Grand Island Woven Wire fencing with barbed wire borders, for sale at IF. O. REED’S. * THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY. FEB. 1, 1900. A Few Market Quotations. Cattle, per 100 lbs...83.00@84 50 Hogs, per 100 lbs. 4 85 Corn, berbu.27@ 28% Wheat, per bu.53® .60 Oats, per*bu. .19® .22 Kve. per bu.45@ .46 Eggs, per doz. 12 Butter, per lb. 20 lioaal Dews. Let C. E Mellor do your rlumbing. 1162. Ashley Conger, the drayman Get him. W. P. Reed’s children are all on the sick list. Baled hay for sale by A. P. de Lyster. Free delivery. Carpenter Martin bad businsss at Ashton Monday. Phone A. T. Conger. H62, when in need of a drayman. Mrs. Alex Baillie is a severe sufferer from rheumatism. Try Maitland Ccal at the Keystone Lumber Co., 86.25 per ton. For well and wind mill work, leave your order with T. M. Reed. See Draper Bros, for Singer, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines See the high speed four stroke rotary wash machine at P. O. Reeds. Phone N 22 and get every tiling in the flour and feed line you want For cheap rates to southwest Ne braska, see Zimmerman & Brewer. Back »t the old stand—the Northern Milling Co. D. C Grow It yon want to buy or sell real estate, call on John W. Long. Mrs. Geo. Benschoter returned to her home at Schill, this state, last Saturday. Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb. specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. Don’t forget that Biemond & D.iddow of the popular Pioneer meat market have a free delivery wagon. See A. P. de Lyster for Loup City Mill Co’s Flour and Feed. Every sack warranted. Feee delivery. Chickens, Chickens, Chickens. We want lots of them. Best prices paid This is Siepmann & Oltmann talking. John W. Long is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. You can get a splendid quarter of b’ef of Siepmann & Oltmann at 4 A to 6A per pound. Try them and you will come again. Miss Maude Gilbert on Suuday was cilled to Kansas City on receipt of a telegram announcing the rerious illness of her mother. Buckwheat, Rye Graham, Rye flour Wheat Graham and the best white and yellow cornmeal, at the Northern Mill ing Co's. Feed Store. . xj. Limmn man last wees soiu a half section of land near Sargent to a Mr. T. P. Green, the consideration being 813.000. A pretty good deal. Draper Bros, are* selling their stock of buggies at cost, to make room for new goods arriving. If yon don’t believe it, call and get their prices. D. M. Gue will not move to town and into his cottage purchased of W. H Morris until the latter part of this month, intending to have some needed repairs done first. I have decided, as there is an oppor. tunifv, to give attention to the sale of real estate; and request all who have lands or town prop*rty to sell to list thiir property with me. A. P. Culley. WANTED; District Managers to post signs, advertise and distribute samples. {Salary 818.00 weekly, 83 00 per day for expenses. State age and present employment. Ideal Shear Co., 30 Randolph St.. Chicago. I desire to say: My permanent home is Loup City. I can be found in my office in the rear room of the First National Bank at all times. List vour farms and town properly with me and I shall do my best to serve von and use you honorably. Dr*. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chronic diseases such as Rheu mati-m. Stomach disorders, Tumois. Cancers, P-iralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides medicine and surgery .the x-ray, hot air baths, e’ec trinity ami massage. Mrs. F. M. Hull. Art Connoisseur of Lincoln, will give an art 'ec?w with views to the pupils of the public schools Fridiy, Fel> !)t\ it 3 p. m. in tin Baptist church, admission 5c fur all children. Also, will lec'ure in the even ing at the same p’ace; admission 25c; children l‘c. A c >rdial invitation ex tended 11 ill to it e-d P ic eds go toward a fund for a public drinking fountain. Mrs C. J. Odeudahl is on the sid list Rev. Madely is now located atOxfort this state. Good Round Oak office stove for salt Inqrire at this office. Draper Bros, are headquarters foi Hardware and Harness. E. W. Perkins’ mother is here visit ing him from Plano, 111 Judge Wall was over at. Broken Bow on legal business last week. It is rumored Loup City is to havt ' two more saloons the coming year. Bring your harness to Draper Bros snd have them oiled before the rush. The Unity Club will meet with Mrs E. G. Taylor next Thursday afternoon, Eeb. S. C. P. Simpson today moved into the C. de Porter residence in the west part of town. John John has sold his farm to C W. Fletcher and expects to move do*n to Arkansas. Draper Bros, will give 20 per cent discount on heating stoves for the next thirty days. Mrs. C. C Outhouse entertained the members of the P O. E. society at her home an Tuesday evening l'hos. Jainrog was up from Ashton on business, Wednesday and favored the editor with a pleasant call Oa last Saturday the final papers in the purchase by Jonas Parsliall of the L-'tip C.ty Mills were passed. The preaching conducted by P.istor Wold at Truelsen’s school house will be resumed next Sunday at 3 o'clock. Geo. Kettle of Ashton has sold his farm and will make a tour of the Pacific coast states this summer. Did you say harness? Draper Bros, manufacture all their own harness and guarantee same to give satisfaction. I have a few tons of choice upland hay for sale at $4 per ton delivered. Phone Y IT. D. M. Gce. This office on Tuesday printed bills for a sale for Geo. Galowicz. which will take place on his farm on Monday, Feb. 19. Geo. Truelsen left Tuesday to look over some of the land Will Zimmerman has for sale down in southwestern Ne braske. Engineer O'Bryah arrived home from the hospital at Omaha last Friday, not entirely recovered but on the fair road to recovery. The Keystone Lumber Co. sells Carbolinuem. which is a world beater to preserve wood and to exterminate chicken lice. The Northwestern got out bills on Tuesday for a public sale by Ray Emry on his place eight miles south of Loup City, Feb 6th. Arthur England, a cousin of Mrs F S. R >bbins. was here Monday night with the “Down Vermont Way’’ com pany in which he played the heavy part. The following farm phones have been placed since lass report: Jonn Fisher, Geo Ziegler, J. Q Prav, John Lewan dowksi, P. Lewandowski and Nick Sobinski. Mr. Jonas Parshall and W. Anderson will exchange residence homes, Mr Parshall moving inCo his property near the mill and Mr. Anderson moving up into one of the O’Bryan cottages. The:e will be communion service at the Baptist church next Sunday morn ing Let every one remember to be on time. Service* begin promptly at 10:30 Morning subject: ‘ The Constraining Love of Christ.” Mrs. Finlev Dye, a deputy for the Royal Higlanders, is here in the interest or our local order. It is hoped the members and general public wrill make her stay bnih pleasant and profit able for herself and onr castle. Fred Jens arilved from Grand Junc tion. Colo., Muesday evening, for a few days’ visit with Ins many friends, and incidentally attend to some untinisbed business matters. He expects to return to his mountain home next week. Thefollowinggoodfriends are among those who have renewed their sub scription to The Northwestern the past few days: Dr. W. L. Marcv, John >lms, John Nordstrom, VV. H. Kellar, H. J. Johansen, Herman Jung, lacob Ritz, Julius Bios cf Boelus, Will Wharton, Alex ll.iillie, Joi n Mit'icw son, W m. Shuman and Thus Jamrog. Earl Mellor, who is serving an ap prenticeship in the U. S navy, and be longs to ihe training ship, Dts Moines and stationed at Hampton Roads, off the coast of Virginia, came home on a short furlough hwt Tuesday evening, and as his leave of absence is only sixteen days he will be obliged to return to his ship Stturday morning. He ex pects to return by way or Ssutliporc. S. C , where his mother is at present. Earl did not know his best triends were away, and his home coming has been a grievocs d sappointment in that regaid, I ut otherwise he is having a go mI time visiting bis many friends ashore. i Sim Criss moved into his new home on Tuesday. ! Two of Bert Chase's children arc la grippe sufferers at present. Loans on Real Estate, call on John W. Long. Geo. Holmes was up from south Sherman, list Saturday on business matters. Supervisor Geo. Brimmer was a Loup City visitor from Bristol last Saturday. See Will Zimmerman for real estate »nd insurance, second door east of St, Elmo hotel. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Poitis, six miles north of town, this morning, a baby girl. Our good friend, John Nordstrom of Washington township gave us a pleas ant call last Saturday. A 7-year-old daughter of Harry Udy has l>een quite ill with lung fever, but present writing is much improved. Cash Conger and family from Danne brog were over Sunday visitors with Cash's brother, Stewart, and family. Win. Shuman one of Ashton town ship's progressive farmers, is a new subscriber to The Northwestern. Charley, Frank and Phil, a trio of j the good Moritz hoys from Bristol, who ; were Loup City visitors last Saturday. We printed sale bills this week for Frank Kosmicki, who will have a sale on his farm 5‘> miles southeast of Ashton, Wednesday, Feb. 21. Rev. U C. Bailey of Bennett, Nebr., will preach for the Presbyterians at the German church next Sunday at 10:30 a. in. ffnd 7:30 p. m. □ By our Ashton correspondent we see that cards are out announcing the coming nuptials of Frank Otlewski and Mrs. Susan Jolkowski. Good for Frank. Joe Cording was in town over last Sunday. Joe informed us he had quit his job at Litchfield and accepted a position in a pharmacy at Mason City and was to commence this week Mon day. Mrs. Helen Spires of Columbus, was here last week, the guest of Mrs. Viola Odendahl, Mrs. Spires was here as a representative of the grand matron of the O. E. S.. to inspect the Eastern Star lodge at this place. The state banking board has author ized the Bank of Sargent to increase its capital stock from ten to twelve thousand dollirs, and the Bnk at Ashton to increase its capitalization from six to ten thousand. Owing to the crowded condition of the intermediate and gr immer depart ments of our city schools, the school board is considering the proposition of adding another teacher. Miss Aimee Whitman of Washington township, was in the citv yesterday consulting with the hoard, but no contract was entered into. Personally conducted excursion to western Kansas on Tuesday, Feb. tith. Inquire of S A. Pratt. Loup City, Nebraska Ashton News. K. A. Smith went to South Omaha Tuesday. A. Gadesky has the mumps and is very sick. May Kettle returned from Denver, Colo . Friday evening. Albert Seabeck came home from St. Paul Tuesday with the mumps. .John ltewolinskt intends to erect a large hotel here before Aprd 1st. Mrs. W. A. Wilson came up from Giltner to visit her son, It. A. Wilson. Joe Sowakenis and O 1,. Mercer shipped 3 car load of cattle to Omaha. L. Galczinski, L-o Sac and Frank Swantkowski are sick with the mumps. Aug. Beusbausen sold his farm since last writing to a Columbus man for $6,000. Mrs. Wickman moved her good* to Farwell, wdiere she intends to make her future home. Cards are also out announcing the marriage of Mrs. Susan Jolkowski to Mr. Frank Otlewski. L. Kosmicki sold his livery barn to son in-law, Will Elders, who took charge of it Monday morning. Mrs. F. Wickman sold her quarter of land near town to Jack Macjewski, the con«ideration being $8,000. Mrs. Fred Hanson and daughter Ella of Dietz, Wyo., are visiting the Sand berg and Isaacson families of upper Oak Creek. We understand our asssstant p< st master. W. C. Dun.ker, intends to leave the postoffice about Feb lctli to travel for an insurance company. We are informed that Rev. Father Augustine will soon have charge of this C tthotic parish and will be assisted by Father I. Jorki of Chicago. Mary Ignowski and Pete I.ew mkow ski were married at Papibon Tuesday Jau. 23; Peter Kwiatkowski and Julia Jauzanka followed suit on the 30 th. Let C. E. Mellor tlx your pump Both of Wilbur Waite’s little dtugh ters are suffering from la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ramink were in from Divide, last Saturday, and gave The Northwestern a pleasant call Dentist W L. Marcy’s baby is down with lung fever at present, but we are glad to note the little snfferer is im proving. Jacob Ititz gave us a pleasant call on Monday and complimented us upon having the neatest little printing office he ever visited. Thanks. The Misses Helen and Clara Aufr< cht, daughters of Wm. Aufrecht of Wash ington township, who are attending school in this city, are on the sick list. We are informed that the rural route west from this city, petitioned for, will be established as soon as the delivery boxes are put in by the patrons of the route J. F. Martin, the carpenter and con tractor, is one of the newest of the good men who have added their names to our growing list of subscribers. The Mystic Legion will have a basket supper and good time in Society Ilall on Monday evening of next week. A good time expected and all members cordially invited to be present. Herman Johansen last week at the big sale of fine hogs at Kearney pur chased two fine Poland China sows at a fancy price. Herman is nothing un less on the progressive order. Anton Erazim, of Loup City, is in Ravenna this week, making arrange ments to commence the work of build ing a house and barn on his farm, three-quarters of a mile north of town. —Ravenna News The Arcadia Champion was edited last week by Hev. W. E. Mathews of the M. E. church there and devoted almost wholly to church work. Editor Preacher Mathews, or Preacher-Editor Mathews, we should judge, was born for either position. Hev. McEwen of Fonda, Iowa, filled the Presbvterian pulpit last Sunday morning and evening, and delivered two verv able discourses to crowded houses. We understand the church were so well pleased that they unani mously gave him a call for the coming year, but he was unable to accept until he consulted nis church at Fonda, who are loth to give him up. The bridge across Loup river west of town, is in bad condition and farmers living in the territory adjacent are thus compelled to c<>me around bv way of i he south bridge to get to town. The current has undermined the east ap proach, and until the bridge has needed repairs our farmer Iriends from Wash ington and Webster townships will be compelled to travel about four extra miles to get to town. The atldetic club, which will have its meetings in the old Northwestern building, met Monday evening and perfected its organization by selecting the following officers: President, C. W Conhiser; vice president, P. O. Reed; secretary, R. H. Mathew; treasurer, >V. F, Mason. A committee, consist ing of II P. Starr, L. II. Spahr, Ilenrv Eisner, Jr., and R. II. Mathews, was also chosen to draft a constitution and by-laws. W. II. Kellar of Bristol and Elmer Babcock of Clav were in town Satur day on business connected with an attempt to remove the school house adjoining their farms to a point some two miles distant, and entirely outside their convient school limit. Of course the boys are kicking against the change which necessitates the division of the present school districts into three in stead of two districts, and we do not i.lame them. There were some twenty other residents of that section, pro and con, who were in on tne same line of interest. We acknow ledge a pleasant call from the two progressive friends above mentioned. Beef by the quarter 4 l-2c perpound at Bie mond & Daddow’s, On Tuesday evening ot this week, several couple of our young people gave the Messrs. Ilenry and Art E'sner a genuine surprise party at their com fortable home. The evening was passed with whist and other games, after which refreshments were served and at a late hour the guests repaired to their sver-1 homes, w'ell repaid for the evening spent, and leaving their hosts highly pleased over the surprise given them One of the features of the even ing were musical selections by several of the young men present. Tho»e who were in attendance were: The Misses Belle Mulick, Edna Minshull, Henrv Young, Ernestine Odendalil, Gladys O’Bryan and Louise Zuelow and the Messrs. John O’Bryan, fihas. Minshull, Hr. S. A. A len Newton Vance and Joe Thompson A good 400-acre farm, well improved, for sale per acre. Phone, N60. For a Drayman That catches J. W. Conger Profession# i Cards R. J. NIGHTINGALE LOUP CITY. NEB AARON WALL Lei-wy er Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT. P. S FARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. Jf, //. 11*10 Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county J. H. LONG PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office, Oijer New Bank. TELEPHONE CONNECTION A. S. MAIN, Physician pnd Surgeon Office at Telephone Residence. Connection. LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. And th.e Public! Tie St. Eli Livery Bare Is under a new management. Give me a trial and if you have any thing good to say, say it to others; if you have any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t right my mistakes, but I can and will. Respt., T.H.Gilbert,Prop. PHONE, W9. Give Us a Trial A Hound Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr. (Opposite Noit'iwesiern Office) Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers Headquarters ior farmers’ teams Com mercial men's trade given especial at tention. Your patronage solicited. TRY - GUS. OLTMAN The Drayman Phone us st N 6 SATISFACTION EVERY TIME J. S. CASA DA. Propr. Having recently taken possession of the R. T. Snyder barn and re-titte-i and re-fur nished the same with Besi of Livery Rigs I am prepared to give Best of Service Give me a trial. Good feed barn in connection. The traveling public are especially invited to give us a share of their patronage. SS] I.W.HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY I ( Sale: In order to make room for ourSpring Goods, and the winter having been mild, we must sell the heavy goods. Cost Cuts No Figure Men’s Fleeced Underwear, Per Suit, - - 75 Cents Boys’ Fleeced Underwear, Per Suit, • - 25 Cents Men’s Working Shirts, at - 35 Cents Boys’ Working Shirts, at - 25 Cents Men’s Wool Socks, at - - 15 and 25 Cents Men’s Duck Coats, former price $2.00, now - • $1.50 Men’s Duck Coats, former price 2.50, now - 2.00 Boys’ Duck Coats, former price 1.00, now - - 75 Men’s Overshoes, - - $1.25, $1.35, and $1.60 Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats at your own price. Men’s and Boys Suits at greatly reduced prices. This is your chance to get goods at very low prices. JOfWSO]q & LOFEflTZ 129 Acres of Valley Land 1 1-2 miles west of Loup City Lying just across the West Bridge For Sale at $20 per acre. A splendisd place toraie Hogs and Chickens and feed Cattle. For Sale by: W. R. MELLOR. Call on tlxe Lifer Loup Gity, Nebraska, —for— LUMBER Of all kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. •^J. I. DEPEW®** “ •M Blacksmith §> Wagon Makers My sh p Is tbe largest and best equipped north of tbe Platte Itlver as I have a four horse engine and a complete line of tbe latest Improved, ms as cbtuery. also a force ot experienced men who know bow to operate It and as turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch. as MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT 2 1 ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. J High Grade Orgap Manufactured by the » At Factory Prices Delivered in your town. You Pay $5 Cash apd $| Per Week 50 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors, Omatta, USTet). Tbe Big Piano and Organ House. Estimate of Expenses. For 1805 as ordered by County Board. 3n Roads.|| .000.00 jn Bridges .. .. . . .. 4,000.00 | Jn Books. Blanks and Stationary. 500.00 Jn Incidentals. , . (W0.0O | >n Election Expenses. 1.000.00; Jn County Repairs. 700 00 j Jn Office Rents and Salaries. 5.000 00 ! Jn Court, including Attorney's Fees... *.000.00 Jn Bounties on wild animals. 350 00 Jn Illegal Tax. 300.00 Jn County Printing. 400 00 Jn Insane Cases. 700.00 Jn Bridge Bend Interest and Refund ing Bond Interest. 6.000.00 Jn Sinking Bond Fund. 5,000,00 )n Teachers Institute. 25.00 C. F. BECSHACSEtr, County Clerk. (Last pub. Feb. 15) Danish Bacon Factories. Danish co-operative bacon factories now have about 65,000 members, and last year they killed 636,000 pigs and 10,000 head of cattle, amounting ip 1 mpney tp 310,570,000. The price re ceived for bacon in the English mgr? ket averaged 4 cents a pound above the average price for bacon from other countries. Curious Motor Race. The most curious motor race ever organized was held in Paris. The competitors were taken to the top of the Eiffel tower, and a distant church spire was pointed out to them. Then they had to descend, get aboard their machines, and And their way through the maze of streets to the church.