The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 17, 1906, Image 6

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The Risks Attendant on New York
Civilization—At the Metropolitan
Museum—Monetary Values
of Paintings.
EW work.—It is
quite possible, I
think, that Vesu
vius and San
Francisco- had
something to do
with New York’s
sudden deter
mination not to
be blown up any
more. For a
long time the
city has been subject to disagreeable
eruptions, some of them fatal, most
of them seriously damaging. They
come out of the bowels of the earth
—out of the entrails of the city to be
unpleasantly exact. Manholes blew
up, windows were shattered, street
cars and cabs were thrown over,
limbs were mangled. No man could
tell when he would see his fellow
man rising in the air, if he did not
have the ill luck to rise in the air
himself. The sewers were on the
rampage and investigation showed
that the wicked automobile, which
does so much damage on the surface,
was to blame for this sub-surface dis
turbance. The garages were emptying
gasoline into the sewers and the
liberated gases were doing the rest
A vast section of the town began to
feel as if it were living over a crater.
At last the aldermen have taken
the matter up and it is to be an of
fense against the town to empty gas
oline into a sewer under any cir
cumstances whatever.
The new statute may be obeyed.
It would be very difficult to catch of
fenders. But New York breathes easi
er. One peril seems to have been
removed. Many remain. It has been
figured out that there are a hundred
different ways of being killed in New
York. Probably the figures are con
servative. The Pennsylvania railroad
excavators for the across-New York
subway alone represent enormous op
portunities for killing. Twenty-four
doctors are in the relay system of first
aid and many accidents are recorded
in a single day. Civilization as New
York sees it comes high.
Home-Coming of a Mastodon.
NE day, some mil
lions of years
ago, a mastodon,
tired of fighting
the ice, and
grown old enough
to retire, laid
down and died
near the New
York city of to
day. In the mid
dle of the last
century they found Ids bones. His
legs were so much like those of men
that a great cry went up of the dis
covery of the remains of a race of
“There were giants in those days.” i
But when all the bones were put
together it was found that they were
not human. The mastodon stood
forth, the biggest of all mastodons.
The head and 16-foot tusks alone
weighed—in the bones—a thousand
The great skeleton went into the
Spencer collection of Boston, and the
Spencer will kept the collection in
tact for 50 years. Now Pierpont Mor
gan has bought the mastodon for $30,
000 and presented it to the Metropoli
tan museum here. So that the masto
don is home again—back to his old
New York haunts. He is a wonder
to behold, and the metropolis will
soon have an opportunity to look him
over. Surely he was a powerful beast,
relatively as powerful as the man
companions that were his in the stone
and ice ages.
It is not generally known that the
beginnings of the great Metropolitan
museum were laid by Pierpont Mor
gan and ex-Ambassador Choate, who
for 30 years have devoted much time
and a great deal of their own money
to its welfare. Mr. Morgan’s gifts
pass the million mark, I believe. He
is always giving something—paint-!
lngs, bronzes, relics of one sort or an-1
other. The museum is rapidly near-!
ing the point where it will deserve |
the name of the greatest in the world.
“Joe Jefferson’s Mauve.”
HE sale of Anton
Mauve’s painting
of the flock of
sheep for $42,000
has indeed made
a sensation in
the particular cir
cle of those who
watch picture
prices. It did
not astonish al
together those
who have watched the rise in the
value of Mauve’s work, though it is
a record, I believe, in this particu
lar. These thing3 happen now and
then, as they did in the case of Millet, j
for example. No amount of theo
retical merit or of advertising seems
to make them happen when they are
expected. Mauve’s work is beautiful.
Even those who can’t understand such
prices can admit that it is not a
“freak” fad that has to be explained.
Joseph Jefferson bought this Mauve!
for $2,000. Most folks will think $40,
000 a pretty good margin of profit.
The actor’s heirs are well pleased.
They should be. Joe Jefferson was
not merely a shrewd buyer—though
luck rather than shrewdness made
this magnificent rise—but he was a
good painter himself, as everybody
knows. He was not so good at a;
painting as he was at acting, but he '
was a wonderfully versatile genius, j
This is more apparent now with a lit-!
tie perspective on his life and work
than It could have been in his life
time, even to those who had the hap
py privilege of standing close to him.
His style was not especially ingenious,
but it was efficient. Xt may not be
fanciful to believe that It had the
characteristics of the man’s acting—
and his living. It had pleasant quali
ties. It was genial painting, I think
I may say, and there is no doubt that
Joe Jefferson’s brush work will steadi
ly rise in value, in the end far beyond
any value it can have as work of art.
Is New York Lonesome?
UST the othei
day a man named
Gebhardt, a subi
urban farmer,
who had steadily
resisted the ad
vance of civiliza
tion, decided that
he must lose his
farm. In fact s
new subway sta<
tion was likely
to come where his onion patch lay
Big prices were offered to him and
he yielded—he yielded, not to senti
ment but to the mere pressure ok
money. They offered him $200,000 foi
his little house and farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Gebhardt were sud
denly rich—richer than any of the
Gebhardts of the family, richer than
they had ever dreamed of being.
Are they happy?
No. You might risk saying that
they are depressed. They have lost
their spirit. The old farm is doomed
Still Mrs. Gebhardt rakes in the gar
den. Still Mr. Gebhardt attends to
the few cows and the horse. But
neither works with any spirit, for in
the fall the old place must be deserted.
“Are you going into New York?"
they asked Mrs. Gebhardt, who has
a married daughter living in Man
“No,” declared Mrs. Gebhardt, strok
ing her apron. “New York’s too lone
Is New York too lonesome? Do Its
scurrying crowds, its everlasting hus
tle, its blind, passionate scramble to
"get there” make it a lonesome place
for the new comer who has had the
comforts of the country?
Very likely. Mrs. Gebhardt is not
the first philosopher to discover that
one may be lonesome in a crowd, that
mere numbers of people, mere vol
ume of noise, more epileptic agitation
does not cure the blues, does not an
swer the human craving.
Too lonesome!
Fancy Mrs. Gebhardt, who has had
the companionship of her dog, par
rot, cows, horse, the suburban birds
and the suburban neighbors, standing
in Herald square, or on “the saddest
street in the world”—Twenty-third
street, as Ida Tarbell called it the
other day!
Yet Mrs. Gebhardt has $200,000.
Wholesale Eviction.
HE “improve
ments” in New
York, which real
ly do improve
but are never
finished, are
sometimes hard
on the lowly
folks. So also
are the reform
atory movements.
For instance, 800
been evicted in
obedience, it is said, to an edict of
the tenement house commission.
Sanitary improvements are to be
made, and they need to be made, but
the 800 are in deep grief. The scenes
in the regions covered by the courts’
action have been pitiful. In many
cases the courts themselves interfered
to give an extension of time in cases
where Immediate eviction would be
It is the mark of progress over
Meanwhile little is being done to
solve in a satisfactory way the old
tenement problem. New-fangled ten
ements have been built, hut there are
few of them, and the tide of new New
Yorkers pour in by every ship.
“Where to live?" “That is the
problem. It is prophesied that in 50
years only the very rich and the very
poor will live on Manhattan Island.
The .time between is to see many
repetitions of the sad scenes of this
Island to Be Deprived of Garrison
and Support by British
The British war office has resolved
to withdraw the entire garrison from
the little island 1,400 miles off the coasi
of Guinea where Napoleon died and
where, in recent years, the conquered
Boer generals had their habitation. At
first thought this may seem an insigni
ficant matter, but, as it will be present
ly pointed out in the house of com
mons, it means ruin to the permanent
inhabitants of St. Helena.
The total estimated value of the
island’s wealth is only $1,000,000. di
vided among about 10,000 inhabitants.
To keep this wealth productive tne
garrison, which in normal times
amounts to nearly 2,000 men, has been
a most active factor. This will at once
be seen when it is noted that the im
ports, Including specie, are usually five
times the value of the exports, and
that the expenditure of the island is
almost double the revenue.
The presence of the garrison means
the active annual circulation of over
$300,000—Just sufficient to keep up the
equilibrium. If this be annihilated the
products sold to the ships entered and
cleared at St. Helena, while possibly
sufficient to keep the population from
actual want, must curtail to a measur
able degree public expenditures, and
hence the civilization of the island,
notwithstanding the paltry grant of
$2,500 annually from the home govern
ment for education, will inevitably suf
Street Car Fare*.
In 1905, 1,171,151,898 cash fares were
collected by the elevated, surface and
subway railways of New York city,
this number marking an increase of
93,493,651 cash fares over 1904. This
means a daily average of over 3,200,000
nickels, Sundays and holidays Includ
ed. Reducing these numbers to dollars,
the daily contribution to the railway
transportation systems of New York
city is seen to have been about 9160,
000, and the yearly revenue almost six
millions of dollars.
It Can Move More Profoundly Than
Any of Nature’s Great
Greai music is a psychical storm,
agitating to unimaginable depth the
mystery of the past within us, says
Lafcadio Hearn. Or we might say it.
is a produgious incantation, every dif
ferent instrument and voice making
separate appeal to different billions of
prenatal memories. There are tones
that call up all the ghosts of youth
and joy and tendencies—there are
tones that evoke all phantom pain of
perished passion—there are tones that
resurrect all dead sensations of ma
iesty and might and glory—all expired
sxultations—all forgotten magnanimi
ties. Well, may the influence of music
seem inexplicable to the man who idly
dreams that his life began less than
i hundred years ago! But the mystery
lightens for whomsoever learns that
the substance of self is older than the
sun. He finds that music is a Necro
mancy; he feels that to every ripple of
melody, to every billow of harmony,
there answers within him out of the
3ea of Death and Birth some eddying
immeasurable of ancient pleasure and
Pleasure and pain: they commingle
always in great mu3ic, and therefore
'.t is that music can move us more pro
foundly than the voice of ocean or
than any other voice can do. But in
music’s larger utterance, it is ever
the sorrow that makes the undertone,
the surf mutter of the Sea of Soul.
. . Strange to think how vast the
»um of joy and woe that must have
Surprising Departure in Matrimonial
Alliance Instituted in
In Texas, where people do surprising
and original things, the institution ol
marriage after probation has been in
troduced, says the New York Mail
The thing was started by a rich far
mer, who advertised for a wife, bul
specified that the applicant should
serve as his housekeeper for a certain
length of time in order that he should
have a chance to prove her abilitj
and temper. It happened that the
farmer was satisfied with his first ap
plicant and married the lady after a
brief period of housekeeping proba
It is to be hoped that the pair will
live happy ever after. But the real
fact is that their “probation" began
only after they were married. Mgr
riage is an institution for wihch sue
cess in mere housekeeping is no test
at all. An excellent housekeeper may
make a very poor wife and a good
employer doe3 not always make a
good husband.
Man’s Clothing, Even to His Socks,
Provided with Receptacles La
bled and Indexed.
One Detroit man has evolved an idea
in pockets, unique and useful, reports
the News.
He has four inside pockets and eight
outside pockets, placed in each waist
coat, two inside and eight outside
Ivan Petrunkevitch, leader of the Constitutional Democrat party, which
faas won a majority of the elections to the Russian douma, will, in all proba
bility, be the first president of that body.
been experienced before the sense of
music could evolve in the brain of
Don’t Like Autos.
Italian peasants are becoming de
cidedly hostile to the drivers of auto
mobiles. Only a few days ago a rich
Roman woman automobilist was shot
at by a farmer because she had al
most run over his dog. The farmer’s
aim was bad, however, and the woman
escaped unhurt The occupants of two
motor cars returning from Genoa to
Alessandra found the road obstructed
by telegraph wires stretched tightly
across it. In the resulting smash four
fingers were cut from the hand of
one of the travelers, a young Italian
lawyer, and in addition his face was
badly slashed and the use of one eye
Brasseries of Paris.
"There was a time,” says Le Petit
Parisien, “when the brasseries con
stituted the rendezvous of all the art
ists, writers and politicians of Paris.
This was so during the last years of
the second empire and the first years
of the third republic. There is now
no literary brasserie. Here and there
in some cafe the disabled of other
times, the "failures,” the waifs of the
antique past, try to continue the. tradi
tions of art at the brasserie. But it is
• bad custom wh<<'h has had its day.”
pockets in each pair of trousers, one
pocket in each sock, 14 in each coat
including outside, inside and shoulder
pockets, one on each shirtsleeve anc
two in each shirt bosom—a total of 4i
pockets. '
Each pocket is labeled, with letter
ing in silk thread, thus:
“Tobacco," “Pipes,” “Bills." “Ac
counts,” “Personal,” “Poems,” “Odds
and Ends,” "Miscellaneous,” “Hand
kerchiefs,” etc.
Each pocket is numbered. The num
ber, location and use of the pocket is
recorded in a little book hung on his
watch chain. When he wants to refer
to anything, he looks it up in this di
rectory and is able to secure it within
an hour.
English Women Retrograding.
A writer in the Standard of London
boldly asserts that the intellectual
level of English women has been low
ered in the last 50 or 60 years and
bases his conclusion on a statement
that English women nowadays read
only the lighter forms of literature.
They read French novels and plays
and sensational English fiction gen
erally. Their grandmothers, he de
clares, used to read Scott’s poems and
romances, and they also read history
for its own sake. Such girls now
would regularly read Freeman,
Froude, Carlyle and Stubl i.
Why Do Mail Order Concerns Thrive
When Consumers Are Not
Benefited P—The Home
The increasing volume of business
which is being directed from local
dealers to the big mail order houses is
threatening the prosperity of thousands
of country towns and cities. The busi
ness of these big concerns is multiply
ing at an alarming rate, and if the ra
tio continues the ultimate demoraliza-.
tion of business in many rural towns
is a foregone conclusion, says Edward
K. Slater, food commissioner of Minne
sota, in the Retailers’ Journal, Chi
Who suffers the greatest financially?
It is the business men of the communi
ty. Any disinterested person familiar
with the ins and outs of the business
will concede that the consumer is not
profiting at the expense of the home
merchant. If this were true the con
sumer could not be blamed for taking
the best end of the bargain. For the
sake of the argument we will assume
that the consumer is receiving just as
good treatment at the hands of the
mail order house as he does from his
home merchant. The loss to the mer
chant must be somebody’s gain. It
follows, therefore, that the mail order
house proprietor is the only one who
is benefited.
bui tne question naturally suggests
itself, why does the business of the
mail order house increase at such an
alarming rate if the consumers are
not being benefited? This is one of the
greatest arguments advanced by the
advocates of the mail order business.
The answer is found in the fact that
the purchaser responds to advertising
and he doesn't like to do business with
a country merchant who went to sleep
soon after he opened up his business
and hasn't waked up yet. That is the
situation in a nutshell.
The business of the mail order
houses has been built up on advertis
ing, advertising, advertising!
My department has been giving con
siderable attention to groceries shipped
into the state fcr mail order houses.
We have been trying to place before
the consumers the fact that many of
these goods are illegal under our pure
food laws, and that this department
has no jurisdiction over such ship
ments. We cannot punish such violat
ors and thus protect the consumers,
as we are enabled to do when the goods
are sold inside the state. It follows,
as a matter of course, that this depart
ment desires to see goods only pur
chased through local dealers, so that
all consumers will receive the protec
tion afforded by a strict enforcement
of our pure food laws.
The country merchant must do his
duty if he desires to compete with the
catalogue house. He must beat him
with his own weapon—advertising. He,
too, must have special prices on certain
articles if he wishes to hold the home
trade. Grocers and country merchants
who think they are so located that
they cannot advertise successfully
should study the subject of advertising.
There is probably no store, city or
country, whose business could not be
advertised successfully if the propri
etor only knew how and has the nerve
and patience to do it. There are a few
country merchants in remote localities
who have mastered advertising so suc
cessfully that mail order competition
does not bother them. This idea that
you have lived so long in a town that
everybody knows you and you don’t
need to advertise is a mistake. This
very indifference to advertising, indif
ference to doing business the way busi
ness is done in this day and age, is
what has enabled the mail order houses
to grow from mere nothing ao great
The merchant who can convince the
people of his section and keep them
convinced that his store is the best
place to buy this and that article will
not lose trade to the mail order house.
Of course, he cannot afford to get out
a catalogue as thick as a Bible, but he
can keep an advertisement in his local
papers and see that it is changed every
week, thus keeing new bargains con
tinually before the public. He should
also have a mai’/ng list and send out
a circular letter at least once a month.
Nothing is more discouraging than
beginning an advertising campaign.
Results are almost invariably slow at
first. It takes pluck—you must keep at
it and master it.
Don’t look upon your country news
paper as an object of charity. There
is not a single country newspaper in
your state, with a general local circu
lation, which is not able to give full
value for money received. The country
papers can help you solve this question
if you will give them the chance.
Quakes and the Panama Canal.
The engineers who recommended a
sea level isthmian canal did not lay
particular stress upon the greater abil
ity of that type to withstand an earth
quake shock, but this undeniable ad
vantake assumes fresh importance in
the light of the San Francisco calam
ity. One of the strongest arguments
against the Nicaragua route was its
admitted liability to earthquakes, and
while the Panama route is not open
to this objection it cannot be safely
predicted that it will not be visited
by shocks severe enough to damage
a sea level canal and to wreck one
with locks.—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
“Tar” for Sailor.
Why is the word “tar” a synonym
for “sailor?” Some dictonaries say 1
that the allusion is to the seaman’s
tarry hands and clothes—the "savor of
tar” of Stephano’s song in “The Tem
pest," Burns uses “tarrybreeks" as
equivalent to “sailor.” But it is re
garded as much more probable that ]
“tar'’ is short for "tarpaulin,” since
Clarendon and other writers col- I
loquilly use “tarpaulin” to signify a 1
seaman. Of course, this ultimately 1
gets back to tar, a tarpaulin being a 1
tarred “palling,” or covering (the 1
same word as “pall”).
Modern Definition.
Professor—Suppose an irresistible i
force should meet an Immovable body,
what would be the result? 1
Student—A merger.—Judge. i
United States and Canada Rich in
Examples of Rapid Rise
in Prices.
To those who are skeptical of the
wisdom of investing money in real es
tate there are numerous instances of
cities where every inch of land is of
great value which have been built upon
sites formerly sold for little or even
given away. The United States and
Canada are rich in such examples.
Canada especially has been the scene
of great bargains in land. During the
first years of its history James I. made
a free gift of the whole of Canada, to
gether with Newfoundland and Nova
Scotia, to the famous Lord Stirling.
Some 200 years later a member of the
suite of the governor of the colony
was granted 100,000 acres of land by
William IV. Later this was increased
by the addition of 500,000 acres. Sixty
years later a Canadian land company
was given 3,000,000 acres, 2,000,000 be
ing paid for at the rate of 60 cents aa
acre, and the rest a free gift. As late
as 1880 the Canadian government ac
tually made the Scotch-Canadian com
pany a present of $2,500,000 in cash, as
a bonus, with a free grant of 25,000,000
acres. As there were many conditions
as to the development of the territory
in the terms of ilie grant, the bargain
was not so one-sided as it at first ap
Everyone knows that the whole of
Manhattan island was sold by the In
dians for $24. Yet a plot of ground
which was once a tarm, and was grant
ed and still belongs to Trinity church,
yields a yearly income of $10,000,000.
Pennsylvania, the second most popu
lous state in America, containing
scores of prosperous cities, has an
area of about 45.000 square miles. This
tract of land was given over to Wil
liam Pinn in settlement of a compara
tively trifling debt which Charles II.
owed to Penn’s father, and which he
found himself disinclined or unable to
pay in cash.
The same improvident king was the
one who rented 2,700,000 square miles
of the land about Hudson Bay for a
yearly rental of two beavers and two
elk per annum. This has proved to be
one of the best speculations in land on
record. Some 200 years after the deal
the company of owners sold the major
part of this vast territory to the Cana
dian Federation for $2,500,000, and in
the meantime it had been bringing in
an average income of $500,000 a year.
Not more than 270 years ago the
present site of Liverpool was sold for
$2,250 by a small London syndicate,
who had bought it from Charles I. for
The site of Johannesburg and most
of its gold mines, which are said to
contain over $14,000,000,000 worth of
the precious metal, were sold less than
30 years ago to an Englishman named
Pratt for the sum of $1,500. In spite of
its cheapness it was a bad bargain for
him, for because of his activity in the
first Boer war his property was confis
cated and he was driven to England in
a penniless state.
Most Destructive Inundation for
Fifty Years Accurately Foretold
by Weather Bureau.
Early in 1897 telegrams were posted
in a hundred cities along the Missis
sippi, warning the inhabitants to pre
pare for tremendous floods. These
warnings, says J. E. Watkins, in the
Technical World, went so far as to
name the exact date—sometimes two
or three weeks off—when the coming
flood would be at its height, and even
stated the number of feet above low
water mark the water would reach.
They were signed by the chief of the
weather bureau at Washington.
The inhabitants of Cairo, New Or
leans and of the towns and cities be
tween read these sensational messages,
looked out at the shrunken Father of
Waters flowing calmly along within
its banks and sniffed contemptuously.
They were not going to be scared by a
lot of fool scientists in Washington!
Only a comparatively few timid people
were at all alarmed or even impressed.
These went so far as to move their
valuable property up onto high ground,
and were well laughed at for their
pains. Even the newspapers took the
matter up, and scolded the govern
ment for allowing the weather bu
reau to frighten neerlessly a lot of
ailly old women.
Finally the date set for the coming
of the flood arrived, and with it came
the water. The greatest flood for more
than half a century swept down the
Mississippi and overflowed more than
13,000 square miles of land. The main
Btreets of a hundred towns and cities
were under water; and, at some points
practically the only property not drm
aged was that of the ridiculed people
who had heeded the despised warning
of the weather bureau. And it was es
timated that property to the value of
$15,000,000 was saved, which would
certainly have been destroyed but for
the advance notice which its owners
lad been wise enough to heed.
Chauffeurs of Long Ago.
There were chauffeurs long before
automobiles. History tells us that
ibout the year 1795 men strangely ac
;outered, their faces covered with
mot and their eyes carefully disguised,
intered by nights farms and lonely
labitations and committed all sorts
>f depredations. They garroted their
victims, dragged them before a great
ire, wlrere they burned the soles of
heir feet and demanded information
is to the whereabouts of their money
ind jewels. Hence they were called
‘chauffeurs,” a name which frightened
10 much our good grandmothers.
Jail-Breaker’s Offense.
The charge against a man named
Armstrong, who had made his escape
vhile being taken to jail, the other
lay, was: “That Armstrong got at
arge whithersoever he would, to the
;reat hindrance of justice and the evil
sxample of all others in the like case
iffending, and against the peace of
iur sovereign lord the king, his crown
md dignity.”
Thoroughly Professional.
“Did you say that she is a profes
lional nurse?”
“I think so. Anyway, she’s going
o marry him just as soon as he can
lit up."—Milwaukee Sentinel.
Linen Parasols (Jo with Plainer Shirt
Waist Suits and Lingerie
Styles Harmonize.
The most fascinating hats and para
sols have come out, seemingly planned
and made to go together, yet in reali
ty happening upon that effect in nine
cases out of ten.
Lingerie styles are responsible for
much of it—the whole wide range of
'ingerie ideas echoed and reechoed in
;he parasols; in fainter, though no
less exquisite, tone in hats. Some one
has glibly prophesied the passing of
the fluffy parasol, claiming that in
stead will be carried the plainer types:
Yet lingerie dresses grow more pop
ular all the while, and ruffles are
piled upon ruffles, ^emingly without
=nd. That prophecy is bound to be
wrong, for, so long as the summer
girl holds court dressed in the sheer
ast, softest of gowns, which billows
and froths about her, just so long will
she, in spite of fashion’s dictums,
twirl, in lieu of a scepter, the airiest,
most useless, but wonderfully pictur
esque and becoming parasol.
Those plainer styles will be car
ried more than the fluffy ones without
a doubt—just as shirt-waist suits and
the many attractive models of linen
suits are more in evidence in sun
times than those billowy, beruffled
beribboned things. But each will
have its place and each will be car
ried—you might almost say worn—
with the sort of gown it best suits.
And hats of linen and of linen
and lace will go with them.
For the plainest shirt-waist suits
the prettiest linen parasol is made,
plain except for a rather large motif
embroidered in each panel, or per
haps in only one, with the initials
cunningly interwoven, so as not to
be too conspicuously plain to any
one—more in the nature of those
clever seals which look like an old
eastern charm, but which are real
ly the three initials made into a
cabalistic sign.
Eyelet work holds Its own in the
parasol world, and insertions of lace
are even more popular than ever,
both cluny and Irish lace used in
lavish profusion.—Chicago Record
Pine to Take Away on a Summer Va
cation. Makes You Independent
of Expensive Laundress.
One of the most acceptable pres
ents to make for your friend’s summer
trip is the case for a very small iron
ing board, with the little board in
side. Get a smooth board about 14
inches long by five inches wide, and
cover it with a thick soft flannel, plac
ing over this a piece of fine muslin.
Sew it on securely and smoothly.
Then cut your cover a little larger
than the board, and in the form of a
long envelope, with the opening and
flap at one end. Bind it with rib
bon or galloon, and make a button
hole in the flap, with a button to cor
respond on the cover. Put, also, on
the cover a pocket, large enough to
hold a small ironhoider, made of
ticking, lined with thick flannel, and
covered with the same material as
the cover, which should be of a bright,
flowered cretonne. Small charcoal
irons can be bought that are easily
carried and heated. Wltn this outfit
your friends will be independent of
laundresses, as far as collars, cuffs
and small articles are concerned.—
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Study suitability of subjects when
assigning pictures to their position,
as a picture that is suitable in one
room may be entirely out of keeping
with the general character and pur
pose of another.
Do not crowd pictures. Too few aie
preferable to too many, and plain
spaces are restful in their effect.
Oil paintings, water colors, and line
drawings show the artist’s work and
what he meant to depict much bettei
when hung flat against the wall—not
Never hang a glossy picture opposite
a. window, and never hang any picture
so high that it is hard to look at.
Do not hang pictures in pairs, and
do not hang two from one hook if the
wire on both shows—the oblique lines
made by the two wires are very ob
A picture which shows heavy shad
3ws should be hung with the shadows^
away from the window, to make the
shadows seem natural ones.
Pictures are less apt to get skewed
when dusting, or by other means, if
lung on two hooks instead of one. The
lines of the wire are less objectionable,
too, as they are horizontal and per
pendicular, as are the lines of the*
frame. When the wires can be entire
ly behind the picture, out of sight, the
lest effect is secured.—Prairie Farmer.
Soft Gingerbread.
Break a fresh egg in a bowl, stir
with a fork, add a tablespoonful of
melted butter and All the bowl half
rull of sour cream. Fill to the top
with New Orleans molasses, turn Into
> larger bowl, beat and add a cupful of
lour into which has been sifted a level
:easpoonful of soda. Add a teaspoon
mi each of ginger, allspice and cinna
mon, and a little salt Bake in a
And what is your lfttio v
sailed?” lttle brother
Oh, he suffers wid de
Mortimer Percival Roland!” °*