The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 17, 1906, Image 7
TRUE SOUTHERN CHIVALRY Kentucky Colonel Didn’t Apologize, But He Came Very Hear Doing It. Many stories have been told of south ern chivalry, but the palm apears to go to a story told by a former governor of Kentucky while visiting Philadelphia re cently. According to the narrator, a genuine Kentucky colonel boarded a street car which was very’ crowded, and somehow he stepped on the foot of a very pretty woman. Of course, the woman expected the colonel to apologize, just os did everybody else who heard her give a mouselike squeal when the colonel s foot feme down. And she looked as though the expected an apology, but the colonel, divining her thought, doffed his hat and said: ‘‘No, madam, I’m not going to apologize. When the good I.ord was so gracious as to make women so beautiful and charming and with such wonderfully small feet that a man has to tramp on them *o find them, then I don’t think that an apol pgy—" The compliment was too graceful for the woman to resist, and all that fol lowed was a smiling acknowledgment ttf the colonel’s gallant speech. Complexion bad? Tongue coated? Liver deranged? Take Garfield Tea. Lots of us bow to the inevitable with out a formal introduction. W. L. Douclas *35? & *3= SHOES'.™ W. L. Douglas >4.00 Cilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. WS.L.UUUULAS MAKES « SELLS MOKE "E".SHOES THAN ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD. Cin find REWARD to anyone who can V I UjUUU disprove this statement. Ill could take you into my three large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you the infinite care with which every palrof shoes ismade, you would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe. W.L Dougina Strong Mmdo Shooa for Mon, $2.50, 52.00. Stays' School 5 OKuMMa,$2.$0, 92,91.75,91.50 CAUTION.—Insist upon having W.L.Doug las shoos. Take no substitute. None genuine without his name and price stamped on bottom. Fast Color Eyelets used; they will not wear brassy. Writ© tor Illustrated Catalog. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, ”"Tl “The Wonder City” Eldorado Springs Hidden away in the foothills of the Northern Ozarks’ slopes, in the midst of green forests, lies Eldorado Springs, Mo., an ideal health and pleasure resort. Since the discovery of its now famous Springs, thousands have re ceived benefits from the healing waters, and have gone away eloquent testi monials of their curative properties. During the summer season, excursion tickets will be sold to Eldorado Springs at Exceptionally Low Rates To those seeking a quiet, ideal place in which to spend a summer vacation at a minimum expense. Eldorado Springs offers many attractions. Booklets and full particulars as to train service, rates, etc., may be had of any M., K. & T. Agent, or by addressing W. S. ST. GEORGE General Passenger and Ticket Agent ST. LOUIS. MO. G. A. McNCTT. Blossom House, Kansas City, Mo. TWENTY-FIVE BUSHELS OF WHEAT TO THE ACRE [Means a pro due five ca pacity in dol lars of over $16 per acre. This on land which has cost the farmer noth ing but the price of tilling it, tells its own story The Canadian Government gives absolutely free to every settler 160 acres of such land. Lands adjoining can be purchased at from 16 to $10 per acre from railroad and other corpor ations. Already 175.000 farmers from the United States have made their homes in Canada. For pamphlet “Twentieth Century Canada'* and all information apply to Supt. of Immigra tion, Ottawa. Canada, or to following authorized Canadian Government Agent—W. V Bennett, 801 New York Life Building, Omaha, Nebraska. (Mention this paper) f Yeast That Raises^ Every woman likes quick yeast S that will make light, good tasting & jjj bread. On Time Yeast is made |p fresh every day and guaranteed to ft your grocer to give you satisfaction & or money refunded. sfli I On Time I I Yeast | §is put up Ten Cakes in a package, instead of seven, and sells at Five Cents. Two pack « ages of On Time Yeast that will cost jm you Ten Cents will weigh more than three JJ jm packages of any other yeast that costs you JJ ir Fifteen Cents. Why submit to be robbed out of Five Cents? Use On Time Yeast K jgjj and get the most good yeast for your money. ** 8 Ask Your 6rocer for On Time Yeast “JKSSJEI Thompson's Eye Water ON COST OF LIVING' EVEN THE POET MUST PAY HIS COAL BILLS. Practically All People Live on the Fruits of Day Labor—Bent Should Not Cost More Than One-Fifth of Annual Income—Mistaken Pride as to External Appearances De prives Some People of the Beal Joy of Living—Only Millionaires Can “Afford” to Dress as Poor as Poverty—Buy Clothes at End of a Season—Willful Waste the Crying Sin of American Housekeeping. BY MARGARET E. SANGSTER. A young fellow just out of college , met me one day and with a disgusted expression inquired whether I anew Mr. Blank, a poet whose verses were household words. I replied that I had that honor, adding that I appreciated very much the privilege of Mr. Blank’s friendship. “Yesterday,” said the lad, with a gloomy look on his handsome face, "I should have said the same thing, but I am disillusionized. Blank called at our house last evening and with a laugh told my father that he felt very happy. He had settled his coal bill with the price of a poem. Think of that! Think of bringing poetry down to the level of coal bills and furnaces!” "Mr. Blank is most: fortunate," *1 said. “It is not every poet who can defray the cost of living by poetic dreams, nor is poetry often so remu nerative that it can offset tons of coal.” We parted, the young fellow and I, unable to agree with one another, but I fancy a few years later when he shall have become a sober, plodding, professional man, with a family to support, he will understand the situa tion better. By some honest means coal and groceries must be paid for, and the cost of living must be taken into account whether people earn their money by one form of day labor or an other. From the president in the White House to the Italian workman digging a trench, we all live, if we are decent and diligent, on the fruits of our labor. A small contingent, not to be envied, loaf about Europe and America, existing in idleness on the money hard-working fathers and grand fathers earned. But we do not take them into account, as they belong dis tinctly to the unproductive class. Most of us are producers, and as producers are directly interested in the cost of living. * • • * • The proposition resolves itself into several parts, the first of which is: The Shelter of the Roof. We cannot be exposed to the ele ments. We must have a refuge from winds, rain, cold, storm and sun. Whether we live in a splendid brown stone edifice or a tumble-down, un painted cottage, or anywhere between these extremes, we must equally have protection from inclemency of the at mosphere, and asylum from friends and foes. The latter sentiment may need explanation, because everyone com prehends that enemies are better on the outside of the sheltering walls, while everybody who is not disposed to hermit life has a welcome for his friends. Yet there are days and nights when a home values seclusion, and does not even desire for the moment the presence of friends. Four walls and a roof are the shell of the home, let it be very simple or very stately. For this shelter we pay either in rent, if we hire, or in taxes and the cost of constant repairs, if we own the estate. At the basis of family living lies the cost of the shelter, and the first duty of a householder is to rightly adjust this item of expense in its rela tion to other necessary items. The house itself should not annually cost for shelter more than a fifth of the an nual income. Often people pay an undue price for shelter because they are determined to live on a fashionable street, or in a neighborhood where houses are held at a fancy valuation. They deny them selves a great part of the joy of liv ing and are defrauded of comfort through a mistaken pride as to the ex ternl appearance and internal arrange ments of that which is after all the least important item in the bill. What we demand of a house is that it shall have excellent sanitary conditions and perfect drainage, that it shall be tight and compact, without a leaking roof, or a damp cellar, and that there shall be in it sufficient room to ac commodate the family. These are the essentials. Other mat ters may take care of themeslves. ***** The Item of Clothing. A man who goes daily to business must be comfortably clothed for his work, well shod and provided with outer garments that enable him to ap pear thoroughly respectable among his - associates. A good deal of success may depend on the appearance a man makes when going to and from the place of his work. A man whose dress is obviously shabby and thread- < bare is discounted unless being a mil lionaire he can afford to look as poor as poverty. In ordinary circumstances the man of the house must be well dressed, but ready-made clothing of good quality even in our extravagant country may be purchased for cash at a fair price. Granted that a good cut and good ma terial are selected and adequate care taken of the garments a man need not be troubled overmuch about the cost of his clothes. Wife and children are well dressed or badly dressed, not ac cording to the amount of money spent, but according to the taste, skill and economy of the mistress of the house. It is rather amusing to compare notes on this subject. Mrs. A. will dress four children very comfortably on the same . sum that Mrs. B. spends on two, but | the first Is a good manager, and the second has little foresight and man agement. Both would be gainers if they understood that cash customers always save more than those who keep ( running accounts in the shops, and if 1 they likewise understood that there are i times and seasons when a housewife f may secure real bargains. By this I do i not mean that women should shop mere- I ly on bargain days, so-called, but that t those who buy at the end of a season when goods are marked down often fur nish their entire wardrobe for at least half it would have cost had they bought when the season opened. • • • • • The Cost of Food. Those who have made an exhaustive study of the cost of food assure us that this item ranges about the same in the different markets of the country, al though in some places one supply may cost more and another less than in a place hundreds of miles away. Those who have gardens of their own, or who are able to buy directly from the farm j af a neighbor, with no intervening mid dle-man and no ascending scale of profit from producer to consumer, may live more cheaply than their friends who possess no such advantage. In the country, for instance, the only money actually expended may be laid >ut for meat when the butcher makes his weekly round with his cart. Other articles of food are raised on the farm, and the thrifty housewife has the chance to barter her eggs and butter in the nearest town for other things that she needs. Country dwellers should live much better, all things considered, than their city cousins. The latter, how ever, need not go beyond their means if they purchase with discretion and suf fer no waste in the household. In a great city a visit to the market, here or there, is a revelation of the com merce of the globe. Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, everything in splendid variety shows how interde pendent we are, and how swiftly trains ply and steamers race across the sea, that the world may be fed. Buyers have only to choose from an abundant and attractive bill of fare. The crying sin of American house keeping is willful waste. The amount of good food that is daily thrown away by people of limited means is positive ly shocking. One housekeeper in ten takes proper care of left-overs from the table, and suffers nothing to be lost through forgetfulness, or cast by a thriftless maid into the garbage pail. The average maid despises small econ omies, but this is no reason why she should not be taught to practice them. The cost of living in a thousand homes might annually be diminished by a tenth without a single person in the household incurring the slightest self denial. In a thousand homes, too, more careful buying and more careful sav ing would result in a gratifying sum in the bank at the end of each twelve month. If the cost of living is higher than it once was, we must remem ber that the wage-rate is also higher and that the country is not in the least impoverished, but, on the con trary, exceedingly well-to-do. We may share its prosperity if as individ uals we look out for waste. (Copyright, 1906, by Joseph B. Bowles.) BOILED EGG OF ENGLAND. Athletic Triumph Achieved by Col lege Men Who Trained on Hen Fruit. Far more than a mere athlethic tri umph was Cambridge's victory recent ly. It was the demonstration of a ;reat scientific principle that bids fair Lo subvert the gustatory traditions of i nation. Other crews have won on form or fortune; it remained for the Light Blue crew of 1906 to owe their laurels to the common farm yard egg, says the New York Times. On eggs they were trained—raw eggs, poached eggs, eggs boiled soft ind eggs as hard as rocks, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, eggs beaten up in milk, and eggs turned into omelets. Every resource of the culinary artist was called into requisition, and in the strength of those eggs they rowed Ox ford to a standstill. When first people heard that every cantab polished off four eggs for break fast they laughed; when they were told that five dozen eggs were con sumed by the crew each day they sneered; but one or two sensational performances in practice made them sit up and take notice. Then the historians of the turf de clared that to eggs Birmingham owed in 1830 his victory in the St. Leger )ver Priam, the Derby winner, and the scientists came forward with uncanny calculations of how much albumen, proteids, and other things that people cat without knowing it an egg con :aifis. The London restaurants began :o feel the change. No one would take his breakfast, his luncheon, or his iinner without an egg, and egg flips, eggnogg and every other drink with in egg to its name became the rage. The country was scoured in all di •ections for eggs. From Brittany, Denmark, and other countries came eggs in countless thousands. But still he demand is increasing, and with the victory of Cambridge it Is confidently expected that "The Boiled Egg of Old England" is come to stay. HIGH-CROWNED SAILOR. Bose Pink Hat Trimmed with Folds of Taffeta and a Wing in Shaded Pink. High-crowned, narrow-brimmed sall )rs will be especially favored in the nillinery world for spring and sum ner wear. Our model gives a fair idea DECIDEDLY SMART. if the style. In this case the hat is ose-plnk straw, the crown encircled rlth folds of taffeta and a wing In haded pink fastened to left side with hinestone buckle, Loops of soft taf eta ribbon rest on the hair at back inder brim. THE HiAttl UE NEKVY ETHEL Monday—My, but I’m lucky! Got another job to-day. And I think I’ll like it better than the one I had last week. It’s in a doctor’s office, and looks to me like a snap. When I was out walking yesterday afternoon I met Marne Curtis and told her that I had given up my position in the millinery establishment, that I didn’t like the work. The fellow that was with her said his doctor wanted a young lady to look after the office and that I might try for the position. I told him I had another place in mind, but I would go around and inquire. I wasn't going to let Mame Curtis think I was dead anxious. I hustled down there this morning and waited three-quarters of an hour before "his nibs” showed up. I had been study ing up a string of gaff as to my being just the right sort, but he never gave me a chance to say my little spiel, but told me to take ofT my hat and get busy. He didn’t say it just that way, but that’s what he meant It was all so sudden that I didn’t even ask him what my salary would be, but meekly obeyed and asked him what to do. He seems to be awfully absent-minded and didn’t know how to tell me to go at things—so I just ■started in on my own hook. Every thing was in such a mess that I rolled up my sleeves and worked like a Turk. I’m too done up to-night to tell about my new job. Tuesday—I’ve got a rise! The old codger came to this morning and told me that he would give ms four dol lars a week. That isn't half bad. Maybe I can cop out enough of this week’s wages to get a new hat. My fur-trimmed turban is certainly called in. I feel like I ought to be wear ing a bunch of holly instead of spring violets. The old man certainly treats me out of sight. There’s no ringing in or ringing out business here. I stayed ten minutes over my time this noon and he didn’t know the dif-> ference. I don’t have to come down to the office until 8:30, and leave at a, so tne hours are a cinch. I have Jots of spare time and can read or em broider when there's nothing else to do. I’m reading a dandy novel now and I could have choked one patient who came in this morning. She had a little girl with her and the doctor made me amuse the kid while he treated the mother. I was just in the most exciting part of the story and I could have seen them both in tho bottom of the lake. I met that old Miss Lewis in the restaurant to-day and I cut her dead. I wonder if her getting rid of me has helped ker any with Clark? I’d like to see him again. Not that I care about it, but I’d just like to make her jealous. Wednesday—Gee, but I got called down to-day! The old duffer just wiped up the earth with me. He told me that I had been loafing instead of washing up his instruments; that he hadn’t had a real clean thing to use since I came. He surely did throw it into me. And here I’ve been think ing he was such a meek, mild old fogy! I was so surprised that I couldn’t think of a word to say and stood there and took it all like a goose. Since then I've thought of a dozen sarcastic remarks that I might .have made and yet been respectful. I won’t stand for too much, though, and if he gets on his high horse again I’ll quit. I scoured his old instru ments of torture to-day till they just reeked with carbolic acid and other nasty-smelling stuff. I did want to finish my story to-day, but I couldn't, find time. Thursday—Talk about your IvcV Who should I meet on State street to day but Mr. Clark! I had just com" from lunch and was looking in i q window at the new hats when some body touched me on the shoulder. When I turned around I nearly faint ed I was so glad to see him, and I stuttered and sputtered like an idiot. He acted awfully nice and we walked up and down the street, and then he 'came back to the office with me. Hq gave me his card and asked me if ho might call next Sunday. I told him I had a date with Walter Harris in the afternoon and he could come in the evening. You bet I won’t ask Walter to stay to supper this week. His name is Charlie—Charlie Clark. That sounds pretty nice to me. I’ve simply got to have my hat before .Sunday. We might go out walking and I want to look as well as the next one. Oh, won’t Mame Curtis be wild whf 1 she knows I’ve got a new fel low: But I’m not going to introduce him to her in a hurry. She’s so jstingy with her beaux. The old man ,wa- in a good humor again to-day and was very agreeable. We had an emer gency case and he let me help him. He said I showed a great deal of nerve. I’ve heard I had that before, but I don’t believe he meant it in the way Miss Lewis did. Wouldn’t I like to sail past her next Sunday when I’m with Mr. Clark! I know she’d turn green with envy. Saturday—Fired again! And I don’t know now how it all came about, except that I’m looking for another Job. The old man got on his ear again this morning because I broke one of his glass graduates and he de clared I had bent and nicked a few of his most valuable instruments, so he told me to skidoo. What I feel worst about is that he didn’t give me notice in time to go out and buy my hat and I’m sorry not to have it for to-morrow. But if I don’t hurry up with a job I’ll not have one at all. I hope' luck will be with me next week, as it has been the last two. Just now, though, I’m thinking more of to-morrow night and Charlie Clark’s visit than I am of jobs or spring clothes.—Chicago Chronicle. “Third Incomprehensible.” Robert Barrett Browning, painter and son of the famous father of the same name, has been chosen president of the Browning settlement in Lon don. When he was born Lord Gran ville is credited with having re marked: “A third incomprehensible has come into the world!” Experiments with a “tele-phono graphic typewriter” are being made. It is hoped that this instrument will make it possible to cause a spoken message to record itself in typewrit ing at the other end of the line. PHONETIC PHENOMENON. How the “O” Came to Be Left Out in the Modernized Spelling of “Phenix.” Ther were talking about spelling reform and the idiosyncrasies of English genera 1, relates Success "Magazine. "There’s that very word ‘phonetic.’ said one of the men; “that’s a sample of Eng lish spelling. The reformers call their system the ‘phonetic system,’ and yet they have to spell ‘phonetic’ with a ‘pho’ in order to let people know what they mean. The very word that means‘spelled as pronounced' is as far from it as pos sible.” r "Now, now!” drawled his friend, “you’re too hard on the good old English speller. You ought to be proud of ‘phonetic.’ Why, that word is so trimmed down, and sawed off, and cut short, that I wouldn’t know it was English if I met it alone on a blank page. You ought to thank the language for the word. It is a beautiful word. That ‘pho’ might have been spelled like ‘dough’ and the ‘net’ like ‘ette’ in ‘rosette,’ and the ‘ie’ hke the ‘liq’ in ‘liquor.’ That would he a good old-style English word—phough netteiq. But it is coming! Phonetic spell ing is coming! Look at that word phenix.' It is spelled ‘phenix’ everywhere now. and I remember it alwavs u*ed to be ‘phoenix.’ The ‘o’ has gone. That shows—M “Nothing!” said the objector. “What does it show? That the phenix is a bird. Isn’t the phenix a bird? Yes! Well, that round thing you say was an ’o' was an e88- That’s all. ’Twas just an ejjg, and the phenix laid the egg. That’s all.” flow s i ui9 r We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for lay ease of Catarrh that cannot be cored by Han't Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe blin perfectly hon orable. In all business transactions and financially able to' carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding. Kinxan & Mabvis, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Plus for constipation. One on the Doctors. The Boston Herald tells a story of t physician of Salem, Mass., who, talking to a group of friend^, said: “I wanted to be a soldier, but my parents persuaded me to study medicine.” “Oh, well,” rejoined one of the party, "such is life. Many a man with wholesale aspirations has to content himself wi* k a retail business.” Each to His Taste. “Did you see where the chaplain gen eral of that aristocratic patriotic society prayed for all those who have not the same ancestry as themselves?” "Well, that’s a matter of taste. Maybe some people have their own reasons for accepting the Darwinian theory, but Adam and Eve are good enough for me.”—Balti more American. One Kind of Investigation. "Y ou are taking a great deal of inter est in this investigation.” "Yes,” answered the statesman. “I have to give it close personal at*ention. I want to make sure it doesn’t develop anything I don’t care to have known.”— Washington Star. No one is himself when his nerve cen ters are exhausted, whether from exces sive use or from lack of proper food. The quality of one's thought, ambition, en ergy, aims and ideals, is largely a matter ol health.—Success Magazine. Lewis’ Single Hinder straight 5c cigar. Made of extra quality tobacco. Your deal er or Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, 111. It is all riwht to be in the purh, but you do not want to acknowledge teat you have a pull. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. For children Teething, softens the gums, reduces In flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Be patient; card houses are built in an hour—cathedrals take centuries. Garfield Tea overcomes constipation, sick headache, liver and kidney diseases. Genius is seldom bothered with book keeping.—Life. Don’t Poison Baby. F'ORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must havo * PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produce . sleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many are the children who have been killed or ' whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them poison. The definition of narcotic” IS! “A medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep, but which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul sions and death. ” The taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised, and sold under the names of “Drops,” “Cordials,” “Soothing Syrups,” etc. Yon should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician know of what it i3 composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CON TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. AYcgelable Prc^parationforAs- « similating the Food andRegula- W ting the Stomachs andBowels of X Promotes Digestion,CheerfuI~ |S ness and Rest.Contains neither I Siium,Morphine nor Mineral. 'M ot Narcotic. BK^earOdBrSMUEUmsm H Park'd Seed- v ' % dtx-Smna * 1 : Bcd^tU Salts- I dkdmSaad * I LSj I I feat- ) f A perfect Remedy forConslipa- to Hon. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea life Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- pH ness and Loss of Sleep. EH facsimile Signature of [ I; _y EWYO R K. EXACT copy OF WRAPPER. K Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. Dr. J. W. Dinsdale, of Chicago, 111., says: "I use your Castorla and advise its use in all families where there are children.” Dr. Alexander E. Mintie, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "I have frequently prescribed your Castoria and have found it a reliable and pleasant rem edy for children.” Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., says: "A medicine so valuable and beneficial for children as your Castoria is, deserves the highest praise. I had It in use everywhere." Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Buffalo^ N. Y., says: “I have frequently prescribed your Castoria for children and always got good results. In fact 1 use Castoria for my own children.” Dr. J. W. Allen, of St. Louis, Ma, says: "I heartily endorse your Cas toria. I have frequently prescribed it in my medical practice, and have always found It to do all that is claimed for it” Dr. C. H. Glidden, of St Paul, Minn., says: "My experience as a prac titioner with your Castoria has been highly satisfactory, and I consider it an excellent remedy for the young.” Dr. It D. Benner, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: “I have used your Cas toria as a purgative in the cases of children for years past with the most happy effect, and fully endorse it as a safe remedy." Dr. J. A. Boarman, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria is a splen did remedy for children, known the world over. I use It in my practice and have no hesitancy In recommending it for the complaints of infants and children.” Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: “I consider your Castoria an excellent preparation for children, being composed of reliable medicines and pleasant to the taste. A good remedy for all disturbances of the digestive organs.” CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of _ isf! . ■,« The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Fop Over 30 Years. Not So Stingy. She—Did you ever near the eagle scream? , He—No. I never hang on to a dollar that tight.—Detroit Free Press. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A powder. It cures painful, smart ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It’s the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Trial package, FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. | The man who fails to vote has no good ground for complaining about corruDtion in the administration. You always Get full value in Lewis’ Sin gle Binder straight 5c cigar. Four dealer or Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, 111. The moment a man perceives tint he has been fleeced then he begins to feel sheepish, showing how strongly is the law of association of ideas.—Puck. Write Garfield Tea Co., Brooklvn, N. Y for package Garfield Tea., the herb cure! Always be sure you are right, and yon will make lots of enemies. WASTED TO A SHADOW. But Found a Cure After Fifteen Years of Suffering. A. H. Stotts, messenger at the State Capitol, Columbus, O., says: * < T'-.V. iZ __ I had kidney trou bles, and though I doctored faithfully, | could not find a cure. I had heavy ■ backaches, dizzy headaches and terri ble urinary disor ders. One day I collapsed, fell in sensiuie on me Slue walk, and then wasted away in bed for ten weeks. After being given up, I began using Doan’s Kidney Pills. In a couple of months I regained my old health, and now weigh 188 pounds. Twelve boxes did it, and I have been well two years.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 1 cause women some of their most excruciating ly painful hours. Mrs. Lula Berry, of Farming ton, Ark., writes: "I suffered with terrible cramps every month, and would sometimes lose consciousness for 4 to 9 hours. On a friend's advice I took 7 CARDUI I WOMAN S RELIEF | j§ and as a result am now 1 ■ relieved of all my pains, ■ I and am doing all my I H housework.” No mat- ■ J ter what symptoms your P | female trouble may ■ B cause, the most reliable, I I scientific remedy for ■ h them, is Cardui. Try it. I I At all Druggists caM PATENTS for PROFIT mtst fully protect an Invention. Booklet and Desk Calendar FREE. Highest references. Communications confidential. Ktuabllshed 1861. luuon, Fenwick ft Lawrtnce. Washington, D. U LIVE STOCK AND Cl EATDflTVDEC MISCELLANEOUS ELEU I KU I I r Eo In great variety for sale at the lowest price* by A. S .kKLLOOti XKWSPAPKIt CO., ?S W. Adas. SU . Chicago W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 20, 1906. NO HUMAN HAND TOUCHES IT Many of the so-called breakfa^* t‘>ods are improperly prepared—contain so large a quantity of sweetening sub$n .ice that they become too carbonaceous and heating to have a well balanced focxL^.lue, if not dangerous to life and health. WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FO ID is prepared under the supervision of a physician and chemist with years of experience in the making of pure food products. It is composed of wheat, celery and salt—not a trace of any other substance. So cleanly and carefully prepared that no human hand touches it from its first process of manufacture until it reaches the consumer. In daily use it has a tonic as also a mild laxative effect. Palatable-Nutritious—Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat Can be served hot. Put In a hot oven for a few minutes; or cook In boiling milk to a mush. 10c a package. I My Signature iOj C/tl ^/7 Ctv) ^ 6rowre I ~ce/ Dr. Pri-e, the famous food expert, the creator of Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder, Delicious Flavoring Extracts, Ice Cream Sugar and Jelly Desserts, has never been compelled, noth withstanding strenuous Food laws, to change any of his products. They have always conformed to their requirements. Thia is an absolute guarantee of their quality