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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1905)
I Loup City Northwestern VOLUME xxm. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1005. NUMBER A THE NORTHWESTERN * TERMS:—*1.00 PCB TUB. IP PAID IN ADVAHCl Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for Iran, mission through the malls as second olaas matter. Office ’Phone, - - * R54 Residence ’Phone. - - G15 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pnb. ADVERTISING RATES Displat SPACE-Rates furnished upon ap plioation. Local Notices.—Five cents per line for each insertion. Notices set in black face type double the above rate All notices will be run until ordered out when time is not specified. Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec tures. suppers, etc., where an admission fee is charged, or a momentary interest involved, five cents per line each insertion. Card of Thanks, 80 cents. Resolutions of respect and condolence, $1.00, In memoriam poetry, five cents a line. Announcements of church services, lodge, society and club meetings and all public gatherings where not conducted for revenue, ill be published free. Professional Cards R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attorney d taebit-Law LOUF CITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. SI ARR Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. •U. //. .?#/;.#/> Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Duly set of Abstract books in county y Mi Met And th.e Public! Tit SI. Bins Li?er? Ben Js under a new management. Give me a trial and if you have any thing good to say, say it to others; if you have any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t right my mistakes, but I can and will. Respt., T.E.Gilbert,Prop. PHONE, W9. Give Us a Trial Round * ront Barn, J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr. (Opposite Noi ttiwescern Office) Finest Livery Kies, careful drivers Headquarters iorfarmers’ teams Com mercial men's trade given especial at tention. Your patronage solicited. J. S. CASADA, Propr. Having recently takeu possession of the B. T. Snyder barn and re-fitted and re-fur nished the same with Best of Livery Rigs I am prepared to give Best of Service (Jive me a trial. Good feed barn in connection. The traveling public are especially invited to give us a share of their patronage. A. P. DeLyster is SOLE AGE ST for II] City Flow M Mills JOHN SOLMS old STORE Loup City, ■ Nebraska Call ’Phone R33. To Our Patrons. On and after Jan. 1st, Tiie North western will place the subscription price on its foreign subscribers at Si 25 per year. We do this from the fact that it does not pay to carry them at the $1 per year rate. Also, all names will be eliminated from our foreign list that are not paid for in advance, or their subscription guaranteed by them selves or by those sending such papers to friends at a distance. This rule will fee absolute as we are at present carrying such at a direct loss We ex pect at an early date to print four pages of The Northwestern at home, in stead of two pages as at present, Our nierchants are using our advertising columns in a more satisfactory manner t than in the past, and if they continue to do so it will become necessary to en large the home columns of print. Our columns at present are full to overflow ing with advertising, making it neces sary to print a supplement each week and we have faith to believe that the enterprise they are showing Will con tinue. Why Was the School Levj^ih School District No. 1 25 Mills? In Mr. Gibson's explanation of*the lew in Loup City township he lays the levy for the year 1905 for School District No 1 is 25 mills. Why is it 25 mills ? The law says, Chapter 131, Page 554 Session Laws 1905: “The amount of money so voted as being necessary for the maintain ance of the school for the coming year shall be certified by the district school board to the county clerk of the county in which said school district is located, and said amount I shall be levied by the County Hoard on the assessed value ot the school district and be collected as other taxes.” The assessed valuation of School Dis trict No. 1 is more than $158,000 and a levy of 19 mills would have raised more ! than #3,000, the amount asked by the j school boird. The amount levied, to-wit: 25 mills, is to raise S3959. Who authorized this amount of levy? The school district authorized a levy to raise #3.000 only. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Mrs. Peter Rowe is quite s:ck. Let C E. Mellor fix your pump. H62, Ashley Conger, the drayman. Get him. Miss Mabel Cowling spent Thanks giving at Columbus. Grand Island field fencing with barbed borders at P. O. Heed's. The Epworth League give a in their church this (Thursday) night. A few low down, stocky red Short horn bulls for sale by Lawrence Smith. Charley Rowe’s baby has recovered from its recent attack of whooping cough Just received a shipment of short range loaded shells for quail shooting ai P. O Reed’s. Dr. A S. Main went to Ord this morning to attend the Valley County Medical Association. If you get an overcoat or jacket its new and not carried over, when you get it at Johnson & Lorentz. Our Clay county readers should tins week, especially, read Mellor’s adv. It has a meaty nut to crack on real estate valuation. We are selling Ladies. Misses and Children's jackets, new stock, no old stock carried over. Prices the lowest at Johnson & Loren iz An entertainment will be given at the Methodist church Thanksgiving at 7:30. Collection will be taken at the close. Everybody come. Don’t forget Draper Bros, manu facture all their harness in Loup City and can show you the stock they are made of. See them for your harness goods. I Presiding Elder Leonard will preach at the Methodist church Sunday morn ing, and at Wiggle Creek in the after- t noon. Quarterly conference Saturday j at 2 p. m. Draper's still have some good values on their 10c counter with a new stock expected in a few days. Watch this if I you »ant $1.00 to go as far as *2.00 ! elsewhere Among the good friends who have renewed their fealty to Thk Noiitii westekx the past few days, are W. 11. Rettennieyer, A. L. Zimmernan, Dr. Kearns, for two papers to his brother, i II. W. Kearns at Vinton. Iowa, and a |sister, Mrs. Morford at Mism City; Louis Wolf of Litclifie'd, S.-'A. Pratt, W. T Draper, J. 11. Geitzen of Colum bus, J A. Thompson, E. Walker The McKinme boys have been enjoy-! ing visits Irani two uncles from Colum bus this state the past weak. One. M r. : Wm. Terrell, returned home Mondav, ! while the second, Mr. Geo. W. Turner, I is still with them. By the way, Mr. Turner was with Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show for some sixteen years as a musicia-’, during which time they visited all the important places in the known world. 1 Wanted—A gir! of 15 to 17 years of age to work in my oftke, Must be neat. Wages SS per month at iirst. Those looking for a snap need not apply. S. A Allen. Strayed or Stolen Straved from my farm on Davis Creek, in Oak Creek township, one red 2-year-o'd heifer with horns, white spot in forehead shape of heart, half of tail white; one red 2-year-old heifer with horns and spotted head; one white heifer spotted with red, no horns, and one black and white yearling steer. Reward for information leading to their recovery. Daw hence Spotanskl Notice of Sale of Lam Under order of Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, in a cause wherein Arminius P. Cnlley is plaintiff, and Oliver S. Mason. Kansas National Loan Company, Inter national Loan and Trust Company and D. S. Fletcher, first real name unknown, are defend ants, upon a decree of foreclosure of a tax lien rendered by said court in favor of said plain tiff in the sum of $296.81, bearing interest at seven per cent per annum, and costs taxed at the sum of $48.96 and which sum is decreed to be a first and best lien upon the following described land, situate in Sherman county. Nebraska towit: The southwest quarter of sec tiomfourteen tl4> in township sixteen (16) north 5f rahge fifteen (15) west of sixth principal meridian, I will on Thursday, the fourth day of January. 1906, at t#o o'clock in the after noon of said day. at the south door cf the court house in Loup Ciiy in said county of Sherman and state of Nebraska, sell said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the amount due on said decree, in cluding interest, costs and accrued costs, and accruing costs. Given under my hand this 28th day of November, 1905. L. A. WILLIAMS, Sheriff of Sherman County. Nebraska, iLast pub. Dec, 28) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF T S £ Rockville State Bank OF ROCKVILLE, NEB. CHARTER No. 851, Incorporated in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business November 9tb. 1905. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts.§ 11.647 41 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured_ 497 75 Banking house furniture and fixtures 891 30 Current expenses and taxes paid. 425 13 Due from nat'l. state and pri vate banks and bankers.5.316 14 Chec ks and items of exchange. 135 95 r_ y. s Currency. 740 00 » Silver and Gold. 223 07—6,415 16 Total.$19,876 75 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in.f 5.000 00 Surplus fund . .. 1,000 00 Undivided profits. 676 93 Individual deposits subject to « check. 11.226 82 Demand certificates of deposit. 30 00 Time certificates of deposit.. 1,943 00-13.199 82 Total.$19,876 75 State of Nebraska, t County of Sherman, t * ® I. Geo. W Woten. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Banking Board. Geo. W. Woten. Cashier. ATTEST: P. Jensen. Director. J. A. Woten. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1905. W. M. Smelseh. (seal) Notary Public. My commission expires March 21st. 1908. Notice To Bidders. I. Geo. H. Gibson. County Clerk of Sherman county. Nebraska, estimate that the following books, blanks and stationery will be required for the use of the county officers for the com ing year: LOT ONE.—Three gross lead pencils, best grade; one gross penholders; twelve quarts Arnold’s writing fluid: twelve gross steel pens; five hundred blotters; twenty-four gross as sorted rubber bands: two dozen sponge-top mucilages two reams Crane's Japanese linen legal cap: two reams Columbia legal cap; one gross indelible election pencils; three dozen election ink cones: eight-quire record books, (four plain and four printed forms) patent flex ible back, flap opening, best linen paper: 3.000 triplicate tax receipts, blocked; 3 200 tax re ceipts in triplicate, bound and perforated, 200 in book for county treasurer, to fold for use with carbon paper: thirteen sets of poll books and envelopes; six chattel mortgage files. 200 in the file ; one gross, one inch by ten inches Globe Congress tie envelopes. LOT TWO.—1.000] 1- S^sheet blanks: 5.000 1-4 sheet blanks; 3.000 1-2 sheet blanks; l,00o full sheet blanks: all blanks to be of good heavy paper: 3.000 note heads: 6.000 letter heads- note and letter heads to be of good heavy paper: 4.U00 6V* inch xxx envelopes: 2.000 10-lnch xxx envelopes. LOT THREE.—Court dockets, one case to page, indexed, with rules of court, list of jur ors, court officers and resident attorneys, on fiat caps paper. in lots of forty; 6,000 election ballots. Sealed bids fo. each or any of the above three lots of supplies must be filed with the county clerk at his office in Loup City, Nebras ka. on or before the first day of January. 1906. Sealed bids will also bo received and must be filed in the county clerk’s office on or before January 1st. 1905, for the following: Publish ing delinquent tax list: publishing county treasurers financial statement; publishing road and bridge notices, and other notices re quired by the county. The county board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Loup City. Nebraska, this 23rd day of November, 1905. Geo. H. Gibsoh. (seal) County Clerk. (Last pub. Dec. 14.) & HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY for i'iCntIcmcn who rhrrish For Sale by T.H. Eisner HBMKBam : EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 9 4_... _ Trade at Cooper’s and Get !4 cans Cremo Standard Sugar Corn for - - 25c 3 packages Advo Pancake flour for - - 25c 13 packages seleoted, cleaned Zante currants for - 2oe 8 packages Pyramid soap powder for - 25c Uniform canned peas, strictly fresh, for - - 10c Extra fancy evaporated black raspberries, per lb. - - 36c 1 Choice Dried Peaches, per lb 10c Extra Choice Dried Peaches, per lb - - 13c Choice Dried Apncots, per lb 10c Extra Choice Dried Apricots, per lb 13c s Old Manse Maple Syrup, per gallon, absolutely pure, 81.25 d GOLD MEDAI^ COFFEE, 15c, 20c and 25c, none better in town for the money: We a*e Sole Agents for BARRINGTON HALL STEEL CUT COFFEE, price per pound, 35 cents 9 j _ :|;J NOW WHY NOT trade where you can get good value for your money. I guarantee satisfaction and with e¥erything you buy here you get coupons. No exceptions what ever. If you ’have poultry or butter and eggs to sell, get my prices before you sell I am on the market for produce and poultry and my prices are right. Call and see me and I will convince you. IT; PAYS TO TFADE AT COOPEP’S A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL of Loup gity General Banking Business Transacted. We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent. We Negotiate Real E<tr.! Loans. We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. IF YOU WANT B2IGGISS WflGODS FRRM MRGHIDSRY FEED GRINDERS CORN SHELLERS CSasolirj@ SnQiriss Wind Mills, . Purqps and WsII Work ZEE T. M. REED. A. S. MAIN, Physician end Surgeon Office at Residence. Telephone Connection. LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. d. H. LONG PHYSICIAN mi SURGEON Office, Over New Bank TELEPHONE CONNECTION I Undertaking and Art Goods C. H. LEININGER Fufpitufe Pianos and Organs Don’t Forget that 1 Have A New Piano _For Sale It is one of the finest instruments that has ever been brought to our city, and the price is reasonable. I also have some framed pic tures in stock on which I am making spec ial prices. My line of Furniture is com plete. I have the best Kitchen Cabinet for only $7.50. An extra good Extension Table for $11.75. Beautiful Axminster Runs for $2.75 Call and See us. How some of our merchants kick if the people send to M. W. or 8. & R. for goods, but they keep sending for one thing they can get at home for the same money, and just as good, and that is our cm rm Loup City Mill & Light Co. w. L. MARCY, DENTIST, LOUP 8ITY, NEE OFFICE: East Side Public Square. S. A. ALLEN. DEJTTIST, LOUP CITY, - XEB. Office up stairs in the new Stata Bank building.