UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA PRAISES PE-RU-NA. CJCLJC.JI_II_■■II_II_II_ll__IIl _1L i U; Ex-Senator M C. Butler. [J Dyspepsia Is Often Caused By Catarrh mf the Stomach—Peruna Relieves Ca tarrh of the Stomach and Is Therefore a Remedy For Dyspepsid. ♦ Hon. M. C. Butier, Ex-U. S. Sen- J t ator from South Carolina for two t t terms, in a letter from Washington, J 1 D. C., writes to the Peruna Medicine | t Co., as follows : t 1 «‘ / can recommend Peruna for ’ • dyspepsia and stomach trouble. 11 T have been using your medicine for * I a short period and I feel very much . | relieved. It Is Indeed a wonaerful • I medicine, besides a good tonic. ” J CATABHH of the stomach is the cor rect name for most cases of dyspep sia. In order to cure catarrh of the ■tomach the catarrh must be eradicated. Only an internal catarrh remedy, such as Peruna. is available. Peruna exactly meets the indications. Eevised Formula. “For a number of years requests have come to me from a multitude of grateful friends, urging that Peruna be given a.sli^ut laxative quality. I have b en experimenting with a laxa tive addition for quite a length of time, and now feel gratified to an nounce to the friends of Peruna that I have incorporated such a quality in the medicine which, in my opinion, can only enhance its well-known bene ficial character. “S. B. Hxbtmxs, M. D." CURES CONSTIPATION It is just about impossible to be sick when the bowels are right and not possible to be well when they are wr< ng. Through its action on the bowels. Lane’s Family Medicine cleans the body inside and 1 -.ves no lodging place for disease. If for once you wish to know how it feels to be thoroughly well, give this famous laxative tea a trial. Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c. That Delightful Aid to Health iPaxtim I Toilet Antiseptic Whitens the teeth—purifies mouth and breath — cures nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes, and by direct application cures all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions caused by feminine ills. Paxtine possesses extraordinary cleansing, healing and germi cidal qualities unlike anything else. At all druggists. 50 cents LARGE TRIAL PACKAGE FREE The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass. "When you buy WET WEATHER CLOTHING you want complete protection and long service. These and rr.ary // other good points , are combined in C TOWER’S FISH BRAND OILED CLOTHING] You can't afford 7y / to bijy any other /1 **•*2 i. SJfDW!* CO »CVO*« ul *. C—Ck tOwE« CO ^^ Children Taught to Smoke. In the seventeenth century children at Worcester. Eng., took their pipes and tobacco to school, where the mas ter taught them “how to held their pipes and drawn in their tobacco." Curiosities of Amber. Flies are not the only things found in amber. In a big mass of clear am ber dredged up out of the Baltic sea recently there was visible in its in terior a small squirrel—fur, teeth and claws intact. There are very few women who can look at their husbands without giving the impression in the glance that they believe they might have taken their eggs to a better market.—Atchison (Kan.) Globe. The discrimination against the male sex has no end. When a scarecrow is built, ever notice that it is patterned Sind dressed like a man? If a sword breaks the owner will be stabbed. If a gun breaks the owner will be shot. RAISING GARDEN HERBS. This Is a Practical Occupation Open to a Woman Thrown on Her Own Resources. Among the practical occupations open to women that are thrown upon their own resources without previous training in any sort of business is thai of raising garden herbs. There has never been a sufficiency ol ceasoning herbs to be had at any mar ket; parsley, tnyme, sweet marjoram, bay leaf, mint, are always in demand by those who know their value in the proper cooking ot savory dishes. Theit raising is neither difficult nor expen sive. A small piece of ground will sup ply auy large private market establish ment or green grocer, and it is work that even a delicate woman can under take. . .but she must, first of all, instruct herself in the nature of the soil need ed, the amount of sunshine, water and general habits of the things she 13 going to raise. To do this it is on y necessary fur her to visit any good li brary and study books on the subject, making notes and really learning, just as if she were at school. Then she must study how to get the very best plants for her purpose; all florists and agriculturists are glad to send catalogues for the asking, and. while the gorgeous cuts exaggerate the fecundity and appearance of them wares, such catalogues are a help. Once she know- the right soil to pre pare, the rest is easy. If she has no boy neighbor to call upon to measure and define the various beds, she can simply tie stout cords to sticks stuck In the ground to keep one variety from running over the e ther. The spading she may have to hire done, and the pulverizing of the soil, which is very essential to success, most failures be ing due to the caking of imperfectly prepared ground that either carries off the water that is applied or allows it to stand without penetrating the earth to reach the roots of thirsty plants. Take the fragrant garden mint as a very fair example of an herb that is well worth cultivating. I have seen a single root spread in a couple of years over a 12-foot square of ground, and its nealthy sprigs are always in demand. The woman who wills to do so can find a market for her mint the year round, if she will care that it will not freeze. Sweet marjoram grows fast also, as do all these seasoning herbs, and needs but little care when once started. Curly parsley makes a lovely garnishing for a dish of croquettes or for any sort of broiled meats or fisn. and never can there be too much grown. if to these be added chives and len tils. there are always purchasers for these greens that make such delicious spring salads. But this business must be properly attended to if there is to be a livelihood in it; like everything else in this world, it amounts to noth ing without a certain amount of care and trouble. If there is a sudden bliz zard the plants must be protected; it the midsummer sun is too hot, some sort of shade must be evolved, and so on through the list of watchful precau tions that are necessities to success.— St. Louis Globe-Democrat. LEARNING TO BE HANGMAN The New Incumbent Has Grewsome Rehearsals of His Unen viable Profession. Several executions took place recent ly at Pentonville prison on the scaf fold which has been the scene of the final exit of numerous notorious crim inals. relates London Mail. The executioner was Alec Taylor, the newly appointed common hangman, and the subjects “hanged” in set form were lay figures of cloth and sand. It is, of course, essential that the official that has to tarry out the last dread sentence of the law should first thoroughly learn the technique of his grewsome profession to insure that when the time come3 all the opera tions will happen decently and in or der. Therefore each new hangman immediately after his appointment goes through a realistic course of training. In pursuance of this policy, Taylor, under the guidance of ex perienced prison officials who have as sisted at many executions, is now serv ing his apprenticeship. Several sandbags shaped to repre sent men of different weights were supplied for Taylor’s practice. He was instructed that men of varying builds should be given certain prescribed drops” to effect instantanec us death. Then a sandbag made to the rough semblance and weight of a man was placed on the scaffold flap. Taylor was told the weight, the noose was properly adjusted, the requisite drop arranged for and the lever pulled. This experiment was performed again and again with differently weighted bags. The other part of the hangman's training, the pinioning of a con demned prisoner, was even more real istic. For the time being stalwart warders posed as condemned murder ers. Taylor, practicing on them, was shown the quickest and most effective way of securing the hands and feet — Drop Cakes. Beat one-halt cup butter with one cup of sugar until you have a perfect cream. Add one-half teaspoonfui soda dissolved in one-hall cup sour cream and stir into the mixture of cream and sugar. Then add, boating until very light, two and one-half cupfuls of flour and nut meats, if preferred to fruit Flavor with vanilla and drop spoonfuls on a buttered sheet or pan, and bake in a moderate oven. Matting. Matting snouid no; be washed with soapy water. A strong solution of salt water cleans matting, and makes it look quite new. in laying matting place one or two thicknesses of old newspapers underneath it, for it al ways lets dust and dirt through like a sieve, and when it has to be taken up the pieces of dust covered paper can be carefully lifted and burned. To Keep Cut Flowers Fresh. Cut flowers, so expensive at this time of the year, will be found to keep their freshness for days if they are given fresh water at night arid placed in a cov ered tin pail in a cool, well-ventilated room. . ■.—,'wawMfeiafcfcMa. iininJn mini Witness Wakes Pert Reply. "Of course you know how many minutes there are to an hour," said a lawyer to a witness in an English court. “Well,” said the witness, after pondering a while, “let’s hear your version of it,” No Chance for the Vrivolous. Old Tom Corwin, as he was famil iarly known, governor of Ohio. United States senator and secretary of the treasury in Fillmore's cabinet, used to say: “Be solemn—all the monu ments are raised to solemn asses.” One or two things one must possess —either true piety or true philosophy. One must e th^r have learnt to say. “Father! Thy will be done!” or else, “Nature. I revere thy laws, even when I am crushed beneath them!” The training of princes is to fit them to get on with people of all storts; why should not other people be brought up in the same way? Time is not tied to a post like a horse to a manger.. AN EVERY-DAY STRUGGLE. idea and Women of Every Occupatioi Suffer Miseries from Kidney Complaint. J. C. Lichtner. 703 So. Cedar St Abilene, Kansas, is one of the tho 1 OUUC1 from kidney trou bies bro ght on b daily work. “I firs noticed it eight o tfti jetrs ag.said >i '. Lightner. ‘ Tht dull pain in th back fairly m~d me sick. It wa herd to get up l i rl r\ ro V. n ♦ straighten, hard to do any work tha brought a strain on the tack. I had frequent attacks of gravel and rh urine was passed too often and with lain. When I used Doan’s K e Pi a. however, all traces of th» trou die disappeared and have not reurn e 1. I am certainly gratefu..” Sold by all dealers. 5u ce t3 a box Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Advice after mischief is like medi cine after death. An Interesting Letter. Mary Bagguiey, of 117 Peach St., Syracuse, N. Y., writes to te.l of the terrible suffering of her sister, who, for the past 24 years, had been nr mented with side ache from female trouble, keeping her weak and ailing. "She took Wine of Cardui and is now well. Cardui has been a Godsend to us both,” she writes. For all wom en's troubles. Cardui is a safe, efficient, reliable remedy. At druggists; *1.01). There can be no finality to truth that comes to fallible men. $100 Reward, $100. The reader* of till* paper will be pleated to learn that there 1* ai leaatnne drenoed dl***a-e that acleuee ha* been able lu cure In a.I l.s traces, and Unit It Catarrh. Hal.'a Catarrh Cure It the cnly p»-l,lve cure Du* known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a ciinalttiittuna! dUra-c. require* a eonriUu tlun&l treatment. Hall'a Catarrh Cure Is taken In lernally.acting directly upon the hlw d and ntuenur •urface* of the ayatem. thereby destroying tne foundation of the dbeaae. and giving the patient ■tren tb by building up the Con*! 1 Luti m and a .1-1 lttB na*ure In doing Ite w ork. The pr -ptieior* have •o much falih In It* curar ve purer* that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it iaila ta cure, beud fur Iter of testimonials. Address F. .1. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo. O. b lii by a d Druggist*. 75c. Take Hall’a Family Pills for constipation. • BUSINESS ADVICE. Don’t walk a mile to save a nickel if you value your time worth more than five pennies. . Don’t sacrifice your honor. If you can't make people love you, at least have them respect you. Don’t forget that a well written business letter is brief. It is also so explicit that little time is consumed in reading it. Don’t wait for foitune to smile on you. Fortune doesn’t smile all the time. When she does she usually fa vors those who hustle and not those who wait. Don’t talk all the time. Give the other man a chance. If he opens his mouth to make an object on let him make it It’s better out than sticking in his mind. Don’t ferget that mirth is God’s medicine. The man who hasn’t a hearty laugh hasn’t much sympathy with humanity and his chances for success are small. Don’t let opportunity knock at your door and fina you asleep. If she does she will pass on and you may not have some watchful friend to catch her by the ear and bring her back. Don’t forget to get acquainted with yourself. To know one’s self is no small part of success. You may nor be all that you thought you were but don’t let that worry you. You may have a chance to make yourself like the other man before you have a large circle of business friends. REFAIRING BRAIN A Certain Way by Food. Every minister, lawyer, journalist, physician, author or business man is forced under pressure of modern c n ditions to the active and sometime overactive use of the brain. Analysis of the excreta thrown out by the pores shows that brain work breaks down the phosphafe of potash, separating it from its heavier compan ion, albumen, and plain common sense teaches that this e ementa! principle must be introduced into the body anew each day, if we would replace the los s and rebuild the brain tissue. We know tnat the phosphate oi po'.ash, a3 presented in certain fiel 1 grains, has an affinity for albumen and that is the only way gray matter in th: brain can be built. It will not answe to take the crude phosphate of potash of the drug shop, for nature rejects it. The elemental mineral must be pre sented through food directly from na ture's laboratory. These facts have been made use oi in the manufacture of Grape-Nuts, and any brain worker can prove the value of the proper selection of food by mak ing free use of Grape-Nuts for ten days or two weeks. Sold by grocers every where (and in immense quantities). Manufactured by the Postnm Co., Bat tle Creek. Mick. THE WHITE PAINT OF THE WHITE HOUSE. The White House at Washington, which has been the "Kings Palace” of the American People since it was first occupied by President Madison in 1809, has recently undergone a thorough course of remodelling, rena vation and repair. Every American citizen is ewn.r of an undivided eighty or eighty-five millionth part of the White House, as well as of the other Public Buildings and Monuments in the Capitol City. An item in the renovation of the remodelled White House was repainting. Every visitor to Washington knows why the White House is so called—because it is lit erally a "white house”. The ext.rior paint must therefore be white. Now while the pure white surfaces and sim ple lines of the White House, set in the midst of green lawns and beauti ful trees, produce a very satisfying effect of dignified simplicity, white paint from a practical point of view, is about the most unsatisfactory kind of paint that could have b.en selected by the original designers. First, be cause any white paint is easily dis colored by smoke and dust, and sec ond. because ordinary white paint itself gradually turns gray or brown ish yellow from exposure. But white the White House is and white it must remain or it would no longer be the "White House”. So the renovators, making tbe best of a dis couraging situation, sought for the best kind of white paint procurable. The average citizen if asked to guess what kind of paint they finally decid ed on would probably answer—“white lead and oil,” but he would guess wrongly. The paint selected as the best obtainable was a ready mixed paint, such as can be bought in any well furnished village store, such as is used by more than half of the eighty or eighty-five million owners of the White House on their own homes. That one brand of mixed paint was used instead of another is a mere accidental detail—there are fifty or a hundred brands on the market that might have been selected in other circumstances, and in fact, a different brand was used in paint ing the Capitol. Every property owner, therefore, who paints his house with a high grade ready-mixed paint is following the example set by tbe Gov rnment Authorities at Washington, who used ready-mixed paint, because they could find nothing else as good. STORY OF A FHOTOGRAPH: Uncanny Figure Appeared in Three Successive Sittings of Young Woman. The following story of a young lady living in tne country who came 10 J-onuon to be photographed is told by "M. A. P.,” and vouched for oy a well known London photographer. Aftei seme days the lady, Miss B-, was inlormed tjie photograph was not a success, and another sitting was sug gested. This she agreed to, but agaiu was informed that the photograph was a failure. There was a third sitting. In iwo days' time she received an urg ent letter from the photographer ask ing her to come up to his stuaio and bring a friend with her. Miss B. went, accompanied by her mother, and was Ehown the amazing results of the three sittings. The pictures ol *he girl herself were quite good, but in each plate there was to be seen standing behind her the figure of a man holding a dagger in his uplifted hand. The features, though faint, were clearly discernible, and Miss B. recognized them as those ot her Tame, an officer In the Indian army. 1 he effect of this experience was so ~reat that after a few days she wr out to India, breaking off the engagement. GUARANTEE OF GOOD FAITH Boy Applicant for Situation Who Knew a Thing or Two About Fires. There had been a fire in the shop of Mr. Sands, and, neighbors being neighbors, there were not wanting charitable individuals to suggest that if the shop had not been insured the lire would not have occurred. How ever the* matter was amicably settled between Mr. Sands and the insurance company, and in due course the shop was reopened. Everything in the place was brand new, and, therefore, it was only natural that he should want a brand-new errand boy. Bstimes a beaming youth applied. "Now, what I want,” said the trades man, impressively, “is a a lad upon whom I can rely—in whom I can place Implicit faith. You understand’.'" “You’ll find I’m all that, and more," said the youth. "1 want a lad I can trust.” “That’ll be all right, guv’nor.” said an applicant. And then he added, in confidential tones: “You’ll find me close as an oyster. And if you should appear to want another little flare up at any time, you can stand on me. I’ll never breathe a whisper!" But, oddly enough, he was not en gaged. MONEY MAKES THE HARE CO Tied in a Girl’s Handkerchief Quite a Sum Went to the Dogs. An odd story of the disappearance of a hare with a sum of money comes from Donegal, Ireland. An old man living in the mountains, near Gien ties, sent his daughter into the town to change a five-pound bill which ho had. received from his son in Amer ica The girl, having changed the bill, and made a purchase for 2s 6d. was returning home, when it struck her to look at some traps set in the mountain. She was delighted to find a large hare, and, having nothing else with which to dispatch it, proceeded to strangle it with the handkerchief, in which she had tied up the precious £4 17s. 6d. Strangulation being com pleted to the satisfaction of the girl, she was about to lift up the uaro when the animal sped away with the handkerchief and the money. A hare with a white article round its neck was later seen in Killybegs, but that is all the old man and his danghter knew of the whereabouts of the money. CAKES AMD HUT BkEADS. Some Recipes for Delicious Breakfast and lea Cakes—A f me Kind of Doughnuts. Oatmeal Muffins.—One cup oatmeal, one and one-half pints hour, one tea spoon salt, two teaspoons baking pow der, one tab.espoon lard, two eggs, one pint milk. Si.t together oatmeai, pour, sait and powoer; rub in lard cold, add beaten eggs and milk; mix smooth.;." Into batter rather thinner than than cup cake; fill muffin pans two-thirds full; bake in good hot oven 15 minutes. Swiss Tartlets.—Take one egg, its weight in sta.e cake crumbs and tre. n butter, a tabiespoonful of sugar, and a littie flavoring. Beat up the butter to a cream with the sugar, add the cake crumbs and eggs, then flavoring, mixing all together. Line some patty pans with puff paste, and then a layer of apricot jam and a thick layer of the mixture. Bake a quarter of an hour in a sharp oven. Cream and Buttermilk Doughnuts.— One and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one each of sour cream and buttermilk, one beaten egg, one even teaspoonful each of soda and salt, a little grated nutmeg, and flour enough to make dough suffi ciently firm to roll out only, for it ought to be as soft as can be handled. Cocoanut Butter.—Sift together one, pintofflo'ir.aleve'teaspoon of ^alt; a"d two heaping teaspoons of bal ing pew-, der; rub in liahtlv wirh the tips of the fingers one heaping tablespoon of but ter; when this is done add one cup of shredded cocoanut and mix it well through the flour. Moisten with sweet1 milk to form a soft dough, roll out and cut into small biscuits, then bake in quick oven. muian tsreasrast koiis. — l hree fourths cup of molasses, one cup of sour milk, one and one-half cups flour, one cup Indian meal, one-half teaspoonful salt, one teaspoon saleratus dissolved in one tablespoon cold water and well beaten in the last thing. Bake 25 or 30 minutes in a moderate oven.—Farmers' Review. Chicken and Celery Salad.—Prepare the chicken as for boiling. When done and entirely cold cut in little squares. If you want a white salad use only the white meat, reserving the dark for other purposes. Wash and cut the white parts of celery into half-inch pieces; place in a bowl of cold water ifBt.il needed. Use a pint of chicken to tvm-thirds of a pint of chopped celery and a cup and a half of mayonnaise dressing. When ready to make up dry the celery and mix with the chicken, mingling a pinch of salt, white permer or eavenne each, and mix it with the mayonnaise. Serve on a cold dish garnished with the white celery tips. Shad-Roe Salad. — Wash one set of shad roes; put them in a saucepan, cover them with boil ing water and add a teaspoonful of salt; put the lid on and simmer gent ly for 20 minute?. When done lift them carefully from the water and stand away until perfectly cold. Make a half pint of mayonnaise and set it away. When ready to serve remove the skin from the outside of the shad roe and cut them into thin slices. Pu. one onion slice in the center of the ■mlad dish; arrange around it salad leaves that are stiff and fresh; h ap the shad roe in the center, pour over it the mayonnai?e and serve. Lobster Salad. — Make cups of the crisp lettuce leaves now on the market, and break up the inferior leaves and mix with lobster which you are preparing for the salad, viz.: A pint of lob’ter. cut into small pieces, seasoned with French or other dre?=ing and kept on ice until you are ready to complete Mix with half of the dressing, and put a large spoonful of the lobster in each cup of salad, and add a tea=poonful of dressing on the top. Garnish the dish with parsley. Lettuce Salad. — Pick each leaf over carefully, being careful not to break them. Shake off and drain in a net. Keep in a cool place until ready to serve. Arrange the leaves in a salad bowl as tasteful ly as possible and serve with French dressing or with sweetened cr*am If preferred, sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper may be used instead of the French dressing.—N. Y. World. HOW TO KEEP WELL. Sleep in Room Cooler Than Living Apartments Daily and Dash Cold Water on Chest and Throat. You dread the cold room on rising? It need not be bitterly or dangerously cold, please remember. A well ventilated bouse does not necessarily mean a coid house, and pure air does not have to be iced air Extremes are very apt to be danger ous, and, while the lungs demand fresh air, that they may do theii work well, too low a temperature is not wise. But the sleeping room room you are apt to have to spend most of your working and waking hours in. You will feel better for having slept in a cool room, and if on rising you think it too cool just try those lively breathing and stretching ex ercises I suggested last week—adding a few arm swinging exercises. Then sponge your chest, face and throat off with cold water, rub brisk ly till dry and rosy—fill the lungs a dozen times, and dress as quickly as possible; you’ll find you feel so fresh and well that you will never again risk the discomforts and lack of rest attending a close sleeping room. But if you hope to effect a cure permanent, not temporary, we must take care that nature’s laws ol health are obeyed.—Chicago Inter Ocean. — An Appetizing Cheese Cake. One and one-haif cups cottage cheese, two tablespoonfuls cream, one-half cup sugar, three eggs, juice and rind of a lemon, or if preierred a teaspoonful of vanilla, a teaspoonful of melted batter Beat the eggs to a light foam, press the cheese through a colander, add all the ingredients to the cheese and beat un til frothy and creamy. Line your dish with plain paste crust, put in the mix ture and bake in quick oven for half an hour. This is sufficient for one cak£ only. To Remove Grease. Ether is one of the mo3t effective remedies for removing grease spots from clothing. Eng'sh . c Reforming. The people are changing; they are forsaking the publiran and the brew er; they are beginning to fortake even the bookmaker and the tout. They grow less frivolous and more earnest. —Methodist Recorder, London One Peculiarity. One peculiarity about the feminine sex seems to be the impossibility of discussing it with moderation; critics are either violently antagonistic or 'alsely complimentary.—Lady Violet Greville in the London Graphic. Postage Stamp Market. One of the familiar and picturesque sights of Paris is the postage stanr market, which meets, both in sumrne' and winter, under the trees ot the Champs Elysees. Here stamp co'lect orr meet, buy and sell and discuss prices. Real Test cf Faith. “Vhat we need to keep this old world going.'’ says on^ of the thought ful brethren, "is more of the Faith which a-vertises for a lost umbrella." —Atlanta Constitution. Would Not Stay Glued. A Dresden correspondent says that the servant of a carpenter at Freyn ing, in Bavaria, happened to cut off the end of her forelinger the other day. Her employer quickly brought his gluepot up and glued the finger to gether again. However, the operation was not successful. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE A powder. It cures painful, smart lng, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It’s the grea'est comfort discovery oi the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Trial package. FREE. Address A S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. The proof of the pudding is some times in the vermiform appendix. Smokers have to call for Lewis’ Single Binder cigar to net it. Your dealer or Lewis’ Factor}’, Peoria. I1L Garfield Tea cures sick-headaehe. bilious attacks, liver trouble and constipation. Who refuses cheap advice must buy dear repentance. Mrs. fi'iniinw’B Soothlnc Srrnp. r children teethinp, soficcs the lining, reduce* nifilnatlgq. allay* pain, cures wind colic. 2ac a broils. One has but to step inside an ambu lance tent to feel that there is no meaning at all in the word enemy. Send to Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free package of Garfield lea. the herb cure for constipation and liver trouble. A woman never feels a day older than she thinks she looks. Struck by Lightning. Mrs. Nancy Cleary, of Brewers, N. C., suffered as if struck by lightning. She says: "I was almost paralvzeo from my waist down, and my back hurt me constantly, from temale trou bles. I had headache, seemed always tired, and felt as if I was dying. I took Wine of Cardui, which cured me, and now I feel like a new person.” Cardui relieves periodical pain, and makes sick women well. $1.10 at drugstores. As a rule the head that wins a hat is too big to wear it. Attention Kentuckians. Every Kentuckian, who is a thor oughbred, will arrange, if possible, to I attend the Homecoming held at Louis I rille, Ky„ in June. Tickets sold June llthf 12 and 13th. Ijocg return limit. THE WABASH RAILROAD has ar -anged for a VERY LOW rate. Everything favorable, in all probab ilities, the WABASH will run special trains through to Louisville for the above occasion. All interested in going should com municate at once with Harry E Moores, G. A. P. D. Wabash R. R., 1C01 Famam street, Omaha, Neb. The polished Christ'an comes from the mills of adversity. Garfield Tea, the herb laxative, is mild, effective, health-giving—a faultless prep aration. It cure* constipation. Never send a man on a fool's er rand. Go yourse.f. CUSTOMS For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of For Ovsr Thirty Years Jewel Maladies. All jewels except diamonds are liable to maladies. Rubies, sapphires and pearls have their separate ail ments, but diamonds are immune on account of their great hardness. Precious stones are ail affected by surrounding conditions. Import Fish for Poor. In Sfutcart and some other south German cities, fishes are imported by the carlcad tinder municipal supervi sion. and sold at low prices for the benefit of the poor. With every new deception we feel ourselves a little more detached from 'he earth from our fellow creatures, from our own stives most of alf. These dlsapnoin mf nts are so many stages in the progress of a mortal malady. In the shipwreck of any life there might almost always be a last chanc*' of safety left, did not dishonor take her place on the plank to which the drowning man is clinging and drag him down into the depths below. M For Sick Women To Consider FlBST.—That almost every operation in our hospitals performed upon women becomes necessary through neglect of such symptoms as backache, irregular and painful periods, displacements of the female organs, pain in the 6ide, burning sensation in the stomach, bearing-down pains, nervousness, diz ziness and sleeplessness. Second.—The medicine that holds the record for the largest number of absolute cures of female ills is Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound It regulates, strengthens and cures diseases of the female organism as nothing else can. For thirty years it has been helping women to be strong, curing backache, nervousness, kidney troubles, inflam mation of the female organs, weak ness and displacements, regulating the periods perfectly and overcoming their pains. It has also proved itself invaluable in preparing women for childbirth and the change of life. Third.—The great volume of unso licited and grateful testimonials on file at the Pinkiiam Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., many of which are from time to time published by permission, give ab solute evidence of the value of Lydia I E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkham’s advice. Mrs.Plnkharn’s StaedinglnvItatioD to Women.—Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to , promptly communicate with Mrs. 1‘ink ■ ham, at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered j by women only. From symptoms given, your trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Mrs. 1‘inkham is daughter in-law of Lydia E. Piakham and for twenty-live years under her direction and since her decease she has been ad visingsickwomenfreeofcharge. Outof the vast volume of experience in treat ing female ills Mrs Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help yoar case. Surely, any woman, rich or poor, is very fooli sh if she does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. The Government of Canada Give* absolutely FREE to every settler one hun dred and sixty ecres of land in W es tern Canada. Land adjoining this can be purchased from railway and land companies at from SO to SI 0 per acre. On this land this year has been produced upwards of twenty-five bushels of wheat to the acre. It is also the best of grazing land and for mixed farming it has no superior on the continent. Splendid climate, low taxes, railways convenient, schools and churches close at hand. Write for “Twentieth Century Canada'’ and low railway rates to Superintendent of Immigration. Ottawa, Canada; or to authorized Canadian Government Arent— W. V. Bennett. 801 New York Life Build ing, Omaha, Nebraska. IMention this paper.! ..■■■I■Will I —