The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 28, 1905, Image 1
LOU RN * » VOLUME XXII. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, TI 112 105. NUMBER 46 THE NORTHWESTERN TBKMS:—*1.00 PKK TEAK. IF PAID IN ADVANCI Entered at the Loup City Postofllce tor trans mission through the mails as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - R54 Residence ’Phone, - - G15 j. w. BURLEIGH. Eil. anil Pub. r_ ADVERTISING RATES Display Space-Rates furnished upon ap plication. Local Notices.—Five cents per line for each insertion. Notices set in black lace type double the above rate. All notices will be run until ordered out when time is not specified. Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec tures, suppers, etc., where an admission fee is charged, or a momentary interest involved, five cents per line each insertion. Card of Thanks. 50 cents, Resolutions of respect and condolence. $1.00, In raemoriam poetry, five cents a line. Announcements of church services, lodge, society and club meetings and all public gatherings where not conducted for revenue, will be published free. Professional Cards R. J. NIGHTINGAtfe Attorney and Comlcr<at>Lav LOUP SITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. SL'ARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. •W. //. Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county A.SMAIN, Physician and Surgeon Office at Telephone Residence Connection. LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. d. H. LONG Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CONNECTION W. L. MARCY, DENTIST, L0UP_GITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Square. S. A. ALLEN. nEJVTIST. LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank building. theJPublic! Tlie St. Elmo Livery Ban Is under anew management. Give me a trial and if you have any thing good to say, say it to others; if you have any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t right my mistakes, but I can and will. Respt., T. E. Gilbert, Prop. PHONE, W9. Give Us a Trial Round Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr. (Opposite Noitbwestern Office) Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers* Headquarters iorfarmers’ teams Com mercial men’s trade given especial at - p tention. Your patronage solicited. LOUP VALLEY HERD Poland China Swine Bred and Owned by H. J. JOHANSEN Telephone LOUP OITY, Connection NEBRASKA. FOR SALE:—25 Choice Spring Boars and < ne yearling boar, sired by Memo Butbr, 86885. Republican State Ticket. For Supreme Judge— cnxs. B. Letton, of Fairbury. For State Regents— Fred Abbott, of Columbus, W. L. Lyford. of Falls City. County Ticket For Clerk of Courts— John Mathewson. For Treasurer— Carsten Trublsen. For Sheriff— L. A. Williams. For Judge— G. W. Hunter. For Superintendent— M. H. Mead. Dirty Politics. For some time past, in fact ever since John Mathewson received the Republi can nomination for county clerk, cer tain hellish ghouls, who fatten their putrid carcasses on defamatory stories on good men's character, in endeavors to bring them down to their level, have been circulating false and malicious lies in regard to Mr. Mathewson’s con nection with the Green case near Litch lield. The case of the jsad death of Green by an exploded cream separator, and of Honest John Mathewson’s big hearted endeavors to help the widow and fatherless orphans is too well known to need repeat the history. The follow ing affidavits in regard to the matter should forever still the mouthings of the scandal-mongers: State of Iowa. i < ss. Black Hawk County, / I. J. T. Sullivan, being first duly sworn upon oath say that I am engaged in practicing law at Waterloo. Iowa, that r am general attorney for the Iowa Dairy Separator Company; that 1 am personally acquainted with John Mathew son and Mrs. Charles Green, of Litchfield. Ne braska; that in June 1905. 1 went to Litchfield as counsel for the Iowa Dairy Separator Com pany of Waterloo, Iowa., after the death of Charles Green for the purpose of investigating the facts connected with the accident which caused the death of Charles Green; that after investigating the facts. I arrived at the con clusion that there was no liability whatever against the Iowa Dairy Separator Company on account of said accident. The separator in question which caused the accident, had bcfi. in operation for about live years, many repairs having been made on it by Mr. Stewart, th owner of said machine and farmupou which it was located, also the guard hud been re moved from the machine and also that it was operated without a guard at the time of the accident. That the apparent destitute con dition of Mrs. Green and her small children appealed to me and 1 felt the desire to give her some assistance. I said to her at the time that I wanted to help her aad asked her what amount would be satisfactory to her. She stated that she would appreciate anythin that x would give her. Site then state . th;.; One Hundred-fifty Dollars (150 u0> would be of great value to her and would carry her through the winter and would put them in position where she could support her family without any difflclty. I told her that I would give her a check for this amount as soon as she became administratrix of her husband’s estate. After this conversation Mr. John Mathewson came to me at Litchfield and insisted that I was not giving Mrs. Green as much money as I should under the circumstances. He insisted that she should have Five Hundred Dollars (500.00), in order to purchase a small home for herself and children. After discussing the matter over for some considerable length of time, I finally con sented to give her Three Hundred Fifty Dol lars (350), provided that the people of Litchfield would add One Hundred-Fifty Dollars (f 150) t<> buy her a home, Mr. John Mathewson agre- 1 to see that the additional One Hundred-Fifty Dollars would be raised uijon subscription. I have been -informed since that time that rumors have been circulated in the vicinity of Litchfied that Mr. John Mathewson received One Hundred Dollars from me as compensation for assisting me in making the settlement. This statement is absolutely false and untrue. Mr. John Mathewson did not re ceive a single penny from me or any other per son connected with the Iowa Dairy Separator Company for any services rendered, but upon the contrary the affiant states that he was compelled to pay to the estate of Charles Green Two Hundred Dollars ($200.) more than Mrs. Green had agreed to accept for her claim for damages against the said company. By reason of the presistent efforts of said John Mathewson and because of the said John Mathewson’s guaranteeing that he would raise enough money in addition to this Three Hun dred-fifty Dollars to buy Mrs. Green a home in Litchfield, and that such rumors as has been circulated against John Mathewson is false arid untrue and malicious, and without any foundation whatever therefore. J. T. Sullivan. j Subscribed in my presence by the said J. T. Sullivan and sworn to before me this 23rd day of September. 1905. J. W. ArbUckle, Notary Public for Black Hawk Counly, la. Litchfield, Nebraska, Sept. 25ih. UL'. Sophia tJreen being tirst duly sworn, deposes and says she is the widow of Charles Greer, , deceased, who was killed in the summer* of UW5 by the breaking of a cream separator, near Litchfield, Nebraska. I offered to settle with , the manufacturers of the Separator for One | Hundred and Fifty Dollars before I saw John i Jlathewson about the matter and the Company ! afterward payed me Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars and the extra Two Hundred Doila.s was obtained for me entirely through the efforts of said John Mathewson. Mr. Mathew son did not charge* nor did he get anything for obtaining this money for me. Mr. Mathewson was a neighbor, and his efforts were made a- a neighborly act to help mejout in the loss of my husband and my destitute condition. Sophia Green. State of Nebraska. 1 >ss. j Sherman County. 1 j Subscribed and sworn to before me this 35th } day of September, 19i)5. D. W. Trrrs. Notary Public. Burlington Bulletin Of Bound Trip Bates. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and re turn, one way yia California, $57.45, on sale Sept. 14, 26, 27, 28. San Francisco and Los Angeles and return, $27.45, on sale Sept. 26,27, 28. San Francisco and Los Angeles and return, $57.45, on sale Oct. 17 to 21. San Franeisfco and Los Angeles and return, one way via Portland, $63.95 on sale Oct. 17 to 21. The Burlington will sell round trip tickets to Omaha at $5.65. On sale, Oct 2nd to 6th inclusive. Return ’ limit Oct. 9th. * R. L. Arthur, Agent. Only 28 counties in the date s nt delegates to the state pop convention a Lincoln last week. And these 28 coun ties only had some forty delegate tla-re to deli\ er over the party to tliedt mo; rah Bro. Brown did not return from Lincoln till last Friday, although lie pop-demo conventions did tic ir o k on the Wednesday precedin;. suggested it took an extra 'day or tv. for him to get his face back into sh::pi after his party fused with the d m - crats, a thing he bitterly opposed. Hut he should be used to being swallowed by this time. There seems to be no • ■ nes h v w the re-election of Sfi- rill William-- ;h;a fall. To Ik* sure. <-nr permit w: 1; leads placed some one on. th<*ir ticket k r the place, but so far we have not oven Iward j their nominee mentioned since U.ek j convention, while Lou Williams is a - ceeded to be the winner in an < a \ race And why not? Ills lir-t term has ' d (lawless, and by common cons *nr !. > ;s entitled to a second term. Speaking of the con ng elect: ;u.d the superinteudency ot our e-ual schools, one ef the mo-t prominent c hi cators of the state, who ire know a | Professor M. IL Mead for years, sai . i’ll ore should b.* :.o qm si ion as to \ a | shall bo elected to that most import; n i otlice. Mc.WTs eminent fitness at' -.1 by * d:n.a*ion arid years W exp^ri -n education .1 work in;:'-'* him one < ? t | very best cquippe i men no mis c.Wd j either party this year for c* - *: r; t y . j intemlent of Tools His :a :.;ioa . should, in the best intme-ls of . 1 county, be followed lr, ! ' > ok handsome majority.’’ 1 ‘ troiis glorious^ school :-y Wm w;I c ■ ; that liis election ;s u. a;red. v ii 01 i Will s; ■ J< : evening, (.)■ t 2. i'-.' • / hou e. I > . >; s iug. O :■ hou- ■. i but. a a. g. . ing. -■ ’-*■ . \ ; school 1 . ! r V. :s, " r evening. Oct 7 I invite rr ■ d\ b; cin ■> ,t . hear the fa Ss i .o , i; . I- v, i" h out lea: or far -r. V<v.;r; , t • , Geo. 1L G f B sox I'.oiice. Any person b und disturbing any fence, or driving over t!ie southeast unarter of Socli >n 4. Township 15 i m !k of Range 14 west, will he prosecuted for trespass. Nick llAv-rx. Fublic Auction. J will offer at'public sale at my ok' farm, Section. 2c>, Loup City township. 7 miles south and east of Loup City, cm Friday.Oct, Oth, iitf>5. If day is ..tone., sale postponed till following d y. Commencing at 10 a m sha-p, the following described property t.nvit: Nine head of horses and cub; eight cows and one bull, fanning implements, cream separator and other articles too numerous to mention. Free lunch at noon Terms of Sale: On all sums over sio a credit of eight months will be gi-verr by purchaser giving bankable note bearing 10 per cent interest inm date of sale. N. B. Thompson, O . n r. Jacob Albers, Auctioneer. J. S. Pedleu, Cerk. -- ♦ ♦ ♦ .. Hail Storm of Sept. 17'tli. was one of great damage, commendn ■ j !)ld miles south of Loup City. Corn is : hailed until it looks like a Calk held in the spring f<>r six miles. Gardens are ! ruined. Turning wed <-n the j line, 17 miles south of Loup City, tin ■ ; is a half mile of land that is not tom hi d At Mr Johnson’s stacks were bb wn I down and his big barn moved air G.c | foundation and the roof blown in At Sweetwater, H. Wilke’s n-fwv hog hou. ■■ was blown down and five prize h ; s killed, his hay and grain stacks ba lly damaged; li. .Swart// new hoiru: < if t'.i“ foundation; G. 11 ipi) land's barn an jb g pen and chicken house wrecked, 1 hiding JO < i;-...(. Ik k s' Ibaiww.s blown to pieces' huiting '- v I h as/so it will die A part of tin; bun j was driv a through tin* ur; of the church. Much due arc w -s don to the mill and other buildings. ■ F DyT.lL Eisner -.i ■■ — ——-— A. P. DeLyster is SOLE AGENT for Loud City Floor & Feed fills JOHN SOLMS o _ A. ]\ ( TILLS i - i‘iv A 1*'. A.sON, tV.-liier. x jm^s v*rvtm**a;xm * \ * ) mmJ' : | 6 ' B -' luf i J id-' ! ■ ■■ i J i , 4,rr .»!• i .. . i s I y <-rl -J i, C5 '%4 . < VAe Farm Tt u ■ a Six JRer Cent. ’■V:1 Negotiate Real Estate Loans. , i at an-1 Soil ileal Estate for Non-Residents. - , i CORRESPONDENTS: : Seaborn* Na2 :/v..-k, New York City, N. Y. 5:at k, Omnha, Nebraska. / ' - • • ; • ■% hfk .&'■ * yy "ts "ift-ia vpv /- - * .‘; A — i- - - - .t_ v... ~ ~ u ■ [A : "" ' ■ .— A v :• : HI 1 - ; ’ . | | t rftmed. I 6'• ‘ ■ .- \ o 02,23 . f; A" . . • Vt . j J * if*: f « ; ■ ; y ■ ■ -A ; • ' , 1 -" et _ i i , Hj w u,. j . y * yillGc r 111" ... cx.’i iitv and get ; A- of my g-e Ah buf re buying elsewhere. » ' I will use you yight. . ,, * 4 J -' •* ' ' V -- ^ ^ . ' w -Undertaking!L ■ Aff- * ; 'K Pianos O | l.- J 4 j « i , « y tell a lid | «, uii(< Art Goods jj|ll| |ill7u| 8 Organs Buy a Farm of # * % 4 iyiellor i M. HEED for Buggies, Wagons, ”*■ • Agricultural Implements of all kinds. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. --- prp ■ ■ ■ s s ^ ration NO ON ' ' ’ • . t . r rm / We heartily invite our friends to call any day during this week where we are demonstrating the superior qualities of the N ow Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron Ranges The MAJESTIC MALLEABLE and steel range a formerly turned out by the Majestic people has been considered throughout the entire country par-excellence, and far ahead of any other range made. But with the NEW CHARCOALj ORN BODY ia place of Steel, making it double its value, and the fact that it is the only range in existence made of Malleable and Charcoal Iron, you can readily see that if quality is considered, the Majestic leads by a big margin. WE WANT YOU TO CALL at our store during b|s week, and let us explain this new feature—CHARCOAL IRON w§i let us explain why it is the best material for range bodies, tiueidently, why it is not used on other ranges. We want you d intend to buy or not, as the information grined will e you in the future. HAKPSOM© SOUV©KIR--FR©©. As long as they last, we propose to give each prospective purchaser a neat souvenir, something that has not been offered before. If you buy call early and get one of these souvenirs. :HOT COFF©© AKP BISCUITS--FR©© Come any day during this week and have buttered hot Liseuits and hot coffee. Biscuits baked on a Majestic in three Ininutes while you wait. With every range sold during this Demonstration every cent of $7.50. This ware will be on exhibition at ‘ 0 le in and see it; and you will agree with us that it j| that ETHER YOU INTEND TO BUY OR NOT. ': r.'“ , Uoup City, Nebr, V * * _ ■ . .. • —