The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 12, 1906, Image 7

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Mr. C'has. L. Sauer, Grand Scribe.
Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. of
Texas, and Assistant City Auditor, J
writes from the City Hall. San Antonio,
“Nearly two years ago I accepted a
position as secretary and treasurer
with one of the leading dry goods
establishments of Galveston. Tex.
“ The sudden change from a high and
dry altitude to sea level proved too ;
much for me and I became afflicted
with catarrh and cold in the head, and
general debility to such an extent as to
almost incapacitate me for attending
to my duties.
•‘I was induced to try Peruna, and
after taking several bottles in small
doses I am pleased to say that / was
entirely restored to my normal condi
tion and hat e ever since recommended
the use of Peruna to my friends.”
Glittering generalities are the rhine
stones of speech.
Lewis’ Single Binder straight 5c cigar
made of rich, mellow tobacco. Your
dealer or Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, 111.
Fundamental Difference.
Teach—"In what why do the
[Quakers speak differently from us.
Johnny?” Johnny — “They don’t
Evidently He Had Two.
Little Tommy was very quiet dur
ing the first courses, and everyone for
got he was there. As the dessert was
being served, however, the host told
a funny story.
When he had finished, and the
laughter had died away, his little son
exclaimed, delightedly: “Now, papa,
tell the other one."—Exchange.
Rest in Billville.
“Bill,” said the man in the ox cart
to the Billville postmaster, “ain’t you
goin' to open the office to-day?”
“No, 1 ain't; what do you take me
"The postmaster.”
“No. you don't. You take me fer one
o’ these perpetual motion machines
that kin run the government fer you
six days out the week, an' no rest on
Sunday—that’s what you take me
“Bill,” said the other, "I’ve come
five miles and better to git my mail!”
“Well, ef I open up fer you all the
res' ’ll want their'n, an’ I’ve done noti
fied the postmaster ginrul that it’s my
week off; ’sides that, thar ain’t no
mail fer you—’cept a letter from a
lumber man sayin' that if you don’t
pay up he'll sue. an’ another from your
wife teliin’ you to send her money to
come home. So go ’long an' enjoy yer
honevmoon.”—Atlanta Constitution.
l TO
Account Annual Meeting. Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks, at Denver, the St.
Joseph A Grand Island Railway will sell on July
I0-I6. inclusive, round-trip tickets to
Colorado Springs and Pueblo at exceedingly
low rures. Tickets good to return until August w.
For f u rther information call on nearest agent
or address
S. M. ADSIT. G. P. A., St. JoMph. Mo.
60 Bus. Winter Wheat Per Acre
t be yield of Seleer’. RedCroee Hybrid Wlntar
wbeor Sendee in stamp, for free mrapje of
;i»t,'«ul(,pie Of Winter Wheat., Rye, Beriey, Clowe,
Timothv. Gratis. Bulbs, Trees,etc- for fall plantiny
• 1LZEK SEED CO., la W l LsCi ■—.Wlfc
[purely feminineI I
How to Secure a
Beautiful Neck.
Lemon a Good Whitener—Massage
Will Reduce Double Chin and
Superfluous Flesh.
The skin of the throat and the gen- ;
eral condition of the neck registers
accurately just how much or how lit
tle care a woman is giving herself.
It also points the first finger to the
night of time. Even a small double
chin gives the impression of maturity
to a young face, while a very thin
neck with prominent cords makes an
otherwise healthy person look deli
cate and haggard.
Our throats are much abused. Prob
ably for this reason so few pretty ones
are seen at the opera or at the theater,
where the English fashion of wear
ing slightly decollete gowns is steadi
ly gaining in favor.
Not only are the throats of nine
out of ten women not well propor
tioned and anything but “Columnae”
as the artist describes a beautiful
neck. But most of them are not even
white. The skin has fairly been
tanned by high collars which keep in
the perspiration aud often the dyed
material of the dress collar leaves an
almost eradicable stain. Dyed furs
are another cause of unsightly throats.
These furs unless very carefully pre
pared now and then cause a slight
skin eruption, articularly if they are
allowed too near the skin, and this is
not properly eared for afterward. In
this case the pores of the neck become
coarse, the skin looks red and pim
ples appear. Peroxide of hydrogen ap
plied on a piece of absorbent cotton
will serve both as an antiseptic and
a bleach and help to bring the skin
back to its former whiteness. For
every-day purposes lemon juice will
do. Rub a piece of lemon over the
skin, wipe off with a bit of lemon and
repeat until the cloth is no longer
discolored. Pure alcohol can be used
to good advantage daily as a cleanser
for the neck, but it has not the
bleaching qualities of the lemon. Be
fore using any one of these three
methods, however, plain hot water and
soap must not be forgotten.
So much for the skin; now for the
contour of the throat. When the neck
is too short it inclines to fat at a
very early age. The double chin ap
pears and the roll of flesh all around
the edge of the collar. Massage will
reduce the flesh.
I wonder if you ever think, dear
girl, what story the calendar is tell
ing for you. Perhaps you Lave a tiny
pocket calendar tucked into your
purse that you may consult, it if you
happen, as careless people sometimes
do, to forget the date: not that 1 fancy
you belong to that set or that you do
not keep tally of the days of the
A good plan for us all is to remem
ber just where we are. so that we
never have to pause and ask somebody
to tell us whether it is the 8th or
the 9th, the 10th or the 12th day of
the month. You may keep a calendar
on your dressing bureau, tearing off
a leaf every day, or it may hang sus
pended from a nail by a ribbon or a
‘bain, or be fastened on the wall.
Whatever sort of calendar you have
it is simply a device to remind you
that Time is flying and that it is well
to make the most of him and of his
opportunities before he is gone out
of sight. Just one day at a time is
yours and mine, and according as rve
use or abuse the single day, we shall
get the good that is waiting for us
and earn the reward that comes to
faithful workers.
I am very fond of all sorts and
conditions of girls, but there is one
variety with which I have no patience;
the girl who dawdles, who sits around
talking about what she means to do
and never accomplishing anything, is
not the girl who commends herself to
me. She is not only idle herself, but
she sets a bad example to every one
else and commits the mistake of throw
ing away the most valuable asset she
will ever have. A day when one is
young and strong and light-hearted as
girls are or should be. is worth ten
times as much as a day will be when
the same girls are older and know
more about care and trouble. Is your
story of the calendar a story of work
well-done and of play undertaken with
all your heart? Whatever you do,
never dawdle.
I do not want the girls I care for
to go about with the weight of the
world on their shoulders, or would I
like to see them always bothering
about the impression they are making
or the number of things they were
accomplishing from Monday until Sat
urday. It is quite possible to matfe
such a fuss over one's duty that one
tires all one’s friends and succeeds in
frightening the average person out
of one's neighborhood.
But our sins of omission foot up a
long account against us. Let us look
candidly at any day we choose. Per
haps for convenience, we will take to
day. When we came downstairs this
morning, had we a pleasant word for
| every one; did we bring our smiles
to the breakfast table; did we go to
the door with daddy or pin a flower
in his button-hole; did we watch for
< a chance to help mother and were we
nice and kind in our manner to the
maid in the kitchen? Some of the
maids in our kitchens are themselves
young girls, and they are very far
away from their own homes. They
have mothers and fathers and friends
and neighbors across the sea, and
sometimes they are home-sick and a
little cross because they have not had
a letter, or it may be. because they
cannot very easily write their own
letters. A girl like yon. Dorothy or
Katherine, a girl who Is just a daugh
pr at home may do ever so many love
ly things to make life easier for the
maid whose work is in the "kitchen,
over the tubs, or over the range.
Although you seldom think of it,
the story of the calendar is writing
itself on your face. Every day that
you live is either making you beau
tiful or making you plain. If you
never pout or frown or screw your
foreheal into a tangle or draw down
the corners of your mouth into a
sullen droop, you will gain a sweet,
sunny expression that will make peo
pie glad when they look at you. I can
think of two or three young people
whose faces seem to glow as if from
an inward light. If every day you
have pure thoughts and never indulge
in one that is unwholesome, your face
will have in it something as fresh and
innocent as the soul behind it. Not
so much beautiful features as a beau
tiful soul can make a beautiful face.
To be kind in your judgments, inter
i ested in your friends, simple and sin
cere in all you do. every day of you.*
I life will give you an attractiveness
that cannot be described.
| The .story of the calendar for you,
too, must be a story of health or ill
ness. God gives us plenty of bright
sunshine and clear bracing air, but
some of us seem to prefer to shut our
selves up in close, stuffy rooms and
to live in the dark. If we do that
every day we may expect to be pale
snd sallow, to have headaches and
backaches and aches too numerous to
mention. On the porch of the house
where I live there is a crimson ram
bier rose. You never saw anything
grow so fast as this rase. It climbs
i higher and higher, flings out its
wreaths of bloom and is a perfect joy.
; Girls should be like this, growing!
reaching upward, filling their little
world with bloom and fragrance, and
I living day by day in the air and in
the sun. You are in God's world, m>
: dears, see that day by day you make
the most of it.
j (Copyright, l'OS, by Joseph B. Bowles.)
A Sr.d Mistake to Wear Dowdy Clothes
When on a Journey—Mohair
Good Material.
Time was when a woman's idea of
a traveling costume was an old skirt,
a loose coat, a mushroom hat pulled
down over the eyes, and a hideous
brown veil—the wispier the better!
Don’t spoil your trip by arraying
yourself in the dowdiest thing you pos
sess, feeling that it doesn't matter, “no
one knows you." It does matter, all
the more because no one knows you,
and the impression you make at your
journey’s end is of the very first im
Wear something quiet and incon
spicuous (checked mohair is the ideal
traveling gowrn), as it sheds some of
its dust and doesn’t show the rest.
See that your hat is of the trimmest,
smartest, most "brushable” kind.
Talcum Powder.
Talcum makes a very good powder
•or the body. It does not serve weU
tor the face, as it rubs olf easily.
The First “Unkissed.”
Ex-Mayor Edwin Stew'art, of Phila
delphia, who has been nominated by
the Republican convention for gov
ernor, earned the title of the “great
unkissed'’ long before Gladstone Dowie
was ever heard of in America. Stewart
is a bachelor of precise and rigid hab
its. His friends declare that never in
his life has he been kissed save by his
mother. In his younger days he was
sometimes called “Blushing Ned.”
Severe Discipline.
“I should like to be rich so that I
could own an automobile and be inde
“My friend,” answered Mr. Dustin
Stax, “the man with an automobile is
dependent on everybody from the gas
oline vender to the country sheriff.
The greatest value of the automobile
to civilization is its effectiveness in
giving wealth lessons In humility.”—
Washington Star.
Apply to the scalp each day the fol
lowing lotion, until the hair ceases to
fall: Tincture of mix vomica, 1
ounce; spirits of rosemary, 2 ounces;
alcohol, 2 ounces.
Quantities Are Sold, and One May
Pick Up Pretty Candlesticks
for Small Price.
In this age of electricity and 80-cen;
gas, think of 6,000 and more ordinary
candles being sold in one day in a
shop in this city! And yet that oc
curred in this borough within the past
fortnight, and the sale of candles goes
on daiiy. The special point with re
gard to the candles so much In de
mand is that they are not the deco
rative kind, but the ordinary fat vari
ety, designed for service in the kitch
en or cellar, and if need be, for general
use in the country house.
It is safe to say that since candles
ceased to be the star medium for artifi
cial illumination they have never been
used so much as at the present time
For the country house they are con
sidered indispensable, and even in the
city house many a chatelaine uses can
dies nightly in conjunction with more
modern forms of illumination.
The charm ol the soft glow of ean
dlelieh'. on the dining table is admit
ted even by the most persistent ad
mirer oi other methods of lighting for
other occasions. As dinner table dec
orations, candles have flourished for
some decades, but it is not for deco
rative purposes that the majority ot
candles are purchased to-day.
It would seem as if a 10, 15 or even
25-cent candlestick could not he much
of an affair, but the judicious shopper
knows that in glass the most artistic
holders are to be had at. this price.
There are genuine bargains to be had
at 10 and 15 cents exact copies of
cut glass, and for ordinary use per
forming the identical mission as the
stick that eost6 10 to 15 times the same
amount. These cheap holders are very
pretty, and, being easily kept clean,
they appeal to the hygienic no less
than the artistic sense of the average
householder. For 25 cents there may
be had a beautiful little holder in
Flemish pottery in soft sea green col
ering, and for a little more comes an
exquisite specimen of Teplitz ware, de
signed as a candle holder. Then there
is Italian faience, which is somewhat
dearer, and, of course, if one cares to
mount the price list, almost any sum
can he spent on candlesticks.—Brook
lyn Eagle.
How to Make a Beautiful Corner with
Nymphaes and Other of the
Water Plants.
Everyone recognizes the charm of
a pool of water in which there are a
few goldfish. Add to this pool a few
water lilies, scientifically known as
nymphaeas. a few’ water hyacinths for
the border, and a plant or two of par
rot’s feather, and a transformation of
increased delight will he wrought.
Such an enchanting garden, where the
owner may watch the liiies unfold
their beautiful petals, may be made
of half a barrel or a tub, or better,
three or four of them place 1 together,
and sunk into the earth. The space
between the tubs may be used for a
rockery and the edges may be hid
den with moss. The little umbrella
plant, the calamus, many of the wild
growing sedges, and the wild arrow
head are all very desirable plants to
be placed along the border of the
tubs to hide their artificial shape.
The tubs should be half filled with
rotted vegetable material from bogs
or ponds; or with good loam with
one-third well-decayed cow manure,
place several inches of sand on top
of this and fill the remainder with
water. There are both tender and
hardy nymphaeas, and the latter are
especially desirable for tub growing
for they bloom freely in shallow
basins. There are day blooming and
night blooming lilies. One lily plant
to each tub is sufficient in addition to
the border plants. The water hya
cinths float upon the water without
root hold and a mass of them, with
their beautiful light blue flowers,
sometimes rivals orchids with rich
markings and delicacy of color. Ten
der nymphaeas’ roots must be stored
in a cellar or greenhouse at a tem
perature of not less than 60 degrees,
and the hardy roots should be well
covered w-ith straw if left in the small
tubs during the winter. It is safer,
however, to empty the water and
place the roots in the cellar.—Brook
lyn Eagle.
Banana Fritters.
Two eggs, half a cupful of milk, two
cupfuls of flour, one and a half tea
spoontuls of sugar, one teaspoonful of
baking powder, and three bananas
Separate the eggs. Beat Ihe yolks
butter and sugar together until light
Pour in the milk. Beat the whites ol
the eggs stiff; add them and the flour
alternately, a portion at a time. When
all is used stir in the baking powder,
and lastly the bananas, cut into half
inch blocks. Drop by tablespoonfuls
into deep tat hot enough to smoke
slighily. Cook three or four minutes
until a delicate brown, turning once.
Drain on paper and serve hot.
Stuffed Raisins.
Select large, fine raisins, and split
them from end to end and remove the
seeds. Make a filling of fondant by
beating together pulverized sugar and
the white of egg. Crush the kernels
of pecans with a rolling pin, and mix
in the fondant. Fill the raisins with
the mixture, and press firmly together.
Roll in pulverized sugar, and if to be
kept for some time, wrap tightly in
paraffine paper.
Rice with Dates.
Cook a cup of rice in a double boiler
with a pint of milk and a pint of water
until soft. Sweeten to taste and flavor
with vanilla. Use enough dates to
make a cupful and stew until tender
with a quarter cup of sugar and one
cup of water. Set aside until cold;
then turn the rice in the center of a
dish and pour the dates around it. This
makes a pleasing dessert served with
cream, or milk or sugar.
To Mend Curtains.
Wash, starch and iron, or dry on a
frame in the usual way. Then cut
pieces of old curtain large enough to
generously cover the holes in the cur
tain you wish to mend, dip them (the
pieces) in starch, lay over the holes,
and iron dry. The pieces will adhere,
and the mending will hardly shorn.
Th e Laxative^
nown Quality
There are two classes of remedies; those of known qual
ity and which are permanently beneficial in efiect, acting
gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist
ance; and another class, composed of preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
rarily. but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of
\ the remedies of known quality and excellence is tlie ever
pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of
i plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup,
in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to eon
; i - tribute tbeir rich. yet. delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy
- V of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system
■ //f gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming const!
-,f J-y pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active priuci
pies and quality are known to physicians generally, and the
remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with
the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know
L'-iWv of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience
&$£ that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that
|t jSf it will cure ail manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really
f represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence,
containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
There are two classes of purchasers; those who are informed
as to the quality of what they buy and the reasons for tlie excellence
of articles cf exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
article; bnt, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know,
j; and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy.
To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said
that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional
integrity and the good will of tbeir customers too highly to offer
. imitations of the
k Genuine-Syrup of Figs
1 manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order to
r? buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has
b * only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company—
£§'ji California Fig Syrup Co.—plainly printed on the front of every
JF/ package. Price, 50c. per bottle. One size only.
~.*s -
___ —y Bti—
make picnics mere enjoyable by making
the preparations easier.
• Easier to carry; easier to serve; and just
right for eating as they come from the can.
Libby’s cooks have first pick of the best
meats obtainable—and they know how
to cook them, as well as pack them.
If you re not going to a picnic soon you
can make one tomorrow at your own table
by serving some sliced Luncheon Loaf.
It is a revelation in the blending of good
meat and good spices.
Booklet free, “How to Make
Good Things to Eat.” Write
Libby, McNeill 3 Libby, Chicago
For Preserving, Purifying
and Beautifying the Skin,
Scalp, Hair, and Hands.
Cuticura Soap combines delicate medicinal ar.d emol
lient properties derived from Cuticura. the {great Skin
w*,th tPe Pure** of cleanginfg ingredients, and the
most refreshing of flower odors. Depots: London. *7
Charterhouse Bq.; Paris. 6 Ruede la Paix; Boston. 137
f olwnbus Ave Totter Drug * Chem. Corp.. 8ole Props.
Mailed Free, •* How to Preserve. Purify, and
ieautify the Skin. Scalp, Hair, and Hands.”
100 G00D.CICMS
Buy of the manufacturer direct and save half: if
em buy of the maker you pay only one small profit.
yon bay of the retailer you pay three profits or
more than doable the first cost. Send ns 99 cents
in stamps or cash and we will mail yon prepaid a
WWAJT. — Fulton Street. Hew ToricitT
W. V. V., OHAHA, NO. 28, 1906.
A Certain Cure for Tired, Hot, Aching Feet. Addre*B^A;ien
DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. oi every box- Le Koy, M. JC.
I %Dere cintgorier be no 1
Make your boy’s food tasty—Mother—for it has to do some big things.
It has to make flesh, blood, bone and muscle and supply boundless
Energy. Remember, the boy of today is the man of tomorrow.
Don’t injure him physically and mentally with
indigestible meats, pastries, rich puddings, etc., that
act as a drain on his nervous
But feed him plenty of
an tfcere Is In wheat—and he‘11 br yrur heart** Joy-strong, healthy, bright, snort and quick at his studies.
You won’t have to coax him to eat it either. Mother, for its delicious rich flavor when eaten with cream
and sugar is jus: what he craves most for.
Egg-O-See keeps the blood cool and is the ideal summer food.
Give him seme tomorrow—“there won’t be no leavin’s.5*
Prepared under conditions of scrupulous cleanliness.
Every grocer in the country sells EGG-O-SEE—the whole wheat cereal. If your proccT has not received
his supply, moil us 10 cents and his name (15 cents west of the Rocky Mountains} ana we Will scad you
a package cf EGG-O-SEE and a copy cf the bock, “-back to nature.”
FREE “-back to nature” book
Our 32-pape book, “-back to nihire.” outiinis a plan of ripbt livinp, includ
to? menus for 7 days and recipes fox preparing the necessary dishes, based on a
whole wheat diet, with suggestions tor bathing, catiag and exercise, illustrated
from life, exceedingly simple and attractive. By following the precepts,
abounding and vigorous health is sure to result.
Published to sell at 25 cents a copy, this handsomely illustrated bock will
be mailed FREE to anyone who writes, as long as tins edition lasts.
No. 10 First Strict Quincy, Illinois
f This Is What
I Catches Me!
i>v; I602. One-Third More Starch.
premiums, but one'third
starch than you get of
brands. Try it now, for
or cold starching it has no
the iron.
ThoapMi’t Eye Watar