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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1906)
©rTSEWYCBK x N sSrQBOKE 3 B&THBOCNE i Mmx»or •xxnarjasrc Zte.jzKzruc CHAPTER XXII Continued. During this last brief interval that elapses Dick has a chance to shoot one glance upward. The chief en gineer's house is back of them, and to his alarm he sees a figure in a win dow. “Pauline, for heaven’s sake, girl, hide!" he calls, and evidently the one he addresses hears, for the figure no longer stands there boldly in the win dow, although he is positive Pauline will remain where she can watch the awful battle for the possession of her birthright—the El Dorado Mine. “Let loose!” suddenly shouts Dick, as he fires his gun into one of the on rushing groups. A flash of fire runs along the line of intrenchments, just as wild-fire runs over the prairie, only there is accompanying this the rattle of fire arms. It must at such short range be deadly in its nature, and the assail ants stagger under the blow. In some cases the sight of blood makes men demons, and such seems to be the ef fect now; instead of halting they rush on more rapidly than ever, and their cries are enough to curdle the blood of honest men. A peculiar change has also been effected in the situation by that burst of musketry from be hind the intrenchments. Strangely enough nearly every marksman seems to have picked out a torch-bearer for his target—at least every man but one of those who carry flambeaux is down, and this sole remaining individual, finding himself left as it were, the focus of all hostile eyes, becomes panic-stricken, throws his torch upon the ground and flies from it as though the inanimate object might be the most deadly rattlesnake to be found in all the jungles of Mexico. In the midst of this weird, ghastly eight, the followers of the Mexican hidalgo are discerned rushing up to the breastworks and engaging the de fenders in a terrible hand-to-hand struggle. CHAPTER XXIII. The Shadow of the Cuchillo. That is the moment when Colonel Bob brings to bear his tactics. He and his men have up to now taken no part in the encounter, for the time was not ripe, but when the others reach the point that they are fighting like tigers over the breastworks to get in its work. At a word from the colonel his men pour a withering fire upon the foe— not those who are in the advance, for that would subject their friends to the leaden hail, but a contingent of rioters that hurries up to the assistance of their companions gets the benefit of the volley. Bewildered, panic-stricken, they hard ly know what has come upon them, or in which direction to flee. Enemies to the right of them, enemies to the left of them, enemies behind them, volley and thunder. Some roll over upon the ground in their despair, while still others turn and ..camped away as though a legion of fiends pursue— scamper off without weapons, without hats, without everything that made them so bold but a minute before. They are lucky, indeed, who are able thus to save themselves. Some of their comrades lie upon the field of battle who will never more lead the charge or diminish the aguardiente flask, for they have been met in the midst of a crime-stained career by Death on a pale horse. Colonel Bob has made a good be ginning, but Colonel Bob is not satis fied. He knows his friends are being hotl beset by the fellows who have gained the breastworks, and his idea now is to descend upon these wor thies from the rear, with the fury of the hurricane that sometimes sweeps over the Sierra Madres. coming out of that mystic gulf, the scene of romance and history. His first act is to bend down and seize upon one of the torches; having grasped this he waves the flambeau around his head until the current of air causes a bright flame to spring up. Nor is it the only torch regenerated; a number of his followers have profit ed by his example, and at least half a dozen lights are circling through the air at the same time, describing all manner of parabolic curves, and look ing like meteors flying in zigzag fash ion through space. Thus what is akin to darkness falls upon the scene, where men rush for ward to grapple with their fellows in a death-clutch. It is saved from being absolute gloom by three things—in the first place some of the torches con tinue to flicker even while lying upon the ground, then the occasional flashes of lightning send a white light over El Dorado, that comes and goes with a dazzling intensity—last of ail the blaze from the guns of the Ameri cans is really a factor in bringing some illumination to the scene. All this has occupied but a fraction of a minute, and then the torch-bear ers leap toward the line where the desperate hana-to-hand struggle goes on—leap that way, bearing the blaz ing light in one hand and a revolver in the other, for they are determined, these men who fight for Miss Pauline, that the right shall triumph on this night. The crash, when Colonel Bob and his men come in contact with their enemies, is like a sharp and distinct clap of thunder, only more disastrous. Men are seen running in all directions, fire arms rattle, and that terrible shouting continues, as though the Americans would add terror to the flight of their defeated foes. Ah! the field is won—the victory theirs! Gradually the sounds of battle die away; the men of the New Mexican sheriff cease fighting because they can no longer find enemies against whom they may launch themselves. Colonel Bob suddenly awakens to a startling fact that gives him much (.CQttiaiGBZ&ZZ if JZBSTdszmo uneasiness. He cannot find his com rade, Dick. He rages around, seeking informa tion, and at last strikes a clew. Dick was seen heading for the house of the chief engineer just when the last line of the Mexicans broke and fled, so it looks as though he might be there. Without waiting longer Bob Harlan rushes away, and a minute later en ters the house. Once inside the doorway he pauses to listen and hears sounds that indi I cate a desperate engagement of some sort. That arouses Colone Bob, who I cannot stand by when there is any fighting going on; he rushes headlong I for the scene of the disturbance, for a wonder holding his tongue. As a general thing, under similar circum stances, he would be shouting as he ran, telling those who fought not to bring the little affair to a finish until he came, but something momentarily palsies his tongue now. Perhaps the thought has struck him that the mis erable Professor John, that bulldog of a naturalist, may be in the house with the intention of running off with Dora, and the idea is so staggering that it has actually taken his breath away. At any rate, it has not deprived Bob of his powers of locomotion, for he gets over the ground in a way that is surprising, and in a few moments bursts upon the scene. It is essentially and peculiarly dramatic, for the characters engaged form a complete company. That trag edy has also entered into it can be seen at a glance, nor is the comic side missing—Dora attends to that. The combatants are those old-time bitter foes, Barcelona and the man against whom he holds such a bitter grudge, the man for whom he has waited so long, the man who has on several occasions done him up hand somely—Dick Denver. Stretched upon the floor is Senor Lopez, with the blood oozing from a wound in the breast. The pistol that did the awful work is not three feet away from his hand—it belongs to Barcelona, and the Mexican has by some terrible accident shot his em ployer just as the man the bullet was intended for leaped upon him. Bending over the fallen Mexican are two female forms, one being an old woman, the other a young girl whose face and figure betray the beautiful Juanita. Where they have come from is a mystery; but, perhaps, knowing something of the mission of the senor, j they have entered the horse looking for him; some other motive may have stirred Juanita to action, some deep | feeling of the heart, for she is a girl S of singular impulses. Colonel Bob's gaze does not stop here; he looks for something beyond. Dora—where is the only and delight i ful Dora? A cry reaches his ear in a voice he knows, and turning his head Bob sees a sight that causes a broad grin to spread over his face—a sight that is certainly humorous enough to cause a hearty laugh, although serious for one poor individual. Dora is there, very much there; she holds in her hand a revolver which this same Colonel Bob gave her re cently with which to defend herself. Dora has taken a few lessons with this weapon, but she is woefully at sea re garding its use, and although she swings it around in a truly dramatic style she has neglected to draw back the hammer. Crouching before her is the little bug-hunter, who dodges his head in I great alarm every time that weapon comes in line with her eyes, all the : while keeping up a jargon of beseech ing exclamations, calling upon all the gods to witness the fervency of his de votion. and anon begging the adora ble, the charming Dora, not to murder him in cold blood, he whose only fault ; is in loving her not wisely but too j well. Quite a strange scene, taken all in all—tragedy and comedy combined. Colonel Bob hardly knows whether to laugh or look serious. He sees that his comrade is in rather a bad predic ament, and makes one step toward helping him, when he hears Dick say; "Stand back. Bob; I want to manage this chap alone if I can. Stand back, old fellow.” The two men struggle with the pow er of giants, and Barcelona, seeing a companion near by, ready to give his antagonist assistance if necessary, realizes how desperate his tase is, A scream thrills Bob; he turns his head just in time to see a figure flash before him. and realizes that it is the maid of Mexico—lovely Juanita. He sees her spring between Barcelona and Dick Denver just in time to receive in her bosom the murderous cuchillo that is launched forward, intended for the American. A cry of horror rings out—even the bull fighter appears half stupefied at what he has done—at the persistency with which fate steps in between him self and Dick Denver. The stricken girl staggers and falls across the form of the Mexican. Then a human figure flies at the bull fighter like a crazy thing; It Is Dick, win, has been more than ever aroused by the sight of Juanita sent bleeding and dy ing to the floor at the hands of this fellow—Dick, who now assaults him with irresistible power, who dazes the Mexican ty the brilliancy of his ac ! tions, and presently crushes him to the floor with several sledge-hammer blows that render the humiliated and ; doomed athlete almost senseless. One figure Colonel Bob has not no | ticed before—it is that of Miss Paul ine, who has been standing just be ! vond a table. She now darts forward, and when Dick turns after so quickly disposing of Barcelona, he discovers i her bending over the fallen girl, en deavoring with trembling hands to stanch the flow of blood. “Was—he—hurt?” the Mexican girl gasps. “Dick? No. no—you saved him, dearest Juanita.” “For you. 1 ought to hate you. Paul ine Westerly, for you have stolen what 1 thought belonged to me, but I cannot do it; where I would hate I love—I know not why.” gasps the stricken j girl. Dick reaches her side—upon his ! face is the deepest concern, but Juan ita smiles. “It Is just as well—I could never have lived and been happy, knowing y ou loved her. Now I have saved you for your Pauline. I gave my life— | twas all I had. This is fate—it was | my destiny to suffer.” A groan is heard, but it does not proceed from the dying girl. Senor Ixtpez struggles to raise himself, and manages to gain a position where he I can look upon the face of his child— I his lips move, and they hear him utter ! strange words: “It is the decree of fate! She saves 1 him for the other. Come closer, you ; against whom Manuel Lopez has fought so bitterly—come to my side I and hear the news I would tell you.” The old Mexican's strength is fast leaving him, and it is only a question of time when he must yield up the ghost. He realizes this himself, and musters all his powers to aid him. “Pauline Westerly, before I die I would hear you say you forgive me. The fierce desire to see my family re gain its old time prestige must be my only excuse for doing what I have done. With the EL Dorado in my hands I could have stirred up all Mex ico. and perhaps placed myself in the i chair the usurper Diaz holds. I am proud, but when death hovers near all pride is leveled. I beg that you will forgive—it is easier to do so because all of my plans have proven failures." “Rest in peace. Senor Lopez. I can not comprehend how a man of honor can war upon a girl for the sake of power: but Heaven has seen fit to baf fle your purposes, and far be it from Pauline Westerly to cherish feelings of malice against a defeated enemy. I only grieve because this wicked scheming has brought one you love to pain and sorrow, perhaps death. Poor Juanita!” and she strokes the luxur iant hair of the Mexican maid tenderly as she speaks, while over the face of the dying girl there passes.a look that is akin to holy love. The old senor experiences a new sensation—tears flow from his eyes— he weeps. “Strange, mysterious decree of Providence, that one should die to make the other happy. Who can say the hand of Fate is not in it all,” he mutters Dick and Bob exchange glances. Surely the old senor must be feeling the cold hand of approaching dissolu tion: he raves! They continue to lis ten. and hear more strange things. “Senorita Pauline. I am about to make a disclosure that will give you joy and yet bring perhaps the keenest pain. I solemnly assert that I did not myself suspect the truth until very re cently. and it was my intention to util ize the fact if the plans which culmin ated so disastrously this night failed to place me in possession of the mine.” Pauline hears and holds her hreath in suspense What news can he im part that will bring to her the greatest of joy and the keenest of suffering? "I learned in Paris what your mis sion was. and having already an ink ling of the truth I set about discover ing facts. Years ago. for revenge upon your father, I hired a woman to steal away your little sister Beulah: it was believed she was drowned: I myself never doubted it, for the woman swore to the fact when I paid her. Years later this same woman entered my employ again—she brought with her a child to whom I took a strange fancy —I adopted her." “Merciful heaven!” cries Pauline, bending upon the dying Juanita a look of startled eagerness and supreme anguish—“that child—Juanita ” “I have since discovered is the Beu lah stolen from your father in the past. Antoinette Duval, stand forward and testify to the truth of my words.” “What Senor Lopez has stated is the truth, every word. Mon Dieu! I hope I may be pardoned for the part I took in the wicked business. I swear by all that I hold sacred that this girl is none other than Beulah whom I carried away years ago from the West erly home, where I was employed as a nurse. Look upon her. Mamselle Paul ine—for she is your sister.” (To Be Continued.) A SETTER. This that follows is reaJly funny. It is told by a Georgia "gentleman of the old school,” who is noted for his rare humor: "I heaid a good story the other day about a horse, and must tell it to the children. A man had a horse who would sit down whenever be was touched in the flank. He would squat on his hind quarters like a dog. The man tried to break him of it, but he couldn't, and nobody would buy him. One day a sportsman came along and made his acquaintance, and they took a ride together to hunt partridges. When they found a covey, the man touched his heels to his horse's flank, and he sat down. ‘What makes your horse do that?’ asked the sportsman. ‘Why, he’s a setter,’ said the man. ‘He sets birds Just like a dog.' So the sportsman thought be was a most won derful horse, and he swapped for him and gave |50 to boot. And he got on him, and after awhile they came to a creek that was pretty deep, and as the sportsman held up his legs to keep them out of the water, he touched the horse in the flank, and down he sat in the water. When he got up and out and was all dripping wet. he was as mad as a wet hen. and said: ‘Well, sir, what made this horse do that way in the water?' ‘I forgot to tell you,' said the man, ‘that he sets flsh just as well as he does birds.' ’’ In Silent Testimony. A romantic story is told of the latg count of Flanders: Every day he went for a long walk, and always passed a house where a white hand was waved from the closed windows in return tc his deep salutation. He never entered the house. The occupant was a lady to whom he was attached before fat was married, but whom he had never seen since. Before parting they ar ranged that when in Brussels he should pass her door once a day. and this testimony to an old love wai faithfully carried out. TO SAVE INDIAN CAPITOLS PLAN TO MAKE HISTORIC BUILD INGS MUSEUM REPOSITORIES. When Statehood Wipes Out Indian Territory Effort Will Be Made to Preserve Official Mansions of Old Capitals. Nov/ that Oklahoma and Indian Ter ritory are to take their place among the sisterhood of states, and will have but one capital where heretofore there has been two, some concern is felt for the old capital towns of the two ter ritories, and the question is being asked what will become of the old state buildings? Sentiment is reluc tant to let the historic buildings pass into oblivion. Especially is this true in the Indian Territory, where it is said a movement will he inaugurated to preserve the histone capitol buildings of the five ! civilized tribes. In line with this movement it has been suggested, and the plan seems to have met with general approval, is that each building be made the na tional museum of the nation wherein it is located. In this manner they would become objects of Interest and attract visitors from all parts of the world. The Creek Indian capitol building at Okmulgee was erected in 1867, and has been the center of all that was im portant in the Creek nation during al most a half century. Okmulgee means ‘‘springing water.” Around the council house and the trees which surround it are memories of a proud but vanishing tribal gov ernment, once warlike and warring, but whose sun Is now setting, and whose existence is now merging into that of general government. Cluster ing about the council house are recol lections tinged with pathos of former splendid gatherings of the great coun cil composed of two bodies—the house of kings and the houses of warriors— now only empty names. It was here the sentences of the Creek courts were executed The prisoner was tried, con victed and sentenced to be shot to death at a given date, and then re leased with the admonition to return and receive his penalty on the day of execution. History or tradition does not record an instance in which the condemned man failed to appear and take hir punishment manfully. After bidding his friends farewell he took his station under the old maple tree and the unerring aim of his dearest friend sent his soul to his Maker. In the history and chronicles of the Creek tribe there is no more interest ing story than that of the Red Stick wrar. This happened many, many years ago. at a time when the wily Chief Tecumseh, of the Shawnees, w’as at CREEK INDIAN CAPITOL AT OKMUL GEE. outs with both the English and the Spaniards, and he was determined to have revenge and lift a few scalps. He had visited nearly all the Indian tribes for the purpose of organizing a federation and destroying the white people. Among the tribes that were favorable to a war of extermination was the Muscogees, or Creeks, and, al though many of the leading men ol the tribe advised against the war, yet the advice of the sages was not heed ed, and Tecumseh's cause was es poused by a majority of the Creeks. They hocked to this wily chieftain’s camp, ready to follow him. The med icine men of the Creek recruits or dered a long pole to be painted blood red from top to bottom. This was planted, and around it the warriors danced night and day, when not listen ing to war speeches. Tecumseh joined in all these proceedings. A tew miles from the town of Sapul pa, in the Creek nation, is a high cliff, known to all the people for miles around as "Moccasin Track” cliff. This name is derived from three moc casin tracks on top of this cliff of stone. The tracks are of different sizes, and the legend is as follows: "Years ago, during the formative pe riod of this cliff, there lived near a beautiful Indian maiden, who loved and war loved by a young white man who had found her in her home while on a hunting trip in the Indian coun try. He wooed her and she was to be his bride, but the laws of the tribe prohibited the match. The white lover also incurred the dislike of the girl’s parents. Often the lovers would steal away to this cliff, and on one occasion the girl’s little sister was sent to find her. They crossed this cliff together, making the three different sized moc casin tracks. The sun hardened the stone and the tracks have endured to tell the tale. The legend further re cites the fact that the young white lover fell asleep on the cliff and fell to his death on the rocks below. Sir Thomas Lipton s New Cup MAGNIFICENT TROPHY FOR MASSACHUSETTS RACES. The vision which will not fade from the eyes of Sir Thomas Lipton is that of the America’s cup reposing among the trophies of the English Yachting club in London. Three times the Englishman has tried desperately to wrest the coveted prize from his American cousins, and each time failed. It has been intimated from time to time of late that Sir Thomas was plan ning to build a new boat and to send i ■— — — - i THE NEW LIPTON CUP. (Prize Which Has Been Offered for Yacht Kaces on Massachusetts Bay. another challenge to this country for a series of races in 1907, but nothing ] tangible has been done. This, how ever, need not lead Americans to sup pose that the matter is to be dropped, nor should American yachtsmen be so short-sighted as to be led to believe past victories make certain the results of possible future races. Sir Thomas has a long vision this time, end he is going to learn some thing about American yachting before he again tries to lift the must-be-won cup. With this ultimate object in view the persistent Englishman has appeared in Massachusetts as a cham pion of the rating rule of the New York Yacht club, and under which rule he seeks for another race for the America’s cup, for he believes that he would stand a better chance of win ning under that rule than he did un der Lhe length and sail area rules, un der which his three previous matches for the trophy have been sailed. He ts making a study of this new rating rule, and is going to try and bring out the good and bad points of the iule by practical tests in racing. As a step to the accomplishment of his purpose. Sir Thomas last winter had as nis guest in London, Winfield M. Thompson, a Boston yachtsman, through whom he offered to the yachtsmen of Massachuse ts bay a handsome cup, to be raced for under the new rules. The cup stands three feet six inches in height, and is valued at 11,000. It was designed by a well-known firm of London silversmith. On one side of the cup is a shield, surmounted by the British and Amer ican flags, bearing the words: ’’The Sir Thomas J. Lipton Championship Cup for Massachusetts Bay, 1906.” Un der this shield are the private signal of Sir Thomas Lipton, a shamrock on a yellow ground, within a green border, add the flag of the Yacht club. On the reverse side is the official in signia of the Yacht Racing association of Massachusetts, showing a yacht un der tail, and a head of Aeolus. This is decorated with the same arrange ment of flags as the shield on the obverse aid?. The base is of ebony, to which are attached shields in sil ver, cn which the names of yachts winniug the cup will be inscribed. The cup becomes the property of the own er first winning two class Q champion ships, and, once won, cannot be raced for again unless put up by the owner. ...W' QUEER PLACE FOR. WELL ^uerrjvaie,—unfe oi me Dlggest water wells ever drilled in this part of the country is in the vicinity of the smelter here. The location was pure ly an accident. The smelter owners were looking for a supply of water for the horses, and decided that it would be better to go to the top of a hill and run a gravity line down to the works than to drill on the flat and Install pumps. The drill had not been work ing more than three hours when the water came with a great rush and nearly blew the tools out of the hole. A six-inch pipe was put in and this is barely sufficient to contain the vol ume. The pressure is so great that the tank over the fire engine house is filled without pumping, and then the well is not working more than one-fourth of the time. If it were to work all the time It would not only supply all of the departments of the smelter, but the entire town of Cherryvale. The capacity of the well 1b a mat ter of guess, because it has never been allowed to run all day, but it Is said to be at least 4,000,000 gallons a day. The drilling of the well has been the talk of the farmers in the neighbor hood, and more wells will be drilled in the hope of finding the same vein. The big well is another of the freaks which have been the bane of geologists since the discovery of oil and gas in this part of the state. If there was any other range of hills around here the presence of the water so near the surface of the ground on top of the hill to the northwest might be ex plained, but how it happens that the water is within 12 feet of the highest hill in the whole country and with no other hill at all within reach, is some thing the people who think they know something of geology have been un able to explain. Not to Blame. "Now, sir," said Willie's father, “don’t be a little jackass.” “I can't help bein’ little pa," re plied the bright boy, “an’ it ain't my fault that I’m your son.”—Philadel phia Press. A DELICIOUS VEAL ROLL. somewhat Complex to Make, But the Result a Very Toothsome Dish Worth the Trouble. One slice of veal from the leg cut half an :.nch thick. Wipe it, remove the bone, the tough membranes be tween the muscles and around the edge, and cut the fat in small pieces. Lay the meat on a hardwood board, scatter the fat over it, and pound it out very thin, lapping it over where broken, and pound the fat into the meat. Keep the meat in rectangular shape, with the edges even. Cover the meat with a thin layer of finely shaved cold boiled ham. Chop fine two thin slices of fat salt pork, mix it with four butter crackers rolled fine, season highly with salt, pepper, lemon, onion juice, and, if you like, ad$ a slight sprinkling of thyme. Moisten with hot water or veal stock till it wiil hold together, add one well-beaten egg, and spread the mixture over the surface of the meat nearly to the edge. Roll the meat over tightly, and tie securely, leaving a little room for it to swell. Wrap a piece of cheesecloth round it, and tie it at the ends. Put it in a kettle with a trivet underneath; cover with boil ing water; add one sliced onion, a half inch of bay leaf and one tea spoonful of mixed whole spice, also the bones and clean trimmings from the veal, and let it simmer three hours. Let it cool in the liquor un til you can handle it; then remove it and put it in a brick loaf pin with another pan. weighted, on top of it. When ready to serve, remove the strings and cloth, trim off the edges, and if the whole is likely to be used, lay it on a platter and carve it in thin slices, but keep them together line tx vuuie run. ouew wain cresses lightly around the edge, with overlapping slices of tomato on one end and a mound of whipped cream flavored with grated horse radish and lemon on the other end. Or slice only what will be needed, and arrange it on a platter with a garnish of cress and radishes. The veal will be delicious in sand wiches. Shave it very thin, and sprinkle with horse radish, and put between buttered bread.—Mary J. Lincoln. HOME DRESSMAKING. Here are a few hints which the home dressmaker will appreciate and which, some of them, the professional would do well to store away for use. To prevent the otherwise inevitable sagging of the circular skirt, hang it up by the binding, or better still, on the form, before the bottom is finished and allow it to remain for three or four days or even longer. Then trim it off to the desired length and even ness and you may rest secure in the fact that it will remain a “good hang ing skirt.” In sewing a lace frill on the stock don’t attempt it German fashion, “over and over.” It will stay “over” if you do. Hold it straight with the collar and run it on, then, even though close ly gathered, it will stand up as it should. If sleeves are too long or too full, don’t rip them out. First take a tuck or fold in the tops, making them the desired length, and baste. Try on, and if right, then cut off the superfluous material. Keep a tiny vial of powdered slip pery elm in your work basket, and thrust the needle into, it occasionally. It helps to make sewing a pleasure. Make a proper selection of needles. That is, do not attempt to make a coarse needle do fine work nor a very fine needle carry coarse thread. The rule works both ways—wrongly. Beyond and above these “hints.” re member to sit properly and to take a “breathing spell," if only a couple of minutes, whenever there is a feeling of exhaustion.—Boston Budget and Beacon. Berry Pudding. When blackberries appear make this berry pudding, which is a favorite one at the Boston cooking school: Beat one third ot a cup of butter to a cream. Add gradually half a cup of sugar and the beaten yolks of two eggs. Sift to gether two cups of previously sifted flour, four level teaspccnfuls of baking powder and half a teaspoonful of salt. Add this to the creamed butter, sugar and eggs. Put in half of the flour mix ture, mix and then put in half a cupful of cold water. Mix in the rest af the flour, etc. Beat thoroughly, and last ot all told in the well-beaten whites of two eggs. Sprinkle a cup ful of blackberries with a little flour, and add them to the batter as It is dropped, a spoonful at. a time, into the mold, which should be rubbed with unsaited butter. Steam an hour and a half, or bake 25 minutes, and serve with a blackberry hard sauce. The sauce is made in the usual #ay, with half a cup of butter and a cup of sugar. A.dd to this half a cupful of crushed berries. Price of Health. Nature's price for health is regular ity. We cannot safely bottle up sleep to-night lor to-morrow night’s use, nor force our stomachs t.t one meal be cause we expect to eat sparingly at the next, nor become exhausted in work ing day and night, expecting to make It up later. Nature does nothing be fore ter appointed time, and any at tempt to hurry her invariably means ultimate disaster. She takes note of all our transactions, physical, mental and moral, and places every Item to our credit There Is no such thing at cheating nature. She may not present her bill on the day we violate her law> but if we overdraw our account at hei bank end give her a mortgage on our minds and bodies, she will surely fore close. She may lend us all we want to-day, but to-morrow, like Shylock, she will demand the last ounce ol flesh. Nature does not excuse man for weakness. Incompetence or igno rance. She demands that he be at the top of his condition. Crepe for Kimonos. Japanese crepes for kimonos and dressing sacks have cherry blossoms and dragons, quaint little Japanese maidens and butterflies in a confusion of gay colors, with a disregard of pro portions and probability that is as at tractive as the soft, crepy cotton stufl they are printed on. NEW HOMES IN THE NORTHWEST. •Shoshone Reservation to Be Opered to Settlement — Chicago & North Western R’y Announces Round Trip Excursion Rates from All Points July 12 to 29. Less than one fare for the round trip to Shoshoni. Wyoming, the res ervation border. The only all rail route to the res ervation border. Dates of registration July ISth to 31st at Shoshoni and Lander. Reached only by this line. Write for pamphlets, telling how t*> take up one of these attractive home steads. Information, maps and pamphlets free on request to S. F. Miller. A. G. F. & P. A.. Omaha. Neb. FROM A CYNIC’S DICTIONARY. Rouge—Face suicide. Benedick—A penitent bachelor. Courage—Marrying a second time. Love—The banked fires of passion. Divorce—The correction of an error. Altruism—Mowing your neighbor's lawn. Suspicion—Testing the engagement ring on window glass. Jealousy—A tribute to man’s vanity that every wise woman pays. Furious—A word expressing the pleasure a girl experiences when she is kissed. Conscience—The internal whisper that says: “Don’t do it; you might get caught.” Widowhood—The only compensation some women get out of marriage.— Henry Thompson, Water Wagon—A vehicle from which a man frequently dismounts to boast of the fine ride he's having. BLOATED WITH DROPSY. The Heart Was Badly Affected When the Patient Began Using Doan’s. Mrs. Elizabeth Maxwell, of 415 West Fourth St., Olympia, Wash., says; “For over three years I suffered with a — dropsical condl tion without be ing aware that it was due to kidney trouble. The early stages were principally backache and bearing down , pain, but I went along without worrying much • u a in uruyay set in. My feet and ankles swelled up. my hands puffed, and became so tense I could hardly close them. I had great difficulty in breathing, and my heart would flutter with the least exertion. I could not walk far without stopping again and again to rest. Since using four boxes of Doan’s Kidney Pills th6 bloating has gone down and the feel ings of distress have disappeared.” Sold by all dealers. bO cents a box. foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Glass That Keeps Out Heat. An Austrian inventor, Richard Szig mondy, is reported to have made a new kind of window glass whose chief pe culiarity is that it prevents the pass age of nine-tenths of the heat of the sun’s rays. It is well known that ordinary win dow glass allows nearly all of the heat derived from the sun to pass through, but, on the other hand, intercept^ all heat coming from non-luminous sources, such as a stove or the heated ground. This is the reason why heat accumulates under the glass roof of a hothouse. If covered with Szigmondy’s glass a hothouse would, it is claimed, become a cold house, since the heat could not get into it. One advantage set forth in favor of the new glass is that a house whose windows were furnished with it would remain delightfully cool in summer. But in winter, perhaps, the situation would not be so agreeable. Accept Signatures in Irish. Irish language revivalists have just scored a notable victory. The direc ters of the National bank have agreed 0 accept checks signed in Irish, pro vided the signature is repeated in English. One of the advantages of this system, as the bank points out. Is that it acts as a double protection against forgery. Foreigners, in their ignorance of the language, so often mistake the sul tan's trades for tirades.—Albany Ar gus. DOCTOR’S SHIFT. Now Gets Along Without It. A physician says: “Until last fall 1 used to eat meat for my breakfast and suffered with indigestion unti. the meat had passed from the stom ach. “Last fall I began the use of Grape Nuts for breakfast and very soon found I could do without meat, for my body got all the nourishment necessary from the Grape-Nuts, and since then I have not had any indi gestion and am feeling better and have increased in weight “Since finding the benefit I derived from Grape-Nuts I have prescribed the food for all of my patients suffer ng from indigestion or over-feeding and also for those recovering from disease where I want a food easy tc take and certain to digest and which will not overtax the stomach. “I always find the results I look for when I prescribe Grape-Nuts. For ethical reasons please omit my name." Name given by mail by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. The reason for the wonderful amount of nutriment, and the easy di gestion of Grape-Nuts is not bard tc 2nd. In the first place, the starchy part Jf the wheat and barley goes through various processes of cooking, to per fectly change the starch into Dextrose or Post Sugar in which state it is ready to be easily absorbed by the blood. The parts in tbe wheat and barley which Nature can make us6 of for rebuilding brain and nerve cen ters are retained in this remarkable food, and thus the human body is supplied with the powerful strength producers so easily noticed after on6 has eaten Grape-Nuts each day for a week or 10 days. “There’s a reason." Get the little book, “The Road to Wellvllie," in pkga.