The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 12, 1906, Image 5

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miscellaneous matters in
the common wealth.
One Sister Murders Another Because
She Thought She Was Going Insane
—Other Matters of Interest Over
the State.
Murdered Her Sister.
ity was started by the announcement
that Miss Lucy Lloyd, aged 37 years,
had killed her sister, Miss Della Lloyd,
aged 39.
The sisters lived together in a
home of their own on a farm seven
miles north of the city. They have
lived there since the*r mother’s death,
some twenty years ago. A man and
his family lived in part of the house
and farmed the quarter section. For
the last six months the older sister
has been thought to have been going
insane and was treated by physicians
and cared for by her sister and the
The sheriff and coroner at once
went to the scene of the crime and
found the younger sister very hyster
ical and she confessed to killing her
sister. She slipped up behind her as
they were preparing for bed. and grab
bing her about the neck choked her
to death. She says she remembers
this, but cannot tell why she did the
act, save that she had been brooding
over the fact that her sister was los
ing her wind and they would be sep
arated after all of these years, and
some irresistible power forced her to
do the deecL
She remained in the room with her
dead sister all nigh and the renters
on the farm, not noticing them about,
called next morning, at 8 o’clock,
when the younger sister opened the
window and told of killing her sister.
She was calm until removed from the
room, when she became hysterical and
remained so ail day
Assessors Boost Values.
LINCOLN—A number of counties
reported to the State Board of As
sessments, as made t>y the county
[boards of equalization show a very
good increase, with the exception of
Merrick county, which shows a de
crease. On the face of the returns
Saiine county shows a decrease, but
the assessor has failed to add some
$170 000 to the value of his real es
tate. as ordered by the board last
year. When this amount is added the
assessment this year will be an in
crease of some $150,000 over the re
turns of last year.
Soao Mines Near Orleans.
ORLEANS—The I'mitless possibil
ities for mankind that lie in nature
herself has had new exemplification
in the discovery of a deposit of lava—
perhaps centuries old—from which a
high grade, genuinely pure soap can
be made. It has always been thought
that a soap could oi ly he made from
animal fais. oils. etc. It thus adds
weight and credence to the old saying
that man can find everything he wants
in mother earth. The finding of this
saponaceous deposit is interesting in
this period of chemically prepared ar
Zinc Near Ruio.
RULO—The operators of the Pirate
Mining company, located about six
miles west of here, report finding a
rich vein of zinc about four feet in
thickness, and the zinc is said to in
crease in ’. alue as they descend. They
are down a good depth and the water
comes in so rapidly as to compel
them to pend one-third of the time
pumping it out of their way. The
proprietor;: feel much encouraged over
their prospects and others think they
have something very desirable. The
company has ceased working their
lead and coal prospect as they think
it unprofitable.
Child Burned to Death.
CALLAWAY — The 6-months-old
child of Mr. and Mrs. James Whalen,
who reside several miles northwest of
here, was burned to death a few days
ago. The mother had left the child
alone in the house, and when she re
turned the house had burned almost
to the ground and was in the act oi
Horse Drags Bov to Death.
LOUP CITY—The 8-year-old son of
Iiawrence Rossa, a farmer living about
seven miles east of this city, near
Schaupps. was dragged to death by a
horse. The little fellow went into the
pasture, caught the horse and after
putting the haiter on the animal
thoughtlessly tied the rope about his
First of Wheat Crop.
BEATRICE—The first of this year s
wheat crop was marketed here. The
price paid was 65 cents. The grain is
of an excellent quality and tested six
ty-one pounds to the bushel and yield
ed thirty-two bushels to the acre.
End of Bad Man From Beatrice.
BEATRICE—A dispatch received
here stated that Oiley Smith, alias
Brent B. Neil, a former resident of
Beatrice and a note 1 forger, who was
sentenced to one year in the state
penitentiary here several years ago,
was killed by a guard while attempt
ing to escape from the South Caro
lina penitentiary. While in Beatrice
Smith forged checks amounting to $1.
500. After serving her term in the
penitentiary he went west and later
t located in the south, where he forgeu
checks right and left.
Accidentally Shot and Killed.
HAY SPRINGS—Walter Davis, a
young man of 20, son of W. J. Davis,
a ranchman living south of here on
Pine creek, accidentally shot and kill
ed himself on the night of the Fourth.
Young Davis, with a companion, went
to their room in the hotel to retire
for the night and while undressing a
45-caliber six-shooter that young Da
vis was carrying fell to the floor, caus
ing the same to discharge, the bail
passing into his thigh and into the
abdomen. Death resulted six hours
Horace Cook, of Beatrice, 10 years
of age. will probably lose the sight of
an eye, caused by the explosion of a
blank cartridge pistol.
W . B. Evans of Roseland was senr
to the asylum at Lincolr on account
of insanity. He has been home sev
eral months on parole.
ork on the Crofton extension of
the Omaha railroad from Hartington
has been progressing quite rapidly of
late, and it is thought that the road
will be ready for business about Sep
tember 15 or October 1.
Mrs. Kate Ripley of Hastings has
recently accepted a position as matron
of the Kearney Industrial school. The
ladies of the Home Missionary society
of the Methodist church gave a fare
well party in her honor.
Alvis Dannecker, sr., a wealthy
! iarmer and land owner, who lives one
and one-half miles north of Rulo,
while doing his chores found that the
lightning struck his fine barn and
killed six head of fine cattle.
Too many carpenters happened to
be on a small section of the sheds of
Louis Schmidt's new brick yards in
Grand Island shingling and the shed
collapsed. Ed Mernina was caught
underneath and his hand was severely
The Farmers’ State bank of Eddv
vile, Dawson county has been incor
porated with a capital stock of $25,000.
The incorporators are A. U. Dunn.
George ,J. Stanley James Cunningham,
Nick Kopf, I. S. Irwin and James Mc
Lester Armstrong, son of ex-Repre
sentative Armstrong of Auburn,
brought suit against the city of Au
burn for damages to -the amount of
$10,229. for injuries to himself and
wife, for which he holds the city re
Henry Reece, a young man 24 years
of age. who has been working for
some lime at the home of his brother,
east of Barada. has disappeared, and
on behaif of relatives there is much
anxiety, as, he had made threats of
killing himself.
A. H. Brice, who has been running
a brokerage business at Minden for
the last eight months for Sewell Slen
man of Omaha, has left for parts un
known. a„d with money belonging to of Minden which they had
paid on margins.
Bessie, the 13-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. \Y. N. Grter of Grand
Island, was seriously burned about the
lower extremities while reviving a fire
in a cook stove. The fire had smould
ered and she took a can of oil and
the common result followed.
Frank Davis, who has had the con
tract for delivering the mail to and
from trains in Beatrice for the last
eight years, turns the work over to \Y.
H. Otto, the successful bidder, July 1.
During the eight years Mr. Davis had
the contract he never missed a train.
Acting for Band Commissioner Ea
ton. Attorney General Norris Brown
has filed an answer in the case of the
state against Rutledge, alleging that
the land commissioner is not compell
ed to deed away school lands unless
the appraisement is satisfactory. The
question of saD of school land in Jef
ferson county started this case.
1'hling, which is finely located on
the Great Northern railway, is little
more than six weeks old, but it al
ready has two newspapers, two hard
ware stores, two lumber yards, two
hanks, two general stoics, one eleva
tor doing business and one in course
of erection, a baiber shop, a jewelry
store and one of the best drug stores
in the county.
The price charged consumers for ice
is out of all proportion 10 the value of
ice is returned by the county asses
sors. According to the ice man this
iittie household necessity is worth not
less than $10 a ton. According o the
assessor in Deuel county, ice out there'
is worth 50 cents a ton. while in How
ard county it is worth J5 a ton the
highest price placed upon this com
modity by any assessor.
A peculiar accident happened in the
Garvey Bros, saloon at Hartington.
r'ne of the proprietors and a bartender
were in the liqour storeroom when the
bartender pulled the faucet out of an
empty gin barre! at about the same
time as the proprietor struck a match
to light a cigar. A terrific explosion
resulted and the end of the empty bar
rel was blown through a partition wall
and the two men stunned, barrels of
liquor came tumbling down and in a
moment the room was on fire.
Mrs. Calhoun of Spencer, was
burned to death. She tried to start
the kitchen fire, and after two or
three unsuccessful attempts she
poured kerosene in the stove out of a
gallon can, which caused an explo
sion. bursting both ends out of the
can and scattering the oil on her and
all about the room. which imme
diately became a muss of flames She
fell to the floor and the fire and heat
was so Intense that help could not
reach her until the fire was partially
extinguished by the firemen. Her
son. Guy C. Calhoun, and his wife
and two child'en were in an adjoin
ing room, but they could not help
The great craze for the fruit land
on the Green river, I'tah, has struck
Ainsworth, and eighteen of the best
citizens of the town and county, and
yet Ainsworth is booming and new
buildings going up as fast as car*
penters can do the work.
Arthur Christianson, the young man
who was mentally afflicted and escap
ed from Bailey’s sanitarium at Lin
coln. and stole a horse and was cap
tured and lodged with the authorities
of Seward, has been taken to his
home at Sacramento by a brother-in
law who came for him.
The voters of Uhling have voted in
favor of issuirg bonds to the value of
$2,000 for a new school. The site lias
been moved from the country into Ihe
town and the building will be started
at once.
The Sioux City ft Nebraska South
ern Railway company of South Sioux
City has filed its articles of incorpora
tion with the secretary of state. The
road will have its terminal in Sioux
City and Homer, Neb. The capital
stock amounts to $30C,000, but tlda
may be increased to $1,000,000 trj ntt
of the board (A directors.
- -wiifilHSs
Chicago.—The Chicago & Alton
Railroad company and two former of
ficials of the road were found guilty
Friady of granting rebates.
Punishment for the offenses charged
is a fine of not less than $0,000 nor
more than $1:10,000, according to the
district attorney.
The punishment has not yet been
fixed. The road is declared guilty on
each of eight counts. Secret conces
sions granted by the company to
Schwarzschild & Sulzberger formed
the basis of the indictments.
This is considered one of the most
important victories of its kind won
by the government. It means the be
ginning of many prosecutions.
The attorneys of the railroad gave
notice of an appeal. They may, how
ever, in view of the evidence, decide
to waive further effort to prove the in
nocence of the road of conspiracy.
Judge K. M. Landis overruled a mo
tion made in behalf of John M.
Faithorn and Frederick A. Wann.
former executives of the Chicago &
Alton railway, charged with giving
rebates to Schwarzschild & Sulzberger
that the cases be taken from the jury
and a court order entered in favor
if the defendants.
The basis of the motion made by
the attorneys for the railroad men
was that the refunds, assuming that
they had been made, did not consti
tute rebates as contemplated by the
The judge says that it appears from
the evidence that prior to 1901 the
Chicago & Alton Railway company
charged the belt road four dollars a
car for hauls from the packing com
pany's platforms, over the packers'
private tracks and the belt line tracks
to the Chicago & Alton tracks, and
that the belt line paid one dollar to
the packing company for the part of
the haul that was over the tracks of
the company.
This practice is said to have been
known to the Alton company and con
tinued until January 1, 1901, when,
for some reason which does not ap
pear. but at the alleged request of
Schwarzschild & Sulzberger, the ar
rangements were changed so that the
Alton company made the payments
direct to the packing company, in
stead of through the medium of the
belt company.
Coincident with this change the
belt line filed new schedules show
ing its rates for moving the packing
company's traffic to be three dollars
a car. which amount the Alton ab
sorbed in its tariff collected from
Schwarzschild & Sulzberger and paid
over to the belt road.
Decrease in Number of Cases Reported
at Manila—Number of Deaths
from Scourge.
Manila. — The cholera situation
has improved. The report at six
o'clock Thursday night showed 19
new cases since midnight of July
4 and ten deaths. The report for
July 4 shows 28 cases and 19 deaths.
For the week ending July 4 there
were 11G cases and 99 deaths.
Two Americans—Robert Imobertz
and ■ Hart—are dead, but to date
only five Americans have been seized
with the disorder. Thus far cholera
has not appeared in the American sec
tion of the city. The Americans who
have been stricken live in the native
sections of Manila.
The bureau of health has refused
to permit the sale of foodstuffs that
may have been liable to infection.
The efforts of the doctors engaged in
combating the disease show results in
the decrease of the number of new
cases. While the disease started in
stronger than the great epidemic of
1902, the authorities believe that they
have the situation now under control.
Bills to the Number of 4,501 Passed
by Congress, with Only 362
Left Undisposed Of.
Washington. — A detailed state
ment of the work of the houst
of representatives during the firs]
session of the Fifty-ninth congress
just closed, as given out by Winthrop
C. Jones, tally clerk, shows thal
there were 4,501 bills passed by the
house and 362 left undisposed of. The
"bills” is inclusive of bills, simple,
joint and concurrent resolutions. The
total number of laws enacted by this
congress is given officially as 3.989
while the Fifty-eighth congress in
both its first and second sessions, en
acted a total of 2,160 laws. There are
exclusive of public and private reso
lutions, of which there were 54 en
acted at the session just closed and
39 in the two sesions of the preceding
Deadlock Becord Broken.
Des Moines, la.—The record in
deadlocked conventions was broken
Friday when the Thirty-seventh dis
trict Republican convention ad
journed without result to meet at
Iowa Falls July 19.
President Grants Pardon.
Portland. Ore.—Former Judge A. H.
Tanner, who committed perjury in or
der to shield his law partner, the late
United States Senator John H. Mit
chell, was pardoned by the president
June 26.
Canadians Beat Britons.
Henley, England.—The Argonauts
(Canada) beat First Trinity, Cam
bridge, Monday, in the first heat for
the grand challenge cnp. Argonauts
won alter a magnificent race by a bare
length. Time, 7 minutes 20 seconds.
Ate Poisoned Chicken.
Columbus, O.—Thirty-two people,
who ate pressed chicken sandwiches at
the Ladies’ Aid society picnic at Jer
que were poisoned. The chickens were
allowed to stand two days in tin re
ceptacles before it was consumed.
Loosened Brakes Permits Coal Car
i rier t0 sPe«d Down Inclined Track
and Spread Death.
Altoona, Pa.—a runaway mine
far. flying like the wind down
a mine brancn track that runs from
Puritan to Portage, just before mid
night Tuesday, reaped a frightful har
I vest of eleven men killed and several
The car had been left standing near
Puritan when the mines closed, and
some malicious person loosened the
brakes and permitted the car to speed
down the sharp incline.
The disaster happened on what is
Known as Martin s branch, a stretch
of track four miles long that acts as a
feeder for several mines that are lo
cated between Portage and Puritan.
he car was stopped one mile west
of Portage, but in the short spad of
ly killed.168 eleVe“ Were instant !
Offers for Panama Bonds.
M ashington.—Seeretarv Shaw is
j receipt of offers for small blocks of
Panama canal bonds. The seeretarv has
100 bids ,or *5 hbaut
all of the bids are for small amounts
except one, which was for *2,000,000. ’
Kills Woman and Self.
Manning, la.—At two o'clock Thurs
day morning, Ernest Koebnke a
young farmer, shot and ,ngta^
killed 1<-year-old Lncy Fisher
then ended his own life. Miss Fisher I
discouraged Koehnke's attentions j
Army Officer Ends Life
Manila —Lieut. Tallmadge H. Brere
ton, of the Second infantry, commit
ted su.cide by shooting himself in the
head at the Army and Navy club, it
1S, .1beI‘eved that act was committed
while he was temporarily Insane.
Trolley Car Demolished.
New Albany, Ind.—An electric cai
of the Highland electric line plunged
over an embankment 20 feet high Mon
day and five passengers were injured.
None of the passengers are fatally
hurt. The car was demolished.
Doxswain Makes Desperate But Un
successful Effort to Save Lives
of Comrades—The
Chicago. — Five members of the
Chicago contingent of the Illinois
naval reserves were drowned after a
desperate struggle in the water just
outside the harbor breakwater Thurs
day night, when a sudden squall over
turned the dingey in which they were
sailing. There were seven men in
the boat, all but one of them, the
coxswain, being inexperienced. When
the wind struck the craft the men
were so frightened that they became
entangled in the cordage in their ef
forts to right the boat, and their
misdirected efforts helped to capsize
the dingey.
Thomas Coffey, the coxswain, en
deavored to save the men who were
drowned, none of whom could swim.
After the boat overturned, all floun
dered about in the water for a few
seconds. Coffey swam toward Heeg
and Pimes, but they clutched him
around the neck and he was almost
drawn down in the struggle that fol
lowed. He was compelled to fight
the men he would have saved, if be
could, and when he finally released
himself from their hold he was so !
exhausted that he could not dive for
them as they sunk out of sight.
The dead are: Anthony J. Capo
dice, 20 years old. son of August
Capodice, confectioner, 6510 Cottage
Grove avenue; Ralph Heeg, 21 years
old, 188 West Jackson boulevard; E.
M. O'Carroll, 18 years old. 2927 Par
nell avenue, clerk at 259 Clinton
street: Joseph Pimes, 30 years old, j
1059 Barry avenue, body recovered I
by life-saving crew; Robert E. Schram.
18 years old. 306 Haddon avenue, had
enlisted this week, and was not yet
formally enrolled.
The survivors: Thomas Coffey, 23
years old. 256 Fortieth street, cox
swain: Frank Randall, 18 years old,
residence 3031 Canal street.
The dingey, which was left behind
when the Dorothea went for a cruise
in Harbor Springs, llich., started out
on its trip of instruction shortly be
fore nine p. m. Thursday. Six men
in it were recruits and Coxswain Cof
fee was teaching them the use of
the sail. The squall struck them
about an hour after they left the
boathouse, and Coffey and Randall
clung to the bottom of the overturned
boat for half an hour before a boat
from the life-saving station reached
William III. Arrives to Gladden
House of Hohenzollern — Presi
dent to Congratulate Kaiser.
Berlin.—Crown Princess Frederick
William was safely accouched of a j
son at 9:15 Wednesday morning. The
boy is well formed and strong.
The news of the birth of his grand
son was communicated to Emperor !
William by means of a wireless dis
patch from Kiel to the steamer Ham
burg, on which his majesty is proceed
ing to Trondhjem, Norway. The ves
sel was reported last in the Great
There was great rejoicing at Pots- i
dam when it became known that the
crown princess had given birth to a
son. A battery of artillery fired 101
guns to announce the birth of the
prince. An hour later 500,000 copies
of the Official Gazette, announcing the
event, were given away.
Emperor William decided, before
leaving Potsdam, that the crown
prince’s child, if a son. should be
named Wilhelm, and selected August
12 as the date for the christening.
Oyster Bay, L. I. — Congratula
tory messages will go from Saga
more Hill to the marble palace at
Potsdam as soon as President Roose
velt has been officially notified of the
birth of the new German prince.
This notification has not as yet been I
received officially, although the presi- j
dent has seen the news and shares in j
the rejoicing of the German emperor, j
Sentence in Land Fraud Case.
Portland. Ore.—Henry Meldrum, for
mer United States surveyor general for
the district of Oregon, was Thursday
sentenced to pay a fine of $250 on each
of 21 counts and to serve 60 d”.yn in the
federal pentitentiary at McNeil's Isl
and, Wash., for conspiracy to defraud
the United States government in con
nection with land deals in this state.
Wealthy Youth Drowned.
Ashland, N. H.—H. McK. Twombly. !
Jr., only son of H. McK. Twombly, the
well-known capitalist of New York
and Newport, was drowned Thursday
night while swimming in Big Squam
lake, six miles from Ashland.
Rescues Aeronaut at Sea.
Boston.—James K. Allen, the aero
naut who left Providence, R. I., on
Wednesday in a balloon, was rescued
at sea Friday by the Boston fishing
schooner Francis V. Sylvesia and was
landed here by that vessel.
Mrs. Thaw Coming Home.
London.—Mrs. Thaw, mother of 1
Harry Thaw, now in the Tombs, New
York, charged with the murder of
Stanford White, sailed from Dover for
New York Friday on board the steam
er Kaiserin Auguste Victoria.
Murders Old Man.
Melrose, Minn.—The Fourth was
marred by a tragedy here. Frank Bon
sall, 30 years old, a local prize fighter,
struck and killed Michael O'Connor, a
man 70 years of age. O'Connor was a
retired farmer quite well off.
American Loses Tennis Title.
Wimbledon, England. — Miss May
Sutton, of California, Thursday lost the
tennis championship of Great Britain,
which she won last year, being de
feated by Miss Douglass by 2-0. The
scores were 6-3, 9-7.
Statement Regarding Congressional
Appropriations Is Made
Washington.—Representative Taw
ney, chairman c£ the house com
mittee on appropriations, nas prepared
a detailed statement concerning the
appropriations for the fiscal year be
ginning .July 1. 1906, made by congress
during the session just closed, in which
he claims that the per capita cost of
the government of the United States,
including federal and state, is less
than in any European state.
Mr. Tawney enters upon an analysis
to showr the various channels into
which the total appropriation of $880,
183,301 will be diverted. He begins by
deducting $139,456,415 provided for the |
sinking lund, the Panama canal, etc., [
showing that the real appropriation for
the conduct of the government for the
fiscal year is $740,726,886. To meet this
demand he estimates that the total
revenues (customs. Internal and post
al) W'ill be $781,573,364.
The appropriations as made in the
various supply bills are as follows:
Agriculture. $9,932,940; army, $71,
817,185; diplomatic and consular, $3.
091,094; District of Columbia, $10,138,
692; fortifications, $3,053,993; Indian,
$9,260,400; legislative, etc., $29,741,019;
military academy, $1,664,708; navy,
$102,071,650; pension, $140,245,500; post
office, $191,695,999; sundry civil, $9S,
274,574. Total, $672,987,734.
Isthmian canal deficiency bill, $11.
900,000; urgent deficiency, 19% and
prior years, $16,270,332; urgent defi
ciency, aiiitional, 1906 and prior
years, $274,925; deficiency 1906 and
prior'years, $11,573,989.
Total regular annual appropriations,
$140,076,320. Grand total regular and
permanent annual appropriations,
The aggregate appropriation is $89,
000,000 in excess of that for last year.
Of the various increases, that of $3,
050,250 is made on account of meat in
spection; $1,420,533 on account of the
army, $968,046, to carry the new con
sular law into effect; $:.,734,970 on ac-;
count of the navy; $1,995,400 on ac
count of pensions; $10,673,905 on ac
count of the post office department, ol
which $3,030,000 was for rural free de
livery. Of the appropriations made,
about $31,000,000 was une3timated for.
Included in this list were the follow
ing: $10,25(1,000 carried in the state
hood act; $1,000,000 for arming and
equipping the militia. $2,500,000 on ac
count of the earthquake and fire at
San Francisco, $300,000 on account ol
the new qutirantine law. $10,231,600 on
account of public buildings.
Committee of Experts Declare Meat Is i
Wholesome-r-Recent Reforms
at Yards Admitted.
Chicago. — The committee of ex
perts engaged by the Illinois Manu
facturers' association and the Chi
cago Commercial association to inves
tigate conditions at the stockyards
has submitted its report, and gives the
Chicago packing-houses a clean bill ol
health. The investigators announce
that the dressed meat prepared at the
yards is wholesome, that, the canned
meats are healthful and nutritious,
and that the system of inspection at
the plants is, on the whole, efficient.
While the standard of cleanliness is
said to vary greatly, the committee
seemed to be favorably impressed, but
it pointed out that some of the re
forms were apparently lecent. The
committee recommended that greatly
improved facilities be provided in the
United States for the training of men
in the important specialty of meat in
spection. and suggested that Chicago
packing plants be made available as a
preparatory school.
American Judge for China.
Washington.—Attorney General Leb
beus R. Wiltley, of the Philippine
islands, has been appointed to the
judgeship of the United States court in
China, which is to replace the present
consular court. Judge Wilfley is a na
tive of St. Louis, Mo., and in 1901 was
appointed judge of the court of first
instance of the Philippines. A few
months later he was advanced to the
attorney generalship of the islands.
Mayor Held in Contempt.
Topeka, Kan.—The state supreme
court Friday banded down a decision
holding Mayor W. W. Rose, of Kan
sas City. Kan., in contempt for having
assumed the office of mayor after the
court had ousted him for ihe non-en
forcement of the prohibition law and
the law against gambling. Mayor
Rose is ordered to relinquish the of
fice and is fined $1,000 for contempt.
Four Persons Drowned.
Saginaw. Mich. — Four persons
were killed and six injured, one
of them seriously, by the explosion
Friday of a large gasoline tank on
the second floor of the boiler house of
the Cosendai dye works cm North
Jefferson avenue.
Monument to Revolutionist.
Mitau. Courland.—The police dis
covered in the district of Friederichs
stadt a granite monument weighing a
ton which had been mysteriously
erected to the memory of a revolu
tionist slain during the recent revolt
Piano Plate Molders Strike.
Springfield, O.—Piano plate molders
to the number of 160 and an equal
number of helpers went on a strike
Friday. The molders demand an in
crease of 15 cents on each plate and a
reduction in hours from ten to nine.
Dos Angeles Public Buildings.
Washington.—A contract for the con
struction of the United States court
house, post office and custom house at
Los Angeles, Cal , was let by the
ireasury department. The contract
price was $918,000
Well-Known Contractor Dead.
Newark, N. J—Joseph B. Sanford,
me of the pioneer dock builders and
-ailroad contractors of the country,
md head of the Arm of Stanford A
Brooks, of Baltimore, died at his heme
lere, aged 75.
Message Dated in Stockholm June 18
is Received in Washington—Neb
raskan Will Do Nothing to Secure
Another Nomination.
WASHINGTON — Former United
States Senator James K. Jones of Ar
kansas. who was chairman of the dem
cratic national committee, when Will
iam J. Bryan made his campaign for
the presidency in 1896 and 1900, haa
received i letter from Mr. Brvan in
which he announces that he will ac
cept the nomination for president for
the third time if it is tendered to him.
The letter is dated June 18 at Stock
holm and is as follows:
I have been watching political devel
opments and have noted with gratifica
tion the vindication of democratic
principals. You ha'e correctly stated
my position. As 1 wrote to Colonel
Wetmore. I shall do nothing to se
cure another nomination and do not
want one unless the conditions seem
to demand it. I may add that I enjoy
the freedom of private life and feel
that I can do some good without hold
ing holding any office.
There are. however, certain reforms
which I would like very much to see
accomplished and assist in the accom
plishment of these reforms. I am will
ing to become the party candidate
again if, when the time for nomina
tion arrives, the advocates of reform
are in control of the party and think
that my candidacy will give the best
assurance of victory If someone else
seems more available I shall be even
better pleased.
I need not assure you that I am
more interested in seeing our prin
ciples triumphant than I am in the
personnel of the ticket.
The country needs to have Jeffer
sonian democracy applied to all the
departments of the government, state
and national, and I am content to
help to make this application. Yours
In Letter to Mayor of Fort Dodge He
Congratulates the Senator.
FORT DODGE. Ia.—Mayor S. J.
Bennett of Fort Dodge, whose spa
cious home was thrown open to a re
ception for Senator Dolliver, to which
the entire city was invited for the
purpose of welcoming the senator in
his home coming, received the follow
ing telegram from President Roose
‘ Executive Office, Oyster Bay, N Y.,
July 7.—S. J. Bennett, Fort Dodge:
Through you, permit me to join with
the people of Fort Dodge in an ex
ptession of hearty good wishes to
Senator Dolliver. I particularly and
deeply appreciate the admirable work
he did in connection with the rate bill
and congratulate him and the people
of lowa upon it.
Colonel Witcher Dead.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah—Lieuten
ant Colonel John Zashoal Witcher
died here Sunday night from Bright’s
disease, aged 62 years. Colonel Witch
er served through the civil war as ma
jor of the Third West Virginia cav
alry. was breveted for his service in
the Shenandoah campaign, was a
member of the West Virginia legisla
ture, secretary of state for that state
and a member of the Forty-first con
gress from West Virginia. He was
paymaster in the regular army from
1880 until 1901, and when he was re
leased he settled in Salt Lake City.
Wilson Arrives in Chicago.
CHICAGO—Secretary Wilson of the
rtepartmnt of agriculture, accompanied
by a corps of assistants, arrived in
Chicago Sunday to confer with super
intendents of government meat in
spection relative to changes made
necessary by the new meat inspection
law. Inspectors anu superintendents
of meat inspection to the number of
thirty from all cities where govern
ent inspection is in force have been
instructed to report to the secretary
at once. The conference will begin on
No Yellow Fever There.
NEW ORLEANS. La. — Dr. J. H.
White, surgeon in charge of the ma
rine hospital service here, issued a
statement here that so far as he was
aware none of the marine hospital
physicians at New Orleans had given
out any statement that there is yellow'
fever in New Orleans and that neither
he nor his assistants have any evi
dence that the fever now exists in this
Emperors Arrange Meeting,
LONDON—The correspondent in St.
Petersburg of the Tribune telegraphs
that a meeting between Emperor Will
iam and Emperoh Nicholas is expected
next month.
Unusual Suicide in New York.
NEW YORK—An unidentified man
killed himself in an unusual fashion
in the Bronx, to the horror of a num
ber of persons who happened to be in
St. Mary’s park near the scene of his
suicide. After pacing the sidewalk
for some time in evident mental dis
tress he drove his head against the
plate glass front window of a slaoon
until it was shivered from top to bot
tom. Then with a big fragment of
the broken pane he cut his throat. A
policeman summoned an ambulance,
but the man bled to death.
Russian Sailors Deserting.
VIGO, Spain—Several acts of insub
ordination have occurred on board
the Russian cruiser Terek, which is
anchored here. The officers are exer
cising rigid surveillance ollr the
crew, but a number of desertions have
Transport Thomas Floated.
WASHINGTON—The navy depart
ment was advised that the United
States army transport Thomas, which
went ashore at Guam, was floated at
high tide on Sunday.