tative it has selected a young man of
bright attainments, splendid business
qualifications, a man of the people,
and one who will take with him to
the legislative halls at the coming
session a clear, comprehensive mind
and ready knowledge of what is need
ed for the people, Mr, Carle T.
McKinnie, our choice for represent
tative, was born at Cadiz, Harrison
county, Ohio, Aug. 9, lHt)9, hence is
37 years of age. not too young, nor
yet too old, but just a good age to
grasp the situations that may come!
before the legislati\e body. Mr.]
McKinnie was in the employ of hard-!
ware companies for 19 years, eight
years of which were with the Wyeth ;
Hardwarecompany of St. Joseph. Mo., i
two years buyer for the Simmons!
Hardware company of St. Louis, and !
for nine years southern representative
for the Stanley Works, manufacturers
of hardware of New York City, which
has given him a business education
that might well be the envy of many
a man of much greater years. St.
Louis was his headquarters till some
two years since, when realizing that
a man might spend hjs years in busi
ness lines and yet prove unsatisfactory
to himself, concluded to adopt agri
cultural pursuits for the balance of
his life, believing jt tp be tl]e best
promoter of health, happiness and
independence, and wit)) this end in
view, with his brother, Burt P,
McKinnie, purchased a half section
of land in Washington township, this
county, and is happy in his new
vocation. Mr. McKinnie comes of
sturdy stock, his father, Col. Thos.
W. McKinnie, colonel of the 129th
Ohio Vols., entering service at the
beginning of the war as a private,
was raised to the rank of colonel and
was mustered out at the close of the
war with high honors as a soldier
and officer. In politics. Carle T.
McKinnie is a republican and always
lias been so, and comes from an old
line of Ohio republicans. As rep
resentative from this county, the re
publican party and the voters gener
ally will have no cause to regret his
election to the lower house of the
Nebraska legislature, and when he
gets there, there will lie something
doing by Cade T. McKinpie, member
from Sherman county.
Bryan js home and the gregt pow
wows by the democratic- chieftans are
past and Mr, Bryan will once more
become a private citizen. For months
the great dailies have been teeming
with Bryan's doings, ranch to the
disgust of those who are not prone to
hero worship. To the great class of
emotional Americans, the pages of
Bryan booming have been a god-send
and something else will now have to
be substituted. It only seems a short
time since the papers were full of
tittle-tattle about Queen Victoria of
England, evety little incident or epi
sode in her life being expanded upon,
till the average reader became sick
over the superabundance of gush
spread out to tnein. For instance.
Queen Vic hurt one of her knees, and
each day could pe read bulletins of
her condition, till the reading public
felt pains in their knee joints in
sympathy. Bah, on such things. But
a certain class demands such stuff
and the press caters to it till it be
comes perfectly nauseating. Speed
the day when the press will stop the
publication of such “filling” of their
columns, the editors of which feel
the nause&tion most of all.
The editor of this paper visited the
state fair last week, in company with
a hundred or more LoupCityites, and
pronounce it the best of any year in
the fair’s history. From the begin
ning of the first day to the close of
the gates on the last day, there was
something doing, and the crowds ex
ceeded those of any former year by
several thousands. The exhibits of
all stock and agricultural products
were far in excess of any previous
year, while the races were of a most
interesting character, in speed, close
ness of contest and enthusiasm of the
great crowds witnessing the same.
These together with attractive league
base ball games, guidless pacers and
trotters held thousands of enthusi
astic wittnesses throughout. The
greatest race of the attractions of
the speed ring was the derby, which
was won by Will Cramer's lightning
mare. "Electric Spark.” who won the
derby of one mile and one-eighth in
the remarkable time of 1:57, to the
intense satisfaction of every Loup
City man, woman and child present,
while Secretary Mellor’s expansive
smile over the result could be seen a
quarter of a mile away as a result of
the outcome. Shermau county’s ex
hibit was marked at 447 points and
received $55.87 of the money award,
which was a very creditable showing
and return to Mr. Smelser and the
county, considering the short time
which he had in gathering together
said exhibit. The results of the fair
are best shown in the fact that the
fair association eames out with some
$30,000 to $40,000 surplus funds, not
withstanding the immense outlays of
money for new buildings and improve
ments generally. All this is more
due to the indefatigable efforts of
Secretary YV. R. Mellor tlian to any
other half dozen persons connected
with the association, who has devot
ed his entire time to the making of
the present fair the greatest as it
was of any within the history of the
association. Rut then, when YY'. R.
Mellor attempts anything, you can
count on the greatest success attain
Notice to School Directors.
Directors who are in need of a teach
er for the coming term can probably
have their wants supplied by a little
dilligence. State Superintendent Mc
Brien informs me that he can undoubt
edly supply the schools of the state if
given time to adjust matters. I shall
do all I can to fill the schools of this
county but shall need the following
information from each district in need
of a teacher. (1) Number of district.
(2) Name of director. (3) YY'ages you
expect to pay. (4) Can a boarding place
for teacher be had that is suitable
and convenient? In regard to wages:
You must make up your mind to pay
$40 and upwards for a second grade
teacher, and probably $50 for a first
grade teacher. Third grade teachers,
qqght not to expect tq receive more
than $35: but it is not likely that
many third grade teachers will ask
for positions. Please furnish me with
the information asked for without
delay. Yours truly,
M. H. Mead,
Cqunty Superintendent,
Union Pacific Bulletin
Of LoW One-way Rates.
_ Sept. 15 to Oct. 31, l!)Oti.
$26.50to San Francisco, Los Angeles,
San Diego and many other California
$26.50 to Everett. Fairliaven. What
com, Vancouver and Victoria.
$26.50 to Portland. Astoria. Tacoma
and Seattle.
$26.50 to Ashland, Roseburg. Salem.
Eugene and Albany, including So.
Pac. branch lines in Oregon.
$24.00 to Spokane and intermediate
O. R. & X. points to Wenatchee and
intermediate points.
$21.50 to Butte. Anaconda. Helena,
and all intermediate main line points.
$21 50 to Ogden and Salt Lake Citv
and intermediate main line points.
For full informatron inquire of
O. W. Colli priest. Agent
Burlington Bulletin
Of Bound Trip Rates.
September, 1906.
To Xew England and Canada:—
Daily }qw excursion rates during
Septernlier to Canada, and op Sept.
5 to 19 to Xew England resorts,
Cheap one-way to Pacific Coast:—
Cheap Colonist rates, dailv to San
Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland. Ta
coma. Seattle and other Coast Terri
tory Aug. 27 to Oct. 31. also cheap
one-way to Montana. Wvoming. Big
Horn Basin. Utah and western Colo
rado Sept 15 to Oct. 31,
To California. Portland and Puget
Sound:—Round trip Sept. 3 to 14.
$50.00 to California: one-wav via Puget
Sdund. $62.50, Last diance this
Denver, Colorado Springs and
Pueblo:—One fare round trip, maxi
mum excursion rate. *15 from Nebras
ka Sept. 19 to 22, inclusive.
To the East and South:—Cheap ex
cursions to various destinations dur
ing September.
Homeseekers' Excursions:—Fre
quently each month to western Ne
braska. Eastern Colorado. Big Horn
Basin, dry land farming destinations,
or irrigated sections.
Free Kinkaid Lands:—Write D.
Clem I leaver. Agent Burlington's
Homeseekers' Information Bureau at
1014 Farnam St., Omaha, about get
ting hold of a freei section of the
Kinkaid lands now being restored to
the public domain.
Consult nearest ticket agent.
B. L. Arthur, Agent.
Baptist Church Directory.
Every Sunday.
Morning services.10:30am
Sunday School .11:30 a m
B. Y. P. U. ... . ... 6:30 p m
Evening services . ... . 7:30pm
and 3:00 in ihe summer months.
Mid-week prayer meetings every Wednesday
night nt 7:30 to 8:00 p. m
Prayer meetings are held In the parsonage
during winter months.
The Ladies' Aid Society meets on Wednesday
at 2:30 p. m. H S. Wold. Pastor.
Thrss Daily Traiqs to
Califoi ilia*
No. 38 leaves dally except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:25a. m.
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed: 12:20 p. m.
No. 00 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed: 1:15 p. m.
No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday i mixed)
11:50 a. m.
No. 37 arrives Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 7:3o p. m.
No. 39 (passenger) Tuesdays. Thursdays and
Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p m.
First class service and close connections
east,, west and sonth. Tickets sold to all
points and baggage checked through to
destination. Information will he ch» er
fully furnished on application to
G. W. COllipbiest. Agent
.Route |
( iicago,
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
Si. hernia,
and a. points
ast .. I south.
Salt Late City,
San Francisco,
and all points
No 52 Passenger.7.35a. in
No. 60 Freight.9:15a. no.
No. 51 Passenger. 5:10 p. M
So. 59 Freight.6:00 p. ui.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats freei on through ’rains. Tickets
sold atnl baggage checked to any point in
the United Slates or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to li L, AKTHUB
agent. Or J. Francis. Gen’l Passenger
agent, Omaha. Nebraska.
A.nd the Public!
Tie St Elmo Livery Bari
Is under a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, hut I can and will. Respt.,
PHONE, 4 on 9.
T.H, Gilbert, Prop.
Siepmann & Co.;
City Meat Market,
Siepmann $ Co.,
City Meat Market,
Roasters going
at SI.00 Each.
Phone W51 and W53
Give Us a Trial
Round Front Barn,
J. p, MINER, Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers
Headquarters ior farmers’ teau.B 1 :om
mercial men's trade given especial at
tention. Your patio age solicited.
Again 2
Th* Paris Exposition
For. Sale by T.H. Eisner
The following proposed amendment in t.
constitution of the State of Nebraska. i;s her.
inafter set forth in full, is submittsd to tin
electors of the State of Nebraska, to tie
upon at the general elect ion to be held Tue> ;
day. November 6. A n 19oft.
He it Enacted by the Legislature oi
the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at a general election fo
State and Legislative officers to be held ou th*
Tuesday, succeeding the first Monday ii
November. 1906. the following provision t«
proposed and submitted to the electors of th
State as an amendment to the constitution.
Sections. There shall be a State Kailwa'
Commission, consisting of three members, wm
shall be tirst elected at the general election ii
!90ft, whose terms of office, except those chosen
at the first election under this provision, shal
be six years, and whose compensation shall hi
fixed by the Legislature.
Of the three commissioners first elected, the
one receiving the highest number of votes,
shall hold his office for six years, the next
highest four years, and the lowest two years.
The powers and duties[of such commission shall
include the regulation of rates, service and
general control of common carriers as the legis
lature may provide by law. Hut in the absence
of specific legislation, the commission shall
exercise the powers and perform the duties
enumerated in this provision.
Section 3. IThnt at said election in the year
190ft. on the Ifnllut of each elector voting there
at. there shall be printed or written the words:
"For Constitution Amendment, with refereuci
to State Railway Commission." and Against
Constitutional Amendment. With Reference to i
State Railway Commission." And if. a major
ity of ail votes east at said election, shall bi
for such amendment the same shall be deemed
to be adopted.
I. A. Galusha. secretary of state of the state j
of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the fore
going proposed amendment to the Constitution !
of the State of Nebraska is a true and correct
copy of the original enrolled and engrossed [
bill, as passed by the Twenty-ninth session ot
the legislature of the State of Nebraska. a- I
appears from said original bill on file in this j
office, and that said proposed amendment is
submitted to the qualified voters of the state •
of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at j
the general election to be held on Tuesday, the !
6th day of November. A. D. 1906.
In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my [
hand and affixed the great seal of the state of i
Done at Lincoln this -’4th day of July, in the
year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Six, of the Independence of the United
States the One Hundred and Thirty-second,
and of this state the Fortieth.
A. Galtjsha.
[seal] Secretary of State.
Notice to fMon-Kesi(ient Defendants.
In the l> strict Court in and for Sherman !
county. Nebraska.
Andrew Kjer. Plaintiff,
Patrick Hynes, administrator of estate of
George J. Carr, deceused: ( has. Carr. Frank
Carr, Matthew Carr and George Carr, heirs
at law of George J. Carr, deceased.
The above named defendants will take notice
that on the 21st day of August, 190b. Andrew
Kjer. the above named plaintiff, tiled his pet
ition in the District Court in aud for Sherman
county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to repose, quiet and confirm the
title in and to the southeast quarter IS. E. H)
of Section twenty-six (26>. in Township six
teen (16> north. Range thirteen (13i west of the
6th P. M. in the plaintiff against claims of
said defendants, which said defendants have,
or claim to have in and to said premises by
reason or virtue of certain lost records, instru
ments and Hies, in the matter of the sale of
said real estate by Patrick Hynes, adminis
trator of the estate of George J Carr, deceased,
under and by virtue of a certain license to sell
said real estate, procured and Issued out of the
i District Court In and for Greeley eounty. No
braska. or by reason or virtue of there bung
no complete record In the matter of said sale
under said lisence in the office of the county
clerk In aud for Greeley eounty. Nebraska, and
for such other further and different relief as to
this Honorable Court may seem just and equi
You are hereby required to answer said
petition on or before October 1st. lime,.
Dated this 21st day of August. i90fi.
Andrew Kjer,
By Robert P. Starr, attornev for plaintiff.
_(Last pub. Sept. 13 )
Road Noticed
iCouton Vacation i
The commissioner appointed to report on the
vacation of a road commencing at north line of
Section twenty-nine (29), Town fifteen (15).
Range fourteen l[f). wesj of sixth principal
meridian where road No. 28 intersects there
and running south and east to a point on east
line of said section and beinr a part of road
No. 28. be vacated, has reported in favor of the
vacation thereof and all remonstrances or i
objections thereto must be:tiled in the office of
the county clerk on or before October 20tb. or ;
said mad will be vacated without reference
Dated this both day of August. 1906.
0. F. Hevshavsen,
County Clerk
(Last pub. Sept. 20)
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, i
Land Office at Lincoln, Neb.. \
August 20th, 1906. 1
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has fllPd notice of ms intention
to make tinal proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before J. A.
Angler, county judge, at Loup City, Neb., on
September 29th, 1906. viz:
William V. Pemberton.
who made H. E No. 17720. for the lots No. 6
and 7. see. 6. T. 16 n. R 15 w, 6th P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John Peters. Marvin Parker
all of Arcadia. Neb . Mike Chilewski and
George Nick of Loup Citv, Neb.
Chas F. Shedd. Register.
(Last pub. Sept. 27)
Road Notice.
(Sethaler Road, ij
a The commissioner appointed to view and i
locate a road commencing at the quarter stake
on the section line on the east line of Section
nineteen (19). Town fourteen (111. Range four
teen (14).. Sherman county. Neb., and running
thence west on the half section line to the east
line of Yerdurette cemeterv, .after touching
cemetery the road to be laid entirely on the
northwest quarter 19-14-14 and to be fortv feet
wide and terminating at Township line on j
west side of said Section 19-14-14. has reported j
in favor of the establishment ol said road and j
all remonstrances or object ions and claims for !
damqges must be filed in the office of the
county clerk on or before the 2*tl, day of
October. 1906. or said road will be established
without reference thereto.
Dated this 20th day of August, 1906.
C. F, Beitshadsen,
County Clerk.
(Last pub. Sept, 20)
J have a few choice high-grade
Short-horn Bulls
six to ten months old:
also, some pure-bred
Poland China Boars
Heady far Service.
Our herd leaders are the very best,
and if you want something good, call
on me.
For Sale
from the Loup Valley herd of
Poland China Swine
One Mile S. E. Court House
Loup City, Nehr,
Ten fall boars, sired by Nemo But
ler, No. 36885, an,d Northern Chief
X o. 38397. ’twenty spxi ng boars, sired
by Highland Boy, Xo. 39098: Pawnee
Wilkes, Xo. 36148: F’s Choice Goods.
Xo. 36149, and Perfection Grand, Xo.
33638. Perfection Grand is the great
herd boar of E. H. Andrews, Kear
ney, Xeb. I will hold a bred brood
sow sale in the spring. Telephone
oup jVIOTTO:
(rood -Goods
A t Right Prices
We run our business on the prin
ciple that
The Best Wins
We adhere to the policy of always
giving the best possible value
For Least Money
There’s considerable satisfaction in a store
where you know it’s impossible for you to
make a mistake. You always have the
Our desire is to make Loup City
The Best Possible jVlarket
Fir Pillfi, Mill id
And all kinds of Produce,
C. C. Cooper.
The fence posts that we now have an hand wouldQextend
over ten miles, if placed end to end. We have thej]White
Cedar in quarters, halves and rounds; the Red Cedar in
rounds, and the Black Locust split. We have just what yon
need to repair that fence.
Loup City, Ashton Rockville and Schaupps
B. 8l 1WI. EL EVA Tops
Coal for Sale at Loop City and Asia. Will Boy
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
For BTJC3-C3-IBS, Wagons, Hay
Stackers, Sweepes, Mowing Ma
chines, Press Drills, Wind
Mills, etc., see
Loup Gity, Pcbfaska,
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints