The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 17, 1906, Image 3

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CHAPTER XVI.—Continued.
“I cannot come; this miserable pro
fessor intends I shall remain,” la
ments T v.
"Yon ch!” and Dick makes one
spring foFlvard, whereupon Professor
John is seen to sprawl flat upon the
floor, rolling over and over, to get be
yond the reach of that iron arm. and
the foot that seems to be propelled
by springs of steel, all the while chat
tering like an excited monkey.
Dora, thus relieved, flies to the side
of her mistress, and clasps an arm
around her In a protecting way
though it would appear that the lady’s
maid was more in need of protection
than her mistress.
“We wish you good evening, gentle
men. Your little scheme has been
nipped in the bud. Take care how
you follow me. Ladies, this way,
please—pass out ahead, as I wish to
watch these fellows as long as possi
The ladies comprehend that it is
not love that influences Dick, but
another feeling, and they are careful
not to come between their protector
and those upon whom he keeps hi*
eye. Various expletives break upon
the air as the little party thus back
out of the room; it is not natural for
some seven or eight men to find them
selves cowed by a single party, and
not feel furious. As yet it is the
growling of the volcano—when the top
of the cone blows off, look out for
Now Dick is in the doorway; the
ladies have passed down the hall
some distance; he gives one last look
around him. waves a hand in mocking
farewell to the baffled conspirators,
of the Morales mansion, and follows
Miss Pauline.
Immediately great confusion en
sues. Relieved of his presence, Senor
Morales and his guests fly this way
and that, some jumping from the win
dows, with the hope of yet baffling
the American by facing him on more
equal terms in the garden, other*
shouting themselves hoarse with ex
It does not unnerve the American a
particle to hear this racket; he ha*
Therefore they fall back Into the
shadows of the garden, densely over
grown with bushes as it is, and seek
to bafTle the searching eyes that
would ferret out their position. All
around arise shouts. If it were a par
ty of Mexican vanqueros hunting
down a wolf that had taken refuge
in the motte of timber, there could
hardly be more confusion and alarm.
Dick Denver has had enough per
sonal acquaintance with these Mexi
cans to fully understand their nature,
and he knows that having once
aroused their animosity, nothing can
ever make them friends again. They
hate as the wolf hates, and are quite
as merciless.
“Keep as close to me as possible,
and speak no more than is absolutely
necessary,” he says.
The first part of his injunction it is
easy enough to accomplish, but when
it comes to silence. Dora is unreliable
—she could not keep still any length
of time, if paid handsomely for it. At
first it is fear of their pursuers that
causes the animated creature to groan
and utter little shivering cries—then
a branch jabs her in the eye, eliciting
a sort of shriek, and when all else
fails. 6he can positively feel a snake
run over her foot; and if there is any
thing on the face of the earth this
same Dora detests, so that the very
name almost sends her into convul
sions. she declares it is a snake.
Dick at first endeavors to hush her
outcries, but he might as well try to
dam the Mississippi. Even Miss Pau
line's words fall to have the desired
effect—Dora must bubble over, or
So they make their way along; Dick
wishes his companion could be with
them, and he finally gives the signal
again. Perhaps Bob may have failed
to hear it on the first occasion, as he
is not the man to allow any obstacle
to stand in his way when duty calls.
There must be a wall somewhere
near them—Dick looks for it constant
ly. He can heur their enemies plung
ing hither and yon through the
bushes, which they beat with great as
siduity, as though hunting legitimate
game. More than once it looks as
though there is bound to be a colli
sion, and Dick nerves himself for the
ordeal, gritting his teeth and mental
ly making up his mind to astonish his
Fortune favors them—the wall Is
reached, and as yet they have seen
So He Tel
seen packs of wolves before now;
where the water roars the loudest It
is always the most shallow; barking
dogs seldom bite.
They are at the door now, and with
a quick sprint Dick has overtaken the
two ladies. Together they all pass
out of the house, upon the veranda;
the steps are just beyond, and then
comes the vehicle.
At this moment Dick sees a dark
form darting forward; he is at the
horses, and a knife flashes in his
hand. A quick movement, followed
by others, and the traces are cut in
twain, thus rendering escape by this
means impossible.
Before he can take a shot at the fel
low the other has thrown himself be
hind the carriage, and no doubt crawls
away in the shadows. This sudden
catastrophe leaves them in a bad fix.
With ladies to look after, what shall
he do? They descend the steps lead
ing from the veranda. Perhaps once
beyond the gates, they may find some
way of getting back to the Hotel
With this idea in view, Dick springs
to unbar the gate, and swing it open;
but he finds that this is a trick every
body does not know; the gate obstin
ately refuses to swing at his dictation,
in spite of his strenuous exertions.
They are shut in the garden of Mo
rales, with nearly a dozen enemies
around, seeking to do them evil.
Dick now realizes that he is in for
it, and that it may be necessary to do
something before the $<ame is won.
He has not expected sucn a situation
as this. How shall they get beyond
the garden walls and elude their foes?
One thing is certain, he will not de
sert those who have been left in his
charge. Part of the victory was won
when he took them from the power of
the scheming Lopez, and he is bound
to finish it by landing them in safety
at the hotel.
“Miss Pauline, you are not afraid?”
he cries.
“No, no. Let me help you all I can.”
comes the cheering answer, while the
din around them grows in volume as
the servants take up the cries.
“Thank Heaven for that! Come, we
must endeavor to find an opening back
toward the canal. I have an idea
there is a door in the wall there. We
will defeat these ravenous hounds
yet! Only trust me, and keep up a
brave heart, Pauline.”
His words inspire the two women—
there is something in the very voice
of the young ranchero, who has seen
so much of life in the Southwest and
Mexico, to cause a feeling of confi
dence in his ability to accomplish all
he has promised, and more.
Is His Love.
nothing of their enemies, though it is
evident that they are all around.
If the door in the wall can only be
found now. they may have cause for
It is too late—loud shouts arise—
some one has discovered the light
dresses of the ladies against the dark
er background of the wall, and his
cries are bound to bring all the force
of the enemy rushing to that spot.
At the same moment Dick hears
Pauline cry out—Pauline, who has
just then preceded him a trifle, and
who means to take his place, in a
“It is here—the door!” is what she
cries, but immediately adds, in a dis
appointed voice, “but I cannot open it
—I am afraid it is locked!"
Could Dick be given another mtn-.
ute, he would spring forward and
manipulate that door so that it would
open. It has to be a sturdy structure
that can resist his attack. But it
happened that the combined rush
is made from all quarters at that mo
rn? nt, and his attention must of ne
cessity be taken up in this direction.
He can just make out the dark fig
ures coming upon him—they are like
the spokes of a wheel, while he rep
resents the hub.
Dick is far from blood-thirsty by
nature, and while he holds the lives
of those on-rushing fools in his hands,
he does not care to take them except
as a last resort, besides, it is hardly
fair, as they are debarred from firing
back, on account of the presence of
the ladies.
So at the last moment he replaces
his revolvers, and meets the assail
ants with his fists. A better man to
take care of them could not well be
He uses his arms somewhat in the
style of the piston-rods of an engine,
and with such remarkable success
that he speedily creates quite a havoc
among his enemies. Then comes one
whom he had not seen present, but
who must have been lurking in the
garden; this powerful frame that op
poses him can belong to none other
than the bull-fighter, Barcelona. How
eagerly he hurls himself upon the
American as though all that the past
has known, which rankles in his
heart, flies to the surface.
This is unfortunate, because, while
he is thus fully engaged, some of the
others may seize upon Miss Westerly
and bear her away. If ever Dick Den
ver struggled in his life it is now,
while the Spanish athlete also exerts
himself to the utmost, making this
a battle of giants.
Dick has worsted this man before,
and believes he can again, but it will
take time, and there is none to spare
at present. While he is engaged in
scientifically doing Barcelona up in
good shape, the other’s companions
will doubtless be making themselves
scarce, with the two American girls
in their power.
Already he hears Dora screaming.
"Keep away, you miserable Picca
dilly bughunter! I detest you! I’ll
have my Bob shake you out of a
year's growth! Keep your hands off,
all of you, or I’ll scream for help, I
will! Bob, oh, where are you?w
“Coming, darling—coming as fast
as these beastly prickly pears and
Spanish bayonets will allow. Coming
like a wild horse of the prairie on the
stampede. Where’s that wretch of a
Fitz—let me fondle him like a grizzly,
and his mother won’t know him. Com
ing, darling—here!”
With the last word, which is ut
tered as a ferocious roar. Colonel Bob
bursts through the barrier that en
deavors to block, his progress, and ap
pears upon the scene. Dick hails his
coming with the greatest of delight,
since it relieves him in a measure, of
his worry.
The professor does not experience
the same feeling; he is a Briton, it
is true, but recent experiences have
taught him that fighting is hardly to
be placed in his line. Hearing the
threats which the terrible Sheriff of
Secora County bellows forth while
bursting his way upon the scene, the
professor wisely concludes to leave
for parts unknown, nor to stand on
the order of his going.
Colonel Bob finds work to do, how
ever—there are a number of noble
Mexicans present who require looking
after, and in his present excitable
frame of mind he is just in the humor
to satisfy all their longings in that
The darkness is not so intense now,
for the moon is peeping above the
horizon. Bob can see his men. and he
falls upon them with the power of a
thunderbolt. Right and left he
plunges, knocking them down as a
ball well directed scatters the pins
in a bowling alley.
The varied outcries are something
astonishing, and indicate tremendous
excitement on the part of those con
Meanwhile. Dick has not been idle.
By his energy he has succeeded in
convincing Barcelona that once more
he is getting the worst of it all.
Dick avoids closing with the bull
fighter, since he has no lighted cigar
now to jab in the other’s eye. He
keeps Tordas at a safe distance and
proceeds to hammer him with all the
scientific points he has ever learned.
(To Be Continued.)
j - ^■■
| European ulraurl
More important
Traveler and Scholar.
: " 1
Doubtless Shake
speare used a maxim
already ancient when
he said, “Home-keep
ing youth have ever
homely wits.” In this
spirit all wise men from
time immemorial have
agreed that travel is a
benefit to culture. It
will not make a gem out of a pebble, but nothing else so quickly cuts
the facets of a diamond mind. And rare is the intellect, that cannot
be improved by its polishing influences.
Desirable and important as it is to know one’s own country, I
cannot warmly sympathize with the spirit that prompts ridicule of the
American who visits London before visiting Washington. To be
sure, lake Lucerne may be enjoyed the more by one who has crossed
lake George. There is pleasure in contrasting the falls of the Rhine
with those of Niagara, in comparing the Rhine itself with the Hudson
or the Penobscot, and our own rivers do not suffer in the comparison.
The Yellowstone park shows more of nature that is grotesque and
marvelous than any other equal area in the world.
Yet if in reality culture is the first consideration, the European
tour is more important than any in the states. So much of our litera
ture is European in origin or inspiration, so much of art is to be found
on the continent, so many of our institutions are of Roman or Ger
man or Norman development, in brief, we are still so much like trans
planted Europeans, that many of the purposes of travel are only thor
oughly accomplished when Europe is its field.
Let it not for a moment be thought that I would depreciate the
value and pleasure of travel in America. It is worth while to go both
to the west and the east, to cross both the Atlantic and the continent.
He becomes narrow and provincial who does not know his own land
by observation. All I would hazard is an opinion that the logical or
der is to see the old w'orld first, the new — *
world next, for it is logical to work from U-J?. / £
the fountain head down the stream, to
study causes before results. —————
And may He bless the farmer’s home.
Where peace and plenty reign.
No happier spot 'neath Heaven's dome
Doth this broad, beauteous earth contain,
Than where, secure from care and strife,
The farmer spends his peaceful life.
Unvexed by toil or tricks for gain,
He turns the fertile mold;
Then scatters 'round the golden grain.
And reaps reward an hundred fold.
He dwells where grace and beauty charm.
For God hath blessed his home and farm.
A pig that is stunted in growth may
nake a fine breeder, but in all proba
bility the poor treatment received by
he parent will crop out in the off
While feeding the young growing
bigs liberally, the sow should be fed
ill that she will eat of the food best
'.alculated to make her give large
juantities of milk.
Young pigs should be taught to eat
before they are weaned. There should
be an arrangement whereby the little
bigs may be fed in a trough by them
selves. This can be done by having
i small opening into an annex to the
main pen.
While suckling pigs the brood sow
should be well fed, in order to main
tain a liberal flow of milk. Remember
.hat the young pigs are being fed
through the sow, and if the mother
a half starved the young litter will
not thrive.
One writer declares that some breed
;rs lay the cause of cholera to the
Feeding of green corn, when the blame
broperly belongs to filthy premises,
dirty water, etc. This is a fact that
is hard to get around. When the
vigor of the herd has been debilitated
oy filth, and green corn is fed to
pvercome evil effects, the latter gets
the blame if serious losses follow.
With the germs of hog cholera scat
tered so widely throughout the coun
try, farmers can't be too careful about
allowing their hogs to stray or of per
mitting indiscriminate patronage to
boars they may be keeping. Where
it can be done, it is much safer not
to have the hog lots and pastures
fronting on the public highways—
roving stray hogs or droves being
driven or hauled along the road may
infect your stock before you are aware
of it. Kill all the buzzards and look
out for the run-about dogs. If there
is running water in your hog pasture
or lot, "keep an eye" up stream or
cholera may float down onto you.
These precautions mean trouble and
expense—but after cholera has once
cleaned you entirely out of hogs you
will greatly regret having neglected
It is claimed by some authorities
that broom corn seed makes a good
food for swine. Its value for such a
purpose will depend very largely in
the first place upon the degree of the
maturity of the seed at the time of
cutting, and in the second place on
the way in which the food is pre
pared and fed. Broom corn seed from
brush cut short of maturity will cer
tainly not make good food for swine.
When cut at the proper stage and
finely ground and fed along with some
protein food, good results may be ob
tained from feeding it
The small breeds of swine do not
•seem to be growing in favor. In
some respects this is unfortunate.
While they do not attain the weights
of the middle or large breeds they
fill a place in the economy of pork
production. They produce a class of
light pork which matures at an early
age. There is considerable demand
for such pork by a certain class of
buyers. We are not of the number
who think that we get too many pure
breeds of swine.
Of all pests, the English sparrow
'takes the cake.” They drive off
svery other bird which would build
.n a box or near by trees and bushes.
We are favorable to the shotgun meth
td of eradication, and will push this
war of extermination vigorously, for
we must protect our martins, bluebirds
and wrens, or they will be driven from
the country by these foreign nabobs.
You will note that the progressive,
up-to-date farmer makes his farm a
oroducer of finished articles, consumes
ill that he has grown and turns off
the product finished in the way of
hogs, sheep, horses, cattle, fruits, etc.
Look well after the farm tools, and
especially the steel tools. They
should have a coating of either axle
grease, or a mixture made of one part
rosin and three parts lard.
Much of our millet is seriously in
jured for feeding purposes by being
allowed to become too ripe before har
Don’t keep that colt tied in the bam.
There is nothing more strengthening
lor growing colts than exercise.
We believe in deep plowing in the
garden. Work in plenty of manure,
ind do this work in the fall.
Only a few varieties should be
planted in a commercial orchard.
The supplying of eggs is an indus
:ry Jhat we may be assured will never
grow less than it is at the present
:ime. Farmers and professional men
lave been increasing their flocks and
’owls and yet the price of eggs has
oeen going up from year to year.
The cold storage houses used to carry
ome stock till late winter, but it is
;eported now that they are sold out
every winter before the season is half
gone. Let us push the production of
The codling moth makes apples
wormy, and often destroys from 25 to
75 per cent, of the apple crop where
nothing is done to prevent it. A little
moth deposits eggs on the young apples
soon after the blossoms have fallen, and
from these worms hatch out which
gnaw their way into the apple through
the calyx. These worms spend 20 to 110
days burrowing in the apple and then
leave the fruit for the crevices arid
rough bark of the trunks of the apple
trees to spin their cocoons, some by
crawling down the limbs, others by
dropping to the ground and then find
ing their way to the trunks. From
these cocoons moths develop in a few
days, which lay eggs for a second brood
of worms which are often more destruc
tive than the first. Spray with paris
green or arsenate of lead immediately
after blossoms have fallen, and repeat
ten days later. Band trees in June and
examine them about every ten days, de
stroying all worms and chrysalides.
If you have neglected it until now
there is still time to set trees if proper
care is used in handling them. They
should be dug with as much roots as
possible, and set immediately after dig
ging. If any leaves have formed they
should be stripped off. Among shads
trees the American elm will bear trans
planting perhaps better than any other,
and it is one of the most graceful of
trees. Shrubs that propagate by suck
ers may be safely transplanted late in
the spring. Among these are the lilac,
snowball, Japan quince, the flowering
almond and currant, and roses in end
less variety.
The dwarf trees of Japan have been
a never ending source of wonder to
Europeans ever since the opening of
the hermit kingdom to inspection by
the rest of the world. A single piDe,
perfect in foliage, has recently been
sold for $1,200. It is six feet high
and alleged to be 850 years old. It
has long been supposed that the
process by which Japanese gardeners
succeed in dwarfing forest trees was
a long and costly one. It is now said
that it is a simple process and that
anyone can do the trick. The follow
ing directions are given for produc
ing a miniature oak tree.
Take an orange and scoop out the
pulp. Fill the interior with a rich
mold and plant an acorn in the center
of it, leaving tj>e hole in the rind for
it to sprout through. Put it in a sun
ny place and water it frequently.
Soon after the first shoots have ap
peared the roots begin to break
through the orange skin. Take a
sharp knife and shave these off care
fully and keep them shaved. The
tree will grow about five or six inches
high and then stop. In a year it will
be a perfect miniature oak. When the
roots cease to grow the orange skin
should be varnished over and imbed
ded in a flower pot.
Everyone having sufficient garden
space to grow table corn wishes an un
broken succession throughout the sea
son of this particularly agreeable es
culent. This may be approximated by
repeated plantings of favorite varieties
at 10 to 14-day intervals, but this trouble
may be much lessened by planting at
the same time a selection of early ar.d
mid-season kinds known to succeed in
the neighborhood. When these have
made a growth of five or six inches it is
time to put in additional breadths of
main-crop and late varieties. For the
latest of all, if one is willing to take
the chances of frost, such kinds as Mam
moth Evergreen or the delicious Eight
rowed kind above mentioned may be
started, not later than July 20 in this
latitude (Iowa). Dates are usually un
certain guides in corn culture, as sea
sons vary widely, but it seems safe to
defer succession plantings, if a wise
choice of varieties is made, until the
preceding sowing comes up and makes
a few inches of growth.
Every once in awhile someone asks
if the dairy business is not likely to
be overdone. We answer now as we
have always answered, no. The popu
lation is increasing, and in addition
to that the people are being educated
more and more to desire good dairy
products. The danger lies all in the
other direction—in underdoing the
business. The dairy industry needs
organizing on a more businesslike
basis. But to overdo it is not possible.
It takes several years to breed and de
velop a dairy cow. It takes intelli
gence to feed her so that she will give
a reasonable amount of milk. After
this is done it is difficult to find any
one to milk her. The business of pro
ducing milk is not one that appeals to
most men, as it is too confining. Some
day we may arrive at a happy ar
rangement where the cows will auto
matically milk themselves, but we are
as yet a good way from that goal.
We have had much to say in the
past about planning the farm work.
Still the theme is one that justifies
repeating over and ever again the
importance of systematic planning.
It is true that everything cannot be
run about the farm with the preci
sion of a clock, but rotation and culti
vation of crops and the business end
should be thought out and followed,
with, of course, some allowance for
necessary changes. Have a time for
doing things and some spare time for
emergencies that come up. Accounts
on the farm do not necessarily mean
| an elaborate system of bookkeeping.
: It should be so simple yet so com
plete that a person can look the books
over and almost at Balance tell where
he is at
The soil in which trees are to be
planted should be given as thorough
preparation as for any other crop.
It should be plowed to a depth of at
least eight inches and firmed down by
repeated harrowings. Where the trees
are to be planted for shade the holes
should be dug large nd deep, three
feet each way is not too large, and
filled in with surface soil to the depth
at which the trees are to be set. This
work should be done as long as pos
sible before the time for planting the
trees, and if now, the soil that is filled
into the holes should be saturated with
water before setting the trees. Trees
that do not have good roots should
not be set where they will be exposed
to the direct force of the wind. When
transplanting set the roots at about
the same depth as that at which they
grew- naturally, and press the soil
firmly about the roots. This is a very
important point and frequently neg
Trees should be pruned when set.
The broken and crushed roots should
be cut back to sound wood; they
usually are cut short enough in dig
ging. The tops should be cut back so
as to properly balance them with the
roots; one-year-old trees may be cut
back to the ground, two-year-old trees
should have about half of last year's
growth removed, and older trees
should be pruned quite severely. No
set of rules can be followed in all
cases, and individual judgment must
determine what is to be done with
each tree. In planting for a grove,
the trees may be set three or four
feet apart in rows seven or eight
feet apart, or in check rows of five
feet apart each way. The first method
will admit of cultivation for a longer
time than the second and thinning
will not be necessary for a longei
time. Trees one year old are suitable
for group planting and may be set
in furrows plowed for the purpose
after the soil has been put in good
condition. In every case the trees
should be set thicker than they are
expected to stand when grown. It is
easy to remove a tvee. Trees set in
isolated positions are especially ex
posed to the hot sun, and attacks of
borers. In such places, the trunks of
trees that are taken from the native
forests should be protected during the
summer by standing a board on the
southwest side of the trees.
Evergreen differ from deciduous
trees in the fact that there is no time
of year when they are not evaporating
a considerable amount of water
through their foliage. But this evap
oration is greater at some times than
at others, the largest amount being
from the new growth in early spring
and summer. As a consequence of
this evaporation there is unusual call
upon the roots for moisture. If the
soil is warm and moist new roots put
out rapidly. At the beginning of the
new growth, or a little before, is,
therefore, the best time to plant ever
greens. We notice that some leading
nurserymen advise planting ever
greens late in summer or early fall.
Their argument is that the soil is then
warmer and in better condition to
stimulate growth than it is earlier.
We do not doubt that with care ever
greens may be successfully planted in
August or September, but there is then
considerable new growth of leaves
w’hich must be checked by transplant
ing. It would seem to be much like
planting deciduous trees in midsum
mer. It may be done, but there must
be more chances of failure than if the
experiment be tried in late spring be
fore any new growth has been made.
The most common soiling crop is
corn. It has taken us a good many years
to learn how to sow it to get the best
result from it. When we first began to
grow it, we used to sow it so thick that
it grew up almost like grass. We be
gan to cut it when it got two feet high,
at which time it was very succulent. As
we had more experience with it, how
ever, we came to the conclusion that the
cows did best if corn was larger and
more mature, so we began drilling it in
drills about two feet apart. By sowing
quite thickly we prevented the appear
ance of ears, but got a good development
of stalk. We try to get the stalk as
large as possible, but do not pass the
limit where the cows will eat all of it.
The two extremes must be avoided, for
if the stalk is too coarse and near ma
turity the cows will leave much of it,
and what is left is of no value for bed
ding or anything else.
We may make the general rule that
the proper depth of plowing land is
proportionate to the percentage of
humus in the soil. We may deepen a
soil as we add humus to it. All the
soil needs organic material in it, and
it is a mistake to bring up a lot of
subsoil for which we have no supply
of vegetable matter to put it into good
condition. If we are dealing with a
soil full of humus, the plow may go
deep. But like all rules, there are ex-,
eeptions. If the plowing is shortly be
fore seeding time, and if the crop to
be grown needs a firm soil, it is usual
ly best to plow shallow, so that har- ■
row and drag may fine and firm as
deep as plowed. This may not be so
good for the soil, but it is essential to
success with the crop we wish to grow.
Generally speaking, fall plowing for a
spring crop may be made deeper than
spring plowing.
One of the great problems with the
corn farmers ought to be: How can
I increase the yield of my next year’s
corn crop? By the use of better seed
you may add five bushels per acre
to your year’s yield.
Increasing Among Women, But
Sufferers Need Not Despair
Of all the diseases known, with which
the female organism is afflicted, kidney
disease is the most fatal, and statistics
show that this disease is on the increase
among women.
Unless early and correct treatment is
applied the patient seldom survives
when once the disease is fastened upon
her. We believe Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is the most effi
cient treatment for chronic kidney
troubles of women, and is the only med
icine especially prepared for this
When a woman is troubled with pain
or weight in loins, backache, frequent,
painful or scalding urination, swelling
of limbs or feet, swelling under the
eyes, an uneasy, tired feeling in the
region of the kidneys or notices a
sediment in the urine, she should
lose no time in commencing treatment
with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, as it may be the means of
saving her life.
For proof, read what Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs.
“ I cannot express the terrible suffering I
had to endure. A derangement of the female
organs developed nervous prostration and a
serious kidney trouble. The doctor attended
me for a year, but I kept getting worse, until
I was unable to do anything, and I made up
my mind I could not live. I finally decided
to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound as a last resort, and I am to-day a well
woman. I cannot praise it too highly, and I
tell every suffering woman about my case.”
—Mrs. Emma Sawyer, Conyers, Ga.
Mrs. Pinkham gives free advice to
women ; address in confidence, Lynn,
Kemp’s Balsam
Will stop any cough that
can be stopped by any
medicine and cure conghs
that cannot be cured by any
other medicine.
It Is always the best
cough cure. Yon cannot
alford to take chances on
any other kind.
coughs, colds, bronchitis,
grip, asthma and consump
tion In first stages.
The average amount of sickness In
human life is ten days per annum.
Only one couple in over 11,000 live
to celebrate their diamond wedding.
British South Africa has a popula
tion of 1,133,756 white people and 3,
308,355 negroes.
While Europe has 107 people to the
square mile, Asia has but 58, Africa 11,
and Australasia one and one-half.
During the lifetime of a healthy hen
she will lay from 300 to 500 eggs. Her
best laying capacity is durng her sec
ond year.
In France, out of every 1,000 Inhab
itants 123 are more than 60 years o’.d,
as against 73 in England and 79 In
It Is stated that there are about
225,000 miles of cable In all at the bot
tom of the sea. Each mile costs about
(1,000 to lay.
Reversing It.
The meek and lowly tramp mean
dered up to the old farm gate and
asked for a raw turnip with which ta
appease his hunger.
But the horny-handed son of toil
was onto his job, and all the hobo
got was a turndown.—Chicago Daily
A Catch.
"How did you and your wife first
"We didn’t meet,” replied the meek
little man; “She overtook me.”—
All in the Beach.
The way to reach, or to attain to
anything, Is to bend oneself toward it
with all one's might; and we approxi
mate it Just in proportion to the in
tensity and the persistence of our ef
fort to attain it—Success Magazine.