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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
Phone, N60. For a Drayman That catches J. W. Conger THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY. NOV. 2!, ie05. A Few Market Quotations. , Cattle, per 100 lbs Hogs, per 100 lbs. Corn, berbu. Wheat, per bu.... Oats, per bu. Kve, perbu. Eggs, per doz ... Butter, per lb. S1.00@$4 00 4.20 .28(2 30 .50 @ 62 .17(3 .22 .48® .51 20 20 hoaal Daws. Pure buckwheat for sale by the Loup City Mills. If you want a well oi a windmill, see T. M. Reed Phore A. T. Conger. H6J, when in seed of a drayman. Loans on Real Estate, call on jttm W. Long. Overcoats for nun and bovs, at Johnson & Lorentz. Page Woven Wire fencing. Best on earth. L. N. Smith, agent. Don’t forget the Northern Milling Co for flour and feed stuffs. Now is the time to get your winter garments at Johnson & Lorentz. See W. P. Reed for real estate and collections at reasonable prices. 37 Surveyor Corning will move his family to Loup City in the near future. Fob Sale—Full blood Poland-China boars; spring pigs, ready for service G. W. Holmes, one mile east of the old Fuller ranch, eight miles northwest of Ravenna. A supper will be served at the next regular meeting of the Mystic Legion, the first Monday in December. All members are requested to attend and bring refreshments. George Oltmann this w< ek placed a new dray line on our streets. If you need any drayage, give him a portion. Estray. Taken up on my farm, Section 6 north, Bristol towuship, Nov. 12th, 1905 5 head of cattle as follows: 2 black steers; 2 red and white spotted steers two years old, and one red cowr about 4 years old. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying for this notice. J T. Garner. Public Masquerade Ball ‘ Thanksgiving night, November 30th, to he given by the German Verein at ti e Pilgeropera house Admission: Gentle- 1 men, 50cts; Ladies, masked, free; Lady Spectators 25cts. Tickets and costume can be had at Herman Jung’s redam- i ant. Good music. By Order of Com . Let C. E. Mellor do your rlumbing. 1 C. E. Melh«r will sell you a windmill. ■ For Buggies and spring wcgons, see T. M. Reed. * S- e Cooper’s big aov. for ba'gains in groceries, this week. Smokeless powder 1 >aded shells, 5cls ^ per box lower at P. O. Reed’s. P. A. McFarland, of Elba, is a new i reader of The Northwestern Try Hanna Egg and Lump cod at Keystone Lumber Co., at $7.00 per bin. Phone N22, the Loup City Flour and i Feed Store. Wes McCombes has charge ] Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper enter tained the editor and wife at tea last I Sunda\ evening. i Dr Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb. ‘ specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. i Try the Loup City Flour and Feed * Store, R. W. McCombs, Manager, for best dour and feed. Phone N22. John W. Lour is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. Mrs. E. Walker, whom we mentioned last week as being taken to Grand Island for treatment, returned Satur day. not being obliged to submit to the snrgon’s knife, but still in eufeebled health. Seipmann & Oltmann are now ready to buy all kinds of poultry. Call and see them. A. L. Zimmerman last week received from his old friend, Chas. H. Baker/at Milpitas, Col.; an hundred pound box of tine apricots, English walnuts and prunes. We do not see why A L. should be so favored above other mortals—the editor, for instance. Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chronic diseas< s. such as Rheu matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois. Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides medicine and I 3urgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec ' tririty and massage. See C. E. Mellor about a new well. It you want to buy or sell real ;state, call on John W. Long. Carsten Truelsen left on a prospect ng tour of tlie great state of Texas ruesday. Follow the crowd to Draper 13ro->. arge store, the place where you get rour money’s worth. Remember there is only one mi I here mil onlv one feed store that handles jOtip City Hour and feed The editor returns thanks again to he Messis. Eisner for a brace of fat irairie chickens last Friday. Chickens, Chickens, Chickens. We rant lots of them. Best prices paid rhis is Siepmann & Oltmann talking. S F. Reynolds, Wes McComhes and Vlbert Cook returned last Thursd >y rum their trip to Georgia, reporting a ileasant time. Draper Bros, have the b*-st line of leating stoves, ranges and base-burners n the county Sre them if you i e°d mything in tluit line. Mr. Alonzo Mingus, formerly a res: lent of Sherman county, died very udaenlv of apoplexy at his home in Mansfield, Ohio. Nov. 8th. 1005. at the ■ipe age of 72 years. Wanted—A girl of 15 to 17 years of ige to work in my office, Must be neat. Wages 88 per month. Those looking 'or a snap need not apply. S. A Allen. While John Thompson stopped in 'ront of one of our stores last week, eaving a number of sacks of Hour in lis wagon, some sneak thief appropri ited a 50 pound sack of the necessary, lohn good-naturedly trusts that in iuture when such an individual has a rankering after such a manner, he will make his wants known in an honest md honorable way, be will give him a lack and even haul it home for him. A good 400-acre farm, well improved, for sale by John W. Long, $25 per acre. Strayed or Stolen Strayed from my farm on Davis Ureek, in Oak Creek township, one red i-year-o’d heifer with horns, white spot in forehead shape of heart, half of tail white; ore red 2-vear-old heifer with Horns and spotted head; one white iieifer spotted with red, no horns, and me black and white yearling steer. Reward for information leading to their recovery. Lawrence Spotanski. 1 PfLGEp OPERA HOUSE One ZETiglit Only Wednesday, November 29 ^CQmTSVwWttW THE OSTPOWEKFUL MELODRAMA OF THE DAY Til© Convict’s IDangliter The Metiipolitan Production A Play that Touches the Heart Presented by a Specially Selected Compnnv A Wealth of Beautiful Scenery and Effects Containing Many New and Novel Sens tional and Mechanical Effects and Situations Reserved seats will lie placed on sale one week before dat* in this city at Conhiser’s Store prices - 50 and 35 Cents (MU. Ml BOUGHT AT THE B. & JVI. ELEV^TOPS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Goal for Sale at Loop City aid Asia. Will Gay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELI Call and see our coal and get prices on grain. E. G. TAYLOR. I. DEPEW1N* Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker My shoo is tbe largest and best equipped north of the Platte River 1 have a four hors* engine and a complete line of tbe latest improved, ma chluerjr, also a force of experienced men who know bow to operate it and turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. I a Full Line of Cravenets for Ladies and Gepts Nobby and Up-to-Date Overcoats for Men, ^ Boys and Youths All Prices t and Styles JOppSOp 8l LOpEfJTZ W. R. Mellor PAS FOP SALE Section 17 ■ 15 ■ 15 4 1-2 miles west of Court House At $13 per Acre Gall on tlxe Loup City, Pebfaska, —for— LUMBER Of all kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. The People of Loup City, Sherman County and Their Environs Shoes We have over 200 Pairs which will go at the low rate of . 59l 47c, 79c, 98c Per Pi Hosiery Ladies’ Hose, - 6c, 11c, 19c, 23c Children’s Hose, He, 13c, 17c, 19c Men’s Hose, - - 4c, 8c, 19c 23c REMEMBER WITH A PURCHASE OF FIVE DOLLARS OR MORE 10 Bars of Soap for - 10c—10 Yards of Calico for - 10c 10 Spools of Thread for • 10c—20 Pounds of Sugar for $1 Have appreciated our unparalleled efforts to lur nish them with seasonable up-to-date merchandise at prices heretofore unknown. For Thirty days we have sold large quantities of goods to people from all parts of this county. Even the other towns have given us their quota of economical buyers. Every body has been satisfied with the bargains they have received. Now that the Thirty Days’ Sale is over, we have been more than pleased with the result. Ii some bargains were good, more would be better. We have had requests from all this surrounding country to grant a continuation of the prices of the past thirty days. Many farmers have been busy and were unable to get here in time to take advan tage of our offerings. Why Stay the Tide of Oncom ing Buyers? WHY, INDEED? We have asked our selves, and in answer have determined to continue the good work Another Thirty Days Which will carry it until Christmas Great quantities of goods at prices we could not afford to take in ordinary merchandising will be marked with the ^3ig Tag We must have room and must have CSLSll! Cash is the Great Lever of this Sale. It is that which impels us to continue these prices FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, when we should be making a profit; to unload our goods at prices that will pay the people to come miles to take advantage of. B. M. Gasteyer LOUP CITY, NEBR. Or more we give you 10 Bars of Soap for.10c 10 Yards of Calico for.10c 10 Spools of Thread for.10c 20 Pounds of Sugar for-11. im Do you want to present some one 4 with A BLACK SJLK DRESS? YVe have a beautiful piece of reliable black peau de sote 27 i nee lies wide for only 79c per yard DRESS GOODS WORTH FROM 16 cents to $1.75 per yard Will C3-o at 9c, lie, l»c, 17c, 19c, 23c, 39c, 47c and on up to 98c Per Yard ;