Stoves, Stoves, At P. O. REED’S Phone, N60. For a Drayman That catches J. W. Conger THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY. DEC. 7, 1905. A Few Market Quotations. Cattle, per 100 lbs.81.00(fi 84 00 Hogs, per 100 lbs. 4.15 Corn, berbu.... 32 Wheat, per bu.54@ .66 Oats, per bu.. .20(3 .23 Kye, perbu.46@ .51 Eggs, per doz. 52 Butter, per lb. 20 Iioaal Dsws. See supplement for more local news. ' New England dinner by the Baptist ladies, at the opera house next Saturday, Dec. 9. If you want a well or a windmill, see T. M. Reed. Dick O’Bryan was home over last Sunday. Phone A. T. Conger. 1162, when in need of a drayman. Loans on Real Estate, call on John W. Long. Overcoats for men and boys, at Johnson & Lorentz. Clarence Sw'eetland was home frc m School over last Sunday. Page Woven Wire fencing. Best on earth. L. X. Smith, agent Now is the time to get your winter garments at Johnson & Lorentz. HSee W. P. Reed for real estate and collections at reasonable prices. 87 New phones have been placed in the residence of Ed Angler and at the farm residence of H. L. Bell, since last report. You can get a splendid quarter of bsef of Siepmann & Oltmann at 4}4 to 6% per pound. Try them and you will come again. Just received a new corn sheller. Those having corn to shell will do well to see me. Address or phone, J. B. Pc rd at bis farm. For Sale—Full blood Poland-China boars; spring pigs, ready for service. G. W. Holmes, one mile east of the old Fuller ranch, eight miles northwest of Ravenna. A five-year-old daughter of Charity Quartz, on Oak Creek, fell on icy steps, Thanksgiviog, and broke her arm. it is the same little girl mentioned some two months since, haying an arm dis located by an a’c-iaent. Let C. E. Mellor do your rlumbing. 0. E. Mellor will sell you a windmill. Ashliy Conger was on the sick list last week. For jlupgUsaml s.iring wegons, see T. M. Reed. Mis* Gladys O’Biyan visited friends m Celumbus last week. Phone N 22 and get everything in the Hour and feed line y oil wart. Frerching at Wiggle Creek next Sunday afternoon. Everybody come. Back at the o'd stand—the Northern Milling Co. D. C Grow Try Hanna Egg and Lump coal at Keystone Luniler Co., at $7.00 per ton Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb. specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. A br ir.d new daughter was le.mrted at the 1 onae of Herman Henke, over on Oak Creek, last week Wednesday. John W. Loner is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. The local registrar of vital statistics reports eleven births- tiye girls and six l>oys—tor November, and only one death. Biemond & Daddow will sell you an excellent quarter of beef at to 6% cents a pound. Try the boys and they Will treat you right. Buckwheat, Rye Graham. Rye flour. Wheat Graham and the best white and yellow corn meal, at the Northern Mill ing Co's. Feed Store. Our German Verein friends gave one of the best attended and most interest ing masquerade dances, Thanksgiving night, ever held in the opera house. We understand the Methodist ladies e»ptured over #300 receipts for their chicken-pie supper and bazar last Saturday evening And the people got their money’s worth, you may be sure. Lou Rein received a hard fall on the ice, Sunday, dislocating his wrist: Ho sever, before reaching a physic in the dislocation was rednced, but the wrist wll be very painful for a goodly per ol of time. Come out and buy your Christmas presents from the Baptist ladies this week Saturday and evening. You will find a great number of both useful and ornamental designs, and besides you will aid a good cause by helping the Baptist people pay for their parsonage. Dinner will be served at 5 o'clock. See C. E. Mellor about a new well. It you want to buy or sell real estate, call on John W. Long. Will Criss is through with his thresh ing machine work and has moved into his new residence. Follow the crowd to Draper Bros, large store, the place where you get your money’s worth. Don't forget that Biemond & Daddow of the popular Pioneer meat market have a free delivery wagon. The Baptist ladies will have a whole roast pig on tap at their bazar at the opera house on Saturday and evening Chickens, Chickens, Chickens. We want lots of them. Best prices paid This is Siepmann & Oltmann talking. Miss Elsie Chidester of Aurora was a Thanksgiving guest of Mrs. W. F. Mai on, returning home the following day. Henry Dolling has rented a room of O. F. Peterson for a shoe shop and will commence Dee. 1st. One door east of St. Elmo Draper Bros, have the best line of heating stoves, ranges and base-burners in the county. See them if jou need anything in that line. Alfalfa $4.50 per ton. I will deliver good, first-class alfalfa to anv pait of town at $4.50 per ton. Phone Y 17. D. M Gue. Wanted—A gir jf ;."> to 17 years of age to work in my office, Must be neat. Wages $8 per month at first. Those looking for a snap need not apply. S. A Allen. Dr«. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu- f matiem. Stomach disorders, Tumois.! Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The docto'rs use. besides medicineand 1 surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec tricity and massage. A good 400-acre farm, well improved, for sale i by John W. Long, $25 j per acre. GEO. OLTMAN The Drayman Phone us at N 6 SATISFACTION EVERY TIME1 All hats left in stock at half priceat j Miss Hunt’s. I have a few hats left that will go at j half price. Anna Hunt, We again call attention to the con i tmued storv on the equalization prob lem m this week’s paper, in YV. R. Mellor’s advertisement. This is Elm township’s chapter. Read it Harold Hancock, a young son of Wm. Hancock, living some two miles southeast of Loup Citv, on Monday of this w eek broke l>oth bones of his left wrist by a fall on the ice while sKating. Dr. Long attended the little sufferer. The entertainment of the Epworth League at tte M. E. church last Thurs day evening was a pronounced success. It is expected that the new First National Bank building will he rerdy for occnpancy inside of a couple of weeks. The NOuthwbstekn office will occupy the basement thereof, with furnace heat and gas lighting and will have the finest office room in the city. Usually a printing office is supposed to issue enough gas for all purposes, but in this instance the paper will be sup plied with unnatural gas in case of necessity. Come and see us in our new quarters* PTLGEP OPERA HOUSE One ICTiglfa-1 Only Thursday, December 14th Mr. Edward Salter presents one of the most importaut dra matic events of the year. The sterling romantic drama ZR.03ULA-3STI A virile dramatization of Marie Corel li’s fascinating storv, “The Vendetta.” -* It is one of those plays which pleases ^ not only by reason of a romantic love storv. but also by their picturesque and gorgeous costumes and scenery is pomt ed illustration of the period when all was chivalry, braveness and beauty. This production is complete, both as( to r.n acting company and scenic equip ment Reserved Seats will be placed on sale one week before the date in this city AT CONHISEK’S STORE prices - 50 and 35 Cents EiBggRBSKaiZBaaE *©'J. I. DEPEW©* sanui Blacksmith t Wagon MakerJ My shoo is the largest and beat equipped north of the Platte Kfver I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ma chiuery. also a force of experienced men who know bow to operate it and turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Saw inuma»ami333i9iu9Maiai Hsnei a Full Line of Cravenets - for Ladies and Gepts Nobby and Up-to-Date Overcoats for Men, Boys and Youths All Prices and Styles JOPNSOP & LOPE^TZ Since you are attempting to justify the 15 per cent reduction in Ashton township, please explain to the people of Elm township why the Conklin quarter in Oak Creek valley at the southeast corner of Ashton, should be valued originally at $119 and raised by order of the State Board to $527, when at the same time the eighty acres on which D. C. Leach lives, on Sec. 6-15-16, is valued at *582 ane the northwest 1-4 of 9, Coppersmith’s land, is valued at $510? Don’t you know that the Conklin quarter in Ashton township would sell on the market f.>r $1000 more than both ot these Elm township farms combined? Please explain why this Ashton township quarter and $1000 in value additional be assessed at only a valuation of *52“ when the same valuation in Elm township is assessed at *1092. \V. R. Meli.or. Call on tile J. P. Linger Lnier Com Loup Gity, Nebraska, -FOR—— LUMBER Of all kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. WITH A PURCHASE <>F 5 Five Dollars 5 OR MORE WE GIVE YOU 10 BARS of SOAP for.10c—10 SPOOLS of THREAD for 10c 10 YARDS of CALICO for.... 10c—20 POUNDS of SUGAR for $1.00 DO YOU WANT A NEW EVENING DRESS IN SOME POPULHR METERIiL ? WE HAVE SOME .Ladies' pajamas Are by all odds the warmest sleeping garment ever put on the market. We have them in White, Pink and Light Blue. Incidentally, we also carry a line of Flannelette Gowns at Very Low Prices. unobserved. After serl she decided on a plan. of making myself a terror in the munity?” TO You are cordially invited to call at an early date and personally examine an assortment of JIPiNESE CHINA Which is now On Exhibition at our Store Hoping we shall have the pleasure of seeing you soon, we remain B. M. Gasteyer LOUP CITY, NEBR. :om Thtrre nerer wire sucn a trenmna tor lumber of this kind. should be whitewashed. the around Is frozen. Ladies’ Kimonas i * Are just as popular and just as comfortable today as they ever were, and at the prices which we are making on them, the busy housewife will save both time and money by purchasing them ready made. Do -you Wapt Sopie Bear Gloth For your little j»irl a cloak? WE HAVE IT FOR SALE WITH A PURCHASE* , 5 Fire Dollars 5 > OR MORE WE GIVE YOU n 10 BARS of SOAP for.,10c—10 SPOOLS of THREAD for 10c 4 10 YARD of CALICO foi.10c—20 POUNDS of SUGAR for %] .on 1 i more. i —