My Round Oak Heaters are now on the move. If you want a stove that will last! twenty-five years or more, it would be well for you to call soon, before they are all gone. P. O. REED, P. O. REED, P. O. REED. # Phone, N60. For a Drayman That catches J. W. Conger THE NORTHWESTERN THURSDAY. OCT. 26, 1905. Uoaal. Daws. A. P. DeLyster Is SOLE AGENT for Loi City Floir&Feeil Mills JOHN SOLMS OLD STOKE Loup City, • Nebraska Call ’Phone R23. A Few Market Quotations. Cattle, per 100 lbs Hogs, per 100 lbs. Corn, ber bu. Wheat, per bu.... Oats, per bu. Rye, perbu. Eggs, per doz...,, Butter, per lb. S1.00@*4 00 4.50 .34 (tf 85 . 54 @ .60 ,17<(t .20 .45(3 .'50 15 IS Feed Grinders at T M. Reed's. 1163, Ashley Conger, the drayman. Get him. R P. Starr had business at Litchfield Monday. Call and see my new stock of buggies. T. M. Reed. Fur coats in all prices at Johnson & Loren tz. Phone A. T. Conger. H62, when in teed of a drayman. If you want a second-hand organ. seu W. H. Hover at once. Buy your shoes while the sale is on at Johnson & Loremz’. Hnsking hooks, pins, mittens and gloves at P. O. Reeds. Mr. Funston of Pennsylvania is a guest of E. S. Hayhurst. J. W. Long, wife and son went to Chicago. Tuesday morning. Page Woven Wire fencing. Rest on earth. L. N. Smith, agent. Horn to Mr.and Mrs. Wm. A. Couton the 22th instant, a daughter. The best quality of pails, washtubs. boilers, stoves, etc., at P. O. Reed s. Mrs. C. E. Mellor this week adds her name to our growing list of readers. See W. P. Reed lor real estate and collections at reasonable prices. 37 James D. Applegate of Macomb, Ills . has been in the city the past few days. A few low down, stocky red Short horn bulls for sale bv Lawrence Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hughes returned last week from their trip to California. Thone X22, the Loup City Flour aud Feed Store. Wes McCombes has charge Mrs. S. S. Hover and her mother. Mrs. Moon, left last Friday afternoon for Arkansas. Mrs. G. H. Scott returned from Ash ton last Friday,"where she has been visiting a daughter. . ournun A^tivis,^jrrcuiu lsianu, eu. specialist in disease of eye and ear. Examination for glasses. If you get an overcoat or jacket its new and not carried over, when you get it at Johnson & Lorentz. Remember there is only one mill here and only one feed store that handles Loup City flour and feed. Try the Loup City Flour and Feed Store, R. W. McCombs, Manager, for 1 est flour and feed, l’hone N22. Fon Sale—A number of pure bred Polind China pigs of e'ther sex. In quire of A O. Huff, Arcadia, Xebr. 48 ,1. A. Budler this week sends his sub scription and that of his father, Jacob Budlir, of Hampton, each ahead one year. Thanks. We are selling Ladies, Misses and Children’s jackets, new stock, no old stock carried over. Prices the lowest ' at Johnson & Lorentz Norman Thompson on Tuesday of this week purchased of Aug. Riemann a block of land just east of his residence in southeast Loup City: v,‘ We are pleased to note that th infant son of F. A. Pinckney, which has been critically ill for a long time, is now past the turning point, and is rapidly recovering health We received a pleasant call last Fri day from Mr Vv. H. Harnew of Oak Lawn, Ills., who owns a fine piece of land in the north part of Clay township and is looking after his busines interests Drs. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all forms of chronic diseases such as Rheu matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois. Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc. The doctors use. besides medicine and surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, elec tririty and massage. Jim Bayne returned troin Omaha, Monday evening, where he had placed his wife in th« St. Jo eph hospital for treatment. Last week Wednesday, Mrs Bayne was operated upon for appendicitis, and for a few days her life wa3 despaired of, but at present she is doing well, with be»t prospects for a .. S 'sfidxjecai'euk * e.are glad to mote. T. M. lteed, a new stock of Buggies Postmaster Owens is on the sick list. Bargains in Dry Goods at Johnson & Lorentz’. Free hack to the park dances every Saturday night. Sim Criss started his new house the first oT the week Banker Culiev moved into his new nsideDCe Monday. Overcoats for men and boys, ;o Johnson & Lorentz. 1 A. P. Del.yster moved into the old Eisner cottage last Friday. Don’t forget the Northern Milling Co for flour and feed stuffs. Orin Manchester of North Loup was iu town a few days on busioess. Now is the time to get your winter garments at Johnson & Lorentz. Don’t fail to attend the seance at t ie opera house, Saturday, Oct. 28. Will Draper makes us happy by lidd ing his name to our list ot readers. Born, to Mr and Mrs. Harry Bivins of Webster township. Oct. 18, a son. Will Betteiunever is building a resi dence for Lonnie Daddow near Aus'in. Harry Udy, who handles the express business, is a new reader of this paper. Mrs, Frank Bobbins and children are visiting at Giltner and Phillips, this state. Herman Jung, the young Herman, is building a residence in the north part of town. Neil Hover left for Arkansas Tues day. He will visit at Council Bluffs enroute. (leo. S Keeler and family have moved from their farm into their town residence. Mrs Charley French left for Dwight, this state, last Saturday, for a few weeks’ visit. W. F. Mason went to Omaha, Mon day, to attend the session of the State Banker’s Association. W. E Cadv and E. II. Ormsby are two new readers at the Litchfield post office. Thanks bovs. State Treasurer Examiner Robinson was cheeking up County Treasurer Sweetland last week. A wife is frequently a man’s greatest hindrance in his ambitions for political or other public preferment. Havhurst used the Loup Citv flour for biscuits in his Majestic exhibition, and Hattie said it took the cake New phones have this week been placed in the residehces of E. A. Draper E. Holcomb and C. W. Tb wnton in this city. For SAi.e—A fine young registered Hereford bull. For particulars call at Leininger’s furniture store, Loup City, Nebr. W. H. Morriss this week pushes his subscription to this paper ahead up to 1907. W. II. believes in doing the proper caper. *> e understand Photographer Boone has Holdout to a party at Hastings to give possession on the 5th of next month. W:H Hover left for Arkansas last Saturday. He will join his wife and children at Bellevue for a short visit, thence to the Southland. Bring your sewing machine heads to Draper Bros. Hardware & Harness store for cleaning and repairing, also supplies for all machines. Bute Wilson, who was badly injured in a threshing machine near Schaupp Siding, a couple of weeks since, is rapidly recovering his injuries. Wilson Baillie came in from Wyo ming last night to be at the bedside of his mother, who is quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Will Fisher. Among our new readers this week we enroll Mr. J. W. Harper, the new land lord of the St E'mo hotel. Mr. Harper is stirting out right in every regard. Notice the big adv. of C. C. Cooper this week. Cooper always does things on the square, even to placing bis adv. in a perfect sotiare. It pays to trade at Cooper’s. C J. Tracy last week purchased e glity acres of land near the cemetery where he will make his home. We are glad to know that Chet will remain with us. Frank Lorcheok last week had one Anton Kosmickt placed under SlOO bonds to keep the peace and insure his appearance at the next term of the district court. The young girl’s class of the Baptist Sunday School will give a basket social at Mr. Ed Angier's home, next Tuesday evening, Oct. 31. Everybody come and bring their baskets. Miss Abbie Conger, a valued reader in Omaha, remembers 11s this week, financially. "We can always depend on our lady readers to see that their papers are paid in advance. Mrs. Gilbert living west of town lest Saturday tound a basket of articles be tween the two depots on her way home from town. Owner can have ny. Judge Wall gave one of his characteristic and most pleas ing after-dinner talks, followed by It. P. Star, Editor llrown. Prof. Nicoson and B. T. Snyder in few, well-chosen w’ords. the guests then departing for their several home, showering congrat ulations upon the host and hostess who had entertained them so royally. Mr. and Mrs. Adamson were the recipients of an elegint Austrian-Cbina dinner set of UK) pieces, and numerous other choice remembrances of the occasion in costly china, table linens, silverware, etc. The Northwestern gives heart iest well wishes to thisestimable couple and desires to be able to attend their diamond wedding as well. I ms week saturaav night, Oct. 2Sih. ut I'ilger's opera house, our people wilj hive a chance to see anil heir Dr. Koikier, the celebrated and wonderfully gifted medium, just arrived from Lo idon. In these days, when so much is said about this strange ami sup’-r natnr I will pay our ieople to go and hear this renowned professor, whether you believe in it or not. Tie processor gives all sorts of strange phenomena from the spirit world, from the common table rapping to slate writing, spir.t hands and faces, etheral forms appending in the bright light, with material objects pissed before them, in fact wonders y<-u never thought to witness, Skept'es are especially ini ited to attend The doctor guarantees that there shall be no sleight of hand in it at all. The Ooctor also makes the fail offer that anyone not perfectly satisfied with this wonderful exhibition of the spiritual phenomena, may have their money refunded. Go and si e and hear and explain if you can what you sieand hear. Doors open at 7:30; seance 1-egins at 8:00. The reading at the opira house last evening, by the talented inonologis’, Miss Sara Bloctky, was well received by the large audience In attendtnce, and only words of praise are uttered by those who were favored by hearirg her A Free-for-All Fiarht. At the Polish wedding Tuesday, six miles east of Loup City, a free-for-all j took place in which Peter Lewandowski received a cut over the eye in addition I to other fistic il reminders. The attack was made by the Oshontoski brothers, who were brought to town yesterday bv Sheriff Williams and placed under bonds pending their trial, which has been s t for the 22d day of November, owing to the condition of the wife of one of the Oshontoski brother, who was injured in the melee, preventing her appearing at the trial at present. The origin of the trouble is between two rival threshing machine outfits, Union Pacific Low Hales. Home-Visitors Excursion to various points, tickers on sale Nov. 27. 1903, only, return limit Dec. 17th. Winter Tourist R ites to Colorado. Tickets on sale Oct. l t, to \fay 31st. Special Homeseekers rate to various points south and west, on sale first and third Tuesdays each month, to and In eluding December, 1905. Winter Tourist Tickets on sale to various points west and south. If you contemplate a trip anywhere at any time, I would be pleased see you as we may be able to save you both money and time. F. H.IIisek. Agent. Burlington Bulletin Of Bound Trip Rates. Special Ilomeseekeis' Kates: Greit ly reduced round trip rates to the North t’latte Valley and the IPg Horn Kasin. Oct. 17th, Nov. 7th and 21st, Dec 5th 10th. This is an unusually good chance tor you to look at lands in these new regions, which offer a big profit to those who secure them early. Home Visitors' Excursion: Visit the old home when you h sve cleared up the season’s work. Cheap excursion rates to various sectTons of the East. The only excursion, Nov. 27th, limit twenty-one days. Winter Sunshine in the Mountain*:— Daily low excursion rates to Colorado. A cheap way to spend liie winter in California: The very lowest one-way rates daily to California and Puget Sound; when von add the one-way rate eastbound, in tlii Spring, vou have secured a very low round trip rate. Through tourist sleepers to the w hole i Coast region. Cheap liomeseekrrs’ Kates to.the! West, Southwest and South the first and thiol Tuesday of each month. it. 1., Airmen, Agen r. Dissolution Notice, Notice is hereby given thatCtrsten T uelsen and C. E. Mellor. heretofore doinp bigness under the firm name of Trueist‘n & Mel’or have this day dissolved partnership by mutual consent. C. E. Aleilor will confcu u© in the business. All book accounts now owing to the firm are payable to Carsten Truelsen. Dated this 10th day of October, 1905. Cakstex Tkuelsej?. C. E. Mellok. a HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY Civm! fi* i nc n U li.ilti \. For Sale by T.H. Eisner CLOAKS Received a full line of Cloaks For Ladies, Misses and Children Our line is new, clean and up-to-date. JOHNSOjM & LOpEpfZ W. R. Mellor PAS FOP SALE Section 17 -15 ■ 15 * 4 1 -2 miles west of Court House j At $13 per Acre Gaill on ttre J. P. Leioinpr Liter Crnp? Loup City, f'Jebfaska, —for LUMBER Of :ill kinds. Also Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. High Grade Ofgap Manufactured by the At Factory Prices Delivered in your town. You pay $5 Gash apd $| Per Week 50 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices - Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors, J Omaha, l^TelD. The Big Piano and Organ House. BOUGHT AT THE B. & |\fl. ELEVATORS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loop City and Asltoa. Will Boy HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING A.ND FARWELL* Call and see our coal and get prices on gram. ^ E.G-TAYLOR. I. DEPEW®?* s li Blacksmith ®> Wagon Maker 1 t ^ O *4 J My shoo 28 the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River * I have a font horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ina 5? chinery, al9oa force of experienced men who know how to operate it and _ turnout a job with neatness and dispatch. — ^ MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT g i i ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. 2 I 4