The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 09, 1906, Image 1

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    » * i ‘•"•■"I* ■ v t ■ * , t ,...a
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Entered at the Loup City Postofflce lor trank
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office Thone, - - - 8 on 8
Residence ’Phone. - 6 on 15
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. anil Pub.
Was County Clerk Hibson Igno
rant, Incompetent, or a
Law Unto Himself!
Aud This Front an Official Who
Posed as “the Savior of
the People.”
To the honorable, the State Board ot Equali
zation ot tile state of Nebraska:
in tbe matter of the application of Sherman
county, Nebraska, for a reduction in the
assessed valuation ot real estate as made by
the taxing authorities of the state and county
for said county in the year 1905.
Comes now D. C. Grow, chairman: W. O.
Brown, Henning Claussen W. K. Chapman.
Chris Nielson. John Bracking and Ferdinand
Bettroil. members of the Board of Supervisors
of Sherman county, and C. F. Beushausen.
oorntv Clerk, and Lawrence Peters, assessor
of said county, and petitions your honorable
board for a reduction in the value of real estate
a. made in said county in the year 1905. and
1st. That the valuation in said county on real
estate us returned by the taxing authorities
of said county to the State Board of Equali
zation. tor the year 1904. was $725,980.00, to
which vour honorable board added 10 per cent,
making a total of *798.578.11) and ordered the
County Clerk of Sherman county to place said
increase upon the tax records of said county,
which Ire refused and neglected to do and in
lieu thereof increased the slate levy on all
property except railroads from six to six ami
one-half mills, it order to raise the required
amount of tax tor.i-aid year.
2nd That the assessed valuation oi improve
ments on real estuie for 118*5 was $14 031.00.
which sum added to the valuation of 1904 makes
a total sum of* 9 00 had the said order of
increase of the State Board been complied with
bv the County Clerk.
'3rd That the County Board of Equalization
at the 1905 session reduced the valuation of
oak Creek. Ashton. Bristol and Scott town
ships $24,181.00. and inadvertantly omitted to
increase the aggregate value of real estate in
said county an amount equal to said reduction
as equalized in 1901. leaving the aggregate
valuation of real estate id said county at
$774,397.00. instead of $798,578.00 as fixed by the
state board In 19CH.
4th That at the 1905 session of t* estate board
it still appearing by the return of said county
elers that toe had refused and neglected to
cottply with the said order of increase in the
valuation as made by this board in the year
1901. which neglect and refusal arbitrarily
made by him was without authority or sanction
from the County Board, and by reason of the
attempt of said clerk to legislate in place of
execute the order of the State Board, your
honorable board again increased the valuation
Feal estate in said county *78,812.00 or
$S1 661.00 In eaeess (if the amount of reduction
wads bv tha County Hoarg in the four town
ships Icwered As b vpsuIt Of whirl, extra
Increase, said county of Sherman pays $302.62
ex*ra State tax,
atb That at -the 1905 session of the State
Hoard a levy * »» made to raise the sum of
$10,831.58 In Sbej'sian county, while in fact said
county pays fcjtr.s&o.SS wbicb i* 111# 80 more
than reuuirpti, ps bourn by tbe returo* made
by the county gI«JT nrfejuh utnount added to
the state tax ioc:jawo by rtf»#op of said
penalty or excess s& Valuation matter
extra state tax paid by said county.
Your petitioners therefore pray that said
penalty or excess in valuation of $54,601.00 be
deducted from the valuation of tin? real estate
in Sherman county as returned by the County
Clerk in 1006.
The County Board of Supervisors o Sherman
county. Nebraska.
«\ F. Beushausen, County Clerk,
l.AWUCNTK Peteks. County Assessor.
,By J, S. Peulkr, County Attorney.
I^tate i>£jtfd of ftappiization and Assessment
aaorge »». Bennett >»$$$«•»; *»*•
2, 1906. County Clerk. M>«p C»y, $yb JJpur
441r:—At n meeting of the State uouyd of
Equalixatlon and As.sealiment of the State of
Nebraska, your petition for relief In the
matter of over-valuation of the real eatate in
Sherman county for the year 1905 was con
sidered. and it was the Judgement of the board
that a reduction of six-per cent be made on
value of real estate in Sherman county for the
year 1906. You are hereby Instructed to de
duct this amount from the real estate for the
year 1906. Yours truly.
f G*o. D. Bennett ,-ecy
from i{ip a boy a will be seen some
methods qf Qpo. If. Qi^oj^wtifle in
tlie county clerk's omgp. when. °dr
readers digest this, will they not have
reason to rejoice that the county offi
cial directory is no longer burdened
with an official who, against all prece
dent, law and right plunges the coun
ty into a mess, which only the prompt
and efficient action of the county
hoard, county attorney and present
countv clerk saved from being mulct
<>ut of several hundreds of dollars by
tin. had work of this man? Is it any
ivpjHler the republican party turned
filin' down for % third t*erm. nor start
ling when' flie vqfel* did t}|f> same
when lie betrayed the party that to
jts own discredit had honored him
With two terms in one of tlie most
responsible offices ill the county? And
Why did he, »« Will he seen in the 1st
allegation of the- petition, instead ot
ouoViviB t])€ orders of tl)? board
and add 10 per cent * to tjjp as
Hesiod valuation of Fea! estate
al! over the county, increase the
state lew on all property, EXCEPT
KA ILliOADS, from six to »(x end
one-hall' mills, in order to raise the
required amount? I>id he think the
rairoads wouldn't stand it. but the
dear voters of the county would bear
the injustice? Tliat the state board
came to the relief of the taxpayers is
pleasing, but does not relieve the
odium of the former clerk's record.
jjutthiaJsQnly a portion of the queer
«ork- There G much more to fol
fqw ' Etgr Since liiqsQq begun his at>
tack qh various iqeinqeiSftfci.efepub
lican party, doing so by columns of
- badly worded, badly spefled and worse
grammatically constructed innuendo,
TUR Northwestern lias been be
sieged witlt requests to answer, but
at the desire of a muelj larger num
ber lias refrained- how, however,
since this tax matter lias been bro't
to light, the demand for the search
light of investigation to be turned
to the official records of the clerk's
office during Gibson's regime is so ur
gent we ask either the county attor
nev or the present county clerk, or
an expert accountant to go through
the hooks of that office and give tc
the public full light on the tax mat>
to, iud qn the records in general. The
imiumns Qf Tfie JfdBTjmEtjTKRii art
at their disposal- If »|f- Gibson if
innocent of any wrong, premeditated
nr unpremeditated, we Will be among
the Amt to fire him justification
Sherman County Farmers At/
Do you want to be represented at
the State Fair? If so, let us wake
up and shovr the rest of t he state that
we still exist.
Now friend, do not depend on your
neighbor, do something yourself. We
have a good crop this year and there
is no reason why we should not have
as nice an exhibit as there is on the
Sheman county is one of the best
agricultural counties in the state.
Let us keep it so. This reminds me
of a little story i heard the other day.
A young man who was matrimonially
inclined called up a young lady by
telephone and said, “Hello; I own 80
acres of Sherman county land, will you
marry me?” The answer immediately
came back: “Yes, who is this talking?”
Now friend, if you have any tine or
special varieties of corn that you would
like to have on exhibit, cultivate it
extra and mulch it good. Ik> not pull
it until a couple of days before your
nearest exhibit leaves: bring it in roots
and all. You will probably be able to
find some of your wheat, oats, rye or
barley along the edges of the field.
Bring it with roots. All sheaf grains
should be iu sheafs about 6 inches in
diameter and tied at the top. Do
not bring iu any perishable goods either
vegetables or fruit until the. last day
before your exhibit leaves. The follow
ing is a list of articles needed:
Corn on ear and on stalk.
Wheat threshed and on st raw.
(>ats threshed and on straw.
Rye threshed and on straw.
Barley threshed and on straw, and
any other variety of grain, wild or
native grasses, tame grasses as tim
othy, clover, alfalfa, brome grass,
millet, etc:
Garden vegetables: potatoes, onions,
cabbage, beets, squashes, melons and
pumpkins. Miscellaneous, embracing
varieties of soil and other farm pro
ducts not otherwise named in this
schedule. The following men have
kindly consented to take charge of
the exhibits at the following places.
R. M. Iliddleson. Loup City; R. P.
Moore. Litchfield; S. II. F.'ranscomb,
Rockville. For particulars, address
II. H. Smelser Asbtoh, Nebr., who is
in charge of this work. Have your
exhibit in Litchfield by Augtst 25th,
Rockville by August 25th, Loup City
by August 2Kth, Ashton by August
57th. * *
Teachers Wanted.
Never in the history of the state
lias there been so great a demand for
public school teacher*.
The St. P»uf formal f’pllege has
had caflsTrom several County Super
intendents'asking for teachers itcould
recommend. Salaries have advanced
from five to teii dollars per month.
Tiie npw law requires that every
teacher, after 1906. must have attend
ed aijhrqyfd RPWl §Clipq|, or
liave had experience in teaching
Tiie Sf. Piul Norma) is an approved
school, and makes a specialty of pre
paring teachers for the profession in
tiie shortest time possible.
We shall want more than one hun
dred teachers for next year. We can
qualify any good eighth grade student
for a second grade teacher’s certificate
in one year, and give them the neces
sary normal training.
This is a great opportunity for
young men and women to enter a
good paying profession by devoting
a short time to preparation.
if jo# nir? fUtojr mopey,
probably we pap |ie}D yoy.
If you tpipk qf attending school,
why not attend ope that fa approved
by the state Superintendent and get
credit for your work?
Remember thgt we qualify yqu for
teaching in less time and for less
money than any other school. Fall
term begins Sept. 4th.
Send at once for catalog.
St. Paul Nobxal and Business
College, S. D. Sxitb, Pres.
The big Epworth League assemble
in camp on last Friday adopted a
string of resolutions strenuously
against Rosewater for U. S. senator.
The whole relifone people qf Sebras
tra^yeaii^I '^“n tl\e liquor
The following proposed amendment to the
constitution of the State of Nebraska, as here
inafter set forth in full, is submittsd to tbe
elector* of the State of Nebraska, to be voted
upon at tbe general election held Tues
day. November 8. A. D. 1900.
Be it Enacted by the Legislature of
the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at a general election for
State and Legislative officers to be held on the
Tuesday, succeeding tbe first Monday in
November. 11)06. tbe following provision be
proposed and submitted to the electors of the
State as an amendment to tbe constitution.
Section 2. There sball be a State Kailway
Commission, consisting of three members, who
shall be first elected at the general election in
1906. whose terms of office, except those chosen
at tbe first election under this provision, shall
be six years, and whose compensation shall be
fixed by the Legislature.
Of the three commissioners first elected, tbe
one receiving the highest number of votes,
shall bold his office for six years, the next
highest four years, and the lowest two years.
Tbe powers and dutiesjof such commission shall
include the regulation of rates, seryice and
general control of common carriers as the legis
lature may provide by law But iu the absence
of specific legislation, the commission shall
exercise the powers and perform the duties
enumerated in this provision.
Section 3. That at said election in the year
1906, on the ballot of each elector voting there
at. there shall be printed or written the words:
"For Constitution Amendment, with reference
to State Railway Commission." and "Against
Constitutional Amendment. With Reference to
State Railway Commission." And if. a major
ity of all votes cast at ss,id election, sball be
for such ame ndment, the same shall be deemed
to be adopted.
I. A. Gaiusha. secretary of state of the state
of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the fore
going prooosed amendment to tbe Constitution
of tbe state of Nebraska is a true and correct
copy of the original enrolled and engrossed
bill, as passed by tbe Twenty-ninth session of
tbe legislature of the State of Nebraska, as
appears from said original bill on file In this
office, and that said projtosed amendment is
submitted to tbe qualified voters of the state
of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at
the general election to be held on Tuesday, tbe
6th day of November. A. I). 1906.
In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my
band and affixed tbe grew seal of tbe state of
Done at Lincoln this 24tb day of July, in the
year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Six. of tbe Independence of tbe United
States the One Hundred and Thirty--second
and of this state tbe Fortieth.
A. Halfsha,
[seal] Secretary of State.
Baptist Church Directory.
Every Sunday.
Morning services...10:30 am
Sunday School . 11:30 am
B. Y. P. U. . 6:30 pm
Evening services . 7:30 pm
and 8:00 in the summer months.
Mid-week prayer meetings every Wednesday
night «t7;30 to 6:00 p m.
Prayer meetings are hold in the parsonage
during winter months.
The Ladies' Aid Societv meets on Wednesday
at 2:30 p. m. H ,S. Wold, Pastor.
Union Pacific Bulletin
Of Round-Trip Rates.
To Eastern Points:
$17.05 to Chicago and return, tickets on sale
Aug. 4. 5. 8. II, IS and 13.
•17.05 to Peoria and return, tickets on sale
Aug. 4. 5. 6. 11 12 and 13.
$20 95 to St. Louis and return, tickets on sale
Aug. 4. 5. 8. 11, }2 and (3
$22 In to Milwaukee and return, tickets on
sale Aug. 11.
$22.10 to Milwaukee and return, ticbe:s on
sale Aug. 12. 13.
Also low one-way rate* on same dates via the
Union Pacific. Inquire of
G. W. Collipkxest. Agent
Burlington Bulletin
Of Round Trip Rat?§,
Opening of thp §bqshonp' Reservation:
Register ay WpclanR for Rip Government draw
ing entitling you to draw 180 acres of fine
irrigable lands in the Shoshone Reservation:
only $1.50 an acre, one-.thira cash. 400.000
acres, or 2 500 farms, to lie drawn for: besides
this, there are 800.1)00 acres of timber and
mineral lands that may be takeo in the usual
way. some of these lauds are supposed to be oi
great value. One fare fpr th? reu“d trip to
woriand, with maximum ai ; from Omaha.
Lincoln and Nebraska points. Tickets sold
July 12th to 20th. final limit August 15th. Take
this grand trip through the rich irrigated lauds
of the Big Horn Basin. This will be one of the
greatest events in the history of the distribu
tion of Uncle Sam's domain.
To Pacific Coast: Daily low excursion rates
for this the greatest railroad iouruey in the
To Colorado and Return: About half rates
daily, and even lower rates for the Elks' big
gathering at Denver, July 10 to 15th inclusive.
Also daily low rates to Easlprn resorts;
frequent lipmpseekfeys' excursions, in fact
tempting excursion rates in all directions
throughout Che summer
Consult nearest Burlington Ticket Agent.
L. W. Wakeley, G. P. A.. Omaha.
R. L. ARTHUR. Agent.
To all to whom it may concern:
The commltioner appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at the southwest
corner of Section thirty-five, Township sixteen.
Range fourteen, and the northwest corner of
Section two, Township fifteen. Range fourteen,
and running thence west along the township
line across Sections thirty-four, thirty-three
and thirty-;Township sixteen. Range four
teen. Jnd'SpcttoRS ttjrhm font and gve.Town
ship fifteen, wapgp fourteen, and terminating
at road No. 17 in the southeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of Sections thirty.two. thirty
two. sixteen and fourteen, and the northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter of Section
five. Township fifteen. Range fourteen, has re
ported in favor of the establishment thereof,
and ai) objections, remonstrance and claims
for damages must be file&ln the office of the
county clerk on or before the 10th day of Sep
tember. 1906. or said road will be established
without reference thereto.
Dated this 7th day of July. 1906.
County Clerk.
Last pep. * us. ».
Rpad Notice:
(Glaussen Road)
The commissiob^r appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at the northwest
corner of Section ten ilO), Township fifteen
(15) north. Range fourteen (U) west of the
sixth principal meridian in Sherman county,
Nebraska, and running thence south on the
Section line between Sections tine (tt) and ten
(JO) Ip saWptSUpi? ahq *,o\yns:hip one inllg and
terminating at spuftiwest power of aaid Sec
tion ten i)0) where the section line between
said sections nipwatk) and ten (fQ) intersects
public road be allowed platted and opened as
a public road, has reported in favor of the
establishment thereof and all objections there
to or claims tor damages must be fliod in the
office of the County Clerk on or before noon
of the 30th day of September or said road will
be established without rrferenee thereto.
Dated this 13th day of July, 1908,
C. F. Befshafber.
County Clerk.
(Last pub. Aug. 18)
Notice la hereby given that by virtue Qf an
order ol salempecirt execntisn ikpuafi out of
the Di dray,JSebraska.
andtp Swept rendered
,«*»U . .. t *e wherein the
Columbus ihk Is plaintiff, nod George
L. Dewey U lant, in faw of aaid plain
tiff and against said defendant, in the sum of
one tbouaand sixty =si* and elghty-sla one hnn
judgment fv w»« ftruerad (bat the property
heretofore attached In said cause, to wit: The
southwest uuarter of Seottoo twenty-three (3Si
in Township fifteen (IS), Range fourteen (14)
wen of 0th principal meridian In Sherman
county. Nebraska be sold for the satisfaction
of said judgment, and upon which judgment
there Is now due the said sum of *1068 88 wit#
interest thereon at ten per eent per annum
from June 33rd. 19U6. together with the sum of
rI5.S5 costs and accruing costs: I will, on Tuee
day. the 31st day of August. 1908. at 3 o'clock
in the afternoon of said day. sell the above
described land at the south door of j ubfirt
house. in Loup City. N-Vrtrky vdhBfrhlkhest
bidder Tor cptb tbV'atobiZht due on
ss^jiiwsf ¥s* “d60,18 —
Given u utter my hand this 18th day of July,
,M L. A Wnjjty
Sheriff of Sherman County. Nebraska.
it** pt», Ahf.
mwmj* 'viwjj 11 wi/| uorxuj
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints
mao, iMit flDB) m
Coal for Solo of Loop City amt Asbtoi. Will Bay
Call and sea our ooal and get prices ou grain,
One of Nebraska’s Standard Institutions,
Seventeen Eminent Teachers. Two Splendid Buildings.
Thorough Collegiate and Academy Courses.
Normal Courses Leading to STATE CERTIFICATES.
Superior Commercial, Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraphy Depts.
Best Advantages in Music, Expression and Art. ■
Tuition Low. Board, *1.75 per week. Room, 50c per week.
TEXT BOOKS FREE. Delighted Patrons. Growing Attendance.
Students hold good positions. Catalogue Free,
Correspondence invited. Fall term opens Sept, 17, Address,
WM» E, SCHELL, President,
__York. Nebraska.
oup IWOTfO:
Good Goods
At Bight Prices
We run our business on the prin
ciple that
The Best Wins
We adhere to the policy of always
giving the best possible value
For Least Money
There’s considerable satisfaction in a store
where you know it’s impossible for you to
make a mistake. You always have the
Our desire is to make Loup City
The Best Possible Market
TP* \
For Fooltrf, Dot il Bus
And all kinds of Produce,
C. C. Cooper.
On account of re-building our coal sheds,
we will reduce the price of our coal in bins
on B. & M. $.25 per ton.
Loup City, Ashton Rockville and Schaupp
jj L(Jup 0jTY NKB,._
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City,
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Lonis. San Francisco,
and all points and all points
ast and sonth. West.
No. 52
NO. 80 Freight..,.,...,',.',,,... IBloa m.
No. 51 Passenger. 5: JO p. m.
No. 59 Freight.6:00 p. tn.
Sleeping, dinner and recliuing chair cars
meats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
the United states or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to R. L, Arthur
agent. Or J. Francis. Gen’l Passenger
agent. Omaha. Nebraska.
Siepmann & Co $
City Meat Market.
Siepmann & Co.,
City Meat Market.
Roasters going
at PiQQ Each.
Phone W51 and W53
Give Us a Trial
Rqmft Front Bam,
f. H. KEENER Prop*
Loup City, . Nebr.
riuort Wvery Hi*», careful drivers.
Heatoiarteraior farmers’t*au>. <’om
merculmra’s trade fives especial at
Toar patraoa«e solicited.
TPhrss Daily Vraiys to
NG. 38 leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). fTO.
No, 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tnesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m.
No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed)
11:50 a.m.
No. 37 arrives Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 7:35 p. m.
No. 39 (passenger) Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, arrives at 5:S5 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and aonth. Tickets sold to al’.
points and baggage checked through to
destination. Information trill be chier
fully furnished on application to
U. W. COLupbicbt, Agent
l .. j .1
Haying Tools:
It is heavy, hard work to handle hay
the old way, besides help is hard to get and wages are
very high.
Buy the Improved Stacker and sweep which light
ens the work and saveB you money, at the Hardware
and Implement store of
L S. Hayhurst,
AGENT FOR DEERING Binders, Mowere, f
Rakes and Binding Twine -