The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 26, 1905, Image 1

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Loup City Northwestern
Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - R54
Residence ’Phone. - - G15
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub.
Display Space—Rates furnished upon ap
Local Notices.—Five cents per line for
each insertion. Notices set in black face type
double the above rate. All notices will be run
until ordered out when time is not specified.
Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec
tures. suppers, et'\, where an admission fee is
charged, or a momentary interest involved,
five cents per line each insertion.
Card of Thanks. 50 cents.
Resolutions of respect and condolence $1.00,
In memoriam poetry, five cents a line.
Announcements of church services, lodge,
society and club meetings and ail public
gatherings where not conducted for revenue,
will be published free.
Professional Cards
Attorney and 3«ler>it'hw
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
jfr. //.
Bonded Abstracter
Loup Crrr, - Nebraska.
Ouly set of Abstract books in county
.A^ncl th.e IPublic!
Tie St. Elmo Livery Ban
Is under a new management. Give
.me a trial and if you have any
thing good to say, say it to
others; if you have
any complaint, make it to
me. Others can’t riuht my
mistakes* but I can and will. Respt.,
Give Us a Trial
'Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
(Opposite Noi tliwestern Office)
Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers'
Headquarters ior farmers’ teams Com
mercial men’s trade given especial at
tention. Your patronage solicited.
J, S’. CASADA, Proprc
Having recently taken possession of
the R. T. Snyder barn and
re-fitted and re-fur
nished the same
with ‘ ,
Best of Livery Rigs
I am prepared to give
‘Best of Service
Give me a trial. Good feed barn
in connection. The traveling public
are especially invited to give us a
share of their patronage.
Poland China Swine
Bred and Owned by
Telephone LODI* ' ITY.
Connection NEBR ASK A.
FOR SALE:—2> Choice Spring Boar:
and one yearling boar, sired by Memc
Butler, 3<S8S5.
Republican State Ticket.
For Supreme J edge—
<has. 13. Letton, of Fairbury.
For State Regents—
Fred Abhott. of Columbus.
W. L. Lyfohd. of Falls City.
County Ticket
For Clerk of Courts—
Joh n Mathew son.
For Treasurer—
Carsten Truklsen.
For Sheriff—
L. A. Williams.
For Judge—
G. w. Hunter.
For Superintendent—
M. H. Mead.
The cigarette law has been declared
valid by the supreme court
W# learo the editor of this paper is
denominated a kicker by an erstwhile
friend. We trust it will not be neces
sary in the future to Rive a practical
demonstration of that fact in his case
through these columns.
The supreme court has given its deci
sion that registers of deeds and county
supervisors will have to be elected this
fall. The republicans in this county
have attended to their nominations in
this regard, but our populist friends
will have to attend to this matter by
Members of the county board of |
supervisors are in town this weekrlook
toward the re-convening of the board j
to make a new levy for 1905, as it is
understood the levy made in July is I
illegal. It is understood a call will be
issued, the board to meet between now ;
and N'ov. 1st and a new lew made.
Later- The board is called to meet
Saturday to make the new levy.
We this week give place in our col
uwnsto an article from Mr. Gibson,
over his own signature. Every man is
entitled to the right of n hearing, and
as Mr. Gibson has no organ of bis owr, \
we grant tim a bearing through the or
gan of the party he is trying to disrupt.
We desire to be lair, even more than!
fair, to show Mr. Gib-on that the pa
per is not owned, controlled nor bought!
up by any faction, man nor set of men
on earth, save only by the one whos
name appears/ as editor at the herd of;
these columns, whoever reporteth to
tile contrary notwithst Hiding.
The campaign is going on to tic
eminent satisfaction of those interested
in the Republican ticket. Especially is
tins true of the county superinteudeucy'f
Prof Mead has reason to feel especially
good over the good will and evidence
given day by day for his candidacy for
that office. Such are the assurances,
that he will no doubt be one of the
leading ones elected, always allowing ’
that Sherift Williams will lead by the
biggest majority. But then, all oi the
Republican candidates will lie elected,
and Republicanism will triumph easily
over the opposition this fall
In political affairs, we are old-fasli
iongd enough to believe that ministers
of the gospel should be chary of what
they say or do. People of all shades of
political opinion join in one congregi
ti»n to hear the gospel of Christ in all
its purity and simplicity, and when the
minister develops into the politician on
week days in favor of this man or that
man of his congregation, it is not cal
culated to uplift his hearers into a spir
itual atmosphere, if any minister de
sires to take exception to the thought
herein expressed, we should be pleased
to give him a place in our columns
We understand Mr Gibson, as inde
pendent candidate for county clerk,
Rives it out solid lhat he will cary every
township in the county. We always
did admire nerve. But Georgie in this
respect reminds us of the Dutchman’s
bull. The little bull was somewhat
breechy, and was eternaly breaking out
of his pasture and getting in front of'
parsing trains to the dieouifeiture of
the owner until it got so tireseine the
Dutctiman concluded the next time the
■ hull might save itself. One day not
long after, Mr. Bull was seen head j
down in front of an incoming train. j
but ton late to save ttie inevitable, and
as the forces came together the Teu
t otic owner laconically remarked: “Go
lit. you litte devil; I admire votir pin k,
hut d—n your judgment.’’ v
Ex-Gongressm.m .leirv Simpson,
' whose appellation of “SocXless Jerry"’
I Ins made him famous, lies at the point
^>f deith at Wichita. Kas. It was
[some tw-nty ve-trs ago when we 11 et
{ mot Jerry Simpson, at his home i t '
! dedicate Ladgc, Kas, where he was a
well known terror to horse amt cattle j
thieves and of evil doers generally, ye :
<i kinder-hearted, more hosditable fel
low was never met, nor one * hose hold
on the people of that section was
stronger, and from that day to this we ;
have had a warm place in our affections :
and an interest in Jerry Simpson that ]
time cannot efface. Ridicule has had &
great' run on this good man. but to1
those who know him best. Jerry Simp- j
son wilt always be remembered as one
of nature’s noblemen, and in this dav.
while the doors of death are swinging
<7pen to receive his noble spirit, sadness
will 111! each heart. We render tribute
to the great-hearted man today, as we
al«avS have in the years past.
Later—Jerry Simnson’s death occurred
on Morning of this week. Peace to his
Gibson's Pet Townships.
It is given out by Gibson's strikers
th»t bo is going to got the solid vote of
Ashton, Oak Creek, Bristol itnd Scott i
townships. These are his pet town- '
ships. For the taxpavers in these!
townships he worked day and night to !
get their assessments reduced by the
Countv Board. Remember these are I
populist township-. Why should a j
Republican County Clerk work so hard
for populists? Clearly because he'
wants their votes. This was simply'
the trick of a politician- I)o the people
who live m the nine other townships
ever stop to think that if Gibson lowered
tlie taxes in those four townships, he ,
thereby raised them in the other nine
townships? If the taxpayers of the i
four townships are going to vote for j
him because lie lowered their taxes, the i
taxpayers in the other townships ought i
to vote against him t ecause lie raised [ 1
their taxes
I am one of those fellows who believe |
that a public oilleer ought Lot to have
any pets, but to treat us all alike. IIo* - ■
ever, in as much as he insists on haying
pets, let him ride into ollice on their
votes if he can. The balance of the
county will vote against him anil that
will be nine townships against four
What kind of principle have populists
got if they will vote for » Republican
because lie bribes them by an appeal to j
their selfish interests When the vote
of these four townships is counted, we !
shall know how many pops can be
bought by a cheap trick 1 ie that which j
Gibson has played. These pops are not j
very smart if thev can’t see through j
Gibson’s little trick. Do riiey really j
think that Gib on has any pirticularl
love for them? He simply wants their |
votes But I’m thinking there are some !
honest voters in Ashton, Oak Creek
Bristol and Scott townships who can't r
be bought by Gibson. When Gibson j[
lowers the t iXes of dale Creek town- j
ship twenty-five percent, lie makes the
rest ot us pay so much more tax. flow ]
is he going to get our votes? This is a 1
double edged sword, and will kill more j
votes than it makes. The voters in 1
this countg are neither fools or knaves,
and they have got to be one or tlieotli r
before this trick ot Clerk Gibson’s can j
win out
Hide your pet townships. George, and |
ride them hard, because you can’t catch '
any votes in the other townships, be
-atise we all know that when one town- j
ship pays less tax. the others must pay i
more, and ue are the fellows tbat are
paying more, ad through your little
trick Tax Payer,
Who don’t own land in George’s pet
Mr. Gibson Defends Hmself
Mr. Editor: Will you allow me space \
to say that the article published and
commented upon by you and copied
from the Lincoln Evening News,
should be taken literal as far as the
letter from me is concerned and 1 stand
on the record as being the proper thing,
and only ask that people investigate
and ascertain the facts which w ill
prove my position to be correct as far
as the facts go regarding the 1905 ad
journment. The County Attorney was
the legal advisor that caused the ad
journment. and I afterward told him
that if he thought chat the Board should
re convene to again Dy the levy as he
churned the Attorney General had told
him could be done, that any time he j
and the chairman so desired, i would j
make a call, but he failed to instruct I
me either pro or con. Just get the;
whole facts, my friend, and you will i
discover that all is O. K. and correct,
and that the howl is to throw sand in j
the people’s eyes Don’t be alarmed,
your levy is legal and the people won’t !
be long in finding out tins new piece of '
chicanery. Yours, etc..
Geo II. Gntsox.
Program Tenth Annual Con
vention Sherman County
Sunday School Association.
Methodist Church Saturday and
Sunday, October 28 and 2!), lttoo.
2:3.)—Soriff Service led by Hborfg Wbitmnn.
2:45—WordR of Greeting,'—Coualy t're^ident.
2:50—Report-of County Officers,
3:15—Open Conference for County anil District
3:35-*Primary Section Practical Primary Plnn.
(1) Importance of Org nlzation in Pri
mary Depart-: eut—Mrs. C. J. Tracy.
(2) Cradle Roll and Beginners Depart
men-— Mrs. K. Angler.
(3) Supplemental Work—Miss Whitman.
(4) Primary tOaeher’s Pieparntioa—Mrs.
W. S. Waite.
3) After the Primary, What?—if re. C<>n
4:00—Primary Round Table—Mrs. Roberts
4:15—Appointment of Committees
7:15—Song Service—Edna Minshull.
7:80—Election of Officers.
8:U0—Address by Mamie Haines, «tato Worker.
9:00—Waiting Before God in Prayer.
9:15— Bible Study-E. G. Taylor.
9:45—Open Pa raiment led by Rev. Horner.
10:30—Sunday School—Mamie Haines.
2:15—Praise Service led by Rev. Theason.
2:30—Things that hare helped our School.
3:00—General Round Table led by Rev. Cowell
3:30—State Work presented by Mias Haines.
7:30-Praise Service led by H. S. French.
7:45 -Use of Bible in the School. Rev. Wold.
8:00—Address by Mamie Haines.
Superintendents of various Sunday Schools of
the county will send the names of their deletes
to Miss Edith Angler. Loup City, Nebraska, Chair
man of Entertainment Committee, not later than
October *?7.1905.
'm- Y^AP
Trade at Cooper’s and Set -Coupons
Save your coupons and get some ci that elegant Chinaware. I
am giving away each day FREE to my customers many dollars’
l worth of Chinaware. For the benefit of those who do not know
| what we have in premium ware, ’L will give a list of a few items:
.A. GroocL Line of
The above items are all imported ware and many of them have never been on
display before in Loup City. I will be pleased to have you eail in and look over my
premium assortment.
NOW l^T3t±Y NOT trade where you can get good value for your money.
I guarantee satisfaction and with everything you buy here you get coupons. No
exceptions,what ever.
If you have poultry or butter and eggs to sell, get my prices before you sell.
I am on the market for produce and poultry and my prices are right. Call and see
me and I will convince you.
If pays TO fp a be at eoopEp’S
A. P. GULLEY, President. W. .F. MASON, Cashifr.
rJG JrlE
Of Loup city.
lenerai Banking Business Transacted.
We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Gent.
We N‘g >r'iate R ■ i! E • Loans.
We Huy, Rent, an 1 Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents.
Seaboard National Bank, Mew York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
Oal) on T. M. IlEED for Buggies, Wagons
find Agricultural Implements of all kinds.
A. S. MAIN, j
Physician end Surgeon;
Office at Telephone
Residence. Connection, i
CfUce, Over New Bank.
Art Goods
Don’t Forget that 1 Have
A New Piano
For Sale
It is one of the finest instruments that has
ever been brought to our city, and the price
is reasonable. I also have some framed pic
tures in stock on which I am making spec
ial prices. My line of Furniture is com
plete. I have the best Kitchen Cabinet for
only $7.50. An extra good Extension Table
for $11,75. Beautiful Axminster Bugs tor
$2.75 Call and See us.
How some of our merchants kick if the
people send to M. W. or S. & R. for goods,
but they keep sending for one thing they
can get at home for the same money, and
just as good, and that is
Lit CITY- Fill
Loup City IVlill & Light Go.
OFFICE: East Side Public Square.
Office up stairs m the cew State
Bank building.