All who are still owing me accounts will please call and settle before Jan. 1st, as will need all money due me to meet my accounts coming due Jan. lst._ Yours Respectfully, 3? I Phone, N60. For a Drayman Thai catches J.W. Conger THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY. DEC. 88, 1905. A Few Market Quotations. Cattl°, per 100 lb*.S3.00@S400 Hogs, per 100 lbs. 4.60 ] Corn, berbu. .29@ 30 Wheat, per bu.51 <® -0S Oats, per»bu.19t£ti| .22}i live, per bu.4c@ .51 Eggs, per doz. 22 Butter, per lb. 20 Iiooal Daws. Come and see us in our new office under the First National Bank. Miss Jessie Oulley came home from school last Friday tor the holiday vacation. Parties having watches repaired bv G. H. Morgan, can get same at W. H. Morgan’s residence. D. M. Gue and family on Monday went to Central Citv to spend Christ mas with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. M Mathew and Mr. Robert Mathew spent Christmas wit h relatives near Arcadia. Tom and Jerry kept open house Christmas in Lamp City and enter tained their host of friends. Editor Brown and family ate Christ mas plum pudding with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Daddow on Wiggle Creek, Master Joe and Irene Comer arrived from Columbus to spend the holidays with their aunt, Mrs. Dr. Odendahl. See great Caesar's ghost at Pilger’* Opera House, Wednesday, Jan. 3d. Reserved seats now on sale at Conhiser’s Our Baptist friends had a Christmas tree at their church last Sunday even ing, at which time appropriate services WPrp held. P h -r. .Hi it W ii Melh-r and incidentally greeted many of their old time friends. W. R. Mellor and J. W. Long re turned from Omaha and Lincoln, last Saturday evening, where they had been for a few days on business. Treasurer-elect Hiddleson and family are now residents of this city, having moved to town and into their property purchased of Wes McCombs. Wilbur Waite informs us that It will be impossible now for he and family to take their trip to Mexico on account of the continued illness of his good mother Roy Reers was down from Sarfcent over Christmas. For Sale: A 4 hole corn shelter, nearly new. S'esT. M. Reed E H. Draper and wife left Saturday last for a visit with friends at Wichita, Kansas, over th*- holidays. W. J. Fisher is enjoyine a visit from his sister. Mrs. A J Eorgrn, and little daughter, of Stewart, Iowa. Dr. S. A Allen left for Council Bluffs Bluffs last Saturday to visit with his good mother over Christmas C. H Brown of Farwell, accompanied by his wife and children, visited over Christmas with his sister, Mrs. E. G. Tavlor, and family, returning home yesterday. Wm. Christensen, from Akron, Iowa, arrived here last Fridav on a visit to his father, R. L. Christensen. He will stay till after the sale, and then go with his father on his contemplated trip to Arkansas Our good friend, J. C. Sorensen, is another of the great and good that helped save our life the next day after Christmas, helping to make us indepen dent ot our creditors. Mav his shadow never grow less. Many family re-unions were held hereabouts Christmas, one of the merriest being at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seipmann, relatives to the number of nearly a qu irter of a hundred feast ing on the good things provided by the genial hostess for the occasion. We received a pleasant call last Thursday from our good friend, Tom Burton. Tom has been nursing a bad hand the past weeK from what nearly turned out t<> be blood poisoning from a scratch on the hand by a barbed wire, but fortunately is about all right again. Tom has just finished a good sized corn crib and granary, and fee’s pretty good over the result. The n’lMnncement that Mr. Sanford bo-ge ,..(••• rt d by Miss Rose Curry and a ch-ver company of players will appear at Pilger’s G[>era House, Loup City, Wednesday, Jan. 3d, 1906, in the greatest of Shakespeare’s tragedies, Julius Caesar, should be hailed with delight by all patrons of the best dramatic offerings at the local play house. This production of Julius Caesar is the first to make the smaller sized cities, and that Mr. Dodge offers it is sufficient guarantee that the great play will have a creditable presentation. The attraction is worthy of the very best patronage and should be accorded a crowded house. Reserved sents now on sale at Conhiser’s. See C. E. Mellor about a new well. Phone R 13, T. M. Reed, The imple Dealer. Ella Taylor is home from school for the holidays. Just step in and see our stock of Can dies. Odendahl Pros. U. J. Swanson left last Saturday morning for a trip to Colorado. Dr. J. H. Long went to Omaha, Saturday to take m the Christmas doings. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mellor enter tained a •'elect number of friends Christmas in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Pyke of Omah t. W. H. Brown and his daughter, Mrs. J. F Zellenger, accompanied by her two children, arrived from David City last Friday for a week’s visit with their sister, Mrs. E. G. Taylor, and family. The day after Christmas, when the editor, of course, was broke. Albert Anderson hastened to cheer him up with some of Uncle Sam’s tonic, and the effect was magical. Try it, some of you other good people. The Northwestern oflice has final ly moved into its new quarters, from which it greets its many readers and friends with this issue On New Year's day The Northwestern will keep open office, and hereby asks its many friends to give a fraternal call on that day, when wre hope to be nicely settled and “At Home’’ to all. Mr. G. T. Kinzer, of Boise, Idaho, brother-in-law of Walter Smith, who has been visiting the latter the past few days, left this morning for Kansas City and Oklahoma, on a further visit to relatives, before returning home. Mr. Kinzer is the possessor of a fine fruit farm near Boise, fine samples from which he presented this office while here The play of Julius Caesar is more or less familiar to everyone but more especially is this true of every High school student in the country What boy has not learned Mark Antony’s Oration which stands today, three centuries after it was written, as one of the world’s literary models in rhetoric and oratory. It is doubtful w hether Shakes peare ever penned anything more lieautifui; This famous tragedy at Pilger,s Opera House. Wednesday, Jan. 3d, by Sanford Dodge and his company, wilt no doubt arouse unusual interest here as it has done elsewhere. The verson used is the same as that played by the late Edwin Booth and the original text is strictly adhered to. The play Is divided into six acts and eleven scenes. Let C. E. Mellor fix your pump. A new stock of Buggies at T. M. Reed’s. Clarence Sweetland is home for the holidays. Holiday Books for Ladies, Men, Girls and Boys. Ooendahl Bros. G. H. Lindall went np to Callaway, Tuesday, to look after his land. Draper Bros, have the best line of heating stoves, ranges and base-burners in the county- See them if you need anything iii that line. Morg Ford, an old resident of Loup City, arrived from Cheyenne, Monday evening, for a visit with his sister, Mrs. ) D. L. Adamson, and tamily. > The editor is the happiest man in sevnteen counties this Christmas week. If you don’t believe it, just call at this office and watch us take our ease in an elegant office chair, a present from the best woman on earth— no exceptions, please. Thy Christmas tree and entertain rut nt given by our Methodist friends at the opera house Christinas night was-a brilliant success. The tree and stage was handsomely decorated, filled with presents and the house was crowded with happy, joyous young and old people to enjoy the evening. From this time forward. The North western is going to take sides with those in favor of an anti-spitting ordinance. In the name of decency, we say to tobacco users and phlegm throwers, use the street for your filth and save the sidewalks for cleanliness. We will have further to say about the matter in the future. The manufacturers of the New Lightning Feed Grinders will give an exhibition with their machines on January 3 and 4 at Hayhurst’s Hardware Store, Bring your grain and have it ground. Let C. E. Mellor do your rlumbing. Just received a new corn sheller Those having corn to shell will do well to see me. Address or phone, J. B. Ecrd at his farm. John W. Lonpr is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. Hay for Sale—Best. 23c per hundred; good, 20c per hundred. Leave orders at Leiniger’s Lumber office. 1. H. WlNCHELL. Don’t forget Draper Bros, manu facture all their harness in Loup City and can show you the stock they are made of. See them for your harness goods. For Sale—Full blood Foland-Cliina boars; spring pigs, ready for service. G. W. Holmes, one mile east of the old Fuller ranch, eight miles northwest of itavenna. Beef by the quarter 4 l-2c per pound at Bie mond & Daddow’s. Dro. Davis & Farnswortli of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois. Cancers, Paralyse, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides medicine and surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec tricity and massage. A good 400-acre farm, well improved, for sale by John W. Long, $25 per acre. TRY - GEO. OLTMAN The Drayman Phone us at N 6 SATISFACTION EVERY TIME “I Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker" g My shoo is the largest and best equipped north or the Platte Ulver I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma cbiuery, alto a force 01 experienced men who know how to operate it and torn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. •*^J. I. DEPEW1H a Full Line of Cravenets ! for Ladies and Gents Nobby and Up-to-Date Overcoats for Men, I Boys and Youths All Prices and Styles JOPNSOfJ & LOpEj^TZ _> The Harrison Township people would like an explanation of the reason that the “Conklin farm” in Ashton Township, assessed at $527.00, the “Wm. Jakob” farm in Bristol Township is assessed at $552 00, the “Arthur Minshull” farm in Scott Township is assessed at $416.09 and the “Kettle ’ farm in Oak Creek Township is assessed at *508.00; all the above being the choice farms in your favored Townships. When the J. W. Ileapy farm in Harrison Township pays On an assessed valuation of $614.00 and the Wiihem Koble farm (XE. 1-4-4) is assessed at $586.00? Was yonr interest in the reduction of the assessed valuation of your four favored Townships for jusice or for votes? Will you explain? W. K. ME I.LOR Loup City, Nebraska, —for LUMBER Of all kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cemen Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. cr Loup City, Neb., Dec. 9,’05 On or before Jan. 1, 1905, with a cash purchase of $2 or more, I promise to give to the order oi any lady her choice of our assortment of beautiful dolls free of charge. In addition to this, the party pur chasing the largest amount be tween now and Jan. 1st, will be presented with the large $0 Doll now on exhibition in our windows. This note is redeemable in every, department except Groceries. Respt., B. M. GASTEYEB,