The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 30, 1905, Image 8
See le eei in Phone, N60. For a Drayman That catches J. W. Conger THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY. NOV. 30, 1905. A Few Market Quotations. Cattle, per 100 lbs.S1.00@$4 00 Hogs, per 100 lbs. 4.15 Corn, berbu. 31 Wheat, per bu.40 @ .62 Oats, per bu.18^ ® .21% Kye. per bu.48@ .53 Eggs, per doz. 20 Butter, per lb. 20 Lioaal Dsws. Hempil Jones is dangerously ill. Pure buckwheat for sale by the Loup City Mills. Joe O’Bryan rested the seventh day last week. If you want a well or a windmill, see T. M. Reed. Phone A. T. Conger. 1102, when in leed of a drayman. Loans on Beal Estate, call on John W. Lon?. Just received a new corn slieller Those having corn to shell will do well to see me. Address or phone, J. B. Ford at his farm. Overcoats for men and boys, ai Johnson & Lorentz. Page Woven Wire fencing. Best on earth. L. N. Smith, agent. Mr. Chris Hansen, father of Mrs. O. F. Peterson, is quite low with typhoid fever, and fears are entertained for his recovery. Don’t forget the Northern Milling Co for flour and feed stuffs. Miss Winnie Leach is visiting at her old home at Albion this state. Now is the time to get your winter garments at Johnson & Lorentz. Will Engle has the contract tor build ing a new residence for Hiram Cramer on his property in the north part of town. See W. P. Reed for real estate and collections at reasonable prices. 37 Mrs. Bert Chase and smaller children dren are visiting Mrs. Chase’s parents at Ord. For S.a le—Full blood Poland-China boars; spring pigs, ready for service 6. W. Holmes, one mile east of the old Fuller ranch, eight miles northwest of Ravenna. Public Masquerade Ball Thanksgiving night, November 30th, to he given by the German Verein at the Pilgeropera house Admission: Gentle men, 50cts; Ladies, masked, free; Lady Spectators 25cts. Tickets and costume can be had at Herman Jung’s restaur ant. Good music. By Order of Com . Let C. E. Mellor do your plumbing. C. E. Mellor will sell you a windmill. For Buggies and spring wagons, see T. M. Reed. See Cooper’s big adv. for bargains in groceries, this week. All of W. P. Reed’s children are down with the chicken pox. Smokeless powder 1 laded shells, 5cts per box lower at P. O. Reed’s. Herbert Nightingale will spend Thanksgiving at home from school. Try Hanna Egg and Lump coal at Keystone Lumber Co., at S7.C0 per ton. Phone, N22, the Loup City Flour and Feed Store. Wes McCombes has charge Mrs. Jake Benschoter arrived home last week from a two weeks’ visit in Iowa. Dr Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb. specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. Try the I.oup City Flour and Feed Store. R. W. McCombs, Manager, for best dour and feed. Phone N22. John W. Lone is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. In order that the printers mav the better observe Thanksgiving, The Northwestern issues on Wednesday this week, one day earlier than usual Seipmann & Oltmann are now ready to buy all kinds of poultry. Call and see them. The Methodist ladies will have a chicken-pie supper at the opera house this week Saturday. Our people re membering the good suppers given in the past by these ladies will not be liable to forget the date. Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu matiem, Stomach disorders, Tumois. Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides medicineand surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec tricity and massage. See C. E. Mellor about a new well. It you want to buy or sell real estate, call on John W. Long. Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Nightingale entertained Miss Ella Long at dinner last Sunday. Follow the crowd to Draper Bros, large store, the place where you get your money's worth. A yonng son of W. P. Baird, living in northwest Loup City, is suffering from an attack of chicken-pox. Remember there is only one mill here and only one feed store that handles Loup City flour and feed Walter Reed left Monday for a trip to Brook, Indiana, to visit his mother and receive medical treatment. Chickens, Chickens, Chickens. We want lots of them. Best prices paid This is Siepmann & Oltmann talking. Irvin Rowe, the young son of Pete Rowe, had one of his elbows dislocated, last Friday, at the school house while at play. Flenrv Dolling Iims rented a room of O. F. Peterson for a shoe shop and will commence Dee. 1st . One door east of St. Elmo. Miss Lula Winklemann has resigned her position at the Model restaurant, and Miss Vena Johansen has taken the place vacated. Draper Bros, have the best line of heating stoves, ranges and base-burners in the county See them if you need anything in that line. A pleasant party was given last Fri day evening at the residence of J. P. Leimnger, in honor of the Misses Jessie and Cora Leininger, some fourteen of their friends being present. A very enjoyable evening was passed Alfalfa $4.50 per ton. I will deliver good, first-class alfalfa to anv pait of town at $4.50 per ton. Phone Y 17. A good 400-acre farm, well improved, for sale GEO. OLTMAN The Drayman SATISFACTION EVERY TIME D. M, Gle. by John W. per acre. PfLGEft OPERA HOUSE One JSTiglit Only i Thursday, December 14th I —■ | Mr. Edward Salter presents one of the most importaut dra matic events of the year. The sterling romantic drama J- II i FABIO ^ :R,o:fc£-A-2sri A virile dramatization of Marie Corel li’s fascinating storv, “The Vendetta.” It is one of those plays which pleases not only Dy reason of a romantic love story, hut also by tbeir picturesque and gorgeous costumes and scenery is point-! ed illustration of the period wt>en all was chiyairy, braveness and beanty. This production is complete, both as to ;:n acting company and scenic equip ment i Reserved Seats will be placed on sale one week before the date in this city AT CONHISElfS STORE Prices - 50 and 35 Cents MCALJMNE, LOUP CITY. SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FA 11 WELL. Coal for Sale at Loan City ul Asia, will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELI ChII and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G- TAYLOR, SOBS'. •*#J. I. DEPEW^* Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker My shod is the largest and best equipped north of Ibe Platte Kiver j I have a fonr horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma chinery, also a force ot experienced men who know bow to operate it and turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT j ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. ■ The People of Loup City, Sherman County and Their Environs Shoes We have over 200 Pairs which will go at the low rate of 59c, 47c, 79c, 98c Per Pi Hosiery Ladies’ Hose, - 6c, He, 19c, 23c Children’s Hose, 11c, 13c, 17c, 19c Men’s Hose, - - 4c, 8c, 19c 23c REMEMBER WITH A PURCHASE OF FIVE DOLLARS OR MORE 10 Bara of Soap for • 10c—10 Yards of Calico for - 10c 10 Spools of Thread for • 10c—20 Pounds of Sugar for $1 Have appreciated our unparalleled efforts to lur nish them with seasonable up-to-date merchandise at prices heretofore unknown. For Thirty days we have sold large quantities of goods to people from all parts of this county. Even the other towns have given us their quota of economical buyers. Every body has been satisfied with the bargains they have received. Now that the Thirty Days’ Sale is over, we have been more than pleased with the result. Ii some bargains were good, more would be better. We have had requests from all this surrounding country to grant a continuation of the prices of the past thirty days. Many farmers have been busy and were unable to get here in time to take advan tage of our offerings. Why Stay the Tide of Oncom ing Buyers? WHY, INDEED? We have asked our selves, and in answer have determined to continue the goou work Another Thirty Days Which will carry it until Christmas Great quantities of goods at prices we could not afford to take in ordinary merchandising will be marked with the 33ig R,©d Hpa p We must have room and must have OclSllI Cash is the Great Lever of this Sale. It is that which impels us to continue these prices FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, when we should be making a profit; to unload our goods at prices that will pay the people to come miles to take advantage of. B. M. Gasteyer LOUP CITY, NEBR. WITH A OF 9 Or more we give you 10c 10 Yards of Calico for.10c 10c 20 Pounds of Sugar for..... $1.00 10 Bars of Soap for.. .. 10 Spools of Thread for. Do you want to present some one with £ BLACK SJLK DPESS? We have a beautiful piece of reliable black peau dc soic 27 incehes wide for only 79c per yard DRESS GOODS , WORTH FROM 16 cents to $1.76 per yard Will Qo sit 9c, 11c, 13c, 17c, 19c, 23c, 39c, 47c and on up to 98c Per Yard ^ a Full Line of Cravenets k for Ladies and Gepts Nobby and Up-to-Date Overcoats for Men, Boys and Youths All Prices and Styles JOJIPSOP & LOpEpfZ Since you are attempting to justify the 15 per cent reduc tion in Ashton township, please explain to the people of Clay township why the Conklin quarter in Oak Creek Valley, at the southeast corner of Ashton, should be valued originally at §449 and raised by order of the State Board to $527, when at the same time Andy Gray’s valuation on the northeast quarter lO 14-14 is $570 and Sid. Hollister’s valuation on the northwest quarter 18-14-15is $576? Don't you know that the Conklin quarter would sell on the market for as much money as both Gray’s and Hollister’s combined? If such is the fact, why should Conklin’s quarter pay taxes only on a valuation of $527 when the same value of land in Clay township is to pav on a valuation of $1,146? * W. R. Mfllor. Call on tlie J. P. Leiiier Liter Leiif Loup City, fJebfaska, —for— LUMBER Of all kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.