The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 14, 1905, Image 1
Loup City Northwestern -' • rs» 1 y:»ST-r fM0 t\f ’,**9*” VOLUME XXIII. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA THURSDAY. DECEMBER U. 1905. NUMBER 6 £ THE NORTHWESTERN TEEMS:-91.00 PER TEAR. IT PAID III ADVAVC1 Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trant mission through the mails as second class matter. Office Theme, - - - R54 Residence ’Phone. - - 015 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. ADVERTISING RATES Display Space—Rates furnished upon ap plication. Local Notices.—Five cents per line for each insertion. Notices set in black face type double the above rate. All notices will be run until ordered out when time is not specified. Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec tures, suppers, etc., where an admission fee is charged, or a momentary interest involved, five cents per line each insertion. Card of Thanks. 50 cents. Resolutions of respect and condolence. fl.OO, In memortam poetry, five cents a line. Announcements of church services, lodge, society and club meetings and all public gatherings where not conducted for revenue, will be published free. Professional Cards r. j. nighting^TI: Attorney Comelcr-it-Law LOUP CITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, NEBRSSKE. •If. //. «uEAD Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. (July set of Abstract books in county -Ajnd the Public! Tie St. Elio IM7 Bam Is under a new management. Give me a trial aud if you have any thing good to say, say it to others; if you have - any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t right my mistakes, but I can and will. Respt-, ~ T. E.Gilbert, Prop. phone, w9. Give Us a Trial Hound Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr. (Opposite Noithwestern Office) Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers’ Headquarters iorfarmers’ teams. <^nm J. S. CAS AD A, Propr. Having recently taken possession of the B. T. Snyder barn and re-fitted and re-fur nished the same with Best of Livery Rigs I am prepared to give Best of Service Give me a trial. Good feed barn in connection. The traveling public are especially invited to give us a share of their patronage. A. P. DeLyster is SOLE AGENT for Lobs City Fleur Mills JOHN SOLMS OLD STORE Loup City, - Nebraska Call ’Phone R23. 1 U. H. Ma shal T. L, Mathews of Frement has been dismissed from the service for conduct unbecoming, etc. Next From Valentine this state comes the report of proposed converting the saud hills into marketable glass. Next. No, Gov. Mickey will not be wheedled into railing an extra session of the legislature this wipter. What’s the use. Next Since Jim Pettijobn of the Valentine land office has been ousted, all the small towns in the sandhills country are propagating prospective candidates for the vacant place. Next. Attorney General Brown is said to be contemplating prosecution of assess ment officials in Nebraska for not properly assessing farm property; mak ing too low figures. Wonder where the lightning will strike first. And now it is rumored that Nebras ka’s own D E. Thompson will be asked to quit his official position as minister to Brazil, owing to charges of unofficial conduct and disregard of duties devolv ing npon a diplomat. Next. State Superintendent McBrien has written a letter to the Republican state committee objecting to his office being held up by the committee for its portion of campaign expenses. Singular Bro. McBrien didn’t express himself that way when he was running for the state office. Since the ousting of Register Fetti john and Receiver Towle from the Valentine land office, the number of patriots who desire to serve Uncle Sam in the positions named have been legion. Among them may be named one ex-County Judged. G. Toliver, an antedeluvian excrescence on the body politic in the county of Brown, adjoin ing that of Cherry county, the seat of the land office war. To mention him as a possibility would be to preclude the idea of fitness in the selection of a register or receiver for that particular land office. A dozen or more other appli cants are already fishing for the places. The Northwestern doesn’t care a picayune who gets the plum caused by the removal of his two old-time friends, Jim Pettijohn and Major Towle, but in the interests of the Re publican party, for God’s sake put in two men at least the eouaiin intelli gence and Republicanism and general honesty of- purpose of the two men ousted—as we believe bv a gnevious mistake. COUNTY LETTERS Divide News corn husking is the password of the day. Mr. Ezra Slocum is improving the looks of his farm by building a large barn. Henry Rensink and wife were very much surprised last Thursday evening by tbe arrival of his brother Will, and family of Muscatine, Iowa, whom he had not seen for 27 years, They left Saturday for Colorado Springs. Dry Creek Clippings. Herman Laid is hiking corn for Frank Wagner this week. Mr. Hildebrand shelled corn for Mr Myer three days the past week. The Literary at Wiggle Creek Friday night was well represented from Dry Creek. S. W. Salyards laid the foundation for his new house on the farm which be purchased this fall. Corn husking will soon be past and the farmers are looking with pride on the piles of corn and cobs. We understand that Wagner Bros, ara snapping a large field of corn and hauling it to Wilkison’s ranch. Mr. Fender has disposed of his property in Sherman county and with his family moved to Ravenna, where he is engaged in the saloon business. Miss Anna Myer of Grand island, and sister, Mrs. Boyce, of Shelton, visit ed their brother, Joe Myer, the past week. Miss Rose Myer retnraed home with Mrs Beyce. Herman Wilke and son of Sweet water, two of Sherman county’s most enterprising farmers, returned from a trip to Galveston. Texas, last week, where they have purchased land some 28 miles north of said citv. Mr. Wilke informs the writer that he intends to cultivate rice and will put down an artesian well. Hi# son will have charge of his property there. buLithe will not dispose of his Sherman county lahd. The Deadly Cornsheller. While playing around the home with a number of his fellows, Wednesday morning of this week, Clinton, the 8-year-old son of Detlef Peterson, got his right ln:nd caught in a corn-shelter, mashing the flesh and breaking the lxmes on the index finger of that hand. Mr. Peterson immediately brougnt the boy to town, where Dr. Kearns dressed the wound and the little fellow is doing nicely. Union Pacific Low Bates □ Holiday Excursion, tickets on sale Dec. 22 to 31, and Jan. 1st, final limit, Jan. 4th, 1900, no limit as to distance. International Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, 111., one fare plus $2 for the round trip, tickets on sale Dec. 16 to 19, and good returning leaving Chicago on or liefore Dec. 24,1905 Winter tourist rates to various points south and west, call at depot for in formation. Special Homeseekers rates to points west and south, tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays of month to and includ ing December, 1905. F. II. Hiser. agent. I Notice to Land Owners. (Doner Vacation.) To all whom it may concern: The Commissioner appointed to view and report upon the vacation ot a county road com mencing at the east line ot Section twenty nine (29) Township sixteen (16,i Range fifteen (15: in Sherman county, and rnnning thence due west on half section line one mile to east line of section thirty (301, has reported in favor thereof, and all claims for damage or objection* thereto must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before the eighth (Stb) day of February 1906, or said road will be vacated without reference thereto. Dated this 4th day of December. 1905. Gao. H. Gibson. County Clerk. (Last pub. Dec. 28) Notice to Land Owners. (Chapman Road > To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to view and report upon a public road commencing at road Mo. 155. at the northeast corner of Section twenty-one (21). Township fifteen (15). Range fourteen (14). and running directly south on Section line between Sections. 21. 22.27 and 28. 33 and 34. Township fifteen <15), Range fourteen (14i. has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all claims for damage or objec tions thereto must be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, on or before the 8th day of February. 1906, or said road will be established without reference thereto. Dated this 4th day of December, 1905. Gao. H. Gibson. County Clerk. (Last pub. Dec. 28) Notice ot Saie ot Land Dnfler Order ot Saie. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, in a cause wherein Arminlus P. Cnlley is plaintiff, and Oliver S. Mason. Kansas National Loan Company. Inter national Loan and Trust Company apid D. S. Fletcher, first real name unknown, are defend ants, upon a decree of f oreclosure of a tax lien rendered by said court in favor of paid plain tiff in the sum of $298 81, bearing Interest at seven per cent per annum, and costs taxed It the sum or $48 ao^ which sum is decreed to be a first and best lien upon the following described land, situate in Sherman county. Nebraska towit: The southwest quarter of see tiomtourteen (14) in township sixteen (10) north of range fifteen (15) west of sixth principal meridian. I will un Thursday, the fourth day of January. 1906. at two o'clock in the after noon of said day. at the south door of the court house in Loup Ciiy in said county of Sherman and state of Nebraska, sell said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the amount due on said decree, in cluding Interest, costs and accrued costs, and accruing costs. Given under my hand this 28th day of November, 1905. L. A. WILLIAMS. Sheriff of Sherman County, Nebraska. (Last pub. Dec, 28) Notice To Bidders. I, Geo. H. Gibson. County Clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, estimate that the following books, blanks and stationery will be required for the use of the county officers for the com ing year: LOT ONE.—Three gross lead pencils, best grade; one gross penholders; twelve quarts Arnold's writing fluid: twelve gross steel pens; five hundred blotters; twenty-tour gross as sorted rubber bands: two dozen sponge-top mucilage: two reams Crane's Japanese linen legal cap; two reams Columbia legal cap; one gross indelible election pencils; three dozen election ink cones; eight-quire record books, (four plain and four printed forms) patent flex ible back, flap opening, best linen paper; 3.000 triplicate tax receipts, blocked; 3 300 tax re ceipts in triplicate, bound and perforated. 300 in book for county treasurer, to fold for use with carbon paper; tnirteen sets of poll books and envelopes: six chattel mortgage files. 300 in the tile; one gross, one inch by ten inches Globt Congress tie envelopes. LOT TWO.—1.000J 1- S^sheet blanks: 5.000 1-4 sheet blanks; 3.000 1-3 sheet blanks: 1.000 full sheet blanks: all blanks to be of good heavy paper: 3,000 note heads: 6,000 letter heads; note and letter heads te be of good heavy paper: 4.0006)4 inch xxx envelopes; 3.000 10-1 nch xxx envelopes. LOT THREE.—Court dockets, one case to page, indexed, with rules of court, list of jur ors, court officers and resident attorneys, on flat capo pa per, in lots of forty; 6,000 election ballots. Sealed bids to. each or any of the above three lots of supplies must be filed with the county clerk at his office in Loup City, Nebras ka. on or before the first day of January, 1006. Sealed bids will also be received and must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before January 1st, 1906, for the following: Publish ing delinquent tax list; publishing connty treasurer's financial statement; publishing road and bridge notices, and other notices re quired by the county. The county board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this 33rd day of November, 1006. Geo. H. Gibsoe. i seal) County Clerk. (Lastpub. Dec. 14.) d HARPER KEN T VC KY WHISKEY For Sale by T.H. Eisner mm Bargains Cooper’s EVEPY DAY IN TPE YEAP Trade at Cooper’s and Get 4 cans Cremo Standard Sugar Corn for 3 packages Advo Pancake dour for 3 packages selected, cleaned Zante currants for 8 packages Pyramid soap powder for Uniform canned peas, strictly fresh, for 25e 25c 25c 25c 10c Extra fancy evaporated black raspberries, per lb. Choice Dried Peaches, per lb Extra Choice Dried Peaches, per lb Choice Dried Apricots, per lb Extra Choice Dried Apricots, per lb 10c 13b 10c 13e Old Manse Maple Syrup, per gallon, absolutely pure, $1.25 GOLD MEDAL COFFEE, 15c, 20c and 25c, none better in town for the money: We are Sole Agents for BARRINGTON HALL STEEL CUT COFFEE, price per pound, 35 cents NOW WHY NOT trade where you can get good value for your money. I guarantee satisfaction and with everything you buy here you get coupons. No exceptions what ever. If you have poultry or butter and eggs to sell, get my prices before you sell I am on the market for produce and poultry and my prices are right. Call and see me and I will convince you. IT* PAYS TO TRADE AT COOPER’S ■« A. P. GULLET, President. W F. MASON, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of uoup of-T-y. General Banking Business Transacted. We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent. We Negotiate Real Eitite Loans. We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, Mew York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. IF YOU WANT BOGGISS WRGODS FRRM MRGHIOSRY FEED GRINDERS CORN SHELLERS Gasoline Engines, Wind Mills, Pumps and Well Work ZEE T. M. REEfl. mm, bma m mu BOUGHT AT THE B. & JVI. ELEVATORS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY. SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loup City ail Asiltn. Will Buy HOG8 AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FAB WELL 0*11 and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G- TAYLOR. A. S. MAIN, Physician end Surgeon Office at. Telephone Residence. Connection LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. J. H. LONG PHYsiciiN n( mm Office, Over Hew Bank. TJEUVSOini GOVTIOTIOI A Merry Christmas FOPALL Who will buy their presents at My line of Rockipg Chains, Geptey fables Couches and Pictures surpass anything that has erer been shown in this city before. Fine Rugs, Wall Pockets, Has socks, Carpet Sweepers, Screens, Easels, Hand Minors in ebony oak and mahogany. Also, Pyrograpie outfits. All these must sell. Come in and get first choice. Undea^dking LEININGER ArtGoods Furniture Pianos and Organs flfcjii Grade Ofgap Manufactured by the At Factor Prices Delivered in your town. You Pay $5 Gash apd $] Pep Week 50 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices Aak for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors, The Big Piano and Organ House. W. L. MARCY, DENTIST, LOUP 0ITY, NKB. OFFICE: East Side Public Square. S. A. ALLEN. DEJYTtST, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank building.