For Heavy Castor Machine Oil, Hay Forks, Pulleys, Ropes, at A. P. GULLEY, President. W. F. MAHON, Cssliur. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Loup efTY I Conser vative 1906 i and Strong We Do a Banking Business Only Farm Loans at 6 per edit,Optional Payments THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market Quotations. Cattle, per 100 lit, .93.30 *4.00 Hogs, per 100 llis. COO Corn, per bu.34 (g .30 Wheat, per bu...,.. .. .43 ^ .59 Oats, per bu.25 (g .274* Rye, perbu.40 @ .42 Butter, per lb.12 (g .15 Eggs, per doz.. .10 Uoaal Daws Sleeth pays cash for eggs. It t>ays to trade at Cooper’s. Sleeth's one door east of opera hous*. Hayward Bros, shoes for sale at Cooper's. Henry Wilson did business at Ash ton last Friday. Ht>2, Ashley Conger, tiie drayman. Get him. Oliver Dubay %did business at St. Paul last Friday. Puritan Indian meal. 10cts package at (hooper's. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Eisner returmd from Omaha. Monday. See W. F. Mason for best hail insurance. Edna and Frank l>addow visited at Kearney over last Sunday. Cooper pays the highest price for poultry and produce. M. C. Mulick returned from his trip to Utah Monday evening. Delicious short order lunches at the Model Restaurant. C. Biemond shipped a car of hogs to the Omaha markets Monday. Baled hay for sale by A. P. de Lyster. Free delivery. Cask user Carlson celebrated biie Fourth at St. Paul and Dannebrog. Bran, shorts, corn, Screenings and rye Hour at D. C. Grow's. Bob Jackson and wife returned from their Kentuckey visit last Sat urday. Zimmerman & Brewer can make a straight t> per cent farm loan. Call and see them. Editor Brown has painted up the portico of his new residence and other wise beautiHed his property. Messrs. Alfred B. Straugh and Geo. Wright of WestHeld. N. J., arrived last Tuesday for an extended visit with L. N. Smith. Home-killed beef, veal and pork, the very tenderest and juciest, at Siepmaim’s. Also home-cured bacon and home-made sausages of all kinds. Stewart Conger returned Saturday night from his trip up into the British possessions to close up hii father’s business there. Stewart says it is a beautiful country, but alto gether too far north to suit him. Mr. Lou Hansen has sold his homt just north of the Methodist church to Mr. Richard Baker, the consil eration being $1,5U0. We understanc Mr. Hansen will build on the lot* purchased just east of Geo. Leinin ger’s residence. Drs. Davis* Farnsworth of Grant Island, Neb., are prepared to treat ah forms of chronic diseases, such at Rheumatism, Stomach disorders 'Tumors, Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney rliseams, etc. The doctors use besides ,mediei«e and surgery, the x-ray, hoi iiir baths, electricity and massage. Tiie Industrial Society of the Piv. Kyterian church will meet with Mis (idendahl on Friday afternoon, Ah the members are urged to be presen and all the ladies of the tongregafci u ere cordially invited. Try tlie Model restaurant. (’ash paid for poultry—Sleeth. 4 cans corn for ‘loots at Cooper’s. Take butter to Sleeth for cash. Farmers, try the Model for good meals. Hobt. Mathew orated at Austin the Fourth. WANTED: 10,000 dozen eggs at Cooper’s. Geo. Raddiffe went to Omaha Tuesday. Veal for Sunday dinners at Siep mann’s, sure. Win. Criss made a business trip to! Lincoln Monday. Phone A T. Conger, 1192, when in need of a drayman. Emerson Smith came home from Omaha Saturday. Bohart's cake and pastry Hour, 25c per package, at Cooper's. R. P. Starr gave the oration at Wiggle Creek the Fourth. If you want to buy or sell real estate, call on John IF. long. County Clerk Beushausen went to Lincoln Tuesday morning on business. C. 11. Leininger, undertaker and eu> tialmer. Calls answered day or night. E. G. Taylor and family returned from their visit to David City, Mou day evening. l>r. Hess’ Worm Powder, louse killer, panacea and stock food at D. C. Grow’s. Harry Miner had a horse killed by lightning in W. O. Brown's pasture. Sunday afternoon. Dr. Sumner Davis, Grand Island, Neb., specialist in diseases of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. A. P. Culley went to Greeley , Tues day, where he was to deliver the Fourth of July address. Parties wishing ice for special occa sions call at residence of J. W. C'oi* I ger after lour o’clock any day. Master Nelson and Miss Inez. Fisher went to St. Paul Tuesday to visit friends over the Fourth. John IV. Lon;/ is prepared to moke oil lieol Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. Mrs. Baliman of Howard county re turnnd home this morning after a j short visit with her parents. Mesdames R. D. Piper and J. A. Somers of the Clear Creek country were passengers for Bradshaw, this j state, last Friday to visit relatives. Don’t forget that good roadsters are going for the top notch in prices, and realizing this see G. A. Curry’s ' tine Hamletonian stallion, Basco B. ; before breeding. . Mrs. Viola Odendahl will erect a \ cottage on her lots west of the O’Bryan houses. The main part will J be 24x24, with an addition 14xW, one story. Win. Rowe has the contract. i Next Sunday Pastor Wold of the Baptist church will preach on the following subjects, morning: “Abra ham, the Altar-Builder.’’ Evening: “Those Who Have Come Through Great Tribulation." The ordinance of baptism wili be administered in tile evening. Sherman county received a miilion dollar rain last Sunday afternoon. A reporter for This Nokthwkstkhn 1 phoned by various points of the com pass at the close of the copious, and j found the rain general throughout the county. Litchfield and the south west coi ner of the county, and the north parte of Washington and Logan were the only sections slighted by the rain king. Loup City got one janrt one-fourteenth inches. Sleeth pays cash for produce. Try Sunday dinners at the Model. Sweet corn seed, 10c cjt, at Cooper’s, J udge Wall went to Omaha Tuesday morning. ■ Loans on Ileal Estate, cull on John W Long J. W. Long had business at Rock ville Monday. Beardsley’s shredded codllsh, lOets per can at Cooper’s. Mrs. S. A. Pratt was up from Pleas anton a few days last week. Fresh corn meal, graham and buck wheat at I>. C. Grow’s. The county hoard meets in regular session next Tuesday, July loth. T. M. Reed lias just received a new stock of buggies. Call and see them. Bert Chase and family went over to Mason City Sunday morning to spend the Fourth. See A. P. de Lyster for Loup City Mill Co.’s flour and feed. Every sack warranted. Free delivery. Dr. S. A. Allen left for Council Bluffs last Saturday to visit friends over the Fourth. Spring-time is the time to paint— Sherwin-Williams is the kind of paint. Sold by Lbininqbr Li mhku Co. During the storm last Sunday, the barn of W. O. Brown on his farm was struck by lightning but did no serious damage. me wind last Sunday did some damage to the liarn on the farm of (’has. Swaderer, three miles south west of town. Heef, Veal, Pork and Mutton for Sunday dinners at Sikcmann & Co's. There will he a children’s service at the McAlpine Sunday-School next Sunday afternoon when Pastor Wold will preach to the children. Thos. Frish, who came here with Joe Siepmaun, has secured a position in a butcher shop at Kearney, and lie anil his wife left for there Wednesday. l>r. Yallier, Osteopath, Grand Is land, Neb.,office over Decatur & Bea gle’s shoe store. Consultation and ex amination free. Chronic diseases a specialty. 30 W. K. Me)lor returned to Lincoln Monday morning, after a few days at home. It will now be in order to hear a yelp from the yellow dog variety. WANTED A good competent girl for general housework in a family ofj three. No children, wages satis factory. Write T. E. Williams,1 Aurora, Neb. 33-3 j Frank Dennis and little son were in this city last Thursday. Frank’ had been up to North Loup and was driving home to St. Paul by way of Loup City. The band plays every Saturday evening in the public square. Special invitation to our farmer rriends to stay in town those evenings and en joy good music. Next Sunday evening a patriotic service will be held at the Presby terian church. The pastor will take for his subject. “After the Fourth.-’ There will be appropriate music. Hail accompanied the rain storm of last Sunday in the sections between Cob Creek on the south and Rock ville, and in the Wiggle Creek coun try, breaking window lights and dam aging the wheat, rye and barley to a considerable extent. A new cement walk is to be com- j mewed this morning oxtending from ‘ the State Bank building south to Louie Bechthold's corner. It is not true, as Surveyor Wolfe says, that railing will be placed on either side of the walk. That is one of Wolfe's | prohibition stories. Mrs. Fellows, mother of Mrs. H. M. I Severson, and Lawrence Mason, broth er of John Mason, came over from Ord last Saturday, returning home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Mason accompanying them to spend the Fourth. Mrs. Severson, who had been visiting her mother returned here with them. D. M. Gue came up from Lincoln last Saturday, and Sunday it rained. On a former occasion, about a month ago, tie came up on Monday and Tues ; day it rained. It would pay the B. & : M. folks, at this rate, to issue trans ; portation to Mr. G ue at regular week i ly intervals for a season. Mr. Gue re ! ports Mrs. Gue as improving rapidly. : He will be back home in a few days again. The new saloon opened its doors to the public last Saturday. The gen 1 tlemen operating the same are to all ; appearances valuable additions to our live people. Messrs. Cord and Graefe are both gentlemen of families, and i will reside in our city as soon as they | can procure suitable homes. We feet assumed they will run the business they are engaged in within the ! proper bounds of law. and This NoKTHWBSTKRfi bespeaks for them and their loved ones the kindest of: welcows in our midst. Dragged to Death. J. Q. Pray brought us Tuesday the details of a horrible accident and deatli in ids neighborhood. An eight year-old son of Lawrence ltoss, living on Oak Creek, aUiut ten miles north east of Loup City, had lieen sent to the pasture to drive in some horses. Not returning, search was Instituted and tiie body was found in tiie pas ture witli tiie skull crushed, hack broken and otherwise horribly muti lated. A iiorse was quietly brouslng by tiie still form, witli a headstall on and tiie end of tiie halter tied around the boy’s body, which told tiie sad story. One Accident, No Fatalities. Tiie Fourth passed off quietly here, Hilly one accident being recorded, that of Miss Orpha Outhouse, who while walking on Main street about noon received the contents of a blank pistol in her face, about the eyes, tired by a reckless hoy, but fortunate ly not severely injuring her as she closed her eyes opportunely and per haps saved total blindness. Urand Island, Sargent and Wiggle Creek re ceived the bulk of those going else where to celebrate, while those who remained at home, including tiie hand boys, celebrated at Jenner’s Park and with various picnic parties there and points along tiie river. Rain in tiie Afternoon intefered somewhat witli picnickers, but not being heavy nor lasting only dampened tiie grounds and ardor of tiie people for a short time. All in all it was a very enjoy ible day. Mrs. Joe O’Bryan is ill, 11. T. Wilson returned to St. Edwards this morning. Miss Nina Beers of Sargent is visit ing her brother. Newt. Vance. Walt. Smith returned last evening from ids business trip to Iowa. Frank and Charley Peterson were Burlington passengers east Friday. Sheriff Williams went to Grand Island and Central City, yesterdap. M. C. Mulick and Clint Outhouse went to Grand Island tins morning. W. T. Gibson and his men went to Austin Monday, to work on the new bridge. T. L. Pilger arrived home from Ids trip up into Montana last Saturday evening. Mrs. Geo. Leininger and son Harold returned last Sunday from their visit at Ansley. The county fathers met on Monday t>f this week for settlement with the county Measurer. See statement in this issue. Mrs. Titos. Bagsley and children left Monday morning for a two weeks’ visit at their old home, Bellwood, this stote. Mrs. Ed Jones and little son left Wednesday for a month’s visit with relatives at Schuyler, this state, and Atlantic. Iowa. Miss Nellie Sage, who has been working in the Model restaurant for several months, left for her home in Kansas City. Monday. Mrs. Morg Ford and two daughters. Bessie and Mildred, arrived here from Cheyenne, last evening, on a visit to Lee Adamson and family. Theeorner-stone of the new Catholic church will be laid on Wednesday. July 11th, at 10 o'clock a. m. All are cordially invited to attend. C. J. Tracy is already manufactur ing cement blocks, having rented the building of the Electrical Post Com pany in the north part of town. Lawyer R. H. Mathews has changed his office from up stairs in the new First National Bank building to the Zimmerman building a few doors north. Miss Grace and Master Roy Rad L’lille on Monday returned to their home at Sumner, this state, after a short visit with their brother Ed at this place. 3Miss Beth Zimmerman, who has recently finished a course in vocal music at Toledo, la., will sing a solo at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening. Tailor Boeckner and family leftj Wednesday. Mrs. Boeckner and ehii- j dren will visit at Greeley for a time, j Mr. Boeckner goes to Mishawakee. j Ind., to do tailoring. Archie Zimmerman came home from his Virginia trip last Friday, lie expects to return there in a couple of weeks and go into the real estate business near Richmond. We wish him best of success. Walt McNulty returned from the west last Thursday, bringing a bunch of horses back as far as Grand Island, where he sold them, and after visit ing a day at home returned after more. A “Derby” of one and one-eighth miles will be run at the State Fair on September 4th. This promises to bg an event at the Fair this year and society willffce out in the Derby colors (yellow and* white). The race program is by far the beet ever given at a Nebraska State Fate and: towns of the teat how. wilt tew * gala week. ' &;W\' *' it ' ' ■ •'— '*> -—- --- " —■■ ■— —■! Nebraska People Profit by the Qreat Earthquake and Fire at San Francieco. Two of the largest Kan Francisco piano companies were forced by the great catastrophe to forfeit heavy contracts with eastern factories The 3rhmoller A Mueller Piano Company, of Omaha, were success ful in securing one hundred and twenty of these Instruments at a great sacrifice by acting promptly and :>nylng spot cash They now propose to give the benefit to their customers by disposing of them quickly at a slight advance over cost, >i? follows: Hanlsome new upright plaros of New York and Boston manufacture In Col inlal cases of dark Mahogany or French Burl Walnut finish (sev eral makes to choose from, perliaps your favorite) and none mad? to sell for less than $300, will lie closed out at the remarkable cut price of $17B. Do not delay. Call or write at once for cataloguos and complete Information Over six hundred pianos In stock Address The 3cn,noll»r A Mueller Piano Co. Established 11119 1311-1* Enruam Kt.. Omaha Professional Cards A. P. CULLEY, AUorney&Gofluselor-at-Law (Office: Kikst National Uank) Loup City, Nebr. R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attorney and Cmlcr-iMai LOUP CITY. NEB AARON WALL Xjgfwy ©r Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOtJP CITY. NEBRASKA. d. H. LONG PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. :<# A. 8. MAIN, Physician end Surgeon Office at Telephone Residence. Connection. LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Practice & Specialty. Pboue, 30. Ollce at Kealdeaee Loup Eiiy. - Nebraska S. A. ALLEN. DEJYTIST, LOUP CITY. • • NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank bmldiui?. W. L. MARCY. OENTIBTt LOUPGITY, NEB. OFFICE: East Side Public Sq uat e. .?/. //. .JIK.1D Bonded Abstracter Locp City, - Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract books in county For a Drayman Send a messenge r for J. W. Conger He will pay the fee And the Public! Tie St Elio Lifer? Ban Is under a new management. Give me a trial and if you have any thing good to say, say it to others; if you have any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t right my mistakes, but I can and will. Respt., PHONE, W9. T.E.Gilbert, VtrSalebj T.H. Eisner 1 | A Large and Complete Line of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing III LIE- FINISHINGS All new and Up-to-Date. W e can save you money by dealing with us. joppsop & LOPEPTZ Do You Want I 1 If so, Enquire of j W. R. MeUor I *^i. I. DEPEW®*- ~\ (Blacksmith $ wJS2!--Sii (sSfewS^’*2,:af"‘jS*ABus and prompt J (MU?«Rl"o^CUSTOMERS^ . 1 1,111laaaaaa »iJiM*n«a,,aaJB“^_Zl— j, , LE1N1N6BB. furniture Pianos, Organs, Undertaking, and Art Goods, framing Pictures a Specialty Undertaking and Art Goods n—i Furniture Pianos am? Organs j E. Gr. Tayloe, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Caulscv President. Vice President. Cashier -directors W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Swketland LOUP CITY STATE BANK I LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, | Capital Stock, • - $36,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00 f