; Loup City Northwestern • 9 **n * —* -*• ** - " ^ l f ^ „ ,/ r«: .. . . ._ t 4 VOLUME XXIII. * LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA'THURSDAY. AUGUST 16, 1906. NUMBER 40 THE NORTHWESTERS T ERMS: —*1.00 PER TEAR. IF PAID III ADVAPC1 Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trails mission through the mails as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 8 Residence ’Phone, - 6 on 15 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pnb. A call is made for a republican delegate convention for t-lie third supervisor district, comprising Elm, Webster and ( lay townships, to be held at the Bicliel school house on Monday. Aug. 27th, 1906. at 2 o'clock p. m. T. C. Chamberlain, Thomas Burton. John Mathkwson. Committeemen. The populist county convention met at Society hall last Friday and pro ceeded to do their political stunt. Populism is pretty dead in Nebraska, as it is all over the union, hut the Sherman county populists did not seem to know it. and met with somt tliing of their old-time enthusiasm, and from the way they enthused one would think they had been enjoying a regular old-fashioned Rip Van Winkle sleep and were not aware of the changed condition of things in which the democrats had captured their orginizatioris everywhere, while the republicans had ‘‘robbed" them of the few good principles they hud advocated in the past and left them stranded, high and dry. so to speak, so far as issues were concerned. How ever. they flashed a set of resolutions j with all the gusto of a live party. and put candidates in the field with all the confidence in their election that the blind horse has in the master it knows. The canvention did one good tiling, however, and that was a just, though tardy, recognition of their party newspaper man, Editor E. A. Brown, by naming him their nominee for representative, and though lie may not come within hailing distance of election, it gave evidence of their recognition of tils services for the party through the long weary years of the past when lie has upheld the party banner with unceasing energy. They also nominated for county at. • ney. Itobt. H. Mathew, the young est attorney in their party, lie having no opposition in the convention. But the feature of the day were the reso lutions, read by that prince of wire workers. Lou Rein, some of which came like a thunderbolt from a clear sky, and as unexpected by the hearers, or many of them. In the main t-hfv dealt out the old populistic diet, hut in some respects were astounding to those interested. To give an illustra tion. we give the following heartless stab to the heart of Geo. II. Gibson, which was all the more heart-rending from the fact that only the day pre vious he had appeared at the Loup City populist caucus and told the Ians lie was "with them.” Here it is: W'r condemn the facts now offidaUy disclosed Sj} doubt the legality of our taxes in this county far years 1901 and 1905. and de plore the resuitapt ccuditipn of things in the Offices of the county cleric anu rvdttj' treas urer. arising from ihe utter incompetent!’ Pf periods neglect of the late republican county clerk, Oibeon, jn his puerile manipulatiions and doctoring1' up of the records for the pur pose of laying the foundation for his own political advancement at the expense and Id annoyance of the taxpayers of the eounty at large. And wouldn’t that make the saints weep? Turn down a man who has helped them by proving traitrous to (.ho jsiiiy that gave him four years of official paf loiingtiy But then, why continue the woeful tales' This leaves ijibson with no political liome, a iruji without a party, a political outcast, lie must porforce organize a party of Ills own. He can now expend alj )ii~ energies in getting up one to iiis own liking. And wouldn’t it lie a daisy? But can he find enough of hisown ilk to even make a ticket? lie might get one up "By Petition," making it [is follows: For Representative, G. H. i.ihson; For County Attorney, G. H. (.iig,un Ti L would give him two chance!;. We give him chip idc.j gratuitously. •..j1__ j.-a Cncle Joe sq.vs the muck-rake can spend all his time pud energy yf| |(}n( It that is his ambition in life, jf he will leave widows and orphans and innocent maidemfalone, We understand (5. H. Gibson went to Omaha Monday, on business con nected with the farmers elevator as sociation. of which he seems to be a leading light. . —r~9-m-— Aevet otdote if, the i|istotv flit: brsaka has polities been df fetich vital interest to the masses as the contest now being waged in this st^te, The people are entitled to know the whole truth about all the men who are seek ing office and about the principles that are being advocated. A paper having some personal or private inter est in the outcome of such contests can rarely be relied upon to print the news from an absolutely unbiased jjtAndRoint, Has the thought occurred If1*Jgtoi n. t-U only Nebraska newspaper whose pnh priwUir is not an office* holder or office seeker* Tills ma.v he some explana tion of why The Journal Is esppclaU lv interesting these days. Its attitude upon ail absorbing topics of public interest is in behalf of the people and not for office getting. # ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Biemond shipped a car of hogs to market yesterday, and again today. Dr. Jones was a busy man last week. He reported a daughter at Clark Alleman’s the 7th: twins (a boy and girl) at Wm. Jung’s on the 9tli. and a danghter at Hugh McFadden’s on the 10th. Later, we learn the twin boy bom to Mr. and Mrs. Jung did not survive. Misses Jessie Culley, Beth Zimmer man, Lena Smith, Edna Daddow, Frances Sweetland and Addie Leinin ger. and the Messrs. Leslie Sweetland and Arthur Brow n were entertained at the lion e of H. B. Musser. six miles north of this city, last Monday evening, in honor of the Misses Marie and Louise Barr of Lincoln, and three young gentlemen of Columbus who were visiting there. The Northwestern on Monday printed wedding cards announcing the nuptials of Mr. Alonzo Moon of Humboldt, this state, and Miss Rboda E. Whitman of Washington township, this county, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. G. H. Whitman, to take place last evening at the home of the bride, the Rev. Wm. Horner of Litcfi field to officiate. The happy couple will be at home after Sept. 1st, at Humboldt. May best of all things accompany them through life. The first day of the race meet and base ball tournament yesterday was a pronounced success, so far as the races and base ball were concerned, the races being very good and the ball game between Arcadia and Wiggle (’reek one of intense Interest, resulting in favor of Arcadia by a score of 14 to 11, and a much larger crowd lieing in attendance than was anticipated for the first day. Space and going to press early this morning prevents extended comment. Today will be of special interest, the free for-all jace being expected to prove very exciting, while the outcome of the ball game yesterday will put both teams on tbeir mettle today. The crowd today promises well this morn ing. Through an error in make-up last week. 4 write-up of Miss Grace G reves, recital at the opera bouse was over looked. Nevertheless, even at this late hour, Tuk Nobthwestbhs records that the entertainment was par excellence in every detail, the work of Miss Graves in her talks and musical illustrations regarding meth ods to interest the little ones in school work being interesting and in structive to old and young alike, while tl>esecond part of her program, being music more fpr the adult por tion of her audiepce. gave evidence that she possesses a voice of great power and sweetness and by far (he best listened to by a Loup City audience in years. Too much praise, also, cannot be given the local talent who gave her such valuable assistance. At E. S. Hayhurst’s new and mam moth store room, as soon as ready, the date to be announced later, the Loup City band will give a grand ball Sjpd band concert, the proceeds of which will go tpiygrd the purchasing of new uniforms for the boys The band is proving a grand feature ip our city apd should have the hearty support of ail and at all times. The floor managers will be those old veterans in Terpsichorean art, W. O. Brown, W. G. Odendahl and I). C’. Grow, which insures the best of times and the most perfect of order. Every body is invited to come and have the evening Of their lives. If you don't dance.'pgteytaipinent of music and refreshments wiii lie prepared for your edification and amusement, any way, Watch for the dates and lie prepared to attend, Mrs. Elizabeth E. Jones was born October lfith, 1825 at Philedelphia, Penn. After her marriage she moved to the Bermuda Islands, where she resided for eight years, and then re moved to Jtock Island. 111., where she has resided fill one year agtbwhejj Slip canp; tp Nebraska to jive wjtfj her son, E. F. Jones of this city. Ip June Iffst. fjjip wept, tg (’pjgtph|a' La,, a distance of now miles, tp visit a daughter, contemplating a stay of two ye^r8- but pot iijtjiig ft fhprp shf< i-oiioiqcjed to return to Loup City and arrived here Thursday, Aug- 3, wg«, taken »(ek on Saturday, Aug. 4, and died Wednesday, Aug. 8th. She was a devoted member of the Baptist church for 50 years and was president of the Baptist Women's society. She Wi#4' ao4 (being mother and loved by all with whom site came ip contact, Mr. and Mrs, E, F, Jones desire THU NpfivpWEnTEpn to ex teod tlieir heartfelt thanks to those who assisted them during the illness and death of their beloved mother. Baptist Church Directory. Every Mi-rpww sgrgicas.. .ttcsdam Sunday School ......... ..... . ....11:30 a » S-’ •.«** v- .6#ipm evening wmees . .. T Sf »■ « and 8:00 m th'3 aumipaF moatU^ every WedBerfw Prayer meetings are heW in the parsonage during winter months The Ladies’ Aid Society meets on Wednesday at i:S0 p. m. H .8. Wold. Pastor. t PROPOSED CONSTITUTION AL AMENDMENT. The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Nebraska, as here inafter set forth in full, is submittsd to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the general election to.be held Tues day. November 6. A. D. 1906. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That at a general election for State and Legislative officers to be held on the Tuesday, succeeding the first Monday in November. 1906, the following provision be proposed and submitted to the electors of the State as an amendment to the constitution. Section 2. There shall be a State Railway Commission, consisting of three members, who shall be first elected at the general election in 1906. whose terms of office, except those chosen at the first election under this provision, shall be six years, and whose c ompensation shall be fixed by the Legislature. Of the three commissioners first elected, the one receiving the highest number of votes, shall bold his office for six years, the next highest four years, and the lowest two years. The powers and duties[of such commission shall include the regulation of rates, service and general control of common carriers as the legis lature may provide by law. But in the absence of specific legislation, the commission shall exercise tbe powers and perform the duties enumerated in this provision. Section 3. That at said election in the year 1906. on the ballot of each elector voting there at. there shall be printed or written the words: •For Constitution Amendment, with reference to State Railway Commission.' and Against Constitutional Amendment. With Reference to State Railway Commission." And if. a major ity of all votes east at said election, shall be for such amendment, the same shall be deemed to be a dopt ed. I. A. Qulusha secretary of state of the state of Nebraska. do hereby certify that the fore going proposed aiuc-ndment to tbe Constitution of the state of Nebraska is a true and correct copy of tbe original enrolled and engrossed bill; as passed by the Twenty-ninth session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska, as appears from said original billon file in this office, and that said proposed amendment is submitted to the qualified voters of the state of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday, tbe 6th day of November. A. D. 1906. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 24th day of July, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Six. of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-second, and of this state the Fortieth. A. Galusha. [seal] Secretary of State. Burlington Bulletin Of Round Trip Rates. August 1900, You will find some attractive excursion rates that will interest you. To Chicago and Return: Veiy low—lessthan half rates for the round trip August tth to 6th. inc . August 11th to 13th. Inc. Ample re turn limits. To New England and Canada: Daily low round trip rates to Canada and on August Sth and 22nd to New England resorts. G. A. R Rates to Minneapolis and St. Paul: August Uth to 13th, inc. Muljh less than half rates for the round trip To San Franolsco and Los Angeles and Re turn: Only $50.00, direct routes, and $02 50 via Shasta Route and Puget Sound, returning via Northern Paride-Burlington line via Billings. All the attractions of the West included in this rate and route. Daily, Sept. 3rd to 14th, inc.. limit Oct. 31st. Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo: For Pikes Peak celebration, one fare round trip, maximum $15.00 from the Missouri river. Sept' 19ih w 22nd. inc. Homescekers’ Excursions: Frequently each monnh. according to territory. Ask your agent. Write DCIem Deaver. Agent Burlington home seekers’ Information Bureau at 10O1 Farnam St., Omaha, at out getting hold of a free sec tion of liinkaid Jam?. Sfcpusands of acres of these lands are being vacated ap,1 \?e assist settlers in locating on these lands. Consnlt nearest Burlington Ticket Agent about low rates for Summer tours in any direc tion. U. L. Author. Agent L. W. Wakeley, G. P. A.. Omaha. Union Pacific Bulletin Of Round-Trip Rates. $13.85 to Colorado and return. Tickets on sale Sept. 19 to 22. inc. $15.30 to Colorado and return daily to Sept 10 $35 95 to Butte and return. First and third Tuesdays. August te November ine. $51.$5 to &au Fpangiscoor Los Angeles and return. September 3 to ll. *57.35 to Yellowstone Park and return, inc»ud ing rail and stage, daily to September 17. $6175 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, or to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and return, Daily to September 15. $d'l 95 to California, returning via Portland. September 3 to 14. $77215 to Yellowstone Park and return, in cluding rail, stage and hotels in Park beyond Yellowstone, for five and one-half days' trip, daily to September 17. Also very low round-trip rates, every day to Sept. 15, to many other Oregon. Washington. Montana, Idaho and British Columbia points. G. W. Colliprikst. Agent Road Notice (CUqssen Road) The tqmiqisjlQnpr appointed to vjew and locatea road commcnc:mr at the northwest corner of Section ten ilO,, Township fifteen <1q) north, Har.ge fourteen, (14) west of the sixth principal meridian in Shermau county, Nebraska, and running thence south on the Section line between Sections nine (9) and ten (10) in said county ami township one mile and terminating at southwest corner of said Sec tion ten 110) where the section line between j said sections nine (9) and ten (10) intersects public road be allowed platted and opened as a public road, has reported in favor of the establishment thereof and all object ions there- i to or claims for damages must be fllod in the office of the County Clerk on or before upon of the 20th day of September or said road -will j be established witnoitt reference IhifetO.' " Oared t>ij9 }2fti ffaj-of Spiv. iff# ' p. BsFSHurgFS. County Clerk. tLast pull. Aug. 16) S(jTie« gj> Sheri Hotte? is hereby givcu that by virtue of an; order oi sale or special execution issued out of i the District Couit of Platte county. Nebraska, and to me directed, upon a judgment rendered i ■ n said District Court in a cause wherein the •' Columbus State Hunk is plaintiff, and George ! L. Dewey is defendant, in favor of said plain- I tiff and against said defendant, in the sum of j one thousand sixty-six and eighty-six one huq- I dredths dollaisi$1066.H6i.and costs of aui» taxed at $15.65 on -June 23rd, ibOq, and *S wnich judgment. It- urdprciHliat Abe property bereidvoTc »(fa;hey ,n said cause, to wit: The southwest quarter of Section twenty-three (23) in Township hfteen (15j, Range fourteen (14) west of 6th principal meridian' it) Sherman county. Nepraslfa. bp sold Mr tnc satisfaction interest therein at tea per eept pgr annum from vune 23rd l&tjii, toupiher with the sum of posts uqu accruing costs: I will, on Tues day-top am any of August, i9oe. at 2 o’clock in the afternofn of sqid day. sell the hfcnye hmise^m* }aad W ‘he court JWg*: K kuttB C*M. Mrtwaska, to the highest cast to Satisfy the amount due on sum judgment With interest and costs and aoorumg vo»t3. i9c6Iven under my hand thls 18A of July, L. A. Williams, Sheriff of Sherman County. Nebraska, _ yLast pub.'Aug iff) ™ For Sale from the Loup Valley herd of Poland China Swine One Mile S. E. Court-House Loup C%, Nefer, Ten fall boars, siye^ ly -Win Hut hr, No. ahd Northern Chief | 3W»7t Twenty spring boars, sired hr Highland Boy, No. 39098; Pawnee Wilkes, No. 36148; F’s Choke Goods, No. 36149, and Perfection Grand, No. ,'{,’1638. Perfection Grand is the great herd lioar of E. H. Andrews. Kear ney, Neb. I will hold a bred brood sow sale in the spring. Telephone connections. H. J. JOHANSEN, Prop, MWVips W » %.J j | 1 VW| UW(\U| LUMBER Posts, Shingled, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints BOUGHT AT THE B. & fll. ELEVATORS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Leap City and Asltoa. Will Bar HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWEL1 Call and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G. TAYLOR YOPK COLLEGE: One of Nebraska’s Standard Institutions. Seventeen Eminent Teachers. Two Splendid Buildings. Thorough Collegiate and Academy Courses. Normal Courses Leading to STATE CERTIFICATES. Superior Commercial, Shorthand, Ty pewriting and Telegraphy I>epts. Best Advantages in Music, Expression and Art. Tuition Low. Board, $1.75 per week. Rppip. per week. TEXT BOOKS FREE. I flighted Matrons. Growing Attendance. Students hold good positions. Catalogue Free. Correspondence invited. Fall tCrm opens Sept. 17. Address. WM. E. SCHELL, President, _York, Nebraska. FOP ” BUGGIES T- PI- PEED. TIME TABLE. i LOUP CITY NKBR. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha. Helena,' Chicago, Buttp, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Lonis. San FranclBco, and all points and all points ast and sonth. West. TRAINS LRATE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No. 52 Paseenger.....7.35a. m No. 60 Freight. 9:15 a m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger. 5:10 p. ta. No. 59 Freight. 6:00 p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining eclair pare (seats free) on tRroogh trains. ' Tickets sold and baggage checked tp any point In the United Stalps pr CnnaQft. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call o,n or write to B- L. abthub agent- Or J. Fbanois. Gen'l Passenger agent. Omaha, vebraska. Siepmann & Co; City Meat Market. Siepmann & Co.. City Meat Market, Roasters going I at SI.00 Each. Phone W51 and W53 Give Us a Trial A, Round Front Barn,; J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebiv Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers. Headquarters iorfarruers’ teaiua. Com mercial men’s trade given especial at-' tension. Your patronage solicited. ^—mm U P RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE ^hrss Daily Vraiqs to California. TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS FOLLOWS:— No. 38 leaves dally except Sunday (pass - eager). 7:25a. m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m. No. 87 arrives dally expert Sunday (mixed) 11:50 a.m. > No. 37 arrives Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at ►.$> n. ip. Mp. S3 (passenger) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays arrives at 5:S5 p m. First class service and close connections east, west and south. Tickets sold to al) points and baggage checked through to destination. Information will be chter fully furnished on application to • G. W. Colupriist. Agent Haying Tools: It is heavy, hard work to handle hay the old way, beside* help is hard to get and wages are very high, Buy the Improved Stacker and sweep which light ens the work and saves you money, at the Hardware and Implement store of L S. Hayharst, AGENT FOR DEERING Binders. Mowers* J Rakes and Binding Twine «... -. 'i ji oup MOTTO: Good Goods At Right Prices We run our business on the prin ciple that The Best Wins We adhere to the policy of always giving the best possible value For Least Money There’s considerable satisfaction in a store where you know it’s impossible for you to make a mistake. You always have the Our desire is to make Loup City The Best possible ]Market IN SHERMAN COUNTY Pit!, Hotter aid E And all kinds of Produce, C. C. Cooper. On account of re-building our coal sheds, we will reduce the price of our coal in hins on B. & M. $.25 per ton, -YARDS AT~ Loup City, Ashton Rockville and Schaupp