The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 12, 1906, Image 8

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    For Heavy Castor Machine Oil,
Hay Forks, Pulleys, Ropes, at
A. P. CULLEY, President. W. P. MASON, Casliiv r.
rp -g~ ~py»
We Do a Banking Business Only
Farm Loans at 6 per cent,Optional Payments
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs.$3.50 $4.00
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 6.00
Corn, per bu.34 r« .36
Wheat, per bu.45 .59 [
Oats, per bu.25 @ .27J*
Rye, perbu.40 @ .42
Butter, per lb.12 @ .15
Eggs, per doz. .10
Lioaal Daws.
It pays to trade at Cooper's.
Dr. Marcy, Dentist,' has a new
phone, 6-16.
Hayward Bros, shoes for sale at
A. B. Outhouse had business at
Lincoln Wednesday.
H62, Ashley Conger, the drayman.
Get him.
A. M. Bennett went west after
horses again Tuesday.
Puritan Indian meal, lOets package
at Cooper’s.
Emil Aufrecht was a passenger for
Grand Island Tuesday morning.
SeeW. F. Mason for best
hail insurance. '
O. F. Peterson and wife were Grand
Island passengers Tuesday morning.
Cooper pays the highest price for
poultry and produce.
Miss Vergie Brown of Kearney is
a guest of Miss Edna Daddow this
When in Loup City try Fremont
beer at the new saloon of Cords &
Delicious short order lunches at
the Model Restaurant.
The Misses Etta Lofliolm and Rose
Mulick were Grand Island visitors
Baled hay for sale by A. P. de
Lyster. Free delivery.
Chas. H. Leininger is confined to
his home with a threatened attack
of appendicitis.
T. M. Reed has just received a new
stock of buggies. Call and see them.
The Stobbe-Galczenski wedding oc
curred at Ashton Tuesday, many of
our people attending.
Zimmerman & Brewer can make a
straight fi per cent farm loan. Call
and see them.
A good McCormick harvester for
sale or trade. Inquire of Thos.
Bagley or phone N72.
Home-killed beef, veal and pork,
the very tenderest and judest, at
Siepmann's. Also home-cured bacon
and home-made sausages of all kinds.
Pastor Wold, Mesdames A. E Chase
and Bertha Waite, the Misses Ettie
Moon and Minnie Gilbert and Milo
Gilbert left yesterday morning for
Omaha to attend a four days’ session
of the international congress of the
Baptist Y. P. U. Mrs. Waite’s little
girls visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Hawk in the meantime,
while Mrs. Chase's little ones accom
panied her as far as St. Paul, and
from there go to Ord to visit their
For the past two years G. H. Mor
gan, the jeweler, located in Runyon’s
drug store, has been endeavoring to
secure a patent on a compressed air
motor of which he is the inventor.
The machine is a complex proposition
involving some new and original ideas,
and the matter of securing a patent
has been a long and tedious process,
but Mr. Morgan has this week received
the welcome news that he has finally
been granted a patent covering iiis
InVentioh.—Ravenna News.
Try the Model restaurant.
4 cans corn for 25ets at Cooper’s.
Joe O’Bryan had business in Omaha
Farmers, try the Model for good
Miss Jessie C’ulley visited at Ashton
WANTED: 10,000 dozen eggs at
T. M. Reed did business at Lincoln
last Friday.
Veal for Sunday dinners at Siep
mann’s. sure.
Miss Jessie Leininger has resigned
tier position in Chase's store.
Cash for poultry—Sleeth.
Phone A. T. Conger, H92, when in
need of a drayman.
Cash Conger and wife of Dannebrog
visited relatives here over last Sunday.
Bohart's cake and pastry flour, 25c
per package, at Cooper's.
Miss Carrie Douglas went to York
last Saturday to attend the summer
If yon icunt to buy or sell real
estate, cull on John W. Lovy.
When in Loup City try Fremont
beer at the new saloon of Cords &
Mrs. T. A. Taylor and daughter,
Jeanette, visited at Kearney over
last Sunday.
l. H. Leininger, undertaker and em
balmer. Calls answered day or night.
Hugh Sleeth did business at Corn
stock last Thursday, returning Fri
day morning.
Sleeth pays cash for pro
I)r. S. A. Allen returned from his
visit to Council BluiTs and Omaha
last Saturday.
John W. Long is prepared to
make all lteal Estate Loans on
short notice at lowest rates.
The printers are engaged in getting
out the new Sherman county tele
phone directory this week.
Parties wishing ice for special occa
sions call at residence of J. W. Con
ger after four o’clock any day.
W. H. Slay ter and wife returned to
Sumner, Monday, after a few days’
visit here with Mr. Slayter’s parents.
Sleeth’s-one door west of
opera house.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sager returned
to Gibbon, Monday, after a week’s
visit at the home of A. L. Zimmer
The Northwestern is indebted
to Mrs. R. P. Starr for the first
bouquet of sweet peas for the season.
And it was a beauty.
Geo. Dinsdale shipped seven cars of
cattle to the Omaha markets, Mon
day, he and Jim Johansen going
along to care for the shipment.
We are indebted to Mr. and Mrs. L.
Holcombe for a beautiful bouquet of
crimson roses from the great climbing
vine at the east of his residence.
Mr. J. F. Zeilinger of David City,
brotlier-in-law of E. G. Taylor, is
here placing the heating plants in
the new Presbyterian church and
Messrs. J. P. Leininger and J. W.
Long went to Omaha and Lincoln
Tuesday morning to look after
material in the rebuilding of the
Methodist church at this place.
Miss Cora Leininger has tendered
her resignation as deputy post
mistress, to take effect next Tuesday,
and wi!l soon take a trip to the moun
tains for recreation and sightseeing.
Mrs. Pilger is on the sick list.
Try Sunday dinners at the Model.
Mrs. Ed. Angier went to St. Paul
this morning.
| |Theo. Pilger arrived home from his
school duties in Colorado last evening.
The Curts Dramatic Company, a
good show, at Pilger's opera house,
Saturday, July 21st.
Sweet corn seed, 10c qt, at Cooper's,
Three of Bert Chase’s children left
for Ord, Saturday morning, to visit
with their grandparents.
Loans on Real Estate, call on
John W. Lon'i
Mrs-James Johansen was quite ill
the first of the week but is much
better at present writing.
Mrs. Mary Hull, mother of Mrs.
Burr Robbins, arrived from Grand
Junction, Colo., last evening.
Beardsley's shredded codfish, lOcts
per can at Cooper’s.
The Methodist ladies cleared some
$25 as proceeds of the social held on
E. B. Coming’s lawn last week.
Sleeth pays cash for eggs.
Aug. Krokowski of Omaha arrived
last Saturday for a few days’ visit
with J. J. and J. M. Czaplewski.
A. O. Hendrickson, who has been
visiting his brother, R. D. Hendrick
son, returned to Aurora this morning.
Mrs. Clint Outhouse went to the
sanitarium at Lincoln, this morning,
to take treatment for throat trouble.
W. R. Mellor was home from
Lincoln over last Sunday. Now look
out for another yelp from the yellow.
See A. P. de Lyster for Loup City
Mill Co.’s flour and feed. Every sack
warranted. Free delivery.
The county board met in regular
session this week Tuesday noon,
finishing their business Wednesday
ine oaptist parsonage is gaining
needed improvements, a porch on the
west, new screen windows, etc., being
Spring-time is the time to paint—
Sherwin-Williams is the kind of paint.
Sold by Leimnger Lumber Co.
W. H. Brown came up from David
City last Saturday for a visit with
his daughter, Mrs. E. G. Taylor and
Mrs. Rinker of St. Paul, who lias
been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B.
O'Bryan, returned to her home this
Beef. Veal, Pork and Mutton for
Sunday dinners at
Sam Daddow, wife and son Earl
left Tuesday for a few days' visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baliman
in Howard county.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Grand Is
land, Neb.,office over Decatur & llea
gle’s shoe store. Consultation and ex
amination free. Chronic diseases a
specialty. 30
Frank Dennis was up from St. Paul
over last Sunday working up business
along his line. Frank is a hustler at
anything lie does.
Take butter to Sleeth for
An ice-cream social will lie given
Friday evening of this week on the
lawn of A. J. Johnson in the north
part of town. Everybody invited.
Mrs. Blanche Christy, accompanied
by Miss Mitchell of Iowa, arrived
from Central City last evening for a
visit with Mrs. Christy’s sister. Mrs.
Edgar Draper.
Mrs. Ira Tiinson left last Saturday
to visit a few days witli her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Myers, at her old home
near Palmer. Ira will thus cook his
own grub for a season.
The special music at the Presby
terian church next Sunday evening
will consist of solos by Miss Beatrice
Nightingale and Mr. B. P. McKinnie
and an anthem by the choir.
The school board has secured the
services of Miss Helen J. Church of
York as eighth grade teacher in our
city schools for the coming year. She
comes highly reecommended.
Arthur Brown entertained the
Epworth League young folks at his
home Monday evening. Refreshments
of cake and cream were served and a
general good time enjoyed by all.
Awful as it may seem, we are
creditably informed that W. R. Mellor
and J. W. Long were seen together
on the streets last Sunday, which
calls for another yelp from the yellow.
The subject announced for the ser
mon at the Presbyterian church next
Sunday night is “The Ideal Daugh
ter.’’ A special invitation is extend
ed to young ladies and their parents.
Fathers Augustyn and Jorka were
entertained at dinner, Wednesday, by
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Starr, and Fath
ers Jaszczynski, Radka, Soliwoski and
Wolfe were like entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mulick.
Barn and Horses Burned.
Last Sunday evening the big barn
belonging to John Zochol just north
of Ashton was burned, together witli
nine head of horses. The barn con
tained eleven head, but two were
taken safely out. The loss is esti
mated at $3,500. The lire was thought
to be the work of an incendiary.
Fountain I)ay picnic, at Jenner's
Park, Tuesday, July 24th.
Johnnie Burrowes left yesterday to
join the Burrowes show at Pleasanton.
Mrs. Potter of Arcadia visited her
daughter, Mrs. Rev. Wise, over last
When in Loup City try Fremont
beer at the new saloon of Cords &
The Litchfield liquor case, which
came before Judge Angier Monday,
was dismissed.
J. W. Harper, former landlord of
the St. Elmo, was up from Seward
Tuesday. We understand he is look
ing for a new location.
Miss Lizzie Hinsdale returned to
her home at Palmer, Tuesday, after
a few day's visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Johansen.
All are invited to enjoy the Foun
tain picnic, Tuesday, July 24th, at
Jenner's Park. Admission 5 and 10
cents, from 1 to 9 o'clock.
E J. Delaney writes us from Sunny
Southern California, of which Los
Angeles is the hub, renewing for
The Northwestern for another
year. Thanks.
Rev. J. W. Zimmerman of Berthoud,
Col., arrived last Thursday on a visit
to his brother, A. L. Zimmerman.
We acknowledge a pleasant call from
the two gentlemen.
LOsT: Last Thursday evening
about " o'clock on the street in front
of Froelich's store, an Elgin nickle
case watch. Liberal reward for re
turn of same to S. F. Reynolds.
Clias. S. Leininger last week made
a cornet case for Charley Minshull
that is a beauty in appearance and a
neat little affair for his wind instru
ment. It must be seen to be ap
Editor Brown went down to Lincoln
last Friday morning returning Satur
day evening. Ed took in the ball
game as the guest of W. R. Mellor,
which gives another chance for a yelp
from the yellow.
H. M. Walker of Litchfield was a
pleasant caller yesterday while in
town on business. Mr. Walker lives
some four miles north of Litchfield,
is a true-blue republican and orders
The Northwestern to visit him
A new Methodist church is to arise
out of the old one. The old building
is to be moved 24 feet west and an
addition built on the east, with a
tower on the southeast corner of the
structure. A basement will extend
under the entire building, to be used
as a kitchen, dining room, class room
and furnace. The churches of Loup
City are making the pace for our
sister towns.
Postmaster Owens has received a
long letter from T. S. Nightingale at
Riverside, Calif., in which he rejoices
in improved health and prosperity
and thinks his new home as near
paradise here on earth as one could
wish. He speaks of the educational
advantages as excellent and weather
all one could wish. His letter is full
of good things about that country,
showing how well pleased he is with
southern California.
The Unity Club is striving to place I
a drinking fountain for man and
beast on one of our streets, and in
order to raise additional means, will
give Fountain Day picnic at .Fenner’s
Park, Tuesday, July 24th, and invites
you all to come and bring your
suppers and enjoy the swings, shoot
ing and other games during the after
noon and evening. Lemonade, Ice
cream, candy, peanuts and cake for
sale on the grounds.
The editor last week received an
interesting letter from ldsson, Frank,
who is stationed at Fortress Monroe,
Va., in the Coast Artillery, giving
the welcome news that lie had passed
a creditable exrmination for tirst
class gunner, with an increase in pay,
and of course feels good over his
promotion. Fortress Monroe is just
across the bay from the coming
Jamestown Exposition and just now
they are busy at the fort in prepara
tion for Uncle Sam's part in the
display. Frank says, “We are going
over there next month to mount one
12-inch and one 10-inch disappearing
rifles, two 6-inch rifles, two mortars
and three rapid firing guns. One
troop of cavalry, one company of field
artillery, one company of coast artill
ery and one company of infantry will
be kept at Jamestown during the
exposition, which last several months,
Besides these, battleships from every
nation will be there and we expect
fine sights and glorious times. Will
write you about everything as the
time passes. Wish you could be here.”
We rather envy the boy his experience
and the sights he will witness.
Nebraska People Profit by the
Great Earthquake and Fire at
San Franciaco.
Two of the largest San Francisco
piano companies were forced by the
great catastrophe to forfeit heavy
contracts with eastern factories.
The Bchmoller ft Mueller Piano
Company, of Omaha, were success
ful in securing one hundred and
twenty of these instruments at a
great sacrifice by acting promptly
and paying spot cash. They now
propose to give the benefit to their
customers by disposing of them
quickly at a slight advance over
co3t. as follows:
Hanisome new upright pianos of
New York and Boston manufacture
in Col jnial cases of dark Mahogany
or French Burl Walnut finish (sev
eral makes to choose from, perhaps
your favorite) and none made to
sell for less than $300, will be
closed out at the remarkable cut
price of $175. Do not delay Call
or write at once for catalogues and
comp!> te information Over six
hundred pianos in stock. Address
The Schitioller ft Mueller Piano Co.
Established 1559.
1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha
Professional Cards
Attorney & Conaselor-at-Lav
(Office: First National Bank)
Loup City, Nebr.
Attorney and Csnnsebat-Law
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
d. H. LONG
Office, Over New Bank.
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Residence. Connection.
Office Practice a Specialty.
Phone, 30. Office at Residence
Lnup Eiiy. - Nebraska
s. a. allenT
Office up stairs in the new State
Bauk btuldin?.
OFFICE: East Side Public Squaie.
Phone, 6-16
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Ouly set of Abstract books in county
For a Drayman
Send a messenger for
J. W. Conger
He will pay the fee
Trail Men
And the ^Public!
Tie Si Elmo Livery Bare
Is under a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt.,
For Sale by T.H. Eisner
A Large and Complete Line of
Men’s and Boys’
Oh tilling
All new and Up-to-Bate. We
can save you money by dealing
with us.
joppsop & LOPEPTZ
Do You Want
If so, Enquire of
W. R. Mellor
1 •* :>.!. I. DEPEW®* |
| Blacksmith ® Wagon Makerjj
& My shop is tbe largest and beat equipped north of tbe Platte Elver 1
■ I have a four horse engine and a complete line of tbe latest Improved, ma ■
■ chluery, also a force ot experienced men who know how to operate It and ■
■ tnrn out a job with neatness and dispatch. '8
G.H. .
Pianos, Organs, Undertaking,
and Art Goods,
Franiipg pictures a Specialty
Art Goods
E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00
Individual Liability, $250,000.00