20 pounds of BEST GRANULAT ED SUGAR FOR ONE DOLLAR, with all purchases of $5.00 or over throughout this entire big store. Pins, 2 papers for ic; Hooks and Eyes, 2 cards for I cent; needles, ic a paper; Men's Socks, 4c per pair; La dies' Hose, 4c per pair. In fact, 9c here in Notions will do the work of 15c elsewhere. Crowds Are Growing Greater Each and Every Day....They Have Heard of the Sale and They Have Sent Word to Friends and Neighbors. ..WE ARE ON.. The Second Week of This Gigantic Cash-Getting Sale which is proving to be the most bountiful harvest that ever visited the city of Loup City. They are coming from other towns trying to get here and partake of some of the thousands of bargains that are awaiting their coming. They saw it advertised; they read the newspapers; they saw the bills. It was something they hadn’t seen before. Instead of a few items that are usually thrown out for a bait, they see there are OYER FORTY-NINE THOUSAND ITEMS ON SALE HERE. There is not one item in this house sold at the price before the Sale started, which is a new deal, a new idea in Cash Getting, all of which we are after good and plenty. There are many lines being broken, yet there are sizes and kinds foi; all, and we believe enough for everyobdv in this community. It Is a Wonderful Work It is an immense amount of goods going out to the people in the Dry Goods line, in the Furnishing Goods line, as well as in the Shoe line, and in the Grocery line, all of which are a part of the necessities of life. If you have not been here to see us, why haven't you been ? and if you have been, it is a certainty we want you to come again. We are doing our best to treat you the best we know how. We are just the plain, common kind of people ourselves, and we think we know how to treat everybody that enters this door. We are going to do our best. We Talked Groceries a great deal last week, and by the way the boys were jumping to and fro in the Grocery Department, and by the people standing in line trying to get waited on, it is a certainty something was being done that had not been done before in this city. It was plain to see their pocket books were out and they were counting out the Cash. It only took a few dollars to take home stacks of Flour, pounds of Tea, bundles of Sugar, packages of Coffee, all kinds of Dried Fruits, Beans, in fact, everything in the Grocery line, and they were parting with their Cash, and parting with it freely, because they were getting great returns. You (oolil Set io ood Around Oor todies' Furaishiog Dept. fiat they were doing a wonderful amount of business wrapping up ladies’ separate skirts, such as never before seen in this man's town. The Skirt and Shirtwaist Sale is taking on great proportions. The fteople now have the opportunity of buying high grade goods in Ladies’ Furnishings at prices never before seen in this city. The poor as well as the rich can now have some of the good things in this world. Are you keeping your eye on the indicator? That is, B. M. GASTEYER. It indicates that the people are packing out more Dry Goods and Dress Goods than was ever packed out of a store in this town before. There were some back orders standing out and they were ordered here by telegraph, and the goods came in like chain lightning. They were placed on the counters with the other goods, and the way they are moving shows there must he something of importance going on in this big store. They are linding every fabric that is made; they are finding all the new weaves; they are finding all the elegant patterns of fashion’s latest that are out, and they are finding them on Sale here, and they are selling—that everyone knows—and they are selling at 50 to 75 per cent less than others can and will sell them. litre Art No Moss-Barked Methods in This Big Institution We are just overloaded; in fact, we are loader} to the guards and wc want to unload and get ready for greater, grander and more ag gressive merchandise methods. We know they are howling on the outside. Some of these fellows are telling them we are losing thou sands of dollars, but we cannot help what they say. With us it is Cash we want, and you get the benefit. All Cotton Goods, Feather Ticking, Straw Ticking, Shirtings, and, in fact, anything you want in the Dry Goods line, went out like chain lightning. We are trying to get in line. We are trying to unload now instead of later, and we believe we will accomplish that end. W e ask you all to send word to your friends and neighbors. Tell them that B. M. GASTEYER is unloading thousands of dollars worth of high grade merchandise. Tell them that they can get any thing they want; a Dress Pattern, Underwear. Silks, Satins, Ginghams, Muslin, Calico, Corsets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Head wear, Cloaks and Jackets, Furs, Shoes, Men’s Furnishings; if we have left out anything, it is here for you and we want to show you through this big establishment whether vou buv or not. We want to show' you our NEW METHODS AND NEW WAYS. We haven't got any clerks in this house sitting down and whit tling up dry goods boxes, and we never will have. They are all alive to the situation. Their coats are off and they are working as never before. They are helping B. M. GASTEYER reach the ends he started in for. That kind, courteous treatment always given in this house, we are trying to pour out to the people in unlimited quantities now. Seeing Is Believing The great work is going on. The harvest is drawing near to a close, but the threshing is going on every day, and B. M. GASTEYER is using the whip and giving it to them right and left. Can't you hear ’em hollering? If you want EMBRODERIES, if you want RIBBONS, if you want SILK THREAD of any kind or any descrip tion. if you want any of the little wares, such as you might overlook without a memorandum, please ask for them at any of our counters; they will tell you where they are and what they are worth, because, the mark is on them, in real, big, plain figures. There is no decep tion practiced in this house. Everybody tries to make you feel like vou were at home. Rddicdl Redactions in Robber footwear, Overshoes, felt Boots Mowing down the prices on Ruber Foot Wear, Overshoes and Felt Boots, and all are included in this wonderful sale. Overalls and Shirts pretty nearly cut in two—that is the price, not the garments cut in two. We want to tell you a bit more, that we are interested a good deal in disposing of about one thousand dollars’ worth of Chinaware and Tinware We want to get rid of this class of goods, and in all probability you can use them better than we can, and we are going to put them out at prices that will please you. Each and every purchase you make in this house, whether it costs you a penny or a dollar, you will save 25 to 50 per cent, and in many instances you will save 50 to 75 per cent. Look Over the Situation Make out your want list and don't leave one item out, because you will get the whole outfit here for less money than you ever dreamed of before. With B. M. GASTEYER, it is to see how many goods she can sell; see how many she can unload to the people. Drive up your buggies, bring in your wagons, and we will load them’falLup to the brim. Go Home Happy See for yourself that here you can buy the whole outfit for your family, from head to foot, at a great saving to you. We Don’t Want You to Overlook the Shoe Deal because in shoes for men, you will find them here at the price of boy’s shoes elsewhere, and the ladies’ shoes won t cost but little more than children's shoes elsewhere. IT IS THE SHOE HARVEST OF YOUR LIFE. Little boy blue, come blow your horn, I haven’t a bunion, I haven't a corn; My feet are as easy as they can be. I am wearing the B. M. GASTEYER SHOES you see. We have cut this big stock down wonderfully in the last ten davs, but we want to cut it still deeper, and we promise you one and all, if you will visit our store, what we have said is more than true, it is printer's ink, and it is the medium whereby we shall reach all of the people, and it is the only way you can pour sunshine into a citv, is to let the people know through the columns of the paper. FOLLOW THE CROWD AND COME TO OUR STORE. Patronize us; visit our store. Come to the fountain head where fashion’s latest is placed before the people, and see the masses standing in line to get waited on. WE BID YOU WELCOME UNDER OUR ROOF. B . M CALICOES AND GINGHAMS here will be cheaper than dirt else where. You will buy io SPOOLS of THE BEST COATES THREAD FOR ioc with all purchases of $5.00 or over throughout this big store. G A S T LOUP CITY, NEB. E Y E R Or, if you prefer, you buy 10 FOR ioc with all purchases of $5.00 YARDS OF THE BEST CALICO or over in this house. Remember this Sale doses November 18th.