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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1906)
Loup City Northwestern - VOLUME XX11I. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA THURSDAY, JUNE 14. 1906. NUMBER 31 THE NORTHWESTERN T “CRMS:—91.00 PEH TEAK. IP PAID » ADTAEC1 ^ Entered at the Loup City PostuOee (or trmnt mission through the malls as second class matter. Office ’Phone, ... R8 Residence ’Phone. - - R15 J. W. BURLEIGH. F.d. nnd Pul). Republican County Convention. The Republican County Convention of Sher man county. Nebraska is hereby called to be held at Fraternitv Hall, in Loup City, in said county, on June 29th. 1906. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of nominating a county attorney, a representative for this representative district and also to elect dele gates to the state, senatorial and congressional conventions: to elect a County central Com mittee and provide for the election of township committeemen and to transact such other business as may properly come before said county convention The basis of representation at said conven tion be one delegate for each 12 votes cast for the Hon. Chaa B. Lei ton. justice of the Su preme Court, at the last general election, and one delegate at large for each township. The following named townships are. under the saiu call, entitled to repiesentatiod in said convention as follows: Ashton.5 Oak Creek.2 Bristol. 3 Rockville. 4 Clay. 4 Scott. 3 Elm.3 Washington.. 5 Harrison.7 Webster. 4 Hazard.4 — Logan .3 Total.54 Loup City.17 It is recommended that the several town ships hold their primaries on the 27th day of June. 1606. at the usual voting places in said townships Dated this 2nd day of June. 1906. By Order of Republican County Central Com. Robert P stare J. F. B*ushaus*n. Secretary. Acting chairman. ELM TOWNSHIP CAUCUS The Eim township republican caucus will be held at the Lone Eim school house on Wednes day evenin' June 27. 19U6. at 8 o'clock, for the purpos- of electing three delegates to the coun ty convention, nominating township officers, committeeman and transacting such other busines as may rightly come before said c -u cu*s. Let every republican be present Adam Zahn committeeman And now John L. Webster retires from the senatorial race and up bobs ex-Covernor C'rounse as a new nag in the senatorial race, naving the Fonta nelle club of Omaha as god-fatlier to the new sprout, with an “anything U>-beat-Rose water'' war-cry as its slogan. _ Hon. F. M. Curry of Custer county is out for U. S. senator. From a per sonal acquaintance and knowledge of Senator Curry, we consider him as the peer of any man yet mentioned, and in intellect, honesty, oratorical ability and brain power by far supe rior to many. This is our candid un solicited opinion. But we are for the man the convention names: no poor sticks in the bunch mentioned so far. On tlie first page of this paper wiil be found tlie announcements of Messrs. R. J. Nightingale and R. P. Starr, as candidates for the republi can nomination for the office of coun ty attorney. The gentlemen are both well and favorably known to the voters of this county, and ask the nomination on their merits in the open and through the columns of The Nokthwkstekn for your sup port. We can heartily support either and when you have" signified your choice, in convention assembled, we will, with both pen and voice, give the heartiest of sanction to tlie will so expressed. Death ot ex-Senator Conger. The funeral of Hon. W. H. Conger, of whose death at Edmonton. Canada, on the 3rd of June mention was made last week, occurred from the M. E. church Tuesday afternoon of this week. The body arrived Monday evening, accompanied by Mr. H. S. Conger, and was escorted to the home of his son. A. T. Conger, by a large number of our citizens, led by martial music. At the hour of 2 p. m. Tues day, the services were held, the church being inadequate to hold any great portion of the number who were present to do honor to a former dis tinguished citizen. The casket was hanked by a profusion of floral em blems, and former comrades of de ceased had charge of the ceremonies, the funeral address being by Rev. John Madely. formerly pastor of the M. E. church here, and an intimate friend of deceased. At the close of the ceremonies at the church, the re mains were viewed by the large con course of people, and the body was laid to rest in our cemetery, followed by an immense procession of friends to the Silent City. The present editor of The Northwestern never met the distinguished citizen, but on even- hand are heard expressions of sorrow over the loss of one whom every one acknowledged as a generous, aperi-hearted citizen, loyal friend and lover of all with whom lie had busi ness or social relations. Jin his death. The North western, with all of our citizens^ tender sincere sympathy to the bereaved wife, sons, daughters and other relatives, William H Conger was born at Willsboro. New York. June 1st, 1840. being tKS years and 2 days old at the time of his death. He moved to Ne braska in 1882, where he practiced law. He was a member of the lower house of the Nebraska legislature in 1885. and a member of the Nebraska seriate in 1887. where lie fathered and promoted and secured the establish ment of the Soldiers' and Sailors home at Grand Island. He was a veteran of the civil war, serving lib country in a New York regiment from ‘**2 to ‘05, and was an enthnsi astio member of the Grand Army ol the Republic, Mr. Conger liad been twice married, having five sons and three daughters by his first marriage, his first wife and two daughters hav ing died preceding his demise. By liis second marriage he leaves a wife and one step-daughter, who survive him, besides his five sons and one daugliter—wife, three sons and step daughter in Loup City, one son ir Denver, one son in Dannebrog and a daugliter in Omaha. CARD or THANKS. We desire to express our sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors who rendered us theii assistance and sympathy during the burial of our husband and father. Signed: Mrs. Clemma Conger, H, S. Conger. I. L. Conger. J. W. Conger A. T. Conger, C. R Conger, ADbi« and Nettie Conger. Announcements. FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. I hereby announce myself as a candidate lor the office of county attorney subject to the ap proval of the Republican County Convention to be held at Coup City. Nebraska. June 28. 1806 Dated this 5tb day of June. 1806 K. J. Nightingale. I make the above announcement because I believe that the open and straightforward way is the best way in political matters, as in other matters. I think a convention is en titled to know, in advance of the date of its meeting, the names of all per sons who will be candidates for any office, so that it may inform itself fully as to the merits of the respect ive candidates and make a more deliberate and intelligent choice. 1 am also impelled to make the above announcement by the urgency of the responsible republicans who in sist that the time has arrived in the history of Sherman county when the law department of the county should be entrusted to the care of a lawyer who lias had sufficient experience in the actual practice of the law to justify the. belief that he will bring to the discharge of the duties of that office at least an average decree of professional knowledge and skill. It is pointed out by my fellow citi zens that the law business of the county is of greater volume and im portance than that of any private in stitution of the county. Its civil business involves the collection and disbursement of nearly $100,000. In order to raise the money to do the business of the county, levies must be made upon the taxable property of the county, and, unless these levies are legal, the county will be embar rassed for want of funds to carry on the public business. In disbursing this large amount of money, after it is collected, important duties devolve upon the officers and agents of the county. All the officers of the county are dependent upon the county attor iir» as uiicii ic^ai aunaui uu cuauic them to conduct the business of tiie county in a strictly legal manner, so that on the one hand they may not unwittingly infringe upon the pri vate rights* of the citizen, and on the other hand may not forego or sacrifice the public rights and interests. As a business institution, tiie county needs tiie test legal talent it can hire for the salary provided by law, in order to save it from financial loss in the transaction of its civil business. To cite one instance among many, in the administration of public affairs, where great loss might result for lack of proper legal advice, several thous and dollars will have to he expended annually in the establishment of public roads, and if these roads are not legally established, it means a money loss to the count}' and in many cases harassing litigation. But it is not alone in tiie administration of the civil business of the county that the services of competent legal counsel are needed. One .of tiie principal func tions of a county attorney is that of a public prosecutor. It is his special duty to see that the criminal laws are * enforced. In a very substantial sense the persons, the liberties and lives of tiie citizens of this county are put under his protection by the law. If a county attorney is lacking in professional’knowledge and skill, men who should be punished for violation of tiie laws go free and tiie failure of justice results in an encouragement to lawlessness. Sot linly so, but errors in trying criminal cases involve great expense to the county, and thousands of dollars are sometimes thrown away without accomplishing any good result through the imcom petence of the prosecutor. In view of the serious consequences to the county which might result to tiie county by reason of the election of an attorney for this office who does not possess the necessary profession al knowledge and skill to enable him to protect the public, these Repub licans are in favor of nominating for this office an attorney who has had experience in the practice of his pro fession and who has proved by his works what his ability is. My friends point to the fact that, next to Senator Wall, I am the oldest lawyer in the county. For the benefit of those who have resided in the county for only a short period, I wish to state that I have been in the active practice of the law in this county for a little over twenty-four years, and during that time I have been employed on one side of, nearly every important law suit in the county. As to whether 1 have been a successful student of the law I must leave others to be the judge. I can at least say that I have been a diligent student of the law. and have endeavored to qualify my self for my professional duties. While as lawyers, our business does not justify, in small country practices, as large law libraries as are found in the office of city lawyers, yet i can say I possess as large a library as any law yer in the county, and i am expending annually about fcWO in reports and text books eo enable me to keep post ed in my profession. I am devoting my time exclusively to the study and practice of tire law, whereas some other members of the local bar are devoting their time principally to some other line of business and the taw is. with them, only a side issue. In announcing myself as a candi date for this office, 1 wish it distinct ly understood that I do not regard a nomination in the light of a political plum or perquisite. I am neither ask ing nor claiming any reward for political services at the hands of the Republican party in this county- In whatever I do for the party I wish to do it in the spirit of one who recognizes that parties are organized for the purpose of securing good government, and I desire to aid the Republican party in this county in becoming the best in strument for good government in the county as well as in the state and nation. Nor do I look upon the gift of tills office as a gratuity or {tension for the incumbent of the office. Pensions are not for civilians but for those who have offered their lives in the defense of their country. I have too much self respect to desire the emolument* of this office without rendering an equivalent in service to the people o this county. If nominated and elect ed to tiie’ office, I should expect u, earn the salary and should not regard it as the only or principal function of an officer to draw his salary. 1 should expect to serve the public as well and as faithfully as I would serve a pri vate client. Whatever professional knowledge and skill I possess should be devoted to the interests of the public and their cause should be prosecuted by me with the same dili gence and vigor that I use in tiie vause of other clients. In the con duct of the office I should have no private interests or animosities to serve, but should endeavor to look wholly to the public welfare. I may say that there has never been a time in the history of the Repub lican party when I could more cheer fully serve under its banners. At the head of the party and at the head of tiie nation stands the greatest presi dent and tiie greatest republican that has arisen since Abraham Lincoln, and the republican who is ashamed of his party today ought to be rele gated to everlasting oblivion. R. J. Nightingale. FOR COUNTY ATTOREY. To the Voters of Sherman County. Nebraska: I herein announce myself a candidate for the nomination for County Attorney, subject to the will and wish of the Republican County Convention to be held June 29th. 1906. Robert P. Starr. An epidemic of spinal mengitis, or spotted fever, has appeared in por tions of Custer county, and Broken Bow. Anselmo and Merna, in that county are quarantined. Four cases were reported up to Sunday last with one death and another victim report ed at the point of death. Notice to lAnd Owners To all to whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to view a road commencing at the northeast corner of section twenty nine (29>. township fifteen (15), range sixteen (Id), and running west to the north west corner of section thirty (30). same town and range: to connect with the public road in Custer county, has reported in favor thereof, and all claims for damage or objections there to must be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Sherman county on or before the 27th day of July, 1906. or said road w li be estab lished without reference thereto Dated this 18th day of May. 1906. C. F. Beushausfn. County Clerk. (Last pub. June 21. U P RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE j^Phrs® Daily Vraiys to Califoi nia* TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART AS FOLLOWS:— No. 38 leaves daily except Sunday (pass enger). 7:25a.m. No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:2Up. in No. 9u leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m. No. 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed) ll:S0a. m. No. 37 arrives Monday. Wednesday and Fri day at 7:35 p. m. No. 39 inassenger) Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p m. First class service and clone connections east, west and south. Tickets sold to al'. poiass and baggage checked tbrongh to daaitnatton. Information will be.cheer, fnlpy furnished nn application to „ Q. W. COLLI PH 11 ST. Agent TIME TABLE. LOUP CITY NEBR. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha. Helena. Chicago. Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis. San Francisco, and all points and all points ast and south. West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No 52 Passenger.7:35a.m. No. so Freight.9.15 a.m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.5:10 p. m. No. 59 Freight. 6:0u p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (seats freei on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage ohecked to any point in the United Stales or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to R. L, Arthur agent. Or J. Francis. Gen’l Passenger agent. Omaha. Nebraska. Baptist Church Directory. Every Sunday. Morning services.10:30 am Sunday School .11:30 a m B. Y. P. U. 6.30pm Evening services . 7:30 p m and 8:00 in the summer months. Mid-week prayer meetings every Wednesday night ut 7:30 to 8:00 p. m. Prayer meetings are held in the parsonage during winter months The Ladies’ Aid Society meets on Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. H .S. Wold. Pastor. Give Us a Trial A Round Front Barn, J. H. MINER Props Loup City, • Nebr. finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers. Headquarters ior farmers’teams 'Com mercial men’s trade given especial at* tentiun. Your patronage solicited. - Good jVlusic Popular jVlusic Classical jVlusic Sheet jVlusic of All f(ipds For Sale "by Undertaking and Art Goods C. H. LEININGER purpitupe Pianos and Organs E. Gr. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier -directors jW: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland LOOP CITY STATE- BANK % LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. I - % *' a - Capital Stock, - - $26,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00 i Loup City, flebfaska, LUMBER Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints oup jVIOTTO: Good Goods At Right Prices We run our business on the prin ciple that The Best Wins We adhere to the policy of always giving the best possible value For Least Money There’s considerable satisfaction in a store where you know it’s impossible for you to make a mistake. You always have the Fife I Your Mi? Mi Our desire is to make Loup City The Best possible JVIarket And all kinds of Produce, C. C. Cooper. KEYSTONE LUMBER C0~ On account of re-building our coal sheds, we will, reduce the price of our coal in bins on B. & M. $.25 per ton. -YARDS AT~ Loup City, Ashton Rockville and Schaupps Siepmann & Co.; City Meat Market. Siepmann & Co., City Meat Market. Roasters going at SI.00 Each. Phone W51 and W53 mm, <m>m MUD I BOUGHT AT TBK B. & |WI. ELEVAT'OPS MCA L PINE. LOUP CITY. SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FA DWELL. Coal for Sale at Loon City aid Asia. Will Bor HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELI 'cl uni s. «• our coal ami gel prices od gram. E, G- TAYLOR. Haying Tools: It is heavy, hard work to handle hay the old way, besides help is hard to get ancl wages are very high. Buy the Improved Stacker and sweep which light ens the work and saves you money, at the Hardware and Implement Btore of L S. Hayhurst, AGENT FOR DEERING Binders, Mowers, $ Rakes and Binding Twine. * n