The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 24, 1906, Image 5

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    SONS ANinr*trattTCFt5-OF4#E—_
' - A
/ ^ EEPHEty COMING weea
From PVPrv land and ouprv rlimp I nraH minoto nrill Ka MnriAn Vao.
Kentuckians will turn their steps and
set their faces toward the old home
for the week of June 13-17, when a
grand reunion of all former residents
of the Blue Grass State will be held
under the auspices of the Louisville
Commercial Club. Louisville will be
the mecca of the pilgrims and it is
conservatively estimated that 100,
000 visitors will be in the metropolis
of the Blue Grass State during Home
Coming week.
The suggestion of Home-Coming
week, which came from Miss Louise
Lee Hardin, of Denver, Colo., has led
to one of the greatest gatherings ever
held in the country. Though "Old
Home Weeks” have been held in the
New England States for many years,
Kentucky is the first to invite all of
its absent sons and daughters to re
turn to one city at one time, and it is
the first which has attempted to se
cure the name and address of every
former resident of the state. How
great this task was may be judged
by the fact that there are now living
in other states and territories over
600,000 native born Kentuckians. The
Blue Grass State has given of her
best citizenship to the upbuilding of
other states. Especially in the cen
tral and western parts of the United
States have Kentuckians gone in
great numbers. Indiana has about
60,000, Missouri over 88,000, etc. In
every walk of life, in politics, in law,
in medicine, in business, Kentuckians
have always been in the forefront.
In Lincoln and in Davis, the state
gave both to the North and to the
South the war presidents.
To Missouri she has furnished one
half her governors and many of ner
congressmen and senators. The list
might be extended indefinitely were
all the Kentuckians who have taken
high rank among the distinguished
men of their day named. The Breck
inridges, Clays, Crittendens, Mar
shalls and others have in every gen
eration taken a prominent part in
the affairs of the state and the na
The invitations to attend Home
Coming week have met with enthusi
astic responses from former Ken
tuckians in every part of the world.
Acceptances numbering about 50,000
have been received from every state
in the Union and from fifteen for
eign countries.
The preparations for the entertain
ment during Home-Coming week
have been made on an elaborate
scale. The citizens of Louisville are
raising a fund of $t>0,000 to be de
voted exclusively to this purpose.
Five parades, the unveiling of two
statues, airship flights and many
other features have been decided on.
The programme for the four days has
been arranged with a view to recall
ing in the most attractive and beauti
ful form the history of the state.
The first day, June 13, will be given
over to welcoming and registering
the guests. In the new armory build
ing in Louisville, the second largest
of its kind in the United States,
which will be the general headquar
ters for Home-Coming week, head
quarters for each of the 119 counties
of Kentucky will be opened. These
headquarters will be in charge of a
hostess and a commissioner named
from each county by Governor J. C.
W. Beckham. Here the visitors will
register and receive badges showing
the county of their birth. The for
mal address of welcome will be de
livered by the Hon. Henry Watter
son, editor of the Courier-Journal,
and the response will be made by the
Hon. David R. Francis, formerly gov
ernor of Missouri, and the head of
the Louisiana Purchase exposition.
Other distinguished Kentuckians who
will be on the programme during the
weeks are Associate Justice John M.
Harlan from Washington, D. C., for
mer Vice-President Adlai E. Steven
son, of Springfield. 111.; former United
States Senators Wm. Lindsay and
John G. Carlisle, of New York City;
former Governor Thos. G. Crittenden,
of Missouri; Governor E. W. Hoch, of
Kansas; Senator S. H. Pyles, of
Washington; Senator Shelby R. Cul
lom, of Illinois; former governors of
Kentucky Proctor Knott, Simon
Bolivar Buckner, 'Wm. O. Bradley
and Preston H. Leslie, who has also
served Montana as chief executive
In recent years. In the afternoon a
magnificent floral parade of automo
biles and carriages will be given and
many handsome prizes will be
The ceremonies of the second day
will be in honor of the memory of
Stephen Collins Foster. A life size
statue of the composer of Kentucky's
cradle song, “My Old Kentucky
Home, ’ is now being made by J. L.
Roop. the sculptor, and will be un
veiled on that day. One of the hon
ter Walsh, of Allegheny, Pa., the only
child of the famous composer. A
chorus of a thousand voices will sing
“My Old Kentucky Home,” “Old
Folks at Home,” "Old Black Joe,”
and others of the most popular of
Foster’s songs. The bands of Louis
ville and those employed for Home
Coming week will be arranged as
one and will together play the song
that has done so much to attach every
Kentuckian to his native state.
Daniel Boone, the hardy pioneer,
is chiefly responsible for the coloni
zation of Kentucky, and who, when
he first saw the dark and bloody
ground, declared it to be a park and
not a wilderness, will be honored on
Friday, which will be known as
Boone day. The exercises of the day
will be typical of the period in which
Boone lived. Following the unveil
ing of the statue of Boone, made by
Miss Enid Yandell, and which has
been presented to the city by one ol
her wealthy citizens, the visitors will
gather in Cherokee Park, the most
beautiful spot in the Falls City. Here
a fort and stockade, modeled aftei
Boonesboro, will be built and a mimic
reproduction of an encounter be
tween the settlers and the Indians
will bet given. The victory of the
settlers will be celebrated with old
fashioned games, apple parings, sew
ing bees and other simple amuse
ments which the pioneers greatly en
joyed. A Virginia reel will be danced
on a platform which shall be built
to hold a thousand couples. At nighl
an allegorical pageant, the theme ol
which will be the history of Ken
tucky, will be the center of interest
This pageant is expected to prove
the most spectacular event of the
week, and it is believed that it will
surpass in gorgeousness the annual
shows given during the Mardi Gras
festivals in New Orleans. Imme
diately after the parade has covered
the line of march the maskers will
enter the new armory building,
where Daniel Boone will be presented
to one of the most beautiful of Ken
tucky’s young women, who will rep
resent the New Kentucky, and who.
together with the pioneer, will lead
oft the grand march, which will open
the ball. The ball Itself will be the
biggest of its kind ever held south of
the Ohio river. The dancing floor in
the new armory will accommodate
between 8,000 and 10,000 persons.
Kentucky orators and poets will
have their day on Saturday, which
will be known as Greater Kentucky
day. An old-fashioned Kentucky
barbecue will be held in Shawnee
park on the bank, of the beautiful
Until we meet again will be the
spirit of Sunday, the closing day of
the reunion.
Following the Home-Coming week
in Louisville ^County Home-Comings
will be held by nearly every county
in Kentucky. The business organiza
tions of each couunty has appointed
committees who, with the comission
ers appointed by Governor Beckham,
is preparing to take back from Louis
ville to each county all natives and
former residents. The entertainment
of the County Home-Comings will be
simpler than that planned for Louis
ville, and with the exception of sev
eral formal orations and a large
county picnic, it has been thought
that the visiiors would find the great
est enjoyment in seeing their rela
tives and friends, and spending the
days visiting well remembered spots
in the neighborhood of their former
' -—
If You Would Be Plump.
Eat good nourishing food regularly
i three times a day and between meals
| drink a glass of cream. Take plenty oi
| rest, if possible an hour’s rest each af
| ternoon. Be in the open air all you can
without exercising too much. If you
would massage the neck, chest anti
arms with massage cream it would help
considerably. In the morning stand
before an open window, clad in a loose
! garment. Inhale and exhale slowly fot
| ten minutes. Bathe the chest and bust
I freely with cold water. Do this each
i morning for a month.
To Reduce Flesh.
Physical culture exercises, vibratory
massage or vichy and kissengen salts
taken alternate days, a tablespoonful
in a half glass of water 15 minutes
after each meal and on retiring, ei
ther one of these methods will reduce
superfluous flesh.
Price on Head of Zulu Chief.
The Natal government will pay
$2,500 for the head of Bambata, the
rebellious Zulu chief. It is stated
that this handsome offer has made
“even the lukewarm chiefs less indif
Responsibilities of Citizenship Are
Taught as Well as Home
Students of female emancipation may
be interested to learn from the report
of the National Council of Women m
Norway that that country has recog
nized the right of women to sit on a
jury; that the storthing recently nom
inated a woman as the winner of the
Nobel prize, and that a school has been
started to instruct young girls in the
responsibilities of citizenship as we.l
as in the care of children. It is also
learned that the number of women
who voted for the separation of Nor
way from Sweden was greater than
that of the men.
These and other facts of similar
character were brought out at a recent
meeting of the Women’s Institute in
London, where one of the speakers, a
Mrs. Fitzgibbon, who claimed to be
long to the race “of Vikings of British
North America," asserted that Cana
dian women were in a position to rule
Canada owing to their advanced views
and perfect organization the moment
an entering wedge could be made by
which they might gain the power of
Computation by the Railroads in Or
der to Obtain Compensation
for Transportation.
I obtained from the post office de
partment a statement of the weighing
of the mails between Quincy, 111., and
St. Joseph. Mo., over the Burlington
route, which runs through the dls
The Observance of Law and Order la
as Earnest as in Eastern
It is often difficult to persuade our
eastern cousins, says the Sunset Mag
azine, that life and property among
the miners of the far west is as safe
as in any part of Massachusetts; nev
ertheless, statistics will show that
is actually the case. The eastern idea
of lawlessness among our miners is
the result of the reading of sensation
al fiction which describes the gold
miner as ready on all occasions to
“shoot at tne drop of the hat,” and
that makes stage robbing an almost
everyday occurrence. In truth, these
novels are far less reliable, in their
local color, than the so-called “histori
cal novels” of the present day. There
are still in California and some of the
other states communities and towns of
several thousand souls wholly de
pendent on mining, where the miner
can be observed on his native heath,
and all his peculiarities observed and
chronicled. Several of these towns
have excellent governments, with all
the accessories of a highly civilized ex
istence—high schools, churches, con
create sidewalks and electric lighting.
In even the largest of these towns it
will be found that the police courts
have next to nothing to do. Take, as
an example, the cities of Nevada and
Grass Valley, in Nevada county, each
having a population of several thou
sand. The records of the police court
in both cities for the past year show
less than one arrest a month, even in
cluding those for the most trivial mis
demeanors. Can this be equalled any
where else in the world?
Prof. Pierre Curie, who, wun his wife, discovered radium, was run over
and killed by a wagon in Paris.
mall to be weighed for 60 consecutive
days—that there was sent out an ag
gregate amount of mail from Quincy,
starting toward St. Joseph, of 811,
000 pounds. Now, there was put on at
West Quincy, which is the first station
after leaving Quincy, 1,360 pounds in
the 60 days. In order to obtain the
compensation, they multiply that 811.
000 pounds by the distance between
Quincy and W’est Quincy, which is two
and a half miles. Then they add the
1,360 pounds wnich was put on at West
Quincy. That serves as a basis for
computation between West Quincy and
the next station, which is Palmyra.
Then multiply that sum by the number
of miles which intervene between
West Quincy and Palmyra. That de
termines the weight for that distance.
At Palmyra there was a very large
,amount of mail put on and some mail
(taken off. They find the difference be
tween the two and add that to the
amount of mail that was carried be
tween West Quincy and Palmyra.
They keep up the process to the end.
The same course is pursued on incom
ing mail. Then they add these several
sums together, incoming and outgoing,
and divide it by the whole distance, or
206 miles, between Quincy and St.
Joseph, Mo.
Put to Sleep by Wheel.
An ingenious inventor has produced
a mesmeric machine which he expects
to be of considerable service to those
who are unable to sleep. The instru
ment is composed of irregularly placed
and curiously shaped “paddlers” at
tached to a slowly revolving wheel. It.
is sufficient to look at this fixedly when
the instrument is in motion quickly to
be "mesmerized,” a word which in this
instance means merely to be made
drowsy and sent to sleep.
trict in which I am specially concern
ed, said Mr. Lloyd, of Missouri, in the
house of representatives recently. I
find from that statement—they require
Secret of It Lies in Freedom from the
Mercenary Spirit in
The beauty of the American race
has for a Ions time been the wonder
and the envy of the world. The tall,
lithe young men of America, with
their bold, intelligent faces, and the
tall and graceful young women, to
pretty and clever, have impressed for
eigners profoundly. It remained for a
distinguished foreigner, Dr. Emil
Reich, the Hungarian philosopher, to
tell the world the secret of American
Dr. Reich, in conversation with an
American woman in New York, said:
“The beauty of nations differs very
much. The Latins are less beautiful
than the Anglo-Saxons. The angularity
of the North German woman is notori
ous. Money-bag married money-bag,
and the result is a people of severely
plain aspect.
“The Americans are a beautiful race.
The American marries because he
loves the wcman, and she loves him.
The American is insulted if any men
tion of dowry is made in his wedding
arrangements. Hence the American
people have become exceedingly beau
“Love is at the bottom of it all,” Dr.
Reich ended. “Love marriages alone
produce beautiful, healthy children.
America is the one country where love
marriages prevail. Hence the Ameri
can is the world’s most beautiful
“The School for the Revival of the Lost Mysteries of Antiquity" has
been instituted by Mrs. Tingley. It is situated at Port Loma. San Diego,
Census Statistics Show That Progress
for Over Hundred Years Has Been
Remarkably Regular as to
Distance and Direction.
New York.—The center of popula
tion in the United States has been
moving steadily westward for more
than a century with remarkable regu
larity, both as regards distance and
direction. Since the year 1790 the
exact location of this mythical point
has been calculated officially at Wash
ington for every ten years of the na
tion’s history. When these points
are plotted upon the map and con
nected a remarkable line of progress
is obtained, in which may be read
at a glance much of the country’s his
In the year 1790, when the center
of population was first calculated, it
was found to be at a point 23 miles
east of Baltimore. In making this
estimate the entire population of the
United States of that period was of
course considered. It was the popu
lation center of a strip extending
from Maine to Florida. And since
the frontier population of that early
day was inconsiderable the center of
population was practically the same
as the geographical center. To-day
the geographical center of the coun
try is of course considerably west of
the Mississippi. In more than a cen
tury these two theoretical points have
become widely separated. The center
of population in the United States is
at present six miles southeast of Co
lumbus, Ind.
The regularity of this line is the
more remarkable when It is consid
ered that the United States has grown,
I-FU—/ W \ \W I/ci/aa^I
L - ' ! At UTfrHQyrl
geographically, by leaps and bounds.
The development of the country has
not been a steady growth westward
as regards its acquisition of territory.
The Louisiana Purchase, for example,
by adding millions of acres to the
United States, at one time would pre
sumably have had the effect of draw
ing this line of progress sharply to
the southwest.
By reference to the accompanying
map it will be seen that the digres
sions of this line either to the north
or south have been somewhat less
than 50 miles in a full century.
These figures apply, however, only un
til the end of the last century. Since
1890 the line has shown a tendency
to move southward, while at the same
time its rate of progress has been
abruptly checked. In other words,
while the movement of the line was
at the rate of about 40 miles every
ten years, its movement during the
decade from 1890 to 1900 was but 14
miles, a startling contrast with previ
ous decades for a century. This ab
rupt check to its movement, and its
southward tendency indicate, of
course, a rapid increase of the popu
lation in the south.
me nrst movement recorded, that
between 1790 and 1800, was from a
point 23 miles east of Baltimore to a
point 18 miles west of that city, a
total movement of 41 miles. Ten
years later it was located 40 miles
northwest by west of Washington,
having moved 36 miles in the dec
ade. By the year 1820 it had reached
a point 16 miles north of Woodstock,
Va„ having traveled an even 50 miles.
In the following decade it left the
state of Virginia, coming to rest in
the present state of West Virginia,
19 miles west-southwest of Moorfleld,
a distance of 39 miles. It next trav
eled to a point 16 miles south of
Clarksburg, in the same state, 55
miles. The next decade carried it to
a point 23 miles southeast of Par
kersburg. repeating the same distance
of the previous decade, 55 miles. In
1860 it moved into Ohio, to a point
20 miles south of Chillicothe, having
traveled 81 miles, the longest move
ment in its history.
Ten years later it had reached a
point eight miles northeast of Cin
cinnati, 58 miles. The southern ten
dency then became obvious, for in the
following ten years, between 1870 and
1880, it traveled to a point eight
miles west by south of Cincinnati.
It next moved to a point 20 miles
eats of Columbus. Ind.. and in' the
las ten years, in 1900, it had reached
Its present resting place. The total
distance traveled in 110 years has
been exactly 519 miles.
Mrs. Sharpe—My dear, our daughter
is thinking of marrying that impe
cunious Mr. Nocoyne, who calls on her
Mr. Sharpe—Gee whiz! Did she tell
you so?
Mrs. Sharpe—No, but she told me
to-day that she thought she could be
of so much help to me if she learned
to cook and wash and iron and darn
socks.—Cleveland Leader.
Easily Explained.
Her Friend—You seem to be dread
fully hoarse this morning, my dear.
The Little Missus—Well, Charlie
came home so late last night.
Count Henri De La Vaulx Here to In
struct American Balloonists in
Fascinating Sport.
New York.—Count Henri de la
Vaulx, premier auronaut of the world,
has come to America to show the
newly formed Aero club, of New
York, the delights of soaring above
the clouds. Ballooning, he says, is
destined to be the sport of men of
wealth and daring. The eagerness
with which the idea is being taken
up in New York is evidence that the
smart set believes it has found some
thing expensive enough and reckless
enough to insure them against the an
noying imitation of the vulgar herd
Count de la Vaulx, who is only 3t
years of age, has made the longes
(Noted Aeronaut Who Will Instruct
Aero Club in Art o£ Ballooning.)
trip on record, from Paris to Kieff, ir
Little Russia, a distance of 1,250
miles. He has remained aloft longer
than any other aeronaut. He was th6
first to cross the English channel in
a balloon from the south. One of the
most thrilling episodes of his career
was in passing, with one companion,
over the blazing furnaces of the city
of Liege, at night. Far below they
could see tiny pigmies, like devils,
hammering and working among the
flames. All the world seemed afire,
the heat grew intense and the air be
came so rarified it seemed to draw
their balloon down towards the roar
ing fires by suction. Terrified and al
most overcome, they threw out every
thing and succeeded in keeping the
balloon in the air until they had
passed the city.
Before he became interested in bal
looning the count's adventurous spir
it led him to spend three years in an
exploration tour of Siam, Cnina, Japan
and Siberia. He spent two years in
the wilds of Patagonia and brought
back nine tons of fossils and other
curiosities which to-day form the most
valuable collection of Patagonian an
tiquities in the world.
Old English Churchyard Turned In
to Playground—Monuments
Made Use Of.
London—The cry of the Londoner
is always for more open spaces, mor|
parks, more playgrounds for the chil
dren of the great city's poorer mem
bers. Recently, in order to provide
a playground for the neighboring
juveniles, old St. Pancras churchyard
was converted into a species of recre
ation ground.
The place formerly tenanted by the
remains of deceased citizens of St.
Pancras now rings with the merry
laughter of their descendants.
It was decided to form an orna
mental rockery with the superannuat
ed monuments. The work has been
very tastefully carried out, and the
eye of the stranger and sojournei
dwells approvingly on this little rock
ery, composed of tombstones once the
pride of the local monumental mason.
Phonograph Becomes Scientist.
The phonograph Is touring the
world as a scientist. Several years
ago a commission was appointed bj
the Imperial Academy of Sciences ol
Vienna to collect phonographic rec
ords to be preserved for scientific
study. Some results were obtained bj
expeditions to Croatia, Slavonia and
Le3bos. From North Tyrol and
Voralberg 57 specimens of GermaD
dialects have been obtained for the
archives and another 57 from
Corinthia. From New Guinea have
been sent 32 phonographs recording
the language and music of the na
tives with especially interesting war
songs and the accompanying drunj
music. From India have been re
ceived valuable records of old
Sanskrit songs. An expedition which
was sent out to Australia is now on
its way back and another party is
about to start for Greenland.
An old woman was telling her do
mestic trials to her clergyman and en
larging upon the unkindliness of “her
ole man.” The pastor, counselling pa
tience and kindness on her part,
“Have you tried ‘heaping coals of
fire on his head’?”
To which there came the proud re
“No, mister, but I’ve tried hot
water.”—Cassell’s Journal.
Not a Picturesque Figure, But a Cruet
and Buthless Destroyer
of Game.
W. H. Wright, the noted grizzly
bear hunter, tells about "The Trap
pers Real Character” in World's
| Work. He declares that the trapper
of to-day" lacks every characteristic
which romance has interwoven with
his name. He says: "People who
have not seen can form no idea of the
suffering trappers cause, nor of their
ruthless destruction of game. Noth
ing escapes them; even the squirrels
are sacrificed to bait traps for mar
ten and fisher, and not only the squir
rels, but ail kinds of birds, whet her
game or song birds. In trapping
mink, otter, beaver, and a few other
fur-bearing animals, the trap is near
ly always set near the water, where
the animal when caught can drown
itself, thus ending its suffering. But
with bear, marten and fisher it is dif
ferent. The bear must drag a heavy
clog about until it catches in some
root or bush. There he must wait un
til the trapper comes to kill him, and
this in some cases Is not for days.
me uuues or tne leg are almost in
variably broken by the trap, and the
leg swells to incredible size.” Mr.
Wright gives many examples of the
trappers’ brutality. He writes: “One
trapper in one day shot 19 large blue
grouse, merely to try a new Colt’s
rifle. The birds were nesting; he
had no use for them, and not one did
he even bring to camp. Three year?
ago, in British Columbua. an old trap
per camped near our bear-hunting par
ty. He shot everything be could find
even little ducks and marmots. A
goat he killed fell over a cliff: amt
as it was harder to recover it that
to shoot another, he shot another. He
was trapping beaver out of season,
and boasted of having caught one thai
was about to become a mother. I hav»
seen the spot where a bear, fast in i
trap, had been caught for more than
a week in a thicket through which i*
was impossible to drag the trap and
clog. I once knew an old Frencl:
trapper who shot 73 moose and elk in
one winter, for bear bait for the
spring catch. I asked why he killec
so many. He said that he wanted 8
‘big stink’ in the spring so as t«
bring the bears around. All of th«
animals he had slaughtered for s
spring ’stink’ were shot with a re
volver, for they were snowbound ant
could not escape. He told me that
he dropped five big elk in one pile
This frightful destruction by trapperi
has exterminated the game.”
Experiment of the English Admir
alty Being Carried On at
Important experiments are being
carried out by the naval authorities
at Portsmouth dockyard to ascertain
to what extent the steaming properties
of the Welsh coal used in the Britist
navy are improved by storage in the
Eighteen months ago iron crates
each containing two tons of coal, were
sunk in the big basin, and at the
same time a similar quantity of coal
was carefully stored in the open ail
at the coaling point and sheltered
from the weather beneath tarpaulins
At intervals of six months two-ton
samples from each storage have beeD
taken out and carefully burned, and
the results of the experiments have
shown conclusively that by submarin*
storage of coal its calorific value
steadily increases, while by storage in
the open air a decided decrease is
At the naval coaling stations in the
tropics this decrease in calorific value
is very great, the sun’s heat drawing
all the light volatile- oils out of the
coal. The admiralty, having satisfied
themselves of the physical and flnan
cial advantages of the storage of coal
in the sea, have now directed that
experiments be made to ascertain its
practicability on a large scale.
The difficulty is that the submerged
coal has to be dried before use, to
remove the superficial moisture, which
otherwise in the close confines of a
warship’s bunker would soon set up
spontaneous combustion. The only
method of drying so far attempted is
by spreading the coal on iron trays In
the open air, a process satisfactory
enough for experimental purposes, but
not feasible for quantities that amount'
to thousands of tons.
Is Brought Into Use for Bc-aons
Which at a Glance Are
Gnderstand a ble.
Everybody puts the telephone re
ceiver to the left ear. No one, in'
using the telephone, ever listens with
the right ear. It is always the left.
‘ Do we hear better with the leit
ear? Is that, why we always use it in
telephoning?” a man asked.
“No,” the pretty telephone girl re
plied. “But the receiver, you see, is
hung on the left side of the phone.
Hence you have to use the left ear in
talking, unless you want to incon
venience yourself.
i "But why is it hung on the left;
| side?” she went on. “Was it hung
there originally because the left ear
had been found acuter than the right?
Ah, no. Tne receiver was hung at the
left, so that the left hand could man
age it. The right hand, in the early
days of telephoning, had all it could
do to turn the crank—round and round
and round——
don’t you remember?
‘‘Now, the right hand is idle in tele
phoning. Therefore, for anyone desir
ing it, it would be possible to hold
the receiver to the right ear. The
companies should take this fact into
consideration, and they should hang
the receiver, not on the left or rignt of
the instrument, but directly in front
of it. Then we could use, in telephon
ing, which ever ear we preferred to.”
Time Enough.
Teacher—Johnny, I don’t believe
you’ve studied your geography.
Johnny—No, mum; I heard pa say
the map of the world was changin’
every day, an’ I thought I’d wait a
few years till things get settled.—Mil,
waukee Wisconsin.