The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 15, 1906, Image 8

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    Grand Island Woven Wire fencing with barbed wire borders, for sale at
. _mI
Phone, N60.
For a Drayman
That catches
J. W. Conger
• A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs.#3.00(2#5 00
Hogs, per 100 lbs. •"> 3-">
Corn, ber bu. .27 »
Waeat, per bu.47(a C.i
Oats, per*bu. 19«? .22
Rye, per bu.43<<t .49
Eggs, per doz. 12
Butter, per lb. 20
Liooal 17«ws.
Yesterday was Valentine I) v.
Let C. E. Mellor do your plumbing.
H02, Ashley Conger, th ■ drayman
Get him.
Will Draper was on the la grippe list
la; t w eek
B >led hay for sale by A P. Ue Lyster
Free delivery.
W. H. Creery is just recovering from
a siege of la grippe.
Phone A. T Conger. H62, when in
need of a drayman.
T. M. Reed returned from Omaha
last Monday eiening.
For w ell and wind mill work, leave
your order with T. M Reed.
Ward Ver Valin was down to Omaha
last week, returning Friday.
See Draper Bros, for Singer, Wheeler
and Wilson sewing machines
See the high speed four stroke rotar v
wash machine at P. O. Keed-=.
Phone X 22 and get even thing ir.
the Hour and feed line \ oil want
For cheap rates to southwest Xe
braska, see Zimmerman & Brewer
Back at the old stand—the Xorthern
Milling Co D C Grow
Mrs. Gasteyer arrived home from tier
business trip to Chicago, Monday even
Dr Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb.
specialist in disease of eye ant! ear.
Examination for glasses.
P. O. Reed left Tuesday for Lincoln
to attend the session ot the retail hard
ware dealers' convention.
Don’t forget that Biemond & D ddow
of the popular Pioneer meat market
have a free delivery wagon.
C. C. Cooi er and daughter, Mi-s Marie
Cooper, were in St. Paul Monday, where
Bro. Cooper had business.
Ste A. P. de Lvster for Loup City
Mill Go’s Flour and Feed. Every sact
warranted. Feee delivery.
Don’t forget the excursions to south
west Nebnska every Tuesday, conduct
ed by Zimmerman & Brewer
Born, last Thursday morning, Feb. 8
to Mr. and Mrs Wm Crilel. three miles
north of town, a fine baby girl.
Chickens, Ghiekens, Chickens. \V(
want lots of them. Best prices paid
This is Siepmann & Oltmann talking
John W. Lons is prepared tt
make all Real Estate Loans or
short notice at lowest rates.
A hand-otne baby girl arrived at thf
home of M, B M tthews, tnree mile!
west (f lamp City, last Saturday.
Yon can get a splendid quarter o:
beef of Siepm nn & Oltnn nn at t<
per pound. Try them and you wii
come again.
John Johns has bought a farm of on<
hundred acres near Gentry. Arkansas
and leivessoon to make that c untn future home.
Buckwheat, Rye Graham, Rye tloui
Wheat Graham and ihe best white anc
yellow cornmeal, at the Noithern Mill
ing Co’s. Feed Store.
Mrs. E. G. Tavlor last Friday acoom
pxnied her father as far as F rwell, 01
his journey home to David City, re
turning the following day.
We will clerk your sale and take al
yrur paper. Call and see us hefon
mat i' g your arrangements.
First National Bank
MbsRie Harris,-one of our popult:
teachers was quite ill with la grippe las
Friday, Miss Beatrice Nightingale tak
mr charge of her room. like a veterai
Parties wanting discs sh opened
either by rolling or cutting them oil
will do well to see J I. Depew, who hai
the proper machinery of his own make
Patronize home industry.
We are this w<ek indebted to C C
Carlson, tie popular cashiei of tin
St ite Bank, and to our jolly postmastei
W. T. Owens, for new subscriptions ti
The Northwestern.
I have decided, as there is an oppoi
tunitv, to give attention to the sale o
red estate; and lequest ail who ham
lands or town prp*rty to sell to 11*
their property with me
A. P. Ct'LLEY.
WANTED: Distr e* Manageis t<
post sgos, advertise and dislributi
samples Salary $’8.00 weekly, S3 0
per day for expenses. State age am
present employment. Ideal Sukai
Co., 39 Randolph St.. Chicago.
Let C. K. Mellor fix your pump
T M Heed was over to Ord on busi
last wuek.
Loans on Real Estate, call on
John W. Long.
Will Wharton was a la grippe sufler
er ast week.
, O >r prices are as low as the lowest.
S'ep.n 'Dii & Oltmaiin.
Good Hound Oak offlee stove for sale
Inquire at this offlee.
Zimmerman & Brewer make farm
Da s at <i per cent.
Mrs. J. W. Long is expected home
from C.'icago this evening.
Siepmann & Oltmann are in business
to stay and will do what they say.
Bring your harness to Draper Broa.
•*nd have the n oiled beiore the rush.
| Mackerel, white fish, bloaters, herring
and fresh fish at Siepmann & Oltman's.
Tue special party to the gold fields of
Georgia returned Wednesday evening.
A conn lete line of mens’dress hats.
The Langley leads them at Johnson &
Mr. and Mrs. John Leininger re
turn* d from Lincoln anil Omaha last
Y"U can get your suit pre sed and j
cleaned for 7dc to 81 W) at Johnson &j
Draper Bros, willgive 20 per cent
discount on heating stoves for the next
thirty days.
Mrs. J. S I’edler was quite ill with
la grippe last week, but at present is
See Wi 1 Zimmerman for real estate
an*l insiiram e, second door east of St.'
Elmo hotel.
Mrs. Aithur was ill with la grippe
last \ cek. but is able to be up and
around again.
Did you say harnessV Draper Bros,
manufacture all their own harness and
gu irantoe same to give eati*faction.
Quite a number of our people are in
vesting in the land in southwest Ne
i braska, handled bv Zimmerman &
Mrs. Eva Kendall arrived from St
Paul last Saturday for a few days’ visit
with her brother, £. G. Taylor, and
The Keystone Lumber Co. sells
i Carbolinuem, which is a world beater
'o preserve wood and to exterminate
chicken Ibe
Draper Bros. »re selling their stock
of buggies at cost, to make room for
new goods arriving. If you don’t
; believe it, call and get their prices.
The play, “Down Vermont Way,”
did not seem to tickle the Arcadia
Champion man in the right spot, and
he dashed some ice water down it’s
spinal column.
J. S Pedler returned home last Fri
day evening from a partial tour of the
Eastern Star lodges of the state, he
being associate grand patron of the
order in the state.
Mr and Mrs A B Outhouse were
Oinahans for a few days last week,
where Mr. Outhouse, as one of the
dirtctors was in attendance at the
Lumhpi man's convention, returning
Friday evening.
A bus fare will be collected from all
persons except guests of the St. Elmo
hotel as follows: 10c from B. & M.
and U. P trains to hotel. 25c to any
part of lhe city. Bus calls promptly
. attended to. J. W. Harper, Prop.
A masquerade party was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Gibson,
last Friday evening, in honor of their
1 son and daughter, Floyd and Miss
Lottip. A very pleasant evening with
games and music, and an elegant lunch
. j resulted.
'I I desire to say: My permanent home
■ | is Loop City. I can lie found in my
i office in the rear room of the First
I National Hank at all times. List your
« farms >nd tow n property with me and
I shall do my best to serve you and
use you honorably.
We learn that O. K. Rice of Green
' wich, Washington county, N. Y , died
, at his home there >n Feb. 7th, at the
| ripe o^d age of 1)1 years. He w»s well
| known oyer Nebraska, and has, or did
• have not long since, real estate hold
• ings in Sherman county.
Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu
matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois.
1 Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc.
• The doctors use. besides medicine and
> surgery .the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tririty ami massage. %
The Northwestern has received
E two pit ces of mnsic, one a novelty two
> step l.y H Hour, the blind composer,
1 which is making a hit all over the
country, and one an expressive song,
"Let me kiss my mama good-bye.” a
» sweet melody, both published by j* W.
i lenkin-s* Sons, of Kansas City, Mo.,
• which will I e mailed to you by the
1 publishers upon receipt of 23 cents. Our
! judgement is that they are worth your
wmle in obtaining.
Driper Bros, are headquarters for
Hardware anil Harness
We iianille the Richardson silks anil
Johnson & Lorentz.
Epi-copal services Wednesday even
ing, Feb. 21, It ctor J. M Bates, paste.
All invited.
I have a lew tens of choice upland
hav for sale at $4 per ton d livered.
Phone Y 17. I) M Gue.
On Sunday eveniug, March 4th, the
Baptist people will commence a series
of special meetings A good time is
expected. *
Misses Florence Leininger and
Winnie Outhouse visited the Misses
Autrecht in Washington town-hip the
latter part of last week.
Jim Conger shipped a car load ot ice
to John Wall at Arcadia. Tuesday.
James has now finished his ice cutting
and storing for the winter.
The young people give Dwight
McComhs a pleasant surprise party at
his home on last evening, preceding his
removal with his parents to Arkansas.
Wes McComhs leaves with his fami
ly for Gentry, Arkansas, next Monday,
where he has pmchased an hundred
acres ot land near that town and will
make it his home. May good luck at
tend him.
John W. Long was a very sick man
last Saturday and Sunday with la grippe
which terminated in pneumonia, but a
vigorous constitution lias brought him
safely through and lie is on the fair
road to his usual good health.
Pastor Wold will presch a special
sermon to the 1. O. O F. fraternity
this coming Sunday evening. Subject
“Love.” This is the second address of
a series of three lectures which Mr
Wold is giving the local lodge.
C J. Tracy returned last Friday from
a few days’absence in southwest Ne
braska'. looking over the land handled
by Zimmerman & Brewer. C. J.
yvouldn'l commit himself, but acknow
ledged the land was much better than
he anticipated.
J. D. Slyder and daughter. Miss Lizzie
Slyder, of Wilbur. Nebr , are here visit
ing their daughter and sister, Mrs. W.
H. Creerv, of this city Mr. Slyder is
here also for the purpose ()f purchasing
suitable real estate, in v hieli laudable
endeavor we trust lie may be successful.
We have the implied promise of Supt
Mead to hereafter run an educational
column in The Northwestern If
the worthy head of our county schools
does not gig back, we may confidently
expect to furnish our readers with live
articles on school matters each week
hereafter .
The art lectures 1 ist Friday afternoon
at the Baptist church for children, and
in the evening for adults, by Mrs. F. M.
Hall of Lincoln, aided bv pictures
thrown on a screen, all in the interest
of the fund being rosed for a public
drinking fountain in this city, was well
p troniz»d at both entertainments, and
a neat sum realized
Last Saturday evening the members
of the D. D. club were verv pleasantly
entertained at the home of Miss
Soplironia Wharton. The evening was
passed with games and music, Miss
Libbie Adamson winning the prize.
An excellent luncheon was served and
at a late hour all departed for their
homes 'hanking their hostess for a very
pleasant evening.
Bridge Contractor W. T. Gibson thus
sings: “Now is the winter of our
discontent made more glorious,” etc.,
all because the weather has given him
his waiting opportunity for plenty of
ice in the river that he mav rush
through his work on the new Austin
bridge, at which be is now busilv en
gaged. So, you see, it takes all kinds
of weather to suit all kinds of people.
By the Tingley (Iowa) Vindicator we
see that a half interest in a hog sold
there last week for SliiOO. nuking the
animal’s value 83.000. That’s nothing.
We know of a hog in a town where we
used to run a paper, that was president
of a bank and who was churned to be
worm many times that amount, and
the animal was a two-legged porker at
Earl Thompson is to start a new
Haberdasher store in the building
recently vacated bv the restaurant, next
door to Gasteyer’s, and lias had the
room newly papered and painted and
made attractive. Earl tells us that he
proposes to carry everything in the
gents’ furnishing line and of the latest
sti les and fashions Earl is up-to-date
and we shall expect him to ‘ Get there,
Eli,” in great shape.
The basket social at the Baillie school
house in Washington township last’
Saturday evening was well attended,
and a good time was had. C. T
McKinttie acting as master of cere
monies. The program consisted of
vocal music by B P. McKiunie;grapho
ph»ne by W. R. Mellor, and a male
quartette consisting of Messrs W. R.
Mellor, A. J. Johnson, L. N Smith and
G. 8. heinitiger Eighteen baskets
were sold netting the sum of 832.
Homemade head-cheese 8c per pound,
minc'd ham. 10c per pound at Siep
mann & Oltmann’s.
E. S. Uayhurst went down to Lincoln
Tuesday morning to be in attend-mce
on the state hardware dealers' conven
tion. (
Dr. J. II. Long was a very sick man
Monday night and Tuesday with la
grippe, requiring the services of a nurse
in the person of Mr. Cowell, sr„ but at
present is convalescing.
A. L. Zimmerman returned home
Monday evering from a business trip
to Lincoln county, in the west part of
the state, where lie took a number of
home-seekers, to look over the country
Frank Foster, our popular tonsorial
artist, painfully lacerated one of his
lingers last Saturday on the point of a
p-ir of shears. Had it been on the
cheek of an average newspaper man, no
damage would have resulted.
I. II. Winchell arrived home Monday
evening from a trip to southwestern
Nebraska, where he looked over the
land offered by Zimmerman & Brewpr,
«nd we understand has conditionally
purchased a nice holding there.
Dr. T. L. Sexton of Lincoln will
preach for the Presbvterisns next Sun
day morning and evening. Dr Sexton
is the synodical missionary of the state
and will take up the subject of Home
Missions in one of his discourses.
It. D. Hendrickson, who has been ex
ploring the Oklahoma country the past
few weeks, returned home last Satur
day, an! a stick of dynamite lighted
and placed neath Rol’s pedal extremities
wouldn’t elicit any circumstances con
nected therewith.
Mrs. L. D Gardner and Mrs. Frank
Hist are enjoving a visit from their
daughter >nd sister. Mrs. D. R. Twist,
of Twist, Nor'h Dakota. She had been
visiting a sister "at Wood River, this
state, who was seriously ill, but now
convalescing, and is on her way home.
Bv reference to the statement of the
First National Bank published last
week, we see that the deposits exceed
those of three months since by some
S10.000 or over, as shown hv tiie state
ment. at that time Another straw
showing that Sherman county people
are among those favored by Providence.
Last Monday, while Chet Tracy was
hauling a big wagon load of ice from
Conger's pond, and just as he was
crossing the culvert bridge east of the
pond, his horses sided off the bridge,
hauling the wagon and load of ice after
them. A« good fortune would have it,
the horses were uninjured, but the
wagon was badly demoralized. And
Chet just smiled.
A. Sorensen, a prominent farmer liv
ing near Dannebrog, was killed last
Thursday in a runaway near that town,
according to a telegram in the dailies
of last Friday. It seems Mr. Sorensen
and wife were returning home from a
visit to neighbors, when the team be
came frightened, throwing them out,
breaking the neck of Mr. Sorensen and
b-dlv injuring Mrs. Sorensen, although
the lady's injuries proved not fatal and
she will recover.
The entertainment given at the
Presbyterian church Monday evening
of this week, by I) Webster Davis, the
reader and impersonator, was hailed bv
a goouly audience, notwithstanding the
extremely had weather, and the receipts
were very satisfactory’. Bert McKinnle
came in from Washington township
through the storm and gave several of
his choice vocal selections, which with
the exc llent readings given bv Mr.
Davis, gave an evening of unalloyed
pleasure to all present, and as one lady
said to us at the close of the evening,
“It was worth a dollar, rather than the
price asked "
Mr. T. A Clark is the new agent at
the U P. depot, a fact we ommitted
mentioning last week, when we spoke
of the change. Mr. Clark had bean
operator at St Paul for two years
previous to his transfer to this station,
ana is a very pleasant and accomodating
agent. Mr. Clark is a railroad man of
many years’ experience and is a veteran
in the work. For the past five ye <rs
he has been with the Union Pacific
people and previous to that lime was
several years with the Burlington at
points in Colorado and Kansas. While
our" people regret the losing of Mr.
Riser, they will find in Mr. Clark an
equally equipped man for the station at
this point, and give him a welcome to
this city. Mr. Clark has not as yet made
arrangements to move liis family here,
but undoubtedly will as soon as a
suitable house can 1.6 secured, which
are proverbially scarce in Loup City
any part of the year.
Meats smoked for anybody at Siep
inann & Oltmann’s.
Unton Pacific Low Hates
One-way Colonist Excursion, si eclal
rates, tickets on sale Feb-15 to April
7. 1900. F H. Hisek, Agent.
A good 400-acre farm,
well improved, for sale
by John W. Long, $25
per acre.
Profession* I Cards
Attorney and Comelcr-it-Law
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
Jfl. //. JflEJiD
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Ouly set of Abstract books in county
Office, Over New Bank.
A. s. main'
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Telephone
Residence. Connection
And the YPnhlic!
Tie St Eliao Livery Bara
1 Is under a new management. Give
me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t right my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt.,
T. E.Gilbert, Prop.
Give Us a Trial
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Noithwestern Office)
finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers'
Headquarters iorfai'mers’ teams Com
mercial men's trade given especial at
tention. Your patronage solicited.
The Drayman
Phone us at N 6
J. S. CASADA, Propr.
Having recently taken possession of
the R. T. Snyder barn and
re-fitted and re-fur
nished the same
Best of Livery Rids
I am prepared to give
Best of Service
Give me a trial. Good feed barn
in connection. The traveling public
are especially invited to give us a
share of their patronage.
^ ■■■
For Sale by T. H. Eisner
i line of the most \ * I
Best and Most Stylish Shoe made. Try a pair and voti
will always buy them'.
129 Acres
of Valley Land
1 1-2 miles west of Loup City
Lying just across the West Bridge
For Sale at $20 per acre.
\ „
A splendisd place toraie Hogs and Chickens
and feed Cattle.
For Sale by: W. R. MELLOR.
Call on tlxe
Loup City, Pebfaska,
Of all kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker 5
My shoo Is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Uiver ■*
I have a four horse engine and a complete line ot the latest Improved. ma m
chluery. also a force ot experienced men who know how to opciale it and as
turnout a job with neatness and dispatch. m
a a a a a a a ta a a a aaaaaaa aBaa'a3taaaaa*Massa3r:a3ai'.aa^
High Grade Orgap
Manufactured by tile
(At Factory Prices
Delivered in your town.
You pay $5 Gash
apd $J Per Week
60 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prices of tbe Factory Distributors,
Oixialia, 2Sret>.
The Big Pianc and Organ House.
In the District Court of the United States for
the District of Nebraska.
(n the matter of Samuel C. Thompson, bank
rupt, of Litchfield. Nebraska:
Creditors andiother persons interested in the
estate of Samuel C. Thompson will take notice
that said bankrupt has filed his petition for
discharge and that creditors and others may
die objections to such discharge at my office
In Grand Island on or before the 20th day of
February- 1*06, at 11 o'clock a. m.. and will
then have ten days in which to file speci
fications, if they so desire to do.
In the event that no objections are filed, tbe ;
prayer of the petitioner will be granted.
Grand Island, February 5th, 1906.
Arthur C. Mater.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
“It you want to buy or sell real
estate, call on John W. Long.
Estimate of Expenses.
For 11K15 as ordered by County Hoard.
On Roads. .IUXIO.GO
On Bridge*.4.000
On Books. Blanks and Stationery .Vion*®
On Incidentals. HOOuO
on Election Expenses. 1 000(14)
On County Repairs. (1(J
On Oltlce Rents and Salaries.5 00,5 ll0
On Court, including Attorney s Fees . 3 000 00
On Bounties on wild animals
On Illegal Tax.
On County Printing.
On Insane Cases. .
On Bridge Bond Interest and Refund- ' f
inB Bond Interest. 6 A
On Sink ing Bond Fund. , “ , ~ '
On Teachers Institute. .'
. «.o
C F. Beushaoske,
„ County Clerk. M
(Last pub. Feb. 15) M