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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
Loup City Northwestern *****-•■ .^.. * ♦ • 're- * **• * *-”=’••- — - . »«»■ ■ ’ ~-.~r.-r , * VOLUME'XXIII. _LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1906. NUMBER 30 THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—»1.00 FIB TEAR.!* PAID IE ADTASCl Entered at the Loup City PostoOce (or trans ! mission through the malls aa second class matter. . Office ’Phone, - - - R8 Residence Thone, - - R15 J. w. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pnb. Republican County Convention. The Republican County 'Convention of Sher man county. Nebraska. Is hereby called to be beld at Fraternity Hall. In Loup City. In said county, on June 29th, 1906, at eleven o'clock In the forenoon, for the purpose of nominating a county attorney, a representative for this representative district and also to elect dele gates to the state, senatorial and congressional conventions: to eleet e County Central Com mittee and provide for the election of township committeeman, and to transact such other business as may properly come before said county convention The basis of representation at said conven ; tion be onr delegate for each 12 votes cast for tbe Hon. Chas. B. Lelton. justice of tbe Su preme Court, at the last general election, and % one delegate at large for each township. Tbe following named townships are, under the said call, entitled to repiesentatiod in said fe convention as follows: I Ashton. 5 Oak Creek.• IHHF Bristol. 3 Rockville. 4 H Clay. 4 Scott.3 J' Elm.3 Washington.. 5 H Harrison.7 Webster. 4 B Logan . 3 Total.64 It is recommended that the several town f,'.' ships hold their primaries on the 27th day of w June. 1606. at the usual voting places in said Dated this 2nd day of June. 1900. p RuliEBT P OTAHB J F. UEtiSBACsEN. Secretary. Acting Chairman. The call for our county republican convention will be found at the bead of the editorial page this week. Sher man county is early in the Held this year, not waiting for others to lead. Sherman republicans have well defined ideas of what they want and will make a fast pace for their favorite in the gubernatorial race. The Northwestern has inter viewed a large number of the leading republicans of Sherman county, ana they are in unanimous accord for our former townsman. Hon. John Wall, for governor, and without the least doubt will give ringing, enthusiastic instructions to their delegation to the state convention in his interest. Mr. Wall needs no introduction atour hands. His life, his principles, ids honesty of purpose, and his successful buginewj career mark hini as a safe man to place in the office of chief ex ecutive of the great state of Nebras ka, and the people of Sherman county knowing him as they do, and feeling that he more than any other will conduct the duties devolving upon him in that place of sacred trust to their satisfaction, will do their ut most to see that the convention gives him the right-of-way to lead the re publican ho6ts to victory this fall. Rockville Graduation. The evening of Friday, June 1, wit nessed the second fifch grade com mencement pf the Rockville schools. Under direction of Miss Bessie Coul ter and Mrs. T, R, Lay,tt»§ Vofloman hall had been tastefully depurated, tlie stage iieing prettily draped with laces and an improvised proscenium arch bore the class motto, “Rowing, not Drifting.’’ In front of the stage and immediately below the center of tlie arch was a large bank of roses and carnations, tlie latter the class flower within which a tiny fountain played, lending it's liquid music to the en chantment of the scene. AH Rock ville and vicinity were in attendance to listen to the closing efforts of the class of bright-eyed girls who were Heatly attired in white and were, of pourse.“tlje center gf interest. Each Hindered her hart an Client manner, the class history and prophecy being excellent ax&mp!e§ Oi humor and Heartily enjoyed py the audience, Excellent vooal music was rendered by Mrs, Petersen of Rock* ville and Miss Shandy of Boelus, as sisted by Messrs. Shannefelt and Da vis of RockviUe. Miss Gladys O’Bry an of Loup City presided at the piano and rendered several numbers in most excellent style. Her performane was highly creditable to herself and a treat to lovers of music. The diplomas were presented by Rev. Mr. Powers of Ravenna, who made a few very appropriate remarks. Five of the Rockville pupils receive 8th grade di plomas. viz: Misses Mary Butts, Ru anuab Kranscomb, Andrea Petersen, Annie Larsen'ihd JuntllS Hardsell. The work done in the Rockville schools tlie past year by Miss "Bessie (Ipmter and Mrs. Anna Lapcaonqt be commended toq highly, The scliools were under the best Qf discipline and the character of the teaching equal to that of any of the scliools in the county. Neither of these ladies will teach next year, but tlie school will, we understand, be in tlie excellent hands of Miss Marie Coulter and Miss Ida Buss. Roekvile is and may well be proud of her school and we hope for a long continuation of such excel lent teachers as have been employed for tlie past three years. • Rockville Items. Several car loads of grain were Shipped last week from Rockthwn. The bail game last Sunday turned put to be rather a sad affair. A few of tlie bo vs got hurt and Frank E. Hedglin, the Boelus foot-racer, got a rib broken. Tlie game was in favor of Boelus more than 2 to 1. guite a number of Rockville people tooTi in tile pelebnjttpn at St: Pgul Tuesday, The school pionjc last Monday was a grand affair and everyone reports a splendid time. The M. W. A. blow-out last Satur day evening was a grand success and a large crowd in attendance. Tlie Rockville Comet band furnished the music and supper was served at R o'clock. Our camp is coming right tc the front. Dan Beusliausen is hauling com tc town this week. Andy Wilson was up from St. £*4 last week.* : **'*'*' Chas.’Stmdstrom rode the M. W. A. go'at Saturday bight. : Frank Sundstrom and Tad Knyi who' went to Alliance, returned. j&3] Frldav because Frank has been sfci with the appendicitis. Ex-Senator W. H. Conger Dead The Conger boys received a tele gram Sunday tliat their father, ex Senator W. H. Conger, was danger ously ill with bronchitis at his home in Edmonton, Canada. On Monday morning, Stewart left for his father’s bedside, but when he arrived at Grand Island he received a telegram that his father had passed away Sun day. He went on to Minneapolis where the body was to meet him and will accompany the remains to Loup City, where they will be placed at rest in our cemetery. On the arrival of the body, appropriate ceremonies will be had, notice of which will be later. The Nobthwestebn sympathizes with the relatives in their deep affliction in the loss of a loved father, a fellow feeling mak ing humanity wondrous kina, and having lost a dearly loved father, and the passing years failing to lessen our sorrow, the writer can mourn with the boys as one who has suffered a like trouble, and our tears mingle with their’s in these sad. sad days. Later—Information comes that the body will arrive in this city Saturday evening of this week, accompanied by Mr. Stewart Conger, who meets the remains at St. Paul. Minn., and that funeral services will take place Sun day, time and place not determined. Robert Reimann Killed. August- Reimann received a tele gram last Friday from Omaha ap prising him of the accidental death of his son. Robert Reimann, em ployed as head painter at Armour's. The same day. Joe and Mary Reiman and Mrs. S. Thrasher went to Omaha and brought the body of their broth er to Ashton, where it was buried in the Catholic cemetery the follow ing Monday. Deceased came to his death by an accident on the bridge between Omaha and Council Bluffs, while riding on the steps of a crowded car. a pole striking him on the head, knocking him under the wheels, bad ly mangling the body and causing death a short time after being taken to the hospital. Deceased left a wife and three children, besides parents, brother and two sisters here. He formerly lived in this county, and his wife was a daughter of Neils Hansen, living six miles south of Boelus. For some reason his family were not notified of his death, and it was only when he did not return home and search was made for him that the body was found at the undertaker's ready for burial as unknown. The dead man's fatlier thinks some mystery is connected with the death, as leaves were torn from a dairy in his pocket arid no money was found on the l)ody, although he had several dollars in his possession when he left home to go to the Bluffs to transact business. It is said an investigation will lie had in the matter. Valley District. Mr. Berry of fowa^hi visiting his daughter, Mrs. H. Reed and familv.' Steplien Smalley and G. H. Wescoit shelled corn last week. J. A. Bentley, an old soldier from Grand Island, Is visiting J. £• Clark's. Hie infant child of Elmer Babcock near Rockville, i^ beep ill but Is re ported much better, A danoe was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. W, Tangerman last Friday night. A good time reported. Mr. Elmer Babcock has had to re plant all of his corn on account of the ground squirrels eating iffTjp. Mr. and Mrs. Tangerman moved in to their new residence last week. Miss Lora Brammer returned home from her school in Ravenna, Friday. Miss Hilda Cook came to make her home with her uncle, Martin Cook. Miss Mabel Simmons is visiting Miss Mae Bentop.' ‘ , Mf- fierry^and Mrs- If- Peed kpc} family atbepded the services 3|t {.qua Cift.uicerawcm pay, Miss Cbm WeacQtt is enleytpg a and Mabel Gray went to Rockville Saturday returning Sunday. The Valley Center Sunday cchool is practicin*4orGhHdren’s Day, June 17. G. W. Wescott bought a new hay stacker and will commence to cut hay on Monday of this week. Miss Mae Benton and Hilda Cook went to Rockville Saturday. There will be a ball game Satur day. June 9th, on Mr. Burt's place, south of Loup City. Mr. and Mrs. Burt visited at p. Reed's Sunday. jtatql Accident, A report ffom Ashton was received this morning that a little“o-year-aid son of H. Smelser Tast evening accis dentally shot and killed a little girl playmate named Koikowsk, while the little fellow was handling a loaded revolver he had gained possession of in some manner. No further partic ulars up to time of going to press. Card Ot Thanks. The Ladies of the Grand Array of the Repub lic wish to publicly thank the Comrades and all who so generously contributed in making our Memorial Sunday and Decoration Day exer ciser a success, especially our ministers. Mr Starr, the band, singers, school children Harper, and all who so freels gave tb® use of their teams Rnd vehicle* for the occasion, also Mr. PUg#rAnd R. MatheVr who so ably assisted in the evening. By Order of President. Give Us a Trial Jjjw* *■“< 4. H. MINER Props Loup City, - Nebr. Finest Livery Rigs, careful flrivprq Headquarter* iwtas»*«‘ te»iu» r> »■> inercial men's trade gives especial at eating. Your patronage solicited. Mrs. Moon, mother of Mrs. S. S. Hover, underwent a surgical opera tion Tuesday, Drs. Rice and Beard, assisted by a Siloam Springs doctor, performed the operation. Owing to her advanced age. 86 years, and the nature of the case it is feared she may not recover. Gentry (Ark.) Index. Notice of Hearing. In the District Court of Sherman County Ne braska: In the matter of the petition of Arminius P. Culley to require the executrix of the last will and testament of George H. Scott, de ceased. to execute a deed of conveyance of certain real estate. State of Nebraska, i >38. Sherman County. » To Elizabeth Scott, expcutrix of the estate of George H. Scott, deceased: Elizabeth Scott, widow of GeorgeH. Scott, deceased; Joel R. Scott. Kate Kittel. Lucy Finch. George H. Scott. Livingston G. Scott, Iona Sharp and Thaddeus Scott, children and heirs at law of George H. Scott, deceased: Margaret Scott, wife of said Joel R. Scott: George Kittel husband of said Kate Kittel; Kate Scott, wife of said George H. Scott: Irene Scott, wife of said Livingston G. Scott: William Sharp, husband of said Iona Sharp; Daisy Scott, wife of said Thaddeus Scott, and to all persons interested in the estate of said George H. Scott, deceased: You and each of you are hereby notified that on March 31st. 1906. Arminius P. Culley filed his petition in the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree authorizing and directing Elizabetn Scott, as executrix of the last will and testament of George H Scott, de ceased. to execute and deliver to the said Ar minius P. Culley a deed containing full cove nants ol warranty to the following described real estate situate in Sherman county, Nebras ka. to-wit: A piece or parcel of land lving and being in lots one and two. in block eighteen, in the original town, now village, of Loup City, and being the south forty feet off of the south end of said lots one and two. and which is de scribed by metes and bounds as follows: Com mencing at the southeast corner of said lot one. and running thence north along the east line of said lot one forty feet, themce west and parallel with the south line of said lots one and two. to the west line of said lot two. thence south and along the west line of said lot two to the south line of said lot two, thence east along the south line of said lots one and two to the place of beginning, in pursuance of the terms of a certain written contract between said George H. Scott, now deceased, and S. F. Rey nolds. and which contract was thereafter sold, assigned and delivered to the said Arminius P. Culley. That said petition was on April 3rd. 1906. presented to the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, and an order was made by said court tnat the hearing upon said petition be had at the court house in Loup City. Ne braska. in said county of Sherman, on the 13th day of June. 1906. at the hour of 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. and it was further or dered that notice of the pendency of this peti tion aud of the time and place fixed for the hearing thereon be given by publication for six successive weeks in the Loup Citt Nohth westkhn. a weekly newspaper published and of general circulation in said county of Sher man. Dated this 3Sth day of April. 1906 arminius P. Cullkt. Petitioner. By R. J. Nightingale. His Attorney. attest: C. F. Beushausex. Clerk of the District Court of [seal] Sherman County. Nebraska. By John Minshull, Deputy. Last pub. June 7. Articles ot Incorporation, Sher man County Grain, Coal, Lum ber and Live Stock Association Know All Men By These Presents: That we, C. M Snyder, Christ Zwink, W. H. Hughes, Kolia D. Hendrickson. J. B. Ford, James McBeth. A. W. Mason. John J. Zink, John N. Fisher, do associate ourselves to gether for the purpose of forming and becom ing a corporation in tbe state of Nebraska, for tbe transaction of tbe business hereinafter described: _ V The name of the Corporation shall be the Sbermau County Grain, Coal, Lumber and Live Stock Association. Tbe principal place of transacting its busi ness shall be in the oity of Loup City, county of Sherman, and state of Nebraska. XL The nature of the business to be transacted by said corporation shall be: 1. To buy. sell, exchange, store and ship all kinds of grain and farm products, and to carry on and maintain a general grain business 2. To buy, sell, exchange, keep in stock and deal in lumber, lime. hair, cement and all kinds of lumber and building material. 3. To buy. sell, exchange, keep in stock and deal in coal and other fuel, and to carry on wholesale and retail coal yards and to do a general coal business. 4. To buy. sell, exchange and deal in animals and live stock of all kinds and to carry on and maintain stock yards and do a general stock shipping business. 5. To buy. sell, lease, rent, exchange, own. bold and deal in real estate as fay as may be necessary, incidental or advantageous m oon, dueling the aboye described farms of business. d Such business to be eanduoted at Loup City. Nebraska, aad suck other places in the United States as may be deemed expedient by the Board ol Qireetort^ The authorised capital stock of said cor poration shall be One Hundred Thousand Dollars (•100,(1001. in shares of ten dollars (ilO> each, to he paid on demand of the Board of Directors. IV. Tbe existence of this Corporation shall com mence on the 16th day of April, 1906. and con tinue during the period of twenty-live years unless sooner dissolved as provided by law. V. The business of said Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, not to exceed seven in number, to be elected by the stockholders, such elections to take place at such time and be conducted in such manner as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of said Corporation. VI. regular meeting or the stockholders, apd shall hold theif office for the period of one year, and until their successors shall he elected and qualified. YU. The highest amount of indebtedness to which said Corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not be more than the paid up oapital stock, and no one except a farmer actually engaged in tilling the soil shall be eligible to hold any office in this association. Vill. The manner of holding the meetings of the stockholders for the election of officers and the methods of conducting the business of the corporation shall be provided for in the by laws adopted by the Corporation, The* highest number of Rhara$ any person shall be allowed to for or own shall be fifty (SO'* ha snail be allowed one vote ohi^v though lie owned but one share. >ro shareholder of this Corporation shall be Individually liable for more than double his share of stock subscribed. In witness whereof the undersigned have hereunto se( their hands this 31st day of March, 1906. C. M SNYDER. CHRIST ZWINK, r . tranm. . L La. I pub. JuueT. mm i'Mi to m BOUGHT AT TH$ B.. & M. ELEVATOPS 1 MOALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SID^Q ASHTON AND FAR WELL Goal lor Sale at lm ai! Attn. fill Boy RQGS AT ftOHAUPP SIDING AND FAR WELL Call and see oar coal and get prices on grain. E, G. TAYLOR. Good {Music popular {Music Classical {Music Sheet {Music of All fCipds Fo3? Sale toy Undertaking and Art Goods C. H. LEININGER Furniture Pianos and Organs E. Gr. Taylob, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President Cashier -directors W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland LOUP CITY STATE" BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, *. - $26,000.00 Individual Liability, $260,000.00 Loup City, Nebraska, LUMBER Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints Siepmann & Co.; City Meat Market. Siepmann & Co., City Meat Market. Roasters going at SI.00 Each. Phone W51 and W53 Haying Tools: It is heavy, hard work to handle hay the old way, besides help is hard to get and wages are very high. Buy the Improved Stacker and sweep which light ens the work and saves you money, at the Hardware and Implement store of L S. Hayhurst, AGENT FOR DEERING Binders, Mowers, Rakes and Binding Twine. — oup piO'TTO: GrOOd GrOods At Right Prices We run our business on the prin ciple that The Best Wins We adhere to the policy of always giving the best possible value For Least Money There’s considerable satisfaction in a store where you know it’s impossible for you to make a mistake. You always have the L Yi If M Our desire is to make Loup City The Best Possible (Market IN SHERMAN COUNTY i Mr, ’ 0 And all kinds of Produce, C. C. Cooper. KEYSTONE L Fu On account of re-building our coal sheds, sve will reduce the price of our coal in bins m B. & M. $.25 per ton. -YARDS AT Loup City, Ashton Rockville and Schaupps