The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 05, 1905, Image 8

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    I api jiow sellipg pafdwafe ip piy new store.
Gome apd see pie. p. 0. PEED.
PhoDe, N60.
For a Drayman!
That catches
J. W. Conger
THURSDAY. OCT. 5, 1905.
Iioaal Dsws.
A. P. DeLyster
Loop City Flour JM Mills
Loup City, - Nebraska
Call ’Phone R23.
Feed Grinders at T M. Reed’s.
See delinquent tax list on first page.
l)r Allen went to Omaha yesterday.
T. M. Reed, a new stock of Buggies
Mrs. Jake Biemond is on the sick list
Frank Robbins is building a new
1162, Ashley Conger, the drayman.
Get him.
Miss Edna West returned to Boston
Bargains in Dry Goods at Johnson &
Call and see my new stock of buggies.
T. M. Reed.
Fur coats in all prices at Johnson <x
Mrs. E. A. Brown was seriously ill
last Friday.
Free hack to the park dances every
Saturday night.
W. G. Odendahl, was a passenger for
Omaha Tuesday.
Overcoats for men and boys, at
Johnson & Lorentz.
C. C. Cooper moved into the Oden
dahl cottage Monday.
Phone A. T. Conger. II82, when in
need of a drayman.
Buy your shoes while the sale is on
at Johnson & Lorentz'.
E. G. Taylor and wife visited over
last Sunday in St. Paul.
Page Woven Wire fencing. Best on
earth. L. N. Smith, agent.
Don't forget the Northern Milling
Co. for hour and feed stuffs.
Draper’s new studio just east of the
St Elmo hotel. People go there.
G. H. Lindall was looking after his
land in Custer countv last week.
See W. P. Reed lor real estate and
collections at reasonable prices. 37
F. M. Henry is enjoying a visit with
his good mother from Tipton, Iowa.
A few low down, stocky red Short
horn bulls for sale by Lawrence Smith.
Phone N22, the Loup City Flour and
Feed Store. Wes McCombes has charge
Mrs. John Ohlsen, who has been vis
iting friends at Grand Island returned
last week.
If you want as good a range as there
is on the market, buy the Round Oak
Chief of P. O. Reed
Mrs Odendahl and Miss Ernie Oden
dahl, left Tuesday to witness the Oma
ha Ak-Sar-Ben jubilee.
Dr. Sumner Davis,Grand Island, Neb.
specialist in disease of eye and ear.
Examination for glasses.
Mr and Mrs. B. F. McDaniel of Gilt
ner, w^ere last week the guests of their
niece, Mrs. Frank Robbins.
Try the Loup City Flour and Feed
Store, R. W. McCombs, Manager, for
best flour and feed. Phone N22.
The next meeting of the Sherman
county Sunday school convention will
be held in Loup City, Oct. 28 and 29.
Get aher.d of the flies by ordering
your screen doors and window screens
of LEiNrnoER Lumber Co.
Draper, the photographer. Draper,
the photographer. You know him. lie
is just east of the St. Elmo hotel. Go
Rev. H. Rakmeier will preach at ihe
German church next Sunday morning,
Oct. 8, at 10:30 in the morning. All are
invited to attend.
I will open an up-to-date restaurant
in my residence across the street from
Snyder’s livery barn, one block south
of Main street. Mrs. H. A. Hauck.
W. R. Mellor and H. M. Mathew went
down to Lincoln Monday followed on
Tuesday by R. S. Nightingale and J. S.
Pedler all on the Mellor mandamus
case before the supreme court.
I have a good second-hand corn
shelter with Woodbury power complete
and all in good condition, which I will
sell right. See it at Hayhurst’s hard
wore store. A. W. Wilson.
Mrs. Will Rettenmayer and children
left last week Wednesday on their visit
to Mrs R.’s parents at Gold Hill, Ore.
If work lightens up, Will may go
out there on a visit later and bring the
family borne.
.Tenner’s Park is the finest place in
this section of the country for picnic
parties and entertainments of a line
character, Mr. Jenner will make satis
factory arrangements with those desir
ing the use of the park for such purposes
Joe O’Bryan and Bert Chase went to
Omaha Monday to take in the Ak-Sar
Ben festivities. Mesdames O’Bryan
and Chase followed yesterday to sur
prise them. Suppose the editors’ better
halves had followed Brown and “we”
at the state fair. It makes us chilly to
even surpose.
* Dra. Davis & Farnsworth of Grand
Island, Neb., are prepared to treat all
forms of chronic diseases, such as Rheu
matism, Stomach disorders, Tumois.
Cancers, Paralysis, Kidney diseases,etc.
The doctors use. besides medicine and
surgery,the x-ray, hot air baths, e'< e
trieity and massage.
E. G. Taylor and wife went to Oma
ha Tuesday.
Del Draper moved into his new home
last Thursday.
Banker Gulley took a run down into
Texas last Aveek.
R. P. Starr did law business at Ra
venna a few days last week.
Mrs. W. H. Conger entertained the
aged mothers at tea yesterday.
Mrs S. F Reynolds left last Friday
for an extended visit with friends in
eastern states.
A. Sutton and daughter, Miss Fan
nie Sutton, of Ord. visited in Loup City
over lust Sunday.
Tl.e editor's wife lias been seriously
troubled with tciatic rheumatism the
past t^n days.
Mr. and Mrs. Willetts of Sparks were
guests over last Sunday of their niece,
Mrs. E. S. llayhurst.
S, S. Hover, M. B Mathews. Herman
and Albert Fiebig were B. & M passen
gers, Tuesday, for Siloam Springs. Ark.
\Yre received a pleasant call yesterday
from A. Grammond, one of the sub
stantial republicans of Washington
Mrs. Tlieo. Wilson of Ashton visited
friends here over last Sunday. We un
derstand Mrs. Wilson contemplates an
extended trip to Iowa soon.
Miss Mary Minshull went to Litcli
field last Friday on an extended visit.
Charley Miosliull drove over with his
sister, returning the same day.
Mrs. H. B. Musser lett for Lincoln
Monday morning as a delegate to the
Woman’s Federation of Clubs, which
holds a four days’ session beginning on
j. uesuay.
S. L. Baxter and It. Rickleton of Red
Oak, Iowa, both of whom have landed
interests in Sherman county, were here
b st week Mr Baxter, who counts the
old Wakenight farm among his hold
ings, contemplates moving here in the
near future.
Last Sunday night, during a free-for-1
all tight among a number of Polanders
on the old Si Bassett farm up in Oak
Creek township, one John Lonewski
had the lower half his nose cut. bitten j
or torn open on one side half through. 1
He came to town about midnight and
had his smeller patched up by Or.
Messrs. Siepman and Oltman arrived
from Tipton, Iowa a few days since
and iiave leased the old John Eggers
meat market and ask a share of the
public patronage. They will open the
market for business Saturday morning
These gentlemen are both experts in
their line and guarantee satisfaction to
all. Give them a trial.
The exposition of the workings of the
Majestic ranges at E. S. Ilavhurst's
hardware store all last week was wit
nessed daily by large numbers of the
good housewives of Loup City and the
country roundabout, and the comments
of the feminine creation was most flut
tering. We understand a sale of 22 of
the stoves resulted.
Thanks to Nick Hansen, G. W. Hun- ■
ter and Gus Schults for renewals this
week and to Jerome Woody of Logan
township, Ed Oltman, Geo. Keeler and
Wm, McCombs of Loup City, R. M.
Iliddleson of Rockville, A. J. Stevens
of Kearney and A, Graramond of
Washington township for new sub
scriptions to this paper. Thanks, gen
miss reari Keeler or .Norfolk who 1
visiting her sister, Mrs. Minnie Carr of
this city, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Keeler, five miles northeast, expects to
return to Norfolk the last of this week,
where she holds a position on the Press.
Miss Keeler kindly assisted us on the
paper a few days this week during a
rush of work, for which she will accept
our editorial thanks.
Mrs Green, the widow of the man
who was killed in the separator acci
dent some weeks since, is having a nice
home built for her at Litchfield from
the proceeds raised following her hus
band’s untimely death. This is the
casein which political enemies circu
1 ited the false and damaging report
that John Mathewson received a rake
off from interested parties.
The ladies of the Baptist Aid Society
to the number of about fifty gave Mrs.
VV. S. Waite a surprise party on Tues
day afternoon of this week on the (we
never tell a lady’s age) anniversary of
her birthdy. They took lunches along
and presented the indefatigable church
worker with a nice rocker and foot
stool as an earnest of their regards,with
best wishes for many returns of the day
Arcadia Champion: A. J. Johuson
and wife were up from Loup City the
fore pai t of the week helping Mr. Boyce
invoice his stock of groceries prepara
tory to turning it over to Mr. Botsford.
— Some of the ladies surprised Mrs
Boyce last Tuesday evening by taking
a lunch and going in and spending the
evening Mrs. Bovce departed for Loup
City yesterday morning where she will
make her home for the winter.
While taking two of her children to
school in the family buggy, last Mon
day, and with her babe on her lap, Mrs
j E.-O. Thornton, living some six miles
west and north of Loup City met with
I an exciting, though fortunately not se
I rious accident. The horse became
frightened and ran away, passing thro’
a wire fence, the barbs of which cut
Mrs. Thornton on one arm, one of the
little girls receiving a gash across the
nose and the other a wound on the fore
head. The baby was not injured. No
other damage.
Grandma Long was quite ill the first
of the week.
A. Avery has rented the north Charl
ton cottage.
Jeweler Morgan is at Ravenna for a
few weeks.
A residence phone has been placed at
C H. Conbiser’s.
Frank Perpendick has bought the
Iliram Cramer property.
A cement walk has been put down in
front of Chase’s drug store.
Mrs. S A. Pratt was called to Litch
field Sunday by the illness of a grand
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Foster are visit
ing the former’s parents at Ord this
We understand Wilber Waite and
family contemplate spending the win
ter in Mexico.
Dr. Main’s good mother on Monday
morning of this week returned to h er
home in Indiana.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lotholm, and the
Misses Birdie slid Etta Lotholm left
for Omaha Monday morning.
Jim Baine v- sterday moved into the
south Charlton cottage, and J. S. ('as
ady will occupy the house he vacated,
Miss Rhoda Whitman, who is a suc
cessful teacher at Schaup Siding, visit
ed over Sunday with Mis. Wilber Waite
Jerome Woody of Logan gave us a
favored cal on Tuesday. He is one of
the representative young farmers of
that good township.
Dr. E. G. Blinks, wife and young son
arrived from Michigan City, Ind., last
evening, for a fortnight's visit with Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Long.
1 he reported sale of the Gasteyer i
store this week, like the story of Mark
Twain's death, *'is greatly exagger
ated,” no foundation in fact.
There seems to be some hitch in get-1
ting the home play ready for the stage,
since Mr. Choate left, but all is expect
ed to be adjusted soon and the drama
dated for a set time.
Mrs. John M. Taylor is in Omaha on
her way home from Mew York City,
and John expects her here next Monday
evening, hence his seraphic smile.
Mrs. Joe Siepman, Mrs. Ed. Oltmann
and children and Miss Vera lohansen
arrived from Tipton. Iowa, lust Thurs
day to make this ther future home.
Lost—Friday forenoon, Sept. 29, in
Loup City, a leather bill book contain
ing a sum of money and valuable pa
pers Finder please leave same at J.
I*. Leininger Co.’s office
Will French had a tussle with a lotof |
sand in a cave-in at the gravel pit. Mon- j
day, coming out of it with a badly
sprained limb. He will be all right in
a few days and again ready tor biz
We were unable to attend the lecture
at the Methodist church last evening j
by Rev. Davis, but learn it was fine, i
though ridiculoualy poorly patronized
by the Ep worth Leaguers, for whom it
was presented.
We are indebted to our good friend
James Rentfrow for the first water
mellon brought to this office this season
thesaid deed committed last Saturday.
Mr. Rentfrow also sends this paper for
a year to his daughter.Mrs. Kennedy, in
A card from Rev. F. D. Kenndy at
St. Paul requests us to change the ad
dress of his paper to Gibbon, Neb,
where he has accepted a call from the
Baptist society. We wish the reverend
much success in his new pastorate as he
is a royal Christian gentleman and an
earnest church worker.
We looked through the new Eisner
residence Sunday afternoon, and be
i lieve we are safe in asserting it is one
of the best planned and best made cot
tages in the city. The building is fin
ished in oak and hard pine, the rooms
most convenient and pleasant and all
in all up-to-date. Lee Adamson, who
had the contract, Messrs. Holcomb and
Larcheck, his assistants, Will Draper
the plaster and finisher, and Art Eis
ner with his paint brush, have all done
themselve proud m this exbibiton of
their handiwork.
The grand opening week of Miss
Hunt’s Millinery Bazar was all that
could be expected. The crowds of la
dies in attendance, the elegant display
of fashionable liais, the sweet music
furnished by Eiss Ernie Odendahl, the
expert trimming of Miss Hunt and her
assistant. Miss Quigley, with the dis
tracting display of feminine creations
show’n. make this emporium the apex
of delightful visitation tor our Loup
City ladies, and the consequent disar
rangement of the male vision. All tne
same, every mother, wife, sister and
daughter can find just their heart’s de
sire in this woman’s paradise.
fn the store window at C. W. Con
hiser’s may be seen the plans for the
Catholic church to be built in Loup
City. This will be one of tho finest
church buildings in this part of the
state and certainly should be a source
of pride to our citizens. The edifice is
to be completed by October 1,1006, and
the contract has been let to Ohlsen
Bros. There lias been much need for
such a place of worship for the very
large membership of that faith which
will thus be met, and it also means a
great deal to the business interests of
our city, as many of the farmers of
Sherman countv will make this their
trading point who have heretofore been
visiting neighboring towns because of
lack ol church privileges here. This
church will be builded by Loup City
contractors, with Loup City labor and
of Loup City material, and every assist
ance and encouragement should be
given tbe trustees and all parties inter
ested in this enterprise.
a Heating stove Without a reputation, because it is low priced, and you
take it home and put a fire in it and it does not do the work as you think
it ought to, what are you go- 11_? I
ing to do.''
There is trouble ahead, no
matter what is done.
You know, or, if not, it can
be proved to you, before you
take a genuine Round Oak
home, that it is absolutely the
best of all heoting stoves. It
is guaranteed—you are not al
lowed to take any chauees.
We, therefore, advire our
customers that it is economy
for them to buy the enuioe
Round Oak.
We know that, tor soft coal,
with the new hot blast it
makes the finest fire ever seen
in a heating stove; that it will Ip
also burn hard coal (with or
without magazine) to your per- ,
feet satisfaction; also coke or
wood, and it will last. IIow
long do you think theoidinary
cheap heating stove will stand
up? There is a point it will
pay you well to look into.
Only the genuine has the i
name “Round Oak” on the rfk
Sold by
“This is the famous, genuine Round Oak, Fritz—the stove you heard about
'way over in Germany. It is conceded to be the best heating stove in the world.
It is the most popular stove ever made, and has the largest sale.”
Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker
My shoo is tbe largest and best equipped north of the Platte River
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, mi
cbtuery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and
tnrn out a Job with neatness and dispatch.
QMDD, tm MID im
Goal Tor Sale at Loaa Gitr aid AsUoa. Will Bay
Call and see our coal and get prices on grain.
Good Goods at Right Prices j
Received a full line of Cloaks
For Ladies, Misses
and Children
Our line is new, clean and up-to-date.
Loup City, flebfaska,
Of all kinds. Also
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the dainty shoes which we have here,
They’re Bradley & Metcalfs Zenith tine;
We have them heavy and we have them fine.
They are made for children, both large and small,
(We can fit the family, one and all;)
They are made from calf, both boxed and plain,
Buy them once and youll buy again.
They are also made from soft, nice kid,
With no bum places around them hid;
Come buy a pair, and 1,11 guarantee
That they will suit you, as well as me.
Now, all joking aside, we do carry a mighty good line of school shoes. Come
in and examine them; if they do not look good to you, don’t purchase; if they do
suit, try them and we’ll guarantee absolute satisfaction.
To every child purchasing it’s own shoes, we will present a
pepcil Box Free of Charge
. M. Gasteyer.