The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 19, 1906, Image 8

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    I am now receiving shipments of guns and shells for fall shooting.
If wanting a gun call early while I have a variety to pick from.
Resp. Yours,
p. O. PEED, -Jhe Hardware jVlap.
A. P. CULLEY, President. W. P. MASON, Cashier.
rp jg
of Loup CfTY
vative £
We Do a Banking Business Only
Farm Loans at 6 per cent,Optional Payments
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs .$3.50 $4.00
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 0.00
Corn, per bu.30 (« .38
Wheat, per bu.45 & .58
Oats, per bu.25 @ .27*4
Rye, perbu.40 (a .42
Butter, per ft>.12 C<i .15
Eggs, per doz. .10
Lioaal IVrws.
It pays to trade at Cooper's.
Banker Culley went to Greeley
Tuesday morning.
Hayward Bros, shoes for sale at
G. H. Lindall took a business trip
to Callaway, Monday.
H02. Ashley Conger, the drayman.
Get him.
Fred Brown of Farwell visited his
uncle, E. G. Taylor, over last Sunday.
Puritan Indian meal, lOets package
at Cooper's.
A new cement walk is being put in
west of Leininger's lumber yard lead
ing to the B. & M. depot.
Cooper pays the highest price for
poultry and produce.
Miss Etlia Putnam arrived from
Sioux Falls, S. 1)., on an extended
visit to her sister. Mrs. H. S. Wold.
When in Loup City try Fremont
beer at the new saloon of Cords &
Mr. and Mrs. Lum Fletcher, daugh
ter Blanche and son Glenn, left for
Battle Creek and other Iowa points
on a two weeks' visit, Monday.
Delicious short order lunches at
the Model Restaurant.
Mrs. Christy and Miss Mitchell of
Iowa returned to Central City this
morning, Mrs. Edgar Draper return
ing with them for a two weeks' visit
at her old home.
Baled hay for sale by A. P. de
L.vster. Free delivery.
J. B. Hiddleson, wife and two daugh
ters of Rippey, Iowa, on their way to
points on the Pacific coast for an
extended visit, visited with the fami
ly of Treasurer Hiddleson here over
Sunday, the two gentlemen being
T. M. Reed lias just received a new
stock of buggies. Call and see them.
Bert McKinnie left Monday morn
ing for a two weeks’ visit at Sault
St Marie, in northern Michigan,
where he will engage in hunting and
fishing, and undoubtedly return with
a history of exploits that will make
our nimrods’ stories look more plaus
Zimmerman & Brewer can make a
straight 6 per cent farm loan. Cal
and see them.
While doing carpenter work on tl;«
A. B. Outhouse residence last week
Will Taylor had the misfortune 01
sawing his left hand badly betweer
the thumb and forefinger, which wil
keep him from work for a few days
I>r. Kearns dressed the injured mem
her and Will is doing nicely.
Editor B. K. Schaeffer of the Curti:
Enterprise was in this city Mondai
evening, visiting the family of hi:
father-in-law, T. A. Taylor, return
ing to his home Wednesday morning
Mrs. Schaeffer and son, Howard, win
hax'e been visiting here for Severn
days, will remain possibly two week:
We understand that a number o
young people from this county willgi
to Grand Island, Nebraska, next tern
to attend the well known JBusines
and Normal College of that city
This school has been a leader in busi
ness education for 20 years and can
not supply the demand for its grad
uates. Students who do not find i
convenient to pay expenses are allow
ed to graduate ai d pay after a posi
tion is secured, but only live liundra
will be admitted on this plan.
Try the Model restaurant.
Mrs. Vie Johnson of Aurora is here
visiting her parents.
Farmers, try the Model for good
Oliver Duhry went to St. Paul, Ord
and other points Tuesday morning.
WAITED: lO.OiX) dozen eggs at
Mrs. B. .1. Swanson left Tuesday
morning for an extended visit at
Wray, Colo.
Cash for poultry—Sleeth.
Phone A. 1'. Conger, H92, when in
need of a drayman.
W. R. Mellor was home from
Lincoln over Sunday, which calls for
another wliitf from the puff hall.
Bohart’s cake and pastry flour, 25c
per package, at Cooper’s.
Mrs. Ed. Taylor and children went
to Farwell last Friday for a few days’
visit, her good father accompanying
them, all returning Monday.
If you want to buy or sell real
estate, call on John IF long.
When in Loup City try Fremont
beer at the new saloon of Cords &
Cl raefe.
Miss Mattie Roberts, formerly a
teacher in our city schools, has been
visiting friends here the past few
days. She expects to teach in Cali
fornia next year.
C. II. Leininger. undertaker and em
balmer. Calls answered day or night.
Seventy-nine tickets were sold for
the U. I’, excursion to Grand Island
last Sunday to witness the ball game,
25 of them being Arcadians who
wanted to get points for their club
in another Wiggle Creek game.
Sleeth pays cash for pro
.Misses Jessie and Cora Leminger
left Tuesday morning for an outing
in the mountains of Colorado, and
may lie absent a month or more. They
will go to Denver, and thence to Ft.
Collins, to visit an uncle, and thence
to various mountain resorts.
John IF. Long is prepared to
make all Ileal Estate Loans on
short notice at lowest rates.
Conductor Taylor was home from
Kearney over last Sunday, looking
tine and feeling better. He is runn
ing a motor on the U. 1’. from
Kearney south on the branch and
likes his new run very much, hut
does not expect to remove from Loup
City at present, if lie ever does.
Sleeth’s-one door west of
opera house.
The annual institute of the teachers
of Sherman county will be held in
Loup City at the High School built’
ing commencing on July 30th and
continuing one week. County Super
intendent Mead has secured the ser
vices of Professor Caviness of Faii
bury. Professor Hahn of Blair, and
MissGrevesof the Kearney Normal,
at once, two of the liest and most
favorably known high school supej
intendents. and one of the very best
primary teachers in the state.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman
will leave in a few days for a three
, weeks' visit on the Atlantic coast.
their objective point being the beach
; jut Norfolk, Virginia, although they
. expect to visit at Washington, Balti
more and other cities. Arthur Zim
i merman left Tuesday morning foi
I Richmond, Va., where he will remain
. and go into the real e state business
We wish him success in his busines:
. venture.
Manager Pilger takes pleasure it
| announcing the initial appearance o
the well known Curts Dramatic Com
pany at the opera house next Satur
day evening. July 21st, in the new
comedy success, “A Foxy Uncle.'
with the talented a< tor. M r. M. H
Curts, as the “Uncle.” The play is
full of fun. humor and music froir
start to finish, new features anc
comical situations. No one shouic
I miss seeing it. Prices 25, 35 and 5<
cents. Reserved seats now on sale.
Sherman County Complains ot
Excessive Taxation Last
War and Wants Relief.
From Lincoln Dally News.
Because of a county clerk’s unau
thorized action in levying higher real
estate taxes than the state board of
equalization called for, a request from
Sherman county will come before that
Itody during the present week to have
the valuation of lands cut down for
this year. County Clerk C. F. Beus
hausen, successor to the official who
listed the higher tax, and County At
torney J. S. Pedler were here from
Loup City this morning and called at
the state house in relation to the mat
ter, but as the board was not in ses
sion they could not obtain a hearing.
Two years ago the state equalization
body raised lands in Sherman county
10 per cent. Instead of complying
with that order. G. H. Gibson, the
county clerk then serving, added one
half mill to the state levy and made
no change in the real estate assess
ment. He did this, presumably, be
cause his books were made up and he
did not wish to take the trouble of
making a new set. I n 1905, the state
board again voted 10 per cent increase
on Sherman county lands. Gibson
thought the time had come to even
up for the year before. Accordingly,
he raised the valuations 20 per cent,
and the property owners paid taxes
on that basis in 1905.
Owing to this excessive assessment,
the taxpayers and county officials feel
that the state board should be easy
upon Sherman county this year.
There is some question, however,
whether they should appeal to the
board for relief or go to the legisla
ture with a bill authorizing the
amount overpaid to be refunded.
Chas. H. Leininger is better.
Barber Slayter to G. I. today.
Try Sunday dinners at the Model.
M. C. Mulick to Iler. Wyo., today.
Mrs. Bert Chase toOrdyesterday.
Rol Hendrickson at Schaupp today.
Will and Ed Draper to Ashton today
R. P. Starr at Ashton yesterday.
Sweet corn seed, 10c qt, at Cooper's,
Mrs. James Johansen is visiting at
•i. s. dealer liaa business at Lincoln
R. J. Nightingale to Ashton today
on legal business.
Loans on Real Estate, call on
John IV. Long.
County Clerk Beushausen had busi
ness at Lincoln Monday.
Rev. Wise to M. E. district confer
ence at Calloway Tuesday.
Walter Smith is building coal sheds
at Austin for A. B. Outhouse.
Biemond shipped a car of hogs to
market yesterday and Tuesday.
Miss Bessie Ford left for Lincoln
Saturday for a visit with friends.
Beardsley's shredded codtisli, lOcts
per can at Cooper's.
Sherman county got a good soaking
yesterday. Two and a half inches here
E. S. llayburst is moving his build
ings preparatory to the erection of j
his new brick store.
Lovey Mercer's barn east of Schaup j
was blown to piece by the high winds
yesterday. No particulars.
Sleeth pays cash for eggs.
Mrs. Robt. Young returned from
her Omaha visit last Sunday, accom
panied by her sister, Mrs. Edwards.
When in Loup City try Fremont
beer at the new saloon of Cords &
R. H. Mathew is now nicely situat
ed with his law office in the A. L.
Zimmerman building, on the west
side of the court house.
t see a. ir. ae Lyster lor Loup City
Mill Co.’s flour and feed. Every sack
warranted. Free delivery.
The I ndustrial Society of the Pres
byterian church will give an ice
cream social on E. G. Taylor’s lawn,
Friday evening, July 20th. Every
body cordially invited.
Spring-time is the time to paint—
Sherwin-Williams is the kind of paint.
Sold by Leininger Lumber Co.
The special music next Sunday
evening at the Presbyterian church
will consist of an anthem by the
choir, a vocal solo by Miss Beth
Zimmerman, and a cornet solo by
Mr. Chas. Minshull.
I)r. Vallier, Osteopath. Grand Is
land, Neb.,office over Decatur & Bea
gle’s shoe store. Consultation and ex
amination free. Chronic diseases a
specialty. 30
Over 200 cattle stalls are already
reserved at the coining State Fair to
be held at Lincoln the first week in
September and very few stalls are un
occupied in the horse barns.
Take butter to Sleeth for
The live stock department at the
State Fair this year is already assum
ing vast proportions. It has been
necessary for the management to
build three more permanent swine
barns, each containing thirty-eight
pens, which increases the capacity so
that about 1500 head can now be ex
hibited, and there have been requests
for 250 additional pens filed with the
I superintendent.
Last Sunday evening the service at
the Presbyterian church was more
especially for the young ladies and
they were present in large numbers
to hear the pastor discuss “The Ideal
Daughter.” Next Sunday evening
the young men come in for their
share of attention. The topic is
, “The Ideal Young Man.” The young
men are cordially invited.
Wiggle Creek 11, Arcadia 10
The Wiggle Creek and Arcadia base
bail teams took another crack at each
other on the Loup City diamond last
Friday afternoon. Pitcher Gael for
Wiggle Creek could not take part in
the game and Holmes and Curry did
honors in the box for Wiggle Creek
and Mead for Arcadia. The .game
was fast and furious and it took thir
teen innings to decide who were the
victors. The Arcadians mauled Pitch
er Holmes for five runs in the first
inning, and Cooley, Parle Hounds and
the irrepressible Arcadians split the
atmosphere with howls of delight. In
the second half of the first, Wiggle
Creek scored two runs, and from the
first the grand stand and bleecliers
applauded or roasted their favorites
in the most approved methods. At
the close of the ninth inning, the
score stood 9 to 9, and not nnfcil the
thirteenth inning could the deciding
run be scored. The game was won
for Wiggle Creek by a long throw by
McFaaden from right field to home
plate, putting out the third man and
winning the hardest fought game of
the season. The sensational features
of the contest were Lewin’s heavy
batting for Arcadia, Marvel’s fast
playing at second and good work with
the stick for Wiggle Creek. Johnson’s
catch of a long fly in center field at a
critical point in the game, and Hal
ler's home run. Take it all in all, it
was a game to delight base ball fans,
and all had their money’s worth.
Umpire. Tom Eaton was highly com
mended by the unprejudiced. The
only serious objections we heard to
his uniformly good judgment was call
ing Lewin safe at home for Arcadia,
when the grand stand thought he
was out, and some difference of opin
ion as to whether Haller's long liner
in left field was a fair or foul ball.
Cooley went home sadder and perhaps
poorer. One cruel roaster even sug
gested that he was a Nancy that
might wash dishes or write poetry,
but couldn't play ball.
After the Arcadia game, the Prairie
Dogs and Wiggle Creek boys played
one inning, which resulted in favor
of the first named.
We enjoy the National game and
hope the boys will come again.
The Beatrice Creamery Co.'s Square
Deal Grading Rule.
Since the inauguration of the hand
separator system the tendency of the
cream patron has been to ’ deliver
cream when it best suited his conven
ience. lie has also neglected giving
the same proper care. Consequently
the general quality or standard of
cream has been lowered. At the same
time the patron ox pec ted the cream
ery company to pay the top price and
seemingly did not realize that good
cream wassesential to make good but
ter and that*>oor butter meant lower
prices for butter fat or a loss to the
coeamery man. From the fact that
infrequency of delivery and thincream
are the principal causes for poor qual
ity. we decided on January 1. loot;, to
grade cream based on the following
No. 1 cream would consist of cream
that was delivered twice each week in
good condition and testing 30 percent
or over.
No. 2 cream would consist of cream
that was delivered less frequently or
testing less than 30 per cent.
A differential of three cents was paid
between No. 1 and No. 2. Since the
adoption of this plan we have received
numerous letters from patrons throug
out our territory protesting against
the rules-that the same were working
an injustice, claiming that when they
churned a part of their week’s cream
and delivered the balance in good con
dition they were forced to take second
grade prices: others claimed they
would deliver a part of their week’s
cream at one town, ehe balance to an
other. and beeause our records did not
show that both deliveries were made
to the same agent they were forced
to accept second-grade price.
Realizing that ill feeling and dissat
isfaction have never built up an in
dustry. and knowing that the farmers
as a class are always ready to meet a
fair proposition half way and will do
their part if approached in the right
manner, we have decided, beginning
July 15. l'.KXi, that we would grade all
cream delivered at our stations on the
meritsof its quality instead of any ar
bitrary rules, and this means that the
Beatrice Creamery Company has confi
dence in the cream patrons of their
territory to do the right thing when
properly appealed to, and would ask
the attention of all cream producers
to a few simple rules:
1. See that the separater, pails, cans
and all milk utensils are thoroughly
washed and scalded before using.
2. Skim the milk ds soon as possible
after milking.
3. Keep the cream screw set tn de
liver a thick cream and the separater
run at the proper speed which will
insure a uniform test.
4. Cool the cream immediately ufter
separating, to remove the animal heat
and do not mix warm cream with cold.
5. Keep the cream pail or can in
cold water and when delivering to the
station cover the same with a blanket.
This will prevent heating the cream
in summer or freezing in winter.
Last, deliver often.
In summing this all up: What we
want is good cream and plenty of it:
and you will always find us ready to
do the right thing with the right price.
Notice Is hereby glveu that by virtue of an
order of sale or special execution Issued out of
the District Coui t of Platte county. Nebraska,
and to me directed, upon a judgment rendered
in said District Court in a cause wherein the
Columbus State Bank is plaintiff, and George
L. Dewey is defendant, in favor of said plain
tiff and against said defendant, in the sum of
one tbousand slxrv-six and eighty-six one hun
dredths dolla1s($IO00.80>.and costs of suit taxed
at $15.65 on June '3rd. 1IWB, and in which
judgment It was ordered that the property
heretofore attached in said cause, to wit: The
southwest quarter of Section twenty-three (23)
in Township tlftepn (15), Range fourteen (14)
west of 8th principal meridian In Sherman
county. Nebraska, be sold for the satisfaction
of said judgment, und upon which judgment
there is now due the said sum of $1086 88 with
Interest thereon at ten per cent per annum
from June 3rd IWW. together with the sum of
»18.«5 costs and accruing costs; I will, on Tues
day, the 21st day of August. HUM. at 2 o clock
in the afternoou of said day. sell the above
described land at the south door of the court
house. In Loup City. Nebraska, to the highest
bidder for cash to satisfy the amount due on
aald judgment with Interest and costs and
accruing costs. . ....
Given under my hand this l8thdayof July,
1(00. „
Sheriff of Sherman County. Nebraska.
(Last pub. Aug. to.)
Letting Down
Piano Prices.
Our midsummer clearing sale will
close out over fifty used pianos re
gardless of cost, to make room for
our immense fall stock. Every piann
advertised is tuned, polished, regu
lated and guaranteed strictly as rep
Upright pianos for 588.00, $96.00,
$105.00; Arion, $118.00; Kimball,
$125.00. Singer $127.00, Vose $138.00,
square pianos for $10.00 12.00. $15.00,
$18.00 and up. Terms to suit. Wrlto
for complete list and tell us what
terms you would like. Write today—
we cannot duplicate those sold. Visit
our store when in Omaha. Lincoln,
Sioux City, Council Bluffs, or South
Schmoller & Mueller
Plano Co,
Ship Pianot Everywhere.
1311-13 Farnam St. Omaha.
Attorney & Counselor-at-Law
(Office: First National Bank)
Loup City, Nebr.
Attorney and toelcr-at-Law
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
Office, Over New Bank.
Physician end Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Resilience. Connection.
Office Practice a Specialty.
Phone, 30. OHIee at Itenidence
Lnup City. - Nebraska
S. A. allen~
Office up stairs in the new State
Bank bmldimr.
mm xfTvsT,
OFFICE: East Side Public Squaie.
Plione, t>-lH
,!/. //. .nu.iit
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Ouly set of Abstract boobs in county
For a Drayman
Send a messenger for
J, W. Conger
He will pay the fee
And the FublicI
Tie Si Elm Livery Bari
J8 under a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any eomplaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt.,
For Sale by T.H. Eisner i
A Large and Complete Line of
Men’s and Boys’
Cl< rthing
All new and Up-to-Date. We
can save you money by dealing
with us.
joppsop & LOREPfZ
Do You Want
If so, Enquire of
*^J. I. DEPEW IN* “
Blacksmith g Waggon Maker:
My shoo is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte kivei
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma *■
chiuery* also a force of experienced men w ho know how to operate it and El
turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch.
iKiiiiiauii a u s iijua naiaaisaaffisraaoranoKii
Pianos, Organs, Undertaking,
and Art Goods,
framipg pictures a Specialty
Art Goods
E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedlek, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. VV. Long, S. N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00
Individual Liability, $250,000.00