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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1906)
You can not buy a better Range than the Round Oak Chief, price $50. The Mars is a good Range for the money--$30. If you need a stove come and see me. IE?- O. REED’S. » For a Drayman Send a messenger for J. W. Conger He will pay the fee THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY, FEB. 22, 1900. A Few Market Quotations. Cattle, per 100 lbs.S3.00(« ?o 00 Hogs, per 100 lbs. 5 45 Corn, berbu. .27 % Wheat, per bu.55® .60 Oats, per bu.19® .21 Kve, per bu. .45 Eggs, per doz. 10 Butter, per lb. 20 —————————————————— ; lioael Drws. Big doing’s at Earl’s; come over. Let C. E Mellor do your rlumbing. New line of ties and fancy hosiery at Earl’s, H62, Ashley Conger, the drayman Get him. Bnled hay for sale by A. P. de Lyster. Free delivery. Phone A. T. Conger. H62, when in leed of a drayman. Draper Bros, are headquarters for Hardware and Harness. Spring hats on tap. Come in and see them at Earl’s place. For well and wind mill work, leave your order with T. M. Reed. See Draper Bros, for Singer, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines. Phone N 22 and get everything in the flour and feed line you want. C. J. Tracy took a car load of sheep to the Omaha market yesterday. For cheap rates to southwest Ne braska, see Zimmerman & Brewer. Back at the old stand—the Northern Milling Co. D. C Gnow S. S. Hoyer was up from Arkansas the latter part of last week on tusiness. We handle the Richardson silks and embroideries. • Johnson & Lorentz. C Biemond yesterday shipped three car loads of hogs from here and one from Austin. I have a few tons of choice upland hay for sale at <4 per ton delivered Phone Y 17. D. M.Gue. Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb. specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. Don’t forget that Biemond & D.iddow of the popular Pioneer meat market have a free delivery wagon. Jim Conger has sold twenty-five or thirty cars of ice to the U P. Railroad and is now busilv shipping it. See A. P. de Lvster for Loup City Mill Co’s Flour and Feed. Every sack warranted. Feee delivery. Don’t forget the excursions to south west Nebraska every Tuesday, conduct ed by Zimmerman & Brewer. Chickens, Chickens, Chickens. We want lots of them. Best prices paid. Tnis is Siepmann & Oltmann talking. John W. Lone is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. Mr. Terry Hilsabcck and littledangh ter, of Seattle, Wash., arrived here Sun day evening on a visit to his brother-in law, C. C. Outhouse. Buckwheat, Rve Graham, Rye flour Wheat Graham and the best white and yellow cornmeal, at the Northern Mill ing Co’s. Feed Store. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Leininger last Sunday entertained at dinner. Mr. L. N. Smith, and the Misses Edith Smith. Ella Long and Lizzie Leininger. We will clerk your sale and take all your paper. Call and see us before making your arrangements. First National Bank A fine 8<£ pound daughter arrived at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ward in this citv, Tuesday of this week Mrs. Aard is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pratt. Parties wanting discs sharpened, either by rolling or cutting them off. will do well to see J I. Depew, who lias the proper machinery of his own make. Patronize home industry. Little M»rie Cooper received rather serious bruises about the head and face, last Saturday, while coasting on her sled. However, no serious results were sustained, and besides a discolored eye nothing remains of the mishap. WANTED: District Managers to post signs, advertise and distribute samples. Salary $18.00 weekly, $3 00 per day for expenses. State age and present employment. Ideal Shear Co., 30 Randolph St.. Chicago. A 10-year old son of H. C. Riwding met with a painful and serious accident 1 about noon on Tuesday of this week. While trying a new axe. he struck the blade across the instep of his left foot, nearly severing the tendons thereon, requiring the services of Dr. Main to sew several stitches in that luenilie , He* wound being so serious that opiates had to be administered. At pre e >t ithe little patient is rt-s iug easy and getting along nicely. Kirkenual Shoes at Kail's. Let C. E. Mellor fix your pump. Several eases of mumps are reported in town. See Earl, headquarters for (tents' Furnishings. Loans on Real Estate, call on John W. Lons. Draper Bros, received a car of wire and nails this week. Our prices are as low as the lowest. Siepmann & Oltmann. Good Hound Oak office etoye for sale Inquire at this office. Zimmerman & Brewer make firm loa"s at tl per cent. Call and see the new stock of buggies at T. M. Reed’s. Prices right. Siepmann »t Oltmann are in business to stay and will do wbat they say. My stock of farm machinery is now complete, Call and see T. M. Reed. Bring your harness to Draper Bros, and have them oiled before the rush. Mackerel, white fish, bloaters, herring and fresh tish at Siepmann & Oltman's. A complete line of mens’ dress hat®. The Longley leads them at Johnson & Lorentz. Builders hardware and carpenter tools at P. O. Reed's. Prices as low as the lowest. You can get your suit pre-sed and cleaned for 7oc to 81 00 at Johnson & Lorentz. Draper Bros, willgive 20 pe* cent discount on heating stoves for the next thirty days. See H ill Zimmerman for real estate and insurance, second door east of St, Elmo hotel. Mrs. Annie Pennington arrived from Grand Island Tuesday on a visit to Mrs. C. P. Simpson. Homemade head-cheese 8c per pound, minced ham, 10c per pound at Siep mann & Oltmann's. If you wish to buy a good buggy cheap, I can fit you out. Just finished unloading ar. T. M. Reeii, Did you say harness? Draper Bros, manufacture all their own harness and guarantee same to give satisfaction. The Unity Club will be entertained by Miss Ella Long at the home of Mrs. K J. Nightingale, Friday afternoon. As an evidence of spring. Miss Marie Cooper brought in to the editor Tuesday a dandelion in full bloom, picked that day. The Keystone Lumber Co. sells Carbolinuem, which is a world beater to preserve wood and to exterminate chicken ltce. Mrs Charley French was called to Dwight, this state, Tuesday morning, to attend the funeral of an aunt, whose death occured the day previous. Draper Bros, are selling their stock of buggies at cost, to make room for new goods arriving. If you don’t believe it, call and get their prices. Del Draper on Tuesday sold his resi dence property to Lum Fletcher. Del will move into his mother’s property, as soon as it is vacated by J. B. Flory. A fine baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs. J.C. Sorensen, living a few miles west of Loup City, yesterday. The Northwestern offers it’s profoundest bow to Miss Sorensen. A bus fare will be collected from all persons except guests of the St. Elmo hotel as follows: 10c from B. & M. and U. P. trains to hotel, 25c to any part of the city. Bus calls promptly attended to. J. W. Harper, Prop. Messrs. A. A. Fancher and Bert Fancher, lather and brother ot Mrs. C. C. Cooper, have purchased a grocery business in Omaha, so we understand. Bert will be remembered as being here for some months employed in Cooper’s mercantile house. Drs. Davis & Farnswortli of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois. Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides medicine and surgery .the x-ray, hot air baths, elec tririty and massage Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Condon of Denver, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robbins over last Sunday, while on their way to Taylor, in Loup county, on a visit to Mrs Condon’srelatives. Mrs. Condon and Mrs. Robbins are cousins. Mr. Condon is foreman of large upholstering firm at Denver. Last Saturday was the fiftieth wed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Sntder. and on that evening they were surprised by the invasion of their home of a numlier of their close friends, who took possesion, enjoyed themselves im mensely and lett many remembrances of the occasion, both useful and expen sive, and wishing many mere and hap py years for the aged couple. Those present were, so far as we could learn: Messrs and Mesdames Converse, Criss., Reynolds. Gibson. Chase. Dubry, Kearns, Albert Snyer and Clark Alman Itlie latter two with their 'amities from out of town': Mesdames VV. S and J. Waite, Angier, Bowman, Burns, Wall, Mead, Becbthold and Mr. M. H. Mead. Elliott anti-rnst tinware, guaranteed not to rust, at P O Reed s. Ex-Senator J. T. Brady of Albion was here on business last Friday. ltowau Sutton was visiting friends and relatives here over last Sunday, For Wash Machines, come and see me. Prices from 83.75 to 86 50. P. O Reed. Jim Bayne lias been down with la grippe the past few' days, but is out again. Will Wharton was ill with a genuine case of mumps, instead of la grippe, as reported, but is all right again. The youngest son of Bert Chase has been quite ill with lung fever the past few days, but is much better at present. I still have a few pair of skates, but do not care to sell them to you this winter anv more as it is too slippery to use them. P. O. Reed. C. C. Cooper went to Omaha on busi ness Wednesday morning. He will visit Fort Dodge and Ilumbolt, Iowa, before return. My stick of guns, shells, catridges, hunting coats, hats, leggins and duck calls is now complete. Come and see me for bargains. P. O. Reed. A letter from Wilber Waite says that he and Cars ten Truelsen arrived at their destination in old Mexico on the 3)d instant, all safe, sound and happy, and enjoying themselves to the fullest extent. Aug. Jaesehke last week sold five and one-half acres of the Jaesehke addition to Ashton, and then turned round and bought six lots of Wes McCombs, adjoining the Catholic church in this city. The baby girl born last week to Mr. and Mrs. M. 15. Mathews, as reported in The Northwestern, died the fol lowing Friday, and was taken to Aurora lor burial the following day. The bereaved parents have the deep sympathy of their large circle of friends Mr and Mrs. E. G Taylor enter tained ft few friends at a 6:30 dinner Friday evening, in honor of Mrs Eva Kendall of St. Paul, as follows: Messrs, and Mesdames W. Vervalin, W. Marcy. F. M. Henry, C. F. Beushausen, C. C. Cooper, Mesdarnes Waite, W L. Hawk. Miss Edith Smith and Mr. Lawrence Smith. Messrs. B J. Flory and W. H. Brad shaw returned last Thursday evening from a ten days’ trip to Nevada. Mo . where they went to look over the coun try. Mr. Flory, while there secured a lease of a fine eighty, some few miles out from Nevada, which has a fine orchard thereon, and under excellent cultivation, and will move within a week or so Mr. Bradshaw did not secure any holdings there and did not know thst he would. We would have been pleased to have kept both gentle men and their worthy families as resi dents ot Sherman county, but in any event wish them best of success wher ever they may conclude to go. By a copy of the Winnipeg Daily Telegram, we see the Canadians are honoring our former townsman, ex Senator W. H. Congpr, by chosing him as one of the principal speakers at a big meeting of a manufacturing and indus trial leagus held in that city. The Telegram has this to say in regard hi Mr. Conger: "Ex-Senator W II Conger, one of the principal speakers at the banquet, is now in the city and is a guest at the Empire hotel. This gentleman is one of the many bright and progressive men from across the line who have lately settled in the Canadian west and have become eiti of the Dominion. He has resided in Edmonton during the last four years, prior to which time he was a member of the state senate of Nebraska, not of Wisconsin as has been erroneou-ly stated.” The meeting called for last Saturday, looking to the building of a farmers’ elevator in Loup City, was held at the court house and very well attended. The meeting was called to order and Charley Snyder made chairman. Mr. I>. Phillips of Pleasanton, who was called here to give the farmers infor mation along the proposed lines, gave an interesting and instructing talk. At the close of his remarks, several farmers, notably James McBeth, lately of Hamilton county, and a Mr. Boor, formerly of Albion, this state, where farmers’ elevatots are in operation, gave added information on the subject. A committee, composed of 'Chairman Snyder, Jas. McBeth. W. O. Brown, W. H. Hughes, Chris Zwink. a Mr. Mason of Oak Creek, John Fisher and John Hile, were then selected to look over the by-laws and constitutions of various’ orgimzations with a view of reccomend ing a preferable constitution and by laws and the kind of an organization our farmers might want, and report same to the next meeting, which was dated for Saturday, March 3rd, at the same place, a speaker to be secured for that time to give full information on the subject of farmers’elevators. Al though not having been present at the meeting but a few minut£3, we were fully persuaded of the earnestness and zeal ot our farmer friends and of their full determination to perfect an organi zation and to give to Loup City a well equipped farmers’ elevator at the earliest opportunity. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cooper on'|Tues day evening of this week, in honor of Mrs. Eva Kendall of St. Paul, enter tained a number of their friends at an elegantly appointed 6:30 o’clock dinner in four courses, at their comfortable home, followed by an enjoyable even ing with vocal and instrumental music and progressive flinch. Twenty-seven were present, a few being detained by sickness and other unavoidable causes. Mrs, G. S. Leininger and Miss Ernie Odendahl favored with choice instru mental solos, Mr. and Mrs. Leininger with a vocal duet, and Messrs. L. N. Smith and S. A. Allen with vocal solos, all enthusiastically received, and the evening closed with games of flinch till the approach of the midnight hour when, after showering benedictions on the genial host and hostess, the guests departed feeling that it had been one of the pleasantest evenings of the season: Those present were: Me.«srs. and Mes dames A. S. Main, W. L. Marcy, R. J. Nightingale, G. S. Leininger, E. G. Tay lor, TT M. Mathew', II. A. Sleeth, VV. Ver Valin and J. W. Burleigh; Mes damcs Viola Odendahl and Eva Ken dall; Misses Ernie Odendahl Ella Long Edith Smith and Eva Moon; Messrs S. A. Allen, L. N. Smith andO.C. Carlson A unique St. Valentine party was given at the home of Miss Ernestine Odendahl on the eve of Feb. 14th. Evidences of St. Valentine were mam fested by a beautiful display of hearts< the bric-a-brac and candelebra being ex quisitely adorned and festooned with hearts of various sizes and colors, The evening’s entertainment consisted of the game of progressive hearts, each guest having a score card in the form of a heart pinned on the left breast The first prize, a beautiful valentine, was taken by Miss S <die Swanson, and the booby laurels were awarded 10 Mr. Henry Eisner. Pretty Marie Cooper, dressed as Cupid in white profusely trimmed with gilded hearts, tapped the bell at the moving periods of the game. The climax of the evening was the luncheon, the prevailing idea showing itself in a further display of hearts in the sweets and meats, each delicacy be ing in the form of a heart. When the time cam* to depart, each guest gave many thanks to St. Valentine and their kind hostess, declaring it was an even ing most joyfully spent Those present were: Misses Aimee Whitman, Henry Young, Sadie Swanson, Tony Erazim, Elva Zimmerman. Lela Chas*. Belle Mulick, Edna Minskull, Louise Zuelow, Messrs. C. C. Carlsen. Walter Wallace, Ne«ton Vance, Osca- Swanson, Willie Odendahl, Archie Zimmerman, Charles Minshull. Henry Eisner, Robt. Mathew and Dr. S. A. Ailen. Mr. George Chapman and family left Tuesday for Gentry, Arkansas, their future home. Mr. Chapman, who has been a reader of The Northwestern for lo, these many years, orders the paper to follow him to his new home. We wish for this estimable family suc cess in their home. Two of the bovs, Clifford and Fred, will, however, for the present remain in Sherman county, believing it for their best financial in terests. It you want to buy or sell real estate, call on John W. Long. Ashton News. The ladies eating club meet at Mrs. O. O. Howard’s this week E. G. Taylor was down from Loup City Monday between trains. Clyde Wilson came up from St. Paul to spend Sunday with his parents. Will Elder is hauling material for a new house up on the side hill above town. Clara Polaki has been sick for the past two w-eks and is no better at present. C. A. Higgins of Central City was up talk ng insnrance to the people from Friday till Monday evening. A Bohemian wedding took place at Papilion Tuesday. The bride lives in Custer county and the groom at Cotes field. John Re'wohnski is haying a sale these tine spring days, and says he will sell out everything, which is easier said than done. The Ice harvest is over and everyone that has an ice house had it filled. Tom Jamrog bought a saw and furnigted tbe town from his fish pond. Miss Rose Stobba came home from St. Paul Saturday evening, and not being strong enough to walk, Steve had to get n wheel-barrow and haul her home. “Dot, the Miner’s Daughter.” was played at the M. W. A. hall Saturday evening, by a number of Austin and Ashton home talent, which was well attended. The play was a grand suc cess and we invite them to come again. Mr. Tom Kosraicki and Tresa Zochol were married at the St. Francis church in Ashton at 10 o’clock Tuesday, Feb. 20th, in tbe presence of relatives and many friends. We extend congartu lations to the liappv couple and wish them a long and happy life. Sjppked. Meat* smoked fop anybody at §iep mann ft Oltmann’s. Notice or Sale or Laid Under order or Saie. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Dist let Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, in a cause wherein Albert B. Outhouse, plaintiff, and Anton Goodman was substituted as plaintiff, and Mayk Petraytys, Henry T. Clark, receiver of the Union Trust Company, Sellon Petraytys Mary Petraytys. Francis Petraytys, Aggie Petraytys and 'Ronsko Petraytys, the heirs of Mary Petraytys, deceased, were defendants,, for the foreclosure of a tax lien, which decree was rendered the 20th day of December, 1890. by said court in favor of said plaintiff for the sum of 8196.83, and on April 4th, 1900, a further decree was rendered in favor of the plaintiff for the sum of 0104.79, with interest at seven per cent per annum and costs taxed at $57.28 and accjulng costs, and which sums are decreed to be a first lien upon the following described lands situate in Sherman county Nebraska, to-wit: The southwest quarter of Section twenty-eight (28). Township sixteen (16) north, of range thirteen (13i, Sherman County, Nebraska. I will, on Tuesday, the 6th day of March, 1906, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day at ine sonthwest door of the court house in Loup City In said county of Sherman and state of Nebraska, sell said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the amount due on said decrees, in cluding interest, costs, and accrued costa and accruing costs. Given under my hand this 31st day oi January, 1906. L. A. Williams. Sheriff of Sherman County, Nebraska. (Last pub. March l.> Professional -Cards R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attorney aad CoinsilcMl-Lw LOUP CITY. NEB AAKUJV WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOVP CITY, NEBRASKA. d. H. LONG PHYSICIAN mil SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CONNECTION A. s. main7~ Physician and Surgeon Office at Telephone Residence. Connection LOUP CITY, - - NEBR; And the Public! Tin St. Eli Iayery Bam Is under a new management. Give me a trial and if you have any thing good to say, say it to others; if you have any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t right my mistakes, but I can and will. Respt., T. H.Gi lbert. Prop. PHONE, W9. Give Us a Trial m Hound t ront Barn, J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr. (Opposite Northwestern Office) Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers Headquarters ior farmers’ teamo ‘Com mercial men’s trade given especial at tention. Your patronage solicited. J. S. CASADA, Propr. Having recently taken possession of the B. T. Snyder barn and re-fitted and re-fur nished the same with Best of Livery Rigs I am prepared to give Best of Service Give me a trial. Good feed bam in connection. Thp'traveling public ire especially invited to give us a jjiare of their patronage. / ' wrjt/n notable SPOES For elastic eCSSTic LaUICO l INSTEP INSTEP THE Best and Most Stylish Shoe made. Try a pair and you will always buy them. JOPNSOP & LOpEpfZ 129 Acres of Valley Land 1 1-2 miles west of Loup City Lying just across the West Bridge For Sale at $20 per acre. A splendisd place toraie Hogs and Chickens and feed Cattle. For Sale by: W. R. MELLOR. Call on tlxe J. P. Lip Liter Conor Loup City, tlebfaska, —for— LUMBER Of dll kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. •*®J. I. DEPEWS*- : f ! Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker \ My shop is tbe largest and best equipped north of tbe Platte Uiver aa I have a four horse engine and a complete line of tbe latest Improved, mi as cbluery. also a force of experienced men who know bow to operate It and as turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch. ** MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT 5 ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. 5 High Gfade ©rgap Manufactured by the l l At Factory Prices Delivered in your town. •you pay $5 Gash apd $1 per Week 50 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices Ask for Catalogue and Prices of tbe Factory Distributors, Omaha, 1T©Td. The Big Piano and Organ House, ju m ■■ ? TRY GUS OLTMAN The Drayman , Phone ns »tN6 SATISFACTION EVERY TIME ju. //• Humid Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books id count; For Sale by T.H. Eisner ‘