The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 26, 1905, Image 5
Fire, Smoke and Water, backed by the Sheriff, could not make the prices zee do for the next thirty da\s. Come, join the procession and partake of thousands of bargains that await here for you. io Spools of the best Machine Thread hill be sold for ioc, zvith every purchase of $5.00 or oz'er. Or, if you prefer. 10 Yards of the Best Calico for ioc ziith all purchases of S5.00 or oz’cr throughout this big store; or, to make matters zvorse, 20 pounds of the Best Granulated Sugar for One Dollar, on all purchases of §5-00 or ozvr throughout this entire big store. WONDERFUL WORK Went on here last Saturday. You should have seen the mass of people standing in line waiting to be waited on. They read our advertisement and knew from the way we talked that we meant business—so they just all came down to get some of the many bargains wait ing for them. If we had stolen the goods we could not have sold them any cheaper. Every item in this house is on sale and nothing will be held in reserve. RAIN OR SHINE, THE BATTLE GOES ON. x x X Dress Goods Talk Everything is the very latest in Henriettas. Melrose. Vene tians, Serges, hilks and Satins. • This is certainly an oppor tunity for you to get that new dress you have been promising yourself for the past few months. Ladies* Furs and Jackets The lot at Si.48 is attracting a good deal of attention, and from the way the Ladies went after them last Saturday we would judge they were good values. Then we have another lot that would be considered cheap at S6.00 or $8.00 that we are selling $3.98 Ladies* Petticoats Mercerised Petticoats and Silk Petticoats. We can show you by plain figtures that we can save you from 10 to 50 per cent. The most gigantic undertaking ever known to man in this man's town. Biggest Ribbon Sale Ever held in Loup City All kinds of Ribbons, from the narrow Baby Ribbon to the wide and statelv Sash Ribbon, ranging in price from Ic to 50c Oceans of Notions During this sale you can buy two papers of pins for 1 cent, and the famous hooks and eyes you have been paying 5 cents for you buy here during this cash getting sale at 1 cent a card. hosiery Marked Away Down Come in and examine our line of Ladies’ Hose at 4c, 6c, 9c. lie and up. Corsets Corsets Corsets Everybody can afford to wear one of our corsets, they are so very cheap. Ladies' Skirts and Waists In these we have the latest style and color in all the differ ent sizes and the price has been marked "away down low." Irish Table Linen Table Linen in all g.-ades and colors—J^ed, White or Blue. Remember No goods will be charged and nothing will go out on ap proval. It is'all cash with us, and if you get what you don't want return it and get your money back: provided it is not cut off a bolt. No goods will be taken back or exchanged on Sat urdays. Ladies' Furnishings of All Kinds Fur Scarfs. Muffs. Gloves. Mittens, Belts. Hose Supporters. Chatelaines. Purses. Handkerchiefs. Fancy Neck Wear. Kimo nas. Ribbons. Dressing Saques. Fleeced Gowns, Golf Jackets. Fancy Combs. Collars, etc., etc., and they will cost you less than thev ever did before. Men's Work Shirts will go at 38c The Shoe Sale Shoes for Men, Women and Children in all the different styles and weight. \\ e have placed a few odds and ends in bins and put the mark on them, so you can see for yourself. Many of these shoes we have marked at half uhat they cost at :ohole sale. Underwear for Everybody Union Suits and two-piece Suits in the heavy fleeced and ribbed, are marked down from io to 50 per cent. Calicoes and Ginghams are cheaper than din. and you get the benefit. Men’s Suspenders here \\ ill cost less than Bovs" elsewhere, and Bovs will cost you a mere trifle. Groceries Coffee, 1. ea. Rice. Oatmeal. Soap, Syrup, Tobacco, and everything else in the Grocery line will be sold at the same low prices as the articles in the other departments. A Few Dont’s Don't wait too long: don't be skeptical; don't miss the op portunity ; don't fail to tel lyour friends: don't hesitate to come: don't overbuy yourself; don't miss the place: don't kick and crowd; don't get mad if some one tramps on vour corns in the rush for bargains: don t ask us to take back or exchange goods on Saturdays; we cannot do it: too bttsv. Attend this Cash-Getting Sale and lay in your supplies. Thanking you for your attendance the past few davs. we hope to see you often in the future. As before, we bid you Welcome. f' - ST EY E R For Thirty Days, commencing Saturday. October 21st. and hiding up at midnight November 18th, zee Jo the Battle of our Lizes to unload this big merchandise stock that udll zvakc up the people from all parts of the country. LOUP CITY, NEB. .Is long as they last you uHl buy 2 papers of pins for ic, one card Hooks and Eyes ic, one paper Xeed ies ic. In fact, gc here in notions li-ill do the ■zoork of 15c elsczohere.