The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 29, 1906, Image 8

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I have a choice line of pocket knives, razors and scissors manufactured by the Union
Razor Co. These goods are manufactured by skilled workmen and the best of material
used. There is a guarantee oil each article, which means money refunded if found
defective. If it is a razor you want, my line shows you a large variety.
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs.S3.00@*4 50
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 5.70
Corn, per bu. 27 @.29
Wheat, per bu.55@> .59
Oats, per bu. 21 i§ .23
li ve, per bu. 40@ 43
Hugs, per doz.. 10
Hotter, per lb. 13@18
Iioaal Daws.
All Odd Fellows are requested to
meet at their hall Saturday evening,
March 31, at 8 o’clock sharp, on special
business. D. C. Grow, G,
District court next Tuesday.
Mrs. Skip Thrasher is il.
Mrs. Aug. Moll is quite ill.
•Iini Bayne has rnoyed to Aurora.
Frank Daddow is a la grippe sufferer.
Two mare days of blustering March.
1162. Ashley Conger, the drayman
Get him.
Grandma Long has been very poorly
of late.
For all kinds of garden seeds, see
Draper Bros.
Baled hay for sale by A. P. de Lyster.
Free delivery.
D. M. Reynolds left for Bonesteel,
S. IX, yesterday.
Phone A. T. Conger. HB2, when in
teed of a drayman.
Born, last Thursday, to Mr. anu Mrs.
John Zink, a baby girl.
Bran, Shorts, Corn. Screenings and
Rye dour at D. C. Grow’s.
Dar D. Grow this week purchased
the S. D. Hulbert property.
For cheap rates to southwest Ne
braska, see Zimmerman & Brewer.
There are 29 cases on the docket for
the coming term of the district court.
C. H. Leinlnger, undertaker and em
balmer. Calls an-wered day or night.
Aug. Jaeschke last week purchased a
240-acre farm four miles east of town.
Dr. Hess’ Worm Powder, louse killer,
panacea aud stock food at D. C. Grow's
M'ss Ethel M. Ellis of Des Moines,
la., will trim for Miss Hunt this season.
We handle the Richardson silks and
Johnson & Lorentz
Remember the dates of my opening.
April 11th, 12th. 13 h and 14th—opposite
St. Elmo hotel. AliceA. Hunt
You can get your suit pre sed and
cleaned for 75c to $100 at JohnsoD &
Mrs. John Fisher of Oak Creek, who
has been quite seriously ill, is now con
vi.l Mcing rapidly.
Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb
SDeeialict in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glassi s.
See A. P. de Lvster for Loup City
Mill Co’s Flour and Feed. Every sack
warranted. Feee delivery.
Grant Rogers of Hamilton county,
has rented the Whitmore farm, and
will remain In Sherman county.
John W. Long is prepared to
make all Real Estate Loans on
short notice at lowest rates.
Miss Anna Hunt. Loud City’s popular
milliner, returned trom Aurora last
Saturday to re-open her millinery
season here.
Wanted—200 head of cattle to pas
ture. Plentv of live water Price Sl.BC
per head. Inquire at C. H Leiniuger’s
furniture store.
O. E. Mel lor will sell wind mills and
to * ere at cost for the next thirty days
to close out those on hand. See him
immediately, if in need of one.
Draper Bros manufacture all theii
harness in l/tap City; they use the lvest
(Nik-tanned leather, and guarantee theii
harness. Patronize home industry.
H ive your furniture repairing and
upholstering done now. J. J Condon
first-class nrholsterer. has arrived. All
f work done at Marcv's dentd building
Airs. Hans Obcruiilh-r. who was
(•Derded on at the St. Joseph hospital
at, Omaha, last week for gallstones, Is
ri ported doing nicely. Between 20(
and 300 stones wen* removed from tli«
gall bladder.
Lovers of good hors“s will lie inter
est*-d to know that that the fln*
stall on, Uaseo B. owned liy G A Ourrv,
will make the season at the Round
Front bam Cdl and see him.
WANTED; District Managers to
post, signs, advertise and distribute
samples Sal-rr *18.00 we-kly. *3 0(1
per day for expenses. * ate age and
; resent • tnployinent. Ideal Shkaii
Co .30 Ratt'h>l|ili St.. Chi-aro.
Loin and Will Flet' lie- bought fiv»
ear loud-of f-e U-rs at Cxiiicil B uff~,
I‘-S* wet k. three >*f wliic** th*-v brought
to Jy*n» city one foB-elus a**d • n** t*1
AilSti i I «va<* oi*e o’tlie fr "iricia*
of young stock ev rsMio-td o ih ss *•
*ion and averaged 8/H) pounds each.
Mrs. George Lee is quite ill.
S. I). Ilulliert is on the sick list.
! Next Suml >y will he—April 1st.
| Seed oats fur sale. Inquire of R L.
j Arthur.
Frank Dennis is here from St. l’aul
! today.
For barbed wire and hog wire, see
] Draper Bros.
I The county assessors wer • in session
1 yesterday.
Zimmerman & Brewer have 125 town
lots for sale.
Mrs. John Ohlsen has been quite ill
the past week.
Harness, collars, pads and strap work
at P. O. Reed’s.
Frank Taylor was up from St. Paul
over last Sunday.
Loans on Real Estate, call on
John W. Long.
Miss Zua Reed is suffering with an
attack of tonsilitis.
Zimmerman & Brewer make f irm
leans at 0 per cent.
Surveyor Corning is building a barn
on his residence lots.
Fresh corn meal, graham and buck
wheat at D. C. Grow’s.
Mrs. Dr. Young of Ansley is a guest
of Mrs. George Leininger.
Miss Jessie Culley came home Friday
Dight for a week's vacation.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Creery of
this city, Monday, a line boy.
James Lee and family were Loup
Citv visitors over l .st Sunday.
A complete line of mens' dress hats.
The Longley leads them at Johnson &
S°e Will Zimmerman for real estate
and insurance, second door east of St.
Elmo hotel.
Jim Conger requests that you get
your ice contracts signed up prior to
April 15th.
Zimmerman & Brewer have some
snaps in town property for •■ale See
them quick.
Hoes, la *n and garden rakes, and
garden seeds by package or pound at
: P. O. Re-d's.
B. W. Parkhurst of Webster town
ship is building an addition to his
house, 10x24 feet.
Bring your harness to Draper Bros
and get them repaired and oiled before
the spring rush.
The best joke on the confirmed prac
tical joker this year is that April 1st
comes on Sunday.
W. II. Boeckner has opened up his
tailor shop opposite the St. Elmo hotel,
and now solicits your patronage.
Miss Maude Reynolds has been quite
ill with la grippe the past few days, but
is reported much better at present.
Spring-time is the time to.paint—
Sherwin-Williams D the kind of paint
S<*ld by Leiningek Lumber Co.
About ten days ago Stewart Ginger
tiok up a bay horse, blind In both eyes.
Owner will please call and claim same.
H.yhurst is unloading a car of
American woven wire fence—tne best
fence on earth, price 20 cents per rod.
The west approach to the bridge west
of town over the Loup river washed
out Tuesday for noon and the bridge
closed to travel tili repairs were made.
The members of the I. O. O F. order
in this citv are circulating a petition to
build an opera house to cost $8,500, and
are receiving good financial encourage
mock in me new runners' elevator as
sociation is being taken in a most satis
factory manner by our people, oyer half
the required amount having already
been subs ribed, so we are informed.
.Loup City takes her place in the
church building list of the Presby
terians of Kearnev Presbytery They
h ive called a Rev. McEwen of Iowa to
be their pastor and will soon begin the
building of lmth a new church and a
new manse.—St. Paul Press.
Owing to th" of Mr II. V.
I Mathew, and the further fact that Mr
| Robt. Mathew ImU a pa't in the play to
i lie given last Friday evening by the
Royal Neighbors, the date was post
poned until n-xt Tuesd iv evening,
Apr 1 3rd. Give this worthy order a
good lions- on tint evening
Don't forget th* musicale at the
opera House tom >rrow (Friday) night
under the auspice r -»f the ladies of the
Presbyterian church. The best musical
. talent of our city t ike part in this
, entertainment, and all lov-rs of the
I artistic and sweetness in vocal and in
| strumental music should be present.
C. C. Carlson, the capitalist and bank
cashier of lamp City, was on our
stre**ls last Friday night complaining
j because the west bound passenger had
gon* through earlier than promised
ami consequently he had got left.
Hut fail was not discouraged; he
humedlv secured a livery te rm to take
j him to St. Paul, where lie spent the
j night —Danncbrog corr. St. Paul R*~
I publican.
Don’t forget the excursions to soudi
west Xebr*ska every Tuesday, conduct
ed by Zimmerman & Brewer
Mr. Fred Schneidereit and the Misses
Sehneulereit were pleasant callers on
Tim Northwestern last Saturday.
G. A. Holmes was up from Bristol
last Saturday and thinks everything in
splendid shape for an elegant crop
Mrs. 'V. \|. bmelser of Bock ville, in
vites you to call at the store and see
her line line of spring millinery after
April 1st. 20 3t
Ohlsen Brothers went to Omaha last
Mondav morning to see after the
material to lie put in the new (Mliolic
church at this place.
Dr. Allen has rented the cottage
vacated l.v A. Erazim, and his good
mother will be here in the immediate
future to keep house for him
Mrs. A. T. Forsell of Central City,
mofher of Mr. Tony Forsell, who used
to work for J. I. Depew, died at her
lu»me in tli >t city last Friday.
Last Friday, as Mrs. Thos. Ward
lifted her little son, betaee i two and
three years old, by one arm, she dis
located thp little one’s wrist. Dr Long
was cal ed and at present the biby is
getting along nicelv,
Bovd Burrowes, brother of Mrs. C. C
Outhouse, accompanied bv his wife, are
gu- sts of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Outhouse.
Mr. Burrowes has just finished a very
suece-sful theatrical season in northern
Nebraska and South Dakota.
While in the act of throwing out a
pan of dishwater, last Saturday noon,
Mrs. Johansen, mother of the Johansen '
hots, fell on the slippery steps at her
home, breaking one of tne bones in her 1
left wrist. Dr. Main attended the suf
fering woman, and she is getting along
The world loves the cheerful liar.
The other day we heard a man say that
he had seen the time, when in robust I
health, and in the prime and vigor of]
manhood, he could lie down in a lied of j
snow and sleep as sweetly as a babe on j
it’s mother’s breast, and experience no !
discomfort. Next!
Usually churches have a long, hard
struggle to get a start, but thanks
principally to Mr. Ed. Tavlor. the Loup j
City church starts off from the begin
ning a full grown, self-supporting
church. Mr. Taylor is the son and
brother of our own Taylors. We wish
all the churches in the state had a rep
resentative from that family —St. Paul j
1 have am veil in Loup City at last
and am getting ready as fast as pos
sible for my opening, which will be on
April 11,12.13 and 14, at which time I
invi'e the ladies of Loup City and vici
nity to call and inspect the finest line
of dress hats ever brought to Loup I have employed a city trimmer
who comes well recommended, and h»s
had several years’ experience with lead
ing milliner houses and firms. Opposite
St. Elmo. Alice A. Hi nt
We received a pleasant ca'l Tuesday
from our good German friend, Herman
Fiebig Mr. Fiebig has ju-t received
a letter from bis sons. Gust, and Ber
thold Fiebig, who left here for Pendle
ton. () egon, about the 20th inst, stating
that they arrived safe and sound,
though trains were much belated by
snows in the mountains. They like the
coun'ry very much and speck enthusi
astically of it Gust, lias lived there
for some six years, so lie was quite well
acquainted witli the country. Mr.
Fiebig lias almost entirely recovered
from his late rheumatic troubles and
save a twinge of the muscles occasion
ally is feeling in fine shape.
Wre received a very pleasant call la-l
Saturday from Mr. .1. C. <luk. who
lives on the George Westcott farm
south of town. Mr. Clark came here
from Omaha 1 st spring, and was
formerly Irom TaImage, this state
Mr. Clark, when a bov.livd with hi
parents in Illinois adjoining the home
of Abraham Lincoln, and the two fami
lies were quite intimate. Mr. Chirk
tells many pleasant incidents of Presi
dent Lincoln as he kn*w him 'boy
hood davs. wh mi "Mr. Lincoln trtiet
him on his knees and told th • stories at
which be was so apt. If von waul a
tight on your hands, j isi say a won’
against “Old Al e” in Mr. Clark's heal
ing Of cuirs* lie has la-come a lead i
of The Nobtii western, th • only true
blue Republican | a per in Slienna
c unity.
There | romises t > 1-e an intensting
light at the corning village election.
Tuesday, April 3rd, between the *• wi ts"
and “drys.” The b dints have been
printed and show tint Ott • P terson,
P. O Reed and Herm an Jung have lieen
selected bv the license el-ment as their
candidates, while the anti-license side
have chosen A. S Mdn, Ch rles Lein
inger and J. I. Depew t<> carry the
“dry’’ banner. The ticket carri- s wi-h
it t lie questions “For Saloon License”
anil “Against Saloon Lioeps-y’ so tire
onus of the decision will lest on the
individual v»\ter, and not upon the
shoulders of the men e eeted. for of
course any man elected will be in honor
bound to take the decision of the
voters on the question at issue, rather i
'ban his personal sentiment, whether it j
be for or against license. I
School Notice.
A class of beginners will be started
during the week beginning April nth.
AH parents who wish to send their
children for the first time will send
them at this time, as there will be but
one week during which they may enter.
It is recommended that no child be sent
who has not passed its sixth birthday.
It E Dale,Principal.
Dr». Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseas> s. such as Rheu
matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois.
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc.
The doctors use. besides medicine and
surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tricity and massage
Carpenter and Contractor
Your patronage solicited, either
on contract or by the day.
Baptist unurcu Directory.
Every Sunday.
Morning services.10:30 am
Sunday School .11:30 a m
H. Y. P. L\ 6:30 p m
Evening services . 7:30 pm
and 8:00 in the summer months.
Mid-week prayer meetings every Wednesday
night et 7:30 to 8:00 p. m.
Prayer meetings are held in the parsonage
during winter months.
The Ladies' Aid Society meeis on Wednesday
at 2:30 p. m. H .S. WoLD, Pastor.
land office notice.
Land Office at Lincoln. Neb.. Feb. 26, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make fiaal proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. A. An
gier,county judge, at Loup City. Neb , on Aprij
3, 1906. viz:
William Ogle,
Hd. No. 17790. for the e!4 of se* Sec. 10. Twp.
14. R. 14 W., 0 P. M., Sherman county.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John Vandergrtft. of Austin
Neb.: John Needham, of Austin. Neb.: William
Hancock, of Austin. Neb.: Perry Hayes, of
Austin. Neb. W. A. Green. Register.
Last pub. March 29.
*Phrss Daily Vraiqs to
No. 38 leaves dally except Sunday (pass'
enger). 7:25a. in. > J
No. 88 leaves Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, (mtxedi 12:20 p. m.
No. 9o leaves Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 1:1ft p. no.
No. 87 arrives daily except Snnday (mixed)
11:50 a.m.
No. 37 arrives Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day ai 7:35 p. in.
No. 39 (passenger) Tuesdays. Thursdays and
Saturdays, arrives at 5:35 p m.
First class servic- and close connections
east, west and south. Tickets sold to al!
points and baggage checked through to
destination. Information will be chter
fully furnished on application to
T A. Clark., Agent
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Unite,
8t. Joseph. Salt Lake City,
Kansas City, Poitland,
St. Louis. San Francisco,
and.all points and all points
ast and south. West.
No. 52 Passenger.7: 38a. m
No. 60 Freight.0:15 a. m.
No. 51 Passenger. 5:10 p. m.
No. 59 Freight. 6:00 p. m.
sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point In
the United slates or Canada.
For information, maps, lime tables and
tickets call on or write to It. L. ARTHUR
agent. Or J. Francis. Gen’l Passenger
agent. Omaha. Nebraska.
Oall at cnar
Siepmann & Oltmann
• astress?
Medal Award to
For Sale by T.H. Eisner
For a Drayman
Send a messenger for
J. W. Conger
He will pay the fee
Professional Cards
Attorney & Connselor-at-Law
(Office: First National Bank)
Loup City, Nefor.
Attorney and CiiinsebaUaw
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
d. H. LONG
Office, Over New Bank.
_ A. S. MAIN,
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Residence. Connection
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract hooks in county
Are You Going to
Build a Fence ?
: e
If so, do yon know that the PAGE is
DOUBLE the tensile strength of the
common fence wire of same size, and
requires fewer posts, has the spring coil
to keep fence tight over hill and thro’
hollow. If you want the !>• st fence in
the world, see me, diop me a card or
phone G 12 and get prices
L. N. SMITH, Agt.
And the Uuhlicl
Tie St. Elmo Livery Boro
Is under a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt.,
T. H. Gi 1 bert. Prop.
phone, w9.
Give Us a Trial
Hound Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
finest fiver' 1:irrs. careful drivers
Headquarters i»r tanner.-.’ naum <'oin
mereia! ni"ii's tra le given especial at
te-turn. Your patronage s> licited.
J. S. CASABA, Propr.
Having recently taken possession of
the R. T. Snyder barn and
rc-titted and re-fur
nished the same
Best of Livery RigsJ
I am prepared to give
Best of Service
Give me a trial. Good feed barn
in connection. The traveling public
ire espeCially invited to give us a
share of their patronage.
Just Received
i line of the most
rp npqr -rp
iwr m
Rest and Most Stvlisli Shoe made. Try a pair and you
will always buy them.
joppsop 8t LOPEPTZ
Do You Want
If so, Enquire of
•*#J. I. DEPEW SB*- =
Blacksmith ® Wagon Maker =
My shoo is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River ^
I have a four horse engine and a complete line 01 the latest improved, ma n
chinery, also a force ot experienced men u ho know how to operate it and |a
turnout ajobwith neatness and dispatch.
■BBS iiuiiiuiiinmnij
High Grade Orgap
Manufactured by the
, At Factory Prices
Delivered in your town.
mm «
you pay q»o casn
apd $] Pep Week
50 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors,
OmaJia, IsT et>_
rhe Big Piano and Organ House.
Call and
see my
Also, a Complete Line of
ZPriixi-ps, Etc.
Jso, do a general line of Well Work.
T- M* PEED, Loup City