The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 31, 1906, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
'-'j.-i.j., iiiJX#X»,/VOJXA -LilUiLOJJA i) 1HA1 Oil LtJVO. i\ UMUHiU ZM
Entered at the Loup City Postofhce for trans
mission through the mails as second
__ class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - R8
Residence ’Phone. - - R15
J. W. BURLEIGH. Eil. and Pub.
Good Wite and Mother Gone.
As briefly mentioned last week, Mrs.
Marie Lange, the beloved wife of Mr.
Henry Lange, living near Ashton,
died last week Wednesday morning at
5 o’clock of malignant cancer. The
funeral was held Thursday afternoon
following. Rev. L. C. McEwen con
ducting the services and Mrs. E. G.
Taylor singing the beautiful song,
‘•Saved by Grace,” a large attendance
of friends of deceased being present
to pay their last sad respects. We
are in receipt of but a short account
of her life. Mrs. Marie Lange was
born at Stolzenau. Hanover, Germa
ny, A ug. 2nd, 1859. She came to
America in 1881, was married to Hen
ry Lange_ and settled in Sherman
county, Nebraska, the same year, re
siding here ever tince. She ieaves a
sorrowing husband and one daughter
to mourn the loss of a kind, affecion
ate and indulgent wife and mother.
We wisli to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the neighbors and friends
who offered their kind sympathy and
help at the hour of our bereavement
in the loss of our beloved wife, moth
er, mother-in-law and grandmother.
Henry Lange,
Frieda and Willie Schumann.
Mira Schumann.
At u regular meeting of Mystic Lodge. No.
169. A o. U. W.. of Ashton. Nebraska, the fol
lowing preamble and resolutions were present
ed by the committee appointed,for that pirpose
and unanimously adopted by tht8’ lodge.
Whereas:—The spirit of Mrs. Mary Lange,
beloved wife of our brother. Henry Lange, of
our order, passed away from this earth into
the invisible world beyond, on the 23d day of
May. 1906. and inasmuch as our lodge has per
lormed iheir last act of respect due the re
mains of the beloved wife of our esteemed
Therefore:—As a testimonial to the life and
character of a loving wife and mother, one
who was loved and honored by all who knew
her and who has now passed beyond the veil of
life: be it
Resolved:—That wc hereby give expression
to the sorrow we feel on account of the loss
sustained by our brother. Henry Lange, and
family in the death of a loving wife and help
meet: that we share with Brother Lange, his
family and friends the mantle of sorrow and
gloom which the passing away of a loving and
cherised wife and mother has caused them and
shall ever he ready and willing to extend the
right hand of fellowship to them.
Resolved:—That a copy of these resolutions
be spread upon the minutes of the meeting of
our lodge, that a copy be sent to Brother Henry
Lange and family aad said resolutions be pub
lished in all Loup City papers.
A. E. Wanek. M. D ,
John F. Smith.
Committee on Resolutions.
And now the political pot begins to
boil right merrily. Valley county lias
set tin* pace.
And now a merry democratic war
is on in Omaha between LeeHerdman
and Jim Dalman. It is Xip and Tuck
which is the worst.
Don't forget the meeting of the re
publican county central committee in
tliis city tliis coming Saturday. All
committeemen should ire present.
The Valley county republican con
vention met at Ord Monday and gave
John Wall the delegation in ids gu
bernitorial interest. Sherman coun
ty will do the same at its coming
contention. Fver.vbah here is and
lias be mi lor John Wall for governor
lr jin the first.
George VV. Barge, fusion candidate
for go e n >r iwo years ago against
(Jov. Mteit.n, Is out in a letter an
nouncing li s candidacy for that oilice
again. There is no law against Mr.
Ilerge ilaving the second try and hut
little stands between him and defeat
the second time.
Senator Fries of Arcadia paased
through Loup City Monday morning
for Lincoln. Tliis calls to mind the
fact, of which we are reliably in
formed, that the senator lias wjth
cirawn front the gubernatorial held
of candidates, which gives John Wall
a dear title to Valley county with
out opposition,
The Memorial exercises yesterday
were carried out according to the
program as given in this paper, with
naught to marthefeiieitousnessof tlie
occasion. The opera house was com
pletely tilled, not even standing room
untaken and many were uable to get
within tlie doors even. Space at this
late iiour will not admit of extended
mention of the program oiiserved,
but- the music, address by I?. P. Starr
and hi fact each particular number
was done in a particularly pleasing
manner and tlie day passes' into his
tory as one well to be remembered.
And so tlie great Edmisten. tlie
chief bugler of the late populistic
forces in Nebraska, like Caesar’s wife,
is not above susp’cion. and lias been
indicted for complicity in tlie fraud
ulent lrnd cases. According to tlie
allegations, Edmisten failing to get
old soldiers to make additional tilings
under tlie Kinkaid act. tilled out
affadavits himself and they were sub
mitted to tlie land office at Valentine
fjs though tlie homesteaders liad ap
peared in person and sworn to them.
Edmisten was formerly oil inspector
under Qovenior Hojconibe.
Charles j. Qreeiip of Omaha lias
withdrawn his candidacy for the U. S.
senate in favor of Edward Rosewater
of Omaha. Now if John L. Webster
of Omaha will withdraw his cantji
dacv in favor of Edward Rosewater
of Omaha, and Senator Millard of
: Omaha will abdicate in the interest
i of Edward Rosewater of Omaha, with
| tlie Kontanelle club, of Omaha, Will
* Gurley of Omaha and a few hundreds
of other people of Omaha also in line
for E. R. of O., who are not at
present enthusiastic lovers of Edward
Rosewater Of Omaha, then we may
expect it will be Omaha solid for the
nestor of Omaha journalism—Vic
Kr’s pa.
I .
Cleora Notes.
Everything looko bright and is
growing tine since the copious rain on
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sydes visited
with friends and relativesat Rockville
over last Sunday.
Frank Zwink and Miss Pearl Gar
ner visited Frank's relatives at Ash
ton last Sunday.
No doubt the wedding bells will
ring in our community in the near
About tifty friends and neighbors
gathered at the home of Sanford Foss
Tuesday evening and passed a pleas
ant social time. Although somewat
disappointed over lack of ice cream,
over failure of ice ordered, a delicious
lunch was served instead.
Union Pacific Low Rates
Colorado and return. *14.83. July 10th to 15th
1906, inclusive. Limit. Aug. 20. 1906. also
*15.&5 June l to September 30 except on above
dates. Limit. Oct. 31. 1906. To accomodate
delegates and others to the Elk’s Meeting at
Denver the Union Pacific has placed in effect
this remarkably low rate for the round trip on
dates quoted above. Inquire of G. W. Collt
priest, Agent.
Burlington Bulletin
Of Round Trip Rates.
Low Rate Tour to California, and Puget
Sound:—To Puget Sound and Portland, direct
or via California, very low rate excursion
tickets on sale June 18th to 22nd, inclusive.
To California, Portland and Puget Sound:— I
Daily low excursion rates commencing June 1.
applying via variable routes embracing all
western scenery and attractions.
To California and return:-Still lower rates
June 22th to July 7tli. inclusive: onlv #12.50
additional to include the Shasta Route and
Puget Sound.
To Colorado and return . — Daily after June
1st. \bout half rates. Still lower rates for
the Elks' great meeting at Denver. Tickets
sold July 10th to 15th inclusive.
To Eastern Resorts:—Daily low summer
tourist rates commencing June 1st to Chicago,
St. Louis. St. Paul. Wisconsin and Michigan
resorts, also to Niagra fails. White Mountains
and Maine resorts.
Special Homeseeker’s Rates:—1st and 3rd
Tuesdays, low excursion rates to the North
Platte Valley, tlje JJig Horn Basin and other
frontier territory. Personally conducted ex
cursions on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each
month for those seeking free homesteads of
ft40 acres of mixed farming and dairying.
Write D. Clem Deaver. Agent Homeseekers'
Information Bureau. 1004 Farnam St.. Omaha,
Describe your trip to me and let me advise
you how to make it at the least cost.
R. L. Arthur. Agent.
Articles ot Incorporation, Sher
man County (train, ('oal, Lum
ber and Live Stork Association
Know All Men By These Present**:
That wft. C. M. Suvder, Christ Zwink, W. H.
Hughes, Rolla D Hendrickson. J. B. Ford,
James Mcfteth, A. VV. Mason. John J. Zink,
John N. Fisher, do associate ourselves to
gether for the Durpose of forming and becom
ing a col po rati on in the state of Nebraska, for
the transaction of the business hereinafter
The name of the Corporation shall be the
Sherman County Grain, Coal, Lumber and
Live Stock Association
The principal place of transacting its busi
ness shall be in the city of Loup City, county
of Sherman, and state of Nebraska.
The nature of the business to be transacted
by said corporation shall be:
1. To buy, sell, exchange, store and ship all
kinds of grain and farm products, and to carry
on and maintain a general grain business.
3. To buy. sell, exchange. in stock and
deal in lumber, lime. hair, cement and all kinds
j of lumbei and building material.
| 3. To buy. sell, exchange, keep in stock and
deal in eo.U and other fuel, and to carry on
wholesale and retail coal yards and to do a
general coal business.
4. To buy. soil, exchange and deal in animals
and live stock of all kinds and to carry on and
maintain stock yards and do a general stock
shipping business.
5 To buy. sell, lease, rent, exchange, own,
hold and deal in real estate us far as may be
necessary, incidental or advantageous m con
ducting the above described forms of business.
6. Such business to be conducted at Loup
City, Nebraska, and such other places in the
United States as may be deemed expedient by
the Board of Directors.
The authorised capital stock of said cor
poration shall be One Hundred Thousand
Dollars (flOd.OOO), in shares of teu dollar** (#10)
each, to be paid on demand of me Board of
I he existence of this Corporation shall com
mence uu the |f»U) day of April. UKJB. and con
tinue during the period of twenty-live years
unless sooner dissolved^* provided by law.
The bustnu** of said Corporation shall be
««»i*duol**d by a Board of Directors, not to
exceed .-even hi number, to oe elected by tbe
-i«*vkholders, such elections to take place at
-uch time and be conducted in such manner as
>h»ll be prescribed by the by-laws of said
The officers of said Corporation shall be
a President. Vice-President. Secretary and
Treasurer, who shall be chosen at the first
regular meeting of the stockholders, and shall
hold their office for the period of one year, and
until their successors shall be elected and
Tfye highest amount of indebtedness to wblc*l
said Cbrporatiqn sbaU at apy time sublet
itself shall not be raore than the paid up
capital stock, and no one except a farmer
actually engaged in tilling the soil shall he
eligible to hold any office in this association.
The manner of holding the meetings of the
stockholders for the election of officers and the
methods of conducting the business of the
corporation shall be provided for in the by
laws adopied by the Corporation
The highest number of shares that any
person shall tie allowed to subscribe for or own
shall he fifty (50). and he shall be allowed one
vote only as though he owned brt one share.
No shareholder of this Corporation shall be
individually liable for more than double his
share of stock subscribed.
In witness whereof t^e undersigned have
hereunto set thplr founds this Ulsfe day of
[seal] J. B. FORD.
Last pub June?.
jrive Us a Trial
Hound Front Barn,
J. H. MINER Props
Loup City, - Nebr.
Finest Livery Ifigs, careful drivers
Headquarters inrfarmers’ team* *'nni
mercial men’s trade given especial at
tention. Your patronage solicited.
Baptist Cliurcli Directory.
Every Sunday.
Morning services.10:30 a m
Sunday School .11:30 a m
B. Y. P. C. . . .6:30 p m
Evening services . 7:30 p m
and 8:00 in the summer months.
Mid week prayer meetings every Wednesday
night at 7:30 to 8:00 p. m.
Prayer meetings are held in the parsonage
during winter months.
The Ladies'Aid Society meets on Wednesday
at 2:30 p. m. H .S. Wold, Pastor.
Notice of Hearing.
In the District Court of Sherman County. Ne
In the matter of the petition of Arminius P.
Culley to require the executrix of the last
will and testament of George H. Scott, de
ceased, to execute a deed of conveyance of
certain real estate.
State of Nebraska, 1
Sherman County. V
To Elizabeth Scott, executrix of the estate of
Geoqge H. Scott, deceased: Elizabeth Scott,
widow of GeorgeH. Scott, deceased: Joel R.
Scott, Kate Kittel. Lucy Finch, George H.
Scott. Livingston G. Scott. Iona Sharp and
Thaddeus Scott, children and heirs at law of
George H. Scott, deceased: Margaret Scott,
wife of said Joel R. Scott; George Kittel,
husband of said Kate Kittel; Kate Scott,
wife of said George H. Scott: Irene Scott,
wife of said Livingston G. Scott: William
Sharp, husband of said Iona Sharp: Daisy
Scott, wife of said Thaddeus Scott, and to all
persons interested in the estate of said
George H. Scott, deceased:
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on March Hist. 1906. Arminius P. Culley filed
his petition in the District Court of Sherman
county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain a decree authorizing and
directing Elizabeth Scott, as executrix of the
last will and testament of George H. Scott, de
ceased, to execute and deliver to the said A r
minius P. Culley a deed containing full cove
nants of warranty to the following described
real estate situate in Sherman county, Nebras
ka. to-wit: A piece or parcel of land lying and
being in lots one and two. In block eighteen,
in the original town, now village, of Loup City,
and being the south forty feet oil of the south
end of said lots one and two. and which is de
scribed by metes and bounds as follows: Com
mencing at the southeast corner of said lot
one. and running thence north along the east
line of said lot one forty feet, theace west and
parallel with the south line of said lots one
and two. to the west line of said lot two. thence
south and along the west line of said lot two to
the south line of said lot two, thence east along
the south line of said lots one and two to the
place of beginning, in pursuance of the terms
of a certain written contract between said
George H. Scott, now deceased, and S. F. Rey
nolds, and which contract was thereafter sold,
assigned and delivered to the said Arminius P
That said petition was. on April 3rd. 1906.
presented to the District court of Sherman
county. Nebraska, and an order was made by
said court that the hearing upon said petition
be ha 1 at the court house in Loup City, Ne
braska. in said county of Sherman, on the 12lh
day of June. 1906. at the hour of 9 o'clock in the
forenoon of said day. and ft was further or
dered that notice of the pendency of this peti
tion and of the time and place fixed for the
hearing thereon be given by publication for six
successive weeks in the Loup Citv North
western, a weekly newspaper published and
of general circulation in said county of Sher
Dated this 25th day of April. 1906.
By R. J. Nightingale. His Attorney.
Clerk of the District Court of
[seal] Sherman County. Nebraska.
By John Minshull, Deputy.
Last pub. June 7.
Vhrss Daily ^Praiys to
No. 38 leaves daily except Sunday (pas9
enger). 7:25a. in.
No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, (mixedi 12:20 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 1:15 p. m.
No. 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed)
11:50 a. m.
No. 37 arrives Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 7:35 p. m.
No. 39 (uassenger) Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south. Tickets Bold to all
points aud baggage checked through to
destination. Information will be cheer,
fully furnished on application to
G. W. COllipbiitst. Agent
Lincoln, Denver,
omalm. Helena.
• 'Iiicagi). Unite.
81 Joseph. Salt Lake City,
Kansas oily. Portland,
81. Louis. San Francisco,
and all points and all points
ast anti smith. West.
I Ktl.\< I S AVE As KOI. 1.41 W8i
No. 62 Passttngel.7. 38ft. in
No 60 Freight. 9.15 a in.
No. 51 Passenger. 5:10 p. w.
No. 59 Freight. 6:00 p. m.
sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
the Unltod States or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to H. L, abthub
agent. Or J. Fbancis. Gen'l Passenger
agent. Omaha. Nebraska.
And the Public!
Tie St Elmo Livery Bam
Is under anew management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and ^'il|. Rgspt.,
FHQ1*E, W9.
Good jVlusic
Popular jVlusic
Classical jVlusic
Sheet JVlusic of All jKipds
For Sale "by
Art Goods
i _
i —
E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00
Individual Liability, $250,000.00
Loup City, flebfaska,
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft, Coal Always on Hand.
Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints
Siepraann & Co;
. City Meat Market.
Siepmann & Co.,
City Meat Market.
Roasters going
at $1.00 Each.
Phone W51 and W53
Goal for Sale at Up City and Asia. Will Boy
Call and -see our coal and get prices on grain.
Good Goods
At Right Prices
We run our business on the prin
ciple that
The Best Wins
We adhere to the policy of always
giving the best possible value
For Least Money
There’s considerable satisfaction in a store
where you know it’s impossible for you to
make a mistake. You always have the
Our desire is to make Loup City
The Best Possible {Market
Fir Pin, mnr aid
And all kinds of Produce,
C. C. Cooper.
On account of re-building our coal sheds,
we will reduce the price of our coal in bins
on B. & M. $.25 per ton.
Loup City, Ashton Rockville and Schaupps
Haying Tools:
It is heavy, hard work to handle hay
the old way, besides help is hard to get and wages are
very high.
Buy the Improved Stacker and sweep which light
ens the work and saves you money, at the Hardware
and Implement store of
L S. Hayhurst,
AGENT FOR DEERING Binders,, Mowers, J
Rakes and Binding Twine. - //