The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 21, 1906, Image 8

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    For Heavy Castor Machine Oil,
Hay Forks, Pulleys, Ropes, at
A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier.
r~p -p;
of Loup gjty.
Conser -
We Do a Banking Business Only
Farm Loans at 6 per cent,Optional Payments
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs .$3.50 $4.00!
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 5.90)
Corn, per bu.32 (« .38 i
Wheat, per bu.52 ^ .62'
Oats, per bu.2H1* ,29t*
Rye, per bu . (<i .42 i
Butter, per lb.12 (<t .151
Eggs, per doz. .*>!
Lioaal Daws
It pays to trade at Cooper's.
A. M. Benntt left for Utah, Monday.
Try Sunday dinners at the Model.
Aug. Jacschke to Ashton Monday.
Sweet corn seed. 10c qt, at Cooper's,
Hayward Bros, shoes for sale at
C.C. Carlson visited friends in How
ard county last.Sunday.
H62, Ashley Conger, the drayman.
Get him.
Will Mason and C. W. Conhiser rode
the Elks goat at Grand Island Friday.
WANTED: 10,000 dozen eggs at
The*M. E. Sunday school will hold
its annual picnic in Creerv's grove to
Puritan Indian meal. lOcts package
at Cooper's.
The next governor of Nebraska
had business in district court here
Ist'it'S on llnol Estate, noil on
John If L<m
The little nephew and niece of Mrs.
Dr. Jones returned to their home at
Hastings Tuesday.
See W. F. Mason for best
hail insurance.
Mrs. Jennie McMichael of Arcadia
is here visiting her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. C. G.* Anderson.
Cooper pays the highest price for
poultry and produce.
Mesdames J. W. Long and J.T.Hale
went to Blue Hill Tuesday to attend
the state P. E. O. convention.
Delicious short order lunches at
the Model Restaurant.
Miss Aimee Whitman was home
from St. Paul attending the wedding
of her sister in Washington township.
Baled hay for sale by A. P. de
Lyster. Free delivery.
Mrs. H. C. Rawding had so far re
covered from her operation for ap
pendicitis that she was able to return
home from Sargent Tuesday.
Bran, shorts, corn, Screenings and
rye flour at D. C. Grow’s.
The editor is doing all his printing
by his own lonesome this week, Miss
Etta Lofholm, his expert manipula
tor of the leaden messengers, enjoying
a week’s va&tion.
L. H. Spahr still cleans and repairs
sewing machines at Draper Bros.
District court convened here Mon
day afteruoon, Judge J. N. Paul hold
ing for J udge Hostetler, held an even
ing session, finished the small volume
of business before it and adjourned.
Zimmerman & Brewer can make a
straight tf per cent farm loan. Call
and see them.
Contractor Rettenmeyer had the
new Presbyterian manse ready for the
plasterers to begin work Monday, and
they are only waiting for the heating
plant to be installed (which for some
reaso has been delayed) in order to do
their stunt.
Home-killed beef, veal and pork,
the very tenderest and juciest, at
Siepmann’s. Also home-cured bacon
and home-made sausages of all kinds.
Try the Model restaurant.
Mrs. Geo. Lee very ill Sunday.
4 cans corn for 25ets at Cooper's.
L'Banks Hale to Omaha Monday.~
Farmers, try the Model for pood
A. M. Bennett returned from the
west Friday.
Veal for Sunday dinners at Siep
mann's, sure.
Joe Reimann had business at Ash
ton last Saturday.
Phone A. T. Conper. H92, when in
need of a drayman.
Harry Miner had business at Grand
Island last Friday.
Beardsley’s shredded codfish. lOcts 1
per can at Cooper's.
A fine rain visited the east part of
Sherman county Sunday.
Fresh corn meal, praham and buck
wheat at D. C. G row's.
Miss Hattie. Froelich is home from
Trenton for a short visit.
Bohart's cake and pastry flour, 25c
per packape, at Cooper’s.
Miss Johanna Oltmann returned
home from Omaha last Friday.
Editor Brown’s wife and dauphter
returned Monday from their visit.
Harry Taylor is able to be out on
crutches and is rapidlv improvinp.
It■ yon wont to buy or sell real
estate, cull on John W. lony.
A son was lx>rn to Mr. and Mrs. Ho
mer Hughes of Clay township Sunday
C. H. Leininper, undertaker and em
balmer. (.’alls answered day or night.!
\V. L. Marcy and family were enter- \
tained at the home of Wilber Waite
Dr. Hess’ Worm Powder, louse
killer, panacea and stock food at
D. C. Grow's.
T. R. Lay was up from Rockville
last Friday on road business before
our county papas.
See A. P. de Lyster for Loup City j
Mill Co.'s flour and feed. Every sack
warranted. Free delivery.
John O'Bryan is in the real estate
business at Rockville with Tom Lay,
and they make a hustling team.
Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton for
Sunday dinners at
Sikpmans? & Co’s.
i. u. i ugei ii-ii uir luiuiiii .uonua
na, Monday, to visit His son. Newton,
who is doing mining survey there.
Dr. Sumner Davis, Grand Island,
Neb., specialist in diseases of eye and
ear. Examination for glasses.
The Shettler-Whitman wedding
occurred last Sunday evening at
the home of the bride's parents in
Washington township.
Lost, last Sunday, between Loup
City and Ashton, a lady's dark brown,
long coat. Will finder please return
same to H. P. Starr's office?
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Grand Is
land, Neb., office over Decatur & Bea
gle's shoe store. Consultation and ex
amination free. Chronic diseases a
specialty. HO
Messrs, and MesdamesMellor, Long,
Starr and Sleetli were entertained at
tiie home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Johansen Saturday evening last.
Don’t forget that good roadsters
are going for the top notch in prices,
and realizing this see G. A. Curry’s
fine Hamletonian stallion, Basco B.
before breeding.
Miss Nellie Draper was home from
norma) at St. Paul a few days last
week on the sick list, but was able to
return to school Saturday.
FOB SALB-Farm of 160 acres in Sherman
county. Nebraska. 3 miles south and 2 miles
west of Aicadia All frame buildings, house
26x26. also other out buildings. windmill. 80
acres in pasture the rest plow land, good
seboolhousw on one corner-of place, two miles
wr-st of Swede church. Price #2f» per acre For
terms and particulars apply to or address
A. Orammond. Arcadia. Neb. 30-4
A letter from J. W. Harper order
ing The Noltiiwesebn changed to
Ills new address, states lie lias bought
a restaurant and bakery at Seward,
Neb. He sends greeting to old friend^
Chet Tracy to York yesterday.
Lum Fletcher to Cairo yesterday.
A. B. Outhouse to Omaha yesterday.
Today is the longest day of the year.
Gas lights have been put in State
Bank block.
Tailor Boeckner lias closed his shop
and will go east.
Dick O’Bryan went back on the
main line Monday.
Misses Beth and Alva Zimmerman
came home Tuesday.
The county board finished its work
and ajourned on Saturday.
Will Cramer, the horsman, is train
ing his horses on the track here.
Milo Gilbert made his daughter a
present of a tine organ, Tuesday.
T. M. Reed has just received a new
stock of buggies. Call and see them.
Mrs. Geo. Leininger and son Harold
left this morning for a week's visit at
A nsley.
Mrs. Chet Tracy left last Saturday
morning for a visit with relatives at
The members of the P. E. O. and
their families picnicked on Cob Creek
last Friday.
Geo. Stark, the painter, was mar
ried at St. Paul last Friday to a Miss
Lena Snllivan.
Mrs. ,1. P. Sampson, mother of Tai
lor Boeckner. returned to her home
at Greeley, Monday.
Messrs, and Mesdames Bennett and
Hawk were entertained at the home
of Bert Chase Sunday.
Parties wishing ice for special occa
sions call at residence of J. W. Con
ger after four o’clock any day.
Parties are requested to call for
their clothes before June 29th, as
Boeckner. the Tailor, is going away.
Mrs. Willard of Grand Island re
turned home today after a visit of
several days with Mrs. Viola Oden
v>. i. i»raper ana p red llauck are
tliis week at Ashton putting the fin
ishing touches on I)r. Wanek's resi
Erick Johnson and Elmer Kahtock,
rwo of tire best young men of south
Sherman, were pleasant callers at
this office Monday.
John IF. Louy is prepared to
male all Ileal Estate Loans on
short notice at lowest rates.
Harry Jenner lost his little bay
driving horse last Friday, the animal
getting a leg broken while in the
pasture and had to be shot.
A dance was reported at the home
of Dick Piper in Elm last Saturday
evening, and a splendid time, with
some fifty merry people present.
Aug. Anderson, one of Washing
ton's good republican farmers, was in
town yesterday, and became a reader
of this reliable republican paper. He
moved from Polk county here about
e year ago.
Mrs. .1. W. Conger, yvIyo was taken
suddenly very ill with heart trouble
following the funeral of her husband's
father, last week, and whose life was
despaired of for a time, is much
better at present.
Prof. M. H. Mead left for Yankton.
S. I)., Monday, accompaied by his
good mother who will remain there.
He will return home Saturday, ac
companied by his daughter. Miss Ber
tha, who has been at school there.
Dr. Long received a telegram Sun
day from his daughter, Miss Hazel
Long, that she would leave Santa
Ilosa, Calif., for Loup City on Tues
day. That would bring her into this
city tonight or tomorrow. The doc
tor will meet her at Grand Island.
Drs. Davis & Parnsworth of Grand
Island, Xeb.. are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases, such as
Rheumatism. Stomach disorders,
Tumors, Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney
diseases, etc. The doctors use besides
medicine and surgery, the x-ray, hot
air baths, electricity and massage.
R. T. Wilson of St. Edwards, Neb.,
who own a great deal of land here, re
turned home this morning after some
days here. He has a son on one of
his farms on Wiggle Creek. He has
just sold a farm near Litchfield to a
Mr. Walter Stilllnger, brother-in-law
of E. Hill. Mr. Wilson is a hustler.
Mrs. J. A. Anger, representing the
Baptist, Miss Lizzie Leininger and
Mrs. W. A. Hayes the Prebyterian,
Misses Jessie Leininger and Edith
Henry the Methodist and Mr. Joseph
Daddow the Wiggle Creek schools,
went to York, Tuesday, as delegates
to the district Sunday school conven
It is understood our enterprising
hardware merchant, E. S. Hayhurst,
has let to Olilsen Bros, the contract
for a brick business block to be put
up on the present site of his mer
cantile business. Mr. Hayhurst is
one of the best and most favorably
known among our business men and
we are glad to note this move on his
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mellor came
iiome from Lincoln, Friday. Mrs.
Mellor looks well and on the fair road
to permanent recovery. They were
accompanied by I)r. Vance Rawson
of Chicago, a brother-in-law of J. W.
Long, who we understand has been
offered a position as physicirn in the
Lincoln Sanitarium, and left for Lin
coln Saturday morning to Iciok over
the situation. Mr. Mellor returned
to Lincoln Monday morning, but Mrs.
Mellor will remain at home.
M. C. Mulick and Miss Belle Mulick
left Monday for Ogden, Utah, to visit
Will Mulick and wife.
Spring-time is the time to paint—
Sherwin-Williams is the kind of paint.
Sold by Leiningkb Lumbkb Co.
Seven persons were added to the
membership of the Presbyterian
church last Sunday morning—five by
letter and two on confession of faith.
For buggies, hay stackers, sweeps,
binders, mowers, rakes, wagons, wind
mills, well work, plumbing and
plumbing supplies, see T. M. Reed.
Within thirty days, we expect to
have our machinery in operation for
the manufacture of all kinds of side
walk blocks and material of all colors.
Those in need of any of this class of
work or material will do well to see
us before contracting. Our prices and
work are right.
Simpson & Reiman.
The opening on the 12th of June of
Jenner's Park was a decided success,
but the glorious Fourth of J uly cele
bration will be one of the grandest
and most enjoyeble days the Park
has ever seen The Park is not only
beautiful and unique in many res
pects, whether regarding its situation
or its many novel features, and being
located in one of the most orderly
and peaceful as well as attractive and
up-to-date towns in the state, it is
eminently a family resort, free from
thuggery and rowdyism, where the
women and children can go. without
the slightest fear of molestation.
The observation of Children’s Day
was the occasion of two interesting
services at the Presbyterian church
last Sunday. In the morning the
pastor delivered an illustrated sermon
to the children, fraught with good
lessons and presented in a way to be
remembered. The evening service
was in charge of tl»e Sunday school
and was specially interesting. A pro
gram of song, recitation and exer
cise was rendered, which gave evi
dence of unusual ability on the part
of those participating, as well as care
ful training by those in charge. Each
number was thoroughly enjoyed, from
the little tots of four years old, who
recited a line or sang a little song, up
to the memliers of the choir, who
were at their best. The work of the
latter consisted of a duet by Mrs. C.
H. and Miss Lizzie Leininger and an
anthem by the full choir.
— * * - ^ «
Coumty Supervisors Meeting.
Loup City, Neb., June 11, 1906.
County Board of Supervisors met in
regular session as per adjournment of
March 6th. Present full iioard and
C. F. Beushausen, clerk.
The Kosiniski road matter was tak
en up by tiie board, wherein an error
appears to have been made in the al
lowing of damages on said road, but
by motion the board ordered that no
further action be taken till June 15tli
The Lay road petition was next
taken up and on motion made and
carried that same be taken off the
table and no further action taken till
June 15th, 1906.
The board ordered that a bridge be
built across Oak Creek in Scott twp.,
between Sections 7 and 8-13-16, pro
viding Scott township pays $100
toward same; said bridge to be a low
water bridge, 24 feet long.
On motion the board adjourned to
June 15th, 1906.
C. F. Beushausen, Clerk.
Loup City. Neb.. June 12. 190(5.
County Hoard met In regular ses
sion as a board of equalization, as by
law provided. Present full board, L.
W. Peters assessor and C. F. Beus
hausen clerk.
By motion it was ordered tliat tbe
following protests be tiled and acted
upon as follows:
Valuation Redue.
nw4 33, 14-15 *485 *335
ne4 14, 13-14 "74 470
ne4 27, 15-1(5 2.53 200
se4 of nw4, ne4 of sw4, s2
of sw4 27, 15-1(5 272 225
se4 7, 15-10 . 408 308
sw4 14, 15-15 497 322
sw4 30 13-14 531 400
sw4 of ne4, s2 of nw4, nw4
of ne4 28-15 16 505 400
ne4 20-14-14 570 470
nw4 20-14-14 444 394
Lot 8, block 3 Rockville 80 30
Board then, after being in session
three days as a board of equalization,
adjourned to August 13, 1900.
E. F. Beusiiausen, Clerk.
Loup City, Nebr., June 15, 1906.
County Board met in regular session
as per adjournment of J une 11, 1906,
full board and C. F. Beusiiausen
clerk, present.
The remonstrance to the Lay road
petition was next taken up and after
considerable discussion the board
ordered the remonstsance overruled.
The Campbell road petition was
then taken up and the report of the
special commissioner was accepted by
the board.
The board then, by motion, order
ed the clerk to pay the damages, by
the establishing of the Wheeler road
as previously allowed, out of the
money paid in by Elm and Webster
The Ladegard^pidgactfetition was
For a Drayman
Send a messenger for
J. W. Conger
Tie will pay the fee
by tbe board not allowed.
The bridge petition of Henning
Clausson, asking that a bridge be
built across Cole creek on the sw4 of
Section 29-16-15, was ordered built
providing the citizens of Washington
tp. pay $22 in the county bridge fund.
A motion was then made and car
ried that W. T. Gibson be ordered to
build ice breakers on the Austin
river bridge,
The following official bonds were
approved by the board:
Frank Tapolski road overseer Dist.
No. 14.
R. H. Gibson, treasurer Webster
John Lonowski, road overseer Dist.
No. 4.
Frank Polski, overseer Dist. No. 17
T D Eastabrook, “ “ “ 23
H F Reasland, “ “ t‘ 32
Adam Zahn, “ “ “ 8
William J. Jung, “ “ “ 5
Wensel Rewolinski, twp. clerk. Oak
creek township.
The depository bond of the First
National bank of Litchfield was ap
proved by the board.
Hoard abjourned to June 16th. 1906.
C. F. Beushausen, Clerk.
Loup City, Nebr., June 16, 1906.
County board met in regular ses
sion as per adjournment of June 15,
’06, with full board present and C. F.
Beushausen clerk.
The following taxes being paid un
der protest were by the board ordered
refunded: James Johansen $9.90: A.
J. Gray $5.70; Knud Ladegard $4.35.
By motion the board ordered the
personal tax of J L McLain, for the
year 1905, stricken from the tax list
as same property was assessed in
Boone county, Nebraska.
The board, by motion, ordered that
the $47.25 special tax be transferred
to the general fund and that $100 be
tiansferred from the general fund to
the bridge fund.
It was moved and seconded that
tiie clerk be ordered to draw warrant
for $70.00 in favor of C J Tracy for
improvements on poor farm, previous
ly allowed.
John Boecking, supervisor district
No. 6, next reported on the Fuller,
i Dahlgreen and Luthren church;
j bridges and said report was adopted
by the board.
The following claims were next al
lowed by the board and clerk ordered
to draw warrants on their respective
Hammond Printing Co.$126 85
C J Tracy. 1 00
State Journal Co. 8 80
W A Bellinger . 47 25
T M Heed, all taken for tax... 6 50
C E Achenback. 2 25
Bob Szwanek, all taken for tax 4 00
A S Main . 6 25
L E Dickerson . 1 00
Albert Dickerson. 90 00
J Q Pray. 75 00
ArthurMinshull . 63 00
J H Hollyeross. 81 00
Wensel Rewolinski. 51 00
EG Taylor. 8 80
Thos A Donalioe. 0<> 00
John Wheeler. 48 00
John T Coulter, $9 taken tax.. 102 00
C J Peters. 120 00
Nicholas Daddow . 63 00
H S Cohger, all taken for tax.. 75 00
Lewis Bechthold. 162 00
Andrew Garstka .. . 87 00
Dr A E Wanek. 1 10
Theo Ojenhyk. . 1 10
Henning Claussen. 19 40
Herman Iloodley, $2.85 tax_ 8 30
Garrett Lorenz. 1 10
C W Baker. 1 10
A Kwiatkowskl. 1 10
I M Polski. 1 10
A Garstka. 1 10
A S Main. 12 00
M II Mead ... .550 00
M H Mead. 13 47
M II Mead. 42 00
E A Brown. 31 10
Hammond & Stephens. 10 00
L A Williams.. 8 50
Jacob Winkleman.. 5 00
J W Jones. 5 00
C 1) Morrow. 0 00
E A Brown. 0 00
U M Iliddleson. 17 05
J II Miner, all taken for tax .. 5 00
F Schroll. 19 00
Chris Nielson. 19 40
W O Brown. 18 00
W H Chapman. 19 80
D C Grow. 21 00
John Boecking. 19 40
road fund:
E B Corning. $ 17 95
E B Corning. 33 30
Chris Nielson. 3 50
J W Burleigh.. 11 00
L A Williams. . 10 50
W O Brown. 5 50
bridge fund
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co—$ 15 10
W T Gibson. 160 47
W T Gibson. 500 00
Draper Bros. 1 75
Chris Nielson... 3 50
W O Brown. 15 00
John Boecking. 21 00
W T Gibson. 238 82
WT Gibson . 500 00
W T Gibson. 549 52
F Schroll. 6 05
Jim Burnett. 9 0.)
W H Chapman. 14 00
By motion board adjourned to July
10th, 1906.
C. F. Beushausen, Clerk.
All new and Up-to-Date. We
can save you money by dealing
with us.
Do You Want
If so, Enquire of
W. R.
* *
I*®J. I. DEFEW8N' “
Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker;
My shop is the largest ami best equipped north of the Platte liiver 5
I have a four hors* engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma j?
chiuery, also a force ot experienced men who know how to operate it and fc
turnout a job with neatness and dispatch.
OIB 3333233333223 i 3 3 J 33333a3aiSBSSHMM*2H«MnKli
Pianos, Organs, Undertaking,
and Art Goods,
pfaniipg pictures a Specialty
Art Goods
o. h. leiningeii
a nil
E. Gr. Taylor, J. S. Pkdler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
-1)1 r ectors
W. R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00
Individual Liability, $250,000. OO