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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1906)
Loup City Northwestern »'V*r X ** - — 3 V i ^ <?* ' VOLT ME XXIII. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA THURSDAY, ItPRlt •>. HHW. NUMBER 25 THE NORTHWESTERN TiCUMS:—fl.OOPEB YEAR. IF PAID IF ADVAFC1 Entered at the Loup City Postottlce for trans mission through the mails as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - R8 Residence ’Phone. - - R15 ./■ W. BURLEIGH. Kd. and Pnb. ADVERTISING KATES Display Space—Rates furnished upon ap plication. Local Notices.—Five cents per line for each insertion Notices set in black face type double the above rate All notices will be run until ordered out when time is not specified. Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec tures, suppers, etc., where an admission fee is charged, or a momentary interest involved, five cents per line each insertion. Card of Thanks. 50 cents. Resolutions of respect and condolence, $1.00, I n memoriam poetry, five cents a line. Announcements of church services, lodge, society and club meetings and all public gatherings where not conducted for revenue, will be published free. Two noted deaths in Nebraska the past few days—ex-Gov. Boyd at Omaha last Saturday, and Hon. Jack McCall at Lexington. Monday. Reliable reports come to us tliat B. & M. surveyors are busy between Boelus and Cairo, and that work be tween those places will soon be begun. it is said that the railroad hotel at Ravenna will not be rebuilt, and in stead only a lunch counter eating house will be maintained in its place. A straw on the change in the main route of the B. & M. between Cairo and Dunning. The Times last week brought out ex-Representative E. H. Kittell of Rockville as the coming candidate of the opposition for representative. We may then consider it authentic that Kittell will be the man the populists will place at the head of their county ticket. From the fact tliat reports from the Pacific Coast are to the effect . that earthquake shocks are occurring daily at various points on the coast since the great upheavel on the 18th instant, timid people are insisting that it is almost like flying in the face of Providence to stay there or rebuild fortunes in that devastated country. However, timidity is not a general characteristic of the progres sive American people. Had timidity been the rule rather than the excep ion. America today would have still Ih‘ a howling wilderness, peopled with Indians and the habitation of wild animals. Lightning seldom strikes twice in the same place. Attorney General Brown has sprung a new sensation the past week in hav ing issued a temporary restraining order against the Nebraska Lumber Dealers' association, declaring said association to be a trust, etc. In an other column will lie found an inter view with Mr. A. K. Outhouse of the Keystone Lumber company, who is one of the directors of the association, in which Mr. Outhouse most em phatically denies each and every allegation of the attorney general. He claims that when the report was circulated that after the grain trust Mr. Brown would investigate the lumber dealers' association, with the idea that it also came under the head of a trust and combination affair, the secretary of the association called Mr. Brown into his office and gave him free access to all the books and papers of the association, and that everything was done to assist the attorney general in securing every know ledge of the association's affairs. Mr. Outhouse says the restraining order can have no effect upon the ullairs of the association as it does not come under the head of trusts nor combines, and insists tliat consumers are beneiited by the association, rather than wronged, as Mr. Brown .would have them beleive. Rockville Items. Lots of rain in this vicinity. Rockville has only one saloon this year. Elmer Isaacson is suffering with the rheumatism. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. O, Johnson, a bouncing baby girl. Frank Sundstrom and Andrew Kyni departed for Alliance, where they will work this summer. Tuesday evening. Frank Sundstrom was very pleasantly surprised by a lurge crowd of young folks, Games were played and all report a tine time. Received too late for last week. Conrad Koch was in town Wednes day. The Burlington engineers are work ing in our valley this week. Nels Thompson came home from Nevada for the summer last week, Johnson Bros, are building an up to-date residence for O. Burman, one and one-half miles northwest of town. Last Sunday the Rookvilie and Boelus teams played the first ball game of the season, Boelus winning by a score of 14 to 3. Stanley Goc and Tom Jamrog of Ashton were in the city Wednesday. We understand Mr. Jamrog lias bought the Iizwingle saloop. Married—Mr. George Vangerman and Miss Bertha Fletcher Wednesday, April 15th. at the home of the bride's parents. We wish the young couple a long and happy married life, g Oleora Nocot Clarence McLaughlin, who was kicked by a horse, is improving. Mr. Frank Johnson's little daugh ter lias been -on the sick list for • several davs. Mrs. Grace McLaughlin has been suffering with tonsilitis. but is much better at present. Mr. and Mrs. John Rapq of Bshton. are visiting their daughter, Mrs. John Wheeler, who is very sick. Mrs. N. Foss of Aurora, is visiting his brother, S. Foss, and family, and looking after business affairs. Messrs. Henry Abrams and Bert McOstrlch of Poole, visited Saturday and Sunday with H. L. Bell and family. NOW AFTER THE LUMBERJ1EALERS Attorney General Calls Associ ation a Trust. A. B. OUTHOUSE DENIES IT claims Association Not Guilty ot Charges Named in Petition Last Wednesday, Judge Letton of the supreme court, acting upon a petition filed by Attorney General Brown, issued a temporary restrain ing order against the members of the Nebraska Lumber Ioealers' association to prevent them from combining to restrain trade or control prices and to prevent the officers from destrov ing any of the records of the associ ation. As one of the officers of the association, and one of the first in the list of lumber companies men tioned in the restraining order is Mr. A. B. Oouthouse of our own Kev stone Lumber company, a reporter of The Nobthwestekn called upon Mr. Outhouse and gained the following interview as his version of the action started by the attorney general against the association: "If Mr. Brown was sincere in want ing to see that the laws of the state are not violated by this association, he had ample opjiortunity to do so with out beginning this suit. The Sec retary of the Nebraska Lumber Dealers' Association, some time ago. requested the Attorney General to investigate the Constitution and By Laws of the Association. Also offered to show any and all of the corre spondence that passed between the Secretary' and its members. The object in giving out this information was to get his opinion. If they violated the law they were ready to dissolve. The allegation made in the petition is absurd, wherein it states that the Association attempts to say at what price lumber or building material shall be sold by its members. The Association lias never issued a price list or attempted, to name a selling price of building hiaterial. 1 realize that a great many people are of the opinion that associations made up of individuals engaged in the same business is intended tor a monopoly and other gross wrongs, some of which Mr. Brown has seen fit to charge up I to the Nebraska Lumber Dealers' Association. I think that the Dec laration of Purpose of the Nebraska Lumber Dealers’ Association as fol lows. will make it plain that there is no intention on the part of the Association to form a trust: 'The object of this Association is andsliall be to secure and disseminate to its members any and all ksga' and proper information which may be of interest or value to any member or members thereof in his or their busi ness as retail lumber dealers. No rule, regulations or by-laws shall be adopted in any manner stifling com petition. limiting production, restrain ing trade, regulating prices or pool ing profits. No co-ercive measures of any kind shall be practiced or adopt ed toward any retailer, either to in duce him to join the association, or to buy or refrain from buying from any particular manufacturer or wlmlesaler. Nor shall any discrimi natory practices on the part of this association be used or allowed against any retailer for the reason that he may not be a member of the associa tion or to induce or persuade him to become such member. No promises or agreements of any kind shall be requisite to membership in this association, nor shall any penalties be imposed upon its members for any cause whatsoever.' "If the temporary restraining order that has been issued by the Court becomes permanent, it will not affect the Association in the least, for the very good reason that the association is not guilty of the charges named in the petition. I certainly believe that the consumers of lumber are benefit ed by this association and not wronged as Mr. Brown would have them be leive,” Had It Been Your Baby? Intense excitement was raised in the west part of the county last Thursday by the report that a little 3-year-old boy named Moreford. living a few miles northeast of Mason, had wandered away from home and was lost. Searching parties were organ ized and all of Thursday night and Friday till the middle of the after noon scoured the prairies for miles around, when they at last found the little fellow asleep on a side hill safe and sound, yet having been out in a heavy rain all night and thinly clad. Fine Lecture Course At a greater axpense than ever before, the lecture course committee of the M. E. church have secnred an exceptionally fine program for the lecture course for this season. Slav ton’s Jubilee Singers: The Dunbar Male Quartette and Bell Singers: Pitt Parker: Humorous Cartoonist: Dr. John Merritte Driver of Chicago, lecturer, and Dr. Eugene May of Washington. I). C., lecturer, being tire talent selected by the committee. These entertainments will be a treat to all who listen to them and we feel confident that the class of entertain ments excels auything of the kind heretofore seen in Loup City. The Swede Hit It, The cyclone season lias no sooner begun than comes the following breezy story of a Kansas twister that struck the house of a Swedish settler. The house was picked up and carried a couple of miles with the owner inside. Finally, bruised, battered and utterly unconcious the unfortunate son of Scandianavia was deposited on the ground, whence he was taken to the hospital. The next day a preacher in his rounds to the wounded stopped at the Swede's bed to console him. After lie had heard the sensational story of the storm the minister said soothingly, “Che. the Lord certainly was with* you in your perilous jour ney through tlie air.” "Mebbe he vas" was Ole’s reply, “but if he vas. bay Yesses he vas going some." Looks Like Business. A party of railroad surveyors ar rived at Cairo Wednesday and will commence work on locating the line between this place and Loup City, the line striking the Loup bottom somewhere near Boelus. This survey has been completed from Sargent to Dunning, and it looks like the rail road company really intends to huild the extension from Sargent to Dunn ing and connect with the main line at Cairo. Should this be done our town will doubtless be considerably benefited thereby.—Cairo Record. Burlington Bulletin Of Round Trip Rates. Special llomeseeker's Rates:—1st and 3rd Tuesdays, low excursion rates to the North Platte Valley, the Big Horn Basin and other frontier territory. Personally conducted ex cursions on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month for those seeking free homesteads of (MO acres of mixed farming and dairying. Write L). Clem Deaver. Agent Homeseekers’ Information Bureau. 1004 Farnam St.. Omaha. Nebraska. Low Vacation Tours to Colorado. California and Puget Sound:—The summer of 1906 will bring a great variety of attractive low rate ex cursion tours. The greatest railroad journey in the world—to California and Puget Sound i within your reach at about half rates daiiy from April 25th to May 5th. also after June 1st. Ask about excursion rates to aan Francisco for the teachers’ big meeting , also about the cheap rates to Colorado for the Elks* great gathering early in July. To Western Resorts:—Low rate excursion tickets to the Black Hills. Hot Springs. South Dakota. Sheridan. Wyoming. <Eaton s Ranch. Big Horn Monntains) and Yellowstone Park: ask about special camping tour of 21 days from Cody through the Yellowstone Park Go Somewhere —Life is short; see America. Think over the kind of a trip you would like to make, and ask ttye undersigned to help you plan the most interesting trip at the lowest possible cost. K. L. Arthur. Agent. Union Pacific Low Rates To California and return—San Francisco or or Los Angeles. Tickets on sale April 25th tq May 5th. 1906 $51.45 for the round trip, to accomodate delegates and others to meeting of the Mystic Shrine this remarbably low round trip rate to Los Angeles has been granted by the Union Pacific Short line. Fast trains. No delays. Be sure your tickets read over this line Inquire of T. A. Clark Agent. Very low rates to California on account of the convention at Los Angeles. Cal.. May 7-10. 1906 of the Imperial Council Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine the Union Pacific has authorized a very low round trip rate to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Tickets on sale from April 25th to May 5th. For rates, sleep:;- car reservations and California literature write to T. A CLARK. Agent. Baptist Church Directory. Every Sunday. Morning services.10:30 a m Sunday School .11:3o a m B. Y. P. C. . ... 6:30pm Evening services . 7:30 pm and 8:00 in the summer months. Mid-week praver meetings every Wednesday night et 7:30 to 8:00 p. m. Praver meetings are held in the parsonage during winter months. The Ladies’ Aid Society meeison Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. H .S. Wold. Pastor. Notice of Hearing. In the District Court of Sherman County. Ne braska: In the matter of *the petition of Arminius P. Culley to require the executrix of the last will ami testament of George H Scott, de ceased. to execute a deed of conveyance of certain real estate. State of Nebraska, i >SS. Sherman County. ' To Elizabeth Scott, executrix of the estate of George H. Scott, deceased: Elizabeth Scott, widow of George H Scott, deceased : Joel R Scott, Kate Kittel. Lucy Finch. George H. Scott. Livingston G. Scott. Iona Sharp and Thaddeus Scott, children and heirs »t law of George II. Scott, deceased: Margaret Scott, wife of said Joel R. Scott: George Kittel. husband of said Kate Kittel; Kate Scort. wife of said George H. Scoti: Irene Scott, wife of said Livingston G. Scott: William Sharp. husband of said Iona Sharp: Daisy Scott, wife of said Thaddeus Scott, and to ail persons interested in the estate of said George H. Scott, deceased: You and each of you are hereby notified that on March 31st. 1906. Arminius P. Culley filed his petition in the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree authorizing and directing Elizabeth Scott, a.-* executrix of the last will and testament of George H. Scott, de ceased. to execute and deliver to the said A r minlus P Culley a deed containing full cove nants ol warranty to the following described real estate situate in Sherman county. Nebras ka. io-w it: A piece or parcel of land lying and being in lots one and two. In block eighteen, in the original town, now village, of Loup City, and being the south forty feet off of the south end of said lots one and two. and which is de scribed by metes and bounds as follows: Com mencing at the southeast corner of said lot one. and running thence north along the east line of said lot one forty feet, theace west and parallel with the south line of said lots one and two. to the west line of said lot t wo. thence south and along the west line of said lot two to the south line of said lot two, thence east along the south line of said lota one and two to the place of beginning, in pursuance of the terms of u certain written contract between said George H Scott now deceased, and S. F. Rey nolds. and which contract was thereafter sold, assigned and delivered to the said Arminius P. Culley. That said petition was. on April 3rd. 1906. presented to the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, and an order was made by said court tnat the hearing upon said petition be had at the court house in Loup City, Ne braska. in said county of Sherman, on the 12th day of June. 1906. at the hour of 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. and it was further or dered that notice of the pendency of this peti tion and of the time and place fixed for the hearing thereon be given by publication for six successive weeks in the Loup City North western, a weekly newspaper published and of general circulation in said county of Sher man. Dated this 25th day of April. 1906. arminius P. Culley. Petitioner. By R. J Nightingale. His Attorney. attest: C. F. Beushausen. Clerk of the District Court of [seal] Sherman County. Nebraska. By John Minshull, Deputy.□ Last pub. June 7. Siepmann & Oltmann City Meat Market. Siepmann & Oltmann City Dray Line. Siepmann & Oltmann Citv Meat Market. Siepmai n & Oltmann Dity Dray Line. Phone W51 and W53 Notice to Land Owners To all whom it may concern : The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at road No. *2U, at the southeast corner of Section thirty (30). Township four lean «14). Range thirteen • 13). and ruuning thence north three miles between section thirty and twenty-nine, nineteen and twenty, and e ghteen and seveuteen. and terminating at the northeast corner of Section eighteen (IK). Township fourteen (14). Range thirteen (13). in Sherman county, has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, anti all claims for damages or objections thereto must be tiled in the County Clerk's office, on or before noon of the 20th day of June. A. D.. 1906. or such road will be established without reference thereto. Dated this 17th day of April. 1906. [SEAL] C. F. BEUSHAUSEN. County Clerk. By John Minshull. Deputy. U P RAILWAY. OVERLAND ROUTE Vhrss Daily ^Fraiys to California. TRAINS ARRIV £ AND DEPART AS FOLLOWS:— No. 38 leaves daily except Sunday (pass eager). 7:25a. m. No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and Friday, (mixedi 12:20 p. m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixedi 1:15 p. m. No. 87arrives dally except Sunday (mixed) 11:50 a. m. No. 37 arrives Monday. Wednesday and Fri day at 7:35 p. m. No. 39 (passenger) Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p m. First class service and close connections east, west and south. Tickets sold to all points aud baggage checked through to deslination. Information will be chter fully furnished on application to T. A. CbABK., Agent J TIM IS TABLE. LOUP CITY NEBII. Liucom, Denver, Omaha. Helena. Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis. San Francisco, and all points and all points ast and south. West. TRAINS. LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No. 52 Passenger.7.3kr. m No 60 Freight. 9:15 a m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger. 5:10 p. »n. No. 59 Freight.6:00 p. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair care (scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United Stales or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to R L. Arthur agent. Or J. Francis. Gen’l Passenger agent. Omaha. Nebraska. Tie St. Elmo Liyery Bara Is under a new management. Give me a trial and if you have any thing good to say, say it to others; if you have any complaint, make it to me. Others can't right my mistakes, hut I can and will. Respt., T.E.Gilbert.Prop. PIIONE, W 9. Give Us a Trial k Round Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr. Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers Headquarters ior tanners’ teamo ‘Com mercial men's trade given especial at tention. Your patronage solicited. I Good JVlusic Popular JVlusic Classical JVlusic Sheet JVlusic of All J(ipds For Sale by Undertaking and Art Goods C. H. LEININGER pufpitufe Pianos and Organs E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Yiee President. Cashier -directors W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland LDUP CUT STATE* BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00 J. P. Uiiier Lnmlier Company Loup City, Nebraska, L U MBE R Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand, Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints oup 1VIOTTO: Good Goods At Right Prices We run our business on the prin ciple that The Best Wins We adhere to the policy of always giving the best possible value For Least Money There’s considerable satisfaction in a store where you know it’s impossible for you to make a mistake. You always have the Our desire is to make Loup City The Best Possible JVIafket IN SHERMAN COUNTY - P— iff ml' m And all kinds of Produce, C. C. Cooper. " ZM I On account of re-building our coal sheds, we will reduce the price of our coal in bins on B. & M. $.25 per ton. -YARDS AT Loup City, Ashton Rockville and Schaupps Ml, S DM m BOUGHT AT THE B. 8l ]VI. ELEV/ATOPS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Lonp City el Asia. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see oar coal and get prices on grain. E. G- TAYLOR. High Gfade Orgap Manufactured by the I At Factory Prices ill Ml m Delivered m your town. You Pay $5 Gash apd $1 Per Week 50 Per Gent Off on Retail Prices Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors, a OnaatLa,, USTet). The Big Piano and Organ House.