The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 11, 1906, Image 8

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Hardware, Tinware, Granite ware, Cutlery and Sporting Goods, at
ip. O. REED’S.
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbi.$3.00@$4 50
ogs, per 100 lbs. 4.70
Corn, berbu. 3).@32
Wheat, per bu.42<a> .63
Oats, peribu.19%<§ .22%
liye, jerbu.. ,45@ .61
Eggs, per doz.. 18
Butter, per lb. 20
Iioaal Daws.
LetC. E Mellor do your rlumbing.
• H62, Ashley Conger, the drayman
Get him.
A nearly new cooking stove lor sale.
Sse W. F. Mason.
Phone A. T. Conger. H62, when in j
leed of a drayman.
Loans on Real Estate, call on i
John W. Lon?.
Miss Jennie Sutton returned to her
home at Ord last Friday.
Try Maitland Coal at the Keystone
Lumber Co., S6.25 per ton.
Miss Meroe Outhouse visited fiiends
at Ashton last Thursday.
See Draper Bros, for Singer, Wheel el
and Wilson sewing machines.
Fob Sale: A 4 hole corn sheller
nearly new. SeeT. M. Reed.
Phone N 22 and get everything ir,
the flour and feed line you want.
See W. P. Reed for real estate and
collections at reasonable prices. 37
Mrs. G. A. Curry, south of town, is
a severe sufferer from rheumatism.
Back at the old stand—the Northern
Milling Co. D. C Grow
The B. & M. passenger now leaves
Loup City at 7:38 a. m. instead of 7:23.
It yon want to buy or sell real
estate, call on John W. Long.
A fine baby boy was reported at the j
home of Quincy Pray, arriving lad j
Dr.Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb.
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glasses.
Don’t forget that Biemond & Daddow
of the popular Pioneer meat market
have a free delivery wagon.
E. W. Bissel and family left last
Monday for Glenwood, Mo., where they
will make their future home
Chickens, Chickens, Chickens. We
want lots of them. Best prices paid.
This is Siepmann & Oltmann talking.
C. H Leininger, the furniture man, j
went to Lincoln, Monday morning on !
a business trip, to return this evening.
You can get a splendid quarter of!
beef of Siepmann & Oltmann at to
6% Der pound. Try them and you will
come again.
Dr. Main will occupy office rooms
over the First National Bank at an
early day. We will make note when
he takes possession.
Buckwheat, Rye Graham, Rye flour
Wheat Graham and the best white and
yellow cornmeal, at the Northern Mill
ing Co’s. Feed Store.
Miss Liz tie Dinsdale returned to her
home at Palmer, last Saturday, after a
pleasant visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. .lames Johansen.
When in Loup City stop at the St.
Elmo. Meats at regular tables, 25c;
at commercial table,50c; beds 25c and
50c. J. W. Harper, Prop.
M. B. A. meeting. Friday night, Jan.
12. Special request by deputy, for in
stalling officers also will take in eight
new members, and vote on fifteen.
The tenth grade of the Loup City
High school will give the play entitled,
“Aunt Dinah’s Quilting Pcrty,” at
the opera house in Arcadia. Friday
evening, Jan 19th, 1906.
Henry Dolling has moved his cobbler
shop into the Zimmerman office build
ing a few doirs north of the hirst
National Bank. Call and see him
when you have boots or shoes to mend.
M. B. Mathew, living three miles west
of town, shipped a car «of cattle to
Omah<, Monday. He was assisted in
getting the four-looted ct itters to town
by four of his handsomest neighbors of
the male suasion.
WANTED: District Manageis to
post signs, advertise and distribute
samples. Salary $18.00 weekly, $3 00
per day for expenses. State age and
present employment. Ideal Shf.ab
Co., 39 Randolph St., Chicago.
All members of the L. M. L. A. are
requested to attend the next regular
meeting, Ian 15th, as sprc'»l business
will come before them. Arrang m?nts
are made for serving refreshments
Bring your has! e .
Notice to the Publie. j
To all those who like skating, -la-3. W
C mger wish s to say th. t they are
weleona * to skate on his It ef 'in 1 ow,
on, and also wishes to ihuk each end
everyone for their kii dne-s n k ing
«ff the lake until the ice wat harvested,
Let C. E. Mellor Sx your pump.
Good Hound Oak office stove for sale
Inquire at this office.
Dnper Bros, are headquarters for
Hardware and Harness.
Miss Ella Taylor returned to her
studies at York, Monday.
Draper Bros, will give 20 per cent
discount on heating stoves for the next
thirty days
The Keystone Lumber Co. received
two care of Canon City and Niggerhead
Lump Coal.
Messrs. Hastings and Kinsev of
Arcadia were doing business in Loup
City last Friday.
Mrs. C. J. Tracy and son returned
last week from their visit over the
holidays with friends at Hastings.
Did you say harness? Draper Bros,
manufacture all their own harness and
guarantee same to give satisfaction.
Wiestling match Catch-as-catch-can.
between Pat Cannon, the champion of
the state, and three of the be-t men in
Loup City.
Will Engle last week linished the
new cottage he was building for Hiram
Cramer, and gave it into the hands of
the plasterees.
Don t forget to notice the prices
quoted by Cooppr this week. Remem
ber they are good only during January,
and take advantage of them.
We are sorry to note this we3k that
Baby Margaret Long was severely
burned, last Tuesdav evening, the little
one getting ui>on a register with her
bare feet, severely burning them.
However, she is doing nicely at present.
Prof. T.L. Knight, an old friend of
the fditor, and one of the best educators
in the state, but who is at present state
agent for a Chicago school supply
house, was in the city today in the
interest of his firm, and was the guest
of the editor and family.
Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu
matic, Stomach disorders, Tumois.
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases.etc.
The doctors use. besides medicineand
surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tricity and massage.
John Peterson from Benson, this
st ite. has leased a section of land near
his brother, Frank Peterson, a few
miles erst of Loup City, and on Mon
day arrived with his family and house
hold goods to take possession. He was
quite an extensive farmer st his former
home, and will prove a valuable
addition to Shermsn county.
We received a pleasant call on Wed
nesday from Mr. Nielson of Rockville,
the gentleman who was appointed
member of the county board, vice
R. M, Hiddleson, who wa3 elected coun
tv treasurer. Mr. Nielson is a busi
ness man of Rockville, and we believe
will make a first-class supervisor. We
congratulate the people on his selection.
Mr. Janies McBeth who purchased
the Sam Daddow farm on Wiggle
Creek, six miles south of town some
time since, arrived from Polk county
with his family the first of the week
and took charge of his new farm.
Our people will cordially welcome Mr.
McBeth and family to a future home
in the best county and among the best
people in the state.
The Thompson’.-: Great<st ot all
plays, will take place at Pilger’s Opera
House, Wednesday evening, Jan. 17th
Program: Rubber Face, New York
Fire Department Going to Fire, Target
Practice. Niagra Fells at Sunrise, Bar
nurn’s Trick Donkey, Malinda Squash
and Her Beau, Can’t Lose Your
Mother-in-law, Georgia Colored Folks’
Cake Walk, Snap Slior and its ( onse
quenees, Casey and the Steam Roller,
Burglar and Old Maid, Lovers Inter
rupted, Sleigh Riding Contest, Love in
a Railroad Train, Meet Me at the
Fountain or Comedy Love. Chase, A
fine selection of Sterioiticon Views of
choicest selections, also comics. Don’t
fail to he>r Ethel, the child soloist;
pronounced by press and public as one
of the best in the state. If you can’t
laugh, don’t come. Reserved seats at
Gus Lorentz received a telegram last
Saturday morning announcing the sad
news of the death of his good mother
that morning, in Denver, at 0:30 o’clock.
As will be remembered, Mr. Lorentz
was called to her bedside only a few
days ago. ana came home leaving her
much improved in health, but it seems
her constitution was so undermined by
her illness caused by appendicitis, that
though she wou’d rally at times, it was
only temporary, and her death came
suddenly as announced. Owing to
badness engagements, it was impossible
for Mr. Lorentz to attend the funeral,
which was arrtngsd for the day fol
lowing her death. Mrs. Maja L.
Lorentz was 02 years of age and was
tiie mother of eight children—two
daughters i u:4 two sons with her in
Denver, two daugb ,ers and a son in
Aurora, and Mr. Gus Lorentz, our fellow
townsman. Mrs. Lorentz lost fcer hus
band bonetljr-e years ago. We iigye
no further data of information in re>
gard to Ml < dice isid. Our p‘ople will
deeply syrnt athize with Mr. Loientz in
his irreparable lorn.
*5.00 reward for the man who shot
and killed mv bird dog.
T. II. Elsneii.
Henry Kuhl received the prize doll
at Gasteyer’s last week, given to the
customer purchasing the largest bill of
goods at any one time.
Engineer O’Bryan left for Omaha,
Monday morning, to take treatment at
the hospital for physical ailments and
the injury received by falling from his
engine, as noted in an item elsewhere
on the local page this week.
Mrs. John O. Douglas and baby re
turned last Friday from a week’s visit
with relatives and friends at Yilisca,
Iowa. They would have prolonged
their visit, but John couldn’t get along
without seeing the imperialist of his
Prof. J. F Nicoson is at Culbertson,
Hitchcock county, this stata, in charge
of the real estate business of Gunnarson
& Zimmerman, who have established a
business there. Mrs. Xicoson is still
here and will not join her husband for
the present.
We want to congratulate the mem
bers of the Presbyterian choir on the
excellent rendition of the beautiful
anthem, “God shail charge Ills holy
Ansels,'• as given by them last Sunday
morning. There is nothing more
attractive in a church service than good
The old county board met last week
Wednesday and closed the unfinished
business of the yast year in a couple of
days and passed out of existence. On
Tuesday of this week, the new board of
sunervisorsconvenea and are at present
hustling along the business lines for the
new year.
Rev. Shuman, Congregational clergy
man at Arcadia, filled the pulpit of the
Presbyterian church in this city last
Sunday morning, bv request of the
church, and gave a very interesting
discourse! Our Presbyterian friends
have n >t as yet decided on whom to call
to their recently organized church at
this place, and are extending invitations
to nearby clergy to preach to them
each succeeding Sabbath, until they
give a call to a regular pastor.
Those who had noticed the big show
windows at Gasteyer’s one day during
the holiday rush, might have seen the
picture of Buster Brown and his dog
Tige In all their glory, while the next
day, while Buster was in good conidtion
only the remnants of poor Tige lay
scattered all about, the sequel of the
uneven fight between a petsheperd pup
belonging to the store and the famous
canine of the Bee supplement. It was
a sight to make the gods weep.
The basket social at the Baillie school
house last Friday evening is reported
to The Northwestern as a very suc
cessful affair. Quite a goodly number
were in attendance, the baskets sold
well, the receipts being some £21, and
as many more could bavebeen disposed
of, while the excellent music by the
McKinnie brothers was the crowning
act of the whole evening. All in all,
those present could not have been
better pleased with an evening’s enter
Mesdsmes w. R Mellor and J. W.
Long leave for Chicago next Monday
morning, Mrs. Long to make a pro
tracted visit there, while Mrs. Mellor
a few weeks later will go to Southport,
North Carolina, accompanied by her
sister, Mrs. Rawson, to visit a brother
there. W. R. Mellor accompanies them
as far as Lincoln, where he goes to
attend a meeting of the State Board ot
Agriculture, and where they will visit
a few days before going on to Chicago.
While The Northwestern’s local
man was doing the hot-foot act after
news, last Saturday noon, he spied what
to him looked like a young couple upon
wild-eyed matrimony intent, but what
was his agony to later find it was only
the delightful tete-a-tete along lover's
lane of a pronfinent young disciple of
Bluckstone and a beautiful and accom
plished wielder of tbe birch over
refractory youths. Never will the
pusher of the quill again see so promis
ing an item of Cupid.s work meet so
unsatisfactory a fulfillment.
Last week we received a character
istic letter from our good fi iend, W. H.
Kennedy, who is now at Marengo, Ohio,
It is too good to keep, and running the
risk of his shooting us cn sight, we
append a portion of his letter as lol
lows: “Dear Bro. Burleigh; I take
this opportunity to remit the necessary
guilders to insure the weekly visitations
of the glorijus. old Northwestern
for another year. I can’t keep house
without it, and of all the papers that
reach this bachelor domicile, I prize it
most highly. The extra 2oc does not
determine the size of my purse very
much, for I sold a half bushel of
"taters” and a peck of “inyens’’ yester
day, hence this speedy remittance. To
morrow will be New Year’s, and may
it prove the most pleasant vear of vour
life. I well remember when I first
met you »t the St Elmo, and those
early impressions remain unchanged.
I am well and contented, but should
dearly love to grasp the hands of those
make old Loup City boys. I hope to
good you a visit some time next fall,
kindest regards to your family and all
inquiring friend ” The worst tiling
we know about W. H. is that he is still
a bachelor—but whil/e theies life,
theie’s taoje. j
Bring your harness to Draper Bros,
and have them oiled before the rush.
Mrs. S. M. Wilson, living six miles
north of Loup City, was reported quite
ill last Saturday.
Draper Bros, ire selling their stock
of buggies at cost, to make room for
new goods arriving. If you don’t
believe it, call and get their prices.
Miss Rose Mulick returned to her
school at Columbus last Saturday, Mrs.
M C Mulick accompanying her daugh
ter as far as Grand Island, where they
both visited friends oyer Sunday.
Bro. Brown; in his best bib and
tucker, hied away to Arcadia, Monday
evening to attend the musical enter
tainment in our sister town, and re
turning Tuesday morning reported it
liner than silk.
• The Presbyterian congregation or
ganized a Sabbath school last Sunday
morning, with a very flattering attend
ance. Ward VerValin was made
superintendent. Miss Lizzie Leininger
secretary, and Miss Edna Minshull
S. A. Pratt on last Friday sold his
billiard and pool room business to
II. C. Rawding of Sargent. Mr. Pratt
has not determined as to future busi
ness. Mr. Rawding will move his
family here as soon as he finds a
suitable residence.
Wednesday afternoon of last week,
while Engineer Joe O’Bryan wa« going
around the footboard on his engine, at
St. Paul, be slipped on the pilot, falling
on the rails in front in such a manner
as to seriously injure his back. He
will be off duty for a week at least.
Clark Reynolds, who came back from
San Diego a few weeks since, will leave
in a few days for some point west, not
yet determined upon. Clark will not
return to San Diego, that much he has
determined, but just where he will
pitch his tepee will be settled as he
jtravels westward.
There is good prospect that Johnson
& Lorentz will this coming spring build
a fine 87,000 two-story brick building
on the site of their present frame busi
ness hou«e. They are now figuring
with Oh ben Bros and it is practically
assured that the contract will be
awarded at an early date.
Whoever receives the call from the
Presbyterian cluirch here to fill the
pastorate will receive a very handsome
salary, and will undoubtedly be a very
talented man, as they have already
raised the amount of proposed salary
to 81,00ft, with excellent prospects of
making it fully up to 813,00. They
propose to get the very best man
Gas Lorentz left Monday morning
on a goods buying trip to St. Joe. St.
Louis and Chicago, where he goes to
lav in a big stock of clothing, dry goods,
boots and shoes. Gus tells us that he
will put in a full stock of all kinds of
dry goods and has ordered a big stock
of the noted “Julia Marlowe” shoes
and when his new goods arrive he pro
poses to cut loose and go after a big
trade. Watch his adv. from week to
We are indebted to the following
good friends for renewed subscriptions
the past week: W. T. Gibson, for him
self and H. F. Gibson of Bedford, Pa..
Henning Claussen, Adam Zfthn, Peter
Larson, Johnson & Lorentz. Clias
Kalka, O. F. Petersen, Clark Reynolds,
A. S. Weidnecbt of Pasadena, Calif.,
John and Henry Ohlsen, W. T. Chase.
C. Nielson of Rockville. W. Moon for
himself and C. H. Callahan of Kansas
John W. Long is prepared to
make all Real Estate Loans on
short notice at 1 owest rates.
In a letter to Dr. Long from Mrs.
Fickes, dated Los Angeles, Jan. 2, she
reports Mr. Fickes as doing fairly well,
having gained in weight and streneth.
The weather has been extremely cold
in California during the winter so far,
much damage being done bv the frost,
something that has never been known
to occur in the history ot the state. It
is Mr. Fickes’ intention to move to
North Dakota in the early spring, as he
prefers living in a state where the
extremes of heat and cold are not so
mirked as in California.
A good 400-acre farm,
well improved, for sale
by John W. Long, $25
per acre.
A Northwestern representative
overheard the following conversation
on the streets last Saturday afternoon
between two members ot a certain
township school board: “Ten dollars
for a dickshenery. eh? Shoat for one
bookl Py Got! Tnat would py books
for all of them. Tbit skule teecber
ought to have all the words in her hed,
py Got; that’s whit she’s there for—
to know that stuff. They ain't used
to them kind of books, ennyhow, py
Got.” This is substantially the words
used, and tells in too glowing phrase
ology the “stuff” too manv school
directors are made of. Speed the day
alien none but educated men may be
placed in such position of trust.
PhoDe, N60.
For a Drayman
That catches
J. W. Conger
Professional Cards
Attorney and Counselcr-it-Law
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
• •?/. //. JflEmlD
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Ouly set of Abstract books in county
And the Public!
Tie Si. Elmo Liter? Bara
Js under a new management. Give
me a trial and if yon have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t rinht my
mistakes, but I can and will. Respt.,
Give Us a Trial
Bound Front Barn,
'J. H. MINER. Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Noithwescern Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers'
Headquarters ibrfarmers’ teams. 'Com
mercial men’s trade given especial at
tention. Your patronage solicited.
The Drayman
Phone us at N 6
J. S. CASADA, Propr.
Having recently taken possession of
the B. T. Snyder barn and
re-titted and re-fur
nished the same
Best of Livery Rigs
I am prepared to give
Best of Service
Give me a trial. Good feed barn
in connection. The traveling public
are especially invited to give us a
share of their patronage.
A. P. DeLyster
Loup City, * Nebraska
Call ’Phone R23.
nfw* w*ww ™
For Sate by T.H. Eisner I
Watch This Space.
Will sell you a f ne upland halt
section of choice la id for
Call on tlie
i Liber
Loup Gity, Nebraska,
Of all kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker’ |
Mt shop is the largest and test equipped north of the Platte lilver
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, rna
chluerr, also a force of egperlenced men who know how to operate It and
turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch.
High Grade Orgap
Manufactured by the
At Factory Prices
Delivered m your town.
You pay $5 Cash
• - apd $] per -Week
50 Per Cent Off on Betail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors,
Orneuia,, ZEsFeo.
The Big Piano and Organ House.
iFyou want ~
bqggiss w/igqds
Gasoline Engines, Wind Mills, Pumps and Well Work