The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 01, 1906, Image 8

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    You can not buy a better Range than the Round Oak Chief, price $50. The Mars is a
good Range for the money~$30. If you need a stove come and see me.
THURSDAY. MAR. 1, 1906.
A Few Market Quotations.
r-ittl?, per lOolbs.$3.00@$500
H >gs, per 100 lbs. 5.70
Corn, perbu. ’.27(2.28
W.ieut, perbu.49(2 .60
Oa's, per bu. 18(2.20
live, per bu. 48(250
Legs, per doz. 10
Butter, per lb. 15(218
Iioaai D«ws.
Big doing’s at Earl's; come over.
Let C. E Mellor do your rlumbing.
New line of ties and fancy hosiery at
1163, Ashley Conger, tin drayman !
Get him.
Gus Oltra inn was down at Schaupps
last Friday.
Baled hay for sale by A. 1*. de Lvster.
Free delivery.
Clark Reynolds is again a resident of
Sin Diego, Cal.
Ord is repoitxl as haying a few cases
of scarlet fever.
Phone A. T. Conger. 1162, wlei in
iced of a drayman.
Archie Zimmerman visited at Aurora
an i York 1 isr. week.
Draper Bros, are headquarters for
Hardware and Harness.
Geo. Kettle and family of Aslitoi left
for California Tuesday.
Spring hats on tap. Come in and
see them at Earl’s place,
S. A. Pratt returned Friday fr >m a
short trip down into Kansas.
For well and wind mill wofk, leave
/ your order with T. M. Reed.
Born. Monday, to Mr and Mrs. F. H.
Hiser, a bouncing baby boy.
See Draper Bros, for Singer, Wheeler
and Wilson sewing machines.
Henry Cording left for a visit to
Grand Junction, Col., Monday.
Phone N 22 and get everything ir.
the dour and tied line you want
Grandma Scott went up to North
Loup Tuesday morning oil a visit.
For cheap rates to southwest Ne
braska, see Zimmerman & Brewer
A little daughter of II. C. Rawding
visited at Sargent over last Sunday.
C. H. Leinlnger, undertaker and em
baliner. Calls annvered day or night.
Tom L ly and wife of Rockville were
L u ) City visitors over la*t Sunday.
Back at the old stand—the Northern
Milling Co D. C Grow
W. O. Brow i shipped four cars of
c ttle to the Omaha markets Monday.
We handle the RicharJson silks and
Johnson A Lorentz.
II. Hedges shipped a car of goods to
Gentry, Ark , la«t Saturday, goi»g with
the car.
You can get your suit pre-sed and
cleaned for Toe to *100 at Johnson &
M ss Gretchen Conhiser of Sargent
visited with friends and relatives here
last Friday.
» . li. lirotiock ot Clav was called to
Hamilton county last week by the Ill
ness of his son-in-law.
Dr.Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb.
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glasses.
The Ord Journal is authority for the
s aiement that Ord will have one of the
junior normal schools this year.
See A. P. de Lvsler for Loup City
Mdl Co's Flour and Feed. Every sack
warra ilel. Fete delivery.
Miss Gladys O’Bryan goes to Rock
ville each Saturday, w here she has a
c ast in instrumental music.
Don’t forget the excursions to south
west Nebraska every Tuesday, conduct
ed by Zimmerman & Brewer
Pet-r Kwiatkowski, living a couple
of miles north of Ashton, is a new
leader of Tiie Northwestern.
Chickens, Chickens, Cliiekeas. We
want lots of them. Best prices paid
This is Siepmann & Oil man a talking
The r.ew Presbyterian minister. Rev
McEwer, is expected here in time ti
cc upy the pulpit the first Sunday in
John W. Lons is prepared t«
make all Real Estate Loans on
short notice at lowest rates.
Deputy Clerk Minsliull his lioughl
the property now occupied by M. C\
Mulick, and will move tlierei i as soot
as vacated.
My st uk of guns, shell , catridges
hunting c< ats. hats, levgins and dud
i: lls is now complete. Come and se
me f r bargains. I’. O. Reed.
We understand A"ill Emile will movi
on a farm this spring and that Rich an
Laker of will move i to tin
cottage he vacates.
Kirkenaal Shoes at Earl's.
Let C. E. Mellor .1x vour pump.
Mrs. Eva Keadall returned to St.
Paul Friday.
Jim Parshall took a trip to Butte.
See Earl, headquarters for Gents’
W A. Hayes had business at Austin
last Saturday.
Loans on Real Estate, eall on
John W. Lone.
Miss Edna Mtnshull visited friends at
Lincoln lasl week.
No preaching at th» Presbyterian
church last Sunday.
Our pricts are as low as the lowest.
Siepmann & Oltinann.
Good Bound Oak office stoye for sale
Inquire at this office.
Zimmerman & Brewer make f «rm
lews at 6 per cent.
Geo. McFadden shipped several cars
of cattle to Omaha Monday.
Siepmann & Oltmann are in business
to stay and will do what they say.
Mike Nowakowski and family left
for Bronso, Mich .Tuesday morning
Bring your harness to Draper Bros,
and h ive them oiled before the rush.
Fred Wjckman of Farwell was a
gue-it of C. C. Carlson over last Sunday.
Mackerel, white fish, bloaters, herring
and freeh fish at Siepmann & Oltman's.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Grudinski of
Loup City yisited at Ashton last Satur
Builders hardware and.cirpenter tools
at P O. Reed's. Prices as low as the
O. H Rawding’s sod, who so badly
cut his foot last week, is getting along
A complete line of mens' dress hats.
The Longley leads them at Johnson &
The north Charlton cottage has lieen
rented by the Presbyterians for their
new pastor.
Draper Bros, w illgive 20 p er cent
discount on heating stoves for the next
thirty days.
See Will Zimmerman for real estate
and insurance, second door east of St.
Elmo hotel.
Mr and Mrs. Rice of York were
guests of Mr and Mrs. P. E. Pinckney
last week.
Hemv Goodwin of Clay, who has
b;en quite ill, is able to be up and
around again.
If this weather continues, it will not
be long till Harry Jenner will open his
park to the public.
Good tnorninfl, have you been inter
viewed vet by a real, live flesh and
blood detective?
Homemade head-cheese Sc per pound,
minced ham, 10c per |>ound at Siep
mann & Oltmann's.
A. E. Charlton came up from Lincoln
; last Friday to look over his business
1 interests a few days.
Mrs. S N. Sweetland last Thursday
i visited with her son, Clarence, who is
; attending school at Grand Island.
Did you say harness? Draper Bros,
manufacture all their own harness and
guarantee same to give satisfaction.
Mrs. John Mason of the Model
restaurant went to Ord last Saturday
i to vjsit relatives and friends over Sun
I he Keystone Lumber Co. sells
: Carbolinuem, which is a world beater
1 to preserve wood and to exterminate
chicken lice.
Clint Outhouse last Thursday shipped
a car of bogs to Nebraska City, this
state, and another car of the same to
Seattle, Wash.
Draper Bros, ire selling their stock
of buggies at cost, to make room for
new goods arriving, If you don’t
believe it, call and get their prices.
I still have a few pair of skates, but
do not care to sell them to you this
winter anv more as it U too slippery to
use them. >■ p. O. Heed.
Lum Fletcher last Friday sold the
John Johns farm south of town, which
, he recently bought, to his brother, Wm
Fletcher, who will move on the same
this spring.
A bus fare will be collected from all
persons exeept guests of the St. Elmo
hotel as follow.*: 10c from B. Sc M.
and U. P. trains to hotel, 2Sc to anv
part of the city. Bus calls promptly
attended to. J. W. IIabpek, Prop.
Miss Mary Mlnshull, who h >s been
in Texas the past winter, rcturnel a
short time since to her home in Litch
field and visited friends in Loup City
Friday. She expects to return to the
lame Star s'i.te after assisting her
parents in moving up to liOup City
Dr». Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Ne)>., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases such as Rheu
mati-m. Stomach disorders, Tumois.
; Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases ,etc.
The doctors use. besides medicine and
i surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tricity and massage.
Jake Biemond did business at Rock
ville last Friday?
Joe ?hompsQn took a trip to Rock
ville Saturday last.
Mrs. IF. S. Boice lett for TIickman on
a short visit Monday.
S. S. Polski of Ashton was a l.oup
City visitor last Friday
Mrs. James Bayne went to Aurora,
Monday, to visit friends.
Elliott anti-rnst tinware, guaranteed
not to rust, at P O Reed's.
II. 13. Musset returned Saturday from
a trip i|p into the sandhills country on
For TVash Machines, come and see
me. Prices from •3.75 to 8# 50.
P. O. Reed.
i~i t~v n_»_.i ii_»_ . i_< _
Ay. a/, i unico ui Jiiauj ioiauvi nao
visiting his brother-in-law, F. E. Pinck
ney last w- ek.
A 1*. Paulsen was np from B >elus
the tjrst of the week, returning home
Tuesday morning.
Fritz Johansen informed us Tuesday
that he would leave for Grand Junction,
Col., on Wednesday or Thursday of
this week.
Buckwheat, Rye Graham, Rye Hour
Wheat Graham and the best white and
yellow corntneal, at the Northern Mill
ing Co’s. Feed Store.
Romeo Conger has graduated from
the dray business and his brother. Ar
thur, is now hustling the work on one
of Jim Conger’s drays.
Chas. Tockey of Rockville township
is another of our progressive Sherman
county farmers to add his name to our
list of readers. Thanks
G. W. Welsh, who has been staying
with his brother, IT. R. Welsh, for some
months, left last Friday for his future
home at Ijorace, this state
We wiR clerk your sale and take all
'your paper. Call and see us before
making your arrangements.
First National Bank
Lum Fletcher expects soon to take a
trip to the Pacific Coast, taking his
family along. If Lum finds what suits
him he may locate out there.
Aug. Jaeschke went to Rockville last
Friday to help Ida brother celebrate an
anniversary of his birthdav. He took
Aug., Moll along as a safety valve.
Parties wanting discs sharpened,
either by rolling or cutting them off,
will do well to see J I Depew, who has
the proper machinery of his own make.
Patronize home industry.
The Presbyterian congregation, thro’
E. G. Taylor, on Tuesday purchased
six lots west of the Taylor residence,
from Papa Ehnnaii, on which to erect
their new church and manse.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor and baby
hoy, of Belleville, Kansas, are visitiDg
Mr. Taylor's father. Conductor T. A.
Taylor, and family, Mrs. Taylor arriv
ing Friday last and bred arriving a day
WANTED: District Managers to
post signs, advertise and distribute
samples. Salary SI8.00 weekly, 83 00
per day for expenses. State age and
present employment. Ideal Shear
Co.. 39 Randolph St,. Chicago.
Our good friend, W. H. Margritz. of
Bristol, gave us a pleasant call last
Fiiday He has bought another farm
a few miles from Ravenna, on which he
expects to move in a few days. and
turn over his present big tarm to his
children, ne is a very successful tickler
of the soil.
C. J. Tracy on Monday of this week
sold his eighty acre farm south of the
cemetery to Will Draper and on the
same day purchased the town residence
known as the Mrs Martha Engle place,
and will become a Loup City citizen.
He has a'so leased some seventy acres
near town which lie will farm this
r rank Daauow lett Monday for
Omaha to be operated on for a case of
appendicitis. He was accompanied from
Austin by Dr. Talbot. Hia many
friends will hope for a successful termi
nation of his trouble and an early re
turn home in best of health. Later—
A telegram received last evening states
the operation was successful and pa
tient doine well.
Cnas. Norstedt, a farmer from
Waverlv, Neb., arrived Wednesday lo
make his home in Sherman connty. He
pnrchased the Wedell and Parkhurst
farms. He is accompanied by his
father in-law who will live on the
Wedell place, while Mr. Norstedt will
live on the Parkhurst farm. Mr. Nors
tedt is an up-to-date farmer, and we
welcome him to his new home.
The following have either added their
names or renewed their subscription to
The Northwestern since Ia»t report,
for which they will please accept our
thanks: F. M. Henry, C. C. Carlson.
Rav McFadden, Ed. Manchester, Peter
Jansen Hans Obermiller, Jacob Albers,
O. Benschoter. Albert Johnson, George
Chapman, Clias. Tockey, W. T. Owens,
Peter Kwiatkowski, B. F. Flory, W. H.
Bradslmw and Mrs. Ella Emry.
Charles J Warner, representative
from Lancaster in the Nebraska legis
lature the past three terms, was here
last Friday looking after landed in
terests in German county owned by
an uncle. Mr. Warner is one of the
youngest as well as one of (he brightest
members of the Lwer ho us*, and if,the
signs of the times portend anything,
according to his frienda, he will prob t
b!y be a member of the state senate this
coming winter, and if go he will rank
A l in that branch.
Miss Louise Zuelow left for her home
at Schuyler Monday.
It yon want to bny or sell real
estate, call on John W. Long.
> C. Biemond yesterday shipped three
cars of eattle and one of hogs to Omaha.
Carpenters Martin and Frank Winkle
man went to Austin Monduv. to do
John Taylor wenr down to Schaupps,
Tuesday morning, for a small job of
G. H. Lindail went up to Callaway
the first of the week to look after busi
ness interests.
Chas. Murphy, who has been visiting
his nephew, lames Richardson, left on
1 uesday for bis home at Greentield, la.
We understand that K A. Smith of
Ashton township, who is at a hospital
in Omaha, is not expected to live, his
case taking a serious turn.
We understand John A. Fredrickson
ot Ceresco, Nebr.. who last fall pur
chased the A. E. Draper farm in Elm
township, takes possession this week.
Our good friend Dan Tinsman re
membered us Tuesday with the where
withal for another year’s reading ol
this substantial newspaper. Thanks.
J. F. Keifer left Monday for Bedford,
Iowa, to join Mrs. Keifer, who has been
visiting there tor a week or so, and to
also circulate among old friends for a
few days.
The Kiedel place south or town has
been sold to the Messrs. Victor and
Albert Johnson, father and son, Ql
Waverly, who expect to take posses
sion this week.
Mrs. W. A. Wilson, formerly of Ash
ton, now of Giltner, Neb. spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Ed Taylor.
She is spending several days in our city
vissting old friends.
Hon. L. A. Smithberger of Stanton
Nebr., ex-representative of Nebraska,
and cashier of a home bank, was here
on business the first of this week, re
turning to Stanton Tuesday morning.
Papa Ehrman returned from his visit
to New York City, last Friday, to settlt
up his business affairs, and will soon re
turn to that great American city tc
make his home with a wealthy married
D M Gue and family last week com
menced moving in from the farm tc
their residence lately purchased from
W. H. Morris, and by this time are fair
ly and comfortably ensconced in theii
new home,
Mr. and Mrs. DaveSchoening of Lost
Cabin. Wyo., were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. T H. Eisner, last Friday, on theii
war home after visiting numerous
triends and relatives in this county foi
a fortnight.
We received a pleasant call a few
davs since from our good friend, Ed.
Manchester, of Dak Creek. Ed. reports
everything lovely in northeast Sherman
and everybody making preparation foi
spring work.
Elmer Walker has rented the Frank
Kuhn place on Clear Creek in Elm
township tor the coming year and was
to move yesterday, provided theweathei
was favorable. Elmer says he cannot
do without the paper and has it changed
to his new address, Litchfield.
We omitted mention of a pleasant
call last week from a mo of our good
German friends, Peter Jansen. Ham
Obermiller and Jacob Albers, and if
you can pick out three handsomer
jollier or finer Teutons this side of the
mother country, bring them in.
Mr. J. G Emry was over from Sweet
water last Saturday on business. Jim
reports that his brother, Kay Emry, and
family are settled in their new home
and as an earnest hands The North
western one of Uncle Sam’s cart
wbee's for a year's reading of the news
from over Sherman county. Thanks
Mr. B. F. Flory left for Nevada, Mo.
yesterday with a car of household
goods, and his family will leave for th*
same place this coming Saturday morn
ing. As we taid week before last, Mr.
Flory has leased a fine farm near the
above named town, of which he takes
immediate possession. We wish fot
this good family be-t of success
Pastor Wold of the Baptist church is
very glad to announce to the public
that Pastor F. E. Toms of Phillips,
Nebr.. will assist him in the special
meetings which will commence Sunday
evening, March 4th. Mr. Toms is one
of our choice yhong preachers, a true
Christian and a true man- A hearty
invitation is extended to all our friends
and citizens to ath nd these meetings,
Miss Anna Hunt wsshek to announce
to the ladies of*th» vicinity that she
will be here next week with one of the
finest and most up-to-date stock of
millinery ever brought to this part of
the state. She has visited Kansas City,
St. Soseph and Dea Moines, three ol
the best millinery citie* in the west,
and has had an opportunity"to see and
buy for her customers the latest
creations in that line. She invites you
all to oil and s<* the pretty new things
Meats smoked for anybody at Siep
maun to Oltmsnn’s,
k ' .,
For a Drayman'
Send a messenger for ,
J. W. Conger
He will pay the fee
Notice of Sale of Laid Oader Order of Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale issued out of tbe Dist.ict Court
of Sherman county. Nebraska, in a cauae
wherein Albert B. Outhouse, plaintiff, and
Anton Goodman was substituted as plaintiff,
and Mayk Petraytys. Henry T. Clark, receiver
of tbe U nion Trust Company, Sellon Petray tys
Mary Petraytys, Francis Petraytys. Aggie
Petraytys and Ronsko Petraytys. the heirs of
Mary Petraytys, deceased, were defendants,,
for the foreclosure of a tax lien, which decree
was rendered the 20th dsy of December, 1888.
by said court in favor of said plaintiff for tbe
sum of $196.83, and on April 4th, ISO#. a further
decree was rendered in favor of the plaintiff
for the sum of 1104.18, with interest at seven
percent per annum and costs taxed at $67.28
and accruing costs, and which sums are
decreed to be a first lien upon tbe following
described lands situate in Sherman county
Nebraska, to-wlt: Tbe soutbwest quarter of
Section twenty-eight (28). Township sixteen
(16) north, of range thirteen (!3>. Sherman
County. Nebraska.
1 will, on Tuesday, tbe <th day of March,
1806, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day
at lne sontbwest door of the coart house in
Loup City in said county of Sherman and
state of Nebraska, sell said real estate at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy the amount due on said decrees, in
cluding interest, costs, and accrued costs and
accruing costs.
Given under my hand this 31st dsy of
January, 1806.
Sheriff of Sherman County, Nebraska.
(Last pub. March l. i
Professional Cards
Attoy idtalcMt'Uw
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
d. H. LONG
Office, Over New Bank.
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Residence. Connection
And the Public!
Tie St Elmo Livery Haro
Is under a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt:.,
T.E. Gilbert, Prop.
Give Us a Trial
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite N01O1 western Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers
Headquarters ior farmers’ teams ‘'nm
mercial men’s trade given especial at
tention. Your patronage solicited.
J. S. CASADA, Propr.
Having recently taken possession of
the B- T- Snyder barn and
re-fitted and refur
nished tbe same
with 1
Best of Livery Rigs
I am prepared to give 1
Best of Service
Give me a trial. Good feed barn j
in connection. The traveling public
are especially invited to give us a
share of their patronage. (
i lit
Best and Most Stylis!) Sboe made. Try a pair and you
will always buy them.
Do You Want
£3 Town Lots for $100
QQ Town Lots for 400
or an pOc res for 0OO
, *• <. • ■' •» •’* • / < ! c ; C t
If so, Enquire of
W. R. Mellor
Call on tlxe
ter i
Loup City, flebfaska,
Of all kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker :
My shoo Is the largest and beat equipped north or the Platte River B
I have a four horse engine and a complete line or the latest Improved, ma 9
cblnery. also a force or experienced men who know bow to operate it and 9
torn oat a Job with neatness and dispatch. ||
High Grade Orgap
Manufactured by the
At Factory Prices
Delivered in your town.
You pay $5 Cash
apd $1 pef Week
50 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prices of tne Factory Distributors,
* .
The Big Piano and Organ House.
tr y
The Drayman
Fbone us «t N 6
,W. H. "MEMO
Bonded Abstracter
Loup Citt, Nebraska.
)uly set of Abstract books in county
For Sale by T. H. Eisner