The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 14, 1905, Image 8

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    Stoves, Stoves,
THURSDAY. DEC. 14, 1905.
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs.S1.00@*4 00
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 4.15
Corn, ber bu. .3G@ 32
Wheat, perbu.v .60® .67
Oats, per bu. .. .19® .23
Kve,perbu. .51
Eggs, per doz. 22
Butter, per lb. 20
Iioaal Daws.
See supplement for more local news
H62, Ashley Conger, the drayman.
Get him.
If you want a well or a windmill, see
T. M. Reed.
Phone A. T. Conger. H02, when in
leed of a drayman.
Loans on Real Estate, call on
John W. Long.
Overcoats for men and hoys, aL
Johnson & Lorentz.
Page Woven Wire fencing. Rest on
earth. L. N. Smith, agent.
Roy Beers was down from Sargent
last week seeing his best girls.
Now is the time to get your winter
garments at Johnson & Lorentz.
D S. Frakes took a trip to Arkansas
last week to look ae the country.
See W. P. Reed for real estate and
collections at reasonable prices. 87
Joe Thompson, who works at the
creamery, is a sufferer with tonsilitis.
A few low down, stocky red Short
horn bulls for sale by Lawrence Smith.
FOR RENT—Four good living
rooms: water in kitchen. Inquire at
this office.
Ohas. Kalka returned Monday night
from a week’s trip to Missouri, with a
view of looking up a suitable location.
You can get a splendid quarter of
beef of Siepmann & Oltmann at to
per pound. Try them and you will
come again.
The price of subscription ti TnE
Northwestern will remain the same
to county subscribers, $1 per year, but
to those outside the county the price
will be raised to §1.25 per year, to cover
postage rates that are assessed by
Uncle Sam on all papers sent away.
Please take notice and goyem yourself
C. E. Mellor will sell you a windmill.
For Buggies and spring wagons, see
T. M. Reed.
W. E. Leininger had business at
Ashton today
Phone N 22 and get everything in
the Hour and feed line you want
Back at the old siand—the Northern
Milling t'o 1). C Grow
Try Maitland Coal at the Keystone
Lumber Co.,$C 25 per ton.
A. B. Outhouse made a business trip
to Schaupp and Ashton Tuesdav.
A baby boy arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tinsman, last
Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb.
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glasses.
a miss uarrie Me wart, representing
a children’s home society of Omaha,
spoke at the Baptist church last Sun
day morning.
Buckwheat, Rye Graham, Rye flour
Wheat Graham and the best white and
yellow commeal, at the Northern Mill
ing Co's. Feed Store.
We are selling Ladies, Misses and
Children's jackets, new stock, no old
stock carried over. Prices the lowest
at Johnson & Loren iz
We are glad to record this week that
the crisis in the condition of Hempil
Jones has passed and there are excel
lent prospects for his ultimate recovery.
Editor Brown is the possessor of a
new Smith-Premier typewriter, and his
printer believes that after he has bad
sufficient practice with the new affair,
she may be able to get legible copy for
the paper.
A rumor to the effect that Lura
Fletcher had sold his banking business
in this city to A. L. Zimmerman
gained currency on our streets this
week, but upon authority of Mr.
Fletcher it is pronounced utterly with
out foundation in tact.
Dr. iiiie of St. Paul preached for the
new Presbyterian congregation last
Sunday morning in the German church
and in the evening at the Baptist
church. He is apowerjul speaker and
gave most interesting.discourses Quite
a number were added to the church.
The services of Miss Edna Minshull
has been secured bv the incoming coun
ty treasurer, R. M. Hiddleson, for at
least a year as deputy in his office. Miss
Minshull has done fine work in that
office under Treasurer Sweetland, and
Mr Hiddleson is to be congratulated
upon securing her services.
See C. E. Mellor about a new well.
If yon want to bny or sell real
estate, call on John W. Long.
Follow the crowd to Draper Bros,
large store, the place where you get
your money’s worth.
If yon get an overcoat or jacket its
new and not carried over, when yon get
it at Johnson & Lorentz.
Don't forget that Biemond & Daddow
of the popular Pioneer meat market,
have a free delivery wagon.
A set of very nice dishes and a few
other articles for sale. Inquire at the
St. Elmo for particulars.
Mrs. K. J. Baker.
The finest line of Box Candies to be I
found only at Odendahl Bros’.
Our big-hearted German friend, Her
man Fiebig, on Tuesday gave us a
pleasant financial call. Thanks.
Chickens, Chickens, Chickens. We
want lots of them. Best prices paid.
This is Siepmann & Oltmann talking.
Mrs Geo. Benschoter, who has been
here some time at the bedside of her
mother. Mrs. J. L. Baillie, returned to
her home at Schill, Neb., last week.
Don’t forget Draper Bros, manu
facture all their harness in Loup City
and can show you the stock they are
made of. See them for your harness
Miss Hazel Burleigh takes this oppor
tunity to extend her compliments to her
many lady friends for courtesies and
entertainments given her during the
illness of her mother and the consequent
crankiness ot her dad.
For the best line of fancy Confection
ery, Japanese Boxes, etc., go to Oden
dahl Bros. ,
A fine baby boy was born to Chas.
Barnes on the 16th of last month, a
fact our statistics reporter failed to
glean at tl^B time, but we now welcome
the youngster among us, with the most
pleasing knowledge that being very
handsome, he has been named after our
jolly merchant, C. C. Cooper. Hello.
Godfather Cooper,
Oranges, Lemons. Malaga Grapes,
Fancy Apples, Nuts, Cocoanuts, etc.,
s» * Odendahi. Bros.’
Frank Otlewski is again a sufferer
from the old time trouble, eczema, and
unable to attend to his big farm and
stock business, and what Is worse, he
says lie cannot find help to attend to
his work for him. He found time,
though, Tuesday, to increase The
Northwestern exchequer with the
necessary wherewith for another year.
Let C. E. Mellor fix your pump.
Holiday Books for Ladles, Men, Girls
and Boys. Oden da hl Bros.
Our good friend, Detlef Peterson, re
membered us financially while in town
with his injured boy.
Edw Hamman of Butler, Ind , re
membered The Northwestern with
another year’s suhpcription on luesday.
Draper Bros, have the best line of
heating stoves, ranges and base-burners
in the county See them if you need
anything in that line.
Will Mulick arrived home from Utah
Monday evening, where he ia employed
as abrakeman on the Union Pacific.
He expects to remain over the holidays!!
Draper’s still have some good values
on their 10c counter with a new stock
expected in a few days. Watch this if
you want 81.00 to go as far as #3.00
Jim Conger desires us to kindly re
quest our young people not to skate on
his ice pond till.after he has gathered
his ice, as it brings sand from the
bank on to the ice, where it freezes into
the same, destroying the quality.
Fancy packages of Perfume, Japan
ese style at OdkndAul Pros’.
The editor’s wife has so for recovered
her recent severe attack of rheumatism
that she is able to be up and around the
house at short intervals each day. And
thus slowly our being boss about the
house is parsing away.
Just step in and see our stock of Can
dies- Odendahl Bros.
Over in an adjoining county to Sher
man, of course, a farmer wanted to
fstten a young beef for a local butcher,
but the said butcher demurred, saying:
“We do not buy that kind of beef, we
buT only cows and would not know
how to make purchase of any other
kind.” If that should happen in Sher
man county, one could be excused for
thinking his teeth were getting bad on
various occasions.
-^J. I. DEPEWC=*
Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker*
My a boo Is tbe largest end beat equipped north of tbe Platte Rivet
1 “T* » foer boree engine end e complete line or tbe latest improved, me
ebtnery. also a force of experienced men wbo know bow to operate it end
tarn oat a job with neatness and dispatch.
Phone, N60.
For a Drayman
That catches
J. W. Conger
Let O. E, Mellor do your rl limbing.
Just received a new corn sheller
Those having corn to shell will do well
ro see me. Address or phone, J. B
b'CRD at his farm.
John W. Lone is prepared to
make all Real Estate Loans on
short notice at lowest rates.
Alfalfa 94.50 per ton. 1 will deliver
good, first-class alfalfa'to anv part of
town at 94.50 per ton. Phone Y 17.
D. M Gue.
w an tea—a g:r ji 10 years or
age to work in my office, Must be neat.
Wages 98 per month at first. Those
looking for a snap need not apply.
S. A. Allen.
Fob Sa le—Full blood Fnland-China
boars; spring pigs, ready for service
G. VV. Holmes, one mile east of the old
Fuller ranch, eight miles northwest of
Beef by the quarter
4 l-2e perpound at Bie
mond & Daddow’s.
Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases such as Rheu
matism, Stomach disorders, Tumots.
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc.
The doctors use. besides medicine and
surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec
tricity and massage.
A good 400-acre farm,
well improved, for sale
by John W. Long, $25
per acre.
The Drayman
Phone us at N 6
Full Line of
Cravenets &
All Prices
V\ ill you explain to the citizens at Washington township why it is
that the valuation of J. P. Parker, Chas. Larson and Alex Bail lie’s farms
in total amounts to *15S4.00, when the three Oak Creek Valley farms at
the southeast corner of Ashton only are valued at a total of *1510.00:'
Is it not a fact that the three Ashton township farms are worth a total
sum of |!9000.00 more than the three Washington township farms?
Then please enlighten the Washington township people why Ashton
township was entitled to the 15 per cent reduction that you secured for
Gall on ttL©
. ui®r Liner
Loup City, Nebraska,
Of all kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
5 Five Dollars 5
10 BARS of SOAP for.10c—10 SPOOLS of THREAD for 10c
10 YARDS of CALICO for.... 10c—20 POUNDS of SUGAR for $1.00
Ladies' pajamas
Are by all odds the warmest sleeping
garment ever put on the market. We have
them in White, Fink and Light Blue.
Incidentally, we also carry a line ol
Flannelette Gowns at Very Low Prices.
You are cordially invited to call at an early
date and personally examine an assortment of
Which is now
On Exhibition at our Store
Hoping we shall have the pleasure of seeing
you soon, we remain
" 1, « 9 * ' ‘ • - -r
B. M. Qasteyer
<arw/*i winwisi ww n nwniianna ithb m **umicMuatiatBfXMaiu
Ladies’ Kimonas
Are just as popular and just as
comfortable today as they ever
were, and at the prices which we
are making on them, the busy
housewife will save both time and
money by purchasing them ready
Do you Wapt
Sopie Bear Gloth
For yonr little girl a cloak?
5 Five Dollars 5
10 BARS of SOAP for..
10 YARD of CALICO foi
. lOe 10 SPOOLS of THREAD for 10c
• 10c-20 POUNDS of SUGAR for tl .00